Paragraph 7 reads that ‛after discussion, the yearly meeting decided to acquire the Mariannelund School‛.131 The time of day for the two meetings is not stated in the minutes, but most likely the question was discussed at the Nyhem week before the yearly board meeting took place. As has been mentioned previously no minutes are taken at the Nyhem week. But in a letter from the Principal to the trustees and board members we read: ‛The direct offerings and planned freewill offerings for five years hence increased to 175,000 kronor at the Nyhem week and approx. 50,000 kronor at the Lappland week‛.132 6.6.5 The Board Both schools have the same board. The board consists of: 3 teachers 1 diploma engineer 1 principal 1 manager 2 pastors 1 M.P. There is one woman among the deputy members. The average age of the board members is 50.5 years, among the deputies it is 44 years. Among the 63 trustees there are 5 women (8 %).
6.7 The Swedish Free Mission (SFM) As the Swedish Pentecostal Movement was expanding in this country, Swedish Pentecostals went out into the world as missionaries to other parts of the globe via USA. To China in 1907. To Brazil in 1910. 133 The first two missionaries who were directly supported by the Swedish Pentecostal Church were Samuel and Lina Nyström, who in 1916 were sent to Brazil, supported by the Philadelphia Church in Stockholm.134 In 1971 the number of missionaries was 671 working in 39 different Mission fields.135 6.7.1 The Roll of the Local Churches The concept as to how the Mission was organized in the beginning is not quite clear. Some Pentecostals contributed to the Mission of the Baptist denomination. That was before the excommunication of the Pentecostals from the Baptist Church. Some also sent money by letter _________________ 131 Minutes of meetings, ‘Kaggeholms Folkhögskola’, extra yearly meeting, 15.6.72. 132 Letters, Åke Boberg, 5.8.72. 133 Svenska Pingstmissionens U-landshjälp, Pingstmission – utställning, s. 8. 134 Söderholm 1928, s. 258 ff. Sundstedt 1971b, p. 61 ff. 135 Svensk Missionsstatistik 1971.