CAROLINE RIBEIRO-NELSON (CRN) PGMAG: Caroline, so good to have you on today’s interview with Lady Anita. CRN: Thank Lady Anita, it’s an absolute pleasure to speak with you and to share some of my perspective with your readers. PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers. CRN: Yes of course, I am a Diverse Mental Health & Well-Being Consultant. It’s hard for me to believe, that I’ve been working in the field of mental health and well- being for over 25 years now. My work focuses on the creation of good mental health through incorporating the essential connection with one’s lived experience and diverse background. I have always been driven by my burning interest and passion in what drives us as human beings, what are the things in life which fulfil us, make us mentally healthy or unhealthy and bring us meaning? I am also a twin. This is a very special relationship. Having someone who is there for you, provides supports and accompanies you through your life’s journey is extremely powerful. This alleviates our natural condition of being alone in the world, it helps us to better cope and deal with the difficulties, which life throws at us. My fascination with the human condition, mental health and experience of being twin have shown me the huge importance, as well as the benefits of human connection, sharing, support and
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mutual understanding. Therefore, training as an Existential Psychotherapist, life coach and intercultural business trainer was simply a natural progression for me. My moto is - Good Mental Health Needs Good DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion). PGMAG: We have seen the rise of mental health issues in the last 18 months due to the global pandemic. As an authority in ‘diverse mental health & well-Being’, what