Rebirth of the Total Woman

Page 1

Inside this Issue From the Founder

3 Interview with Sherilyn M. Bennett

Our Note to You


NGF. Inc.

8 Ladies Take Your M. A. N. Back

NGF, Inc. Board of Directors

9 Author LaShanna Alfred

Fashion Fixes and Makeup Tips For Women Over 40


L. E. A. P. Summit/Camden Lane Agency

10 The W. O. E. Network



Minister Darlene R. Mingo

By Rebirth

Power of Sisterhood Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook

Donshe Shoetique The Story Behind The Shoes

Living with Lupus Kiara Herbert


Phoenixx Love

18 Turning Point Review


Vensia Williams

22 Trapsing through Transformation


Ivonne F. Cameron

Health & Today’s Busy Woman


Deliverance through Soul Work: Moving 12 Beyond Prayer

30 EmpowerHer Dynamic Women of Faith & Purpose


OUR NOTE TO YOU Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine has done it again. You are holding in your hands the Fall Edition of this wonderful publication. We are both pleased and excited to bring to you Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine, featuring women that are living their best lives. It is our sincere prayer that you are able to take away from this edition knowledge and wisdom for every day life situations and apply it that you too, will be empowered to LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE!!! We are celebrating women that have overcome life’s challenges and are now resting in the reality of the SHIFTING PARADIGMS. These women serve in different capacities but each with the same agenda...that is to change the lives of other women by telling of their life experiences and by telling of how God intervened intheir lives setting them on a journey of discovery. This is a season to celebrate you as the faithful servants you are, and to thank you for the many sacrifices you’ve made to ensure that others not only realize their full potential, but that they may also reach their destiny. The Staff of Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine & Nana’s Girls’ Foundation, Inc.

FROM THE FOUNDER Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook Welcome to our Fall Edition of Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine...Living the Transformed Life. It is vitally important that as we mov from Transition to Transformation that we develop new patterns, new paradigms that will enable us to maintain our new life. This includes everything from a new mindset, to new environments, new relationships, and even new locations in some cases. We here at Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine and Nana’s Girls’ Foundation endeavor to be a resource to aid you in that change, in that growth, in that shift that is necessary for you NEW NEXT!! The women in this Fall 2018 Edition have come together to speak to the heart, minds, spirits and souls of every woman on the brink of that change. No more doing life with the same mindset, and same outcomes. As the Lord our God is shifting us from Glory to Glory, we must shift in our thinking and ways of doing things. We cannot continue doing what we’ve been doing and expecting different results. There is greater in store for you. And as you embrace your NEW NEXT, we urge you to embrace it with freedom, and with joy.

I speak prophetically to you today, that as you read through the pages of this edition expect to never be the

same again. Expect Rebirth. Rebirth in you personal, professional, family, financial, spiritual, emotional, private and public lives. For you are more than a Phenomenal Woman, you are a Proverbs 31 Woman. You are a Daughter of Zion; with that comes a great inheritance but also a great responsibility. That responsibility is to train up our daughters to recognize the greatness within them, to recognize the beauty within them, and to evolve into the Queen they were created by God to become, and with all the benefits of Queendom.

I speak into every area of your life right now...from health; from relationships to self-development; from depravity and poverty to empowerment and stability; from the depths of darkness and confusion to the joy that fills our solus as we allow the word of God to transform our minds. Which transforms our lives. Daughter, TODAY BE MADE WHOLE!!! Embrace REBIRTH as you encounter these pages. Join us inside the Kingdom Edition of Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine.

Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook Editor-In-Chief & Founder

NANAS GIRLS FOUNDATION, INC. The nonprofit, Nana's Girl Foundation (NGF), was formed for the primary purpose of aiding and assisting women in the reinvention of themselves, spiritual development, re-education, through life coaching and counseling, NGF will offer its clients an opportunity to volunteer with the foundation through our various programs and community events. These ladies will receive life skills training, assistance with continuing education, job readiness and search. NGF, Inc. cater to women of all ages. They are required to complete a 6-12 month training program, using the curriculum designed by Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook, which though designed for all women; caters to the need of each individual person. Upon completion of their individualized training program, each participant will receive a certificate of completion, and assistance with job placement; to include the possibility of working with the foundation in

some capacity. In 2020 NGF, Inc., will open, The Annie Ruth DeLaney Home for Young Women, which will serve women ages 13-40, and provide them with a place of safety, a haven, and home for them if needed. Although not required to live in the home, client will be expected to complete their training program through the home-based program, structure, discipline, and special offerings from the foundation. And 2021 we will open the Genesis Healing for both men and women.

NANAS GIRLS FOUNDATION, INC. Founder & Executive Director: Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook Board of Directors & Constituents: President: Kisha J. McRae Administrative Assistant: Brittanee Slack Director of Organizational Structure: Jean Toney Educational Coordinator: Tanya Bankston Members Coordinator: Aly Johnson Global Market Liaison: Anita Duah Prempeh Hospitality Coordinator: Sadiemae Deas Spokesperson: Caris L. Reed

REBIRTH 2018 FASHION FIXES AND MAKEUP TIPS FOR WOMEN OVER 40 Days are getting shorter, the nights are drawing in and the Cream. My Everything Cream, 4 in 1 Skin Correction, Vieverything looks different. The leaves are changing color tasome Energizing Treatment that works with any moisturand fluttering to the ground. The cool breeze in the mid- izer and Vitamin C Facial Treatment Capsules.” Sharon day, although the heat still rises . Autumn bring an oppor- Boone, President of Flori Roberts and Color Me Beautiful tunity to embrace changes and take some risks. So why Brands not make the changes in your skin care routine, get a new There is no change without capturing the change in color. hair style, and make some wardrobe changes.

Hair, nails, wardrobe and makeup all deserve a burst of

Here is a tip from Flori Roberts and Color Me Beautiful color. As your paradigm is shifting, and you are embarking Brands-”With the season’s change you will need to Up Your upon new territory., consider updating your look to correMoisture: We all know when the weather gets colder, it spond with the new you. After al, part of being successful gets super dry and it can affect the skin harshly. My advice is looking successful. When I was in college we had a sayis to amp up your moisturizer use. This meaning you should ing, “Look good, feel good.” So here are some tips for the be sure to moisturize your body, from your face to your new look. feet, every day. This will help to prevent flaky, dry, and irri- Now be aware, these tips are women over 40. Frumpy is tated skin that comes along with the dryer climate. Picks Of The Day: Shea Nut Body Butter and Skin Correction Body

not sexy. And Plain Jane went out for a drive and did not to accessorize and re-wear in multiple ways. return because Jane discovered that 40 can be Fabulous. According to According to Pure Wow, there are 5 pieces of clothing that The new season will bring with it new fashion and beauty every woman over 40 should have. Below are some tips trends. Makeup is an easy way to add the autumns latest every time you get dressed.#1 Instead of strapping on your colors to your look. You can do dramatic, subtle and more. best push-up bra, high light your clavicle with off-the- This season the eyes and lips are the focal point. shoulder or boat neck silhouettes.

Even in autumn it is still appropriate to rock vibrant shades

#2 Shirts and blouses that show off your slender forearms like yellow. But the richer, deeper and darker tones can are the craze for the more mature woman and quite sexy transform your look from daytime work to paint the town too.


#3 Sensible heels that are as easy to walk in as they are styl- Burgundy is one of the must have colors of the fall. Top it ish. A two- or three-inch style (who doesn’t love a sim- off with metallic gold tones and black to add a more draple sling-back) is surprisingly comfortable and walkable.

matic appeal for the evening.

#4 You cannot go wrong with fitted dark-wash denim. Like No look is complete without the classic eyeliner flick. The all dark clothes, indigos are super slimming. Plus, since precision in the flick is what separates the makeup minithey’re closer to a black or navy, they’re more adult and malists from the master eye makeup guru. easier to dress up than mid or bleached washes.

And let’s not forget the classic warm brown shades that blend

#5 It’s way simpler to look elegant and appropriate in a into black to create a bold smokey eye. It is a makeup idea that neutral solid. Beige, white, brown, navy and black are easier will wow in any season.


these commonalities. Becoming one with another

a bond that is shared between women of like minds,

woman is rooted in our relationship with our creator,

like spirits, and like experiences. The bond shared be-

God himself, and rooted in Scripture 1 Samuel 18,

tween these women is not one based on blood rela-

which takes us into the friendship of Johnathan and

tions. This bond is based on common interest bringing David. women from different walks of life, backgrounds, creeds, races, nationalities and cultures to form a unique oneness that can only be achieved through a knitting of spirits, and souls. This bond of sisterhood is often misunderstood by others that do not share

Yes we are talking about the power of sisterhood, but here is an example of friendship from the Bible that explains this power. David and Johnathan were heroic figures of the Kingdom of Israel, who formed a covenant of friendship recorded in the book of Samuel.

Johnathan was the son of Saul, king of Israel, of the

relationship between two women, women of two

tribe of Benjamin, and David was the son of Jesse of

different generations and two different social and reli-

Bethlehem, of the tribe of Judah. David was Johna-

gious backgrounds. The account of friendship and

than’s presumed rival for the crown. But the Scrip-

commitment also embodies an important old tradi-

ture says:

tion. Although the women in this story are from a 1 Samuel 18:1-5

Jewish/Moabite background, it is also indicative of the traditions that have been forgotten and unraveled in

As soon as he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Johnathan was knit to the soul of David, and Johnathan loved him as his own soul. And Saul took him that day and would not let him return to his fathers house. Then Johnathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his own soul. And Johnathan

the black community of women. With the emergence of Sam-sex relationships, the gender lines have been erased and simple ordinary sisters-girl-friends are even deconstructed and looked upon with less enthusiasm and with great fear of being labeled by a society that is tolerant of the homosexual lifestyle. Thereby,

Stripped himself of the robe that was on him and gave causing a tear in the fabric of our very basic of relait to David, and his armor, and even his sword and his tionships-FRIENDSHIP/SISTERHOOD. bow and his belt.

The story of Ruth, Naomi and her husband along with

We see here that two people from two different plac- their two sons, leave the famine-stricken city of Bethes, ways, class, stature to name a few not only be- lehem in Judah and journey to the country of Moab. came best friends, but were covenant brothers one to The men in the family die, leaving Naomi alone with the other. This is not to be entered into lightly not her two daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah. Naomi taken advantage of. Later in the Scripture we see decides to return to her native land of Judah when where a time came when Saul, Johnathan’s father be- she hears that the Lord has visited the people and came jealous of David and tried to kill him. But Johna- provided them with food. As the three women set than regardless of his position as the Prince was will- out, Naomi tells Ruth and Orpah to return to their ing to sacrifice his time, money, prestige, his throne mothers’ homes. Both of the young widows at first for the sake of his brother David.

refuse to leave Naomi, but eventually Orpah kisses

Another place in the Bible where a covenant of friend- her mother-in-law goodbye; Ruth continues on with ship was made. This time between two women. The Naomi to Bethlehem. story of Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi teaches The Continues to chronicle the experiences along the us the importance of being loyal. The story of Naomi way, and conversations as Naomi attempted to turn and Ruth has produced a paradigm for all relation- her daughters-in-law back only to met with their reships. The entire context of the story embodies the fusal to leave her side. This serves as a powerful

ABOUT US Donsh’e Shoetique will bring out your inner Glam. Ms. Donsh’e is dedicated to providing you with the latest in Hot-lanta fashion footwear, that will make you standout in everyway.… In addition to our amazing prices! We are the go-to source for high fashion footwear. Stop by and shop online. We’re sure to have the right shoes for you. We carry stylish shoes in many styles and trends imaginable. Donsh’e Shoetique is the one-stop shopping experience throughout the upcoming seasons! Taking the shoetique to the streets! Donsh’e Shoetique “Pop-Up Shop” will be popping up at different locations throughout Atlanta and other surrounding cities, offering a stylish range of high fashion shoes. Donsh’e Shoetique is a online shoetique store, based out of Atlanta, Georgia. We're known for our variety of the hottest fashion in women shoes, handbags and prices to please. Donsh’e is the only place where it is perfectly sane to commit Shoeicide! Donsh’e Shoetique © 2017 All Rights Reserved. Designed By Donshe Media











LIVING WITH LUPUS MY STORY-MY JOURNEY KIARA HERBERT Hi, my name is Kiara and I’m 28 years old. This is my mom and no, she was not happy at all.

lupus story. As a child growing up, I did not have eve-

My boyfriend and baby’s father was in and out of my

rything I want but I did have everything I needed. My life. I went through planning a baby shower but by the mom always took care of me. My dad had been in and time I reached my 8th-month, he did not even come to out of my life ever since I was a baby. As I got older, I the baby shower. A month later, I gave birth to my began to understand that my dad did not care about healthy baby girl whom I named Sarah. She weighed me at all. Growing up I was very smart, always quiet in at 5 pounds 13 oz., and 17 inches long. She was full and shy. I began dating very early, and at sixteen I became pregnant by the boyfriend I was dating. When I told him I was pregnant he was very much surprised yet happy at the same time. Eventually, my tummy

term and beautiful. I was so happy to be a mom although a teen at that time. I’d given birth to my first born and I was so happy to go back to school. I was still doing all of my homework and getting A’s, B’s, and

started getting bigger and bigger until I finally told my C’s and, my attendance was good.

Soon, I was feeling overly tired and a little stressed hospitalized for 5 days. Afterward, I was released. I out. I had to think about making the hardest choice was so happy to get home to my baby girl. As I read of my life. I told myself that I had to drop out of the hospital discharge papers, it was written that I school. I could always go back I told myself. I just was to follow up with a rheumatologist. And so I did. wanted to be the best mom I can be to my first born Every three months I went to see this doctor about child. So I did! Now here I was, a teenaged mom. I what was going on with my body. One day I went to knew everything would not always easy, but I was a my appointment and the doctor sat me down. She good young mom. So two months after my daugh- said to me, “I have good news and bad news. The ter’s birth, I was sitting on the living room couch, and good news is you are a beautiful person and you are I could not feel the whole right side of my body. I strong. The bad news is you have Lupus SLE.” yelled for my mom. Immediately she called 911 and I asked her said what is Lupus and what is SLE? She the ambulance came in got me. Within 8 mins they said Lupus is an illness. I said OGM!!!! Am I going to rushed me to University Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio die? She said oh no, you are not going to die. Then where I lived. They ran test after test after test. she said SLE is an inflammatory autoimmune disease They did an MRI, X-ray, Cat scan, and they even drew that affects the functions of many different biological blood from my left arm. After all the tests came back systems and occurs when the body creates antibodthey said I’d had a stroke, and blood clots.

ies that attack its own tissues. The four types of lu-

Immediately I was admitted to the hospital, where I pus are systemic lupus, erythematosus cutaneous lupus, drug-induced lupus, and neonatal lupus.

The doctor then prescribed medication to take every in other places. Then one day I received an email from day. I went home and began doing my own research a big magazine editor who wanted to put my Lupus about lupus. Months went by, and I started being story in their magazine. I was so happy, but I thought healthy by eating fruits and vegetables and drinking it was a joke. Turns out, that it was not a joke, but lots of water. I began doing healthy things to combat very real. this illness. For a couple years things were very good. But I will never forget November 4, 2008; the worse day of my life, being diagnosed with Lupus SLE.

I sent her my story and a couple of months later my story was in the Fall 2015 Lupus Now Magazine Worldwide. It was one of the biggest magazines in the com-

Years, months, days and weeks went by. I started pany. They did a big photo shoot with me and my two oldest daughters. It was great and it was a very happy keeping my body as healthy as possible and as much as I could. Then I got pregnant again, for the second time. At first, I was so happy. I was also scared and worried. This was a different guy, whom I had been dating for two years. I was pregnant and he was happy. I was growing very big and very fast until finally, the day came and I gave birth to another beautiful daughter, on May 26, 2010, whose name is Shyla. She was so tiny and so little that she had to stay in the Neo -natal intensive care unit for five days until she could gain more weight. At birth, she wore 4 pounds and 4oz. She was healthy but so tiny. I just loved her so

much. After being in the hospital for what seemed like forever, we were finally able to bring her home, at 5 pounds. At that point, I was so happy to be the mother of two pretty daughters. All I wanted to do was be a good mother to both of my children and to focus on going back to school. I started this adult home-based program. I had to take a couple of tests and about a month later on May 28, 2014, I received my High School Diploma. I was so happy, all my family and friends were very happy too. In 2015 I began telling my Lupus story all over the internet and

moment. A couple years later, I was pregnant again with my third child. Again, I happy. And on February 1, 2017, I gave birth to another beautiful baby girl. She was very big, very pretty and healthy. Again I was so happy to be a mother of now three daughters. Yes, I was a single parent forced to take care of all my daughters all on my very own without any help from

their fathers. I was not about to force any man to take care

of his own child. I was focused on being a good won- entertain negative people. I like a happy, clean, and derful mother to all my children, and I did not want healthy lifestyle. any more children after my third child. I love my three Sometimes having lupus, I don’t feel normal at all. I blessings from God, and me being a mother has made can’t do a lot of things that other people do. One day me wiser and happier than I’ve ever been. I love eve- in May 2018 a magazine Editor/CEO reach out to me ry part of being a mom. by email and asking if it was okay to publish my Lupus Having Lupus is not something I ever dreamt. I never story, and of course I said yes. The magazine is called thought I would I would have to take medication every Fighting for Her Life Magazine out of Houston, TX. day of my life. Sometimes it is very stressful dealing with Lupus. I have been in the “ER” over 60 times in the past couple of years. I have been dealing with Lupus for ten years long and strong. I have rashes all over my body, my hair has fallen out little by little because of Lupus. I have headaches and body pain, joint pain, chest pain. Sometimes its hard to breathe and I even have dry eye disease. I have skin issues and take medication every day. I don’t like it but I have no

choice. Since having Lupus I have gained lots of friends that have Lupus SLE. So, I know I am not alone. Sometimes I do battle stress and depression. Sometimes I am not able to get out the bed because the body pain is that severe, and I am sick at times. Lupus messes with my bowels and even causes me to have back pain, leg, arm pain, neck pain and face pain too. I’ve been taking Plaquenil 200mg since 2008 when I They put all three of my daughters Sarah, Shyla, Rodwas first diagnosed with Lupus. I have to take two pills micka in the magazine. It just came out in this year in a day every day. I have asthma and I use an inhaler June. I was so happy but surprised cause they wanted when needed. Living with chronic illness is very tuff. to put the girls in the magazine. It was a wonderful Lupus has changed my whole lifestyle. This particular thing they wanted to do. Having lupus made me feel type of lupus is pretty much like arthritis you’re always hopeless and sad sometimes-just emotional.

in pain. I always tell people, never give up hope. One day there will be a cure. I am a positive person. I don’t

I am very smart and outgoing. I always lift others up, body knows the tuff life I live with lupus except anencouraging them to be happy, not sad. I’ve been other Lupus survivor. That is why I share my story through ups and down with Lupus, but I am still every chance I get. Sometimes people say “You don’t here. I am a single mother of three and I want to be look sick.” I always tell them that I don’t have to look able to show others with lupus or any type of chronic sick. I’m sick on the inside of my body, not the outillness how to keep being strong and positive. As a side. Lupus cannot be questioned. I used to live in mother, I teach my girls to be happy and to teach fear of my life but not anymore. I just stay happy and them the right things. I teach them to be and do as healthy as possible. Being stress-free is very imwhatever it is they want to do in life that will make portant. Yes, sometimes I do have flare-ups from the them more independent little young ladies. I read to Lupus and it’s not always easy dealing with it. I my kids every night before bed and I tell them I love pretty much just do what I have to do for my girls them every day. I love my girls and I give them what I cause they are my world. Whatever I do in life will did not have growing up. I love to bake and I love to not stop me from anything because I'm going to alwrite poems. I am very overprotective when it comes ways be beautiful and honest and a good sweet perto my daughters. Being a single mom with Lupus is son and woman and mother that I am and that’s my always tuff, but I am stronger than that. I try not to life lupus story let Lupus get to me. Back in 2011, I was in a domestic violence relationship. It took so long to get out it. I'm glad I did. I take multiple pills a day for lupus SLE. I always try to sit and explain it to others that don’t have Lupus. I

try to tell them what it’s like living with Lupus and how it has affected me. No one knows what causes Lupus. It is invisible to them and to date, there is no cure. Millions of people that have Lupus fight for their lives every day. I fight every day living with lupus. If I did not have Lupus my life would have been very different. But I live for me and my kids day by day. It’s not easy but I do it, I want to inspire others to be strong, to never give up and let’s fight this thing called Lupus in all its forms. I always wanted to know what causes Lupus but I really don’t know. No-

Health and Today’s Busy Woman By Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook Adapted from: Putting Stress in Its Place from Rebirth Magazine and It’s Time to Declutter from Beautycents 2017

Today’s women are faced numerous challenges be it in world every 2 seconds. According to the American health, career, family, ministry, you name it, there’s a Psychological Association in 2012 Women continue to challenge for it. One of the number one factors we report higher stress levels than men (5.3 vs. 4.6 on a face is stress. Then I read an article about decluttering 10-point scale where 1 is “little or no stress” and 10 is our lives for the new season we are walking into. “a great deal of stress”). Both genders agree, however, When it comes to health and wellness for today’s ca- that 3.6 is a healthy level of stress, pushing women reer woman these are two of the most crucial factors. nearly two points beyond the level of stress they beDecluttering our lives and putting stress in its place will lieve to be healthy. More women report experiencing increase heart health, and mental health, making for extreme stress than men. Twenty-three percent of less chaos in the home, in the spirit, in the workplace, women report their stress level at an 8, 9 or 10 on a 10 and in the mind. According to Ayo Thomas, Founder of WOE (Women Own Excellence) Magazine, “to declutter means to remove unnecessary items from an untidy and overcrowded place. This process may include renegoti-

-point scale, compared to 16 percent of men. What’s more, women are more likely than men to say their stress is on the rise. More women say their stress lev-

els have increased in the past five years (43 percent vs. 33 percent of men) and in the past year alone (38 per-

ating terms of relationships, letting go of baggage or cent vs. 32 percent of men. How you handle stress makes a significant difference in how you feel. It might eliminating negative people from your life.” This is one of the first steps in removing toxicity from your even help your blood pressure, blood sugar level, and life. She also writes that “When your mind or personal

the rest of you. Use these calming strategies to stop

life is full of clutter, you can expect stress to be some- stress ASAP. where creeping around the corner looking for an opportunity to take you out.” This includes the list of things to do, people to see, places to go, toxic relationships, and daily busyness which makes way for the enemy to creep in and overwhelm us.

So here you can see that clutter and stress are sisters.

Where there is one, the other is also. I have put together some tips that will help you in your journey for optimum health, stress free living, and steps to bring you closer to your divinely ordained success. As we

Make no mistake about it. Stress is real. Research strive to maintain and move forward through dimenshows that 110,000,000 (110 million) people die annu- sional transformation it is imperative that we employ ally due to stress. That is 7 people all around the

techniques enabling us or success in our current state

to your brain, while others believe the smell and taste

of transformation. Rest assured another transition is

help you relax around your eyes as well as your mouth

on the way, however the techniques learned in our

– reduces your body’s stress responses, even if you

current state ill guarantee success in the NEW NEXT.

don’t feel happy.

Using tips from the article It’s Time to Declutter by Ayo

6-Month Rule

Thomas and the article Putting Stress in its Place from

If you haven’t used it in six months, throw it out. This

Rebirth Magazine 2017 these tips should help you in

applies both professional and personally. Update files

achieving success in every area of life.

every 6 months. As an entrepreneur branding is es-

Get Outside

sential as you look to gain visibility in the hodgepodge

Spending time outdoors, even close to home, is linked of other entrepreneurs. You may need to revisit your to better well-being. You're in a natural setting, and brand to make sure that it is cutting edge to give you a you're usually doing something active, like walking or sharp, sleek, and unique display. For those of you that hiking. Even a few minutes can make a difference in love collecting those conference bags of goodies to

how you feel.

include informational manuals, if you have not impleSmile Like You Mean It

mented it or tried to use at least 20% of what you

Don’t roll your eyes the next time someone advises learned, you need to clear that mental space, thereby you to “grin and bear it.” In times of tension, keeping uncluttering the creative process as you grow in busia smile on your face – especially a genuine smile that’s ness. In the home, children are constantly growing. formed by the muscles will help to relieve pressure Adults are constantly changing. Holding onto unnecesand even ease headaches. Smiling also helps lower sary items for more than six months will create heart rates faster once your stressful situation ends. Focus

“environmental havoc” in your home and personal space. Sniff Some Lavender—

Put multi-tasking to rest. Focus on doing one thing

efficiently and proficiently at a time. Focus on items Certain scents like lavender may soothe. In one study, you need to complete now. Prioritizing is essentially in nurses who pinned small vials of lavender oil to their this season. You will be better prepared and accom- clothes felt their stress ease, while nurses who didn’t

felt more stressed. Lavender may intensify the effect

plish more. Break Out the Bubble Gum

of some painkillers and anti-anxiety medications, so if

Next time you’re at the end of your rope, unwrap a you’re taking either, check with your doctor before stick of gum. According to studies, chewing gum low- use. ers anxiety and eases stress. Some researchers think

Tune In—

the rhythmic act of chewing may improve blood flow Heading into a stressful situation? Music can help you

calm down. In one study, people ourselves isn’t so nice. Staying posi- loved one. Have a friend who’s had lower levels of the stress hor- tive and using compassionate self- dealing with the same worries as mone cortisol when they listened talk will help you calm down and you? Even more reason to open to a recording of Latin choral music get a better grip on the situation. up. You'll both feel less alone.

before doing something stressful Talk to yourself in the same gentle,

Get Moving—

(like doing math out loud or giving encouraging way you’d help a When you work up a sweat, you a speech) than when they listened friend in need. “Everything will be improve your mood, clear your to a recording of rippling water. OK,” for instance, or "I'll figure out head, and take a break from what(Wondering what that choral piece how to handle this."

ever is stressing you out. Whether

was, music fans? Try Miserere by

you like a long walk or an intense

Write Your Stress Away-

Gregorio Allegri.), Antonio Vivaldi’s Writing will help you to resolve workout at the gym, you’ll feel up-

Seasons, or try listening to instru- your issues. Putting your thoughts lifted afterward. mental hymns from Maranatha.

on paper gives you an avenue of

Reboot Your Breath—

Prayer & Meditation—

release, and enable you to picture The number one way to unplug and

Feeling less stressed is as close as the resolution as you think through relieve stress of any kind, is to your next breath. Focusing on your the resolution. It doesn’t matter spend quiet time praying and medibreath curbs your body’s “fight or whether you prefer pen and note- tating upon the Word of God. Fo-

flight” reaction to pressure or fear, book, a phone app, or a file on your cus on certain Scriptures that are and it pulls your attention away laptop. The important thing is that sure to relieve stress, such as: Isaifrom negative thoughts. Sit com- you’re honest about your feelings. ah 26:3; John 14:7; 16:33; Proverbs fortably in a quiet place. Breathe in This is also a good place to practice 3:5-6; 16:7; and Philippians 4:6-7 slowly through your nose, letting “dumping the brain.” Find a way to are just to start with. your chest and lower belly rise and jot down important information Always




your abdomen expand. Breathe out such as appointments, birthdays, things from the most prolific writer just as slowly, repeating a word or phone numbers, daily tasks, special of the New Testament-Paul I Thesphrase that helps you relax. To gift ideas Something you don’t do salonians 5:17, 18 Pray without reap the most benefit, repeat for at every day). This keeps you brain ceasing. Give thanks in every cirleast 10 minutes.

from suffering OVERLOAD, and re- cumstance, for this is God’s will for duces forgetfulness.

Be Kind to Yourself— We all have a constant stream of




Tell a Friend—

you in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:10 -12 Now I rejoice greatly in the Lord

our When you’re feeling overwhelmed, that at last you have revived your

heads, and sometimes what we tell seek out the company of a friend or concern for me. You were indeed


of my clients who contacted me were confused and

woman. She is the CEO of Camden Lane Creative

frankly a little intimidated by the branding process.

Agency. She is the Founder of LEAP! Birth. Brand +

My creative agencies clientele is 95% women, so I

Build 4 Women. She is both a Minister of the Gospel

thought this would be a wonderful way of giving

and an Author. She is Sherilyn Michelle Bennett. Let’s back. In addition I am a minister and so I was led to see what she has to say to women in the marketplace. merge business and faith. How did LEAP begin? When you say merge business and faith how does that LEAP! was birthed from my desire to educate and em- translate or look? Please elaborate. power my clients on branding. I was finding that many

What is the VISION behind LEAP? My vision for LEAP is simple. To educate and inspire women and faith to apply Godly character and prin-

Tell me about Sherilyn Bennett, the woman behind LEAP.

ciples when running their companies. Women of

Sherilyn is an award-winning graphic designer and

Faith shouldn't be afraid of bringing their faith into

brander. I am also mom to two wonderful guys, Ken-

the marketplace.

neth who coaches football and Morehead State and Devonte who is a high school football coach. Most

Tell me about Camden lane, and some of the people/ organizations or businesses you have worked with.

importantly I am a woman of faith. I was ordained last year and I stay on the road doing ministry. It can

Camden Lane Creative Agency is a full-service corpo- be tiring but I am called to it. I am about to turn 50 rate design agency. I have been in this industry for

years old and I would say, yes, I am the woman I al-

over 20 years beginning my career in the news arena. We bring all of my experience in branding and

graphic design to the table for my clients. My clientele is wonderful it includes, Award-winning gospel artist Jekalyn Carr, Beverly Crawford, Evangelist Latrice Ryan, Chef Shacafrica Simmons, the winner of Food Network's Chop and I recently did book branding for Africa Miranda. Camden Lane is the home of strong female brands. ways dreamed of. I am whole and not broken and What advice would you give to young women starting a career in media (any form of media)? strive to walk alongside my sisters. Together we can There are three main things I tell women who are new in their industry, trust your instinct and find a mentor and be patient. If you don't trust yourself to

take the land. Give me three things you want women to take away from this year's event.

make the hard decisions you will be second guessing I would like women to take away the fact that God all of your life. Secondly, finding someone who has

desires to give them success. That by faith they can

done it before. this will make your life a lot easier.

have what they say. Secondly, I want them to feel

There are many wonderful mentors out there

educated enough to run their own businesses. We

waiting to pour into you. Be patient, don't rush the

have had attorneys; therapists and many others start

process. Hard work and perseverance will get you

their own practices because they attended LEAP!

there. Go for it!

We've had women return home and start businesses

with their husbands. We've had authors publish multi- easy but that is where your faith in God comes in. I ple books. When they return to their daily lives they

also depend on God to guide me whether that is in

should be able to legally and properly run their com-

the boardroom or my room. I feel I can connect to my

panies. We have over 14 speakers at LEAP and 10 edu- clients so well because I do things with Kingdom excational sessions. Education is key! Finally, I want


them to feel true sisterhood and to understand that they are not alone on their entrepreneurial journey. I want them to leave with a sense of community and support.

What is a normal day like for Sherilyn? A normal day for me starts at 9AM and I use the early morning time for prayer. I take care communication with my clients and talk to contractors if I needed. I

You are a woman of faith, so do you attribute faith in God to your success in this industry? Yes! I was pushed into entrepreneurship after receiving a pink slip from my job. I had to muster all of the faith I had not to return to the corporate world. I

attribute my faith to the fact that 4.5 years later I am still here working for myself. It has not always been

actually do design and branding throughout the day and on certain evenings I do Brand strategy sessions with clients. My company is growing fast so I know soon I will need to bring additional artist on board.

How did you know that LEAP was a part of God's plan for your life, and how has it changed your life? To be honest, I didn't know at first. It was the women who attended the first LEAP that helped me understand that it was. They have taken LEAP and built a community of women who love God and love each other. I always say, I didn't even know I was pregnant with this wonderful baby. Those 125 women changed my life. LEAP! has certainly changed me as a business owner, mentor and advocate for women of faith in business. I love this brand because it is ordained by God for community and Kingdom purpose.

LASHANNA ALFRED AUTHOR, WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT SPEAKER I remember it as if it was yesterday October 1999 I was 3 weeks pregnant trying to get away from an abusive relationship, and on my way to participate in illegal activities. Trying to get away from a hopeless cycle of domestic abuse, I made a decision to go to a different country where I would be trafficking drugs back to America. At the time it didn't seem out of the ordinary based on the lifestyle that I was used to. With my mother being murdered when I was just a young girl

and my father being murdered a few years after I soon found myself in an environment where drug trafficking, sex trafficking, and domestic violence were the norm. And even though I didn't want to become a product of my environment I quickly found myself struggling with a mindset that would have me Tangled Up in a web that would be difficult to get out of. Two children later, pregnant and incarcerated in a different

literally put them out of my mind. Putting them out of my mind was not to ignore the fact that they were an intricate part of my life, but it was to help me survive the storm that I, had placed myself in. I remember almost having a nervous breakdown whenever I would think about my children. I had to turn hopelessness into hope and fear into fearlessness. I went through a phase of being upset because I felt as if society expected Sweetwater to come from a bitter well. How was I supposed to make, a call of the socially accepted decisions when everyone around me made socially unaccepted decisions. I was bound to be a

country I quickly realized that something was going to have to change. I would either see myself as a victim

because of all the tragedies that I had endured as a child or, I would have to make up in my mind that my past was not going to determine my future. I went through a rebirthing process.

My rebirthing process started with me making up in my mind that I was not going to allow myself to be a victim. I told myself that my prison experience was not going to be in vain. I literally had to stop blaming everyone else for the decisions that I have made in life. I product of my environment. The hand that I was dealt made up in my mind that I was going to take responsi- in life was destined for failure until I realized that I bility for my life and that I was no longer going to allow have the power to change the script and win with the others to be the author of my book. Every chapter hand that I was dealt. from here on out, I was going to write the script. In order to make it through being separated for my children and other family members that I loved, I had to

empowerment seminars from my book "Ladies Take Your M. A. N. Back." A book is designed to empower women to take back everything life stole from them, their self-confidence, their dreams, and their self-

care. After that, I published my third book entitled “The Power of Perception,” which helps individuals understand the relationship between our thinking and our behavior. Through all my life experiences I can tell you that every accomplishment and every positive change began in my mind. In order to get out of abusive relationships, I had to get it out of my mind first. In order to get out of dead-end jobs, I had I had been in a hole for 3 months prior to delivering to get it out of my mind first. Before I could make my baby June 12th of 2000 while in an entirely differ- major accomplishments I had to see it in my mind ent country. I began to see a glimpse of Hope. My first. So when you are ready to begin the rebirthing mindset shifted and my perception about my life process remember it starts with your mind. Ladies changed. I was determined to live a life that would take Your M.A.N. back! help others from following in my negative footsteps. LaShanna Alfred, I believe in you After being released in May of 2002, I went to school and obtained my bachelor's degree in social work and went on to obtain my masters of social work. I began working with individuals who were addicted to substances and had lost their children to the children services agencies. A few years later, I started counseling what I call the “working wounded,” these are individuals who have obtained jobs and education yet

they have a hard time dealing with past trauma. I published my first book “Behind Bars, A Chance to Change” to help people understand that we can be behind bars in our mind long before we find ourselves physically Behind Bars, or in a relationship that places us behind bars. Then I began to do women's

The WOE Network- Women of Essence Internet Radio & TV Network was created to inspire, educate, equip and empower women globally. As the owner of WOE, I also wanted to provide a platform where women could come together and support one another, network, and build the kingdom of God in their own unique way. To date The WOE Network is the only ALL FEMALE NETWORK on the SIBN Broadcasting Company. The contents of each show defers, just as the host vary and stream online and through radio from states across the nation including Atlanta, North Carolina, New York, Maryland and Washington. We have many shows that speak to each individual. When Life Speaks with Radio Host Dr. Andrea Hines on Thursdays at 7:00pm , TV host Ch-hara Pearson, Wednesdays Wit Haze Show Wednesdays at 6:00pm , discussing and confronting life difficulties and also fun and educational shows from make-up application to entrepreneurship. For the woman looking to Live Outside the Box, join Dr. Lisa Lewis Ellis, Tuesday Mornings at 6:00am est.

On Monday evenings at 8:00pm join me, Kingdom Ambassador Darlene Mingo for, The Blessing in the Lessons, where we shift mindsets to realize, even what

seems bad is for your good. There are so many more shows for you to choose from . I invite you to join us there on Facebook, YouTube, twitter and periscope. Go to, like share and make sure to hit your notifications and join us there. If you are interested in becoming apart of the WOE Network please contact us at



3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that in every way you may it requires sacrifice and commitment. It usually asks succeed and prosper and be in good health just as of you to give up something at a high cost; to release your soul prospers. When you need to make a significant change in your

what has been keeping you weighed down probably

life, often that will come with friction and confronting for decades. Now you actually have to do something about those ugly parts you’ve become accustom to everything you know. Sometimes it shows up as a crisis, health problems, loss or a mental breakdown. covering up with a mask…or even makeup. We are all We seldom volunteer to make a BIG change because masters of disguises.

The process of change is never easy. It is usually painful problems, nor it cause, are not always apparent. Reand is avoided for many reasons. 1) We grow comfort- vealing and uncovering these truths so healing can enable in our mess, even when it is killing us. 2) We don’t sue is called Soul Work. Healing AND Deliverance can like how we FEEL, during the process 3) FUD - FEAR. be accomplished in Soul Work.

Uncertainty. Doubt. 4) We do not know and trust ourselves 5) The process makes us confront our true self, look in the mirror and confront our flaws. In order for there to be evolution, we have to throw caution to the wind and risk it all to make progress. Otherwise we are spinning our wheels, but going nowhere fast.

How do you know if you need Soul Work? 1) When you have been stuck in the same negative pattern for years and have not been able to progress in life. You are clueless to what is the problem. 2) You are in a toxic relationship that you have not been able to leave, even though the relationship is adversely

This is a journey, not a quick trip. We must be kind and affecting your health. 3) You know that you have past patient with ourselves. The work of the Soul is delicate, hurts, pain, trauma or loss that you have not dealt with raw and un-relentless. Yet, it is the most important and it shows up in your behavior or as reoccurring personal development work you will do for yourself. dreams, night terrors or flashbacks. 4) You were in a When I finally made the decision that I did not like the relationship that ended but you have not been able to direction my life was going and I didn’t like how I felt move on and you find yourself longing for the person each day, that’s when everything shifted in my world. even though He has moved on. 5) If you are doing all

But the operative phrase is “I made a decision to that you know to do such as attending church, praying, CHANGE.” Change did not just happen. First, it was a reading your bible, practice self-care and stressthought, that I made definitive and then took action. management methods and yet you are battling sympWe can think we need to do something about the un- toms of depression and anxiety. These are just some of healthy parts of our life. However, if we do not act on the signs you need soul healing. the thought, make a commitment to producing different results, we will be stuck in the same position, wondering what happened.

A Healing for Your Soul

God Does Not Give us a Spirit of Fear, But of Power, Love and A sound mind – 2 Timothy 1:7 Soul Work is an excavation of your life, exploring every aspect of who you are and where you are in life. Dig-

ging deep to get to the root cause of your discomfort As human beings, self-discovery, self-love and personal development is essential to becoming a self-actualized adult. When we have unfinished business in our lives from deficits and unhealed trauma in our childhood, it presents itself as voids, stagnation, emotional instability and a pattern of unhealthy relationships. These

and inability to function optimally. It scrutinizes all of the parts of the Soul. The Mind + Emotions +Will = the

Soul. The goal is to raise your consciousness and spiritual frequency so you are able to operate at your highest state of mind; Nurturing and stabilizing your Emotions so you are calm, centered and balanced; and

strengthening your Will. We must remember God does power of the Word, prayer and tapping into the Holy not violate our Will. This is our core, our inner woman Spirit to manifest change. But what I have noticed, that gives us the unction to take action. If our Will is sometimes it’s not enough. That was my experience compromised, than we are complacent, stuck and stag- and many others who had trauma so deep-rooted and nant. Our drive, energy and confidence will be low. We situations so horrific that they found it even hard to will feel unmotivated and uninspired. In my book, If I pray. Then there are those who have turned their

Should Die Before I Wake: Your Journey to Awakening hearts from God. Some of them felt abandoned by God Your Calling I open the guide with a journaling exercise during their time of need. I ask what the solution is called the Time Capsule which allows readers to evalu- when restoration of faith is necessary, but not easy to ate all aspects of their life, decade by decade. Opening do. What happens to these Souls? their eyes to patterns, the origin of limiting beliefs and repetitive maladaptive behaviors. This type of soulsearching helps to reveal and uncover an important

epiphany: a Broken heart, Wounded Soul and a Contrite Spirit will ultimately lead to an unfulfilled Purpose.

Why Therapy? Life gives you an opportunity to choose all day, every day. Choose to get out of bed on time or not; how to wear our hair; choose who we want to hang out with, what to eat, what to wear, where to go and how to get

There are so many Believers that are walking around to our destinations. We always have a CHOICE. A hiding behind a veil; presenting their false representa- choice to make a better decision than we did an hour

tive to the world, forfeiting their authentic self. They are bound by shame, attenuation and fear of judgment.

ago, a day ago, a year ago. That is call Moment By Moment living. Every Moment is a New Moment. And in

This is not what God intended for us. “Jesus came to each moment, we can choose differently than the prior give life so we can live more abundantly.” We are moment. This is correlated with practicing Mindfulness, taught there is Freedom in Christ-Centered living? which is a therapeutic intervention used globally for Right? So why are so many Christians living in bondage improving one’s spiritual, psychological and mental with strongholds and brokenness. In my research, so wellbeing. In Psychology and Behavioral Health, it is many question, “What has happened to the church in one of the key principle strategies used as a part of an this precarious hour? Have we lost our way?” I have evidence-based practice called Dialectical Behavior personally participated in countless night watch ser-

Therapy (DBT). In DBT and beyond, Mindfulness is used

vices, prayer meetings, conferences, street ministry, to enhance one’s ability to remain in the present moyouth ministry, even hosting my own monthly women’s ment, where you can choose to use your higher condevotion and intercessory prayer circles. I currently sciousness or Wise Mind to respond appropriately to have an online ministry, Mindfulness Mondays where I issues and challenges. This affords us the opportunity facilitate prayer, devotion and meditation for my online to make a better choice without our emotions or Ego community members. So I am no stranger to using the

As a therapist, I leverage DBT methods, particularly tailor the treatment plan leveraging the information mindfulness, to guide clients to help activate their that is provided. That is the beauty of therapy. logical part of their brain – frontal lobe, not the emo-

The Awakening to Therapy as A Viable Option

tional part, to solve problems and make decisions that

will render positive outcomes.

Recently, I had the opportunity to be a panelist for a health and wellness event held at a church in Long

Therapy allows people to speak to a mental health professional openly; free of judgment, biases and receive an objective point of view. This is essential to assist the client with discovering the root of the presenting problem and exploring solutions to solve it. As therapists, we act as guides, sounding boards and help the client put things into perspective. We create a safe space to help struggling, hurting people reframe negative thought patterns called “schemas”. We give them new language to replace the old terminology that cultivates inner discord. We are NOT advice givers, magicians or physicians. We assess clients,

diagnose and provide treatment, but not according to the western medical model which is usually deficitbased. Most trained and licensed therapists, like myself, are solution-focused, strength based profession-

Island, NY where I conducted a presentation about Wellness and Mental Health solutions from a Holistic Health perspective. It was refreshing to see that the

Pastor and his leadership was extremely open and receptive to therapy and holistic health methods for healing. In fact, the Pastor was very transparent, sharing his own personal experience. He was a strong advocate for mental health services and using a holistic approach to total wellness and healthy living. This Pastor explained that it goes beyond salvation, rituals and righteousness, but sometimes requires a complete healing and deliverance outside the church walls and prayer. We agreed it’s all about meeting people where they are and supporting their spiritual growth as well as their wellness needs. In other words, church, prayer and therapy does not have to

als that utilizes a person-centered approach to help be mutually exclusive. They can coexist as a complete clients. We use empirically based interventions with plan to help someone in need. According to an article proven strategies and techniques. We engage clients in the NY times, a nationwide survey by the American and partner with them to form a therapeutic alliance

Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC) states 83

as a first step, but important step, towards their heal- percent of Americans believe their spiritual faith and ing and recovery. Based on a comprehensive assess-

religious beliefs are closely tied to their state of men-

ment, we are able to meet our clients where they are tal an emotional health. 75% stated that it’s imand make recommendations to facilitate change. It is portant for them to see a professional counselor intethen up to the client to do the necessary work to grates their values and beliefs into the counseling achieve the goals they desire. Because each client has process. There is a movement towards more faith different needs and backgrounds, we personalize and based-therapy initiatives, houses of worship including

licensed professionals on staff and a surge of Christian wraparound services and family support to function in Counselors as an occupation nationwide. According to the community. This is why it is critical to have access

Psychology today Women are likely to favor religious to and consult trained mental health professionals counseling over men and African American strongly when confronted with certain cases in faith-based embrace faith-based counseling. Clergy have recog- settings. nized a harsh reality that people will seek them out for counsel in areas they are not trained to give consultation. Often the serious emotional and mental health issues that would be presented, was out of their scope of expertise.

When we know better, We do better. If you know that what you are doing is not serving you, not elevating you, not getting you closer to fulfilling your destiny, then stop. Be Still. Connect with Divinity and ask for guidance. Then take that first step towards

As Spirit beings with a soul, we need to comprehend your healing, deliverance and wholeness that only the mind-body-soul-spirit connection that all of us pos- comes from Soul Work that penetrates deeply and sess. If one part is not functioning well, it affects the transcends beyond the surface. This will require holistic other parts. Wholeness means operating with all parts methods including disciplined dietary practices, movein synchronization. Our mind is housed in the center of ment like Tai Chi, meditation and breathing techthe brain, the cerebrum. The brain is a living, ever- niques.It’s vital to purify and enhance one’s environchanging organ inside of our bodies. The brain can be ment for positive energy flow. Use all of your senses, severely impacted by stress, traumatic events, what we natural elements and tools to remove emotional blockconsume, the environment and age. This is the scien- ages and restore a state of equanimity. Soul Work factific aspect of our being. We are Spirit, but we are also tors in and encompasses all internal and external sysgenetically and scientifically constructed. Some illness- tems that will influence the healing process; internally, es, both mental and physical are organic. We cannot it includes the digestive, nervous, endocrine, and circudiscount this fact. For example, if someone has been latory system. Let’s not forget the systems we do not diagnosed with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), low func- learn about in school: spiritual and energy systems. Extioning Autism, Intermittent Explosive Disorder or ternally, Soul Work factors in the relationships, environSchizophrenia, they will require more than prayer and mental , work/occupation, social circle, religious/

laying of hands to manage their daily symptoms. From organizational. The premise of Soul Work is to heal homy experience of working with adult and children pa- listically by learning to go within and use natural retients at the highest level of psychiatric care, people sources for your health and healing. Therapists, Menwith these types of diagnoses and symptoms are often tors, Pastors, Counselors and loved ones are only sent categorized as chronic mentally ill and/or developmen- by the Master Healer to serve as guides to assist you tally disabled. Most require a consistent medication along your healing journey, not to be the Deliverer or regimen, long term psychiatric treatment with a host of Savior. It’s knowing that you have a choice to use

prayer, movement, fellowship with like-minds and spirits, reading the Word of God, listening to worship music AND seeking professional help as tools for your healing journey. With all working in synergy for your

unique individualized needs, there is unlimited power for you to achieve peace, joy and divine health so you can live a purpose-filled life.

For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry

soul with goodness.

spective. She manages an online community, Holistic Living for Purpose-Driven Leaders providing PHOENIXX LOVE, LCSW holistic healing solutions, mental health inforPhoenixx Love, LCSW is a Trauma Specialist, Holistic mation and resources to support member’s wellHealth Practitioner, Wellness Consultant and Author. ness goals and work/life balance. Phoenixx is pasShe is the Owner of Healer’s Haven Holistic Health sionate about helping Souls Reveal. Heal. Live On and Wellness Solutions. Phoenixx has over 20 years of Purpose. combined experience in Integrated Healthcare, Be- Website: havioral Science, Clinical Psychology and the Healing

arts. Phoenixx is an Adjunct Professor and Advisor with Hunter College in Manhattan, NY. As a Certified Ra Sekhi Reiki and Vibrational Sound Healing Practitioner, Phoenixx specializes in synchronizing holistic healing, spirituality practices and evidence-based interventions to help clients manage stress, reduce symptoms and maladaptive behavior. Phoenixx offers Community Leaders, Entrepre-

neurs and Organizations achieve their wellness and productivity goals. Phoenixx Love is the Award-Winning Author of If

I Should Die Before I Wake: Your Journey to Awakening Your Calling and a Co-Author in Black Therapists Rock: A Glimpse Through The Eyes of the Experts. Phoenixx is an Ambassador for Mental Health Awareness; Healing from a Holistic Per-


For every 5 copies ordered $25 will go to your local church’s Women’s Department to assist with the outreach endeavors Contact Pastor Alyssia Johnson or Minister Darlene Mingo

VENESIA WILLIAMS CEO & CO-FOUNDER OF THE POWER OF LOVE MINISTRY LONDON, ENGLAND Venesia Williams is a mother, minister, prophetic life coach, mentor, preacher, international empowerment speaker, author, entrepreneur, and co-founder of the power of love ministry, The Power of Love Empowerment Centre, Women Empowering Women To Win Network, The Gathering Of The Spiritual Midwives and Crowned In Splendor

have to allow God to transform your mind.

Venesia is committed to proclaiming the Good news to the nations by any means necessary. Taking social media by storm, Venesia spreads the gospel daily with her empowerment Broadcasts designed to change the world by the power of the word, Venesia is an anointed preacher and teacher filled with wisdom and She has certainly gone through her very own transfor- knowledge which she uses daily encouraging, empowmation which includes overcoming the desires of the ering and edifying people across the globe winning flesh trying to drown my sorrows drinking, perversion, hundreds of souls to the kingdom of God. lust, brokenness, bitterness, unforgiveness, and selfsabotage, I had to stop blaming everyone else and Turning Point how God turned my darkness into Marallow God to deliver me from me and begin to renew velous Light, chronicles my journey and how God my mind through his word, to transform your life you turned things around in my life and can do

According to Rev 12:11 “And they have conquered him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.” the same for you. This process has not been easy, connected to you. The truth will always set you I’ve experienced many hurdles along the way, but free, you cannot heal from what you conceal God has taken me over them one by one. God there has to be a revealing to experience healing turned all my bitterness into sweetness and my and the power of the transformational Power of mess into a message, and my tests into powerful God. testimonies, Turning Point is very transparent to There’s supernatural power in your testimony to empower others not to give up, its filled with pro- empower others and conquer the enemy. The phetic prayers and revelation imparting strategies enemy tried to kill you, but God made sure you to help you start and maintain the process of de- lived to tell it. The evidence of His Power is in the liverance. It all begins with being honest with very breath you are breathing now. You’re a living yourself and surrendering all to God By embrac- testimony of His Greatness, So don’t be ashamed

ing the process to be totally restored and not al- push past your pain into your purpose. lowing your past to destroy your future. I want to encourage you that no matter who has left you or rejected you, God will never leave you or forsake you. Submitting to God has given me the strength, patience, wisdom, and guidance I needed to endure and not give up. Don’t let fear stagnate you and keep you from moving forward, There’s Power in trying again. I learned through my experiences your trials and adversities will push you into your purpose, The word of God says that the righteous may fall seven times, but they will rise back up again. The process is uncomfortable and it doesn’t feel good at all, but you go through it not only for you but all those

Turning point shares some of my trials over the years that God turned into powerful victories. I believe it’s so important to take the tools and strategies that you learn along your journey to empower and equip others that there is light at the end of the tunnel. God can turn your darkness into Marvelous Light. The fact that your reading this article now is a sign that this is your turning point, you might be asking yourself how can I make this turn?

You can today by overcoming fear, guilt, shame, resent- was a sudden earthquake and their chains was loosed ment, bitterness, anger, pain, abuse, rejection and instantly even those surrounding them where loosed abandonment, All you need to do is totally accepting too as you read this anyone attached to you suffering in God in your heart and submitting to Him. When you silence will be set free the padlock the enemy had lockhave God in your side, you have victory and pow- ing their mouths has been broken every tongue is er. The blood of Jesus gives us access to God, we no loosed today in Jesus name I pray for boldness strength longer separated by sin, but we are forgiven by grace and faith today lord as they step out cover them under through repentance. Just as darkness vanishes once your precious blood send the right ppl to minister to you switch on the lights, investing in

them and empower them through your word, I surren-

this book will equip you with the tools you need to let der them to you Lord let them feel your presence and the light of Christ shine through you, as you dismantle know that they are not alone you are with them. You and expose the works of the enemy.

have not given them the spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind consume them with your peace &


Love today Lord let deliverance be there bread today

Those that are suffering in silence, I stand in the gap for let no weapon formed against them prosper and every you today before the king of kings, the enemy tried to negative tongue that has spoken against them be contake your voice by consuming you with fear and low demned, Let your original plans and purpose for them self-esteem But today you are being set free from all be done in Jesus name uproot every spirit that's not of fear and bondage every chain that have you held cap- you Lord and fill them with a right spirit, I thank you in tive in the name of Jesus I declare freedom I feel a advance for saving them for setting them free for delivearthquake in the spirit just like when Paul and Silas erance healing and restoration!!!! was in prison as they began to worship the Lord there


Triumphing Through Transition

ther God is there to help you heal and to stop you

Ivonne F. Cameron

from running from everything in life that has hurt you and piled layer upon layer of muck and mire to break

Coming up and out from the rough side of the mountain after experiencing loss, pain, grief or trauma is a process that changes you. Transformation changes you on a cellular level so dramatically from the inside out. It has the power to leave you groping, looking for an anchor to help right the way your world has upend-

through. I questioned, what did God want from me?

His gentle calling was a wakeup call of sorts for destiny and calling upon the life He wants no one else to fulfill but you. It is a chance for you to realize how unique and necessary you are to your family, friends, church and community.

ed itself. Walking through my process left me moody, confused and with so many questions. True, deep and During this process, I would drive without a set destilasting transformation opens a window to your soul nation, mindless driving aimlessly praying, crying, that can leave you breathless, a tidal wave of emo- emptying my mind to get the thoughts to stop. I tions you finally let yourself feel. You may want to run wanted the hurt, shame and pain to finally end. I was from it, kicking and screaming, desperately grasping searching, looking for a place to stop and rest, literally for the temple of your familiar you are so used to. and figuratively.

Rest from the things that I have

Some of the questions that came flooding in included: heard seen and experienced. Issues like overt racism Who was I really? Where was I headed? How did I get and hatred, cruel betrayal by family, the pettiness of to that desert place of emptiness? Facing these truths, so-called friends, failed relationships that ended with a doing a deeper dive, didn’t come easy and without ripping and tearing of each other that did not resolve deep reflection and much time spent in prayer and anything. The disappointment in yourself and in othmaking my requests to be free known. I got to that place where I realized I could not keep heading on the course I had been. In also doing the things you’ve always done or repeat harmful patterns you’ve seen others around you repeat generation after generation. The gentle call from God, calling you to Himself, asking why you are running was a constant thought? The gentleness that lets you know that Father God is not there to hurt you was present. I decided to surrender to this process since I didn’t have the strength or even want to continue my same path. Fa-

ers. Not realizing the goals you set for yourself. Looking around and seeing how life was passing you by and standing still, stuck in the mud pit of wrong decisions and bad choices. Feeling like you are not enough for yourself or anyone else being told that you are nothing. The adversary constantly whispering and not knowing your identity in the One who had created you. I had reached the end of my rope, I had it and I knew that I

was better and stronger than what I felt like inside long, but the ropes were fraying and that tight grip I and the picture of my life before me I felt I had been thought I had was slipping through my fingers. unjustly dealt. God was whispering my name and I Couldn’t my family and friends see what was happenknew the lies from my adversary I had bought in to ing?

were not my portion or my lot in life. Often loved ones don’t understand the what and the As I looked backed on what I thought was the hand I why of your transformation journey. They are comhad been dealt, it was time to own up and take re- fortable and used to your disfunction. It is at times sponsibility for the choices I made. Worshipping at often the disfunction they are familiar with and may the temple of self, I had to be in charge of me, pro- not even recognize in themselves. Why change? tect myself from others, and be in total control. This Those in your inner circle and who may see you from process had me question, “Did I readily submitted the afar may not be aware of the secret pain you have authority that God had given me to the adversary so hidden. They may not even know the depths of the willingly following in the steps of Adam and Eve?” I shame you carry or those wounds that can’t be seen explored the recesses of my soul, that part of me that below that pretty, shiny surface I had perfected. I I allowed no one to know, not even the One that cre- was good at hiding the truth of how I felt inside, I alated me. How had I become a vessel that too readily ways made sure to polish the outside. I was always received the ugliness that so many were willing to complimented on how I dressed and looked. I took dump my way. I got to that place of facing every- extra time with the outside because if my outside thing that caused me hurt and shame. I felt as if Father God was telling me, “if you do not deal with this, this hurt, and pain, it will deal with you.” Was I meant to bear all the weight of it threatening to crush me? I did not want to end up in a hospital with my heart exploding out of my chest. Or another option, in a restraining jacket, rocking back

and forth in a padded room. The small cracks and fissures were there, I could feel myself straining un-

was polished that would distract and continue to hide the hurt. I didn’t want anyone to ask me any questions that were too deep and I was careful not to

expose that broken part of myself. I often dressed in layers. I always covered myself with a coat, sweater or jacket. This offered me another layer of covering to protect myself from everything and everyone around me. A covering to keep the lid on the rolling, boiling hotbed of junk hidden just below the surface.

der the pressure to keep it all together. The ache As I looked back through the choices and decisions I and pressure in my chest that would not allow me to had made they were my tipping point. Your loved exhale deeply and catch a reprieve to relieve the ones may have observed you during the process and tightness in my chest. I was in total control for so are not sure how to approach you. They may even

feel cheated in some way that the person they knew son I knew inherently I was supposed to be. My soul is a shell of their former selves. Even the abuser real- was lining up with the Word of God and matching a izes, I don’t have my victim at hand so readily availa- polished exterior. I had an inevitable sense of a destible as the whipping post to do as they please. I was ny that was so big and had been there all along. A

buying the lies of the adversary anymore, it was easi- clear realization the people, abusers, hatred and hurt er to pull down the vain imaginations that I had so hurled my way from childhood was designed by the readily succumb to in the past. Father God was lifting adversary to stop me from ever getting to this place. me up and out of the pit that I had sunken into and I I was finally walking in freedom! My family quescould see the light of day. He was whispering it is ok, tioned changes they saw and sensed in me. I was take His hand and move me to my rightful place. I let open with my responses and now I could give them go of the control and allowed myself to be loved with clear answers about decisions made, who I was, and an everlasting love. I was understanding my identity, where I was headed. Transformation allowed me to I was understanding who I was created to be. I was give and receive freely and genuinely transparent shedding the many layers and climbing that stairway with nothing to hide. to go where I never thought possible. What started a pull and tug to get me to just acknowledging that there was a problem became a steady run to transform.

I realized that I had to share, how I had crossed over and come through transition to triumph. It wasn’t the same what this or that person had done or said but about how God had such a different perspective on

Coming up and out from the rough side of the moun- transition. I knew Father God knows the past, sees tain is thrilling with a sense of freedom and destiny. I the present, and was leading me to my future. It was was moody and meditative but absolutely knew that time to give back to the people around me those I

this change is what was needed for my very survival. might have hurt or offended with my aloofness and I was breaking free from those chains that had me the protecting of myself. It was a time to arise and bound. During the process I felt so very vulnerable, be reminded that someone else is in charge, and it is yet strong because I was breaking through. I was dig- to our benefit if we follow His loving leadership. It ging deep and shoveling the dirt of wrong thinking, was another rebirth that I must share with everyone ruled by emotions, worshipping and dealing with the around me, it can’t be contained. Father God is interhurt that almost buried me alive. I was dealing with ested in our triumph and the end result of the changmy mess and not allowing it to continue to define me es He gently orchestrates in our or lock me in an isolated self-made prison. This transformation meant I was becoming the per-

lives. I knew my growth, maturing that is a part of pared and equipped me. The hidden gems were hidtransition was important to not only me but the One den under layers and years of dirt that needed to be who created me as well. During this journey, I am re- swept clean. minded that His timing is perfect. This journey that continues as long as we are on planet earth, is part of a greater plan for your life that will bring you wholeness and a sense of destiny. God wants to remove and replace. Joy, fulfillment and peace readily replace hurt, shame, and pain as you cooperate with His gen-

This rebirth is our Creators’ way of developing you into a strong, whole, wise, warrior who can emerge from battles launched by the adversary to triumph unscathed. As I have looked back on my life so far, my past experiences with people their hurled insults, hatred, abuse and brokenness coupled with my own,

tle wooing to live free.

was a training ground. It is from this position of Does that mean that all the opposition you have or strength that I am to reach back with a hand of will experience be eliminated?

I needed to go strength and authority. I understand what you have

through the process. To get to my land of promise, I walked through or may be dealing with. My transition had to go through the experiences necessary to learn and ultimate triumph help see, hear and help heal the the lessons and develop the strength for my new brokenhearted and set those held captive around me place. All the mind-sets, circumstances, relationships free. and anything else that kept me from being fully pre-

Between the women as a bond of friendship, and sisterhood is

relationships. The emphasis has always been on the principal

formed. The description of Ruth and Orpah's reaction to Na-

character of Ruth, and rightly so. However, Naomi’s attitude

omi’s request reinforces the notion of a good relationship:

toward the Moabites should not be overlooked. She and her

“Then [Naomi] kissed them and they lifted up their voices and

daughters-in-law from Moab are obviously good friends in

wept. And they said to her, ‘No, we will return with you to your spite of their different religious backgrounds. Accepting the people’” (1:9-10). After Naomi tries again to convince them to

fact that their own Moabite families and gods may be what

leave, the younger women weep a second time (1:14). Orpah

Ruth and Orpah need most when their husbands die, Naomi

decides to return to her own people and gods; Ruth clings to

encourages them to go home. However, the daughters-in-law

Naomi and Naomi’s God. Naomi makes another plea to which

go in opposite directions: Orpah returns to her own people and

Ruth replies with the well known “entreat-me-not-to-leave-

gods: Ruth stays with her mother-in-law. Each receives Na-

thee” soliloquy. Naomi finally accepts Ruth's resolve to stay

omi's blessing. The story of Ruth's persistent loyalty to Naomi

with her, and the two journey in search of a more prosperous

becomes a paradigm for conversion. In turn, Naomi’s attitude


of tolerance and acceptance toward Orpah is a model for diFriendship, Conversion, and Diversity

The Book of Ruth begins and ends with stories about women’s

versity within friendship.


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Rebirth of The Total Woman Worldwide Internet TV/Radio Broadcast Weekly – $125.00/month with a 6-month agreement Weekly sponsored programming with guest appearances from industry Professionals, along with the RBTWW Staff. Sponsors/Partners will receive the following: Commercials - 4/weeks of daily advertising in both audio and visual formats during the broadcast. Rebirth of The Total Woman Worldwide Tee-Shirt Sponsor-$100/10 shirts Join our Tee-Shirt Campaign as a sponsor and receive 5/weeks of daily advertising in both audio and visual formats during the broadcast. Plus, a free advertising spot on our blog and inside the RBTW Magazine .


What is ABWA and EmpowerHer?

One Women at a Time’ through leadership, education, network-

The mission of the ABWA, established in 1949, is to ing support and national recognition. bring together businesswomen of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking support and national recognition. The mission statement of the EmpowerHer Chapter is: “To be the premier women’s business league that impacts, connects and empowers women personally and professionally in the greater Orangeburg, S.C., area through educational resources, professional development, community service and lifelong friendships in a refreshing atmosphere."

How significant is being a chapter president to you both personally and professionally? This is the realization of a 15-year dream and I am humbled and honored to have the opportunity to connect and lead

Is ABWA racially diverse and how does one become a member? “The new chapter president, Rachelle JamersonHolmes, has jumped at the opportunity to expand women’s opportunities in Orangeburg so they can find their voice, sharpen their business skills, network and support other like-minded working women. More than 100 charter members were installed during the EmpowerHer Diamond Celebration and pinning of members. The program was held at Stevenson Auditorium and came two months after the chapter’s founding in Orangeburg.

The EmpowerHer Chapter is diverse in age, race, income and occupations. The chapter is actively seeking

to mentor young ladies attending local colleges, universities and youth to help ensure that the glass ceil-

women both personally and professionally by starting the Ameri-

ing continues to be shattered.

can Business Women’s Association chapter EmpowerHer in Or-

The chapter has partnered with Habitat for Humanity,

angeburg,” Jamerson-Holmes said. “I am excited about all of the

and EmpowerHer's first volunteer initiative was in

great things that EmpowerHer will do for the Orangeburg County community and surrounding areas by ‘Changing Women’s Lives

May with the National Women Build Week.

EmpowerHer is the second ABWA chapter to form in What advice would you give to young women starting a career/journey as an entrepreneur and what are the Orangeburg. In 1981 a chapter was formed at Orangeresponsibilities associate with being your own boss? burg-Calhoun Technical College. “Everything! As a small business owner in the beginDo you sponsor events during the year? “Absolutely, we support our community and a number of charities on and offsite. We launched “Events For Causes,” an initiative which raises awareness, funds and needed items for various community organizations

and families in need. I believe that we must help each other, not criticize. No one is perfect.

ning, you are the customer service representative, salesperson, bookkeeper, creative director and the list goes on. As a business owner, I am required to create effective marketing to bring guests in the doors to generate revenue. Yet I also must make daily good decisions as we have a huge responsibility to our customers, vendors and team.” “Entrepreneurship is not easy and is not for everyone.

“I strive to become a better person every day personal- If time and financial guarantees are needed, then perly and professionally. I believe in reaching back and as- haps a career may be the better fit vs. going into busi-

sisting the younger generation and in paying homage ness full time. Or perhaps the best fit may be completo those before us that have paved the way. I under- menting the career or job with a part-time home-based stand that it is because of their bravery that our jour- business. You have to be mentally prepared to manage neys are easier. As a result, I am forever grateful and I yourself and be very disciplined. I always share with am compelled to pay it forward by giving back. My people asking me about going into business that I make mantra is, ‘As I lift others, I rise.’”

it look easy. I love what I do. I have turned my hobbies

ABWA membership has benefits for women, who can:

and passions into a professional career and sustainable

NETWORK face-to-face with accomplished profess sionals.

businesses. “Do the prep work. Find a mentor, someone you

CONNECT with members online in ABWA’s exclu -

know who could guide you along your new path. If

sive Community Connections or on members Face

you are lacking skills in finance or marketing, en

book group.

roll in classes or programs to assist.”

STAY INFORMED by reading timely business fea

“Spend a lot of time talking with your future cus

tures in ABWA’s Women in Business Magazine and

tomers. You need to really learn what their needs

Achieve Newsletters.

and wants are. This is a great brand-building exer

SAVE MONEY on business products and services

cise that will allow you to properly position your

with member discounts.

self in the marketplace.

REGISTER for online courses and webinars focused

“Seek out virtual assistance. There are several great

on workplace productivity from Gemba Academy.

free resources in our community such as the SBDC and

and dreams. And they exemplified still became successful. By witnessthe determination to achieve each ing that, I quickly eliminated words of them while creating new goals such as ‘no’ and ‘can’t’ from my and dreams along the way. Their vocabulary. I believe the world is resilience and leadership instilled yours … Explore it.” in me an unwavering resolve that with God, regardless of what life What are some of the challenges you’ve seen facing women in busibrings, I got this! ness today? “My father, Broadus James Jamer- “Defying social expectations, dealson lll, taught me the true sense ing with limited access to funding of community. He taught me to and building a support network. treat everyone with respect, love, Some women may feel the need to and kindness. He also taught me adopt the stereotypical ‘male’ attiTell me about Rachelle Jamerson the art of public speaking as he is a Holmes, the woman. What is your personal mission as it pertains to prolific orator. My parents have women? been my role models for maintainI am married to Fred Holmes, a ing a successful long-lasting marCharleston SC native. He is also my riage and teamwork. They have partner in business. “My family been married for over 50 years.” taught me through their daily lives “I have listened to many stories and strong work ethics that you from family members about can do anything you want if you growing up at a time when work with a plan and work smart. African-Americans had many “My greatest inspiration has been hurdles to overcome. my family and close family friends. “I never saw bitterness or It is true that it takes a village to anger. I saw a family that raise a child. I am blessed to have was strong, proud, worked been raised by my role models, my well together and full of mother Brenda Jamerson and my faith, which enables us to grandmothers Lillie J. Limehouse continue to strive for and and Martha Huggins. They were my conquer to be the best that first examples of strong, courawe can be. Despite the odds, geous, visionary women with goals all of my family members

tude toward business: competitive, aggressive and sometime overly harsh. But I believe remaining true to yourself and finding your own voice are the keys to rising above preconceived expectations.”

Easily accessible to 1-26, US 301 and 1-95

Physical Location:

1170 Fischer St. Orangeburg, SC 29115 (Green home between Rachelle's Island Boutique and Middleton St. and Captain D' Restaurant on Broughton St.) Inquiries and Reservations: 803- 937-4271 Email: Experience Thee Matriarch Bed & Breakfast, Where Business and Leisure Meet Southern Hosptitalityand Charm in the heart of historic downtown Orangeburg SC . This 100 year-old home has been elegantly restored, each room beautifully designed and themed for your enjoyment. Thee Matriarch opened September 2012 for your enjoyment. Thee Matriarch’s Chef crafts tantalizing cuisines of every genre for any occasion. Each bite will make your soul sing and yearn for more. Discover Orangeburg’s most charming venue. Available to accommodate a vast array of meetings and social events. This beautifully decorated, spacious home-style inn and rental facility will deliver a uniquely delightful appeal for any event. An ideal setting for a relaxing getaway, business travel, corporate retreat, family & class reunions, weddings and receptions. THEE MATRIARCH Bed & Breakfast, Meeting and Special Events Venue is your one stop home away from home that will quench your thirst for an extraordinary experience. We look forward to hosting you soon! Innkeepers, Rachelle & Fred

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