HEAD OF UPPER SCHOOL WELCOME We are delighted that you are taking
We will provide opportunities for our girls
the time to find out more about what
to consider themselves as women of the
our Upper School can offer your
world with a significant and worthwhile
daughter during Years 9 and 10 in
contribution to make to the local and
the NSW school system.
global community.
Upper School provides students in
Upper School offers many exciting
Years 9 and 10 with challenging learning
opportunities for personal growth
experiences and the emotional support
including the Urban Challenge
appropriate for this unique stage of
Outdoor Education program, Service
their lives.
Learning initiatives and the International Exchange program.
Through curriculum experiences, our Mind-Body-Spirit program and our
These experiences are designed to
collective gatherings (from Compass,
challenge your daughter to look
to school trips and experiences, to
beyond her place in the local
our assemblies), we seek to foster an
community to become an informed,
environment that supports the discovery,
confident global citizen.
nurturing and engagement of the unique talents, interests, and abilities of our girls. Our comprehensive academic, co-curricular and wellbeing program supports the intellectual, emotional, social, physical, and spiritual growth of every girl. We are intent on establishing a caring community that seeks to know, challenge and enrich each girl as an individual.