the board since it was formed 14 years ago, one for 7 years and one for 6 years. Five of them are Pastors, one a manager, one an engineer. These board members belong to four different Pentecostal Churches. There are four deputy members and 24 trustees. The trustees were appointed in May, 1969 and belong to 19 different Pentecostal Churches.115 The LP Foundation ‚is an independent institution strongly connected to the Pentecostal Church‛.116
6.6 The ‘Kaggeholms Folkhögskola’ Foundation The Philadelphia Church in Stockholm on 15 September, 1942 opened the ‘Rörstrands folkhögskola’. There were 29 students. After Kaggeholm estate on Ekerö (an island) was purchased, the school moved there on 1 February, 1944. The name was changed to ‘Kaggeholms folkhögskola’. 6.6.1 A Foundation is built After some time and for economical reasons, the suggestion arose either to sell Kaggeholm or to hand over the school to all intentions and purposes to a constituted foundation. During the last decade applications for governmental grants had been turned down. The Philadelphia Church in Stockholm solely ‛contributed up to 1963 not less than 1,889,478:62 kronor to Kaggeholm while the remaining Churches contributed 429,895:86 kronor‛.117 At the board meeting of the Kaggeholm school on 26 March, 1963, it was decided to suggest to the Philadelphia Church in Stockholm to increase the board from 7 to 13 members and have this enlarged board to function as a provisional board until the Pentecostal Churches had together appointed trustees for a foundation, which should take over the responsibility and appoint the regular board.118 This provisional board had its first meeting on 11 June, 1963 during the Nyhem week. Lewi Pethrus then explained to ‛the board _________________ 115 Minutes of meetings, ‘Lewi Pethrus Stiftelse för Filantropisk Verksamhet’, the
board, 31.5.69, appendix. 116 Administrative reports, ‘Lewi Pethrus Stiftelse för Filantropisk Verksamhet’, Nils G.
Andersson, undated stencil. 117 Johansson, 1972. 118 Minutes of meetings, ’Kaggeholms Folkhögskola’, the board, 26.3.63. – Compare
’Kaggeholms Folkhögskola’, foundation document with regulations approved 1.7.63.