TEXT: Augusto Cannone Falchetto, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland and Ki Hoon Moon, Korea Expressway Corporation, Dongtan, South Korea
FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION ON THE USE OF NON-CONTACT DIGITAL SKI SENSOR IN THE SOUTH KOREA EXPRESSWAY NETWORK In this study, the effect of using Non-Contact Digital Ski (NCDS) on the smoothness of asphalt pavements and its impact on the low temperature behavior of the paved mixture is evaluated. For this purpose, the International Roughness Index (IRI) was measured on testing sites paved with and without NCDS. Field asphalt mixture cores were then tested with the Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) to determine the evolution of thermal stress. It was found that the NCDS paving method results in considerably lower IRI coupled with a moderate reduction in thermal stress, suggesting a potential benefit of this technology also on the low temperature behavior of the mixture.
Augusto Cannone Falchetto is a faculty in the Department of Civil Engineering. During his international career, he worked in different countries such as Germany, Japan and U.S. His research focuses on infrastructure materials and pavement engineering and combines experimental research, advanced analysis, and modeling. 40 RAKENNUSTEKNIIKKA 1—2021
ROADS that are characterized by a smooth and even surface are beneficial from both economical and environmental viewpoints resulting in less fuel consumption, reduced vehicle maintenance, and potentially limited greenhouse gas emissions (Bae et al. 2018). The International Roughness Index (IRI, m/km) is commonly used to indirectly evaluate the smoothness of a pavement surface (Ziari et al. 2016). Higher IRI indicates poor pavement smoothness with a threshold limit of 1.6m/km in South Korea (MOLIT 2017). Commonly, the Long Ski (LS) system, is used in combination with String-Line (SL) for controlling asphalt pavement smoothness in South Korea expressway construction. However, this method presents limitations resulting in lower IRI. This has led to the development of the Non-Contact Digital Ski (NCDS) system. Different from the previous solutions, the