Poultry Planner_May_2021

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Aviagen® Asia Pacific hosted a Korean-language webinar on April 22 to give customers exclusive access to key management literature in their native language. The goal of these documents is to help Koreanspeaking Arbor Acres®, Indian River® and Ross® customers throughout the Asia-Pacific region optimize the performance and efficiency of their Parent Stock and broilers, while achieving the very best in bird health and welfare. While most sessions were presented in Korean, simultaneous translation into Korean was provided during those led by English speakers.

Global reach, local touch This Korean-language webinar was the first of a series of online meetings with customers to introduce Aviagen literature translated to local languages. A section of the Aviagen website where literature can be accessed in Korean, is currently in the works. “Aviagen combines our global reach to nearly every region of the world with a local touch. Along with a local team of dedicated experts close by to work alongside our customers, our producers also have the c o n v e n i e n c e of a c c e s s i n g important news and information i n t h e i r l o c a l l a n g u a g e s ,” explained Greg Hitt, Regional Technical Manager for Aviagen Asia Pacific. “We care about our customers, and are committed to giving them all the tools they need to be successful in an increasingly competitive market.” Parent Stock and Broiler Performance Objectives and 37

Nutrition Specifications now available in Korean At the webinar, both Hitt and guest speaker Sang-Geun Kim, Chief of the Korean Broiler Council, welcomed participants. Afterward, Aviagen’s Global Head of Technical Transfer Alan Thomson presented an overview of the new management literature available in Korean, and customers were invited to download the documents. The Korean-language translation of the Parent Stock (PS) and Broiler Performance Objectives and Nutrition Specifications are now available at these links: Ÿ Arbor Acres

https://bit.ly/2QWPHRt Ÿ Indian River

https://bit.ly/3dWVsI9 Ÿ Ross https://bit.ly/32Medrh

Beneficial webinar for Korean customers D u r i n g t h e s e s s i o n , D r. Changhee Lee, Regional Te c h n i c a l Ve te r i n a r i a n f o r Aviagen Asia Pacific, shared with www.pixie.co.in

customers the latest in chicken cocciodiosis control and prevention. Hitt reported that the webinar was a big success, with a high level of customer engagement, as reflected in these customer comments: “Employees from Samhwa, including our GP manager, were able to attend, and we enjoyed the webinar. The simultaneous translation into Korean was perfect. The Korean-language literature will be very helpful to the chicken industry in Korea, enabling us to more easily understand the information,” remarked Jongsu Ha, DVM, Ph.D., Quality Control Manager and Technical Support Manager, Samhwa GPS Greeding Agri, Inc. & Samhwa BNE Co., Ltd. Dr. Lim Tae Hyun, Director of Animal Health and GP Manager at Cherrybro, added that the translations will be useful to all Korean-speaking people working in the poultry industry. Poultry Planner | Vol. 23 | No.05 | May - 2021

Press Release

Aviagen Asia Pacific Hosts Webinar to Launch Key Korean-language Management Literature

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