Cleaning & Maintenance - December 2020

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Announcing the CSSA’s 2021 Innovation Showcase THE Cleaning Support Services Association’s

innovations in terms of their impact and in our

(CSSA) 2021 Innovation Showcase celebrates

experience even something small can have a

the cleaning industry’s most innovative

very big impact.” Lorcan Mekitarian, chairman of the CHSA,

products, services and initiatives. The Innovation Showcase is again backed by the

said: “The CSSA’s Innovation Showcase is a

Cleaning & Hygiene Suppliers Association

superb way to celebrate some of the best ideas being generated in the industry and so

(CHSA), which is sponsoring the event. Businesses and organisations operating

2020 and can be applicable to any area of the

we are delighted to back this initiative again.

throughout the cleaning industry are invited

cleaning industry. The deadline for entries is

Our members continually innovate, helping

to enter their innovative products, services

31 December 2020. This year the Innovation

their customers address some of the big issues

and initiatives. An ‘Innovators Pitch’ panel

Showcase has an entry fee of £250, which is

facing the sector, including environmental

of industry experts and representatives will

refundable to those entries that do not proceed

challenges, as evidenced by the number of

review and interview the entrants and select

to the three day Innovation Showcase.

our members amongst those who participated

those to be exhibited at the Innovation

Paul Ashton, chairman of the CSSA

in previous CSSA Innovation Showcases. We

Showcase itself, taking place at the London

Innovation & Technology Executive, said:

are looking forward to seeing the entries

Cleaning Show next year.

“The Showcase celebrates innovation in the

and putting them through their paces at the

widest sense, whether it is a new method, idea,

Innovators Pitch!”

approach, or product. We’ll be judging the


To be eligible the product, service or initiative must have been launched since the 1 January

Rochdale Council wins national cleaning competition ROCHDALE Borough Council has won a national

placement one day per week over a six-month

cleaning role…staff development to existing

competition organised by the Association of

period. Redwood students aged between 16

cleaning operatives whilst giving a really

Building Cleaning Direct Service Providers (ABCD)

and 19 years old are eligible to take part in the

good opportunity for new entrants to the

to promote good practice in local authority

project, which takes them on a journey towards

cleaning industry. The Nottingham entry is

cleaning services. Nottinghamshire County

sustainable paid employment. The course

also really good and the fantastic work from

Council came second in the ABCD’s Initiatives

develops their skills and employability through

this team has ensured that the transport hub

Competition 2020, which was supported by the

school-based learning, work-room activities,

remains safe for all users and key workers to

British Cleaning Council.

accreditation, and work placements.

confidently use and safely attend their place

ABCD is the organisation for local government

ABCD chair, Kim Phillips of Rotherham

of work during the pandemic.”

cleaning managers but also has a number of

Borough Council, and vice chair, Jacky

Peter Gurney, facilities manager catering

suppliers and trainers from the industry as

Hammett of Shropshire Council, judged

and cleaning, at Rochdale Borough Council,

members. It is also a member of the BCC.

the competition. In a joint statement, they

said: “On behalf of the cleaning/caretaking

said: “We are pleased to be able to properly

facilities management service at Rochdale

Borough Council’s facilities management

acknowledge and celebrate all the great

Council, we are delighted to have been

cleaning service.

work being carried out by local councils in

chosen as the winner of the ABCD’s Initiatives

delivering essential cleaning services through

Competition 2020. As a service and council, we

Redwood Secondary School, a local school

this competition, particularly during this

strongly support inclusion and being able to

which supports young people with special

most difficult of all times. The Rochdale

work in partnership with Redwood Secondary

needs, to offer an intern a cleaning work

entry gave a different dimension to the

School, which supports young people with

The winning entry came from Rochdale

The service works in partnership with

special needs, is truly humbling. The service and the council are committed to continuing partnership working with Redwood School. Since its inception in 2013 the service has supported over 10 interns and we are currently working alongside other services showcasing the benefits of working with these students who would not normally be given the opportunity to gain mainstream employment. The service is keen to emphasise that this is a two-way partnership and we have found the inspiring work ethic of the interns can often have a positive effect on the whole workforce.” WWW.ABCDSP.ORG.UK 8 DECEMBER 2020


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