BACK: Mission to Poland

When war broke out in Ukraine in 2022, it was hard to know how to help.
Cities bombed. Entire communities displaced. Families running for their lives.
Sending mission teams was out of the question.
Thankfully, because of you and other generous partners who support the work of Quiet Hour Ministries around the world, there were already
Hiram, a Quiet Hour Ministries volunteer, was ready and waiting to help those in need as they fled their hometowns with their lives.
gospel workers and evangelists on the ground in Ukraine and neighboring Poland—poised and ready to help!
Lifesaving help YOU made possible… Olena is from Kharkiv, the second largest city in Ukraine. When Russia invaded, she had to flee to neighboring Poland.
When she stepped off the train in Kraków, Poland, she was at a loss. She didn’t speak a word
Imagine the impact we can create together as we send dedicated evangelists, gospel workers and mission teams to remote villages, bustling cities and forgotten communities.
Your support not only reaches hearts, but also transforms entire communities through:
Global partners
Local churches, gospel workers and other evangelism groups who know the language, the people and the culture.
Mission teams
Volunteers who have a heart for evangelism, children’s outreach, medical clinics, church construction and more!
God’s power
His power multiplies everything it touches! Through the Holy Spirit, He opens eyes, ears and hearts to the truth.
During a recent outreach in Siem Reap, Cambodia, Judy from California was part of the mission team, serving as the children’s program leader.
For the event, the team had procured a large, open-air space in a 4-star hotel.
“We weren’t sure how many children would show up,” said Judy. “This site wasn’t an established church like the other sites. Plus, since the main religion here is not Christianity, we were expecting even fewer.”
Every year, Quiet Hour Ministries sends mission teams into the far corners of the world to share the gospel.
To Judy’s surprise, 40 very excited and energetic children showed up. Yet, she was discouraged by how things were going.
The children, who came from very poor, rural communities, were so distracted by the mansion-like setting they could barely sit still. They were constantly asking to use the bathroom (enamored by the flushable toilets and running water).
Judy thought, How can the children learn about Jesus when they aren’t even listening?
The next night, thanks to a teammate’s suggestion, Judy started the meeting with a tour of the hotel so the children could see everything. Afterwards, they were able to sit and listen to the stories and learn about their friend Jesus.
In Siem Reap, Cambodia, 40 children gathered to learn about Jesus’ great love for them!
Thank you for all you do to help share the gospel in the far corners of the world!
Randy Bates President / CEO
“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.” (1 Corinthians 12:4-6)
In the intricate tapestry of creation, each one of us is uniquely woven with skills and talents, designed by the Master Craftsman Himself. Your God-given abilities are not meant to be hidden but to be shared, not for selfglorification but for the glory of God.
Have you prayed about how God is calling you to use your unique gifts to contribute to His work in the world?
In doing so, you become a living testimony to God’s craftsmanship, a vessel through which His love, grace and redemption are revealed to a world in need.
Thank you for all you do to put your gifts to work through Quiet Hour Ministries.
May you find joy and fulfillment in being a co-laborer with God, using your distinct talents to make a lasting impact on His kingdom.
Randy Bates President / CEO
A stranger no more
(continued from cover)
of Polish and didn’t know anyone.
The platform was crowded and chaotic, but in the distance, she heard someone speaking Ukrainian. It was Hiram, a Quiet Hour Ministries volunteer who was there helping with an outreach to Ukrainian refugees. After Olena shared her story, he took her with him.
At the ministry site, Olena was amazed (and in tears) by the warm welcome she received. Hiram and the other volunteers offered her food (provided by generous QHM donors) and a safe place to stay.
In the weeks that followed, Olena got to know so many others—Quiet Hour Ministries gospel workers, partners and volunteers—who helped her find a house and a job. But most important, they
Cochabamba, Bolivia
July 10–21, 2024
Travel with QHM President Randy Bates to support the Central Bolivia Mission in conducting health fairs, constructing children’s Sabbath school rooms and holding evening meetings.
helped her to understand it was God who was the Provider. Eventually, Olena got baptized!
Today, thanks to you and others who gave to provide Bibles, food, emergency supplies and more, Olena is no longer a stranger in a strange land. She is part of a thriving community of new believers. What a blessing you are!
Everything Quiet Hour Ministries does is aimed at following Jesus’ command to share the gospel message with the world.
Is God calling you to join a mission trip? If so, there’s still time to join an upcoming trip. Call 1-800-900-9021 with questions or to sponsor a volunteer.
Sergipe, Brazil
Sept. 10–23, 2024
QHM gospel workers have been successful in giving Bible studies and growing the local Pathfinder clubs. Our mission team will help build on the social connections through a week of meetings for kids and adults, health screenings and a construction project.
Phetchabun, Thailand
Dec. 2–15, 2024
In a mountainous province well outside of tourist areas, our mission team will elevate the church’s visibility through health screenings, a construction project, kids’ programs and evening meetings.
For more details or to apply, visit