Academic, social, digital, emotional At Pymble, we commit to knowing each
student as a unique person. Learning at
We support girls in building a healthy
Pymble is holistic, and girls are supported
relationship with technology, developing
to grow and nurture their intelligence in
the digital fluency they will need to
four key areas:
thrive in tomorrow’s workplace, to
Academic We are here to share knowledge with
create and change and innovate, making connections and activating human potential in the digital world.
our students, to cultivate their curious minds, to springboard their growth
and strengthen their abilities. Girls are
Pymble girls understand the power
challenged to think critically beyond the
of an inclusive and united community.
textbooks, to collaborate and to engage
They embrace their own story, respect
with the world.
diverse representation in faith, ability,
Emotional Pymble girls learn to love life with humility, gratitude and grace, and to build character and resilience in the face of any adversity. We encourage our girls to connect with each other and with others and seek enjoyment through every experience.
Upper School Handbook
background and culture, and value diverse perspectives from people of all backgrounds.