FROM THE FOUNDER Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook
Welcome to our Fall 2019 Edition of Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine...Living the Transformed Life. We are celebrating three years. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to all the ladies of Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine. We have been graced to have so many wonderful women to contribute over the past three years to our family. It has been an awesome experience working with you all. And now here we grow again!! It is vitally important that as we move forward into transformation that we develop new patterns and new paradigms that will enable us to maintain our new life. This includes everything from a new mindset, to new environments, new relationships, and even new locations in some cases. We here at Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine and Nana’s Girls’ Foundation endeavor to be a resource to aid you in that change, in that growth, in that shift that is necessary for you NEW NEXT!! The women in this Fall 2019 Edition have come together to speak to the heart, minds, spirits and souls of every woman on the brink of that change. Our annual Fall edition will encourage you, inspire you and ignite the desire to push forward to the NEW YOU. And so here at Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine and the Movement we are cel-
ebrating with our greatest edition ever. Filled with articles, stories and other information to inspire change. It’s all inside the pages of RTW; the Lord our God is shifting us from Glory to Glory, we must shift in our thinking and ways of doing things. There is greater in store for you. And as you embrace your NEW NEXT, we urge you to embrace it with freedom, and with joy. I speak prophetically to you today, that as you read through the pages of this edition expect to never be the same again. Expect Rebirth. Rebirth in your personal, professional, family, financial, spiritual, emotional, private and public lives. For you are more than a Phenomenal Woman, you are a Proverbs 31 Woman. You are a Daughter of Zion; with that comes a great inheritance but also a great responsibility. That responsibility is to train up our daughters to recognize the greatness within them, to recognize the beauty within them, and to evolve into the Queen they were created by God to become, and with all the benefits of Queendom. Daughter, TODAY BE MADE WHOLE!!! Embrace your REBIRTH as you encounter these pages. Join us inside the Fall Edition of Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine.
Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook Editor-In-Chief & Founder
C O N T E N T S: 32 Marjory Brifil CEO and Image Strategist Standing in my own Strength
From the Founder
Our Note to You
Next Generation Entrepreneurs
Beauty from a Black Perspective
Facing America 12
By: Myra Bellinger
By: Tammy Mills
Ministry of Mental Health
Life in the Segregated North 19 By: Rev. Dr. Rene Minter
28 Unblocking Barriers to Success (Reprint)
By: Lo Brown Lupus
By: Dr. Rene Minter-Carr
Freedom of Ownership
By; Aisha Guiles
By Tania Johnson
Battling Childhood Molestation
Cover Exclusive by: Darlene Mingo BREATHE
By: Tamia & Paris Mills Rebirth Health Tips
From Rebirth
Never Looked So Good By: Kisha Johnson McRae 69 Hair Care Tips (Reprint)
By: Jacinda Ross
by Hair All Down my Back
Standing in My Strength Cover Exclusive w/ Marjory Brifil
Your Gift Will Make Room For You (Reprint) By: Jean Toney
Embrace Your Skin
Motherhood Today
OUR NOTE TO YOU Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine has done it again. You are holding in your hands the Fall Edition of this wonderful publication. We are both pleased and excited to bring to you Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine, featuring women that are living their best lives. It is our sincere prayer that you are able to take away from this edition knowledge and wisdom for every day life situations and apply it as well. We hope that you will be empowered to LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE!!! We are celebrating women that have overcome life’s challenges and are now resting in the reality of those SHIFTING PARADIGMS. These women serve in different capacities but each with the same agenda...that is to change the lives of other women by the telling of their life experiences and by telling of how God intervened in their lives setting them on a journey of discovery. This is a season to celebrate you as the faithful servants you are, and to thank you for the many sacrifices you’ve made to ensure that others not only realize their full potential, but that they may also reach their destiny. The Staff of Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine & Nana’s Girls’ Foundation, Inc.
C O N T E N T S:
10. Next Generation Entrepreneurs: Teaching our Children the Wealth Principle By: Tamia & Paris Mills 11. Battling Childhood Molestation By; Tammy Mills
14. The Ministry of Mental Health By: Rev. Dr. Rene Minter 22. Self-Care for the Superwoman Syndrome By. Tanya R. Bankston 25. Mental Health Meets Faith By. Dr. Cerrissa Hugie 29. Rebirth Health Tips By. Tania Johnson 50. INTRODUCING EMROSE AFRICAN FASHION 58. Inside From Transition to Transformation the Book Interview with Dr. VW Cook 77. From Victim to Advocate By: LeKida Ephriam 84. Rebirth Financial Tips 92. Building Wealth Through Ownership By: Jacinda Ross
96 Renee Huffman CEO and Fashion Icon The Champion Within
My name is Tamia RoNasia Mills and I am 11 years old. I am the daughter of Roneil and Tammy Mills. My sister name is Paris Symone Mills. I enjoy reading , riding my bike , and dancing, but most importantly I have a passion for many things; such as baking, modeling ,and acting. I started out doing a couple of pageants when I was 7 yrs. old and I won in Charlotte N.C., which qualified me for the Nationals in Orlando Florida. My mom and I were there for a week and we had so much fun meeting new people. I was able to walk away with a 3 ft. trophy. I was so proud of myself and my efforts. When I was 9 yrs. old I started to watch kids baking championship and I was inspired to have my own business. I asked my mom and she said if you are serious you have to make everything homemade, no more store box cakes. My dad and mom surprised me with a new red stand mixer and the rest is history I started Tamia Cupcakes & Surprises the same year and I have been blessed to serve my community with my delicious desserts. I believe my story will inspire others to become entrepreneurs and to believe in themselves. WE HAVE TO DREAM BIG!! My name is Paris Symone Mills and I am 25 yrs. old. I am the daughter of Roneil and Tammy Mills. I have a 11 yr. old sister name Tamia Mills. I attended GCP (Gaston College Prep) and later I graduated from KIPP Pride High. After high school I was able to attend the college of my choice, which was ECU. While in school I started to have headaches and loss of memory. My case grew worse and I started to have syncope spells. I was afraid to talk to my parents about how I was feeling. My senior yr.in college was when everything went down hill for me instead of preparing for my graduation, I was told to stop everything because I was diagnosed with 2 tumors on my brain. I had to pause and seek God for guidance. I am grateful for my parents holding my hand every step of the way. I believe my story will help others to understand that GOD is still working MIRACLES. I am currently teaching 5th grade science at Rocky Mount Prep in Rocky
Mount, N.C. and the owner of Winks Minks. 10
men laps regardless if they were a relative or not. I didn’t fully understand why but as I got older I realized it was for my protection. I feel it’s imperative as a parent, guardian, or anyone who is sharing any valuable information to children, to explain it in details. When you tell a child not to do something let them know the reason or consequence rather than JUST saying “DON’T DO IT”. Don’t allow them to lean to their own understanding or fill in the missing pieces. Doing this will enable them to make better decisions and better decisions leads to a brighter future. Also make sure the children have full understanding of the conversation before they leave your presence. The bible states in Hosea 4:6 my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. When my father moved us closer to Lake Gaston, I felt like it was a new start for my family to grow. This was an opportunity to leave all the baggage behind us and move forward to something new. Sometimes in life what you had in mind doesn’t always work according to your plan.
Again I was raised in a family- oriented home, which meant we had principles and standards to follow. My parents focused on values, strengths and relationships, they taught us how to put our family first. My parents believed in taking us to visit our family members and we also had family members visiting our home. They made sure we knew everyone that was related to us because when we got older they did not want us to date or marry our relatives.
I know my parents meant well and they taught me what they had learned but in order to break generational curses, parents must have better communication. Meaning that parents or guardians must become more transparent by sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly of their past. I’m not saying that everything needs to be put on the table but, we should definitely share life lessons with your children, so they won’t make the same mistakes when they get older. I believe sharing your experiences will create a safe and trustworthy place for them talk to us. BUT WE STILL NEED TO DO MORE!!! Identification is vital when it comes to children; you must slow down and pay CLOSE attention to their voice, body language, attitude and behavior. Many times kids are afraid and embarrassed to open up even if safety and trust is present in the home.
I was taught as a little girl not to sit on any 11
But if you can IDENTIFY that something is wrong with because I’m not trying to hurt anyone’s reputation,
him or her you will have a greater chance to PREVENT but I realize keeping my story silent all these years or STOP harm from happening to them.
have caused others and myself to stay in captivity.
This was my case and I still get very emotional just NOW is the time to be FREE!! It’s time to be free in thinking about my childhood battles of molestation. Child Molestation is a crime involving a range of incidents or sexual activities between an adult and a child, usually under the age of 14. It is also a form of child
abuse in which an adult or older adolescent uses a child for sexual stimulation. [legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com] So, as I share my story, I will not disclose any names
your mind, free in your thoughts, and free from the guilt, shame, torment and brokenness. It all started when a certain family member came to stay with us for a little while. I remember I got up early that morning but my parents and siblings were still in bed. I proceeded to the living room where I noticed him sitting on the couch. Then he asks me to do something I was taught not to do; and that was to sit on his lap. When you are a child in a safe place and you trust someone, you’re not thinking or planning for bad things to happen to you. I don’t know why I sat on his lap, maybe it was because it was early in the morning or simply because I loved this relative. Nevertheless I hopped up on his lap with my scarred up legs. Then SUDDENLY he began to touch me on my legs, followed by rubbing my private area. Even though I was a little girl I knew something was wrong. I couldn’t move or say anything I was shock, confused and scared. I did not know what to do
nor did I understand. Besides what rights do I have as a child to voice my opinion SO I KEPT QUIET!!! I believe it’s very imperative that children learn early the general knowledge about their bodies and the power of their consent to it.
Boys and girls need to know that it’s okay to say NO to Again that’s why parents must be able to identify the anyone that makes them feel violated. The definition warning signs of child molestation. Did you know that of violate means, Failure to respect someone’s peace, less than 1/3 of children report child molestation? I was privacy, or rights.[ British World English]. CHILDEN NEED TO KNOW THAT THEY HAVE RIGHTS TOO!!
a part of this statistics because I never told my parents. As a little girl I learned how to bury my pain and camouflage my sadness with a smile. This is the reason why I had to release my voice and share my story to help oth-
An average child molester will offend 200- 400 times er children speak out against child molestation. before being caught , if ever. The vast majority offend-
ers do not get caught, and they have no criminal records.
was the nucleus for were lunatics, and those that had some of the more the palsy; and he healed them.� successful social ser- (Matthew 12: 14-18 KJV). vice
in There is a stigma connected with
The Salva- mental health and some believe it is
tion Army for exam- a sign of demonic possession, but ple provides a myriad Jesus differentiated those with disof social services yet eases, demon possessed and the the core of the pro- lunatic. Based on that scriptural refgram
the erence alone we know mental ill-
ness was present when Jesus
My name is Dr. Rene Minter, I am a licensed clinical social worker and a minister concurrently. I am a Christian who provides mental health services as well as social work services to the Christian Community which sometimes takes place inside the church. If I were to be asked
which do, I identify with more or to choose I absolutely could not. I am as much a devoted to ministry as I am to mental health. I believe the church is the not only for the sin sick but historically it has been the first-place people went for social problems and assistance. Today, it is not uncommon to find the church
walked the face of the earth. A lu-
Providing Care to the Mentally Ill from a Biblical Perspective.
word ministry means to provide care for. If we were to examine the miracles performed by Jesus it was always
natic today would be someone with extreme mental illness perhaps schizophrenia, although treatable is on the far end of the mental health axis.
need. Many of us know the story of The Church Addressing The Needs of feeding of the multitude, restoring
the Total Person
sight to the blind, the lame to walk The church today is a microcosm of but there is evidence that there society which experiences the same were the mentally ill also healed by issues that are present in the rest of Jesus.�
the society. The same depression,
While Jesus was in Syria, people anxiety, substance abuse, domestic were brought to him with “diseases, violence, poverty can be found in torments, those who were pos- the church as well. These issues are
sessed with devils and those which
real and there should be no stigma 14
attached to those who need help. spired, but what happens when the vices have to be provided by the Remember we were all there in a depression is masked by the short- Pastor, in fact it would probably not place of need at some point in our term elevation of the soul? What possible for one person to address lives.
The church should be the happens when the person returns to every issue.
place where there is non-judgmental the bowels of depression and “To equip the saints for the work of provision of care and ministry. Chris- thoughts of suicide resurface? What ministry, for building up the body of tians are not superheroes devoid of happens when that man or woman Christ. (Ephesians 4:12). symptomatology of illness or dis- returns to the abusive relationship Many churches have various departease. They too have social issues, because they don’t have the self- ments for specified service provi-
get depression just as anyone else esteem or resources for personal sion. The forward-thinking church and it is not a symptom of failing safety?
What happens when the often have licensed professionals
faith. I doubt a person diagnosed alcoholic return to the bottle or the like me, who are trained in a mental with cancer would not be judged as addict returns to their drug of health who can either provide serhaving failing faith and discouraged choice? What happens when there vices or provide appropriate referfrom
treat- is no one to talk to or no where to rals.
ment. Conversely, we would sup- go?
Providing Faith Based Competent
port them through treatment and offer encouragement.
The same
should be true for someone experiencing a mental illness. I want to believe, perhaps with wide eyed optimism that the church should not only be the place
If the role of the church is to provide ministry to the community, then treating the total person is imperative; the mind, body, soul and adverse social situations must be the concern of the church. Not all ser-
I am vastly aware that God has called me to be a competent and compassionate clinician who practices with Christ like compassion towards those I serve. It is servitude to the body of Christ with
you come help your
everyone I treat. I believe
soul feel better it is
in the power of prayer and
also the place that
I also believe that God
ministers to the en-
provides the knowledge
tire person and their
and skills for
those of us charged with
HIS call. Regardless of my
it. Yes, we all want
education, letters behind
to leave church feel-
my name, it is the God in
ing good and in-
T…….Trust God and those he
has placed in your path for healing.
I sometimes look back at my life and traveling
ministries about mental health and I say Wow this has been an amazing ride. I am humbled by my experiences and thankful as well. I take no boast and it all to the glory of God. I am a licensed clinical who is also fully engaged in the ministry of healing. I believe God for healing and that Him for grace to do His will and in servitude to mentally ill and the Christian
Community. Reverend Doctor Rene Minter is a Christian Based Psychotherapist in private practice in New York. She directs
that promotes the healing. I It is my prayer that the non-for-profit social service agencies.
She is a social
receiver will see the professionalism but more im- worker by profession with a master’s degree in Clinical portantly the reflection of God through me as part of Social Work.
She is a board-certified Psychothera-
the healing and restorative process. As I apply the pre- pist. She posses a Doctorate in Ministry and is a certified scribed clinical aspects of treatment, I also prescribe Chaplain. She accepted her call to ministry as a young what I call The REST Factor.
child and was ordained in 2015. She is devoted to the ministry of global missions. She provides charitable sup-
R…….Rely on God for restoration E…….Establish the time and faith for healing and restoration
S…….Stop worrying as it opposes faith
port to women and children in West Africa. She has held NGO responsibility with the United Nations. She is an Author, Blogger, College Professor, Podcaster, Motivational Speaker and Humanitarian. What she loves most is doting
over and spoiling her grandchildren who affectionally call her Meamawh. 16
NANAS GIRLS FOUNDATION, INC. The nonprofit, Nana's Girl Foundation (NGF), was formed for the primary purpose of aiding and assisting women in the reinvention of themselves, spiritual development, re-education, through life coaching and counseling, NGF will offer its clients an opportunity to volunteer with the foundation through our various programs and community events. These ladies will receive life skills training, assistance with continuing education, job readiness and search. NGF, Inc. cater to women of all ages. They are required to complete a 6-12 month training program, using the curriculum designed by Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook, which though designed for all women; caters to the need of each individual person. Upon completion of their individualized training program, each participant will receive a certificate of completion, and assistance with job placement; to include the possibility of working with the foundation in
some capacity. In 2020 NGF, Inc., will open, The Annie Ruth DeLaney Home for Young Women, which will serve women ages 13-40, and provide them with a place of safety, a haven, and home for them if needed. Although not required to live in the home, client will be expected to complete their training program through the home-based program, structure, discipline, and special offerings from the foundation. And 2021 we will open the Genesis Healing for both men and women. 18
Today’s modern woman wears multiple hats: wife,
She takes on the characteristics of a SUPERwom-
mother, employee, entrepreneur, etc. just to name a an...she becomes everything to everyone, all the few. To complicate matters, within each of these roles time...she becomes the problem solver, the mediator, lie multifaceted responsibilities that can require trans- the negotiator, the networker, the doctor, the lawyer, formation of those responsibilities within a moments the teacher, advocator, the nurse, the teacher, and the notice. Boundaries can become blurred or non existent list goes on. If I have not named your profession, trust while expectations remain high to meet the challenges. me this list is not an exhaustive list new occupations, Long gone are women solely responsible for fulfilling expectations, and responsibilities are added daily, often the duties only within the boundaries of maintaining times without SUPER woman’s permission or at best
her household (please believe that is not an easy feat she is reluctant to say “NO” . If by chance she does say either). So the expectations remain high, the bounda- “NO” it is often not without guilt (a side effect of the ries are blurred, and the responsibilities become insur- woman pleaser mentality, that is another blog subject mountable, what does today’s modern woman do?
for another time). There is just one small problem SUPERwoman is everything to everyone BUT herself.
After she is finished saving the day by meeting the
Shouldn’t we as SUPERwoman find fulfillment in
needs of all those that she encounters daily there is serving others? How is that possible that each year little, if any room to nurture herself, and replenish her women suffer from an equal amount of heart attacks power source. She is left with an empty reservoir as as men according to the American Heart Association? she stands alert and ready to respond to her next sum- Doesn’t our SUPERwoman status make us invincible to mons for help. So when does SUPERwoman STOP the these diseases and disorders? Surely our love, devo-
rollercoaster and get off to respond to her own needs? tion, and servitude to those that we faithfully serve in Unfortunately, many times its after a warning sign that the execution of our SUPERwomanly duties should be includes stress related induced illnesses like heart dis- justification to ward off pesky illness, and diseases that ease, digestive disorders, autoimmune diseases, sleep- threaten our mission as SUPERwomen? But the statising disorders, and depression. Wait, depression? Yes, tics say so otherwise! For example, suicide rates for depression...many women suffer from depression women between the ages of 45-54 were the highest more often than men. Is that possible to be depressed among females in 2017 according to the National Instifrequency when we are engrossed in supporting and tute of Mental Health.
serving others? 22
Women die at alarming rates from heart attacks each STOP putting out fires for others hang up the cape, year at more than 200,000 or five times as many as and save ourselves! Begin to honestly question your women with breast cancer, according to the Center for motivation for saying Yes to everyone, and essentially Disease Control. Globally, women are disabled by de- saying NO to yourself.3. pression and anxiety more than men including major 3. Let’s face it we all get 24 hours in each day...if we depression according to the Journal of Psychiatry &
pack it with projects there is NO time leftover for self
-care! In fact, 1,440 minutes isn’t a whole lot of
It stands to reason that while we are busy saving
time when you think about. My point is that we
everyone else that we as SUPERwomen are missing the
will not get added minutes, hours, or days...time is
mark, and falling short as it relates to saving ourselves
precious, and limited! One of the best things that
from preventable illnesses that are stress related. By
we can do as WONDERFUL woman living SUPER
the way the statistics are higher for women of color,
lives is to make a daily decision to spend quality
we die at more alarming rates than the general popula-
time with ourselves everyday BEFORE serving oth-
tion, and we tend to get medical attention later (we
ers. Praying in the mornings, journaling, meditating,
ignore the warning signs longer). So what can we do to
and exercising are all healthy tools for replenishing
change some of these statistics to become better
our reservoir, before beginning to serve others.
equipped in taking care of ourselves while serving oth- 4. Listen to the warning signs...your body is calling ers? Here are four tips for the modern woman to care
you! It is a scientific fact that our bodies cannot live
for herself FIRST!
in a constant fight or flight state. All the stress of
1.First, be honest with yourself...There is no SUPERwom-
being everything to everyone at all times, is a lot of
an, Wonder Woman, or other SUPERhuman! There
pressure for anyone. Minor aches and pains, ex-
now that that has been resolved let’s get really honest
tended moments of feeling blue, and feelings of
to determine the true motivation for saying yes, when
constant exhaustion can be from more than flying
we really may want to, or need to say “NO”. Some-
through the skies and saving a damsel in distress!
times we say YES simply because we don’t want to
Schedule a doctors appointment, learn the warning
offend others, disappoint others, we want to be liked
signs for heart disease, lose a little weight, but most
by others, or we are afraid that others may reject us.
important STOP ignoring your own cry for help. You
It is ok to say “NO” without apologies, without expla-
deserve your service, dedication, and loyalty to live
nation, and without guilt! Practice saying “NO” in the
your best life!
mirror, or writing it in your journal. Get comfortable Coach Tanya R Bankston can be reached for coaching at coachtbankston.com or the changedoula.com Follow her on 2.Learning to hear the cry of your voice screaming for social media by searching for the Change Doula on Facehelp requires time being silent. Yes It is necessary to book, Twitter, Instagram. I am that Coach that helps you give BIRTH to your CHANGE one push at a time!
with “NO” it may save your life.
hope to help broaden your understanding a bit. The World Health Organization defines mental health as "a state of well -being in which every individual realizes her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her
community." In Proverbs 23:7, the Bible describes mental health similarly when it states, “as a man thinks in his heart so is he.” Its bigger than our thoughts and emotions, it’s the manifestation of our mental health states that can either be problematic or life-giving. Now that we have laid a foundation, let’s walk a few steps further. Since we are created in God’s likeness and image, each one of us is uniquely designed to be dynamic personali-
It all starts in the MIND. This may sound cliché, but the reali- ties with a wide range of emotions that are necessary to help ty is that any and everything that has and will manifest in our us navigate through life. That’s right! We have everything lives starts with a Single THOUGHT. Our emotions, actions, that pertains to life and godliness (II Peter 1:3). In our pursuit and behavior stem from a conscious or unconscious mindset. of godliness, we often fail to pay attention to the elements Thus, I emphatically make the claim that your mental health needed to help us navigate this life. Emotions are neurologiaffects every aspect of your life. I would even go so far to say cal responses that originate in the amygdala, a primitive part that it determines the course of your entire life. If we could of our brain. They are involuntary and not always based on be honest about the areas in our lives where we do not pur- accurate information. Despite their unreliability, they are
sue our purpose and the areas where we are not thriving, we useful, they are a blessing, and a gift. How else would we can source it the root and find a limited mindset or an un- experience life? healthy belief system. Scholars agree with me. Mental health Now trust me I understand why emotions are given a bad is far more holistic than just a few diagnoses in a manual. rap. They can change as we gain more information and Let’s start with a fundamental question. What does the term change our perspective. For example, if you are walking in mental health mean? Most of us throw out terms like anxie- the front yard and you see what looks like a snake, initially ty, depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive you might feel a sense of fear, especially if you are like me Compulsive Disorder, etc. While these are mental health dis- and afraid of snakes. Your heart is pounding, you may think, orders, I “Oh my Gosh, a snake!”
Then upon further examination, you realize the “snake” is hurt and anguish. This results in a lack of authenticity. There
not moving. You squint your eyes, and you realize its not can be no intimacy when we approach God our father beactually a snake, but a fallen branch. Naturally your fear cause hide our true selves. We become ashamed of our subsides because a branch is harmless. In this scenario, feelings believing that we shouldn’t be feeling that way. your feelings change because your perspective changed Sadly, these masking behaviors leads to prolonged suffering based on the additional information you receive and pro- along with an unbalanced approach to our emotional expecessed. While this incident is trivial, it speaks to the value of riences. our emotional states. If the figure on the ground was in fact a snake, then the sense of fear you felt would have been appropriate and led you to an appropriate response (running, screaming, chopping off the head, calling animal control, etc.). This scenario also sheds light on the unreliability of our emotions.
Let me give you a realistic example that will bring this point to life. Sherry was recently diagnosed with Stage 3 breast
cancer. Based on her faith paradigm she believes she is only supposed to express faith and healing. Although she has many questions and emotions, she views them as a sign of spiritual weakness. Sherry believes that if she had true
My sisters, here is where I believe that we miss the mark as faith, she wouldn’t be shaken by this. During times where Christians. There seems to be an epidemic in Christendom she is really struggling emotionally, she does not pray genuthat supports the notion that somehow because we are ine prayers and she never expresses her fear to God. people of faith, we are invincible to life’s challenges. Some When she attempts to confide in a church leader that she is also believe that a negative emotional response to stressors struggling with depression and that she is not coping well is sinful. The underlying belief is if someone becomes exces- despite her faith, she is met with only with scriptures and sively overcome with negative emotions (sadness, grief, told that all she has to do is believe and trust God. Sherry fear, anxiety, disappointment, anger), then the person lacks is left isolated. When she is tearful and overwhelmed, she faith. This lends to the idea that having faith leaves no room reminds herself, “All I have to do is trust God.” When asked for feelings. Unfortunately, this believe system does not how she is doing Sherry fakes a smile and says, “I am allow us to truly live in the freedom that God desires, and it blessed and highly favored.” also limits our ability to have intimacy with our Father. I can recite a list of scriptures that tell us not to be anxious, that
Jesus gives us peace, that we are not to fear. Sis, the reason these scriptures exist is because God knew that there would be times where we would be anxious or fearful, or sad, or disappointed. He knew there would be a time when our
Sherry’s experience is not uncommon in many Christian circles. We often believe that quoting scriptures in attempt to nullify our emotions is the noble and righteous thing to do. It is a common yet faulty coping mechanism. Sherry is experiencing normal emotional processes given her cancer diagnosis.
peace would be disturbed. Since we interpret these scriptures to mean that these emotions are not allowed, we begin to hide our true feelings about heart matters from one another. We learn to give church answers, we learn to
say the right things when deep down there may be so much
What if Sherry received consolation from her spiritual leader that it is possible to trust God and still experience uncertainty and sadness that naturally comes with major sickness. What if Sherry received the revelation that God can
handle her questions and her fears. In fact, her Father wel- EMBRACE & INVITE GOD INTO YOUR PAIN - Emotions are comes them so that He can comfort her and reassure her of given to us by God. Although some of us are more expresHis love. Furthermore, what if Sherry was encouraged to sive than others, God never meant for us to deny our emoseek mental health treatment for her symptoms of depres- tions. Job and David are great examples of authenticity and sion? Many of us identify with Sherry in one way or another wishing that we understood more about the intersection between our faith and our mental health. Perhaps for you it was the loss of loved one, difficulty with a troubled child, a divorce, etc. Regardless of the circumstances we may find ourselves in, our perfect example is Jesus. In Luke 22, While Jesus and his disciples were in the Garden of Gethsemane,
vulnerability with God. If God is near to the broken hearted, a Father that pities our every groan, if He bottles up our tears, and our strength is made perfect in our weakness, then surely, He can comfort in our darkest hour. Embrace the pain trusting that you will experience God in a new way. Your tears are your prayer. Permission to feel gives you per-
mission to heal. Resolve to be present even though the pain.
he was experiencing agonizing distress as he was preparing EXPAND YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF FAITH- In many cases to be crucified for our sins. Jesus expressed the depth of his we believe that faith is believing God only for the desired sorrow and cried out to God. He even questioned if there is outcome. Through sickness the only sign of faith is that I another way to accomplish the task of redemption. He believe God for healing. I believe it’s important to believe eventually came to the resolution that he had to go through that God can do the impossible, but we must also consider it because it was the will of God. It was in this place of ago- that his plan often includes both mountains and valleys. Phi-
ny & despair, that angels were sent to comfort Him (Luke lippians 3:10 explains how we learn the nature of Christ 22:41-44). Our Mental health largely depends on our ability to recog-
through our triumphs, but also through our failures. Trusting God does not limit your range of emotions.
nize that emotional pain is a necessary part of our lives and My sister, my genuine prayer for you is that God reveals there is no escape. There are times when anger, mourning, himself to you like never before as you begin to invite Him and sadness are appropriate and necessary. Emotional heal- into your pain. I can promise He will meet you there, and ing is a process. Your faith does not eradicate the difficulties your perspective of faith will be expanded. My prayer is that that you experience. Your faith in Jesus Christ rather is an you will begin to understand that your mental health and anchor that allows you to trust that there is a deeper mean- faith intersect on many levels. I pray that you are activated ing even when you cannot understand it in the moment. It to pursue a holistic approach to your relationship with is the ultimate resolve that no matter the heartache or Christ incorporating mental/emotional wellness. My ultiquestions, God is in control of the outcome: good or bad. As mate prayer is that we create vulnerable spaces in the body a mental health clinician, I felt it necessary to provide you of Christ where hiding is no longer necessary, where people with tools to help you navigate the intersection of your faith will be free to expose their hurt, & be encouraged to seek and mental health especially when encountering seasons the mental health treatment they need. that are emotionally challenging.
Dr. Hugie “Creating a Culture of Mental Health Awareness & Sensitivity” 27
My name is Tania Johnson or Tania Nichole for short. I am a single mother of one active and fun-loving college student. I live in Houston, Texas where I was born and raised. And I am on my full transformation journey to a better life. I started transforming my life physically a few years ago with much success. I went from a size 12 to a size 6 within 4 months. I did this by working out at least 5 days a week and maintain a nutritious meal plan. I was elated at my progress to transform my body to body. My body works for me. So, if I want get the most what I wanted it to look like. However, after a year or productivity from my body what is the best way to do two I gained most of my weight back. What I realized in this? Its by treating my body with respect, giving it only 2018 it that it isn’t good enough to just transform my the best foods and working it out. How can I expect my body but to also work on changing my mental outlook. body to work perfectly for me if I don’t treat it like I So last year I started on a journey of self-development should? into my thought process and my belief system. I know Working out, eating right partnered with maintaining a you have heard this before, “what we think, we be- good mental balance is key to living the life we deserve come”. Well this statement is true; we are our thoughts to have. Here is what I know, we are worthy of having and what we choose to do.
and experiencing good things in life. But first we have
This year I have a partner that keeps me on track with to believe that we are worthy of such greatness. my workouts and nutrition. We walk together at least 4 In order for us to have a fun-filled, sustainable life, it is -5 days a week and we discuss how to maintain our imperative for us to conduct a deep-dive into our belief healthy habits. We are consistently learning new system, conscious and sub-conscious. And for the behealthy techniques and applying them to our lives. We liefs that no longer serve us we have to work on changcook new healthy meals and make sure that we are ing them into new beliefs and thoughts. Here is what I maximizing our nutrients and food intake so our bodies know: In order for us to truly transform our mental and work more efficiently for us. I’ve changed the way I look at my body. I employ my
physical self we must change them together. Working
on your mental and physical self goes hand-in-hand. 29
“Jesus came so we could have life
Mental Tips
Speak up and ask for help if you
and have life more abundantly” John
Value yourself and know your
need to talk to anyone or need
10:10. How can we live a more
abundant life if we don’t take of our mental and physical state. The answer is, we can’t. If you plan on living a long life then you have to take care of yourself mentally and physically. I know when life gets tough, it
may be hard to focus on maintaining our mental compac-
Take a mental break every day by quieting your mind, this can be done by doing a 10 to 15 minutes meditation. Take care of your body: Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day Exercise at least 15 minutes a
Practice self-care by pampering yourself. (Get your nails done, take out some time to read, and/ or take a mental health day). Try something new each week such as a new restaurant, or new
walking trail, a new route on the way to work.
ity and slack off of
Don’t hold on to anger
your workout regi-
or grudges. Accept how
men. I want you to
you are feeling and then
know when times
work on letting it go and
are tough, remem-
make your way back to
ber “We can do all
your happy place.
Help others or volun-
Christ who strength-
teer. This will make you
ens us” Philippians
feel better to help some-
one else.
I want to give you
Physical Tips
some tips that help me
Get at least 15 minutes
each day. These tips
(yoga, walking, or pilates)
help me to start transforming my
day which helps with mental
into your daily routine.
life for the better.
Stretch before and after your
Check out my 10 mental and 10
Get enough sleep every night
physical tips below. I’m sure you
Eat leafy green vegetables, leg-
workout performance and mus-
have seen most of these before and
umes, beans and nuts.
cle control.
they are listed for a reason. It’s be-
Practice gratitude every day.
cause they actually have worked for
Have a good support system in
several individuals.
For those of you in sedentary positions, set a timer for every hour to get up and move around for 5 minutes.
Take care of your personal health by taking ad- I am on my way to creating the life I want by applying vantage of your health benefits for prevention the mental and physical tips I provided you above. My (dental checkup, well woman’s exam, vision exam). life is a journey and I want to make sure my journey is a Reduce your sugar intake.
long and happy one. I hope you find these tips helpful
Eat more fruits and vegetables and reduce fast food as you begin or continue on your journey through life. intake.
Remember you employ your body to work for you, so
Try new exercise routines periodically.
treat it with love and respect.
Listen to your body, if your body needs rest, then If you have questions, please contact me at take time and relax. lifeofqueent@gmail.com. For inspiration please consid-
Ensure your body is getting the right nutrients and minerals it needs to properly work for you.
er visiting and subscribing to my channel at http:// www.youtube.com/c/TaniaNichole.
Schedule your workout sessions in your calendar.
As I think about my life and
some of the various moments I
had to stand in my strength.
Certainly learning to cope and
deal with the loss of my beloved
mother forced me to dig deep-
er. I had to seek a different form
of strength. I remember a fami-
ly friend saying to me there’s
nothing more painful than the
loss of a parent, and now you
will truly understand what it
feels like to be an orphan that
comment changed my life.
remember praying Lord please
give me strength beyond meas-
ure. Help me not to have this
debilitating grief, allow me to
get on with my life.
The Lord
heard me, and I was getting on
with life. However I believe there
were some new lessons I had to
learn in order to become the
women he wanted me to be.
Loss can really set you back, liv-
ing in a new city with no family
and friends was extremely diffi-
culty. I believe the lord was pre-
paring me for the lesson to rely
solely on him. I did just that I
joined a new church, I join a prayer group with other ladies. I thought this was going to be great. However I still felt a sense of not feeling connected. So dive in to meditation to find a
sense of peace. I continued to
have a burning desire to return
to my native New York City.
Every time I thought about mov-
ing back I would get this over-
whelming feeling, I knew that
was the good Lord was telling
me to stop think about NYC. The
Carolinas brought me a tre-
mendous amount of peace. So I
continued to trust GOD …. I be-
lieve everything happens for a
I believe moving to the Carolinas
was a great lesson to learn how
to reinvent myself.
It’s a very
casual city. Very family orient-
ed and I was stepping outside of
my comfort zone. Making new
friends finding new job opportu-
nities which initial was quite a
challenge through it all God’s
presence was there.
this small piece of my life to re-
mind you that you have a
strength and a resilience that is
ground breaking.
I share
are combing through life one thing is constant the love of Godhe truly loves you. I stand before you stronger wiser and more centered then I have ever been because I believe -that “nothing and no one can upset God’s plan for my life. What radiates outward is the Holy Spirit hand over my life. I walk with authority because he is in me I am in him. The beauty, the warmth, knowing internally it’s not about me brings me a feeling of incredible peace. I want to leave you with this prayer; Lord, I pray that I might realize my authority in prayer. Teach me to pray with your strength and power. I want to work together with you in prayer to determine my future and the future of my nation. I want to pray with authority for my city. I desire to pray powerful
breakthrough prayers that move your hand to action. Teach me to daily come to you and pray faith-filled prayers for my needs and the need of those around me. I can’t reach my workplace or neighborhood without your power. I thank you that you remember all of my prayers and that they influence your heart. Give me revelation of my spiritual authority (Ephesians 1-18-23). Marjory Brifil is an eighteen-year veteran in the field of human capital development and professional development. I currently serve as an Executive Coach my goal is to explore the key categories of human development by helping you identify your “blind spots”. By creating an image role out strategy the will present a better version of yourself. Ms. Brifil role is to drive the emphasis upon holistic development through exposure to a variety of management competencies. Ms. Brifil coaching aims to equip the client with the skills to make broad-based improvements at both a personal-professional and an organizational lev-
el. Working on a few key points: 34
The photos are from –
Glen Graham/ GrahamBurke Photography 35
and practice in the field of human services and professional development, Ms. Brifil is engaged in applying the methodologies of social work to new disciplines and challenges. She sees her role as advocating new approaches and strategies that serve not only top executives but those at more modest levels of our society seeking personal and career advancement and fulfillment. In the social work category, Ms. Brifil is engaged in a study defining how to apply social work strategies to
not merely help one maintain their societal status but to assume positions of leadership, leveraging practices proven to be effective in non-clinical settings. In professional development, Ms. Brifil is exploring the key categories of human development that companies ca My goal is to connect the ideas of advanced social work, leadership, and personal development by es-
tablishing the linkage between these non-traditional areas and then making her advanced content and services available through streamlined research and leadership styles, executive behavior, strategic thinking,
published studies, coaching and consulting, speaking, semi-
and emotional competency, dealing with ambiguity and
nars, and workshops.
changing global market.
I held an Adjunct Faculty role
Marjory brings solid credentials to her work with a Master of
within Winthrop University’s Social Work Department grad-
Social Work from Adelphi University and a B.A. in Psychology
uate level studies program. I teach Advanced Practice with
from New York City University.
Macro systems and Generalist Social Work Practice III /
Ms. Brifil recently received an Honorable Mention from
Generalist Social Work Practice with Organizations and
NASW-NYC as an Emerging Leader in the field of Social
Work, currently serves on the Political Action Committee of
Ms. Brifil combines extensive experience in social services the New York City Chapter of the National Association of with her original research exploring the impact, image plays Social Workers, where she addresses legislation relevant to in our social standing, personal and professional leader- social work, and is a member of STEP UP Network, a national ship. Believing there is a profound shift taking place globally non-profit organization aimed at elevating the professional in terms of lifestyle, education, and technology, Ms. Brifil standing of women. Board Member of PROMISE- Nonprofit recognizes the social and psychological needs of our society Organization- Youth Development -elevating the conscious-
have never been greater. focused on bringing new thinking ness of young women in the Charlotte marketplace. 36
The Cambridge Dictionary defines a pattern this way: a life-changing certainty. Here’s the wisdom.
“a particular way in which something is done or organized, or in which something happens.”
There are recognizable, identifiable PATTERNS in which each of us have operated in life. These patterns can be observed
Sometimes, I get what I call these “wonderful downloads” by anybody. These patterns are observed especially by the from a power much greater than I. It is as if the Heavens enemy of your soul and all those forces of evil designed to open to me and a wisdom far greater than my natural ability hinder your progress. The enemies of your soul can be peocomes to me. It’s amazing and supernatural. I can recall the ple who are jealous of you, your proverbial “haters” or the day I received the inspiration that I am about to share with devil himself. They watch you. They study you. They are you. Once I meditated on it and continued to share this wis- very familiar with you.
dom with others, it became quite obvious that this reality is 40
Then, at the most inopportune moment, they use now! Release the energy. Say it aloud: I have the power to your own patterns against you to hinder your progress and erect new systems to eradicate old patterns! productivity. It is as if they have a remote to your life and
The Cambridge Dictionary defines a system this way:
they are very skilled and quite timely in pushing all the right buttons at the wrong time to produce their desired and epic
a set of connected items or devices that operate together:
ending: No progress & No forward motion for you! They a way of doing things; a method: really don’t have a remote, but we have unconsciously given them power.
We have to create systems that change our old patterns! We must live in light of the fact that we should
Think about it. Almost every time you get ready to always be evolving, growing, and changing. This reality remove forward… to launch out into the deep…..to do some- quires a shift in our perspectives. What worked before, may thing great, the same things…the same negative energy not work now. I have learned, in order to expand my capacicomes to sap you of energy and to hinder your productivi- ty, I must challenge myself to change. Change requires an ty. These challenges come to distract you from the leap! exchange of old patterns and the building of new systems. I Usually it’s someone or something close to you that does have the ability to erect NEW SYSTEMS to eradicate old something to hinder or injure you somehow. Your relation- patterns! This is often more difficult than it sounds, but very ships with your spouse, children, friends or family members possible. When you have to have a CHANGE OF MINDSET it becomes challenged. It could be that you experience sud- will produce a CHANGE OF MOUTH SET. den “emergencies,” fear, lack, defeat, jealousy, anger, frus-
As you prepare to produce the new and great things
tration, discouragement, rejection, abandonment, sickness that are coming to you during your times of BREATHING, and the like. expect to see patterns. Make a pact with yourself. When It is a true fact that the forces of evil can hinder us! you see or feel the old stuff coming up that has always deThere is a scripture found in the Holy Bible that says, “….we feated you every other time you were on the road to pro-
wanted to come to you—...again and again—but Sa- gress, get happy and SHOUT and FIGHT. This is a new system tan hindered us.” 1 Thessalonians 2:18 English Standard that you are erecting. See this as a sign from the Universe Version (ESV)
that that you are on the right track!!! Get happy! Persevere
While that may be true, here is what I know. Negative forces and keep it moving! Bump the dumb stuff! You’ve got this.
can try to block us but the reality is, they can’t stop us! Only Scripture Meditation: 2 Corinthians 4:18, I Timothy 6:12, Phiwe can stop the process of our forward motion. This hap- lippians 3:14-15The Cambridge Dictionary defines a system pens when we surrender to the forces working against us. this way: We must learn to fight, stand and press! a set of connected items or devices that operate together: I often decree, “I am in this world but I am not of a way of doing things; a method: this world and the rules of this world will not dictate anything to me!” I am not natural. I am supernatural; therefore We have to create systems that change our old patterns! We I have the power to erect new systems to eradicate old must live in light of the fact that we should always be evolvpatterns! That’s a great declaration for you to make right ing, growing, and changing. This reality requires a shift in our 42
perspectives. What worked before, may not work now. I have learned, in order to expand my capacity, I must challenge myself to change. Change requires an exchange of old patterns and the building of new systems. I have the ability to erect NEW SYSTEMS to eradicate old patterns! This is often more difficult than it sounds, but very possible. When you have to have a CHANGE OF MINDSET it will produce a CHANGE OF MOUTH SET. As you prepare to produce the new and great things that are coming to you during your times of BREATHING, expect to see patterns. Make a pact with yourself. When you see or feel the old stuff coming up that has always defeated you every other time you were on the road to progress, get happy and SHOUT and FIGHT. This is a new system that you are erecting. See this as a sign from the Universe that that you are on the right track!!! Get happy! Persevere and keep it moving! Bump the dumb stuff! You’ve got this.
Scripture Meditation: 2 Corinthians 4:18, I Timothy 6:12, Philippians 3:14-15
EXCERPTS FROM BREATHE : DAY 5: ALIGN YOUR LIFE Besides spending time breathing, what else do I need to do to maximize my purpose and capacity in life? I am glad you asked. You must align your life to breathe properly. The following list is what I have learned while breathing in His presence. I am certain these things will help transform your life as well.
STOP MAKING EXCUSES! Stop making excuses about why you cannot do something or why you do not have enough time or money to get it done. That is unacceptable. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the resolve to get it done.
BEWARE OF DISTRACTIONS. Stop being so busy and putting everyone and everything else before you. That is what is sapping you of your strength, health, ability to focus and God’s creative energy.
GET RID OF CLUTTER! Clutter can be anything from a lot of junk around you to a schedule
busy. Maybe you or the people that depend on you are involved in too many activities. Declutter your life, your environment and leave room in your schedule for new things and the gift of spontanei-
SHUT DOWN ALL SOURCES OF NEGATIVITY. Recognize that not everyone can go where you are going. If there is anything or anyone who breeds negativity, shut them down by refusing to allow their thoughts to penetrate your belief system. Do not use your energy trying to change them or convince them of positive things. Do whatever you must to refute their negative spirit.
BUILD YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. Do not waste all of your time in His presence asking for things. Although exhalling is necessary, remember, “Breathe” is also about inhaling: spending more time listening. When He does not seem to be communicating or speaking, love Him enough just to rest and relax in His presence. That is real relationship.
TAKE TIME TO ENVISION. Envisioning is tapping into the spond to you. Your faith is like dynamite. It will create an God-sense in you. It is yielding to the creative force of explosion and manifest what you desire. The believer selGod in you. God gave us a pattern in the book of begin- dom suffers from a lack of faith. Our problem quickly benings to help us produce his commands to be fruitful, to comes our lack of hope. For many, after they have expected multiply, to subdue and to have dominion. God spent for so long, expectation dwindles and pretty soon, there is six days working (creating, speaking, commanding & little to no hope. The belief system of “well, we know God blessing) and then was able to rest on the seventh day. can, but we feel like He just might not do it for me,” slowly These are our instructions. Adhering to these principles but powerfully creeps and settles in. That belief system is helps us follow God’s plan and will for our lives. In the perpetuated by a mindset that says it is okay to think this next few days of inspiration, I will share more about the way, because after all, He is God and He can do what He
envisioning process. These concepts are shaping my life chooses. This is a trick of the enemy. The bible says “hope and impacting my destiny.
deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12 (NKJV) Faith is your stick of
The last step to aligning your life to breathe properly is….
dynamite, but hope (expectation) is the fuse to your stick of dynamite. One without the other is no good. My advice is
LIVE EVERY DAY IN EXPECTATION! Expectation is the breed- to keep the power of expectation on the rise. Do not let the ing ground for miracles. Expectation is really Bible hope. It enemy steal from you by robbing you of your hope. Keep is not wishing things might happen. It is expecting them to hope alive.
happen every day! Your faith is the switch that turns God Scripture Meditations: Romans 5:3-5, Proverbs 13:12, I Coon. Your faith will make all the powers of the universe re- rinthians 15:58
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Myra is an author, certified life coach and transformational speaker who has traveled nearly 30 years assisting businesses and non-profit organizations with organizational structures, training, and development. She inspires individuals to LIVE their BEST life! She is a wife, mother, entrepreneur, and conference host who understands the power of positivity and unity. Myra knows firsthand how powerful lives can be when people take the time to de-clutter and un-busy themselves long enough to take moments to “just breathe!!!” She has an uncanny ability to help people discover how to maximize their potential in the earth. Myra bridges gaps, brings people together to laugh, to motivate and to inspire them to be their BEST unique self. Myra takes much pride and is humbled above all, by her first ministry of being a wife and mother. She is happily married to Pastor Gary L. Bellinger. They presently reside in Charlotte, NC with their two children, David Josiah & daughter, Maya Zoe; and are the proud Shepherds of City of God Ministries International.
To connect with Myra or get booking information visit: #BREATHEWITHMYRA on Social Media Breathe.mbe@gmail.com 45
temporary. Our world is a Matrix of sorts. If you have never seen the movie, I suggest you do. I just love that movie be-
cause it illustrates what is really going on between our experi-
Hopefully, you have begun the envisioning pro- enced natural reality and our spiritual reality. Everything in the cess. This process really begins with renewing the mind. Re- world that we see has come from a permanent and more real newing the mind means that you believe what God says in His world that we cannot see. God spoke this world into existence Word concerning you. It does not matter what people, situa- by the power of His thoughts and words. That same creative tions and circumstances say. Believing God takes work. It re- power is in you! God gave it to you! You have the power to quires a lot of meditation to change your thoughts and mind- create your world. When you believe and ‘see’ what you speak, sets.
before you actually see the manifestation of what you have spoken, then you are operating in your God-given supernatural This powerful tool of envisioning is not daydreaming by ability to envision.
far! Webster’s Dictionary defines a daydream as “a pleasant visionary
Daydreaming in itself is not bad. It is just not produc-
tion.” “Daydreaming is a short-term detachment from one's tive. After the daydream is over, there is not a decisive call to immediate surroundings, during which a person's contact with action. There is no direction. There is no change. But, when reality is blurred and partially substituted by a visionary fantasy, you envision, change takes place. When you envision, you not especially one of happy, pleasant thoughts, hopes or ambitions, only see the end result, you see steps and actions you must imagined as coming to pass, and experienced while take to get there. Envisioning inspires you to act. It creates a
awake.” (Wikipedia) Envisioning is much deeper than the con- desire in you to make your dream a reality. As you envision cept of daydreaming. Daydreaming only produces a temporary your future, trust that God will give you the strategies and acchange in feeling and outlook, and requires a temporary de- tion steps needed to make that future a reality.. tachment of reality. Envisioning is so much more than a feeling Scripture Meditations: Romans 12:1-2, Job 32:8, 2 Corinthians and a detachment from what is real. When you envision, your 4:16-18, Joshua 1:8 vision is not blurred, but clear. Envisioning is all about tapping into the reality of what the God of the Universe sees in you and
desires for you. Envisioning is powerful. That is why the enemy has a counter-
It does not matter where you come from. It does not
feit for it. He does all he can to keep you from envisioning. The matter how much money you have in the bank. It does not counterfeit is daydreaming. The distractions from your spiritual matter what anyone says or thinks about you. The power to be reality are his weapons of defeat. Think about it. You are con- successful lies within you and begins with the process of envistantly distracted with things that keep you busy—often too sioning! The real you is an eternal spirit being that gets its life busy to do the things that really matter, and envisioning really source from its Creator. As a believer, the Creator lives on the matters. We must find the time to quiet ourselves, tap into the inside of you. And, you, the real you, gets its life source and depths of our spirit to get clear instructions and directions information from the Creator who knows EVERYTHING. There straight from heaven.
is nothing you need to know, that you cannot know. We must renew our minds and know:
You may not know it, but the things of this world are
Who we are 46
Whose we are
particularly want you to have. A perfect example in the Bible is
What we have
Israel and their desire for a king. A king was not God’s desire for them, but they kept asking, envisioning, confessing for a
What we can do
Who are you? If you are a child of God, you are the righteous- King and they eventually got a King. But, a king was not God’s ness of God in Him. That means you do not fear, are not inferi- best for them. or and know no defeat!
You are a joint heir with Jesus
Desire the things God wants for you and do things God
Christ. You share everything that belongs to Him. He supplies has created you to do. You will find happiness, fulfillment & joy all of your needs. You are not just a human being—you are a when you embrace the will of God for your life. There is no human-divine being. You are a god in the earth today. You greater place of safety & peace than His will. God has empowexecute God’s will and reign by use of His authority and power. ered you with the Holy Spirit who gives you the wisdom of
He has given you the power to reign and rule in this life!
God. That wisdom brings us into immeasurable success. He
Whose are you? Wealth and privilege is often genera- warns us, gives us direction & comfort. We are then able to tional. Most often, those distinctions are seldom associated make our own way prosperous as opportunities arise and expewith someone because of their own accomplishments but ra- rience good success. Joshua 1:8 (KJV) ther, because of birthright. Wealth is most often a birthright, a
These are foundational principles for success. I want
state of living one enjoys because of their birth. That family you to renew your mind today and begin the process of envirelationship introduces you to a life of privilege & wealth. sioning your life. Conceptualize what this envisioning process When we understand whose we are, the family we are born entails and then begin to do it now! Change what you see in into when receiving salvation, we understand how privileged the natural by tapping into what is on the inside of you. Tap
and wealthy we truly are. You belong to the Creator and Own- into the Creator’s thoughts and visions for you and your life. er of the Universe who has all authority and all power! He Envision a better future. Envision your life different. Envision loves you. He cares for you. He created you with destiny and your dreams fulfilled. Envision what life would be like if money purpose. Begin to reflect on all that God is and all that you are. were inexhaustible. Envision your future generations as the You belong to great & mighty God. You are a peculiar people, a success story God has purposed! When you do this, you will royal priesthood. You sit in heavenly places with God. You are begin to see the powers of the universe respond to what you not ordinary or common. You are special because you belong see and your success will manifest in reality. This is not a New to the King of Kings & Lord of Lords. He is your God and you Age doctrine; it is God’s faith principles at work in the life of are His people. You are the apple of God’s eye. Affirm your every believer who will dare to embrace these principles. Meet identity by understanding your relationship with Him. That me tomorrow. I cannot wait to continue this time with you. relationship gives you great value. Enough said. Meditate on
Scripture Meditations: Romans 12:1, Proverbs 18:21, II Peter
What do I have and what can I do? Everything and 1:3, II Corinthians 2:1 anything. The best choices are what God desires you to have. I know that is a difficult thing to grasp. You have everything and can do anything. There are universal principles and laws that work for or against you. You do not have to believe in the law
of gravity for it to work. It just works. Because of the principles of the universe, you can obtain things that God does not 47
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most compelling way possible in order to help guide the
DR. COOK: The title From Transition to Transformation is based on reader though their own personal process of transformation. the stories shared by the authors in the book. These women have RB: What is the one message you want the reader to take come together collectively to share their stories of triumph and
away from this book?
success in spite of the many adversities they have faced. RB: How many women are a part of the collective and where are they from?
DR. COOK: want the readers to understand that life is filled with transitions. Transition in and of itself is never a destination. It is the beginning of a process that you have control
DR. COOK: WE have 12 phenomenal women that have come together from across the country. These ladies come from Texas, Maryland, Delaware, North and South Carolina, and Georgia.
over. You may not have control over what happens to you and what people d to you. Your transition begins and ends
with your decision to stay, go through, start over, leave or RB: Was it difficult bringing the ladies together complete this project?
whatever the situation and circumstance may dictate for you. Ultimately, the decision is yours to make and that be-
DR. COOK: There is al ways a degree of difficulty that comes gins the of transformation. with any project, vision, or body of work. The key is commu-
RB: Tell us a bit about Rebirth/ NGF. Inc.
nication. These ladies have been easy to work with. Though we had deadlines and a project guideline, it wasn't so rigid that there was no room for flexibility. One of the main ingre-
dients in a project of this magnitude is flexibility, along with keeping the lines of communication open. This I believe we did well and it has served us well.
DR. COOK: Rebirth is a publication by Nana’s Girls’ Foundation, a faith based nonprofit corporation founded for the sole purpose of empowering women. The mission of NGF is educating, and aiding women in the reinvention of themselves, through spiritual development, personal development, and relationship coaching/counseling. NGF also offers
RB: What was the most difficult part of this journey?
its clients an opportunity to volunteer with the foundation
DR. COOK: The most difficult part of this journey I will say through our consignment shop, and assisting with special has been staying on track and meting deadlines. We all have events and projects. These ladies will receive life skills trainlives and families, and challenges that w encountered while ing, and assistance with continuing education. writing the book. Each writer wanted to not just put out
their best work, but they wanted to tell their story in the 60
Hi, I am Kisha J. McRae, better known as the Stiletto KWEEN of ADHD. On June 4th, 1989 I gave birth to my first child and it was a baby girl …just what I wanted. She was so beautiful and perfect. A year after she was born I suffered from an inability to swallow. My face blew up like a balloon and was so disfigured that I was unrecognizable. I remember being in the middle of the room while doctors crowed around me trying to figure out what was wrong. I felt like an item on display that no one wanted. At this time in my life I smiled a lot while silently I didn’t want to live. My life seemed scarce and I felt like it had no meaning and I wanted to die. My emotions were all over the place but very quietly I told no one that I was falling to pieces. After months of feeling like the walking dead, I was finally diagnosed with something and that was pneumonia. Even after being treated for pneumonia things didn’t seem to work in my favor health wise…. weight loss continued, and I looked like a tree stump.
One morning I awoke, and I saw this pimple on the side of my nose. I was disgusted because I do not get pimples. I tried to put band aids on it to keep it flat. After a few days I noticed that this pimple began to change its shape. It was spreading all over to the right side of my face. That day I wanted to just end my life, but I had my baby girl and she needed me. Plus, who am I to talk about taking my life when I know it’s something Jesus would not forgive me for. In my mind, I said I wasn’t playing with Jesus. After seeing my medical doctor, she referred me to a dermatologist at Columbia Presbyterian NYC. He asked me questions pertaining to my family history, primarily, did this disease run in the family? I told him about Lupus. I explained that my maternal aunt and grandmother had it. He took a biopsy of the ugly pimple on my face. He told me to come back in about a week. Well that whole week all I could think of is 68
that I might have Lupus. I started to think, “What will I do if that spoke confidence. That was the day that God rescued he tells me I have Lupus and how will I live?” I contemplated me and used Stiletto Queen to save me from myself. From that my life would be different when I go back to that der- that day, I said no more thoughts of taking my life. However, matologist. The pneumonia was
I humbly say that I am still here
being healed but my soul felt like
looking as good as ever. It had
death. The day came when I had to
been ten years of my diagnosis of
go back to the dermatologist.
lupus. There was a time a few
When I walked in the doctor’s
years after diagnosis that I took no
office it felt like I had a dark cloud
medication. Lupus went into remis-
following me. My body felt like it
sion in my early twenties. Glory!
was going to shut down. Then the
However, on New Year’s Eve 1997 I
doctor appeared, and he looked
became severely ill, while dressed
like he was walking in slow motion
in celebratory attire prepared to
before he reached me to tell me
hang out with my girlfriends and
the results. I remember his exact
dressed in my red stiletto boots, I
words. I’m sorry but you have Lu-
almost passed out. My sister dialed
pus. He said it like it was some-
911 immediately. When the medi-
thing he was used to saying daily.
cal professionals arrived, and took
Then he proceeded to say Lupus
my temperature it was 104 and
has about a 10-year life span. Now,
rising. I was rushed and admitted
I was only 19, and my daughter
to the hospital. They discovered I
was a year old. My heart stopped because I had little to no had a contagious disease and they secluded me from all the knowledge of what Lupus was. I feared not only death but other patients. I was able to speak to my mother on the that my face would become altered. I was worried about my phone, who was out of town at the time and I can rememskin becoming discolored because my grandmother’s skin ber her asking me. “Do you want me to come home? was severely discolored. I knew that on this very day, life as I “Without hesitation I said yes. I could feel something differknew it would never be the same. So many times, I contem- ent about my body that I had never experienced. I rememplated suicide, but God wouldn’t allow it. At times I wished ber my mother saying, “Ok baby, I’m on my way.” It’s nothmy heart would just stop. Eventually, as time passed I took ing like having your mother by your side when illness strikes. life one day at a time. One day when I was out, still feeling dangerously depressed and wanting to end my life, a man noticed me in my stride, my demeanor, and disposition. He told me when he saw me in my boots I looked like POWER, as if I could rule the world. He named me “Stiletto Queen.” From that day on I adopted
No matter how old you are, the presence of your mother brings about a sense of security and comfort. I have been blessed with my second mom, who was also by my side during this difficult time. While lying in the hospital room trembling, I prayed for GOD to sustain me until my mom got there.
that name and said it would be my alter ego; a part of me 69
I always had faith and knew the Lord created miracles, but for some reason I felt that I was slipping away. When my Ms. America mother arrived, she refused to wear a mask or scrubs. I specifically remember hearing my mother fussing about me being left alone and the fact that no one had checked on me in a while. My mother called for the nurse insisting that she take my temperature and contact my doctor who had finally come after 2 hours of being called into my room. When the doctors came to check my temperature, it had come from 105 to 102. God used my mother and His voice to save my life. I was kept dull, gloomy room, but it was ok because my mother was by my side. When I was finally able to speak again, I asked the immediately. She insisted that the nurse give her some ice water and towels. She then threw the nurses out, began to pray and rub me down with the ice and the cold water. My mother told me she saw my
indicated. I spent about 2 months in the hospital even after they began to finally treat me for a Lupus flare after waking up one morning unable to walk. This was a scary season in my life, but I made it through.
eyes rolling to the back my head and when she tried to keep In 1999 I was blessed with a bouncing baby boy. I call him me talking. I would mumble but made no sense. I remem- my miracle baby. My doctor didn’t want me to move forber my mother praying out loud as she held me with both ward with my pregnancy, but I refused to abort my child. arms, as I laid my head on her breasts. I felt like I was This was a life and I chose to let God decide the outcome. It floating on air with death close by. I felt this because I was was such a scary and painful experience and an ordeal for not fighting and began to give up. I saw visions of my me because I was a high risk and couldn’t take any medicine daughter in the fog before me but then I heard a whisper. for the symptoms associated with Lupus flare ups, because The voice was soft and so calm, and it spoke to me saying the medications would harm the baby. However, I contin“fight, I’m not ready for you yet.” The next thing I knew I ued a low dosage of steroids. I was informed it would do no
was being awakened by the doctor who had finally come harm to my baby boy. I felt like with mostly flare ups, pain, after 2 hours of being called into my room. When the doctors came to check my temperature, it had come from 105 to 102. God used my mother and His voice
severe fatigue, kidney infections and recurrences of UTI’S (Urinary Tract Infections). I did feel good emotionally because during this time in my life although my normalcy was
to save my life. I was kept dull, gloomy room, but it was ok invaded I made some outstanding accomplishments perbecause my mother was by my side. When I was finally able sonally and professionally. I obtained my peer health edto speak again, I asked the She was furious because she in- ucator certification with the hospital for special surgery dicated I should have never been taken to that side of the where I volunteered working with newly diagnosed Lu-
hospital and confirmed I wasn’t contagious as previously pus patients who visited the clinic, received my Bachelor’
of Arts degree in Social Science with a minor in social 70
ria had spilled in my blood and they had not yet determined the type of bug it was. I was very familiar with some medical terminology so when she said that I was very sick I knew was indeed in bad shape. When Bacteria spills into your blood stream you can become septic, which means that the body is full of “poison. “The doctors could do nothing because if by chance, my body rejected the antibiotics. Here, I began to pray and declared the devil is a liar. I had no fear, because even though I knew the doctors were concerned about losing me, I knew GOD had the last say so and that He didn’t bring me this far to take me away.
work, I became a Certified Lupus Line counselor, #1 bestselling Author. Prior to becoming certified as a life coach, I was certified as a beauty control consultant. I had presentation and speaking experience. I had been a part of several network marketing companies where I conducted presenta-
tions to demonstrate and promote products. As I was amid a battle with depression, and newly diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, I still mastered the art of what I call “Creating my New Norm. “ In August of 2015, I was hospitalized with a very bad kidney The doctors administered the first bag of antibiotics to infection that came from a urinary tract infection. I was attempt to clear my blood of the bacteria contamination. again in severe pain and had to stay in the hospital for 8 Then suddenly it appeared that my body began to receive days. I had around the clock care while in the hospital be- antibiotic and it began to clean my blood. The decision had
cause my doctor said I was sick. The expression on her face to be made to either keep me 8 more days or send me really concerned me. She indicated that some of the bacte- home with a nurse and a pic line implanted I my arm. 71
I opted for going home with the pic line, so I could be
taught by a nurse how to administer my own IV medication. I was educated in the hospital by my nurse of how to use the pic line. This was a little scary because I thought “what if I don’t administer it correctly and it doesn’t work? “I was assured no one would leave me until I was comfortable doing it by myself with confidence. Doctors recommended that I go home because they didn’t want me to catch any infections by staying another week in the hospital.
I went home and completed my 8 more days of treatment successfully without any issues. Although I had the scare of losing my life for the second time, I am still standing and will continue to inspire women, teenage girls, and families; to restore, transform, elevate, to never give up, and to live again, after not just a diagnosis, but unexpected adversities. I will forever encourage people to know that an unforeseen diagnosis and an unexpected adversity in life doesn’t end
life, it begins all over again. Look at me now. Would you think I had been through all that was mentioned? If I didn’t know me I wouldn’t either. Without GOD, my family and friends, creating my new norm would have been a dire struggle. They are my support system. Even with over a dozen medications I take I will continue to speak healing and life over my body. So now that you know a portion of my life story, and how my struggle be-
came my strength. I’m sure that will you agree when you look at me, that Lupus and ADHD never look so good? Never give up!
Hi, my name is LeLida and I stood with his then girlfriend discover his plan years later.
he wanted to meet me, and
have something to tell you. and their baby boy in the
was anxious to court me, but
Let’s see, where do I begin? There is so much that I could share, or should share but I
guess, I will start at the be-
pulpit of our small Baptist church soliciting prayers for their journey as young par-
ents and his pursuits of a football scholarship to UCLA,
ginning, is that okay.
which he believed would I met my abuser in my grandmother’s
years before we began dating and eventually married. He was cool, calm, collected, tall, caramel colored with the
most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen. Two of our 6 children have his exact eye color, and each of them are beautiful to look at, as was their father. I often joke and tell them that I got the very best parts of him.
lead him to Professional football stardom. I was indeed impressed as he spoke in his southern drawl, wooing the audience. I noticed how he perused his audience, waiting for the effect of his words to settle. Quite the charmer he was then, and now. Unbeknownst to me, he had come to check me out; the sister of a wellknown drug dealer, that was dating his niece and caring
I first laid eyes on him as he for her entire family. I would
I don't know how I missed the signs of narcissism and control, or the fact that the girl by his side rarely spoke,
without his prompting or permission, and seemed to
wanted her permission first. What a gentleman I thought, and it was a plus that Nana
liked him and approved, as that was rarely the case.
be afraid of him. Fast for- I was a verified nerd and ward to my graduation from prety gullible. We met one high school and being the weekend when I went home first to attend college, and to check on my Nana. Low with a track scholarship to and behold it was that same boot. I spoke to my Nana young man from a few years
almost daily, and once I left ago. He said he was on that for
more. football scholarship we had
Shortly thereafter, each time prayed about and he had to I called she was being visited leave the young lady and by a nice young man from baby behind as she did not the church that had recently want to follow him to Calirelocated to California from fornia and that they were no Pine Bluff Arkansas. How longer a couple. We began sweet of him I thought, and dating and eventually mara few weeks in she tells me, ried 77
but not without several red cards and flowers galore. I worked, planned the wed- at all, but living off of his 11 flags waving, while he tried knew to call it off as no guy I ding, and purchased every- siblings, who did not like me to act as if my popularity did had ever been with had ever thing for it. He stood me up 2 according to him. Not many
not bother him. I could tell raised his voice, let alone his times and probably only people did like me, so I had that it did, but so that was his hand to me. Though, I had attended the 3rd because my no reason to discount what
issue not mine. On our first date it got the best of him, and he slapped me, as I drove through a busy college town; because he
seen my father and mother brothers threatened to make he told me of his siblings. He fight often, which is one of him disappear, though he now had no place to live, but the reasons the courts had had been sullen he never hey, I had an apartment; he put my brothers and I into touched me while pregnant had no car but hey, he could my Nana's custody.
with our first child.
use mine while I worked until
said I was allowing guys to Ultimately after several wom- Strangely my Nana boycotted flirt with me. I parked the car en in my family, and his, con- my wedding as she quickly and we had the biggest fight. vinced me that this was a became
I left him there and returned normal part of all relation- him. I wished she had bothhome to tell my Nana about ships, I relented and contin- ered to let me know. After
he could find himself a job. Which by the way, he never did the entire marriage, not steady or full time nor substantive.
her Prince Charming, and ued the relationship eventu- the wedding his real plans It would take too long to tell threatened to tell my brother ally getting pregnant out of were unfolded. He began to of the homelessness and Lil Man. She talked me out of wed lock, and forced to stop make plans for my income, cheating with intermittent it saying he had called her, going to college. My family not his own; or what he violent outburst and mutually and was sorry, embarrassed planned a shotgun wedding thought I would get from my combatant behavior, because and ashamed of himself. His to conceal the pregnancy as I brother. My second mis- I was not getting hit without sisters kept calling, he left was 7 months with no baby take??? Taking care of him. retaliating to the best of my several messages and sent bump
I He was not attending college ability. 78
The episodes grew in intensi- but I accidentally overheard of town only to be greeted by tually kicked in our front ty and I had a child every 2-3 he and his brothers laughing a note on the door saying door on super bowl Sunday year for the next 13 years, 2 about the bet they made as they were closed due to 1998. I called the Police and of them conceived by rape children as to which of them plumbing problems. I re- upon their arrival I was arand despite calling the police would have the most chil- member crying and telling rested since my oldest had the first time, who laughed dren.
myself that I couldn't even do bit her father to make him
off the incident and told me
wrong right. I was beaten so release his choke hold on my
that as his wife he had every right to take what was legally his. The next one I didn't even bother. The first time was so violent that all my organs fell out before my daughter’s birth and the doctors just tucked them up out of the way and delivered her. I was not supposed to have any more after number 5 and
then the 2nd rape occurred which resulted in my last birth. I had my tubes tied after that to his displeasure;
I discovered that I was pregnant with my last child accidentally, we had a car accident and I was taken to the hospital by ambulance. The routine exam included pregnancy test if you were unsure on your answer. That day we discovered that I was indeed 4 months pregnant. I was angry the duration of that
severely during my last tri- neck, and a bite mark was mester that I had to hug the left on him. The officers said commode
in the
master whoever had inflicted the
bathroom and play dead to injury would be arrested immake the beating stop. At mediately regardless of it the hospital I received an being my child, so I conemergency restraining order fessed, I was sure it would all and though he was prevent- be sorted and found that I ed from entering our home was innocent, but I could not he was never arrested.
have been more wrong.
pregnancy, even attempting Despite the temporary Re- My son was 4 months old to abort him. But on the first straining Order becoming a and I was still nursing. My day after I had ever purposed permanent one, he still ter- children were taken into my to go to an abortion clinic, I rorized us at night and fol- neighbor’s home and I was arrived to one on the far side lowed us from afar and even- hand cuffed and put in the back of the squad car. Side note, this state is notorious for the most Domestic
arrests of the victim to date. I was charged with issuing a terrorist threat, intent to inflict injury on my spouse, and several other infractions,
tenced to 365 days with no chance of being released on my 79
actual batterer (abuser) he which we resided. To add me. I waited and prayed and attacks upon my character was free and cleared be- insult to injury, my children fasted. On the third day she by my soon to be Excause I missed my hearing had been returned to my spoke to me. She told me to husband. I had much to do because I was lost in the Los abuser, who then had a Re- give her everything I had and to maintain custody of my Angeles county jail system straining
issued write a brief request that she children, and handlers now
for a few days. It was so bad, against me. All my life I would read to him. I did as to prevent me from being a that I was issued a bench suffered
depression she asked. As they were menace to society by seeking
warrant for failure to appear, and now it was intensified, leaving
she out and destroying my abus-
a jailer threw me into my as were the suicidal thoughts grabbed my info and added er (tongue in cheek). cell. Which at that time was and
located on the roof of the cies
Los Angeles County men's were a recur-
jail because the women's jail ring
was under renovation .... Go from figure...
it to
So, my kids and I hugged and loved on one another for what seemed like an eternity, and daily after that. The separation had been rough
on us all, especially them, as
God has been better than Nonetheless,
they had been returned to
good to me and my family. my desire to
the Father they had fought
What should have killed me get my chil-
against with me, to protect
didn’t, it only caused me to dren back, and Faith in my reach deeper, stretch far- heavenly Father were my ther, call upon a deep reser- anchor in what seemed to be voir of endurance and com- a perpetual storm keeping petencies that were lying me at bay. I slept on a dormant within me, before friend’s couch for a week, these traumatic events una- and every day, I spent my ware of.
After the judge released me from incarceration, he sentenced me to 3 years of summary probation, sent me to mandatory counseling as the abuser, anger management as well as parenting classes. I was also ordered to pay res-
titution to Victims of Violence fund of the county in
day on a wooden bench out-
side the courthouse doors of the same judge that had initially given me my restraining order who turned around
our home and selves. It was folders in her hands. An hour later they reconvened, and she returned my documents from the bottom of her pile, smiled at me and shook my hand. There in my hands she had placed a third restraining order which at the top read "This supersedes all previous orders" and armed
most difficult on my oldest as she was the one left with the responsibility of her siblings daily while I was away. She told me they had been locked in the sewing room of a friend of the family’s home
for hours on end, and that their father was nowhere to be seen or found.
with this I headed home.
and issued the exact same Plus, the judge ordered me order to my abuser while I to do quite a lot of work to was wrongly arrested. HIs prove my innocence, mainaide saw me daily and tried tain my freedom from reto get his attention, he on incarceration; thereby disthe other hand only ignored proving the vicious lies and 80
All of them moved out of their individual bedrooms and throwing rocks at our bedroom windows as we slept, or began to sleep with me in the master bedroom, piling into attempted to do so. He also teased us while playing with my California King sized waterbed, now transformed into the family guard dogs nightly and taunting us by showing our family bed, sleeping 7; uncomfortably but happily. Their that they would not be protecting us from the likes of him fussing, snoring and fighting for a space they could settle “their owner”. He finally stopped once I took the advice of
into for the night was music to my ears. After the stone bed my Pastor, and told him that I had been to the firing range, in the county jail, and my bunkmates recently, this was and the next time he visited us in that manner, I would conheaven. Most nights after the constant maneuvering of sider it trespassing, and would shoot him on sight, drag him arms and legs and derrières ceased, I just sat and watched into the house and call the authorities myself. them sleeping as I intermittently nursed the baby. In the weeks following, I stayed as close to home as possible until venturing out was necessary. When I finally did get out with the children, I did so with multiple copies of the Court
Orders in tow, and then I got busy with the many meetings and counseling sessions I would be attending for the next 36 months while on probation. Not only was my dance card full but there was a plethora of activities for the children as well, all 6 of them.
At any rate he disappeared eventually... In conclusion the journey for me and my children was not an easy one, but by the grace of God we made it. We were helped each step of the way by our church family and the local community members, as well as our home schooling friends. This is not a journey which can be undertaken or navigated without a support system in place, which is a challenge-therefore each individual person must start with what they have and where they are. Once underway, it is
In addition to our daily activities we were being terrorized imperative to gather support along the way as you go, for nightly for several weeks by my now Ex-husband; who was your own wellbeing as well as your children’s sake. climbing neighbors’ walls and sneaking around, as well as
Initially I required assistance in stabiliz- attending high quality public schools in which by the way was required on a ing our family, especially since I had the area. I will be forever indebted to monthly basis, is the fact that you can been a full time stay at home mom for him for this as we were afforded the never make any head way and the asmore than 13 years; baking bread and opportunity to live in a luxurious subur- sistance provided is based on bringing teaching my children at home in our ban neighborhood and the same home you up to but not beyond the poverty onsite schoolroom, hanging out with for 10 years. This home owner was not level for your family size and deother home schooling families, and the only person to extend himself and mographics while requiring that you nursing one or more of my 6 children accept government assistance on our make up but not exceed a measurable for what seemed like a straight 10 behalf for goods and services, as they and strictly adhered to the GAP beyears. My husband refused to pay any saw that I was not asking anyone for a tween the surviving and thriving. So, it
spousal or child support ever, so I re- hand out, but rather a hand up; and was impossible to get ahead in the least ceived nothing at all from him from they chose to partner with me in reach- bit let alone make any head way at all that day to this one.
ing a successful end.
Simply put if you happened to work
After exhausting all avenues to get sup- The other individuals and agencies overtime or someone blessed you with port from him I soon discovered that he were the local Christian School and goods and or services, you were oblihad fathered at least 2 other children, teachers/ daycare providers, which al- gated to report it and the following maybe more, and they were being as- lowed my two youngest children to be month you were penalized by a deducsisted by government agencies as well. cared for from 6am to 6pm, sometimes tion in either your cash aid, food
So, the probability of me ever getting a later if the bus could not get me there stamps or both. Case in point, I never cent was nil to none, as the govern- before closing time. They attended had enough surplus, no matter how ment was already paying for their care. school there from PreK through 1st hard i worked and saved, to buy shoes Therefore, I had to fend for us and I did grades. They practically lived there the or clothing for each one of my children so by working various odd jobs as well first 4 years of their lives and I was nev- at the exact same time. Near one holias receiving government subsidy for a er charged a cent. Whatever the gov- day I did major overtime to take them season. This assistance included food ernment agency would allow, they to PayLess as an early Christmas gift. stamps, medical benefits for the chil- gladly accepted, and I volunteered ser- We went to PayLess shoe store and I
dren and I, as well as government hous- vice hours to make up the difference. bought 3 pair of shoes and got 3 pair ing assistance payments in the form of This allowed me to work 1 full time and free. They were so excited. It was the Section 8. The owner of our home at the time was kind enough to allow subsidized payments for his rental property, keeping
2-part time jobs, as well as attend the first time in a long time there was no local community college as a full-time long sad face in the crowd, and I was student. Believe you me, I was a wom- not required to explain that one of an on a Mission.
the children and I from the burdened of The draw back to the Government profurther displacement; and the kids to grams in addition to the copious
be comfortable in familiar surround- amounts of paperwork and documentaings, a good neighborhood as well as ble proof of your need for assistance,
them needed shoes so much more than the other. I was even able to get each of them a pack of socks as well. My sleepless hours and tired back was worth the smiles on their faces. 82
And at the beginning of the following children were God sent, they kept me and holds two B.A. degrees, two M.A. month I had to report the purchase, motivated and encouraged, and in mo- degrees, and is currently working on well actually not the purchase but the tion when I wanted to quit. They her PhD. At the time of this writing, the overtime pay and I explained it with helped me with my classwork and youngest daughter is a senior at the the purchase that I made. I was penal- housework, cooking and cleaning, and same HBCU as her sibling, also on a full ized because that was not allowed and watching one another when no child- ride soccer scholarship and is a college my cash aid as well as food stamp care was available. Each success was senior. The youngest attended Moreamount suffered significantly. returned to the local community college at the age of 32 and worked 3 jobs concurrently to get us
ours not mine. At each graduation cer- house College after graduating high emony I made sure they knew, that this school at 16. I have an aspiring actor/ was our shared degree, made possible comedian, a future military man and
by their involvement and assistance. my middle daughter who has Autism graduating next year from
off welfare and subsidy.
community college.
I graduated twice from there before attending
I am married to the love of
a university an hour
my life, whom I met as a
away from home and
child in the same Church,
from the beginning of my
time. To stay awake
story. He is my best friend
after my full-time job
and confidant, he allows me
and complete my next
to be all that I can be, and
degree, I would swing
do all I feel God has called
by the house make sure
me to do. I affectionately
the children were fed and then head off through the mountains, my 2 older sons accompanying me with their basketballs and handheld
video games. They would hang out and play on campus while I attended class and then back home we would go, arriving sometime before midnight. Once home they would go straight to bed,
call him my Chocolate Drop, While still a student at the community college, I became an adjunct college instructor. I did all of this with help
even strangers that came to our aid sporadically. Each one supporting and assisting us to the best of their ability, and I am eternally grateful for it all.
prepared for his favorite daughter, ME.
I am a certified Christian Life Coach as well as an Advocacy Specialist, in addition to being the Founder and CEO of a Nonprofit, Girl Get Your Head In The Game, a women’s empowerment col-
the couch awaiting a call from the ER as They all have attended and graduated I was also the emergency room sign from college. The eldest received a full
What a season ...but we made it. My
chocolate sundae that the Lord has
from my church and community, and
but I would stay dressed and sleep on Today those children are grown ups.
language interpreter on call.
he is the cherry on top of a beautiful
ride scholarship to an HBCU and played
laborative with an advocacy initiative to bring awareness and support for Domestic Violence victims and their
on its inaugural women’s soccer team, 83
Achieving financial freedom is crucial in this new season. As 2. Know where your money goes you prepare for the shifts that are taking place in your life, set yourself up for a financial overhaul as well. Where you are going, it is imperative that you no longer yourself to be trapped in a vicious cycle of never having enough to live, and
Be aware of how you are spending your money. A $4 cup of coffee five days a week costs you $80/month. Review some of the items you spend your money on to find areas where cutting back can move your savings account forward.
sow into others. “Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, shall men give into your bosom.” Luke 6:38-40 Rebirth has some tips for you to overcome financial breakthrough blockers.
3. Develop a budget Plan for your expenditures by developing a budget and live within your means based on your monthly income, adjust
remain within your budget and don’t use a credit card to cover a shortfall or unnecessary purchases.
1. Honor God with your Substance 4. Include savings in your budget First and foremost, remember to honor God with your substance, by giving back to Him as he gives to you. Tithing is the first 10% of your income. Be it weekly, bi-weekly, twice monthly, or monthly, as you honor God, He will rebuke the
Pay yourself first. Treat your savings account like any other monthly bill by making a monthly payment to-ward it. 5. Plan for major purchases
devourer on your be-half and see to it that you have enough Adjust your budget accordingly to build savings or your next to not only meet your needs, but more than enough. Mala- major purchase without using credit. chi 3:10-12 84
6. Save for emergencies
7. Plan for retirement
8. Get tax advice
A good rule of thumb is to have a minimum of six months of salary available in your savings account. While this goal will take time to achieve, it is important to strive for it, so you’re prepared for most unexpected emergencies.
Take advantage of interest and market upturns by saving for retirement early. Often your employer will help you save for retirement with a 401 (k) plan. You can also benefit from pre-tax contributions using this method of retirement savings.
If you have circumstances that create tax dilemmas e.g., self-employed, own and/or lease property, etc.) make sure to seek tax advice from a professional for the best outcome.
9. Protect your credit
10. Keep good financial records
You have the right to pull a free credit report form each reporting bureau once per year by going online to www.annualcreditreport.com. Keep in mind that late payments will adversely impact your credit, as will a failure to pay. You should immediately report any credit issues or discrepancies to the reporting bureau. Use your credit wisely and ensure your re-ports are accurate.
Utilize online tools as well as paper copies of receipts to keep records of your paystubs, banking information, taxes, insurance, and other documents important to your financial situation. A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things. Ecclesiastes
REBIRTH -Power Call Interview -$50 The Power Call Monday - Friday 9am - 10am EST! Over 5000 listeners every day. We will interview you and let you brag and dote about your business!
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. My name is Jacinda Ross and I have tate. I like the flexibility and the cipals. Hard work pays off and ala real estate story to tell. These last sense of freedom it offers. It hones- ways trust and support the process. three years in real estate have been ty doesn't feel like a day of work. I When it comes to home buying the the best three years of my life! I tell also like the fact that I can follow experience can be one of two ways. people my only wish when it comes the pattern of helping people just as Easy or difficult. Your experience to real estate is that I wish I could I do through my non profit organiza- largely depends on your journey prihave started a lot sooner. My career tion. It's such a rewarding feeling to or to wanting to purchase a new pursuit in college was the law. I be able to help people and give home. What exactly do you mean wanted to be a Lawyer. I still have hope to so many. My experience in Jacinda? Answer a few questions for love for the law but I have a new real estate has also confirmed a lot me. Did you have bills?
found passion in world of real es- of my own personal beliefs and prin92
If so, did you pay them or pay them on time? Were you good at saving and man-
aging your money? Did you establish your credit? Did you know about credit and what it meant? Ownership gives you power and in this case home ownership allows you to perpetuate power to future generations. No matter your journey prior to wanting to be a home owner once you decide to become a home owner it will be always be a big decision and one of the best decisions you ever make in your life. So what's the first step in becoming a home owner? I always suggest starting with a mort-
gage loan officer. You will find out where you stand credit wise and the next steps until you become pre approved to purchase a home. I'm always happy to help and I'm si grateful for an opportunity to share my experience with others to motivate and inspire.
I learned early in life at a young age that I was born from a mother who battled mental illness, and father who suffers from a learning disability since his childhood. This created a lot of obstacles and roadblocks for my journey ahead. But I’ve always been a staunch type of person who strives to be the best in all aspects of my life. With a vigorous determination, and strong faith in God nothing is impossible to accomplish under his authority. In life we are presented with harsh multifarious of events and I’ve discovered your reaction and re-
sponse will determine how great we can become. Life is ten percent what you experience and ninety percent how you respond to it. Everyone is bestowed with a deck of cards, but the unknowing if a good or bad card is next is the mystery yet to unfold. My mother was diagnosed with bipolar, but she was determined to keep her children in church, greatly teaching us to have a forgiving heart, and to never give up. 96
Having a mother with a high caliber determination, wrote my paper with my heart and eyes on my destiny richly configured the woman, I am today.
and submitted my entry for the scholarship, and weeks elapsed and I finally received the good news that I was
My memory flashes back to high school with me having a brilliant mind and wanting to excel, but I thought and learned differently from my classmates. As hard as I tried my grades would always manage to average C’s instead of A’s that I tried so desperately to get. This
chosen out of 100 stories to be a part of the Price Club Foundation family. This was a great accomplishment. Regardless of how hard your uneven road or path maybe, it’s your road to show up and grind your way to greatness.
brings me to the story of, “There are more than one way to climb a tree.” One day a fish, monkey, dog, pen- Some people assumed I would finish in last place in my guin, and elephant shows up for a race on land. Auto- life. But I’m adamant and decided to crawl, walk, jog, matically the dog would win the race because it’s with- and run until I reach my finish line. I’m not in competiin his element but does this make everyone else slow tion with the world, but focused to win the race at my or dumb. The answer would be no, because if the race own momentum. My personal life quote is “Stay In was in a tree the monkey would win, if the race was Your Lane OR Be Disqualified.” This why Dressed N Digunder water the fish would win. This is a great example nity is so important to our community because we help of how each person responses and learns differently in women who have different strides but the same goal
life and our school system needs a revamp to assist all (FINISH). Women can take heed to my story and decide students. I love the quote by Albert Einstein, to never given up and be all they dreamed to be. “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
I’ve worked in Corporate America for the last 17 years. I remember during my senior year in high school(21 years ago) a non-profit organization by the name of
I distinctively started to think differently and started to Dress for Success came to my school campus to help embrace every grade I received good or bad. During my young women to transition from high school into the
senior year of high school, I entered a writing contest to workforce; they showed us how to select proper suit win a 10,000.00 scholarship for the first 2 years of col- attire and colors, hair styles, and to implement neceslege with Price Club Foundation (Now Price Philanthro- sary accessories to enhance our looks. I am forever pies Foundation to help the community of City Heights, grateful for Dress for Success for providing me with the located in inner city of San Diego, California. The necessary tools to be successful in my career. Fast forFounder Sol Price believed in utilizing his wealth to give ward 21 years later, a young lady was inquiring about back to the community and provide better opportuni- clothing to wear on an interview, but the nearest locaties for the working class). I was committed to being tion for clothing was 50 miles away. the first in my immediate family to go to college. I 97
In that moment I discovered there was a need in my local community and I encompassed the tools to navigate and organize a non-profit to help women who are in need of professional business attire, communication skills, resume building, interviewing tips, and business etiquette training. I decided to form Dressed N Dignity and place it within 25 mile radius of any city within the Dallas-Ft Worth area to shorten the commute for women who are currently looking for em-
becomes a mirror that reflects the next generation. Since the existence of Dressed N Dignity, I’m extremely thankful and proud to say we have professionally made-over multiple women and transformed their lives by planting seeds of hope. During the spring of each year we have our annual women’s business conference, this year’s theme was B.O.S.S Born Only To Strive Successfully. We also have a brunch during the winter time called Restore Her Dignity, this year’s
theme is Restore Her Love Dec 14th, 2019. All our ployment.
events present dynamic local speakers of the commu-
Dressed N’ Dignity is non-profit organization estab- nity who help the women of dignity to strive and lished in the fall of 2017. Our mission statement is to thrive to be all they can be. We also have successful restore and empower women to walk in excellences in entrepreneurs to join the ladies at the table during our business, community, and family life; providing ade- brunch to give business advice and encouragement. quate dress attire, communication skills, and necessary These ladies by my term are called Sister Angels. etiquette training. Our vision statement is set forth to transform and enhance the lives of each woman as she 98