4. ‛To take care of translation and printing of Christian literature.‛ 5. ‛To support the production and distribution of journals an similar literature in the mission fields.‛190 The sum collected for 1971 was 299,031:79 kronor, and for 1972, 365,985:62 kronor.191 Of the 32 members in the working committee two are women (6%). The average age is 54.6 years and the distribution of vocation is as follows: 17 pastors, 7 missionaries, 4 Publishing House managers, 2 mission 7 secretaries, one editor and one principal. 192 The average age of members in the executive committee is 54.6 years. Of the seven members one is a woman. 4 are pastors, 2 missionaries, one a mission secretary and one a treasurer.
6.11 The Central Marriage Council for the Swedish Pentecostal Churches A new law of religious freedom – 1951 – came into force the 1 January, 1952. In connection with those regulations it was ruled in the marriage code ch. 4 para. 2 that ‛a Church marital ceremony may take place ... in another religious denomination, if the King has stated that a marriage may be sanctioned within the denomination and the marriage partners, or one of them, belongs to that denomination‛. 6.11.1 Royals Letters From this wording, it is evident that the Parliament had given the government the right to perform marriages within the various denominations. In a royal proclamation of the 22 October, 1951 ‛certain stipulations were given concerning the officiating pastor within other Churches beside the Swedish State Church.‛ Through the liberations with each of the boards of the denominations the stipulations in the royal letters were expressed ‛in order to accommodate the requirements according to their separate and _________________ 190 Regulations, ‘Pingstmissionens Internationella Litteraturcentrum’, riktlinjer för
verksamheten, 25.1.71. 191 Administrative reports, ’Svenska Pingstmissionens U-landshjälp’, 1971. – For 1972,
reported by telephone from the chairman, Olle Johansson, 2.5.73. 192 Evangelii Härold 24.2.71, Olle Johansson, ‛Pingstmissionens Internationella