As has been mentioned before, the IBRA Radio is an affiliated company to the Dagen and has the same board.
6.9 The Swedish Pentecostal Mission’s Help to Developing Countries Foundation During the traditional preachers meeting in the Philadelphia Church in Stockholm in December ‛1964 it was resolved to recommend to the Pentecostal Churches to elect approx. seventy trustees, who should form a foundation with the name, the Swedish Pentecostal Mission’s Help to Developing Countries Foundation‛.178 The inaugural meeting with the trustees was held on the 3 April, 1964 when the regulations were accepted and a board appointed. It was to consist of 11 persons and run for a term of 4 years. The trustees appoint a chairman from the board. According to the accepted regulations ‛the number of trustees should be at least 50 but not more than 75‛. At present the number is 58 representing 53 Pentecostal Churches.179 I have not received any information as to how the election originally took place. But the regulations mention that ‛after the trustees have been appointed for the first time, the election of trustees takes place in such a way that the Pentecostal Churches, of which the first appointed trustees are members, choose trustees from the members of the Churches in the various counties. Election should take place after discussion with the rest of the Pentecostal Churches in the county. A trustee, who for some reason is no longer a member of the Pentecostal Church, automatically loses his authority.‛ The board ‛is responsible to the trustees‛.180 On the board and among the deputy members there are representatives from five more Pentecostal Churches.181 The foundation wants to be a ‛complement to the Swedish Pentecostal Churches and its mission in countries other than Sweden.‛ The objective is to ‛without gain, give assistance in a social concern, above all in developing countries, by philanthropic work among needy people, particularly in form of help to self help, in promoting care and _________________ 178 Hammarberg 1969. 179 ’Svenska Pingstmissionens U-landhjälp’, Förteckning över huvudmännen, 1972. 180 Regulations, Svenska Pingstmissionens U-landshjälp, 3.4.65. 181 ’Svenska Pingstmissionens U-landhjälp’, Förteckning över styrelsen, 1972.