carry such certificates. But I have not been able to find out if those ministers in the different countries are registered as missionaries attached to the Swedish Free Mission in every case, or if not, in what cases.162 Nelsson writes in Dagen that the work in developing countries ‛is carried out in a denominational manner‛.163 Pethrus writes ‛We have never destroyed this organization. … It is a juridical form which we need‛.164 In the various mission fields the leading of the work has been left to the natives. Earlier a committee of 15 members during a succession of years after certain investigations worked out a ‛report regarding the Pentecostal Churches foreign missions.‛ This assignment has now ‛in harmony with a recommendation from the preachers’ week in Stockholm,‛ been transferred to ‛the mission expedition of the Philadelphia Church in Stockholm.‛ (=SFM, my remark). This report refers to above all economical and other practical questions.165 Among the 5 board members, two of the delegates have held their offices for 43 years. The average age is 75 years. The work distribution is as follows: 2 pastors, 2 managers, 1 mission secretary. No women sit on the board.
6.8 The IBRA Radio (International Broadcasting Association) In connection with the Lidman schism, in 1948, a radio transmission from the Philadelphia Church in Stockholm which had already been announced, was cancelled.166 The reason for this decision, which incidentally brought about a lively debate, was caused by a passage in an earlier transmitted service from the Philadelphia Church, where in connection with the prayer and thanksgiving it was said that ‛God had healed a seriously ill person‛.167 _________________ 162 Discussion with Gulli Nyhlén during a visit to the SFM's office, 13.4.73, Bertil
Carlsson. 163 Dagen 3.10.72, R. Nelsson ‛Vi behöver bättre missionsstrategi‛. 164 Interviews, Lewi Pethrus 27.10.72. 165 Svenska Fria Missionen, Betänkande angående Pingstförsamlingarnas i Sverige yttre
mission. – Compare Svenska Dagbladet 8.12.66, ‛Het diskussion hos pingstpastorer. Kommittéförslag blev samfundsspöke‛. 166 Interviews, Lewi Pethrus 27.10.72. 167 Johansson 1971, p. 33 ff.