C.E.O, EVA GLOBAL HOLDINGS, SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA Agent, H.E Mr. Jim Rogers, (The 3rd most successful investor in the world after Warren Buffett and George Soros) Peace Ambassador, UN PKFC (UN Peace Keeping Forces Council) Goodwill Ambassador, IHRPS (International Human Rights Protection Services Senior Advisor, UN Habitat Korea Committee, Seoul, South Korea Cofounder & Secretary-General for KABFF (Korean-American Businessmen Friendship Forum), Seoul, South Korea Country Director-South Korea Committee, IETO (Indian Economic Trade Organization)
her to run her own business is for her to be able to donate some of the profits from her business to charity organizations for goodwill purposes,
Seon Chung (Zena) is a Korean-Canadian who currently lives in Seoul, South Korea. As an advocate of women in entrepreneurship and leadership, she is the CEO of Eva Global Holdings. Eva Global Holdings is a company specializing in business consulting in the field of Public Diplomacy, Trade, Finance, and Investment in International Business. The term, “Eva” stands for Extra Value Added. She likes to deliver “extra” services to her clients and business partners around the world to reach for their full satisfactions. The main motivations for
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and to help to improve the societies and provide more opportunities for others. Seon Chung works very actively in many different business and economic organizations in Korea by taking several important positions such as International business advisor for WFKB (World Federation of Korean Business), and a secretary-general for KABFF (Korean-American Businessmen Friendship Forum) and for KEEEA (Korea-Emirati Entrepreneurs Exchange Association) and a committee chair for KOIMA (Korea Importers Association). Seon Chung has