Energy and Sustainability Africa - July 2024

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Facts & Analysis


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Welcome to another edition of Energy and Sustainability Africa researched and as you know,producedinNamibia!

So,itisthattimeoftheyearwhenthemining industry comes into focus. The industry's significance extends beyond its contribution to GDP; it is a cornerstone for employment, infrastructure development, and technological advancement Africa is endowed with a rich bounty of natural resources,includingpreciousmetalslikegold andplatinum,criticalmineralssuchascobalt and lithium, and a wealth of industrial minerals These resources are integral not only to the global economy but also to the burgeoning technologies that will shape the future, including renewable energy and electricvehicles.

This month our writers and researchers note the fact that in addition to its economic benefits, mining can serve as a catalyst for technological and industrial advancement in Africa The extraction and processing of minerals require significant technical expertise and infrastructure, fostering the development of related industries and services

Furthermore,asglobaldemandshiftstowards sustainable and eco-friendly practices, the mining sector in Africa is poised to play a crucialroleinthesupplyofcriticalminerals

required for green technologies, such as electric vehicle batteries and renewable energy systems. Mining is therefore a cornerstone of Africa's economic structure, providingessentialrevenue,employment,and developmentopportunities

We thus hope you find this edition of Energy and Sustainability Africa informative as we encourage you to follow us and engage with usonalloursocialmediaaccounts Asalways, the conversation continues at


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NOTE2: EnergyandSustainabilityAfrica is published monthly and is FREE to Readers The magazine is paid for by advertising and the research support from RDJ Consulting ServicesCC,Windhoek,Namibia.

Authors RDJResearchers

Did You Know?

The Mining and Metals industry plays a crucial role in many socioeconomic systems, supplying essential materials for various economic activities like energy, transportation, and construction. Its transformation has wide-reaching effects on essential industries.


Miningpresentsakeyandunderservedsustainability challengewiththedemandformetalssettoincrease alongwithcertaingreentechnologies-WorldEconomic Forum

( e-mining-uplink-radio-davos-podcast/)

Copperdemandcouldriseby40%in2035,whilesupply fromexistingassetsorcommittedprojectswillonly increaseby20%,meaningnewminingprojectswill

needtobeginconstructioninthecomingyears -World EconomicForum

( Mining and Metals 2023.pdf)

Lithiumdemandisexpectedtoincreasefive-foldby 2035,primarilyduetotheelectrificationoflight vehicles.-WorldEconomicForum

( Mining and M etals 2023pdf)


Mining: The Economics of PPPs

ResearchContributedby:LesleyMbanguandAlbertinaShigwedha ResearchandWritingIntern@ RDJ Consulting


Mining plays an indispensable role in the extraction and supply of critical minerals, which are essential for various advanced technologies

and industries. These minerals, such as lithium, cobalt, rare earth elements, and others, are vital components in a wide array of applications, from renewable energy technologies to advanced electronics and defense systems The growing demand for these materials, driven by the global transition towards green energy and digitalization, underscores the crucial role of mining in securing a stable and sustainable supply chain.

One of the most significant reasons for the increasing need for mining critical minerals is the global shift towards renewable energy Technologies such as electric vehicles (EVs), solar panels, and wind turbines rely heavily on specific critical minerals For instance, lithium, nickel, and cobalt are key elements in the production of batteries for EVs and energy storage systems, while rare earth elements are essential in the manufacture of magnets used in wind turbines and electric motors

Therefore, it is no surprise that mining is essential for the socio-economic development of many resource-rich African economies. The mining sector contributes positively to these countries' economic growth through contributions to gross national products (GDP), employment opportunities, income generation, government fiscal receipts, and foreign exchange earnings (Nambinga and Mubita, 2021) In 2023, the mining sector was reported to contribute over 14% to Namibia's GDP (Chamber of Mines of Namibia) and over 16% to Botswana's GDP (Statista, 2024) underscoring its role as the backbone of these economies.

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in their April 2024 Regional Economic Outlook Analytical Note, Sub-Saharan Africa is home to over 30% of the world’s critical minerals The extraction of these minerals is estimated to boost the region’s GDP by at least 12% or more by 2050. Despite this, the majority of African mining is predominantly focused on the extraction of minerals and not processing However, the IMF report emphasized that if the region develops processing industries, the benefits from mining could greatly exceed the projected 12% by 2025

The mining industry is capital-intensive, requiring significant investment, specialized skills, and advanced technology, which limits African countries' ability to move into minerals processing As a irony, many mining ventures in Africa are owned by governments and often financed through “large loans” from organizations such as the IMF, World Bank (WB) and African Development Bank Group (AfDB) for example. This financing model burdens African

nations with debt where these nations have to pay high interest payment on loans over long term periods This debt burdens, forces African governments to limit funding on other essential projects and public services. Therefore, it is imperative that African governments explore alternative financing mechanisms to finance mining activities and engage in processing industries to maximize mining gains

One viable alternative is the public-private partnership (PPP) Defined by South Africa’s Department of National Treasury, a PPP is a contract between a public-sector institution and a private party, where the private party performs functions typically provided by the public sector or uses state property under the PPP agreement These agreements enable the public sector to leverage private sector innovation, expertise, and funding to develop or operate projects addressing community needs. In return, private sectors earn returns on investment (ROI) through government taxes or user fees. Due to the sizes of these projects and investment requirements, they are normally designed on a long-term concessional basis to enable the private sector to recoup its ROI

One of the primary contributions of PPPs to mining critical minerals is the development of infrastructure. Mining operations often require substantial investment in transportation networks, energy supplies, and water resources Public entities can facilitate these developments by providing the necessary regulatory frameworks and initial capital investment, while private companies contribute their expertise and additional funding. This partnership ensures the efficient and timely development of infrastructure, which is crucial for accessing remote mining locations and transporting extracted minerals to processing facilities and global markets

When implemented correctly, PPPs can improve service provision, facilitate economic growth, and have proven successful in infrastructure development. The PPP framework is adaptable to mining projects, accommodating high-cost investments through infrastructure or capital investment in host countries

Case Study: Chiadzwa Diamond Mining in Zimbabwe

A 2013 study by Gumbo on ‘Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and Sustainable Natural Resources Exploitation in Africa’ focused on diamond mining in Chiadzwa, Zimbabwe The Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC), a parastatal, was licensed to invest in mining to eliminate informal mining activities and

restore order However, ZMDC did not have the financial, technical, and skills capacity required for mining. The government faced difficulties accessing the required capital investments. As an alternative, the Zimbabwean government formed a 50/50 partnership between the ZMDC subsidiary Marange Resources and two companies (Canadile Miners and Grandwell Holdings) in 2009, creating Mbada Diamonds Joint Venture

These PPP joint venture partnership was later operated by three companies (Mbada, Anjin, and DMC). This PPP improved mining operations, productivity, restored order, and harmonized diamond exploitation in Chiadzwa Additionally, they generated wealth and improved citizens' lives According to Gumbo’s study, The involvement of private companies resulted in US$684.5 million from diamond exports, with Mbada Diamonds contributing US$308.3 million, Anjin generating US$209.9 million, DMC providing US$100 8 million, and Marange Resources contributing US$236, 317

The Chiadzwa case demonstrates that PPPs can be successfully implemented in mining, alleviating government debt and positively contributing to the balance of payments while improving citizens' cost of living. Furthermore, South Africa’s incorporation of black economic empowerment in their PPP framework ensures that black South Africans benefit from PPP-led projects This initiative could be emulated and refined by other African states in their policies.

In conclusion, Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are crucial in the mining of critical minerals, providing the necessary infrastructure, fostering innovation, mitigating risks, and promoting sustainable practices This presents a promising alternative for financing and developing mining projects in Africa By leveraging private sector resources and expertise, African governments can enhance their mining sectors, reduce debt burdens, and improveeconomicoutcomesfortheircitizens

As always, the conversation continues and we look forward to your commentsorevenbetter,yourcompliments


https://www npc gov na/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/TheImpact-of-Mining-sector-to-the-Namibia-economy-FINAL pdf https://chamberofmines org na/wpcontent/uploads/2024/04/2023-Presidents-Report-for-AGM-on-24April-2024-Final-3 pdf

https://www statista com/statistics/1374772/gdp-share-ofmining-and-diamond-industry-in-botswana/

https://www imf org/en/Publications/REO/SSA/Issues/2024/04/19/ regional-economic-outlook-for-sub-saharan-africa-april-2024

https://www gtac gov za/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/GTACsPublic-Private-Partnership-Manual-Module-2-Code-of-GoodPractice-for-BEE-In-PPPs pdf

https://ppp worldbank org/public-privatepartnership/overview/ppp-objectives

https://www researchgate net/publication/268685987 PublicPrivate Partnerships PPPs and Sustainable Natural Resources Exploitation in Africa Lessons from Diamond Mining in Chiadz wa Zimbabwe


Green Steelmaking will need Technology and Mining Advances E N E R G Y S E C T O R

The shift towards green hydrogen-based direct reduced iron (DRI) processes is widely considered a key step in the global steel sector’s decarboni-

sation pathway. While supply of suitable direct reductiongrade iron ore is a potential headwind, developments in mining and processing combined with technology solutions present a path to zero-emissions DRI

The current dominance of coal-consuming blast furnace operations gives iron ore miners an incentive to continue producing blast furnace-grade iron ore, rather than DRgrade ores with higher iron content Remedies include developing mines that can produce high-quality ores and new technology configurations that allow use of blast furnace-grade ore in DRI processes

Global interest has increased in green hydrogen’s use as a zero-emissions fuel, potentially playing a significant role in decarbonisation Green hydrogen can replace fossil fuel-derived hydrogen and carbon monoxide in DRI steelmaking, eliminating carbon dioxide emissions

It’s not just theory. European steel manufacturers are starting to plan industrial-scale DRI projects that will eventually use green hydrogen As green hydrogen is currently costlier than fossil fuel-based hydrogen, much of the attention given to the future of zero-carbon DRI technology is on the scaling up of green hydrogen production and the approaching date at which it becomes cost-competitive. But DRI, currently accounting for only a small fraction of crude steel production, also requires a higher grade of iron ore than blast furnaces, the dominant global process DR-grade iron ore ideally has an iron (Fe) content of 67% or more Such deposits are scarce, however.

Many net-zero emissions pathways for the steel sector anticipate much of the decarbonisation process happening after 2030 However, about 71% of existing global blast furnace capacity will reach the end of its operational lifetime before 2030 To avoid locking in further coal-based steelmaking capacity for decades, some technology switching to DRI-electric arc furnace

(EAF) processes will be required before then

Potential new DR-grade iron ore capacity by 2030 ranges from 40 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) to an optimistic high of 100Mtpa. Unless technology innovations allow use of lower-grade ore, on current projections for a net-zero steel sector by 2050, DR-grade supply may need to increase tenfold

The very long lead times for new iron ore projects and technical barriers however limit the ability of miners to quickly change their product quality mix. Outside of the big four mining companies, iron ore projects that could potentially increase supply of DR-grade ore are often in early stages

BHP’s focus is on lower emissions from blast furnaces

The company has stated that it believes blast furnacebased steelmaking will remain dominant even in 2050 based on the scarcity of deposits of high-quality iron ore. Similarly, Rio Tinto’s first phase of steel industry decarbonisation is on reducing emissions from blast furnaces that use its relatively lower grade but highly profitable Pilbara iron ores

Fortescue Metals Group’s Iron Bridge project, due to start production at the end of 2022, could potentially add to the DR-grade iron ore supply. However, the company has noted that Iron Bridge output could be blended with lower-grade ores to produce an improved blast furnace ore

DRI plants and blast furnaces, cites the challenges of beneficiation process (improving ore quality via grinding, separation and dewatering) and depletion of high-grade iron ore reserves that make it difficult to increase supply of DR-grade ores. Vale forecasts a shift towards higher quality iron ore over the rest of this decade but no change in the minor proportion of seaborne DR-grade.

Among options to address DR-grade availability is a significant switch in iron ore mining focus from hematite towards magnetite Hematite currently dominates iron ore mining – the bulk of direct shipping ores (DSO) are hematite such as Australia’s Pilbara mid-grade iron ore. Magnetite ores tend to have a much lower Fe content but are often suitable for significant beneficiation in part because magnetite is magnetic which can make separation easier to DR-grade

There is also renewed interest in making Pilbara ores suitable for low-emissions steel the Heavy Industry Low-carbon Transition Cooperative Research Centre (HILT-CRC) has a program on the production of green iron products from Pilbara iron ores

A promising solution to the iron ore quality issue involves new technology combinations.

Increasing DRI production with lower-grade iron ore will necessitate melting the reduced iron before being charged into a basic oxygen furnace – a technology combination being investigated by Rio Tinto in partnership with BlueScope Steel as well as ArcelorMittal

More advanced than either of these is Thyssenkrupp which plans to begin replacing blast furnaces with DRI plants with integrated melting units from 2025 Thyssenkrupp will be able to use blast furnace-grade ores in its DRI processes using this technology pairing

In the longer term, there are potential new processes such as iron ore electrolysis which is not limited to using high-grade ore BloombergNEF foresees this early-stage technology reaching commercial readiness by 2035

Technology to cut steelmaking emissions is in the early stages but such transitions can accelerate, as evidenced by the fast maturation of wind and solar power. Expensive a decade ago, these are now set to dominate power generation additions

Steel has a reputation as a “hard to abate” sector and the challenge imposed by limited DR-grade iron ore supply on plans for a large global scale-up of DRI production is significant.

The focus on potential solutions must increase immediately

Readings: https://ieefa org/resources/green-steelmaking-will-needtechnology-and-mining-advances

Simon Nicholas is IEEFA’s Lead Analyst for the global steel sector, as well as Asian seaborne thermal and cokingcoalmarkets.

Soroush Basirat is an Energy Finance Analyst with IEEFA Australia, examining the global steel sector with particular focus on green technology transition and the opportunities and barriers for different nations and companies.


Mine Lands: A New Beginning


A combination of Artificial Intelligence viewpoint (ChatGPT) and humans……

So, the mine has come to its end of life, now what?

Closure of mines often result in severe environmental and economic disruptions for

surrounding communities The 2002 report from the Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development (MMSD) project, produced by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), underscores the extensive environmental damage associated with openpit mining, including landscape alteration, soil contamination, and the abandonment of infrastructure.

Mining companies have a critical responsibility to plan for mine rehabilitation and restoration, ensuring that mining sites are returned to a stable and productive state after the extraction activities conclude Proper planning and implementation of mine rehabilitation not only minimize environmental impacts but also support the long-term sustainability of the surrounding ecosystems and communities

Mine rehabilitation should not be an afterthought but an

integral part of the mine planning process

Integrated mine closure planning involves developing a detailed closure plan early in the project lifecycle. This plan should outline the steps and actions needed to restore the site, including landform design, soil management, revegetation, water management, and monitoring protocols It should also consider the socio-economic impacts on local communities and outline strategies for their involvement and benefit.

Extensive research has explored the potential for converting former mining lands into productive agricultural areas This transformation not only offers new agricultural opportunities for local communities but also contributes to significant environmental restoration for the affected areas To achieve successful reclamation, it is essential to plan for post-mining land use prior to the commencement of mining operations. This involves conducting thorough Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) to identify potential risks and to develop strategies for land reclamation

Rehabilitation efforts should prioritize the use of native plant species and the enhancement of local biodiversity The process of mine land reclamation therefore begins with inspection and planning, examining indicators, soil types, climatic conditions, and fauna and flora to determine the most effective reclamation strategy Native species are better adapted to the local climate and soil conditions, making them more likely to establish and thrive Including a diversity of species in rehabilitation plans can create more resilient ecosystems that provide habitat for wildlife and support broader ecological functions.

Mining activities can significantly alter local hydrology and water quality, so restoration plans must address these issues Next is the revegetation stage consisting of replanting local vegetation or crops to restore the ecosystem. Planting fruit trees is highly recommended due to its ability to attract birds or bats needed for seed dispersal And lastly is the use of microorganisms, such as fungi to aid in soil mineral formation and organic matter decomposition

While ongoing research continues to explore new reclamation techniques, several effective methods have already been implemented globally. These successful practices can serve as valuable models for future mining activities, particularly in developing countries with significant mining potential and rural economies in need of revitalization


Coal Mines in Mpumalanga Province 1

The Mpumalanga province, central to South Africa's power generation, supplies over 80% of the country's coal,

making mining a key economic driver for local communities As South Africa transitions away from coal, a pilot program explored using remediated mine land and water for sustainable livelihoods. Winter wheat, targeted for its potential use by Kellogg's, showed promising results Project director John Cook noted the "astonishing" success of growing wheat with untreated mine water Despite these positive outcomes, the project report highlights the need for further testing to validate this method across other mine sites.

2. The Lavender Farms of Appalachian Botanical Company (ABCO)

In Ashford, West Virginia, the ABCO has transformed retired coal mine sections into lavender farms For former coal miners, the shift to lavender cultivation is remarkable. ABCO’s mission is to restore mining land and grow lavender, a resilient plant that thrives in poor soils and mitigates toxic heavy metals. This initiative symbolizes ecological restoration and new agricultural opportunities amid the Appalachian Mountains

Furthermore, with over 1,500 redundant coal mines in the UK, and over 12,000 abandoned coal mines, 0.6 million m³ of tunnels, and about one billion m³ of civil air defense tunnels in China, the World Economic Forum reports that academics are exploring the use of abandoned mines and other subterranean facilities as alternatives to traditional agricultural land


Piling System or Topsoil Management

This method involves adding material such as soil, sand, or stone over the area to be reclaimed Removing and storing topsoil before mining activities begin, to be

reapplied during rehabilitation, is fundamental. The aim is to increase the land's height for activities like agriculture or plantations while stabilizing the soil to reduce erosion risk This process is followed by adding organic matter, lime, or fertilizers to improve topsoil quality and promote plant growth

Polder System or Hydrological Management

Polder systems focus on effective water resource management, essential for restoring natural hydrological cycles. Small walls or dams are built to capture and store runoff, allowing sediment to settle and reducing downstream erosion This system is especially effective in areas prone to flooding or needing water quality control It also helps restore aquatic ecosystems and improve water quality.

Erosion Control Measures

Erosion control measures are essential to prevent soil loss and maintain land stability Methods include terracing (creating stepped levels on slopes to reduce runoff velocity and soil erosion), contour plowing (plowing along the land's contour lines to slow water flow and reduce soil erosion), and vegetative cover (planting grass, shrubs, or cover crops to protect soil from erosion and improve soil structure).

Sustainable Farming Practices

This method involves crop rotation (rotating different crops in the same field to improve soil structure, reduce pest and disease cycles, and enhance nutrient cycling), conservation tillage (minimizing soil disturbance to preserve soil structure, improve water retention, and reduce erosion), and organic farming (avoiding synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, using natural inputs, and enhancing soil fertility through composting and green manuring)

Additional Techniques and Considerations

Other fundamental techniques for effective mine land reclamation include engaging local communities and

former mineworkers; equipping them with skills needed for successful agricultural activities after mine closure; continuous monitoring and adaptive management to ensure the effectiveness of rehabilitation efforts; removing or neutralizing soil contaminants to restore its health and productivity; and practicing deforestation and afforestationinformerminedlands

These activities can be expensive if no funding mechanisms are put in place upfront Policies and regulations that mandate land reclamation and create funds dedicated to environmental restoration and agricultural development are crucial. For example, in South Africa, mining companies are required by law to rehabilitate land after open cast mining. However, these lawsrequirerigidenforcement.


Mine closure and reclamation should be conducted progressively and planned from the early stages of a mining project to maximize beneficial outcomes following closure. Although mining is an economic booster, its negative ecological impacts are of great concern. In fact, ongoing research indicates promising results from these reclamation techniques, offering a path to sustained economic activity and environmental health Henceforth, reclamation and restoration of derelict mine sites are now extremely necessary for restoring ecological integrity basedonsoundecologicalprinciples



https://www sucofindo co id/en/articles/what-is-the-reclamationprocess-in-mining-areas/

https://www miningweekly com/article/is-it-possible-to-convertold-coal-mines-into-successful-farms-2022-06-24


Mining: Hauling It Away


Ever thought about the transport factor in the mining industry? Well, if you had not, take a few minutes to understand that transport is a vital

component of the mining industry, influencing the efficiency, cost, and environmental impact of mining operations The movement of raw materials, equipment, and personnel is crucial throughout the mining process, from exploration and extraction to processing and distribution. The transport infrastructure and logistics strategies employed in mining significantly affect operational performance and profitability

In light of the global shift from fossil fuels to sustainable energy solutions, the mining industry is facing increased scrutiny regarding its environmental impact, particularly in terms of transport. Efficient and sustainable transportation methods are crucial at all stages of mining, from initial exploration to processing and beyond These methods not only reduce a mine’s carbon footprint but also improve operational efficiency, enabling mining companies to meet both economic and environmental goals.

At this juncture, one is probably wondering what the term hauling means Simply put, hauling is the transportation of materials like ores or rocks in mining operations. Mines utilize various haulage systems depending on their activities, with the most common being mine trucks, haul trucks, and rail systems These types of transport consume significant energy and emit greenhouse gases (GHGs), making them less sustainable, especially in an era focused on clean mobility alternatives Traditional haulage systems in mining come with several disadvantages such as high operational costs, significant diesel emissions and high capital investment.

Given these drawbacks, it is essential to explore sustainable transport innovations in mining Safety is a paramount concern in the transport of materials and personnel in the mining industry The use of heavy machinery and transport vehicles poses risks, including accidents and spillage of hazardous materials. Implementing rigorous safety protocols and training programs for drivers and operators is essential to minimize these risks

Transport in the mining industry also has significant environmental implications. The movement of heavy vehicles and equipment contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, while the development of infrastructure can impact local ecosystems Mining companies are increasingly adopting sustainable transport practices to mitigate these effects This includes optimizing routes to reduce fuel consumption, using energy-efficient vehicles, and exploring alternative fuels.

As the industry evolves, there is a growing emphasis on adopting sustainable and innovative transport solutions to reduce environmental impacts and enhance operational safety The continued focus on improving transport infrastructure and practices will be essential for the mining industry to meet the challenges of increased demand and environmental stewardship. Various transport companies are developing innovations to improve mining haulage performance, efficiency, and reduce carbon emissions

These innovations for example include:

Electric and Hybrid Trucks: Electric haul trucks are powered by batteries, which can be charged using renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power Hybrid trucks combine traditional diesel engines with electric motors, allowing them to switch to electric power when needed, such as during low-speed operations or in areas with strict emissions regulations. Combining electric and diesel power, these loaders offer improved fuel efficiency and lower emissions These trucks not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also lower fuel consumption and operating costs

Battery-Tram Powered Jumbo Drill: Designed for underground mining, this drill operates on battery power, eliminating diesel emissions.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles: Hydrogen fuel cell technology is an emerging solution for sustainable hauling in mining Fuel cell vehicles use hydrogen gas to generate electricity, which powers electric motors The

only by product of this process is water vapor, making hydrogen fuel cells an environmentally friendly option. While still in the early stages of adoption in mining, hydrogen fuel cells offer the potential for significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuels They are particularly promising for heavyduty applications where battery-electric solutions may not yet be feasible due to energy density limitations.

Companies such as Scania have introduced fleet management systems that allow mines to track haulage performance These systems monitor factors such as location, speed, engine condition, driver behaviour, route deviation, fuel consumption, and CO2 emissions By investing in smart management systems, mining fleets can reduce inefficiencies through thorough monitoring and tracking.

Given the environmental impact and high costs associated with traditional mining haulage, it is crucial for mines to explore transport alternatives that improve operational efficiency while minimizing energy requirements, costs, and emissions. Investing in innovative, sustainable transport solutions and smart

management systems can contribute to more responsible andprofitableminingpractices

In summary, mines, particularly in Africa, should continue seeking sustainable innovations to enhance performance and promote responsible mining practices As the industryevolves,thereisagrowingemphasisonadopting sustainable and innovative transport solutions to reduce environmental impacts and enhance operational safety The continued focus on improving transport infrastructure and practices will be essential for the mining industry to meet the challenges of increased demandandenvironmentalstewardship.


https://www sciencedirect com/topics/earth-and-planetarysciences/haulage

https://www e-education psu edu/geog000/node/679

https://www komatsu com/en/newsroom/2021/2021-07-20komatsu-to-highlight-scalable-sustainable-mining--solutions-forcustomers-at-minexpo-2021/

https://kempower com/stories/facilitating-epirocs-electrictransition/ https://globalroadtechnology com/haulage-systems-for-open-pitmines/



Telecoms in Mining: A Cautionary tale

Preparingablast Courtesy:https://nattsafetycom/

Telecommunications has brought untold benefits to society and mining operations have definitely benefitted from the advantages The technologies

have become indispensable in the mining sector, providing the backbone for various safety and operational systems. These technologies include satellite communications, fiber optics, wireless networks, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices They facilitate seamless communication between surface control centers and underground operations, ensuring that information flows swiftly and accurately.

The adoption of telecommunications in mining is also driven by regulatory requirements Governments and regulatory bodies have established strict safety standards that mining companies must adhere to Telecommunications systems help ensure compliance by providing the necessary infrastructure for monitoring and reporting. However, this comes with a cautionary tale especially related to the use of wireless equipment.

Notices prohibiting the use of electronic and communication devices are common in various locations, such as service stations, hospitals (particularly in operating rooms), and other sensitive areas This precaution is equally critical in mining areas due to the use of explosives. Since this edition is focused on the mining sector, let's delve deeper into this issue in regard to mining

The use of explosives in mining operations is a critical process for the extraction of metals Explosives used in mining are typically initiated using electronic detonators, which are designed to be highly reliable and safe under normal operating conditions. These detonators can, however, be sensitive to electromagnetic interference (EMI), which includes radio waves EMI can originate from various sources, including mobile phones, radios, and other wireless communication devices commonly found in and around mining sites.

This procedure is meticulously controlled to ensure both the efficiency of extraction and the safety of workers

However, it is important to recognize the potential hazards posed by interference from radio waves emitted by unauthorized electronic and communication devices in the vicinity of mining activities

When these electronic and communication devices emit radio waves, there is a possibility that the signals could interfere with the electronic circuits of detonators, potentially leading to unintended initiation of explosives. This risk underscores the importance of strict regulations and safety measures to control the use of electronic devices near blasting operations To mitigate this risk, several precautions are typically implemented:







Mining operations often enforce strict rules regarding the use of electronic and communication devices within certain distances of blasting sites This includes restricting the use of mobile phones, radios, and other wireless equipment, and leaving them instead outside designated safe zones to avoid any potential interference.


Shielding and Protective Measures: The use of shielding techniques and protective measures can help to reduce the susceptibility of detonators to EMI This may involve the use of specialized enclosures for electronic components or the implementation of grounding and bonding practices to minimize electromagnetic interference.


Monitoring and Testing: Regular monitoring and testing of the electromagnetic environment around blasting sites are crucial. This helps to identify potential sources of interference and allows for timely corrective actions to be taken

4. Education and Training: Ensuring that all personnel involved in mining operations are aware of the risks associated with EMI and are trained in the proper handling and usage of electronic devices near blasting areasisessentialformaintainingsafety.

These measures collectively aim to minimize the risk of accidental detonation of explosives due to electromagnetic interference, thereby safeguarding the lives of workers and maintaining the integrity of mining operations Mining activities are especially susceptible to lightning hazards because these activities occur in open areas When an electrical storm occurs, people generally seek shelter from the wind, rain and hail rather than from thelightning

Telecommunications technology plays a crucial role in enhancingsafetyprotocolsintheminingindustry,sonote that the conversation continues where comments are welcome aswestrivetoserveyou.


International Society of Explosives Engineers (ISEE) Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) explosiveshandbook pdf SB 044.pdf https://www sucofindo co id/en/articles/what-is-the-reclamationprocess-in-mining-areas/

https://www weforum org/agenda/2018/12/abandoned-minescould-become-the-farms-of-the-future/

https://nattsafety com/new-mining-workshops-ground-controland-mine-blasting/

About Us


RDJ Consulting is a 100% Namibian Energy and Sustainability Consultancy with more than 30 years’ experience in the utility (Water, Energy and Telecoms), rural development and transport sectors Our experience as an integrated professional services firm that builds better communities through planning, design, and delivery of physical and social infrastructure helps support our clients in all aspects going forward.

We approach each of our clients with fresh eyes to develop customized, unique strategies

RDJ Consulting based in Windhoek, Namibia has extensive experience in Southern Africa, Asia, Britain, USA and the Caribbean We thus work with various governments and agencies to address development issues in developing countries

Our Services:


Women in Mining

Interview with Ms. Ndeshihafela Ndivayele

In the ever-evolving field of mining engineering, certain individualsstandoutasparagonsofinnovation,dedication, andleadership Ms NdeshihafelaNdivayeleisonesuch

figure,recognizedforherpioneeringcontributionst miningpractices Attheforefrontoftheindustry,Ms making significant strides and painting an incredible mining sector In this discussion, Ms Ndivayele de remarkable journey and impactful career as a min intern. She explores the challenges she has naviga pivotalcontributionstoshapingthefutureofmining.

Personal Journey

Ms. Ndeshihafela Ndivayele is an award-winnin innovative Mining Engineering Leader, Strategic Ad Member & Africa Global Co-lead at Women in Gree specializingindrivingsustainablesolutionswithinth renewable energy sectors. With a background in upbringing, Ndeshihafela brings a unique pers proficiencyinsixlanguagestoherprofessionalendea

Ms. Ndivayele serves as the President of the Minin Engineering Society, playing a pivotal role in foste collaboration and professional development. Additio FounderofNABOInnovations,Ms.Ndivayeleleadsam engineering-tech startup recognized for innovati addressing Sustainable Development Goals, incl awardedforoneofthetopinnovationsbyWomenin (WomEng) Southern African Fellowship 2021, re BeChangeMaker 2022 as a Top Finalist Startup i Winner of the Chelete Cage Competition hosted by Investment Promotion & Development Board (NIPD thePresidentoftheRepublicofNamibiain2024

I aim to foster a culture of innovation and inclusivity, where diverse perspectives are valued, and sustainable solutions are prioritized.

-Ms Ndeshihafela Ndivayele

Moreover, from 8 to 5, Ms Ndivayele, is a Mining Internatthestate-owned-enterprise,EpangeloMinin

Interview by Ms Silpa Kanghono (Coordinator: Digital Marketing and Events- RDJ Publishing)

in order to complete her Bachelor of Engineering in Mining (Honours), and during her time there she has successfully completed, Board approved, financial models for several upcoming mining projects namely: Kokoseb Gold Project, Salt Mining and Copper Project. She has recently received a prestigiousAfricanLeadershipAwardintheRisingStarcategory, honouringMs.Ndivayele,anewentrantintothemining,gas,and oil industries, who has shown remarkable innovation and potential to make a significant impact Her outstanding contributions have earned her a prestigious place in the Hall of FameoftheAssociationofWomeninMininginAfrica(AWIMA)in 2024

What inspired you to pursue a career in the mining industry?

“My inspiration to pursue a career in the mining industry stems from a deep-seated passion for solving problems Growing up, I was fascinated by how I could solve complex problems through innovation to improve lives I believe I am a born creative, and engineering was the closest thing to art for me, since I was always discouraged to attend an actual School of the Arts The mining industry, with its significant impact on economies and the environment, presented a unique challenge where I could apply my skills to promote sustainable practices and innovations Witnessing the industry's potential to transform communities and drive development further solidified my commitment to this field ” Ms Ndivayeleresponded

What are some of the most significant challenges you’ve encountered while working to implement sustainable practices in the mining industry?

“Implementing sustainable practices in the mining industry comes with its share of challenges. One significant challenge is balancing economic interests with environmental and social responsibilities The industry often faces resistance to change due to the perceived costs and risks associated with adopting new technologies and practices Additionally, regulatory hurdles and the need for substantial investment in research and development can impede progress However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and collaboration, driving the industry towards more sustainable practices ” Ms Ndivayelesaid

What motivated you to become involved with Women in Green Hydrogen, and how do you see its role evolving in the coming years?

Ms Ndivayele says, “When I founded my multinational engineering-tech startup, NABO Innovations, I envisioned innovating systems that are renewably powered To make that vision come alive, I positioned myself in places where I could learn and network with leaders in the spaces of renewable energy, and Women in Green Hydrogen (WiGH) was one of them The WiGH and Women in Renewable Energy (WiRE) networks hosted a partnership masterclass, and by surprise I received an invitation, inviting me to participate, and the connection was instant

NamibiaUniversityofScience&Technology-Mining&ProcessEngineeringSocietyEducationalTrip:Ndeshihafelainsidethe3kmdeep-levelundergroundMoabKhotsongMine, locatedinthenorthernpartofSouthAfricainNorthWestsome180kilometres(110mi)southwestofJohannesburg,SouthAfrica

Shecontinued, “My involvement with WiGH is motivated by a desire to bridge the gender gap in the renewable energy sector and promote the adoption of green hydrogen as a key solution for sustainable energy WiGH's mission aligns with my values of innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity In the coming years, I see WiGH playing a crucial role in advocating for policies that support green hydrogen development, providing a platform for women to lead in this emerging field, and fostering international collaboration to accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy future on a global scale I will also be launching WiGH African chapter later this year at the Global African Hydrogen Summit (GAHS) taking place in Windhoek, Namibia from the 3-5 September, 2024 ”

What impact do you hope to have on the mining industry and the broader community through your work?

“Through my work, I hope to drive significant advancements in sustainable mining practices, ensuring that the industry contributes positively to environmental conservation and community development I aim to foster a culture of innovation and inclusivity, where diverse perspectives are valued, and sustainable

solutions are prioritized By empowering professionals of all age groups and promoting gender equality, I aspire to create a more resilient and forward-thinking mining industry that benefits society ” MsNdivayelesaid

In conclusion, what advice would you give to young professionals or students who are interested in pursuing a career in the mining industry?

“My advice to young professionals and students interested in pursuing a career in the mining industry is to embrace continuous learning and remain adaptable to change The industry is evolving rapidly, and staying informed about new technologies and sustainable practices is crucial Seek mentorship and build a strong professional network to gain insights and support Most importantly, pursue your passion with resilience, faith and determination, and always strive to make a positive impact in whatever you do Finally, believe in yourself, even when the vision doesn’t seem as clear in the beginning, with time the pieces start to come together, and the sky doesn’t become the limit, but only a view!” Ms.Ndivayeleresponded.

IMy Energy Life Series

Leading Energy Initiatives: Managing Projects for International Diplomacy

Interview with Alda Manuel

contributed by:

presented by:

n this episode, we meet Alda Manuel , a Project Manager at Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Angola (AHK Angola) AldaManuelsharesherstoryofhowshegotstarted

intheenergyindustry,detailingherinitialchallengesandoffering invaluableadvicetofellowyoungprofessionalsseekingtheirpath inthisdynamicindustry.



My initial and former employer, Anglobal , recruited me as an intern Iwaspromotedtoelectricalengineerwithinsixmonths,a position in which I experienced significant growth over the subsequentfiveyears

My experience in electrical engineering encompasses the installationofautomatictransferswitches,industrialgensets,and renewable energy controllers. I possess a portfolio consisting of 3MWofon-gridandoff-gridprojects.

I realized that, in order to ascend the engineering pyramid, I required management expertise, notwithstanding my fervor for practical engineering. I thereby left my comfort zone and acceptedthepositionofengineeringfacilitiesmanagerat OperTec Angola , almost without a backup plan. I developed procedures and preventative measures to decrease facility inefficiency in my capacity as a manager. It entails overseeing the physical infrastructure of an organization, which consists of HVAC, BAS, lighting, roofing, fire protection, and other structural requirements.

My volunteer work, support for a JUST energy transition, and adequateeducationsupplementmyengineeringcareer Through educational programs, I mentor engineering students and equip them for the professional world through the Tchossi Academic Initiative

Ibeganprivateconsultancyintheenergysectorin2021,focusing on photovoltaics and green hydrogen advocacy I bring with me two high-level initiatives to the table: Africa Energy Market Place (AEMP)and H2-diplo - Decarbonization Diplomacy (H2diplo)

Lastly, I was presented with the opportunity to serve as the energyprojectmanagerforthe Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Angola (AHK Angola) inMarch2023 Inthiscapacity,I am tasked with the oversight and management of all initiatives and projects pertaining to energy that are associated with the Germandelegation

Whatdoyoudoinyourcurrentroleatyour company?

Myresponsibilitiesincludeselectingpotentialinitiatives,deciding their objectives, and developing a plan to accomplish them, all while producing detailed energy analysis reports. Furthermore, I promote stakeholder discussions to ensure that projects represent their needs and interests I also drive for programmes thatmaybenefitthebusinesscommunitywhenapplicabletothe project My supervision extends to all energy-related German delegationprojectsandefforts


The workload determines it My workday is typically devoid of significant tasks, such as delivering reports or organising conferencesorworkinggroups Icommencemydaybypromptly checking my emails, indulging in a cup of tea or coffee, and establishinga"DoNotDisturb"modefrom8:45am to12pm (I am of the opinion that I am more efficient during this time) During the afternoon, I engage in activities that I have not been occupiedwith,andifIhavetheopportunity,Ioftenallocateone to two hours to peruse energy sector publications or engage in studying The business meeting is a routine occurrence, nevertheless, the primary source of concern lies in the development of strategic concepts and activities for the annual term

My everyday work routine involves assessing whether a matter is urgent and significant, or if it is merely a generic request. Describing my everyday routine in a general sense is challenging due to the varying techniques and energy requirementsassociatedwitheachwork.

“OnelessonthatIhaveacquiredisthattheoriginofboth successandfailurelieswithinourownselves.”


Whataresomeofthechallengesyouhavefaced intheindustry?

ThemostformidabledifficultyIencounteredintheindustrywas the resolution of the impostor syndrome. Despite being recognised by the industry, I pondered my sense of belonging insideit.Ifanyformofdiscriminationexisted,Iexperiencedittoa greaterextentduetomylackofpersonalassuranceinthecalibre ofmywork.

During my early professional years, I exhibited a propensity for prioritising perfection over the pursuit of quality I used to criticise myself for my lack of knowledge in a specific area Until thejunctureatwhichIexperiencedamentalbreakdownand

came to the realisation that my irreplaceability is not absolute, and that notwithstanding my proficiencies, there will continuouslyexistthosewhooutperformme,acircumstancethat isentirelypermissible

I have encountered instances of prejudice based on my racial background,age,andgenderwithinthegivencontext However, noneoftheseinstancesweremoresignificantthanmyownacts of sabotage, which led to self-doubt One lesson that I have acquired is that the origin of both success and failure lies withinourownselves.

AldarepresentingAngolaattheFifthUnitedNationsConferenceon theLeastDevelopedCountries

Whatisthemostfunthingyouloveaboutyour work?

Energy enables you to navigate many different areas of the existing sciences, despite the fact that engineering is a precise science The fact that the task can shift from engineering to politicstodiplomacyandthenbacktofinanceintheblinkofan eye is a funny thought to consider When these circumstances need more of my capabilities, I find that I am able to grow as a resultofthetransversalityandchallengesthatIenjoy

On the journey, I come into contact with a number of different people. I usually say that "business is done with people, not institutions,"andthefactthatIhavetheopportunitytonetwork with people who come from a variety of geographical locations, ethnicities, and histories not only makes me feel more professionalbutalsomorehuman.


I often encounter challenges while attempting to elucidate this topic due to the divergent perspectives held by individuals regarding the definition of a harmonious equilibrium between work and personal life Recognising the uniqueness of my personal experience compared to that of my acquaintances or family members, I acknowledge the potential disparity in the quantityofleisuretimeorvacationtimeavailabletome

IamconfidentthatIbelongtothegenerationthatwilldisruptthe cycle, ensuring the well-being of my parents during their old age and providing my children with a high standard of living. To achievethisobjective,itwillbenecessaryformetomakecertain sacrifices. Ensuring the well-being of my mental health and upholding a healthy lifestyle by adhering to appropriate dietary practices and engaging in consistent physical activity is paramountinavertingamentalbreakdown.

During my weekend, I engage in activities such as taking naps, watching animated films to alleviate mental strain, and enjoying quality time with my loved ones. It is noteworthy to add that Sundaysarenotsubjecttonegotiationforme.

Whatarethecorehardskillssomeoneinyour fieldshouldhave?

Understanding the impact of hierarchical position on necessary skills is crucial. It's not just about management versus technical skills but also about aligning your skill development with your careergoals.

Thepossessionofacompletesetofpracticalskillsisnecessaryfor anyone aspiring to achieve success in the field of renewable energy engineering It is generally expected that the following abilities will be necessary for each role within the organisation, butthespecificskillsetmayvary.

Demonstrating substantial technological competence is of paramountimportance Itiscrucialtoacknowledgeandevaluate the theoretical and practical dimensions of renewable energy sources in accordance with the resource availability within their respective nations It is recommended that professionals in Southern Africa prioritise comprehending and implementing hydro and solar energy Furthermore, having a foundational understanding of the fields of electricity, energy storage, and engineering provides a clear benefit Moreover, the numerous obstacles that arise in the coordination, planning, and implementationofrenewableenergyeffortsareoftenobserved

Iholdastrongconvictionthatmysector,resemblingtheoiland gas business, exhibits a significant dependence on policies Therefore, it is crucial for individuals within my professional domain, irrespective of their level of technical expertise, to possess a foundational comprehension of policy and legislation. The possession of comprehensive knowledge in electrical systems, grid integration, power distribution, troubleshooting, and preventive maintenance is crucial for experts in the field of renewable energy to effectively promote the progress of smart grids and enhance the integration of renewable energy sources intoexistingpowergrids.

Whatsoftskillsshouldsomeoneinyourfield have?

The following are essential interpersonal skills for employees in theenergyindustry:

Proficiency in communication is positively indispensable in all industries, hence it is not different in the energy sector. Proficient communication abilities are essential for practitioners since they enable them to understand and effectivelytransmitcomplextechnicaldatatotheirmanagers andclients


Professionals must keep comprehensive problem-solving capabilities to identify and manage challenges accurately Thereisapotentialneedfordataanalysis,optionevaluation, andinformeddecision-making


Duetotheswiftrateatwhichregulations,technologies,and marketdynamicsevolve,theabilitytoadjustiscrucialinthe energy sector Those who wish to succeed in this industry must be flexible and receptive to criticism To remain competitive in a perpetually evolving industry, they must possessthecapacitytoadapt


The best thing about my work is being part of the most remarkable initiatives that may help my country improve its energyaccessanddiversifyitseconomy,bringingmethesenseof buildingalegacythatimpactsseveralcommunities


Whatwouldyouconsiderahighlightofyour career?

Firstandforemost,Iamaworkinprogress,yetlookingback,Isee significant growth within six years of working. I am passionate about engineering; nevertheless, engineering by itself is not sufficient to tackle the challenges that communities face, and whenrenewableenergyisimplemented,legislationmustgoside by side That is why, when the H2-diplo began working on introducing hydrogen in Angola and successfully gained the attention of the government, I realised that my work would now benefitnotonlytheprivatesectorbutalsotheglobalcommunity becauseitisinextricablylinkedtoavarietyofsectorssuchasthe export market, energy, agriculture sector, and heavy transformativeindustries

Hydrogenisstillanovelconceptformanycountries,andthefact that I was one of the pioneers in my country is a huge privilege, honour, and source of pride for me as well as for those who believedinmeandinvestedinme


Exploring unfamiliar locations and sampling diverse culinary traditions brings me a profound sense of autonomy. Travelling offers a transforming experience as it allows individuals to get firsthandinsightsintodifferentviewpoints Thisisduetothefact thatourexperiencesareshapedbytheinteractionswehavewith others, the literature we engage with, the television shows we watch,andeventheculinarydelightswesample Afterdeparting frommyresidence,Iampresentedwiththesefruitsinasingular encounter

Howdoyouthinkthatyourworkmakesa differenceintheenergyspace?

Being a woman in the energy sector, which is predominantly male-dominated, is undoubtedly a notable distinction in and of itself as it promotes gender equality while influencing girls to pursuecareersinSTEM Decentralisation,facilitatedbyrenewable energy, emerges as the most advantageous approach to reach underprivilegedcommunitieswheretransmissionlineinstallation isnotimminentwithinthenextfewyears

In this regard, my work possesses the distinctive capability of fostering engagement and connection with communities, empowering them to actively participate in initiatives that advocate energy access, tackle energy poverty, and ultimately improve basic sanitation systems and education Furthermore, it facilitates collaboration between private entities and governments in an effort to create a more sustainable and prosperoussociety.

Whatadvicedoyouhaveforsomeonenewtothe industry?

Here's some important advice for anyone new to the energy industry:


1 Networkingisapowerfultoolinanyindustry,andtheenergy sector is no exception Join relevant professional organisations, attend energy-related events, and connect with other industry specialists These connections can open doors to new opportunities, provide valuable mentorship, and foster fruitful collaborations The potential for growth and success in the energy industry is vast, and building relationshipsisakeytounlockingit


The energy sector is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, with new policies, technologies, and market trends constantly emerging Embracethethrilloflearningandcuriosity Signup for webinars and seminars, immerse yourself in industry news, and explore ongoing professional development options Thiscontinuouslearningjourneywillkeepyouatthe forefrontoftheindustryandfuelyourprofessionalgrowth

Because the energy field is vast and diverse, expanding your views and learning about many aspects is beneficial Gain exposuretoawiderangeofenergy-relatedcareers,getyour handsdirtywithavarietyoftasks,andworksidebysidewith specialists from all walks of life Your professional versatility will increase as you widen your viewpoints and skill set. Markets and policies have a huge impact on the energy business. Stay current with developments in legislation, policy, and the market. Understanding the context can help youovercomechallengesandseizeopportunities.


Improveyouranalyticalandtechnicalskills,whicharevitalin theenergyindustry.Discovercontemporarydevelopmentsin data analysis, project management, technical systems, and emergingtechnologies.Yourskillsinthisareawillbeusefulin theenergyindustry.


Embraceinnovationandsustainability.Lookforstrategiesto help the global shift to renewable energy. Discover fresh approaches and technologies to assist you in your work. Considersustainabilityfromeveryangleandmakedecisions basedonwhatyoulearn.


Adaptability is a crucial trait in the energy industry, which is known for its complexity and rapid changes Embrace new situations and make the necessary adjustments Strengthen your resilience and ability to overcome adversity Success in this field requires dedication and perseverance Stay enthusiastic, continue to educate yourself, and seek innovative ways to contribute to the industry's growth Your adaptabilityisyourstrength,anditwillguideyoutoexcelin thischallengingyetrewardingfield


IMy Energy Life Series

The 360° Off-Grid Specialist: Bringing Technical Expertise and Business Acumen to Anglophone West Africa

Interview with Richard Hammond

nthisepisode,wemeetRichardHammond,MBA,anOff-grid Energy Specialist at Deloitte Consulting LLP - West Africa EnergyProgram RichardHammond,MBAshareshisstoryof

how he got started in the energy industry, detailing his initial challenges and offering invaluable advice to fellow young professionalsseekingtheirpathinthisdynamicindustry.


Leveraging my prior experience in customer service, business development, capacity development, retail sales, and digital finance, I've built a strong foundation for my journey in the offgrid energy sector This diverse background has been instrumentalinmyaccomplishmentsthusfar

My journey began at Solar Kiosk, a German solar company providing solar-powered kiosks to underserved communities (BaseofthePyramid,BoP).Thesekiosksofferedaccesstovarious productsandservices,includingsolarhomesystemsandcooling solutions.

Following Solar Kiosk, I joined the Power Africa Transaction Reformprogram.Here,Ispearheadedbusinessdevelopmentand digital finance initiatives, helping companies integrate mobile money payments for convenient collections from off-grid customers.

Continuing this passion, I became the Country Lead Advisor (Ghana & Liberia) for the USAID-funded Power Africa Off-grid program. In this role, I provided customized technical assistance tooff-gridenergycompanies,fosteringtheirgrowth.

Currently, I leverage my expertise as the Off-grid Specialist (Anglophone West Africa) at Deloitte for the West Africa Energy Program Here, I provide technical assistance to off-grid companiesinGhana

Whatdoyoudoinyourcurrentroleatyour company?


to off-grid companies in Ghana, Sierra Leone, and Liberia It's a 360-degree role, requiring me to be both a technical expert and possessbusinessacumen Thisincludesaddressingoff-gridsolar businessconcernsrelatedtocapitalraising,technologysolutions, businessstrategydevelopment,partnershipdevelopment,public speaking, policy reviews and development, customer support, capacitydevelopmentandtraining,andvariousbusinessmodels forstandalonesolar,mini-grids,andproductiveuseofenergy


Supporting the off-grid component of the West Africa Energy Program(WEAP)involvesaidingtheoff-gridsolarbusinesssector through various means. I provide assistance in business strategy development for distribution, go-to-market planning, organizationaldevelopment,andmarketinformationanalysisfor theoff-gridsolarsector Ialsofacilitatestrategicpartnershipsas many local off-grid solar businesses face challenges due to financial limitations With my experience, I have successfully facilitated strategic partnerships that have increased sales of solar products to associations, groups, and cooperatives Additionally, I provide relevant market data and identify opportunitiesinaddressablemarketsforoff-gridsolarsolutions, enablingcompaniestoengageintargetedselling

My typical day includes team meetings, responding to emails, reviewingtechnicalproposals,developingbusinessstrategiesfor off-grid companies, and, in some cases, building capacity and creatingtrainingcontentonspecifictopics

"Theopportunitytomakeanimpactandthevisible resultsmotivateyoutodomore."

Whataresomeofthechallengesyouhaveface intheindustry?

MostofthechallengesI'veencounteredinthissectorarerela to factors beyond my control, especially those affecting priv sector organizations Often, I have minimal to no influence o thesechanges

One challenge is the slow response time of the companie supportinaddressingtheirissues,whichdelaystheachievem ofquicksuccesses Additionally,muchofthesupportprovided companies is programmatic When a program ends, it becom difficult to continue assisting the companies unless suppor extendedonapersonalleveltomaintaintherelationshipunt newprogrambegins

Whatisthemostfunthingyouloveaboutyou work?

The opportunity to innovate and achieve results is what exc me most about my work In my field, I strive to make a posi impactonboththepeopleandcompaniesIsupport Akeyasp of this is the chance to be innovative in finding solutions that meet client-defined KPIs and desired outcomes Innovation is trulyattheheartofwhatIdo

Additionally, I value working alongside colleagues who possess diverse skill sets. Knowing that everyone understands their responsibilitiescreatesatrulyrewardingworkenvironment.


Iprioritizemywork,whichhelpsmemanagemytimeeffectively I always write down my daily, weekly, or monthly goals to easily track what I need to accomplish at any given time These goals arethenattachedtomycalendarnotifications Thissystemhelps me effectively compartmentalize my working hours, family time, andleisureactivities

Whatarethecorehardskillssomeoneinyour fieldshouldhave?

Project management, People management, Market Research, Public Speaking, Business Development, Technical skills (RenewableEnergy)

Whatsoftskillsshouldsomeoneinyourfield have?

Customer service, Teamwork, Interpersonal skills, Leadership, NegotiationskillsandCommunicationskills.


The opportunity to make an impact and the visible results motivateyoutodomore.

Whatwouldyouconsiderahighlightofyour career?

Network,impact,andsuccess Themostfulfillingaspectisseeing theimpactofyourwork,especiallywhencompaniesexpresstheir appreciationforhowthesupportyouprovidedhashelpedthem growtheircustomerbaseandraiseequity,debt,orgrantfunding




Myfamily,withthreedaughters,hasinstilledastrongpassionin me for supporting gender integration. Helping companies integrate gender into their operations is therefore very exciting

Howdoyouthinkthatyourworkmakesa differenceintheenergyspace?

The results are evident when I see an increase in the energy access rate. Our strategy of helping off-grid businesses build a proper business model through capacity development and supportingcompaniesinaccessingfundingisalsokey.

Whatadvicedoyouhaveforsomeonenewtothe industry?

Don't throw away your experience in your current sector! Integrate it and add some more skill development. The energy sector needs well-rounded, 360-degree skilled individuals to thrive Allyourexperienceisvaluable Remember,theendofone output is the beginning of another input There are various platforms offering opportunities to build on your existing skills For example, I mentor on TerraDo, but there are others like Coursera



African Union – Ethiopia

Description: Individual Consultant to Undertake Aeronautical Infrastructure Gap Analysis and Air Navigation Services Architecture to Support the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) and the Prospects of a Seamless Airspace.

Bid Closing date: 05 August 2024

https://au int/sites/default/files/bids/43963-REOI for Aeronautical Infrastructure Gap Analysis ET-AUC-424510-CSINDV pdf

Geothermal Development Company Ltd (GDC) - Kenya

Description: Supply and Installation of 5 to 10MW Geothermal Wellhead Power Plant at Menengai Geothermal Project.

Bid Closing date: 15 August 2024

NamPower - Namibia

Description: Design and Construction of the Erongo Substation

Bid Closing date: 16 August 2024 at 10h00 Namibian Time

https://www nampower com na/Bid aspx?id=251937

Industrial Development Corporation – Zambia

Description: Procurement of Fuel and Lubricants on a one-year contract.

Closing date: 16 August 2024 at 10h00

https://eprocure zppa org zm/epps/cft/prepareViewCfTWS do?resourceId=7924665

Mwense Town Council - Zambia

Description: Construction of Piped Water from Nkomba to Mini Hospital.

Bid Closing date: 18 August 2024 at 00h00

https://eprocure zppa org zm/epps/cft/prepareViewCfTWS do?resourceId=7999893

Department of Minerals Resources and Energy – South Africa

Description: Request For Qualification and Proposals (RFP) under The Gas Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (GASIPPPP) Bid Window 1

BId Closing date: 30 August 2024 at 11h00 AM

United Nations

Description: Provision of Spare Parts for Electrical Medium Voltage Substations in MONUSCO field offices in DR Congo and Entebbe support base – Uganda

Bid Closing date: 22 October 2024

















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