Karolina Sikala: Internship abroad: Reflecting on students learning. DEP 2019

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in making final decision about sending the student abroad, and, at the same time, to find the host that will match student’s expectations, which was already described before. The role of the host is very crucial to maximize the success of the student’s internship abroad. Success is not achieved only when the student stayed abroad for certain period, but also when he/she achieved learning goals that were agreed before the start of the internship in learning unit. During the internship, host is the one who spends a lot of time with students, and is responsible for their learning process by implementing different didactic approaches, which can be a challenge. Very often, they do not have any pedagogical experience; the teaching methods differ from country to country. Furthermore, the host should remember that the student found himself in the new working environment, new culture. He speaks other language, which makes his stay even more challenging. For this reason, in order to have impact on student success, a positive relation is important. The positive relation will increase the student’s skills and competences during the internship and make students satisfied with their progress (Sánchez et al., 2013). Host should be a guide and supporter for the student during his daily work, at the same time should keep record of progress. In addition, be in constant contact with the teacher/mentor from sending organization. At the end of the internship, the host, together with the student, makes assessment of the learning unit that will be validated back home. The last (but not least) stakeholder is the student. The success depends largely upon the student himself. During the internship, the student is expected to learn as much as possible and experience the culture in other country. In case of problems, immediate contact with sending organization must be taken. However, in order to ensure that the students learn during the internship, they should have clear functions, show interest in subject, for example by asking and answering questions (Lacotte 1994). Additionally, all stakeholders are important in an internship process, and they have benefits in participating in the process what can be motivating. According to Larkin & Beatson (2010), students gain experience, host has the possibility to recruit for fulltime employment after the internship, sending organization gains reputations. Furthermore, students with positive experience can be used as ambassadors, in promoting internship abroad at sending institution.

3.3 Didactic and learning In this section the Didactic Relationship Model by Hiim &Hippe, (2012) will be used, to provide a very useful framework to analyze internship process practiced at JU. Moreover, the model will help to analyze and critically evaluate the practice with collaboration with all stakeholders involved in the process. The model was chosen because of constructivist approaches for teaching and learning, which will be described in more detail below. The didactic relational model consist of six related elements (see figure 3) that have impact on each other. This means that one effect will have an impact on several key points. In this project, internship itself and the learning will be described and analyzed by using selected points as I found it more relevant.


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