3 KEY LESSONS LEARNT FROM 2023 ASH RAO It is that time of the Year again - time to hit the restart button, make new resolutions, start a positive habit, or end a negative one! Before we look forward, it is important to look back and retrospect the past year so we can learn from our past mistakes and feel grateful about our wins, so we start this year with a renewed positive energy! Doing this self-reflection is like holding a mirror to see both our strengths and flaws and this can be a powerful tool for personal growth! If you haven’t tried it yet, I urge you to try it! I can assure you; it will be an eye-opening experience where you will realize that this exercise reveals many moments in your past year where you will feel proud of yourself and also many moments that will teach you valuable lessons on the past mistakes so you can move on and progress from those experiences! 2023 was a very eventful year for me and my introspection process truly uncovered some key lessons which I am glad to share here!
LESSON #1: NUDGE YOURSELF What do I mean by that? I mean that do not look for external sources for inspiration for getting motivated to do things. Many times, external sources whether it is a positive upbeat song or a movie, whether it is a
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good friend nudging to keep trying harder or if you have a coach to keep you accountable - all of these are great to get you started on your goals but without a process of without selfmotivation we cannot get far! So often we find ourselves in that situation where we take up something and cannot complete it - I have personally faced similar challenges and what I have learned is that you and you alone need to develop that drive, that self-motivation to keep going and complete the task at hand. You need to nudge yourself, have a system where you reward yourself for every small win that will give you motivation to keep going further.