Karolina Sikala: Internship abroad: Reflecting on students learning. DEP 2019

Page 38

Appendix 2. Questionnaire students. Why do you want to have your internship abroad? Wanted to travel to another country, and see how they worked in landscaping To get more experience in adapting to a workplace in another country To see how working conditions are abroad and to experience something different than danish gardening It hæs been a dream if mine, for a very long time. Få at blive beder Får at prøve krafter med en anden kultur og kom ned og prøve hvordan de arbejder Jeg vil rigtig gerne ud og opleve noget, og prøve nogle af mine grænser af. At lære nogle nye ting, i et andet land Fordi det er en enestående mulighed for at se hvordan et andet land arbejder inden for det felt Jeg synes det kunne være interessant at lære nye ting I want to travel and see what the world has to offer. And I would like to see what my field of choice is like in other countries To experience a different culture and work environment Lære mere og hvordan man passer dyr i andre kulturer Because I would like to expand my worldview, and see how it is working in a different culture than my own. I think it is a wonderful opportunity for travel, learning and meeting new people. Because i want to experience different cultures Experience and seeing other countries. Are you concerned of something before leaving? If yes, of what? No Getting through customs. If I have packed the right things. Will something go wrong underway? I can be concerned how much repeated work there is and if it will be very hard I am a bit concerned about wether i have prepared enough or if i am missing something Nej no Jeg føler, at jeg er forholdvis godt forberedt Ja, men det er i forbindelse med at jeg har børn derhjemme, men det hjælper meget at vi skal afsted 2 sammen Yes, all the technical stuff that could go wrong, like the plane is delayed or there is something wrong with my papers Just general nervousness about traveling, arriving and so on. Nej I am mostly excited, but it is of course a bit scary to be so far away, in a field I am not 100% sharp in yet. no, i am ready to leave No.


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