BIBLIOGRAPHY Unpublished Sources Letters Boberg, Åke, chairman of ‘Pingstförsamlingarnas Ungdomsarbete’, to all Swedish Pentecostal Churches, 8.10.71. Boberg, Åke, principal of ‘Kaggeholms Folkhögskola’, to leaders and board, 5.8.72. The archive of ‘Kaggeholms Folkhögskola’. Edelbring, Göte, pastor in the ‘Lewi Pethrus Stiftelse för Filantropisk verksamhet’, to Bertil Carlsson, 13.4.73. Edestav, Samuel, Guldstrand, Ivan, and Ribba, Daniel, members of the Preachers’ meeting committee for questions concerning Government grants, to the elders and boards within the Pentecostal Churches, 21.9.71, 22.10.71. Edin, Erik, director of the ‘Lewi Pethrus Stiftelse för Filantropisk verksamhet’, to Bertil Carlsson, 25.10.72. Evers, E., permanent under-secretary in the Department of Justice, to pastor L. Pethrus, 30.8.52 and 8.9.52. The archive of the Department of Justice. Franklin, A.P., Dr. to Rikard Fris B.A., 30.4.27, quoted in Fris 1973. Lindberg, Bror, manager of ‘Förlaget Filadelfia AB’, to Bertil Carlsson, 22.11.1972. Nilsson, Lewi, pastor, to Åke Boberg, 1.9.64. The archive of ‘Kaggeholm Folkhögskola’. Ottosson, K.G., manager, ‘inbjudan till teckning av K.G. Ottossons industrilån’, den 9.9.58. Copy included in ‘Konkurshandlingarna 8/66, Falköpings Tingsrätt’, see below (Public acts). Pethrus, Lewi, pastor, to office manager E. Evers, 10.9.52. The archive of the Department of Justice. Pethrus, Lewi, pastor, ‘Rekommendation av K.G. Ottossons industrilån’, den 9.9.58. Copy included in ‘Konkurshandlingarna 8/66, Falköpings Tingsrätt’, see below (Public acts). Pethrus, Lewi, chairman of ‘Kaggeholms Folkhögskolas interimsstyrelse’, to several Pentecostal Churches, 20.6.63. The archive of ‘Kaggeholms Folkhögskola’. ‘Stiftelsen Kaggeholms Folkhögskolas pärm för ankommande brev 1963.’ The archive of ‘Kaggeholms Folkhögskola’.