3 minute read

Key Information

School Centred Initial Teacher Training enables trainees to be immersed in the culture of a school environment from day one.


• The award of Post Graduate Certificate in

Education with QTS. • Working in partnership with the University of

Worcester to award the PGCE with 60 Masters

Credits. • Professional and relevant training across a partnership of schools. • Opportunity to work alongside outstanding teachers who can provide you with essential advice and support. • Historically 100% of trainees have gained employment in our regional schools.


• Tremendous job satisfaction working with and inspiring young people. • Teachers make all other professions possible. • Opportunity to travel outside of school with young people. • Competitive salaries and pensions with the capacity to earn up to £40k as a classroom teacher, and potentially over £50k as a head of department. Newly Qualified Teachers have one of the highest employment rates of all graduates and are very much in demand, especially those who have trained in a shortage subject. At the end of your SCITT Programme, we will advise you about suitable in-service courses for your continuing professional development as a teacher.


Minimum degree required: Lower Second A degree, usually an Honours degree in a subject applicable to your teaching subject. For Maths and Physics the minimum degree entry requirement is third class degree.


Grade C at GCSE (or equivalent, or level 4) in English Language and Mathematics is essential for all applicants. The SCITT will organise alternative examinations for candidates without these qualifications to demonstrate the equivalence to GCSE standard.

Professional skills Tests

All teacher training applicants need to take the numeracy and literacy skills tests as part of the application process. You must have passed them both before the start of the course. You can have unlimited attempts at passing the tests with the first three attempts in each subject provided free of charge. Further details can be found on the DfE website. http://sta.education.gov.uk/

Opportunities to arrange school experience can be found on the Get into Teaching website: https://getintoteaching.education.gov.uk/stepsto-become-a-teacher

“With the support of an exceptional team around me I feel my teaching practice has developed enormously. I am now in a much better position to identify my areas of strength and those areas to develop and focus on in the short and medium term to work towards becoming a good or outstanding teacher. A great deal of credit must be offered to the overall programme for this.”

- Former Trainees & Partner HEI

How to Apply?

You need to apply for a course via the UCAS website. We have provided direct links to the application page for each subject within this prospectus.

We are offering 2 routes for Initial Teacher Training, further details about each of the courses can be found via the links below.

SCITT Courses

• Art & Design • Biology • Business Studies with Economics • Chemistry • Computing • Design & Technology Food • English • Geography • History • Maths • Modern Languages • Physical Education • Physics

School Direct

• Music – 2PLY • Physical Education – 2GMP

SCITT Primary with Bromsgrove Teaching Alliance

Bursaries and scholarships

There are three types of funding available for teacher training – depending on your circumstances, you could receive all three: • Tax-free bursary or scholarship • Tuition Fee Loan and Maintenance Loan • Additional financial support if you’re a parent or have a disability You’ll need a first, 2:1, 2:2, PhD or Master’s to be eligible for a bursary or scholarship. Further information on all funding options can be found on the Department for Education funding page. If you’re an non-UK EU national, you could also receive this support. Alternatively, you could earn a salary while you train.


In partnership with highly regarded professional subject associations, scholarships are awarded to the most gifted trainees looking to inspire young minds in chemistry, computing, geography, languages, maths, and physics.

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