DERNEK BAŞKANI Yrd.Doç.Dr. Bilal Semih BOZDEMİR president@ppd.com.tr
Yrd.Doç.Dr. Bilal Semih BOZDEMİR, Dr.Meltem ÖZKANDAN, Cihan Melih BOZDEMİR, Murat YÜCEL, Fadime YEŞİLKAVAK
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“psikolojiM” Psikologlar ve Psikiyatristler Derneği Yayın Organıdır. ISSN : 2147-8813 Aylık, süreli yayın. Psikolojim dergisi T.C. yasalarına uygun olarak yayımlanmaktadır. Dergide yayınlanan içeriğin bir kısmı yada tamamı kaynak göstererek kullanılabilir. Kullanılan görsellerin yasal haklarından ve yazıların içeriklerinden yazarları sorumludur; tüzel kişileri bağlamaz.
psikolojiM Çeşitli Gelişmeler Editörden Zihinsel Canlandırma Bize daha ne lazım? Panik Bozukluk Panik Bozukluk Belirtileri Panik Bozukluk Tedavisi Panik Bozukluk ve Hipertansiyon İlişkisi Bengüce Mutluluk Bilgisayar ve İnternet Bağımlılığı Trafikteki Psikolojimiz Pedofili Öfke ve Şiddet Kontrolü 10 ALTIN Kural Polise Haber verin, öldürdüm onu Aldatılıyor muyum? (test)
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Ankara, MAYIS/2014 Psikologlar ve Psikiyatristler Derneği yayın organıdır. Web Adresimiz; http://www.psikolojim.com.tr
Bu ay neler var?
İMTİYAZ SAHİBİ Psikologlar ve Psikiyatristler Derneği İktisadi İşletmesi adına Timur TUNA
Developments With the happiness of waking up to a new day; we would like to welcome all of you to our second edition!
MerhabaDeğerliOkurlarımız; ( ç e v i r ) We prepared our second edition with the excitement of introducing our first edition earlier.
society. Together with the “Clinical Psychology and Psychologist Association” we launched Psychological Support Line in order to reach the entire society.
In our April edition, we mentioned about our purpose and said that we are not only providing a magazine but also reaching out to people who are interested in psychology, keeping up with the current agenda, targeting to add more knowledge to our colleagues. We are pleased to present My Psychology Magazine to our dear readers, which we believe will add knowledge to almost everyone.
We also became the founder member of “Federation of Psychologist” which is founded in order to support our colleagues in professional sense, and also to be beneficial to our citizens and entire world.
you that we signed a contract with International St. Clements University in order to work together on academic projects.
As an association our goal is to serve the community and we launched “Oscars of Psychology” project, which will be selecting amongst our colleagues. As a brand new and newly published magazine all the feedback, appreciation and critiques will encourage us to prepare From now on our associa- a better magazine. tion will provide all educational programs with the As you we all know, first step accreditation of many or- of the university admissions ganizations as well as with exam is recently completed the “Federation of Psycho- and students graded 180 and over will be participalogists” approval. We’ve worked hard to creating to Undergraduate Plate more awareness for our We would like to share with cement Examination (LYS)
starting from June 14th, Saturday 2014 until June 22nd. This exam is extremely important for the students and we would like wish best of the luck to all the students on this exam. We are happy to announce that we will be contributing to the students as much as we can in our next edition.
May 10th is World Psychologist Day, and we are celebrating our colleague’s and everyone who is devoted to psychology. Also with this occasion, we would like to celebrate our children’s “23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day” and all the youth’s -which we believe are investment of the future-“ 19 May the Commemoration of Ataturk, Youth and Sports Day.
Please ask your local retailers to provide our magazine to you, which will be covering “Text Anxiety” and “Exam Stress” topics so that you would know what to do DEVOTED TO ALL THE on the subjects which will MOTHERS… be covered with the help of Best Regards, professionals. We would like to ask all our readers to excuse us for all the typos.
Please send all your suggestions, request and complaints to okurtemsilcisi@psikolojim.com My Psychology, May 20/4
Dear Readers!
Assistant Professor Bilal Semih BOZDEMİR Association President
For centuries, societies made their biggest investments to defence, education and culture. However, it is interesting that defence and culture also comes out with education. Therefore, we can say that in history biggest investments made to education.
We did not have an intention of publishing an educational magazine. We wanted to focus on psychological developments; parallelism between technology and psychology; history and psychology; ways to feeling better and personal development. However, all of these subjects generated education. We wanted to turn this to an advantage for our readers and science community. We managed to achieve this by publishing a scientific and educational magazine. Therefore, with our second edition we wanted to enrich the content of our magazine. In this edition, you will find more scientific and educational content. You will realize that Internet and encyclopaedias are not the only source of finding this type of information but also see that our magazine provides a communication network. You will observe that every edition will not only looking for realities and confirms realities but also questions realities as well as being a gate to all other learning. This month we will be celebration three occasions. First of all, we will be celebrating Mother’s Day. There are not enough words to express how precious our mothers are. Mothers are the biggest gift of the Creator. Napoleon Bonaparte summaries the importance of motherhood on our society’s sanctity, courage and diligence with his great words “Give me good mothers, I shall give you a great nation”. Yet this month, we are celebrating the anniversary of our nation’s eagerness, diligence and proud. Since 1919, May 19th the Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day is a venerable day to remember our nation’s existence and success. There is a big responsibly for the youth such as to study, to be proud and to make sure their generations to praise of all this great success. This month we are also celebrating World Psychologists Day on May 10th. We wish this important day will be acknowledged more and better celebrated. All the complimentary books you obtained with the magazine are also provide such good information. With every page and sentence you will question new information and yourself. We will be proud to hear and read from you on how the magazine and the supplementary copies opens new horizons to your daily life, your own self. We are doing our best to state the term of “psychology” different from its daily usage. Your support will enable us to be stronger and faster. Best regards,
my psy cho logy 5
There are two fundamental subjects in education. First is raising trainer within the best conditions and second is trainer to have a great knowledge on the subjects of training.
My Psychology, May 20/4
VISUALISATION Although today’s world ruins our psychology with stress and emotional breakdowns if we manage to our mental power to be positive we will see that there won’t be any problems we can overcome.
Mental Visualisation Technique
We cannot even realize what we can achieve with our mental power because of the hectic life that we are living and determination to have better standards. People feel vulnerable and helpless because of the anxiety to shape up the future or emotional breakdowns.
Individual realizes that he/she is hopeless and needs guidance. One needs to know with mental visualisation techniques it is easy and comforting to have a better quality and comfortable life by releasing boredom and stress. In this respect, one can obtain information on how and in which direction mental power can be used with many different techniques.
Areas that Mental Visualisation Technique can be used for; Most common areas mental visualisation techniques used are; NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming), Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, EFT (Emotion Freedom Technique), EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Meditation, Bioenergy implementations, Reiki implementations, Ayurveda, Far East Cures. Mental visualisation technique is a must for personal development. Since the mental visualisation technique works both on conscious and subconscious levels completely during the sessions, it is possible to overcome 100% of the mental breakdowns and stress related problems. Additionally, this technique can be used to increase one’s personal performance and concentration. Such as; • Increasing individual’s motivation who are working on sport activities • Issues on weight gain and loss • Overcoming substance addiction • Overcoming psychological sexual problems • Managing stress related emotional breakdowns My Psychology, May 20/4
No matter how one’s the life standards are or one’s what the knowledge is, mental power can be used if there are any subjects that need to be overcome in one’s life, it needs to know how to overcome, find a solution and realize how to solve the problem alone. Mental power technique exists in every stage of personal development and applies from an easy mediation to hypnoses.
• Depressions • Fears, worry and anxiety • Self confidence and self respect insecurities With these techniques is possible to achieve concrete solutions. According ton international experiments, it is determined that even during the decision taking process individual’s subconscious take the decision six seconds before. Therefore, one needs to believe inevitably of the subconscious. Incorrect information that is under the subconscious causes taking wrong decisions. Because of this, all the incorrect information needs to be rearranged. Learned Helplessness Since you think that you cannot overcome these boundaries with your own rights, subconscious needs to be reprogrammed. • Do you have a goal? • What do you want to do? • How to be the person you want to be? • What are your expectations and how your expectations affects you? • How to live happy and increase your standards?
We should not di family, close family boundaries in fron extend our own b technique and ma information that w stick to any psycho
Most common areas mental visualization techniques used are;(Neuro-linguistic programming), Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, EFT (Emotion Freedom Technique), EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization andReprocessing, Meditation, Bioenergy implementations, Reiki implementations, Ayurveda, Far East Cures.
7 Mental Visualisation Technique
ÇAĞLAR SEZİŞ Hipnoterapist
isregard the information that our ly members and friends could sets nt of us since our childhood. We can barriers with mental visualisation anage to rearrange all the wrong we were imposed and should not ological problems.
If there are difficulties in these areas and you don’t know what to choose then you can be the person you want to be with mental visualisation technique which can be learned in a very short time. How to apply Mental Visualisation Technique? It’s a medical proven fact that there is an electrical energy flow between the neurons in our brain. Once we learn a new movement, neurons, which have no connection with one other, develop a new way and teach this movement to our body by being a link.
However, if this person relaxes his/her body and applies mental visualisation technique by detailing all the movements repeatedly and intensively the body will not get tired, stressed and self confidence will not decrease and will become successful. Considering all these we can say that, mental visualisation technique is a tool for one’s happiness, future, success and inner peace. Hope to see to meet in our new articles. Best Regards,
Such as, a person who drives for the first time stops the car for a couple of times and thinks when to shift, but makes mistakes during the first trials. However, after repeating over and over again succeeds. All the movements become a habit and during the movement thinking is no longer necessary. Because there is now a connection between the brain neurons and habit becomes the job of the subconscious. Now this person can think of something else and talk to other while driving. This learning process makes the person tired, causes to experience negative stress and decreasing self-confidence. My Psychology, May 20/4
Ali ÇİFCİ Ali ÇİFCİ was born in Yozgat in 1978, completed his primary and secondary education in Istanbul. After he received his bachelor’s degree in Gazi University he completed his masters degree in Gazi University on Elementary School Pedagogy, completed his masters degree in GOP University on Secondary School Pedagogy, completed his masters degree in St. Clement University on Clinical Psychology and completed his masters degree in Ankara University Human Relations. He is continuing his postgraduate degree. Ali Cifci wrote six books and he is the president of International Personal Development Federation. He is actively giving NLP, Life Coach and hypnosis trainings.
(from left) Bedri Eminsoy - Timur TUNA - Ali ÇİFCİ and members of Psychologist and Psychiatrists Association
Every year as Psychologist and Psychiatrists Association we decided to hold a competition and traditionally give a psychology award to our precious colleagues who are working on psychology in order to honour them. As in previous year again in 2013 through the trainings programs of our association and with many suggestions of our trainers, our board of director awarded the psychologist of the year to Ali Cifci on 05.01.2014 with 2014/02 numbered approval. We celebrate our expert as Psychologist and Psychiatrists Association and wish him a lifetime success.
To announce with respect to the public Psychologist and Psychiatrists Association Board of Directors
What do we do?
• With certified “Basic Psychology Training” we gave trainings to 75,000 people for free • With certified General Psychology Training we improved people’s psychology knowledge for free • With certified “Personality General Psychology Training” we taught our users the basics of personality psychology • With certified “Stress and Managing Stress” trainings we continue to create awareness on our community on today’s sickness “Stress” for free • With certified “Basic Quantum Thinking Techniques” trainings we trained our trainers on quantum thinking • With certified “Dealing with Anxiety” training we trained our community on managing and dealing with stress • With certified “Family Psychology” training we got to the bottom of family which is essential to social structure • We raised leaders with certified “Becoming a Successful Leader” training • With certified “Work and Labour Psychology” training we overcome psychological boundaries problems in working life • With certified “Character Analysis” training we helped trainers to get to know the others people instantly • With free HD quality education sets we became a part of the community • For our member colleagues 7/24 free psychological help line is started as a trial • We give franchises in Turkey and abroad It is our duty to serve our countryman. We are proud of fulfilling our duties and responsibilities. As Psychologist and Psychiatrists Association we will continue to be next to our society. Assistant Professor Doctor Bilal Semih BOZDEMİR President
participate life! Psychologist and Psychiatrists Association www.ppd.com.tr 444 1 659
What do we need more?
what do
we need more? Humans are geniuses, the highest of all the creatures who can make and rule. It has been said that mind needs to be known. Mind is a holistic asset, which has a body and spirit with biologic, psychological, energetic and social aspects. It has been said that mind needs to rule its values. What differs humans from the other creatures is their conscious movements and ability of thinking, his values and beliefs, morality based patterns and motifs overlap in environmental areas. It has been said that humans needs to realize their differentiation. Humans are proactive creatures who can put their thoughts and behaviours in order with their own will. They say the radius of human’s actions needs to be increased. Although other creatures live with all kinds of instincts, humans are social creatures by speaking with each other and with their own personalities they can communication and interaction with others. It has been said that human needs to be shared.
My Psychology, May 20/4
When human receive the information they code it their subconscious and be taking the experiences as references they see life. They warn that right and good needs to be showed to human. With all the information and abilities human gain through socialisation, humans are included in the scope of all time formatives. It has been said that human wants to be educated and improved. Humans had behaviours, wishes, and needs therefore a lot of effort and drive is needed for the ones who have less information and experiences in international relations. The aim is to know that everyone is different and this needs to be accepted. Humans are born with abilities,
mysteries, and selected experiences. Humans wait for various projects to explore and to find. So what do you think needs to be done in order to use the human source properly? Many verbiages state that human needs to be recognized in other words all the physical, spiritual and cultural qualifications needs to be learned and known. In my opinion, humans who wants to discover, examine, consider, legitimize and know find their hidden, undeveloped power and abilities so develop and improve themselves, by get to know themselves human tries to learn their unknown aspects and decrease their not reflected sides.
11 What do we need more?
Human can be examined and considered as a developing living with biological and physical qualifications, amongst living creatures a person with top brain functions, an individual who speaks in different languages and grows up in different cultures with significant values, when looked as a living organism, as person and cultured individuals.
By knowing sensing systems, each person develops his education through his existence capacity. By this way, human strengthens his personality by gaining characteristic of his existence, by controlling the emotions and behaviours he does not want or like; such as anger easily. We know that there are many different techniques and methods of knowing an individual. From his subconscious behaviours, colours he choose, way of dressing, gestures to mimics, the way he sits, the way he sleeps there are many different ways to examine individuals through scientific methods by perception and learning tests. One of the outstanding from these methods is observation technique. Through this method his behaviours
are monitored in different times, in working environments and conditions, and through this learning his future reactions can be predicted such situations. By the way we would like to add that each person’s behaviour in working environment and its conditions are one of a kind. In other words, even stimulant conditions are the same or equal; people are affected through them by their own personality and react on their own way. Because of these behaviours it is hard to understand and manage humans in work life. Before management, empathy and seeing pathology, understanding an individual and choosing to listen, accepting him as he is, acknowledge the individual is needed. The factor creates his behaviour is a reflection of his personality and his total values, belief, norms, attitudes, interest, habit, identity characteristics. Human behaviours has biological, physiological, social and cultural basis. All human are created equal and each
person has developable potentials almost unlimited sizes. As this sounds great doesn’t the situation really changes a lot under different circumstance? Contemporary science today accepts humans are created with natural genetic potentials, today says that our genetic factors can be change on a limited scale by the power of environmental factors and the power of education.It is time to create a difference and waking up; in heritage and continuing generations, reproduction, growing up, nourishment and quality of life. Therefore what do we need more in order to reach being the value of human and unknown called human?
Arzu CİVAK Personal Development Specialist
I think humans will find new ways to find new solutions when they examine themselves in order to find real person inside them, when they understand the reasons of their emotions, thoughts and behaviours they will develop, change and control them if needed.
My Psychology, May 20/4
Panic disorder
This scientific study examines the patients who have anxiety because of somatic symptoms together with panic disorder. Patients with panic disorder have extreme fear of death and heart attack anxiety as well as loosing control and going mad. These called anxiety symptoms, and dizziness, blackouts, feeling of choking, shortness of breath, palpitation, chest distress and pain, nausea, sweating, abdominal pain, shaking, chills, numbness and tingling accompanied to panic attacks. Many experts do not mention this but as well as these symptoms sometimes hypertension occurs. During panic attacks because of heart vessel contraction and heart acceleration blood pressure increases. This is called “labile tension”. Because of this increase, patients usually diagnose with hypertension and drug treatment to lower the tension is begins. Patients diagnosed with panic attack think that they have hypertension and start to focus on physical symptoms such as increasing blood pressure, that they will have cerebral haemorrhage and life quality of the patient gets worse. In this study, we aim to give information to patients who have panic disorder and increasing blood pressure during panic attacks which we think help to will increase the life quality of the patients.
Somatic symptoms during panic attacks cause the patients to focus on their body. Patients especially think that they will have cerebral haemorrhage because of increasing blood pressure caused by anxiety. Because of blood pressure, respiratory system, gastrointestinal complains which occurs from time to time, patients go to internal medicine or to emergency services. After the examinations and tests no organic diagnoses occur. Therefore patients My Psychology, May 20/4
referred to psychiatry service and diagnose with panic attack disorder after psychiatric evaluation. Antidepressant or anxiolytic drugs are written to patients who have referred psychiatry service if it is necessary. According to a scientific research on panic disorder and its treatments called “Patients diagnosed with Panic Disorder and its treatments and the usage rate of Psychotherapy ” cognitive and behavioural therapy methods are almost not used.
The treatment method which does not cover psychotherapy the patient cannot acknowdge his sickenss and because of the physical symptoms. The treatment method, which does not cover psychotherapy, patient cannot acknowledge their sickness and because of somatic symptoms panic attacks and anxiety increases. Patient’s life quality ruins because of this vicious circle since the patients have symptoms such as panic attack,
expectation anxiety, agoraphobia.
“ and
Patients diagnosed with panic disorder especially have fear of cerebral haemorrhage anxiety impacting their life negatively. Patients usually don’t mention their concerns and this situation causes no awareness to support them. It has been aimed to tell them that they are not hypertension patients and during panic attacks blood pressure increases due to panic disorder and this is a temporary situation.
Panic attack diagnose is only when panic attacks happen.
Ali TURAN BARNİÇ St. Clements University Doctoral Seminar
What is Panic means? In Turkey panic disorder is usually called panic attack. Although these two terms are different because of the course and additional symptoms society calls this panic attacks.
What is Panic means? In Turkey panic disorder is usually called panic attack. In Turkey panic disorder is usually called panic attack. Although these two terms are different because of the course and additional symptoms society calls this panic attacks. Also many psychiatrist calls the same. Panic word comes from Greek Mythology term panikos=pan. Paniskos is the only mortal God. (Kalyoncu, 2011 s, 92). Behcet Necatigil tells about this legend in his book called
“Mythology with 100 Questions”. In hilly Arkadia, Goat footed Pan is the God of shepherds and small cattle, son of Hermes. Pan used to be goat headed once Gods were thought to appear as animals rather than humans, then his goat head only left with horns and beard and became a human face. Azra Erhat describes Pan in this mythology dictionary, as “Pan likes his shepherd’s pipe, chased beautiful Nympha just like horny goats.
During hot summer middays when people and animals were sleeping he used to make unexpected noises and used to panic everyone. After the Marathon night he scared Persians like this, therefore Athenians made a temple for Pan by the foothills of Acropolis. Since Pan means “whole” mystics honoured Pan as a do it all God. (Köknel, 2007; 2). Panic Disorder
Panic disorder is common among patients consulting to primary health care institutions. World Health Organization’s international research ICD-10 shows that lifetime prevalence of panic attack is 3.4% among patients consulting to primary health care institutions (Wiley, 1995).
13 Panic disorder
Panic disorder has panic attacks as well as anticipation disorder. With the anticipation anxiety patients has expectation and anxiety for panic attacks. Comparing to panic attacks panic disorder does not have anticipation anxiety. Panic disorder starts all of a sudden with sudden explosions. With panic attack patients have anticipation anxiety and agoraphobia (avoidance behaviour).
Patients with panic disorder usually refer to internal medicine or cardiology. 16% of the patients who refer to cardiology and 35% patients with hyperventilation concerns diagnosed with panic disorder (Dunitz, 1999). Panic disorder occurs more often between the ages of 17-30. Occurrence after age 45 is unusual. After 45 usually a biological disorder causes unusual panic attacks. Psychiatrist usually evaluates this situation. Panic disorder happens more in women than men. Different reasons emerges panic disorder. Panic attacks happening without any specific reason are called “unexpected” panic attacks. Panic attacks happening because of a particular situation are called “situational susceptibility”. Other panic attack types are happening after situational stimuli are called “situational” panic attacks. (Tükel, 2002; 1).
Today panic disorder is called panic attack. However these two terms are completely My Psychology, May 20/4
Panic disorder
Symptoms of Panic Symptoms of Panic Disorder We can describe panic disorder in two ways: Physical Symptoms: 1.Heart palpitations, feeling of the heartbeat and heart beat reaching high numbers. 2.Feeling weight in the chest, 3.Shortness of breath, 4.Pressure and pain in the chest 5.Feeling of suffocated, 6.Dizziness, feeling of falling down and imbalances in the body, 7.Blackout, 8.Hypertension, 9.High or low blood, especially hot flashes in ears and cheeks 10.Excessive body shake, 11.Feeling like something falling down to stomach 12.Palms sweating,
13.Nausea or diarrhea, 14.Dryness in the mouth, 15.Feeling a punch in the throat, 16.Having unreal thoughts, 17.Inability to think clearly, 18.Feeling of being partially paralyzed Main Psychological symptom of panic disorder is dying as well as;
1.I am dying 2.I am having a heart attack 3.I am loosing my mind 4.I will loose my control 5.I will not breath and die 6.I am having a stroke 7.My blood pressure is so high, I will have cerebral ha-
My Psychology, May 20/4
emorrhage 8.Counting the pules and panicking if its less than 60 or more than 80 in a minute, 9.Thinking of being a hypertension, blood pressure and cardiac patient. Agoraphobia Some researches indicate that agoraphobia happens together with panic attacks. But today psychiatry diagnoses criteria state that panic attacks can happen without agoraphobia. Avoidance behaviour happens in many patients with panic disorder patients. Du-
ring the panic attacks patients feels that there is no escape so avoid the places where they cannot get help. Patients with agoraphobia avoid situations such as; going to a shopping mall, metro, metro bus, bridges, ferry; stuck in the traffic, flights, long bus trips, going to a hair dresser, not going to hospitals, not getting blood pressure checks, cannot hang out at local bazaars or crowded streets. lerler.
For some people agoraphobia is a mild situation such as they can only scare to have a panic attack during flights, and some of them avoid this situation. For some patients agoraphobia happen very stronglt that the person even cannot leave their home. Patients with panic disorder have a mixture of these situations. (Köroğlu, 2006; 15). Patients with panic attack diagnoses, agoraphobia happens to 50% to 70%. According to a research conducted by DEPAM states that 65% of panic disorder patients have agoraphobia. (Kaya, 2010; 112). DSM-IV Agoraphobia diagnosis criteria: A.Feeling anxiety during unexpected or situational disposition or having symptoms similar to panic, avoiding places or situations where feeling not able to get help or hard to escape (or may cause anxiety). Being alone outside the house, being in a crowded place or waiting in a line, being on a bridge or in a bus, having a train or bus journey are acrophobia fears.
B.Person avoids these situations in order not to have panic attack/panic like symptoms or put up with the situation or needs someone to accompany to them. C.The anxiety or avoidance phobia, social phobia (e.g. Avoiding social situations because of shame), specific phobia (e.g. avoiding single situations like elevators), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (e.g. avoiding dirt due obsession about contamination), posttraumatic stress disorder (e.g. avoiding a severe stressor associated with stimuli), or separation anxiety disorder (e.g. avoid being separated from home or relatives) cannot be explained with any other mental disorder.
Marks described agoraphobia as scared of being in crowded places.
Relations between panic attacks and agoraphobia Many researches conducted in order to find out the relationship between panic disorder and agoraphobia. If agoraphobia accompanies the panic disorder the treatment is longer and harder. According to many reaches, panic attack patients without agoraphobia response time to the treatment are shorter. Agoraphobia is coming from the Greek word “agora”. May writers described agoraphobia as the fear of being outside. Marks described agoraphobia as scared of being in crowded places. Considered agoraphobia is a phobic disorder occurring because of outside stimuli. (Marks, 1970; 538-553). Clinical observations show that being away from the environment or people that ones used to or feel safe psychologically, comes with agoraphobia as well as being in common places. Honestly it is attention grabbing that, with agoraphobics in situations where going to a safe zone is not possible (e.g. home or familiar environment) tendency to fear
15 Panic disorder
s c i l t t a s a i t c h i t a St ow olog are sh sych ers . p isord sing d crea ay? in ut w B
occurs. (Tükel, 2002; 2).” de, agorafobiklerin kolayca “güvenli bölgelere” (ev, alışık olunan çevre vb.) çekilmelerinin mümkün olmadığı durumlardan korkma eğilimleri dikkat çekicidir (Tükel, 2002; 2).” Anticipation Anxiety Patients taken to the hospitals after the first panic attacks are nervous and anxious. Patients are feared of having a new attack. This anxious waiting is called “anticipation anxiety” (Kalyoncu, 2011). Patients have intense fear because of the outcomes of a possible attack. Restlessness, anxiety, and a new panic fear because of the anticipation anxiety causes another panic attack risk. ( Tükel, 2012). Anticipation anxiety three elements:
1.Waiting anxiously for a new panic attack to come, intense negative thoughts 2.I will have another panic attack. I will be vulnerable 3.Because of the anxious anticipation patients focus on to physical symptoms.
My Psychology, May 20/4
Epidemiology The lifetime prevalence of panic disorder was found to be 0.7 to 2.0%. Panic disorder often begins between the ages of 18-25 but may start later. (T u kel, 1997 s, 12). In women panic attack happens 2 to 3 times more than men. (Kalyon¬cu, 2011 s, 94).
Panic disorder
According to some reaches 18% of adult and adolescent patients with panic disorder starts to have panic attack symptoms before they are 10 years old (Gökler, 2005, 83-91). In a study conducted with samples from ten to seventeen years of age the prevalence of panic disorder it has emerged by 0.6% (Aysev ve Taner, 2007).
Panic disorders starts with sudden explosions. It’s a kind of disorder that the patient having anticipation disorder for coming attacks and acting agoraphobia (avoidance behaviour).
Comorbidity Comorbid psychopathology and panic disorder are common with other psychiatric disorders. Other anxiety disorders; phobias and depression are seen more common in patients with panic disorder in the general population. (Aysev ve Taner 2007). In panic disorder depression (50-65%), epidemic anxiety disorder (25%), social phobia (15-30%), specific phobia (1020%), obsessive-compulsive disorder (10-20%). The emergence of a sudden attack in the panic disorder, the lack of evidence for other diseases other psychiatric disorders from panic disorder. (Tural, 2012 s, 19). Etiology Psychoanalytic Views Psychoanalytic theory claims that panic attacks happen because of failed stimulus against a defence. Parental loss and separation anxiety experienced during childhood are stated in the emergence of agoraphobia. To be alone and abandonment anxiety in social life leads to the re-emergence of childhood anxiety.
Once childhood separation anxiety reoccurs defence mechanisms such as suppression, relocation and avoidance will come into place again.
The results of this study showed that, in panic disorder, biological causes are extremely important.
predisposition in panic attacks.
The separation anxiety experienced during childhood can affect the developing nervous system of children. During development of the nervous system is affected, in adulthood the person may predispose to anxiety. On ground neurophysiological, environmental factors and interactions may occur as a result of stress or panic attacks (Kaplan ve Sadock, 2004).
Several researches on panic disorder show that environmental conditions based by genetic predisposition and interactions with genetic predisposition. There are some researches conducted amongst the twins’ shows that panic attacks develop with genetic influences. (Tükel, 1997).
Learning is the result of the experience and information. Time to time wrong stimuli caused by negative learning (opposite to positive learning) causes panic attacks in patience with panic disorders. We come under the influence of negative thoughts and emotions that wrong stimulus caused by panic disorder.
Biological Factors In researches on the biological effects its been focused of panic disorder, the limbic system (it is stated to have impact on anticipation anxiety), brainstem (locus ceruleus noradrenergic neurons and medium serotonergic neurons of the raphe nucleus), prefrontal cortex (probably is responsibility for the emergence of phobic avoiding) (Kaplan and Sadock, 2004, 189-219). My Psychology, May 20/4
In a family study, three children out of four started to have panic attacks at certain ages. Two brothers had the panic attacks when they are eighteen. One of the brothers had panic disorder accompanied by agoraphobia, but the other brother panic disorder accompanied by without agoraphobia. The other brother had the panic attack later when he was 38. After evaluating their parents it was revealed that the mother had pandemic anxiety disorder. Even this brief family research shows the importance of genetic
Theory of Learning
Learned helplessness is a boundary against panic disorder treatments. According to researched Seligman conducted learned helplessness is a root cause of panic disorders, depression, phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorder (Köknel, 2007, 47). Learned helplessness in panic disorder causes the patient to have constant anxiety and fear. Patient might not aware of helplessness.
Stressful Life Events
According to cognitive model, key to the panic disorder is a catastrophic scenario. After the first panic attack experienced, patients have cognitive distortions. According to Clark psychical indications that are interpreted as catastrophic (such as tachycardia interpreted as hear attack) causes panic attacks. (Tural, 2012). Cognitive distortions in panic attacks create a vicious circle. This vicious circle makes patience more anxious and causes new panic attacks. Early Life Situations Some researches on panic attack show that loosing a parent, sexual harassment and rape physical abuse are influential during early life. One study shows that out 8% of patients experienced sexual and 12% of the patients experienced physical abuse. (Breier et al. 1985; 787-797). Separation anxiety It has been argued that separation anxiety during childhood is an important factor for panic disorder to develop. Some reaches show that patients experienced separation anxiety that diagnosed with panic disorder. (Aysev ve Taner, 2007).
Some reaches shows that patients diagnosed with panic attacks were in stressful environments before the disorder starts. This stressful situation causes the disorder to occur.
17 Panic disorder
Cognitive Model
2/3 of these patients had a stressful situation six months before the panic attack starts. (Breier et al. 1985; 787-797). According to researches these stressful life events such as loosing a close person(17%), problems a the work place(17%), breaking up with a loved one (14%) are the findings. (Tükel, 2014 s, 4). This negative stressful life events causes psychological and neurobiological ground panic disorders to develop. (Sevinçok ve Akoğlu, 2001; 215-227). Existing problems, working hard or daily problems may trigger the panic attack in the patient. This is resulted as the avoidance from daily unpleasant situations. This avoidance is different than agoraphobia. This behaviors can be considered as avoiding to get hurt. (Onur vd. 2004; 215-227). Genetic susceptibility and experiencing stressful situations patients diagnosed with panic disorder have anxiety, depression and somatization more. (Se¬vinçok ve Akoğlu, 2001; 215¬227).
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Panic disorder
Panic Disorder Treatment
Prognostic: In panic disorder the prognostic of the sickness varies from patient to patients depending of patient’s adaptation to the treatment, choosing psychotherapy as well as the medicine and other supporting treatments. Panic disorders usually start during 16-25 but may start later. It is very rare panic disorders to start after 45 or during childhood. Panic disorder is repeatable and constant. (Kaplan ve Sadock 1995, 1998, 594-602). According to some researches, 25%-72&% of patients recover within the two years of the treatment, within five to ten years 10%-30% of the patents are fully recovered. (Altıntaş, 2006, s, 16).
Panic attacks ruin the life quality. Patience face many negative emotions and behaviours. This unpleased situation ruins patients’ financial situation, work, family relations and once the life quality ruins patience’s social functions ruins.
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If there is depressions with panic attacks the sickness takes longer and with the anxiety; signs are more severe, more frequent phobic avoidances and more panic attacks happen. (Noyes, et al 1990, 809)
Patients diagnosed with panic disorder have severe anxiety because of psychical symptoms. They live with having cerebral haemorrhage fear because of increasing blood pressure, they fear of being a cardiac patient, because of having hypertension although they are young, and they have the fear of dying suddenly because of a heart attack during panic attacks.
Although after the treatment most of the patients recover later on tin life it is possible the disorder reoccurs. Some patients use medicine for the rest of their life. Differential Diagnoses: Before the patients diagnosed with panic disorders differential diagnoses needs to be done. Recent researches shows that some patients have panic attacks because of physical symptoms. (Kök- nel, 2004, s, 154). Panic disorder sometimes mistaken with below physical and mental sicknesses Physical Disorders Differential Diagnosis: • Withdrawal syndrome (alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates) • Entoksikasyon (alkol, benzodiazepin, amfetamin, kafein,kokain) • Menopoz • Anemi
If there is agoraphobia with panic disorder since there are avoidance behaviour, the sickness takes longer and more severe. Although avoidance behaviours happen because of agoraphobia decreases treatment speed and panic attacks continue.
Developmental Hypothesis: Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst John Bowlby developed a hypothesis. He takes the attention of instinctual motives while describing anxiety. The most instinct is addiction is attachment. Attachment and fear of loosing creates anxiety. Anxiety is a complex situation where fear exists within. (Kaya, 2010,110).
Endokrin hastalıklar: • Hipertiroidi • Hipoglisemi • Feokromositoma • Hipoparatiroidi • Cushing hastalığı
Heart disease: •Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia •Angina pectoris •Mitral valve prolapse Breast disorders: • Bronchial asthma • Pulmonary embolism • Cchronic obstructive pulmonary disease Neurological diseases: •Transient ischemic attack •Complex-partial seizures •Migraine Psychiatric disorders that may cause a panic attack: 1.Depression 2.Agoraphobia 3.Common anxiety disorder 4.Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 5.Social phobia 6.Alcohol and substance use disorders 7.Post-traumatic stress disorder 8. Manic depressive (bipolar disorder) 9.Some schizophrenic disorders 10.Somatoform disorder 11.Hipokodriasis (hypochondria)
Panic Disorder Treatment Patients diagnosed panic disorder ruins the life quality of the patients with physical symptoms of panic attacks, agoraphobia (avoidance behaviour) and this becomes intolerable anxiety.
Drug treatment: with the panic disorder drug treatment for anxiety and attacks medicine, agoraphobia (avoiding conception), depression obsessive-compulsive neurosis psychotropic drugs can be used. These drugs affect the central nervous system; the correct behaviour deteriorated due to illness and the person’s functionality corrects harmony with the outside world. With these drugs behaviours and skills are rearrange but new behaviours and skills cannot be obtained. Antidepressants: Patience with panic disorder uses antidepressant medicines. Antidepressants are used for other psychiatric for years. This group of medicine is used with panic disorders with trust. Even there are depression symptoms or not ,in order to cure the panic and anxiety these medicines helps to achieve the desired treatment. (Köroğlu, 2006, 117). Antianxiety Drugs: benzodiazepine type of medicines prescribed as antianxiety treatment with anxiety treatment. In Turkey; Alprazolam (Xanax), Diazepam (Diazem), clonazepam (Rivotril) ve Klonazpamin are most commonly used drugs. (Köroğlu, 2006, 120). Other Drugs: The effectiveness of suplematary medicine is not proven are not because not enough researches are conducted to cure the panic attacks such as (karbama- zepin, valproat), beta blockers (propra- nolol, atenolol, pindolol), calsium channel blockers and buspiron. (APA 1998). For this reasons these medicines cannot be used as primary treatment. (Alkın, 2002i,26) These are usually supplementary medicine.
The importance of psychotherapy in panic disorder can be described as this; imagine your brain is a computer and you need a keyboard to use the computer. Computer does the order of the keyboard. Psychotherapy reminds the importance of panic button to the patient and tells the importance of this button to the patients. Positive thoughts trigger the negative thoughts, negative thoughts and emotions reveals the somatic symptoms. This will end up with panic attacks. Psychotherapy aims to recover this negative thoughts, emotions and behaviours once the panic button is used. If you think your brain as computer psychotherapy resets the computer and aims to learn and apply the keys and the functions while treating the panic disorder medicine and psychotherapy device and be used in addition alternative treatments. Not all the treatments are right for each patient. Alternative treatments are (Kaya, 2010, 171-176): Acupuncture, EFT, TMS, yoga, meditation and NLP.
19 Panic disorder
Panic disorder is a psychiatric disorder that can be treated very easily today. This form of treatment is continued until a specialist physician follow-up and provided with the necessary relief for patients with patient ‘s compliance with treatment. The following describes methods used in the treatment of panic disorder:
Diğer alternatif tedaviler: Panik bozukluk tedavisinde ilaç+psikoterapi harici bazı alternatif tedavilerde ek olarak uygulanmaktadır. Bu tedaviler bazen her hastaya uygun olmayabilir. Alternatif tedaviler şunlardır (Kaya, 2010; 171-176): Akapuntur, eft, tms, yoga-meditasyon, nlp.
a physiological sickness with which is easily treatable
“ Today panic disorder is
Psychotherapy: Broad description to psychotherapy is changing and treating the emotions and behaviours with patience and doctor collaboration. Specialist can evaluate patience diagnoses and emotions; and psychoanalytic, cognitive, humanist psychochemical can be applied. It has been proven that for panic disorder and with other anxiety disorders (anxiety disorders) cognitive-behavioural treatments are effective. Also in panic disorders this approach helps together with medicine. Once psychotherapy is especially used with cognitive-behavioural as well as the medicine treatment the treatment of patients is shorter and the results are permanent.
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Panic Disorder and Hypertension Usually panic disorder patients have hypertension. Blood pressure increase because of vasoconstriction and increasing heart beats. Increasing and decreasing blood pressure could be a sign for panic disorder. Because of this, patience diagnoses with hypertension and treatment starts. (Engin, 2014).
Panic disorder
White Coat Hypertension: White coat hypertension increases when someone is in a hospital; the reason is of this situation not identified. Its been assumed that the patients feel anxiety and stress once he is in the hospital. (Arıkan, 2014) Especially patients with panic disorders the blood pressure increase at the hospitals, these symptom’s correlation between anxiety and stress. When to diagnose with Hypertension: Hypertension blood pressure diagnosed after a couple of tests, once the average is 140/90 mmHg and higher. Heart is a pump that sends blood to arteries. Blood pressure needs to be counting three times a day in different days and average of these needs to be taken. Average blood pressure is 120/ 80. If it’s more than 140/90 it is called hypertension. Hypertension patience has a risk of cardiac and vein sicknesses. You
can see the hypertension graphic next:
“Panic disorder
Treatment of Panic disorder treatment accompanying with hypertension: Patients with panic disorder together with hypertension can be treated together. Especially during panic attacks blood pressure can increase because of stress and anxiety. During treatment of panic disorder treatment accompanying with hypertension beta-blockers can be used.
It is very important that, treatment of panic disorder treatment accompanying with hypertension needs to be completed with differential diagnoses since hypertension symptoms might look like panic attack symptoms. Treatment of panic disorder accompanying with hypertension needs to be evaluated by a specialist and diagnosing if it’s a panic attack or not needs to be identified. Counting the blood pressure at home or at the hospital will help the specialist. Usually blood pressure is normal at home.
and hypertension
Blood Pressure (mmHg) Normal 120/80 mmHg or less Hypertension Canditate 120-139 /80-89 mmHg Phase I 140-159 /90-99 mmHg Phase II 160-170 /100-109 mmHg Phase III 180/100 mmHg or higher Hypertension severity graphic You can reach the source list used by the writer at http://www.psikolojim.com.tr
Heart sends the blood to the veins. After the pump heart loosens up. Once the heart tightens while sending the blood it is called systoles, and once the heart loosens up its diastole. (Engin, 2014).
Conclusion We live in the era of anxiety. Panic disorder is the most important physiopathology of our century. Today, this disease can be cured easily. Patients have a bad quality of life whose have panic disorders. Most of the patients have work, school, family and social function problems. With panic attacks patience think they have a heart attack and stroke as well as hypertension anxiety. Once the patience diagnosed with hypertension patience’s cognitive distortions gets severe. Average blood pressure is 120/80. Once it is above there is a risk of hypertension. Blood pressure above 140/90 is a possible indicator of hypertension. Blood pressure needs to be counting three times a day in different days and average needs to be taken and needs to be evaluated by specialists.
There is relation between anxiety and high blood pressure. A research conducted in France (1389) shows that patience with anxiety has higher blood pressure (Ögel, 2014). In this study the relation between hypertension and anxiety is not clear but once the hypertension accompanies to panic attacks the blood pressure stay high for a long time. Once the patient is calmer blood pressure decreases. During panic attacks anxiety medicine makes the patient calmer and blood pressure decreases to normal levels. Blood pressure increase and decrease during panic disorder called labile tension in daily life. In summary, panic disorder is very important nowadays because of psychical and psychological symptoms panic disorder amongst psychopathologies. With the anticipation anxiety patients have the anxiety of new panic attack. Patients misunderstand the physical symptoms because of cognitive distortions during panic attacks. These cognitive distortions evaluate fast heartbeats as having a heart attack or dying. These cognitive distortions focuses thought such as severe sickness (heart diseases or hypertension) and feeling the body (counting pulse, blood pressure) and causes negative behaviour.
In panic attacks first step is drug treatment. Cognitive behavioural psychotherapy is the other treatment method that achieves successful results. Especially with cognitive behavioural psychotherapy patience understands if is blood tension sickness or which conditions needs to happen needs to be explained. These physical symptoms happening because of panic disorder needs to be explained to the patient whilst continuing the treatment. With drug treatment and psychotherapy both reaching to biological balance and psychological recovery patience faces with anxiety and fears and treatment happens.
The reason of this study is during panic disorders panic attacks and during anxiety blood pressure increases and this is a result of the sickness, and the patience is does not have hypertension sickness. Of course panic disorder and hypertension differential diagnosis needs to be done. For example 20% of hypertension patience has symptoms similar to panic attacks. This description needs to be evaluated with by specialists.
Before changing the world we need make a couple of changes in ourselves. We can start this from making the people around us happy. Be empathic and just watch their happiness. You will realize their smile. Don’t forget to make sure your intentions are good; you are looking at the right direction when you are alone and love.
Happiness is finding the serenity. Be restful. Leave your dominant, vulnerable and pitiful side. It is your choice to look at the situations from a positive perspective, look at the full side of the world. Smiling will make you happy and will also affect other people’s energy positively. Increase your capacity of loving. Do not look for a reason to love something or someone, and don’t have any expectations. - Don’t look for excuses: Biggest enemy of reaching to success is finding excuses. Complaints around our environment, economical situation, family and friends are viruses that keep you away from success. Instead of finding excuses we need to find solutions. We need to set a goal, make a decision and more importantly you need to believe that you can be successful. You also need to make sacrifices that will follow. The key to success is effort. You need to sleep less and work harder. - Don’t be selfish: Everyone is a little bit selfish. Selfishness is one of the basic motives in today’s world where competition rules. If we replace having the best and charming instead of sharing and cooperation we will feel better, feel joy and happiness since we will socialize faster. Selfish person put own self in the centre of everything. Thinks everything and all the circumstances needs to shape according to him but is wrong. This is nothing but being alone. Selfish person puts his friends and family’s wishes, happiness and likes to a side. Because other people’s happiness, sadness or wishes are not important at all. Day by day, this tunes to an obnoxious situation. Many marriages, friendships and partnerships, family relations, relations with relatives come to an end because of narcissism and egoism of selfish people. Bernice Peers quotes “The egotist always hurts the one he loves-himself” - Do not want everything as it is the only condition of happiness: Because wishes never come to an end. Human being is insatiate and since the first day of existence asked for more. If you want things that you cannot have, you become unhappy. This is not good for your inner pea-
ce. You can think that you would be the happiest person on earth once you have everything you wanted. This will not take long and right away you will ask for more. Asking and having is not only conditions of happiness. This only block outs your need for happiness for a short time. ağır basacaktır. Mutluluğun tek koşulu istemek ve elde etmek değildir. Bu sadece kısa süreli mutluluk ihtiyacınızı bastırmaktır. - Be yourself: Don’t act and fake. If you are original it is easier to be objective. Get to know yourself and don’t alienate yourself from your own self. Make sure all your behaviours are like yourself like when you are smiling and crying. Of course everyone needs to improve his nature but roles we pick up makes us fall apart from others, situations and more importantly from you your ego. People exist with their emotions, decisions and success. If a person acts different that his real self he cannot be mature, be noticeable and becomes just like a manufactured product. Never separate from your own nature. Because the essence you hide has the solution for everything including happiness. I am one of the people who believe that angels hide happiness inside of us. Don’t look for happiness everywhere, in politics, in the jungle or between the waves, in the wine glass or in the power of money. If you want to find the happiness and find the answer for real happiness you don’t need to go far. You are the happiness and pleasure to waking up to a new morning. Before changing the world we need make a couple of changes in ourselves. We can start this from making the people around us happy. Be empathic and just watch their happiness. You will realize their smile. Don’t forget to make sure your intentions are good; you are looking at the right direction when you are alone and love. Once we put our heart and emotions in parallel to our brain and use it correctly, we can live happily and with quality.
Bengü AYTEM Trainer
Bilgisayar ve İnternet Bağımlılığı
Çağın hastalığı olara k nitelendirilen bilgis ay bağımlılığı, gün geçti kçe hepimizi esir alm ar, internet ve oyun aya devam ediyor!
Blgsyr Bni esr mi aldn? :-) Aslında hepimizin bildiği, sebeplerini ve sonuçlarını idrak edebildiğimiz ancak ne kendimiz ne de çevremiz için önlem almayı kolay kolay başaramadığımız bir konudur “bilgisayar bağımlılığı”. Özellikle bilgisayar bağımlılığının neden olduğu, sonuçları ve etkilerinden nasıl kurtulacağımız ile ilgili kısa bilgilerle yetineceğimiz bu yazımızda, ama özellikle kendimizin, çevremizin ve çocuklarımızın bu bağımlılıktan nasıl kurtulacağı ile ilgili araştırma sonuçlarını inceleyeceğiz, bu sonuçların nasıl uygulanabilir olduğuna bakacağız, önlem almayı caydrıma yöntemleri değil de sevdirerek nasıl başarabileceğimizi düşünecek ve istediğimiz sonucu pratik yöntemlerle kendimizin nasıl gerçekleştirebileceğimizi düşüneceğiz. Bilgisayar bağımlılığı, sosyal sebeplerle ya da mesleki gerekliliklerle kişilerin negatif etkilendikleri ve sonucunda aşırı bilgisayar kullanımı sebebiyle ciddi hasarlar meydana gelmesi durumunu ifade etmektedir. Yine, bilgisayar bağımlılığı, oyunlar, cinsel konular ya da online veya offline olarak bilgisayarın kişinin hayatını normal seyrinden çıkarması durumunu ifade etmekmekte olup, spektrum bozukluklarına sebebiyet vermektedir. Bu durumu şöyle açıklayabiliriz; Bildiğimiz üzere, mental rahatsızlıklar özellikle kişinin normal yaşantısının olması gerekenden kaydığı durumlar için kullanılır.
Gerçi bu durumlar bazen depresyon, bazen de hiperaktiflik ve benzeri tabirlerle ifade edilse de, kişinin yaşadığı çevre, ailesi ve sosyal durumu ile uyuşmayan ya da kendisinden beklenilenin normal kabul edilmediği durumlar “bir anormalliği” ifade etmektedir. Şayet bu durum gerçekse, kesinse ve kanı sabitse, önlem alınamadığı ya da derhal veya belirli bir sırası olan yöntemlerle incelenip gereken yapılmayacak ise elbette sonu
hiç tasvip etmediğimiz mental rahatsızlıklar boyutuna ulaşacaktır. Bilgisayar bağımlılığına konu kişi, aslında, yukarıda belirttiğimiz durum sebebiyle kendisi de durumun farkındadır. Ancak unutulmaması gereken bir gerçek vardır ki, tüm bağımlılıkların altında aslında basit ama başka sebepler yatmaktadır.
Biz, her zaman savunduğumuz sebebi ve çok basit tedavi yöntemini yineleyeceğiz yazımıza devam ederken, hemen tüm mental bozukluklar ve aşırılıkların sebebi genelde “sevgi kavramının” yeteri kadar işlenemeyişinden kaynaklanmaktadır.
Bu durumu özellikle çocuklara, hissedecekleri kadar olmasını desteklememiz ile birlikte, cezalandırma yerine sevdirerek öğretme ve uygulatma yöntemi olarak tavsiye etmekteyiz. Tüm bağımlılıkların sebebi, aslında küçük bir kopma ile başlar. Buna sebep bazen aşırı yalnızlık, bazen ise “yön değiştirmedir”. Yukarıda bahsettiğimiz gibi, kişi durumun farkında ve aslında muzdariptir. Oluşturduğu ve memnun olduğunu sanmayı kendisine kabul ettirdiği bu durumu, her gün daha da yaşanılır kabul edebilmek için elbette aşırıya, aşırılıkla cevap verecektir. Kişinin aşırılığı yine aile, çevre ve sorsyal yapı ve günlük hayatta kendisinden beklenilen “sorumlulukları” ile de sınırlıdır. Sorumluluklar azaldığında, bağımlılık kendisine daha da yer açacaktır. Peki bu nasıl olmaktadır? Kişi, toplum ve ailenin, kültür ve göreneklerin etkisi ile yaşamaktadır. Bunu, tek yumurta ikizlerinin ayrı yaşantılara sahip olduklarındaki
Günümüzde hemen herkesin bildiği “stres” kavramının artık “baskıya”, hatta “depresyona” döndüğünü iddia eden birey, artık kendisine, hayatın çekilebilir olması yöntemleri arayacaktır; bu duurm kendisine göre normaldir ve yapması gerekenin bu olduğunu düşünmektedir, birey. İşte burada, bilgisayar bağımlılığı ile ilgili ilk adım çocukların özellikle ilgisini çekmektedir.
Çocuk, elbette bilgisayar gibi teknolojinin getirdiği imkanları öğrenmek ve uygulamak yanında gerek fiziksel, gerekse zihinsel gelişimi açısından yüzyıllardır olduğu ve bu şekilde olması gerektiği üzere fiziksel gelişimini tamamlayacak oyunlar oynamalı, ailesi ve arkadaşları ile vakit geçirmelidir. Aksi durum, kişinin sosyal hayattan uzaklaşmasına sebebiyet verecektir. Bu durum, hele ki bir çocuk için çok önemlidir. Bilgisayar bağmlılığının neticesinde, çocuklarda aşırı hassaslık, içedönüklük, hassaslık, yalnızlık ve özgüven eksikliği görülmektedir. Şayet çocuk bilgisayar başında çok vakit geçiriyorsa, yemek yemeyi unutuyor ya da yemiyorsa, okula gitmek istemiyorsa, az konuşuyorsa, ailesi ve arkadaşları ile az vakit geçiriyorsa, derslerinde düşüş varsa ve sırt, bilek ve bel ağrısından muzdaripse, bağılılık başlamıştır ya da gerçekleşmiştir. Çocuk, kendisinden beklenilenleri ya da beklentilerini, yukarıda da ifade ettiğimiz üzere sanal ortamda tatmin peşindedir. Sanal ortamdaki iletişim, kazanma ya da başarı çocuğu daha mutlu etmektedir.
İlk önlemin, bilgisayarın kontrol altına alınması olabileceğini düşünmekteyiz. Örneğin, bilgisayar ayrı bir odaya değil de herkesin görebildiği bir ortamda olabilir. Çocukla, hangi siteleri kulalbileceği, hangi zamanlarda, hangi konularda bilgisayara başvurabilecğei gibi anlaşmalar yapışlabilir, ki bu duurm çocuğu özgüvenini ve kendisine duyulan sagıyı, cezalandırma yerine arttıracaktır.
23 Bilgisayar ve İnternet Bağımlılığı
Kişi neden kendisini, bir başka, ama çevresinden kendisini soyutlayan ve çevresini ve kendisini iyi hissetmesinin tersine kötü hissettirecek davranışlara meyil göstermekte, hatta bunlarda aşırıya gitmektedir?
yaşam tarzlarının değişmesi, çok farklı bireyler olması örneğinde görmekteyiz. Bu etkiler kişiyi bazen bunaltmaktadır.
Yapılması gereken nedir? Yasağın doğru çözüm olduğuna inanmıyoruz. Elbette en güzel yöntem karşılıklı anlaşmaktır. Ama bunu nasıl başaracağız, inceleyelim:
Tamamen yasaklamak kesinlikle çözüm değildir. Ama ödüllendirme ise tam tersi bir durum ortaya koyacak, çocuğun sizden gizli bu tür bağımlılıklarına engel olacaktır. Örneğin çocuğun sizin söylediklerinizi yapması durumunda yarın saat bilgisayar kullanmasına vereceğiniz izin güzel bir ödüldür. Sosyal beceriler, eğitimler ve sminerler, spor ise yine bağımlılık için iyi bir zamanlamadır. Anne ve baba tarafında geliştirilebilecek mantık ve matematik oyunları, hem çocuğun kendisine olan özgüvenini arttıracak, kendisinin bir birey olarak gelişmesini sağlayacak ve bağımlılığa engel olacaktır, çocuk yine bu sayede ailesi ile de vakit geçirmiş olacaktır. Bu arada bir önemli konu var ki, kesinlikle dikkat edilmelidir. Çocuklar hep “rol model” üzerinde şekillenir. Bu da ebeveyndir. Siz bilgisayar kullanımınıza diğer aktivitelerinizdeki gibi dikkat ederseniz, ölçülü kullanım ve istifadeleriniz, çocuklarınızı da özendirecek ve sizi taklit etmelerinde sizi ve onları daha mutlu edecektir.
Genç Beyinler Kulübü
What do we feel when we are behind the steering wheel?
psychology of traffic We tolerate the traffic !
Wetoleratethetraffic Imagine the first couple of days after you took your licence. Your ambition of your excitement, selfconfidence, and what you experience on the roads will continue to happen. A driver driving his car calmly one hand on the steering wheel with the other changing the radio station, sometimes you wondered if this is necessary or if the is driving consciously, his way of driving without any interventions used to surprise you and made you curious; sometimes in your father’s car, sometimes in a taxi or a minibus. But that time you were sitting still; you had to watch the road. Or you were playing with a key chain or reading a magazine, sometimes you were staring at the driver. Once the car stops at the red light you were wondering and looking left and right to understand why the car stopped and then to the mechanism driver is driving. We try to understand, seek and illustrate different messages occurs in our subconscious, how you are impacted when you are or somebody else is driving, what you feel or cause you to perceive, how this impacts you and your surroundings. You were curious and excited about the steering wheel when you were not tall enough to reach the break and the clutch or once you did not have a licence to drive. You knew this interesting mechanism was giving you the message to be in charge. You were feeling good and proud about being behind the steering wheel not only you were driving. Being behind the steering wheel was a different way of being your class captain or team leader. You cannot deny our argument that when you sit behind the steering wheel you were wondering about how you look from the outside more than how outside looks like. Because our other argument is not about you sitting behind the wheel or how you felt about driving but it is about the wheels concept in your head and its relations with your subconscious. In order to look at the subject let’s look at some of the traffic rules and make the subject interesting and improve our general knowledge. Traffic used to go on the left side of the road like it’s in the UK now. Since driver did not know if the person co-
My Psychology, May 20/4
Top Picture: 2014, Kızılay/Ankara
Bottom Picture: 2011, Kahire/MISIR
ming from across was friendly or hostile, walking from the left instead of walking from right felt better. Then the right arm that does the real work would be on the watch. In 1300, this habit became a rule so that in Rome Pilgrims would not cause any chaos and everyone started to walk from the right. In USA, by the end of 18th century in the it was decided that the traffic needs to go from the right so that postal car drivers can control the road. Probably in France just to pay gesture to the ones who are against the Catholic Church walking from the right decision is taken. Parisians warned to walk from the right side of the road. Napoleon who was left-handed ordered to walk from the right side of the road and made this a rule in the countries he conquered. However, England was not conquered by Napoleon and continued to drive from the left including in its colonial countries such as in Australia and India.
Let’s now look at the traffic lights. Traffic light was inspired by railroad crossing control colours. Red presents danger, destruction and dead because it is blood colour. Again in 1830s railroad-crossing lights was white. But once it was mixed with streetlights these were turned to green. Amber light was always used as caution not to get ready. It is interesting that the first person who is implemented the traffic lights for the first time was a black driver Garrett Morgan. Morgan sold the patent of warning lights to General Electric, and in this system amber lights in this system don’t mean pass as we perceive but they mean warning.
2009 Tokyo, Japonya
25 We tolerate the traffic !
Once we are behind the steering wheel because of the set up of the glass we do not feel how fast we drive and because of this situation we do not feel if there is an accident threat even there is one. Therefore, we need to accept the fact that environment outside of the car does not match with what we feel and perceive. Again, with a couple of interesting facts let’s go back to our subject and to our main topic. Managers sit behind steering wheel. It is the driver who manages all the mechanism but also identifies if other passengers are comfortable with the direction and the speed. Managers are in the same situation in the real world.
Again in real life, even we are in the car for a short period of time or for a long drive, our capacity of empathy shows us our responsibilities we are obligated to do and each time we do them and find the right “or thinking if we were, if we are and when we sit at the other seat even we are the driver or not”. If you are not careful for a second, behave impulsively or lack of consideration your actions will impact the mechanism and all passengers. This is like all the seats in real life. Even when we are drive or not we are responsible of everyone, all the animals even all the mechanisms which we are on the same road with. And especially if they are in the car in our car Here we would like to take a break; we would like to remind you that our next article will cover the seats we sit or not sit but to why we need respect them.
1654 New York, ABD
Association of Psychologist and Psychiatrists
Select Committee
My Psychology, May 20/4
paedophilia is on the agenda again Number of children unaware of anything who dies because of sexual abuse is increasing Paedophilia is rising from its grave again! According to official records currently 5,681 missing children sought by law enforcement agencies!
Paedophilia is an adult finding preadolescence children attractive; it’s a psychosexual disorder. Amongst people paedophiliacs are called nonce. Paedophiliac does not enjoy sexual intercourse with adults. Tendency to children My Psychology, May 20/4
jection pushes a person no defence or reaction to less threatening fac- and uses the situation tors. for his fantasies and turns his favour. The reasons we can show are paedophilic Paedophilic chooses the know it is not correct, same sex or opposite involves legal situations sex. Researches show that might cause being that paedophiliacs are guilty, against the mo- usually man. Amongst res. Paedophiliac knows women paedophilia rate Rejection or fear of re- there is or there will be is very low. is because of lack selfconfidence and because finding children less threatening. Above sentence describes the situation a little bit. Paedophiliac also finds children less threatening because of lack of sexual self-confidence
According to a researches lack of selfconfidence, not maturing and personality traits not established character turns to disease.
Paedophilia is bases on “child abuse”. Child abuse can be covered under emotional, negligence and sexual abuse. But sexual abuse is the most important one because of legally issues and horrifies he victims life.
of the victim. The reaction of the victim impacts victim’s future sexual and psychological conditions but also results with passive pleasure, fear and violence. Child victims always become problematic adults. Psychological researches show that when a child was a victim during childhood the ratio to commit a crime is higher.
Females ratio of experiencing such situations have tendency to use Sexual abuse is using drugs and prostitution. an “age of consent” child Children are vulnerable as a sex object in order in the society. to have sexual satisfaction. This shows itself Paedophiliac knows this with exhibitionism, vo- and gains their trust yeurism and frotteu- first. Child does not look rism. anything under this interest and protects the Paedophiliac sexual paedophiliac and stay satisfaction happens silent. through touching and looking at the genitals Paedophiliac makes all
Amongst women paedophilia rate is very low because of being a mother or being a potential mother. Paedophilia comes from the Greek words of paidio (child) and philia (addiction).
27 Pedofili
“Kids! Never hide anything from your parents!”
this actions because of sexual fantasies and instincts. According to DSMIV-TR results, people who show these behaviours and become a paedophiliac he needs to be at least 16, and victim needs to at least 5. Again, in order to accept this as paedophilia, paedophiliac needs to do this with sexual instincts.
My Psychology, May 20/4
Speak Up!
paedophilia Paedophiliacs researched in two main categories. First category is that victims are preadolescences and in the second category victims are post pubescent children. Patience who only chooses children is called “selective” and who does not choose between children or adults are called “not selective”. Selective patience also splits as the ones choosing the babies or the children. These are the main topic paedophiliacs defends themselves:
Paedophilia is an adult finding preadolescence children attractive .
Refection: Paedophiliac claims that hugging a child is not a crime, says he loves the child innocently, says it’s not something bad and rejects the situation. Underestimation: They say the incident only happened once and this situMy Psychology, May 20/4
ation cannot be described as a sickness or a crime, and avoids the situation. Sounding believable: Just like in rejection paedophiliac says the act is innocent; there is no sickness or crime, claims that the situation can be explained easily. Making Up: Paedophiliac sometimes defends himself with illogical ways. Such as this was as assignment given to him. Attack: Paedophiliac sometimes attacks the psychologists, legal people or people around him. We see that paedophiliacs have an undeveloped personality. This people are usually unhappy in their families, not valued enough with limited relations, introvert, psychopathic and psychosexual.
29 Paedophilia
Issues to be considered... The age of paedophiliacs is surprising. Most of them are between 40-70. Most of them are men. We need to remind that in order to prevent such fantasies and deviancies Internet should be used carefully.
outside of the home in a garden, by the roadside or at a hotel. We see that paedophiliac is not using force. It is interesting that these people have twisted behaviours like they being shy, nice, quiet and decent.
Paedophiliac are usually relatives, teachers, and neighbours. This means people who gain the trust of the children dares to do such actions. Again, paedophiliacs need to gain trust or choose a job that they can gain trust and reach their purposes. Its is interesting where paedophilic actions take place.
Paedophiliac approaches to his victim quietly and does not scare him. By the end of it ,the situation turning to games getting out of the hand is that is not acceptable and victim cannot tell to his parents.
They start their actions where the children feel safe and know. When the girls are the victims the incident usually happens in the victim’s house or the paedophiliac’s house. When the victim is a boy the incident usually takes
Later nervous breakdowns, psychological diseases or substance abuse happen later in life and we think that precautions needs to be taken and the subject needs to be well understand in order to prevent the abuse. It is very normal that children victims do not tell about the situation or find it very hard to explain the situation. Because child thinks
nobody will believe him. The person who is doing this is a trustworthy person such as personnel, neighbour or relative. Child thinks his explanation would not be considered as real and with the effects of sexual abuse and the effects of the incident would start and increase in the following years. The biggest risk is drug usage. Again sexual dysfunctions, trauma, alcohol and drug usage, depression sleep disorders, having nightmares, lost of appetite or increasing appetite, peeing the pants occurs. Let’s see what can we do and how to take precautions: First off all be need to be aware of the people who are very interested with the child.
We need to control child’s Internet access and the people he is talking to. We need to watch if the child behaves odd When there is communication problem with the child we need to understand the reason and solve it. My Psychology, May 20/4
Anger and stress control
Anger comes from disappointment. When the difference of the value person gives to himself and the value others give to him is getting bigger the level of anger increases. Loosing previous power is a strong anger factor. The definition of Turkish Language Society says; aggression reaction under detainment, offence or intimidation, furiousness, rage, fury
step by step anger and stress control
Anger is a masked depression. Sometimes people who have depression lives with the depression become introverted or attack to other people. Usually men and macho culture try to hide depression with aggressive behaviour.
In general anger is an emotional reaction given to unsaturated desires, unwanted outcomes and unmet expectations. Just like other emotions, when anger expressed universal and healthy it’s a positive and can recover communications between people. However, anger has the potential to transform extremely destroying reactions and aggression when it is not controlled and reflects to behaviours. Today we see uncontrolled anger emotions reaction in family violence, child harassment and abuse, terrorism, street fights and in traffic. Usually, instead of asking for help people suppress anger and similar feelings, deny and ignore their feelings.
My Psychology, May 20/4
Anger Dance Psychotherapist Doctor Harriett Lerner (USA) In Anger Dance, Doctor Harriet Lerner says when anger happens there is something wrong in relationship. According to him anger is not the real problem but basis of anger is. When a situation is uncomfortable acting better than the condition or hate don’t solve the problem. For example ignoring the problem may mean being malleable, easy going and passive. When anger is lived like this it means anger is stored with increasing dosage.
At the end ineffective outbreak or emotional distance occurs. He argues that when anger outbreaks it is not effective and dangerous. The results are lower self-esteem, inability to communicate and blame.
A- What are the symptoms? Anger has many dimensions from a small reaction to rage. Anger is felt just like other feelings; with physiologically and biologically changes. If you know to rest, our body gives us signals that we are angry. Physical Signs of Anger; • Stimulus activates the sense • Stress and anger starts • Increased secretion of adrenaline increases energy • Breathing is more frequent • Fast heartbeats • Blood pressure increases • Body and mind is ready for war or run reaction
C- Harms of Anger Physical symptoms when anger is not expressed correctly; • Headaches • Stomach disorders • Breathing problems • Skin problems • Problems in genital and kidney functions • Arthritis • Nervous system problems • Circulation problems • Existing physical conditions getting worse • Emotional disorders • Suicide
There was a goshawk. The bird came to an old lady’s garden. Old lady saw that the goshawk was hungry and uncared, pity him and take him with her. Old lady put bread in front of the goshawk. Goshawk nourished with meat could not eat the bread in front of him. Old lady said “Your previous owner left you uncared, your beautiful beak is bended you became unable to eat” hold its beak and cut it. Desperate bird fluttered in her hands. When the bird fluttered old lady realized that the bird’s feather was worn-out. She said, “Your
“Mercy turned a brave goshawk in to a scared crow.”
D- Benefits of Anger During March 18th Naval War, there was only one cannonball left and its crane to lift the bullet was broken in Rumelia Mecidiye Redoubt. Corporal Seyit lifted the bullet that weights 215kg three times with a big power and push the barrel until the and after the third shot his heroism English Ocean armoured got hurt badly.
People are dangerous not because they are hurting us, but dangerous because with injustice they kill the peace in us and cause us to be aggressive. merciless owner never straightened your feather and cut the bird’s further in one direction. Old lady’s intention was to help the bird thinking it is miserable and looked at its claws and said “My poor bird! Nobody ever cut your nails?” Said, “How long they are!” and cut his claws with a big scissor. The bird became horrible in the hands of the old lady who showed mercy but did not know how to take care of a goshawk. Its strong wings take him to its hunt are now picked, its sharp and cutter beak is broken, its strong claws which takes its hunt to the sky cut.“Brave” goshawk is turned to a “coward” crow in the hands of merciful but ignorant old lady. (From Rumi)
31 Anger and stress control
B- What are the reasons of anger? Anger is seen in people who have one straight worldview frequently, called monolithic logic This people get angry when the outside world does not match with what they think. Not getting what wanted, unmet expectations, thought of unfair treats, loosing friends, lost opportunities, fights, detention, not to be understood, disrespect, disappointment, work load etc. causes anger. Every individual gets angry to something. Besides a subject might get someone angry sometimes and sometimes not. In addition to this, people needs to evaluate their goal setting strategies. Having factoid or setting goals that never would come through makes us angry and unhappy all the time.
E- What to do? What do we need to do to cope with anger? - Anger is a healthy emotion when it is expressed correctly. But when its not it may cause devastating results. - Anger might seem in child abuse and family violence, physical, verbal harassment and also causes many social and personal problems to come out. - Anger is an important factor in interpersonal relations and cause serious problems in people’s work and family lives. - People avoid social relations when they cannot cope up with anger and limited problem solving abilities. - When someone cannot cope with anger; smoking, drug use, eating disorders and depression may happen. - Anger control system is, someone increasing his emotional and logical control stronger and developing controlling negative emotions. - For angry people Maslow says “if the only tool you have is a hammer, you treat everything as if it were a nail” - Anger people’s only solution is yelling. - Common sense limits us to the limits we can take our anger to. - Expressing anger with words rather than violence is the healthiest way. In order to do this we need to realize what we need, and express this to others without hurting them but openly. Second way is to suppress the anger. If you hold the anger within yourself, try not to think about it and try to take your attention to positive things it means you are using this way. This sometimes works but using this frequently may not be healthy. If the anger is not expressed right after a while this feeling turns to the person and problems such as hypertension, psychosomatic disorders (ulcer allergies, etc.) or depression may occur. When we are angry trying to calm ourselves down is another option. You may make ease your anger by controlling your breath and heartbeats and physiologically calming yourself.
My Psychology, May 20/4
10 golden rules to control anger and stress
Anger and stress control
01 02 03 04 05
Don’t drink too
much coffe e or
Decrease th e level
of noise aro und you to minimums . Start the d ay with bre akfast. Eat less and fre quently, do n’t starve. Try not to b ring work t o home.
Stop watchin g
news and d iscussion sh ows before bed.
Don’t com pensate yo ur sleep. Tr y to have a quality slee p. Imbue you rself with p ositive affirm ations (I can do this!) Play game s like dart, billiards, bo wling. Learn breath ing exercise s.
07 08 09 10
If you have
My Psychology, May 20/4
small pain or sickness do not find a solution
without po stponing.
I may not change the world but I can change my world!
Timing: If you talk certain subjects with the loved one at the same time of the day and if this discussions end up bad, change the time of the discussion. Maybe you are tired and careless or this became just a habit. Avoidance: When you pass your kid’s messy room ever time and get angry close the door. Stop looking at the things making you mad. But don’t say in order me not to get angry my kid should tidy her room. It’s not the matter at the moment. Find Alternatives: If the traffic you go to work everyday makes you frustrated and angry try to solve this. Take a map to find alternatives, maybe a longer, comfortable, better way or try to leave your home earlier or later. Relaxing: Take deep breaths, imagine calming situations or views in your mind. Changing the thoughts: Instead of saying “Oh no! Everything is ruined” say “It is not the end of the world etc.”. Logic beats the anger, when you feel angry hide to logic. Remind yourself “all the world is trying to deceive you”. Don’t say, “It should given to me” or “I need to have this” but say “I wish it was given to me”.
Solving a Problem: Sometimes anger happens because of real and inevitable problems in our lives. You can try to find ways to change this. But if this is a situation that you cannot change instead of dealing with it, best way is to face with the problem.
Anger and stress control
Let’s mention other ways of controlling anger; Taking Breaks: During the day take some time to yourself when you know you will be stressed. Such as a working mother, if she can have 15 minutes to herself when she gets home she can respond to her kids better without getting angry.
Better communication: People with anger usually tend to judge without consideration and act with these judgements. Sometimes these judgements can be unreal. If you are in a very serious discussion first thing you need to do is to slow down and catch your reactions. Don’t say the first thing comes up to your mind, slow down and think about the things what you really want to say. At the same time try to understand and listen what the other person is saying. Don’t respond immediately. Using Humour: The feelings you experience during humour and anger cannot be together. When you get mad at someone and call specific titles towards him, stop and think if that person or thing is really that. Imagine the scene. For example, you attack someone as manky or purblind. Imagine that person is really a manky or have a purblind head and imagine they are doing daily things like that. Humour increases serotonin secretion and makes the person calmer. When using humour there are two things needs to be careful. Using humour is not avoiding the problems, on contrary you need to know that it is facing the problems in a more structural way. Second of all don’t be cynic or insulting when using humour. Because this is another way of expressing unhealthy anger.
What is anger? •Anger is a very normal emotion and needed to continue the life. •Anger is an emotional reaction. •Anger is a stimulant sign. •Anger warns the person against threats and help the person to protect himself. •Anger is a motivational way to learn new things. •Once anger is controlled it is healthy and works. •When anger is not controlled it may be harmful to him and environment around him. •For anger to be healthy and working it shouldn’t be avoided, needs to be known, expressed in a controlled way.
Changing the environment: Sometimes we realize that what makes you anger is close to What is not anger? us. You need to take a break and change the •Anger is not a way to solve problems. location. •Anger is not a way to pay off or revenge. Thinking about the role model: For example, •Anger is not a way to blame others. think what Confucius would do if he was in •Anger is not a reason to use violence or perpetration. your shoes. •Anger is not a way to control others. Using positive infusions: For example, saying •Anger is not a way to be right. “Although I cannot choose the circumstances I can control my reactions towards them”
My Psychology, May 20/4
Did you know?
Why do we complain
Did you
Paper is a thin material used to write, to make press on it or drawing and used for packing. Usually it is produced with tree fibre and herbs to gain cellulose quality and then drying the material on flexible sheets. To make one tonnes of paper; 60 trees aged 30, 3000 kw energy, 60,000 tones of water and 400 kg fuel oil is used. According to 2009 data, around 300,7 million tones of paper or cardboard produced. Today China and then USA have the biggest pulp and cardboard industries and are the biggest producers globally. China produces 24% of paper and cardboard of the world. Turkey is 25th with annual 2.5 million tones paper and cardboards production in the world.
Why the sea is blue? Yoğurt ile uyku arasında gerçekten bir bağlantı var mı?
kalsiyum içeriği ve ÇEVİR Yoğurt, metabolik ürünleri nedeniyle
yapımında yararlanılan bakterilerin sinir sistemini gevşetici ve sindirimi rahatlatıcı özelliğe sahip. Uyku getirici etkisi de buradan geliyor. Overall relaxing and easing makes some certain hormones already trigger secretion and drowse us.
My Psychology, May 20/4
u know?
Everyone complains but some people complain more. Well then, why do we complain this much?
1.Happiness: If people are depressed or unhappy they complain more. By this way, they show that they are not happy with their lives. 2.Injustice: Wecomplainifwethinklifeisunfair.Buthisalsodependshowwelooktolife. Somepeopleseethenegativeeverywherebutsomeofthemfocusonthepositivemore. 3.Habits: As it mentioned before being in a place where people complain and start doing the same without realizing. 4.Feeling better: Make others perceive and feel their emotions, then feeling better 5.Avoiding finding solutions: Once faced with a problem instead of finding solutions and move on, it is easier to complain 6. I am better: Thinking himself superior than others: For example, complaining others way of driving, implying he is better or more successful.
Water is colourless and transparent liquid. But when a white bathtub or a pool is filled with water, water seems and becomes green-blue with thick layers. The reason why the sea is blue is because the sky is blue but as opposed to popular belief it is not because sky is reflected to the sea. Existing gasses such as nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are also found abundantly in sea. The colour or the sea depends on molecules absorption and reflection of these characteristics. The colour of the sun we call white has all colours within in. Seawater molecules just like in atmosphere suck the red colours while reflection and reflect purple ones. That’s why water seems blue. However, the colour of water is not the same everywhere. In some places it is bright blue, dark blue, turquois even reddish. The difference is because of temperature, deepness, living creatures, nature of the deep, amount of the salt. Here the sun’s absorbed amount sucked in the atmosphere is important. Almost half of the sun’s light gets cold within one meter in the sea. In eleven meters only 1/10 of this this light reaches this deepness. After 500 meters only there are only some luminous organisms give light, absolute darkness rules. Therefore deepness of the sea is also another factor.
Do yogurt makes you sleepy?
Did you know?
How to make one tones of paper?
My Psychology, May 20/4
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Call the police, I killed it
is. os pn do? y h m nI d fro t ca min p . a r e u h ou ne ak g, “W ?” Y er o ’t W h n n t o ? in o ve ay si no w t sla ou s seclu t to a on it Wha a i y in en us n ? u ce he w cl yo ear e re . I h d liv and in se isten ? W for a ll, ve an ry e ex nts h We sla ng ave liv ur ou ug is e. e a rythi is sl e to f yo acc eno y. It v k be la ar e th lik o e ow a s ou e ev eft uld ing ban ill mon ? H . il ke ice y leav ou l wo ean your ve w of dren ren” y t ha ave hil ild u. us ho o, w you e m g ? J e a c n I d . No . If s th fillin you e sl our c y ch d yo e v i a n h s y g m n i f k o c t ga yin at nes ne e e o for ll fi ’t l ma at on ou “Wh me a sa . Wh appi e mo n’t b slav ll is s wi d y , s o e am y h e A h u yo less life” extr at I be jo ? Is on t o. D ot th ay, “ pine …! Un is is king wh ill ppy facti to d re n ot s hap rds a Th thin not , it w e ha atis like us a do n very g Re is is is very to b ull s uld y of ho sla st h sla do o f wo an e w om e T f B r t r o be you ach you ow m the pe f e. e e om nc mad vil do u re hing y? H out esca c e s t yo eryt one hers you ou. es is . E ith no v m ot ce e y s . W le e l e l s t i m h w T an dne his ha l. jus any ll on insid t in vi m o lice m ter a ves hu go er to we le e en o p g m t a Af ll sla y, fro ed la ath exh oxy e to Ki orr logy e d h xid rgy r t d i w b o ad y an s w dio ene he. n’t ych g s n t er Do y Ps ev dnes r lun arbo the brea g in c u M is in e. o go fill o ack gen you e fill vers d n ar ni an b xy e e e W giv . O wh gs e u ns will d t ld re in th io an wor awa d th k to mot eath Don’ o bac d e br e. en e e o h h B g t a t e. e l c f th e evi off b the pla ow e did s i l of all giv ipe hen ght I kn tim e i t e if ri n T on ur Lik . The will w ou. the say y tha very n yo he i t y t ’ u E a yo erse for find Don ou s ind. It is s at ay. iv ts nd s. s y m se. ss i ot d . It n U gh e a ion . A nt clo ne y h is w re ry erc nd pi ou u th val r dec kno r cur very Hap a ve r m ad, a our o u is fo s , y in u n l. ga e yo uld d h yo . It wel ce o ing are . In king y t ess as fa ook ou ing in sa g o i d ju t I w n w pin nd our d l n y ais e th e nd r ar a y w i a pe p n e wh hap r ha ght h ash ray a e wh are you why ur m ople i u o o d e t c w p r no ing f and you ou r fa s yo hen is is art y st p bloo t. y u w e k d e n h t i m o l n e o e T h a lo han he hen ng y pa fac ss. ur app th pm ons o w w si he ur e h so elo isi d t y t f h t s n le en lm clo in n yo ppi isfy ug nly ev dec ifie d r o s y o m a t a o un mo our p palm app em th h ’t sa s en open oul’s you be one. i a n h h o s g r t y t t o ’ In you are put ne wou d ind w don your dgin eds e by u u n o y e s ju in r is n yo ce yo ved . If he m alve s fo top dy n em o ns? e n lo ess ly t rt v lve l. S bo th ctio h o r w s ou pin on ea va ou nd ch di r t a s a h lm y p f pa ing e ha py. I our hea your Soul o wa ontr ce . d t y c ren ld th ap s. Y ose ch s o h ing e h ist th at ion ee an ffe t n n re di w is d b fin not scien Ope n to r dec you the our e li l be in. ear ou em are is y o th y th Or t w ld me lf. L of et u a wo ld co urse eror unify ody? Wh ours l, ? c u b p o g el wo ch y e em n. To our doin ? Of . W t th ea o y u e a W be e cl fit t yo slav edom n l a e d re an ecom sou at a t is t fr ing o b our h ha ou rk o t s y ! W ? W ith wo p e w ou t it e ’ Do ds u mbi ve y a zo mo Are ? Isn e e H a o ? lik m h ve fro s w sla don’t ? Are a e e on you you slav t a a e ar b th eing with b o a j like ther t ge s u o j t ne u o yo e m o s at th
or h t i ifc r/Au Ç Ali aine Tr
> Am I Being Cheated?
Am I being
Take the test and give your answers on your own way, evaluate your results at the end!
1. You prepared a nice breakfast for your loved one. What is your partner’s reaction? a.Should I eat outside? I really don’t like the breakfast b.I am not hungry c.Thank you (a kiss) 2. You met with your partner at home in the evening, he came from work or you came from work. Summarize positions: a.Is he/he more concerned? I am not sure b.It is true he/she than is paying more attention than usual. c.As usual 3. You partner started work and talk much and changes his habits. Which of the below situation is right for you? a.Interesting my partner loves life more now b.Yes, there are a lot of changes, his/her habits changed. c.No, it is the same 4. How often do you fight? a.I guess a little more than usual b.He/she became unbearable c.We are the same 5.How about your partner’s smoking and drinking habits? a.I little more b.Increased a lot c.It is the same 6. Please pick one of the options about your partner’s working life a.He/she is lot working lately, he/she is neglecting me b.He/she is working a lot more lately, he/she is absolutely neglecting me c.It is the same, he/she is not neglecting me 7. How often your partner goes out? a.I guess he/she stays at home a little bit less b.He/she is going out a lot c.It is the same 8. Is your partner sharing the times when he/she is not with you? a.Not like he/she used to b.Never c.Yes he does 9. Is the way your partner look at you any different? a.He/she is not looking my eyes like he/she used to b.Turning his/her eyes away c.He/she is talking by looking in my eyes
12.Is your partner started to hide some topics from you? a.More than before b.Yes c.No 13.Is your partner saying that you are controlling him/her? a.I guess b.Yes c.No 14.Does your partner share his/her problems with you? a.Sort of b.No c.Yes 15.Does your partner start to misunderstand or not understand you? a.I guess b.Yes c.No 16.Are you arguing more? a.A little b.Yes c.No 17.Is your partner working overtime lately? a.A little b.Yes c.No 18.Is your partner avoiding sex? a.A little b.Yes c.No 19.Is your partner taking care of himself/herself more? a.A little b.Yes c.No 20.Any behavioural changes towards his/her family? a.Yes, less concerned b.Not concerned c.Concerned
If your A’s are more but you are not sure, be careful. The results do not show your partner is cheating but keep watching. If your B’s are more your partner is cheating, be careful. Because you started not to know your partner anymore, especially your partner’s body language tells you a lot. You need to make more effort and keep the relationship alive. If your C’s are more there are no problems, your partner is not cheating. He is not even thinking about it, relax. Don’t be judgemental don’t upset your partner.
10.How is your partner lately? a.Like he/she is unhappy b.Unhappy c.Happy
11. Is your partner self-righteous lately? a.I guess a little bit b.Absolutely, a lot c.No