Let's Talk about Cleaning - March 2022

Page 44


M ar k eting

“All the world’s a stage”, Shakespeare said, and he had got a point Fabrizio Pirovano

Marco Monti

HOW TO communicate (effectively) with a public of CUSTOMERS


an has always found himself in front of people to whom to communicate something, with whom to discuss and share ideas or face difficulties; well, the ability to communicate effectively in public is an essential skill to demonstrate effective leadership. It seems obvious to underline the importance of transferring role credibility and concreteness when presenting a product or service to a customer, or simply during a meeting with one’s colleagues or collaborators, yet in years of consulting activity in private and public companies we have faced with people who do not give strategic importance to their communication. Well yes, it seems that the strength of the content is considered sufficient for it to reach the other side, to the public. 44

| March/2022

However, we know very well, in our hearts, that this is not the case. What are the secrets of effective communication, such as the «tricks» of an actor’s profession, the secrets of those who fascinate us in a sale, on a stage or, simply, leave us an important trace of their passage in our memory, like a shopping experience not to be forgotten? We could answer these questions by addressing them to those who have hit the scenes and studied to honor the expectation of their audience, or to those who have studied as actors. We do not deny that we have attended school of theatrical improvisation and have hit the scenes a few times, but today we are more trainers and consultants than actors, and we have something we would like to share with you on this issue. First of all the basics that must be clear to all communicators:

1. You can’t not communicate1 2. The effectiveness of the communication lies in the feedback that you get and not in the intentions. 3. The public is a creditor. Let’s address these three points in detail and see how they can be adapted to the case of a salesperson in managing a presentation to customers.


“One cannot not communicate” is a well-known axiom which highlights how every gesture, every attitude, every pause, every behavior produces inevitable effects on the recipients; this means that it is good to be fully aware that we can adequately influence our client through an appropriate and stra1

Paula Watzlawick ne “La pragmatica della comu-

nicazione umana”, Astrolabio

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