Reposition For A Sustainable Development Future

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Exclusive Interview with




















P U B L I S H E R ' S N OT E Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw Powerhouse Global Brand Propagator

"It's imperative to know the road one wishes to travel on before the journey begins." – Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw

some of the world leaders who've been a great support to us as an organisation.

In the wake of the pandemic, we had make Today we launch the 30th edition of Powerhouse the necessary adjustments to keep serving our Global Magazine - a true achievement for us all. community. Being able to deliver this project would not have been possible without my design This mission has taught me some valuable team and the others. As an abstract thinker, I lessons from dealing with disappointments, to come up with ideas and it takes a very patient embracing opportunities. We have had to climb and understanding team to make it a reality - I some steep hills to be able to see clearly. We am grateful for my team. It's the time to be have made errors and we have received praises thankful for all the benefits Almighty God has for our work. All these years of serving the given to us - I am grateful for all of you who have world through our publication, we have never allowed me to serve using my voice and my pen. had any regrets for being part of global change. This edition is very special because it features Thank you.

Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw

Powerhouse Global Magazine






LARISA B. MILLER (LM) PGMAG: Larisa, so good to have you on today’s

working with companies and governments, we

interview with Lady Anita.

pride ourselves on our ability to help our clients transform their business models, connecting new

LM: It’s a pleasure to be recognized by

and unexpected dots and filling fractures before

Powerhouse Global Magazine as a leader

they even appear in the operational structure,

amongst women by a woman, Lady Anita, who

supply chain, target markets, all of which allows

is a true vanguard of women’s empowerment,

them to architect a stronger, more sustainable

leading and mentoring women around the world

model for growth and profitability.

by example. Companies who are brave enough to discard PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself.

their legacy business models, scripting a new way-forward, are the ones who will emerge as

LM: Where to begin. I’ve had a very

the architects of the transformational future of

unconventional life and career, exposed to many

business. Integrating ESG strategies, technology

industries and sectors – many innovations and

and the most innovative and disruptive concepts

operational frameworks from around the world

for business and governance emerging across

throughout my career. Having done business in

the globe, I’ve built Phoenix Global on a platform

the Middle East for many years, I was fortunate

of sustainable disruption, recognizing that our

to build my knowledge-base and a phenomenal

global business environment is accelerating

network around across 6 continents. Drawing

and changing in ways and at a pace never

from the most innovative strategies and concepts seen before in history. We pride ourselves on shaping the way forward for business, as CEO of

our ability to help organizations challenge the

Phoenix Global, a consulting and investment firm

way things used to be done, scripting a new



Where to begin. I’ve had a very unconventional life and career, exposed to many industries and sectors – many innovations and operational frameworks from around the world throughout my career. when our gender disparity is apparent, making me wonder at times if we’ve gone to sleep in 2021 and woke up in 1950, but overall, businesses, governments and societies are recognizing the collective value of gender equality, and the diversity of perspective represented therein. If women have perspective, knowledge, experience and can demonstrate results, the sustainable model for business,

how have you managed to

based on the principles that

achieve such global presence in

we are never going back to

the boardroom?

normal because normal was our problem.

LM: Throughout my career, I’ve done business in a way nobody

PGMAG: Looking at some of

else does it, and subsequently,

your work (past and present)

I’ve had opportunities no one

and because you are a woman,

else has. Yes, there are days



value this adds to clients or to an executive board transcends gender. As for a global presence, what COVID has shown us is that our business community is no longer within our community or regional, it’s global. Through the power of technology, we

For me, it’s all about finding ways that I can add value to my network through access to opportunity, helping them make beneficial connections, or helping them solve a problem – many times before they even realized they had a problem. can have more control over our supply chains, expand our markets and form valuable global collaborations, and this helps all of us to build our global networks and presence. For me, it’s all about finding ways that I can add value to my network through access to opportunity, helping them make beneficial connections, or helping them solve a problem – many times before they even realized they had a problem. These fundamental principles which allowed me to not only build, but to maintain a global presence. PGMAG: We know that ‘Agriculture’ is very close to your heart, and you have

been actively involved in the

if we can’t feed ourselves.

development of sustainable

As we are urban sprawling

future for famers in your area.

ourselves out of food security,

Please share some light on this

we must find new models for

topic (Agri-Tech).

production which will allow us to improve efficiency, quality,

LM: There won’t be another

and yield, while producing

investment in any industry or

more food on less land and

sector which will make sense

with less physical manpower.



Integrating techniques for precision agriculture, technology (real-time machine learning, drones, microchips, etc.) and understanding how the way we farm can positively or negatively impact the environment are critical elements to a strong and robust agricultural future capable of feeding our burgeoning global population. Having grown up on a farm in central Pennsylvania and starting my career with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, no matter where I live and work in the world, agriculture is one of my priorities of focus. Creating new models for production,

Having grown up on a farm in central Pennsylvania and starting my career with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, no matter where I live and work in the world, agriculture is one of my priorities of focus.



increasing yield and nutritional

developing nations.

value, and integrating technology to allow for

PGMAG: As a global leader,

enhanced quality, efficiency and

how has the pandemic affected

profitability allows me to have

the Agricultural industry, and

a direct hand in an industry

are some of the steps needed

that is singularly responsible

to mitigate the damages

for our collective survival. It is

caused by the global shift?

said that the Stone Age didn’t end because we ran out of

LM: COVID has shown us that

stones…it ended because of

we need to take a serious look

progress. This same comparison

at the agricultural industry

applies to agriculture. We can’t

and how we can expand

allow progress to circle around

efficiency and productivity,

agriculture, we must ensure

while mitigating our carbon

that progress accelerates

footprint. Farmers, particularly

agriculture, allowing our global

in American, are often at the

population to have access

mercy of large processors/

to fresh, nutritious food,

packers and logistics providers

making the U.N. Sustainable

to move product along the

Development Goal’s “Zero

supply chain, from farm to

Hunger” goal a reality for

supermarket shelf. With our

everyone, from the most

critical labour shortage, a

complex nations to the

scarcity of truck drivers and

essential logistical providers, and our growing dependence on major multinational processors and cooperatives, challenges precipitated by the COVID pandemic meant that, in many times and geographical locales, we no longer had the surety of supply. To mitigate the risk associated with both the apparent and unexpected societal and environmental stressors on our agricultural industry, we must reimagine our legacy business models for production, creating models that give us greater control over the industry from farm to fork – conception to consumption, while refining our production methods to allowing us to produce more with less while minimizing – and in many cases, positively impacting our environmental footprint. Envisioning and introducing these new models for agricultural production is a personal priority of mine, and I am committed to doing this here in the United States and in the regions of the world which will serve as the bread baskets of the future, such as Africa. Recognizing our

vulnerability to food insecurity,

societally, environmentally,

we have no choice but to do

and economically. Decisions

things differently, if we expect

made today will not only affect

different results. Innovation

nations and constituencies

rarely comes from inside an

in the short-term but will

industry, so modernizing,

determine our long-term

accelerating, and incorporating

health and prosperity. Lead

the technology into agriculture

with a mind toward sustainable

will require innovative and

development, as we have a

out-of-the-box concepts, and

responsibility to leave this

that will require us across the

planet better than we found it.

agricultural supply chain to be

Prioritize education, as access

collaborative, cooperative, and

to education is not only a basic


human right, but necessary for future generations to have the

PGMAG: What is your

knowledge and resources to be

message for world leaders?

able to guide us forward into a future revolution and progress.

LM: You are leading people and

In the enduring words of

economies at one of the most

Franklin D. Roosevelt, “we have

pivotal moments in history,

done a horrible job of preparing

when mankind stands on the

the future for the youth, so we

precipice of global acceleration

must prepare the youth for the

or systemic collapse,




PGMAG: Considering that the

complexity as the students

LM: I am truly looking forward

future rest on the shoulders

advance from primary to

to joining this esteemed group

of our youth. As a leader,

secondary levels of schooling.

of global business leaders,

what could be put in place to

Our youth won’t fully

investors, philanthropists and

support the young people to

understand their responsibility

thought leaders who will come

become ‘positive players’ in the

to be the changemakers of the

together to explore strategies

development of sustainable

future unless they are given the

for transformation. I spend a

future for all?

tools and thought-processes

great deal of time working with

necessary for them to be the

clients to help them take apart


their existing business models,

LM: It is important that our youth recognize the challenges

reassembling them in a way

that we are facing on the

PGMAG: What were the top

that will make them adaptable,

planet, environmentally, socially

three books that changed your

sustainable, and profitable for

and in business and industry,


the future. I look forward to

but it’s not simply enough to

sharing my thoughts, strategies,

recognize these challenges, we

LM: I am a huge reader, and

and concepts for business

must give them the resources,

there are so many books that

acceleration as we move

education, and the freedom

I love and reread frequently,

forward in this transformational

to contribute to businesses

but three that come to mind


with their forward-thinking

– all of which have given me

perspectives, weaving these

passages that I carry with me as

PGMAG: What are some of the

perspectives – ideas, processes,

motivators and reminders are:

keys to building a sustainable

and innovations into our

Tough Times Never Last, But


business models.

Tough People Do!, by Robert H. Schuller; The Traveler’s Gift,

LM: Businesses which will be

The United Nations has given

by Andy Andrews; and, Make

the vanguards of the future

us a gift in the form of the

Your Bed, by Admiral William

must make a commitment to

Sustainable Development

H. McRaven

prioritize more responsible

Goals, which is a phenomenal

operational performance, a

framework for the future.

PGMAG: We are honoured to

commitment to the SDGs,

As important as reading

know that you will be speaking

have a full line-of-sight of their

and the STEM courses are

at the next Powerhouse Global

supply chains, and prioritize

to our education, I believe

Summit taking place in London

community outreach and a

that the SDGs should be

next May. What should our

strong platform for corporate

a mandatory part of our

delegates expect from your

social responsibility (CSR). In

academic curriculums, taught


our hyperconnected world,

with increasing degrees of 10 NOVEMBER 2021

where people have the ability

you stronger than you were at

PGMAG: Finally, how

their impact and institutional

inception. If you make a mess

important is global

conscience, stakeholders,

of today, forgive yourself and

collaboration in staying

employees, and consumers

start fresh with the sunrise.

relevant in the marketplace?

are demanding that companies

Never stop learning, as we are

conduct business in a more

only afraid of what we don’t

LM: Collaboration is the key to

responsible and impactful

understand. Life never stops

the future. It can no longer be

manner. As consumers are

teaching so we should never

us against each other, it MUST

increasingly more aware of

stop learning.

be us together for a solution.

their environmental and social

It is only through collaboration

footprint, they seek brands

Always look for ways to add

and competitive collaboration

and products that align with

value to others, for that is

that businesses, governments,

these values. Nearly 60% of

how you build a network of

and our society will achieve

consumers say they will adjust

extraordinary individuals and

longevity, sustainability, and

their brand loyalty according

enduring friendships. Not


to a brand’s commitment and

everyone will like you, and

vision for sustainable impact.

you can’t control anyone’s

PGMAG: Thank you for your

Businesses should prioritize

thoughts or actions except

time – much appreciated.

impact to one or two of the

your own. You can be the most

SDGs, the ones where they can

fragrant, beautiful rose and not

LM: It’s my pleasure! Looking

make the greatest impact and,

everyone will like roses.

forward to seeing you at the

thus, realize quantifiable results

Most importantly, never give

Powerhouse Global Summit

to both the planet and their

up. Solutions to some of the

next May in London!


most extraordinary problems appear when you least expect

PGMAG: Please share your

PGMAG: What would you say

it, so play attention. Don’t

links with us.

to your younger self?

waste time worrying about yesterday. There is a saying


LM: Courage is the antivenom

that there is a reason the

to regret. Live your life being

windshield is bigger than the


brave enough to take risks

rear-view mirror…there’s only


and don’t be afraid to fail.

so much you can do with


Failure is one of the necessary

what’s behind you, but a whole

steppingstones of life.

world of opportunity lies in

Sometimes the end is bitter and

front of you.

sometimes it’s sweet, but each conclusion you reach will leave NOVEMBER 2021


to compare businesses and

You are uniquely designed to win ’Determination is the key to winning in life.’’ — BY ANITA DUCKWORTH-BRADSHAW

Life is a teacher and those who are courageous

“You have to see the future finished in advance.” –

enough will win most of the battles it presents.

Jim Rohn

When I began my leadership journey at an early age, there where all sorts of discouragement and

During those dark days, what compelled me to

fear, but I kept working on my desire to make a

keep pushing forward was my desire to be a

difference in the world. I want to talk about the

difference maker in the lives of others. I simply

total woman – who is she?

didn’t want to settle with the rest – I dared to be my own person. One of the things that helped

The total woman is one who understood her

me was my personal vision – every leader should

mission in life. She is a woman who has been

have this. In a world where too many people are

through the storms and fire but refused to give

trying to be like every other person rather than

up on her dreams. This woman is a woman with

staying true to their purpose, I will suggest these

a ‘resilient’’ Spirit.

few keys to anyone who desire to be a change maker in the world – no matter where you may

When I started by entrepreneurial journey


just over 14 years ago, I didn’t have much

1. Discover who you are.

support, but I had faith in me and coupled

2. Have a personal mission statement

with God’s blessings, I was able to become this

3. Set goals and keep reviewing them as you

change agent. Being resilient comes in several

travel on your life journey

ways – only the determine wins. During those

4. Ask for help

challenged times of starting out as a new

5. Celebrate your wins and learn from your

business owner, didn’t know what to expect and money was tight, but the future I saw in my mind kept pulling me forward.

12 NOVEMBER 2021




Most women struggle through life because they lack support in this area – I was once there. Depending on others to meet your needs is one of the most frustrating experience to have a woman. These are some of the teachings that I have been taught as a person and as an entrepreneur. Going back to the total woman and what makes her different. We will look at a few important aspects of her and how you too can become more than you already are. 1. Economic power – it takes resilient to stay relevant in today’s world. One of the things that I have discovered is the need for women to be economically empowered. Most women struggle through life because they lack support in this area – I was once there. Depending on others to meet your needs is one of the most frustrating experience to have a woman. Because

14 NOVEMBER 2021

we are gives and nurturers,

relationship, a woman must

it’s important that we earn

first have a relationship

our own money in order to

with herself. She must

have a voice in the corridors

understand her strength,

of decision making.

weaknesses and challenges.

2. Health and wellness – you

By knowing who you are,

are all that is and if you

it becomes easy for you to

don’t take care of you,

relate with others without

no one will. A woman

feeling less than the other

can be everything and

person in your life.

do all things even when she is completely tired –

In order to achieve the above-

she just wants to ensure

mentioned points, these are a

that everyone else is ok.

few keys to consider:

Unfortunately, so many

1. Set goals – know what you

women have become victims of illness because of

want out of life. 2. Have a vision – ensure

lack of rest and proper self-

you are not moving in a

care – I was once there.

different direction from

3. Relationship – to be able to function effectively in any

what you saw before you began your journey.

Global Conferences). Her

– especially women.

very important to surround

eye for beauty, her talent for

yourself with mentors and

design, and her imaginative

Her own personal struggles


and creative skills have led her

gave birth to her purpose.

to build a global social media

Having grown up in Africa,

platform that helps further

she understands first hand,

her social work. Culminating

the importance of supporting

in an elegant and most

others and helping provide

sophisticated publication that

ways to have life’s basic needs

serves humanity and shares

met. She found a solution

their stories, she’s managed

and therefore, created her

to create a world where to

foundation Powerful Global

feature women and men alike.

Women Foundation (PGWF)

Her brilliant use of social media

in 2016 in Nigeria and

allows her to vastly influences

subsequently, her most radiant

the masses. With a distribution

Powerhouse Global Magazine

In conclusion, it takes courage

reach of 73 countries from

publications. She lives by her

and faith to become all that you

around the world Lady Anita

motto of: Transforming Lives –

desire to become. Never for

helps feed minds and touch

one person at a time. Utilizing

one day doubt your ability to


her voice, she addresses

4. Personal development – keep working on yourself and your gifts. 5. Don’t settle for less than you are worth – ensure you are happy with the offer on the table. 6. Believe in yourself – decide each morning to be the best version of yourself.

pressing issues and topics

win the battles of life – If Ican become this, you too can.

Providing basic education

related to her work. Topics

for children, designing skills

such as: Global Visibility; Your

Until soon.

acquisition programs for

Voice. Your Power; Reposition

women, and fostering social

for change;The Leading Leader;

skills for youngsters, feeding

Risk to Reward; Healing From

over 1000 children and

Within; The Road To Discovery

supporting more than 1000

and others.

ABOUT LADY ANITA DUCKWORTH-BRADSHAW Lady Anita Chioma DuckworthBradshaw is an Award winning Global Impact Leader, Best Selling Author, Change Agent, Life Coach, and the Creator of the Powerhouse Global Brand (Powerhouse Global Magazine, Powerhouse Global Awards and Powerhouse

women through her work within her foundation since


the inception in 2016. Lady


Anita is a true embodiment of a

servant leader. She has created


a platform for men and women

alike from all spheres of life


to showcase their brilliance.

A place leaders have come to love. Through online presence she gives hope to many people NOVEMBER 2021


3. Have a support group – it’s

The Alchemy OF Woman …be a girl with a mind…. a woman with attitude…and a lady with class…says Inderjit, a career diplomat, an author, a practicing emotional intelligence and social cognition expert, who despite his intense professional obligations is constantly on the path of rediscovering himself and the myths & mysteries surrounding him….

— BY INDERJIT SINGH She chooses to live by choice, not by chance; to make changes, not excuses; to be motivated, not


manipulated; to be useful, not used; to excel, not to compete; she chooses self-esteem, not self-

This book written by an American author and

pity; she chooses to listen to her inner voice, not

relationship counselor John Gray, states that

the random opinion of others.

most common relationship problems between men and women are a result of fundamental

Her soul is fierce, her heart is brave, her mind is

psychological differences between the sexes,

strong. To me, she is a Woman – a Woman of

which he exemplifies by means of its eponymous


metaphor: that men and women are from distinct planets - men from Mars and women

I am everything but a male chauvinist. A woman,

from Venus, and that each sex is acclimated to

as perceived and defined by me above, is true to

its own planet's society and customs, but not to

my convictions. Male chauvinism is an attitude

those of the other. The book further asserts that

of superiority toward members of the opposite

each sex can be understood in terms of distinct

sex - a male who patronizes, disparages, or

ways they respond to stress and stressful

otherwise denigrates females in the belief that

situations. However, the book had its own share

they are inferior to males and thus deserving

of praise and criticism.

of less than equal treatment or benefits, thus nurturing the fixed attitude of male superiority

Not challenging the validity or the authenticity

that men are superior than women in terms of

of the above concept and views, let us face it,

ability, intelligence etc. What rubbish!

we men and women have to co-exist on the planet earth. So, I ask, why not “live”, and not

16 NOVEMBER 2021

self-confidence, listening skills, empathy; than to what they wear. So, opinions vary on every issue. Taking this approach, the researchers actually found gender differences for every one of the ten aspects of personality that they looked merely “exist”, in harmony,


understanding, mutual respect,

at. Women on an average scored higher on enthusiasm, compassion, politeness,

love, compassion, acceptance

I guess, it is all about

and with integrity?

orderliness, volatility,

perceptions. Female perception

withdrawal, empathy, creativity,

vs. Male perception. My Paulo Coelho said and I

while men scored higher on

perception vis-à-vis your

wholeheartedly subscribe

analytical-rationality and

perception. A simple example

to this - “All women have


that explains it all: researchers

a perception much more

after extensive survey found

developed than men. So,

Men come from Mars means

that a set of respondents rated

all women somehow, being

men are fiercer and more

physicians wearing casual

repressed for so many

aggressive. Men concentrate

attire as less professional and

millennia, ended up by

on competence in goals and

experienced than those wearing

developing this sixth sense and

mostly focused on their work

the traditional white physician’s

contemplation and love. And

and achievements. Men handle

coat. Some felt that patients’

this is something that we have

stress by becoming silent and

confidence and acceptance

a hard time to accept as a part

hiding in their cave. Women

should perhaps be more related

of our society”.

come from Venus means they

to physicians’ demeanor; their

are more calm and subtle.



Her soul is fierce, her heart is brave, her mind is strong.

A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform. Women are more concentrated on quality relationships than on competence and goals. When women get stressed, they share their problems with their girlfriends and keep talking about it to find solutions. A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform. Women and men often get frustrated with each other because they see many issues completely differently. However, there are several

hence superior communicators,

clean, women see complete

scientific reasons

while men typically only use

filth. Men simply aren’t able to

the left side. Because of

see dust and finer particles as

why male and female

this, women are able to feel

easily as women, and therefore

perceptions are different. There

connected to others more

are unaware of its presence.

are even differences between

easily. A strong woman will

But this logic of men doesn’t

male and female brains. One of

always turn pain into power.

always hold. Try it!

between male and female

A recent discovery is that

Because women are more in

brains is that females’ brain has

women actually have more rods

touch with their feelings, and

more connections between

and cones in their eyes than

more adept at communication,

the right and left halves which

men. This allows women to

women are more likely to

makes them more versatile

see more detail, which partially

want to discuss problems and

in the thinking processes and

explains when men see a room

issues in-depth while men

the most significant differences

18 NOVEMBER 2021

generally deal with problems instantly and head-on. This can be illustrated by the different outlook that men and women typically have towards shopping. Although these are generalizations and not an absolute rule, women consider shopping in its social aspect to be savored and enjoyed. For men, shopping is more like an ordeal, and the sooner it’s over, the better. Take a look at clothing, for example. For many women, clothing can become a major focal point in their daily life. Not only does their clothing have to fit within a certain style, many women are concerned with how their clothing accentuates or hides certain features. Women don’t only pay this attention to their clothes; they are also concerned with other women’s clothing, and how they look in relation to them. This is a world that most men are barely aware

as any other number of issues.

Although there are exceptions,

This is a harsh world that men

the average guy sees clothing

are simply not exposed to,

as a necessity, either to escape

and once again, establishes

the cold, heat, or to be able to

that regardless of any other

enter businesses without being

differences, physical and


psychological, male and female perceptions are quite varied

Another major issue that

because they live in vastly

has emerged is how the two

different realities. Hence, to

genders live in the modern

each their own!

world is multitasking. According to the general perception,

Even in examining these few

females are much better at

social differences, not to

multitasking than men. You

mention differences in how

probably know many women,

male and female brains operate,

especially those with busy

it is no wonder that male and

schedules that do two or three

female perception is so varied

things at the same time. Try to

when it comes to relationships,

get a guy to talk to you when

and many other aspects of

reading an email, or anything

life. Whatever the reason for

else he does routinely, and

these differences, they can be

you are likely to get a response

a potential source of frustration

along the lines of, “hold on a

in anyone’s life when you

minute”; and that minute can

simply can’t understand the

run into hours. This brings

behaviors or thoughts of the

some truth to the cliché that

opposite sex. However, perhaps

men have one-track minds!

these differences are what hold

While men are competitive in

men and women together. As

many areas within themselves,

they say – opposites attract!

many women are in constant competition with each other


on a more personal level. Both close friends, as well as

Women have inhabited this

random people passing by, are

world for as long as men have,

subject to stinging criticism

but their stories of struggles

for fashion blunders, as well

and redemption are far more NOVEMBER 2021


A strong woman will always turn pain into power.

of, if they know of it at all.

Woman is the radiance of God. She is not a creature. She is the creator. RUMI poignant than that of any man. From the ancient times, women have struggled even for their basic rights in the rigid patriarchic societies, fighting misogynist attitudes to claim what is rightfully theirs. Situations for women definitely improved as the centuries passed by, but even today,

miraculous power to heal with

countries of Asia, South-East

women don’t have it easy. Not

the warmth and aura of her

Asia, Middle-East, Africa and

in the developing world, not

multi-dimensional energy.

South America. He was the

even in the developed world.

High time that the world

CEO of IGI Airport – the 16th

acknowledges what RUMI - a

busiest in the world. He is an

To my mind woman is a

13th-century Persian scholar,

MBA, followed by advanced

synonym of sacrifice; woman is

theologian, jurist, mystic saint,

management courses at

a companion to man, given by

Sufi - the enlightened man had

“Henley-the Management

God. She is a partner in life, and

to say:

College”, Oxford shire, UK and

a friend. Women are blessed

the University of California,

with a kind heart, are a symbol

“Woman is the radiance of God.

Berkeley, USA. He can be

of love, a bundle of affection

She is not a Creature. She is

reached at inderjit.singh@

and a pillar of strength.

The Creator”.

God created woman as a


beautiful tapestry of intense,

Inderjit is an Aviation

inconceivable and extraordinary

Consultant with the UN. He

power to radiate and nurture

has served in senior level

love. She has an incredible and

diplomatic positions in several

20 NOVEMBER 2021



RITESH AGGARWAL (RA) PGMAG: Ritesh, so good to have you on today’s interview with Lady Anita RA: Hi Lady Anita a real pleasure and honour to be invited to take part in this so thank you very much for the invitation. PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers RA: I am 45 years old from Liverpool and married with 3 children, 2 daughters aged 17,14 and a son aged 8. I have worked as a dental surgeon in Sheffield for 22 years, however, I have a real passion for improving mental health for both individuals and organisations. This is why my business partner, Dr Danyal Akarca and I set up Psynergy Mental Health. We want to improve the way mental health is assessed so we can gain a better understanding and then suggest interventions that are specific to needs. Essentially a more personalised and precision medicine approach. diagnosed with mental ill health but then must PGMAG: What are some of the measures

wait to receive the prescribed treatment. Waiting

needed to help those who are being challenged

lists are at bursting point with the NHS under

by mental illness?

severe pressure due to the pandemic meaning a longer wait for treatment. This could be the

RA: There are a number of things that need to

difference between getting the right treatment

be happening now! Funding needs to be directed in a timely manner and somebody reaching a in the right areas. Too many people are being

crisis point or taking their own life. This needs to



RA: Psynergy Mental Health

workplace mental health.

is centred around adopting

We have developed a mental

Another major problem is the

a preventative approach

health strategy guidance tool

assessment process itself. It is

towards mental health. Very

that helps people understand

generally quite quick and purely

much like dentistry. We hope

mental health and various

subjective from the patient’s

that people will go for mental

mental health conditions,

and clinician’s perspective. This

wellness checks every 6

recognise the signs and

often results in a misdiagnosis

months (according to need/

symptoms and also what to

and treatment is prescribed

risk assessment) to make sure

do if you or your colleagues

more in hope that it will work

everything is ok even if they

are struggling. As well as this,

and lacks certainty. It’s a

feel well. This way we can

it also helps organisations by

trial-and-error, one size fits

stay in tune with our mental

providing guidance on policy

all approach (and we are not

health and help prevent it

writing in line with the HSE

all the same, so this blanket

deteriorating towards mental

management standards as

approach does not work) often

illness. We are currently

well as the new ISO45003 –

resulting in patients being

researching ways to add

Psychological health and safety

given tablets to hopefully

objectivity into the mental

at work, managing psychosocial

solve the issue. It leads to

health assessment process

risks in the workplace.

protracted periods of treatment

by capturing data regarding

Another product we are most

and patients start to lose

cognitive function as well

excited about is our mental

hope as they are not seeing

as carrying out readings of

health and wellbeing survey

improvements. The assessment

the brains’ electrical activity.

developed for organisations

process needs to improve and

These objective biomarkers

helping them to understand

become more detailed to gain

have been well researched and

their mental health and

a better understanding of the

evidenced to show that they

wellbeing culture in great detail.

root cause of the illness. Once

are useful for understanding

This survey is completed by

you understand, you can then

mental health in more detail.

all members of the workforce

start to implement strategies to

This is our core work, and we

and the results are aggregated

improve your outcomes. This

are researching this approach

to give organisational-level

is something we are working

with the NHS. We hope to

scores in 5 key areas, Roles

hard on to address, change and

change the landscape of mental

and demands, Workplace


health assuming our research

environment, Relationships,

data proves to be valuable and

Support and Personal

PGMAG: Please tell us more

impactful. Exciting times!

wellbeing. Gathering big data in

about your business and how

We have also developed some

real time like this is very difficult

you support others to stay

products for organisations

and somewhat cumbersome

mentally healthy.

to utilise to help improve

however, our software team

change immediately.

22 NOVEMBER 2021

workplace culture we all should

of the best ways to improving

digital platform that is mobile

be striving for.

and maintaining good mental

optimised. It is anonymised and

health. Instead of looking at

provides everyone within the

PGMAG: As a leading

social media first thing, practice

organisation a confidential, safe

professional in mental health,

mindfulness or even just some

space environment to rate their

what are some the keys to

breath work. It may only be

workplace and provide their

staying mentally healthy?

for 30-60 seconds, but this

opinion. We have implemented

will start you off in the right

it into several organisations,

RA: We neglect ourselves

way. Practice gratitude and

and they have found it very

in so many ways – whether

journaling (each night write

useful to benchmark their

its poor nutrition or lack of

down 3 good achievements

organisation and then to

exercise, not getting enough

for that day and/or write down

target their interventions and

sleep to spending our days

3 good things in your life) this

initiatives according the needs,

glued to screens. Think about

is a great way to help you be

which have been identified

our teeth again. We brush our

appreciative of all the good

by the survey. That’s the key,

teeth twice a day in the hope

things in your life. Most of all

its spending money wisely on

be kind to yourself. Talk to

interventions and initiatives

yourself like you are your best

specific to your needs.

friend. We are often hyper

Without undertaking a proper

Psynergy Mental Health is centred around adopting a preventative approach towards mental health. Very much like dentistry. We hope that people will go for mental wellness checks every 6 months (according to need/ risk assessment) to make sure everything is ok even if they feel well.

critical of ourselves, and this

right. Knowing this and seeing

to prevent dental decay. Why

the NHS self help strategies

these results gives you more

do we not nurture our mind

are very good and we have also

motivation to improve things

in this way? Having a morning

summarised a free mindfulness

to create that mentally healthy

and a night time routine is one

course on our website for

assessment how do you know what you need? Our product does this for you. Another important thing it highlights is areas where you are doing well. We are always transfixed about the things that are not going well and wanting to fix them, but we never stop to congratulate ourselves on the things we are getting right- and believe me there are plenty of things organisations are getting

can damage our confidence and erode our self-esteem. Practicing self-care, being kind to ourselves and forgiving ourselves is a massive step towards inner peace and happiness. It isn’t that simple and requires lots of hard work and dedication. Something I’m still trying to get good at personally as well. For those people needing some help with their mental health



has developed an easy to use,

anyone to use.

environment to work in due

probably go on for ever about

to several factors. The PPE

the advice I would give to my

PGMAG: What is your message

is very difficult to wear and

younger self!

for world leaders?

can at times be somewhat claustrophobic. The pressure

PGMAG: Finally, what makes

RA: Understand and embrace

is immense and has had no

you laugh?

your people! Treat them as

real sign of easing and this

people and not statistics.

cumulates in a lot of stress

RA: My family – my wife and

Nurture them and support

and creates feelings of being

my 3 children make me laugh.

them to flourish and you

overwhelmed which can lead

They are funny and kind and

will truly see the positive

people to become withdrawn

know how to make me feel

difference. Create that mentally

and feel alone. We have

better! The other thing that

healthy workplace culture but

developed our workplace

makes me laugh is Only fools

not just because it improves

survey specific to dental

and horses – quite possibly the

your bottom line profit but

practices to try to encourage

best programme ever made!

because it’s the right thing to

people to speak up and voice

do. The ripple affect this will

their opinion and not feel

PGMAG: Thank you so very

have throughout society will

isolated. We plan on adapting

much for your time.

be truly amazing and we all

the survey to vets, pharmacists,

have it within us to do this. Our

GP practices, lawyers,

RA: Thank you so much lady

company strapline is “being

accountants, teachers etc.

Anita for having me it has been

mentally healthy together”

an absolute pleasure in doing

and we can all achieve this by

PGMAG: What would you say

coming together, supporting

to your younger self?

this with yourself. PGMAG: Please share your link

ourselves and each other and not allowing anyone to feel

RA: The first thing I would say

alone. We really can make the

is to sometimes listen to your


heart and not your head. Do

RA: Anybody wishing to

not have any regrets! I would

chat about Psynergy mental

PGMAG: What are some the

tell my younger self to not be

Health and its products please

challenges faced by those in

so hard on myself, don’t be

contact me vie email – ritesh@

the health industry?

afraid to make mistakes and

definitely be kind to myself

or on my telephone +44

RA: The healthcare industry

when I do! Also I would tell


is very difficult at present. I

him to practice mindfulness,

For more information,

know this personally from my

gratitude and journaling every

please visit www.

work in dentistry. It is a tough

day from a young age. I could

24 NOVEMBER 2021

with us.




PGMAG: Judy, so good to have you on today’s interview with Lady Anita.

PGMAG: As a leader, what are some of the challenges you face in delivering your services?

JM: I work with a lot of career seekers who are applying for their next level positions, and who PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our feel ready to take on more responsibility. This is usually due to a desire to create more impact readers. in their chosen career, who want to feel free to lead authentically, without being micromanaged. JM: I work with amazingly talented career They want to feel appreciated and trusted to do seekers who want to apply and interview more what they do best. As a result, the leaders that powerfully, proudly and impressively. This is my I work with often have experienced working in super power and passion. My clients call me a toxic environments, or have sadly experienced Dream Job Mentor. I’m also a single mother to discrimination or harassment. Often a challenge two feisty and wonderful young girls. JM: My pleasure!



that I help to tackle is for my clients to have the confidence and the resilience to trust in their unique perspectives, to trust in their abilities, and to be fearless in setting the bar for what exceptional leadership looks like now and for the future. PGMAG: What are some of the strategies required to ensure that people feel safe in the workplace? JM: Workplaces differ in terms of how well they ensure that their staff feels supported. Having safe and robust policies and procedures that are followed, backed up and supported are paramount in creating a safe organisational culture. Having knowledge, or a game plan of what to do if policies fail, often lies with the individual staff member, therefore there is a level of responsibility to personally know what to do when faced with challenges. I’m a big advocate for self-care, for consistently working on inner confidence and self worth, and increasing opportunities if the need to get out presents itself. It’s for this reason why I focus so heavily on sharing the tools, techniques and strategies to be able to apply and interview successfully, so that there are

26 NOVEMBER 2021

always options. If one were to feel ready to start afresh, in a culture and environment that aligns to their values, they would know how to do it as smoothly as possible. PGMAG: What would you say to someone who is struggling with low self-esteem? JM: I advise to carry out and anchoring exercise. This is one of the first things that I do with the client that I mentor, because when self esteem and confidence is low, there needs to be a way of reminding oneself of why they are special, unique and a wonderful individual. Another way of describing this, is to enter what I call a ‘Peacock Mode’ This is where one is able to tap into their values, achievements, the praise they have received, their ambitions and successes through mindfulness, meditation, visualisations and self connection. PGMAG: What is your message for world leaders? JM: Commit to your perspective, because this perspective of the impact that you can make is due to your unique experiences, vision and attributes. This relates to giving yourself permission to

lead authentically, to trust that you’re in a leadership position for a divine reason, and that is to inspire nurture and create positive impact. To ensure that you lead with connection to yourself and your higher purpose, I would always advise to have a personal coach/ mentor to keep your leadership approaches aligned to your true authentic self. PGMAG: Please tell us more about your business. JM: I’m on a mission to empower professional career-seekers with the tools and techniques to showcase themselves with confidence, authenticity and impressiveness! Nothing lights me up more than helping professionals understand how employers make their decisions, what strategies catch their attention, and how to prove that they are the best candidates for the roles that they want. Largely mentoring and advising highly talented individuals into senior leadership roles in a range of sectors including; Procurement, Marketing, Tech, Further Education, Health (to name a few), my knowledge of the employment sector ensures

The techniques I coach have featured across the BBC, have resulted in me featuring on TV, within Yahoo Finance UK, Huff Post UK and are preferred by recruiters because they ensure a.... • 100% Increase in getting shortlisted for interview. • 100% Increase in confidence and understanding of personal unique selling points. • 100% Increase in delivering a successful interview performance based on the ability to answer questions, sell skills and experience, present with authenticity and pride in the performance overall. By.... • Providing expertise as an Employment Specialist. • Overcoming limiting beliefs and building inner confidence as a Dream Job Coach. • Designing and writing compelling CV's, supporting statements, business proposal documents and LinkedIn profiles as a Dream Career St • Providing Personal

PGMAG: What are the top three books that changed your life?

Commit to your perspective, because this perspective of the impact that you can make is due to your unique experiences, vision and attributes. Branding so that my clients understand their competitive edge and overall core offer. • Sharing Career Search Strategies that cut through the competition and fast track the process to an ideal position. I developed my own interview technique, The Interview Story Impression Technique because I feel strongly that the current interview techniques such as the STAR technique are not fit for purpose in today’s highly competitive employment sector, and I really believe that interviewing can be empowering (when you know how). I also recently created The Peacock Effect three step system that explains how to proudly and powerfully apply and interview through: 1 – Getting into Peacock Mode 2 – Using Peacock Words 3 – Fanning Your Feathers

JM: Paul McKenna - I can make you rich, The Secret, and Charles Dickins (the books that my Grandad had me read at a really young age). PGMAG: Finally, what would you say to your younger self? JM: You have a light inside you that is bursting to get out, so let it shine! PGMAG: Thank you so very much for your time. JM: I'm very happy to share my thoughts with your prestigious magazine PGMAG. PGMAG: Please share your link with us. JM: Website - www. LinkedIn - https://www.



that the feedback I provide is Spot On in helping my clients understand how to move from application through to Job Offer!



DR. JACQUELINE KING (DJK) PGMAG: Dr. Jacqueline, so good to have you on today’s interview with Lady Anita. DJK: It is my pleasure! PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers. DJK: I am Dr. Jacqueline King, the CEO and Founder of Black Women Empowered, a global Ministry/Network that empowers mostly women from all over the world for the last ten years. It is my passion and purpose to encourage people. PGMAG: As a leader, what are some of the keys to leading a successful team? DJK: The key to leading a successful team is listening and teaching. Leading by example is very crucial. Not just giving orders but helping people grow into their purpose is the sign of a great leader, in my opinion. PGMAG: It’s ‘black history’ month here in the UK. As a strong advocate for the black community in the USA and around the world, what needs to be done in order to create a harmonious environment for all – especially for the ethnic minorities? DJK: The most important thing that we can do is work together. So many people want to work alone, that has prov en not to be an effective way to get things done and we really need each other to be successful.

28 NOVEMBER 2021

PGMAG: What is your message for world leaders? DJK: My message is to write the vision, make it plain and stay committed to the vision. The reason most leaders fail, or I call them visionaries, is because they give up when they don’t see instant results. One of the reasons that BWE has been successful is because we never quit, people came and people went but we stuck with the vision. Its ok to fine tune or tweak it but don’t abandon it.

DJK: We have several businesses, the main one is the Ministry on Social Media with over four million followers (Black Women Empowered Incorporated) on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter and TikTok. we also have a Media Production company, I am in Partnership with Annette Groves and we have produced several documentaries and many encouraging contributors and interviews. Our newest business is our Sisterhood Membership blackwomenempowered. net where women can join and share their businesses, ministries, social media and just connect with other Queens from all over the world. PGMAG: In the wake of covid-19, the world was turned upside down within a few months before our eyes. As a global voice, what can be done to mitigate the damages caused by the pandemic? DJK: All we can do at this point in my opinion is get the vaccination and be a voice to those who have not gotten it yet. We have lost so many people because of fear of the

of authority, how can more women be supported to take on leadership roles?

One of the reasons that BWE has been successful is because we never quit, people came and people went but we stuck with the vision. Its ok to fine tune or tweak it but don’t abandon it. vaccination and misinformation. Now that we are getting to somewhat of a normal life, we must pick up the pieces and start over, if necessary, if not we must rebuild. This means thinking outside of the box, using our creative minds to come up with new and innovative ways of doing things. PGMAG: What are the top three books that changed your life? DJK: Of course, the Bible is number one. I loved Michelle Obamas book “Becoming” and the last one is Vindication of Broken Women who Possess Deep Wells by Dr. Oscar Underwood. PGMAG: Women are powerful forces and the world need more women to lead. As a woman who is in a position

DJK: Women should be looking and learning from those women who are already leading. This are the role models. If you can find a woman who is willing to mentor, that’s even better. I have always studied those who are successful in every position I have held. PGMAG: Finally, what would you say to your younger self? DJK: I would say that you should have listened to the wise counsel of my Mother, it would have limited many mistakes that I made in life. However, I did learn from many of them regardless. PGMAG: Thank you so very much for your time. DJK: I’m so pleased to share my experience. Thank you too. PGMAG: Please share your link with us. DJK: https://www. You can reach all of our sites on that page. Thank you for your time.



PGMAG: Please tell us more about your business.



GEOFFREY RIDDLE (GR) PGMAG: Geoffrey, so good to have you on today’s interview with Lady Anita. GR: Your invitation was a pleasant surprise. I’m honored, thank you! PGMAG: Please briefly introduce yourself to our readers. GR: I am a professional speaker, strategist and sales trainer for the luxury market. Currently living in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Avid golfer, voracious reader, writer & podcaster. My passion is the dramatic impact that can be made by the power of the spoken and written word, hopefully exemplified in my book, “The Art & Science of Luxury Selling,“ available in 2022. PGMAG: As a strategist, what are some of the keys to winning in life? GR: First, accumulate knowledge. The internet has eradicated the excuse, “I don’t know.” Our phones have all the world’s information at our fingertips. Second, focus. There is power in doing one thing at a time until finished. Multi-tasking is a myth. Third, be prepared! When I speak, I have twenty times the information I may need on hand. Fourth, know, understand and welcome roadblocks and objections as positive life turning experiences. Fifth,TAKE ACTION! Action conquers fear. I am a ready, fire, aim person.

30 NOVEMBER 2021

The internet has eradicated the excuse, “I don’t know.” Our phones have all the world’s information at our fingertips. Second, focus. There is power in doing one thing at a time until finished.

It takes money, time and persistence to build a brand. Your key people need to be as passionate about the brand as you are, not just working for a paycheck. PGMAG: The shift the world experienced in recent time due to covid-19 changed the way people live and do business. As a leader, what would you suggest to those who oversee global affairs, to start considering in order to prevent such catastrophe from happening again? GR: Always keep in mind the best interests of the people and the country you serve, without regard to your own career. Learn from the mistakes of other countries. Never stop asking, “what if?” Know who the bad guys are and keep an eye on them. Ignore the media, do your own homework. Do not make decisions that overtax your country’s resources. Quoting U.S President Ronald Reagan, “Trust, but verify.”

PGMAG: What is your

PGMAG: Please tell us more

message for those struggling

about your business.

to build their brand? GR: It takes money, time and persistence to build a brand. Your key people need to be as passionate about the brand as you are, not just working for a pay-check. Social media is not a panacea, but only one part of a bigger plan. Learn how to sell. Nothing happens unless somebody sells something. Know how accounting works and be vigilant with financing. Above all, make sure you have a compelling story and never, ever, ever give up.

GR: The speaking part of my business is a prospecting tool. My audiences discover most of what they need to know about me, my style and how I can help them in about 30 minutes. It results in them calling me instead of me calling them. Strategy sessions with company leaders are about asking tough, provocative questions, challenging the way they think and coaching them through a process to achieve their goals. I get a daily fee but try to get them on their own as quickly as possible. Sales training is NOVEMBER 2021


the most challenging and time consuming. So I break it into two parts. Briefly, I gather information, interview staff and sit in on presentations. I present my findings and recommendations for which I charge a fee. If they decide to use me to develop their sales process and coach their team, the discovery fee is waived and we agree on a training price. Simple and straight forward makes it easy for them to decide. PGMAG: As a renowned speaker, what are some of the keys to delivering an impactful presentation? GR: I like to open with a story. Since the dawn of time, humans have been hard wired to pay attention and learn the moment a story begins. The story should make only one point. Want to make another point, tell another story. Use stunning visuals but reduce words on the visuals to the bare minimum. You want the audience listening, not reading. Regardless of your subject knowledge, the audience will have trouble remembering any more then, three key points. Keep your ideas and language simple, avoid jargon. Transfer your passion to them and light

32 NOVEMBER 2021

Since the dawn of time, humans have been hard wired to pay attention and learn the moment a story begins. The story should make only one point. Want to make another point, tell another story.

yourself. You’re creating a fear of making mistakes and not trying anything new. The world is a fabulous place and willing to pay a king’s ransom to those who are willing to set their ego aside and go for it. Sometimes you’ll get bloodied and hurt but you’ll never regret one day regardless of how long you live. PGMAG: Thank you so very much for your time.

up the room. Hone your skills – practice. With outstanding presentation skills you’ll be more than impactful and unforgettable, you’ll be rare.

GR: Always a pleasure to be a part of such a noble magazine.

PGMAG: What are the top

GR: https://www.linkedin. com/in/geoffrey-riddle%F0%9F%93%88-359284ba Website: www.geoffreydriddle. com

three books that changed your life? GR: “Think and Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill, “The Closers,” by Ben Gay III and “Letting Go,” by Dr. David Hawkins. PGMAG: What is your message for the youth? GR: Learn the art of effective communication. Be curious about everything. READ! PGMAG: Finally, what would you say to your younger self? GR: Don’t be so hard on

PGMAG: Please share your link with us

Why Women Can’t Lose Weight for Good Obese Woman Detects 59 Possible Causes of Weight Gain in Women Millions of women are desperate to lose their extra weight, but all they know is dieting/ calorie restriction and exercise. Many even hope for a magic pill, or worse, choose gastric. We are nearing the end of the year, and in a little more than two months, millions of women will start dieting all over again....

— BY ANGELA BUHRI They will see hundreds of articles about the

Nobody tells them that extra weight is a message

newest diet or exercise program and, once again,

from the body (a signal) and that maintainable

give it a try. However, they are just the same

weight loss is all about eliminating the root

diets and exercise programs with a new cool

causes. Once the causes are taken care of, the

name and ‘wrapped’ in a new nice ‘package.’

weight will take care of itself.

But they have hope and think, “Now I will succeed. This sounds great. I can do that.” Come

I became overweight at the age of 5 (after

February; they realize that once again, such a

having been molested by a male relative) and

weight loss plan didn’t work.

struggled with my weight until I finally overcame the abuse at the age of 26. Within only a few

The worst thing about this is that all these

months, I went from 84kg to 55kg, without

wonderful women who fail with their diet

dieting, without exercising, and without anything

blame themselves. They think they lack the

weight loss-related. It simply happened. I kept

necessary willpower or just don’t have enough

that weight off for 16 years, leading a normal life

discipline. But it’s the opposite: weight loss diets

and eating normally (three-course menus, wine,

failed them. Diets don’t work – can’t work –

dessert). Then, at the peak of my success as a

because they are against our body’s own nature.

weight loss coach, when I desperately needed

Maintainable weight loss can’t be achieved with

staff, I hired two women. Later, it turned out

willpower, and it requires much less discipline

that they were friends of a woman who saw

than most of us think.

me as a competitor. Within three months, they NOVEMBER 2021


had completely destroyed

extremely hard and difficult

from within what I had built

for me, today, I am grateful

in 12 years. After that, I went

for it. Without my own weight

through severe famine for many years because I had lost everything, including my entire clientele. Within that time, my weight exploded, and today, I’m labeled as “morbidly obese” (118kg). A dietitian recently found out that for the last 20 years, I haven’t eaten more than 300 to 600 calories per day, yet I am overweight. It’s a sad fact that many obese women are actually undernourished.

A dietitian recently found out that for the last 20 years, I haven’t eaten more than 300 to 600 calories per day, yet I am overweight. It’s a sad fact that many obese women are actually undernourished. This is the best proof that being a healthy weight has nothing to do with calories.

struggles, I would never have kept searching and finding answers. No slim person wants to spend so much time looking for solutions once they have lost weight. And if what I have found can help trigger a paradigm shift regarding weight loss and help more women find better, healthier, and faster solutions to their weight problems, then it has been worth the pain. And if that is

This is the best proof that being

of root causes among

what is needed to finally make

a healthy weight has nothing to

women are emotions:

the very necessary paradigm

do with calories.

emotional imbalance, stress,

shift within the weight loss

insufficient boundaries, self-

industry happen, then I’m

rejection, depression, etc.

happy to be part of that shift.

Due to my own obesity history, I constantly searched

• Mind: negative thinking,

In order to really understand

for answers beyond the diet/

negative self-talk,

the weight issue, we need to

exercise mainstream because

negative attitude towards

gain a better understanding of

nobody could provide me with

themselves, speaking

the law of cause and effect.

an answer. To this day, I have

negatively about their

Everything has a cause, good

detected 59 possible root

weight and body, etc.

or bad. The real problem with

causes of weight gain in women

• Psychological causes:

weight loss is that we have

in four different areas:

trauma, abuse, lack of love,

been utterly misled and sold

• Some causes are physical:

inner void, self-sabotage

the idea that all we had to

sleep deprivation, toxic

(not feeling worthy of

do to lose weight was eat

overload, metabolic

looking beautiful), violence,

less and exercise more. This

syndrome, hormonal

not feeling valued, etc.

misconception has long been

imbalance, lack of certain

scientifically debunked.

vital nutrients, food intolerances, dieting, etc. • Another prominent group 34 NOVEMBER 2021

Although being obese as a

Let me use an example. One of

weight loss coach has been

my clients attended a weekend

women had to go through such

psychology. That is exactly my

mentioned that one of the root

a terrible experience.

experience with the 10,000+

causes of being overweight

The goal is to detect the

clients I have had the privilege

is sexual abuse. After the

effective cause, transform

to work with…and regarding my

workshop was over, she went

or eliminate it, and the body

own weight struggles. My own

home and moved out of her

will take care of the extra

extra weight has really become

sister’s house, where she had

weight. Sometimes, we need

one of my greatest teachers in

been raped by her brother-in-

to eliminate some poor eating

life. This gives hope. We don’t

law. She then went through

habits, but even those have a

have to starve ourselves to

some therapy to get over the

psychological reason. That’s

death to be healthy and slim.

abuse and lost all her excess

why I prefer to use a body-

We don’t have to look like a

weight without dieting or any

mind-spirit approach when I

stick with skin to be attractive.

lifestyle change for that matter.

work with clients, and I always

We can lose weight for good

She transformed the cause

recommend looking at the

simply by addressing the root

(the abuse), and the effect (the

person as a whole being and


excess weight) was no longer

not just as a body of flesh and

needed. Her excess weight

bones. For too long, overweight

served as a protection against

women have been reduced to

abuse – it kept that man away

their eating habits, and nobody

from her.

cared about what was going on in their souls.

Now tell such a woman to

Happy slimming!

ABOUT ANGELA BUHRI Angela Buhri is a behavioral psychologist, adult educator,

eat less and exercise more to

I believe it’s really time to start

and teacher from Switzerland

lose that fantastic protection

thinking outside the diet box

with over 10,000 former

shield that is doing such a great

and share the truth with the

participants. In her search for

job for her! That would be

millions of women struggling

answers, she has interviewed

ridiculous. As a matter of fact,

with their weight:

more than two dozen health

in such a situation, a diet is

That it’s more important to

and weight loss experts and is

completely counter-productive.

address the root causes than

now making these interviews

Such a woman would always

what we eat.

available to other women. To

gain her weight back until she

learn more, you can attend her

got the chance to transform

Like the iceberg, 80% of

free webinar at

her trauma.

the problem is underneath


the surface and has to be

This is just one of many

addressed there. Psychologists


possible causes. Thank

tell us that 80% of problems


goodness, not all overweight

are usually about people’s NOVEMBER 2021


workshop of mine where I













POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION SUPPORTING WOMEN AND CHILDREN GLOBALLY (03RD APRIL 2021) Powerful Global Women Foundation in collaboration Royalty Kids Montessori School present A one day easter retreat for children and teenagers. Theme of the program was: The Total Child. The program includes reason for the season, cinema, POP quiz, music, baking and losts more. Mrs. Josephine, Phillip Itsuokor (Proprietress, Royalty Kids) was present as host. Over 100 children were in attendance during the program.

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POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION CHILDREN RETREAT EVENT (12TH SEPTEMBER 2020) We had various workshops for them during the gathering. We also gave facemasks each child that was in attendance. Over one hundred children attended the event. They were all fed as part of our tradition to do. A massive thank you to Ross Swan for supporting our mission. This project was led by our amazing Vice-president (Mrs Josephine Itsuokor).



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POWERFUL GLOBAL WOMEN FOUNDATION COVID-19 PROJECTS As part of PGWF mission to support more families during this challenged time, we have been able to hold two projects (one in April and the other on 13th July 2020). We distributed food supplies to several families and orphanage homes. Our team lead by Mrs Josephine Itsuokor (Vice-president of PGWF) made these projects a success. We will continue to reach out to more families through the support of our global partners.




Powerful Global Women Foundation (Powerhouse Charity) was founded in 20l6 in Nigeria, West Africa, by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw. The core objective of this organization is to transform the lives of women and children, through various projects centred around the need of the service group. In 20l6 Lady Anita single handedly fed over 400 children as part of “project feed l000 children globally”, and held an empowerment conference for the women. Through this project, so many women have gone to do great things with the knowledge they gained from the event. She recently held a life transforming event for women in Lagos, Nigeria as part of International women’s month celebration 20l8. The turnout was very encouraging. She is working towards supporting more families to keep their children and wards in school through” project back-to-school” starting in September 20l8. We are seeking for global support from individuals and organisations who would love to be a part of this service to humanity. To support us, please visit: or email or

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CHARITY PROJECT: As part of our Global Annual commitment, we were able to successfully complete project feed the children 2019 mission. Over 150 children were fed at this year’s event. Powerful Women Global Foundation (PGWF ) is a charity set up by Lady Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw in 2016. The service users are women and children. To support PGWF, please email



44 NOVEMBER 2021

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