Rebirth of the Total Woman

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FROM THE FOUNDER Welcome to our special edition of Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine...The Kingdom Edition. I would like to first take a moment to thank each of the ladies that have contributed to this edition. This particular edition is special and dear to my heart because of what we do here at Rebirth of the Total Woman. It’s not often that you can bring together such a wonderful array of anointed women of God. These women have come together to speak to the heart, minds, spirits and souls of the 21st Century Woman. Women from different walks of life all ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a practical way that breathes life, love, faith, joy and comfort into the lives of other women that may otherwise be dealing with difficulties in their everyday lives. The purpose of the Gospel is to build people for Kingdom Advancement. Building people begins by applying the spoken and written word of God to our normal existence. Taking that Word and allowing it to become rooted in our hearts, thereby effecting every area of life, from finances to health; from relationships to self-development; from the depths of darkness and confusion to the joy that fills our solus as we allow the word of God to transform our minds; which transforms our lives.

In the Kingdom Edition we talk to 21 women that are Ambassadors for the Gospel in their communities, in the marketplace, in media, music, and more. We have Kingdom Generals that are walking boldly in their ministry gifts and changing the world one person at a time. We interviewed these ladies and asked them to speak a message to the 21st Century Woman. These women cross aged barriers, professional barriers, and speak directly into the lives of women worldwide through their various platforms. Ministers, Elders, Apostles, 1st Ladies and Bishops all have one thing in common, their passion to see women become whole, to understand their power, purpose, and position in the Kingdom. By telling their own personal stories, and sharing with you the mandate that God has placed on their lives, you will definitely experience the hand of God, a move of God, and the presence of God as you encounter these pages. Join us inside the Kingdom Edition of Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine.

Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook Editor-In-Chief & Founder

Our Founder Dr. V Williams-Cook

Inside this Issue


Reap Joy Ministries...When Women Worship

From the Founder


Our Note to You

Evangelist Sabine Barreau 4 Dynamic Women of Faith & Purpose

NGF. Inc.


International Evangelist Shaneiqua Washington 60 9 Zuriel Leadership

NGF, Inc. Board of Directors Pastor Alyssia Johnson

16 Apostle Jacqueline Schaffer

Small Church, Big Heart


The Word that Gives Light Community Ministries

18 Bishop-Designate Lynne Mifflin

Pastor Toni Mii’Shay Wilson

Elder Candace M. Allen


Lynne Mifflin Ministries

The Pressing Place…Honoring God, Dying to Self & Building Kingdom

Apostle Tammy Morgan


22 Breakthrough Ministries

Living Wholly...Biblically Based Balanced Living

Pastor ShaMeca Oliver


Dr. Lisa Lewis Ellis 26 Kick Boxing Believers, LLC


Pneuma...Daughter 2 Daughter

Pastor Lezlie Stevenson The Movement...Women with a Mandate

Minister Darlene R. Mingo The W. O. E. Network

Reverend Qiana L. Cressman World Changers International

Minister Annette Alētheia Truth Ministries

Leading Lady Sherrell Ferrer D.O.P.E. (Daughters of Purpose Engaging)


Dr. Delphine Powell


Live Impact Global Ministries

Pastor Angela Washington 33 Jehovah Jireh Family Worship Center


Lady Denese Dillihant 37 Power House Holiness Church


Donshe Shoetique


41 Prophetess Letisha Rice


Grace Outreach Ministries

44 Pastor Debra Royal-Flynn


The Let Go and Let God Outreach Ministries

OUR NOTE TO YOU Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine is please and excited to bring you this special edition featuring 21 Women of God serving their communities of faith and impacting the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These women serve in different capacities but each with the same agenda...that is to tell the world that Jesus lives and loves you. We present this edition as a thank you to Clergy Women across this vast planet for saying yes, maintaining your yes, and living your yes to the call of the Gospel. Though October is Clergy Appreciation Month, we present you with your flowers now as a token of our gratitude for a job well done. This is a season to celebrate you as the faithful servants you are, and to thank you for the many sacrifices you’ve made to ensure that others not only realize their full potential, but that they may also reach their destiny. The Staff of Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine & Nana’s Girls’ Foundation, Inc.


Pastor Alyssia Johnson Rehoboth Family Worship CenterNorth Carolina Pg. 16

Pastor Toni Mii-Shay Wilson The Pressing Place Church Florida Pg. 18

Elder Candace M. Allen Wise Living Ministries Texas Pg. 21

Pastor ShaMeca Lati Oliver Pneuma Breathe Ministries Washington, D. C. Pg. 26

Pastor Lezlie Stevenson The Movement@ Antioch Christian Center South Carolina Pg. 28

Minister Darlene R. Mingo The W. O. E. Network North Carolina Pg. 34

Reverend Qiana L Cressmab World Changers International Pennsylvania Pg. 36

Minister Anette Alethia Truth Ministries Pennsylvania Pg. 41

Lady Sherell Ferrer St. Marks Holy Temple New York Pg. 44

Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook Reap Joy Ministries & Rebirth Empowerment South Carolina Pg. 48

Evangelist Sabine Barreau Dynamic Women of Faith & Purpose Pennsylvania Pg. 98

Evangelist Shaniequa L. Washington Love House Ministries & Zuriel Leadership Development, LLC South Carolina Pg. 56

Visit us online to see more:

NANAS GIRLS FOUNDATION, INC. The nonprofit, Nana's Girl Foundation (NGF), was formed for the primary purpose of aiding and assisting women in the reinvention of themselves, spiritual development, re-education, through life coaching and counseling, NGF will offer its clients an opportunity to volunteer with the foundation through our various programs and community events. These ladies will receive life skills training, assistance with continuing education, job readiness and search. NGF, Inc. cater to women of all ages. They are required to complete a 6-12 month training program, using the curriculum designed by Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook, which though designed for all women; caters to the need of each individual person. Upon completion of their individualized training program, each participant will receive a certificate of completion, and assistance with job placement; to include the possibility of working with the foundation in

some capacity. In 2020 NGF, Inc., will open, The Annie Ruth DeLaney Home for Young Women, which will serve women ages 13-40, and provide them with a place of safety, a haven, and home for them if needed. Although not required to live in the home, client will be expected to complete their training program through the home-based program, structure, discipline, and special offerings from the foundation. And 2021 we will open the Genesis Healing for both men and women.

NANAS GIRLS FOUNDATION, INC. Founder & Executive Director: Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook Board of Directors & Constituents: President: Kisha J. McRae Administrative Assistant: Brittanee Slack Director of Organizational Structure: Jean Toney Educational Coordinator: Tanya Bankston Members Coordinator: Aly Johnson Global Market Liaison: Anita Duah Prempeh Hospitality Coordinator: Sadiemae Deas Spokesperson: Caris L. Reed

Apostle Jacqueline Brown Schaffer The Word the Gives Light C3ommunity Ministries South Carolina Pg. 67

Dr. Lisa Lewis Ellis Kick Boxing Believers, LLC Florida Pg. 80

Bishop-Designate Lynn Mifflin Lynn Mifflin Ministries Delaware Pg. 72

Apostle Tammy Morgan Breakthrough to Glory Ministries Michigan Pg. 77

Dr. Delphine Powell Live Impact Prayer Global Ministry New York Pg. 86

Pastor Angela L. Washington Jehovah Jireh Family Worship Center South Carolina Pg. 90

Visit us online to see more:

Our Sponsor: Donshe of Donsh’e Shoetique Atlanta, Georgia Pg . 96

First Lady Denese Dillihant Power House Holiness Church California Pg. 94

Prophetess Latisha Rice Grace Outreach Ministries Georgia Pg . 98

Pastor Debra Royal Flynn Let Go and Let God International Outreach Ministries and Nonprofit

New Jersey Pg . 103

Visit us online to see more:


What is the name of your church/ministry? Rehoboth Family Worship Center In what area of ministry do you serve and your role? Pastor at this time but I have served in many capacities. I’ve been an usher, on the transportation committee, a matron, an adjutant sister, church administrator, Deacon Chairman, a part of the dance and worship ministry. Actually my first job in the church is always cleaning the church; and I grow from there.

shot, whether they are voluptuous or not, whether they are fair skinned or dark skinned, whether they have long thick hair or no hair; none of that is their true value. I want them to gain clarity, peace, and have love that overflows from within. Because through that inner peace, inner love, inner confidence most of the other things can then be adjusted.

What is your plan to impact your community and the church at large? We have an annual women’s event each May. Then throughout the year we have a bi-monthly women’s fellowship that we invite others to join. As funds allow we assist women in a local shelter with minor things we take for granted like hangers, tote bags for their personal items, toiletries, and sometimes clothing. When and if they’re willing to listen a Word from the Does your church/ministry have a women’s depart- Lord and always words of encouragement. We make ment? blessing bags for the homeless and give them away as Yes, we are a small church but we have a big heart. well. Most of all we try to be a true example of what we preach and teach. We don’t pretend to be perfect, What is your No. 1 area of concern for women? we let them know we have struggles as well and we’re Helping them to see their worth and to not compare all on the same path with the same daily choices. themselves amongst others. Everyone is phenomenal at something, everyone has their talents and skills set I personally love our mission statement, it always but God loves us ALL. I want to help them to build pumps me up. Am I walking in all that it states at the their self-confidence and love themselves right where moment, no; but it gives me encouragement and rethey are. Whether they have a doctoral degree or minds me who I am? I’ll give the final lines which GED, whether they live in a gated community or live in state: public housing, whether they came from a two-parent “We are to empower our church, influence our commuhome or a single parent home, whether they are tall or nity, impact our city and infect our word with the love of Jesus Christ”


My plan is to touch the lives of individuals in and outside of the church via, our Recovery Ministry which deals with addictions of all kinds. Business & Professional development ministry which gives individuals young and old the skills they need to succeed today. Mii'Etiquette, the Advantage Program for youth and young adults which gives them the proper knowledge of manners and how they play and important role in various facets of their lives. 100 Women in Hats in Pearls-which choose a different cause yearly and raise moneys to support them. D2b Inspired, Dare 2 Be Inspired bi-annual Gala- this is a scholarship ball that supports handicapped and disabled peoples dreams of

achieving a college education. Conferences that are What is the name of your church/ministry?

targeted by various books I've written to target areas

My Church is The Pressing Place Church (nonprofit)/ that women struggle with the most in their lives. Mii'Shay Ministries, is my professional ministry.

Our last project was "The Love Potion" booklet with

In what area of ministry do you serve and your role?

Conference. Prior to that one I did a live 30 fb session,

I am Senior Pastor/Founder

"Eat Pray Love 30 days of Inspiration", and also, for

Domestic Violence Victims, the book and 3 Woman Does your church/ministry have a women’s department? monologue, "Daughters of Pearl." These are just a few Yes, we have a Women's Ministry as well as the ad- things we do to impact the lives of women and the junct






for families that love them.

Blessed Anointed and Delivered). In short, our ministry’s vision is What is you r No. 1 area of concern for women?

To honor God in all our ways, To die to ourselves daily

Deliverance, Restoration & Re-birth into the kingdom as Christ did for us on the cross, while working diliof God. If they can get to 2 of these phases they will be gently to build the kingdom of God. Giving of ourselves mighty in their personal lives, and a force to selflessly for the mission fields of the world, believing be reckoned with in their spiritual lives.

What is your plan to impact your community and the church at large?

that to suffer our own cross experiences, will one day render us a crown in glory.


Living Wholly?! Biblically Based Balanced Living

one are we playing? The actress or the heroine the story is about… For years, I played a recurring role in a cyclical drama, entitled. “The Cinderella Syndrome”. As an unmarried woman raising a son, I found myself playing the part of Cinderella so convincingly that I almost lost my identity. I started working in ministry by my late twenties and before I hit my mid-thirties I was licensed as a minister. At thirty-four, I found myself serving as Elder for a local church under a powerful apostolic ministry. And soon I discovered that I was often the first Elder at

Living Wholly?!

church and the last one to leave the building.

My sacrifices were multiple and commonplace. With We women seem to be in a race these days to prove burnout and disbelief around the corner, I left everyour awesomeness! “Why, would you say that?”, one thing and walked away…from it all! You see, with all might ask. Why? Is it because we often serve others the many roles I played, I never thought I would lose before ourselves (many of us were brought up this myself in one. way.) or perhaps it’s due in part to the many roles we

What is the Cinderella Syndrome?

play. You know the ones you played…” The Devoted Daughter”, “The Sister’s Sidekick “, “The Faithful Defined, it is a fairytale lifestyle created by living beFriend” and/or the infamous role of “The Woman of neath who you were originally created to be. As Many Faces” that comprises of playing Mom, Wife, women, we have guard against this syndrome. We Professional, and a collection of others. With all the are not living a fairytale and there is NO glass slipper… roles we play, with ease, we have to ask, “Where’s my award, Academy?!”

and believe me there is no prince waiting in the wings. Playing a recurring role as Cinderella was never in the heart Yahweh for my life. It is true that He will use

The roles we often play were never meant for the big trials to “Carve out your Character” but it is not likely screen, but for life! So, are we playing roles in hopes that He would leave in that role for a lifetime. Considof receiving an award? Or, are we living a life with er Joseph who endured the pit and the prison, but pursuit of predestined purpose in mind?!

eventually he did make it to the palace. What he went

Playing the role of a character and being the one who through was purposeful and power-filled? He never inspired the role are two distinct functions. Which lost himself in the role of servant, prisoner or leader.

We know, Eve, was created to be the mother of all liv- healing but wholeness (Strong’s G4982: save (93x), ing creation. And what an awe-inspiring appointment make whole (9x), heal (3x), be whole (2x)). We can live she received from Elohim, the Creator?! Whew! Talk this life we were given in full measure with assured about pressure to live up to that assignment…an as- safety, deliverance, healing and preservation in and signment where she clearly missed the mark with that through the Messiah (Jesus)! whole tree debacle. “What is Living WHOLLY?”

Now, imagine if Eve was given this task knowing that she didn’t need live beneath who she was created to be by allowing herself to be influenced by another voice other than that of her Elohim. A voice that gave her the ability to live, move, breathe and have her being (Acts 17:28).

How do we STOP the role-playing? We must learn how to operate in what I call Living Wholly?! Well, what’s that? After seeing my peers in ministry walkthrough various trials, like divorce, ministry burnout, and spiritual scandals. Holy Spirit inspired me to launch Wise Living Ministries (now Wise Living Inter-

“Stop playing a role and be who Elohim created you to national), in 2010. Wise Living was birthed specifically to address be” how we as women in ministry can live a WHOLE life by applying Yahweh’s Wisdom through His Word–particularly that which re-

Do you feel as though you’re playing a role? One where lates to balanced living for self, family and the community. you are living the life Abba Father originally created Living WHOLLY is Kingdom concept that incorporates you for? What part do you play in His plan for His Crea- wisdom and holiness which leads to living biblicaltion? Are you going through the motions? Are you based balanced lives. The Wise Living foundational performing for everyone else around you? If so, it’s scripture is John 10:10… time to …

” I have come so that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”.

“turn in your acting credentials to the Screen Actors Guild and Live WHOLLY!

As women in ministry, we hold positions in the Father’s Kingdom. These duties are not roles to be performed

Eve’s original task was to mother the living, not to be a for the speculation of men but are indeed mandates participant in the original sin! Sometimes we and mantles given by the Most High Yah. We were play roles that were never meant for us. Simply stated, birthed in the Kingdom to bring forth life through Yewe don’t have to usurp the Father’s predestined plan shua (Jesus) not through works or roles! for our lives by putting on a performance for people. Yahweh (The Lord) allows us access to His enabling ability through His Set Apart Spirit (Holy Spirit) who

So, let’s stop playing roles and let’s begin to LIVE again! Join the Wise Living movement and sign up for our upcoming WholeLife






cial Friday’s today! #LIVEYOURWHOLELIFENOW We can live holy,

helps us live, well wholly! The woman with the issue of we can live healthy, we can live wealthy, so we can LIVE Wisely! blood as described in Luke 8:43-48, received not just

Candace Michelle Allen is a willing servant in God’s Kingdom whose gift of wisdom and capacity for empathy



molds the lives of not only the clients she coaches and the ministry leaders she counsels, but also the lives of the everyday folks she encounters on daily basis.

As a certified life coach, ministerial and motivational speaker, and commis- life now”, taken from the John 10:10 passage where sioned and perceptive voice in the marketplace, Can- Jesus says: "...I have come so that they may have life, dace has passionately sustained a 17+ year career in and that they may have it more abundantly”. the area of ministry, speaking, counseling, and coaching and has used her own experiences of “trial to triumph” Candace Michelle Allen is a graduate of both Xavier to help others push passed their failures to successfully University of Louisiana and the University of Saint identify their own God-given gifts and implement their Thomas and, in addition to her ministry, counseling, true life’s purpose in accordance to His will. In 2010 she and coaching career, also possesses over 24 years of established her organization Wise Living to address professional corporate, non-profit, and governmental how one can live a WHOLE life and has since been able experience. She has also served on various ministerial to focus on applying God's Wisdom through His Word-- boards, as both church elder and minister, and in many particularly that which relates to balanced living for self significant leadership positions. As the proud mother

and family.

of one son, Candace lives her “WHOLE” life in Pearland, Texas and the greater Houston metropolitan where she

Since its humble beginnings in 2010, Wise Living has continues to strive to find opportunities to empower, grown to now feature workshops, coaching sessions, inspire, educate, and encourage others to seek success and prayer groups designed to encourage others to live through godly wisdom #LIVEYOURWHOLELIFENOW holy, healthy, wealthy, and wisely and to walk in their predestined places. Their motto is “Live your WHOLE


What is the name of your church/ministry? PNEUMA BREATHE MINISTRIES

of God) Hebrews 11:1-8

In what area of ministry do you serve and your role? PASTOR

Daughter to Daughter: We have two chapters one in Chicago and the other in DC/Maryland. Our four

Does your church/ministry have a women’s depart- founding elements are Sisterhood, Network, Outreach ment? and Spiritual growth mission is (Having a Sisterhood, Daughter to Daughter Ministry/Chapter Building a Network, Being an Outreach and increasing What is your No. 1 area of concern for women? To be healed and successful physically, mentally, spir- our spiritual growth). The D2D women’s ministry help itually, emotionally and financially by Building The carry out the vision and mission of a Pneuma Breathe Best Person they can be (Isaiah 66

Ministries. Last year my DC/Maryland Chapter

launched a D2D pilot mentoring program for girls 13What is your plan to impact your community and the 17 years old. We met with them monthly providing church at large? To continue to build a ministry that serves in nontradi- events and resources to help build them. Each chapter tional and unconventional ways. is independent of themselves, carrying out the vision and mission of PBM but also operating from their Ministry Vision To Reach, Train and Transform the lives of others strengths to help build this Sisterhood. through the wisdom and a Power of God. Reach. Train. Transform. (Romans 12:2) Reach (The Lost & broken/The






Train (Individuals to lead and live by the Word of God) 1 Timothy 4:7-8 & Matthew 28:18-20; Transform (A process that only happens by Faith /Hearing the Word


What is the name of your church/ministry? The Movement @ Antioch Christian Center In what area of ministry do you serve and your role? Pastor/ 1st Lady Does your church/ministry have a women’s department? Yes / Women With A Mandate W.W.A.M What is yourNo. 1 area of concern for women? That we understand we too have been mandated to carry the ministry of the Gospel What is your plan to impact your community and the church at large? The plan to impact the community has already been executed. Planning is necessary but we must execute in faith immediately adjusting and revising as time goes on. The Church must operate outside the walls.

needs. Street Ministry. Mortgage/single/workshops. 24-hour crisis line, Battered women shelter, Television/radio ministry, Entrepreneurship training pro-

grams, Drama ministry, Special outreach programs, 24hour prayer, Transitional Housing, Prison Ministry.

The community in which the church reside must reside The Mission of ACC is to reach the world for Jesus as a hub for all people. Love thy neighbor ...amen.... through the Word of God, by allowing growth in mind, We do this by being open to the community daily... by importing self-help programs. Finding out the overall

will and emotions (SOUL). This mission is achieved through the five (5) E’s

need of the community where you are located and Evangelism - Everything can’t be done inside the meeting that need as well as offering Hope for Tomor- church. The training ground is the church, but the row. Etc. work must be done in the street. Every week a team A summary of your church’s/ministry’s vision Our Vision is based upon this biblical principle and scripture. To lead a dying world to Christ. Special Youth/Elderly Programs. Ministering to people

goes into the community to reach people who can’t or won’t get to us without us reaching out to them.

Education - Once we evangelize, we bring them into our training camp (the Church). We teach in depth from A to Z about the Bible. Everything is setup on a teaching and training mode. Empowerment - People have the right to be built up. There are gifts that lie dormant within people, because they were never encouraged to explore and use their gifts. At ACC we empower through the 3 C’s, Challenge, Change, & Commit. We challenge them to search for the greater gifts inside them. We try to help them to change and realize that great things don’t have to just happen to everyone else. We try to get them to commit to whatever they decide to achieve until they succeed. Entrepreneurship - as we empower people we help them to realize that many their gifts and talents

are a means for them to have their own business. We teach administration , organization, structure, vision, and discipline, which are skills for business.

Edification - As one begins or continues to grow in previous 4 E’s it is ever so important that we encourage them and provide Word based reinforcement to each and every person regardless of what background or position they come from. The Lord wants to build upon who we are by building upon who He is through instructing us in moral and religious knowledge which increases as we develop a relationship with Christ.

The WOE Network- Women of Essence Internet Radio & TV Network was created to inspire, educate, equip and empower women globally. As the owner of WOE, I also wanted to provide a platform where women could come together and support one another, network, and build the kingdom of God in their own unique way. To date The WOE Network is the only ALL FEMALE NETWORK on the SIBN Broadcasting Company.

confronting life difficulties and also fun and educational shows from make-up application to entrepreneurship. For the woman looking to Live Outside the Box, join Dr. Lisa Lewis Ellis, Tuesday Mornings at 6:00am est. On Monday evenings at 8:00pm join me, Kingdom Ambassador Darlene Mingo for, The Blessing in the Lessons, where we shift mindsets to realize, even what seems bad is for your good. There are so many more shows for you to choose from . I invite you to join us there on Facebook, YouTube, twitter and periscope. Go to, like share and make sure to hit your notifications and join us there.

The contents of each show defers, just as the host vary and stream online and through radio from states across the nation including Atlanta, North Carolina, New York, Maryland and Washington. We have many shows that speak to each individual. When Life Speaks If you are interested in becoming apart of the WOE with Radio Host Dr. Andrea Hines on Thursdays at Network please contact us at 7:00pm , TV host Ch-hara Pearson, Wednesdays Wit Haze Show Wednesdays at 6:00pm , discussing and



For 12 years, she served faithfully as a member of a member of World Changers for 12 years. Rev. Qiana served as a spokesperson via TV, web and radio within her industry, collaborating with prominent congress

members, business, medical and faith leaders. She’s also an active member of the Christian Women in Media Association. Additional experience:

I have 20-

years’ experience in healthcare working for multibillion-dollar nonprofit and healthcare organizations. I’ve generated $18.4 million dollars in marketing and sales revenue and built significant strategic partnerships during those two decades. I’m a National Advocacy Network Leader for the Sickle Cell Disease AssociReverend Qiana L. Cressman Lover of God and people ation of America. I sit on the Board of Directors for the Reverend Qiana L. Cressman is a humanitarian, innova- MTS Sickle Cell Foundation, Inc. and The African Amertor, writer, media strategist and woman of faith with a ican Business Leaders Council for The Greater Lehigh background in science and business. She’s doing what Valley Chamber of Commerce. And I partner with local

she was born to do when using her voice to inspire community-based organizations across the country on women to holistically manifest their highest potential. advocacy and fundraising initiatives. I write, lobby and A natural-born visionary, lover of words and writer use my voice and platform to create awareness and since she was four years old, God led her to create serve these amazing patients and their families. I’ve Emerge Enterprise Media and Emerge Woman Maga- been a panelist, key presenter and published writer in zine to bring a Christian voice to the mainstream me- my profession locally and internationally. I’ve also dia that highlights the gifts of women, provides trans- been published in several personal development, spirformational content and serves as an advocacy partner itual and lifestyle magazines and blogs for women. I to women around the world. After 15 years of serving was the youngest and first African-American woman to in ministry leadership roles, in 2016 Rev. Qiana and serve as a program manager for community engageher husband were ordained as ministers. They began ment in an Atlanta-based blood center, that supported their journey as Chaplains for the largest senior retire- the largest blood and marrow transplant program in ment community in Georgia. She and her husband also southeast. I’ve successfully launched and managed have experience working with spiritual leaders and several local, regional, national multi-ethnic communichurch-planters around the U.S. as God opens doors.

ty engagement programs.

I served as a judge in healthcare-centered youthleadership competitions and worked closely with students across the country in HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America), serving on advisory committees to ensure medical/educational curriculum effectively develops our future healthcare leaders. I have two undergraduate degrees, in clinical laboratory science and business management What is the name of your church/ministry? World Changers Church International

In what area of ministry do you serve and your role? Currently, my home church is preparing to plant a church here in Pennsylvania (very shortly). My husband and I will then serve on the local prayer team. We watch online and visit the churches of our ministerial colleagues. I have served as a ministerial leader on prayer, marriage ministry, evangelism, overcoming loss/grief and church planting teams. Does your church/ministry have a women’s department members in the Body of Christ that you can be clergy Yes. Globally. and businessmen/women of integrity simultaneously. For too long, ministers have ignored other parts What is your No. 1 area of concern for women? Fully embracing their calling a leader in the five-fold of their calling due to people pleasing and church poliministry (i.e. if they are called to Pastor). I am called to tics. Or succumbing to the poverty mentality of those be a catalyst by God to encourage them to EMERGE, who don't understand that it takes resources and embrace it and refuse to shrink in fear. (anointed) business acumen to expand the Kingdom of God effectively. What is your plan to impact your community and the church at large? World Changers Church International is a global minisMy husband and I will eventually have a traveling evantry that is blanketing the world with the Gospel of Jegelistic/prophetic ministry, but for now, as ordained sus Christ to meet the needs of mankind. Our mission ministers, we are speaking and preaching wherever is to bring together the energies, talents, and abilities God sends us. That is our/my priority. Our priority is of people anointed for service who are capable, also expanding my global magazine publication to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a non-conventional way. Additionally, we are leading by example to show

qualified, and motivated to operate in excellence and ketplace (secular business arenas). Our forefront posiprofessionalism in a Christ-centered environment, tion is to shine His light, minister and be living epistles thereby fulfilling the vision and calling of this ministry. I believe God is calling women to the forefront of His great army of believers – in both ministry and the mar-

of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is using us to establish His will in the earth on platforms that we haven’t been welcome to before. God will use this bold, anointed voice of His “leading ladies” to energize and harness the influential voice and gifts of women, girls, men and families for His Kingdom purposes and leading souls to Christ. We are called to inspire others to confidently emerge into their highest potential, God’s will for their life and boldly live their destiny. No more shrinking as a Christian (hiding our faith), nor holding back our leadership

gifts and voice as women. We are vessels and tools in the Hand of God. Every joint supplies, and it’s time to supply (our gifts and anointing) – His way, wherever and however He calls us to! We are to walk in freedom in Christ, no longer allowing anyone or anything to keep us bound to our past or a season that has passed. We are called and ordained by God to authentically evolve and EMERGE into everything He’s created us to be. “Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket. Instead, they set it on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your

good works and give glory to your Father in Heaven.” Matthew 5:15-16

ANNETTE ALETHEIA TRUTH PENNSYLVANIA What is the name of your church/ministry?

I plan to share my testimony of the struggles I went

Truth Ministries

through in ministry, leadership, marriage, and as a woman in ministry. My testimony is one that will help

In what area of ministry do you serve and your role? I am a Minister Of God’s Word Of Truth

woman and even men who are hiding behind the mask of ministry, abuse, camouflaging pain and with a

Does your church/ministry have a women’s

smile. Most in depth I pray to pull people out of the


pulpit and back into the arms of or loving Father. Far

Although I have a great response from many women too often we look for the bright light and glamour of my ministry is to reach men, women, youth, children, what we perceive ministry is like through what we see and families.

on TV at the expense of low self-esteem, hidden selfharm, suicidal thoughts to say the least.

What is your No. 1 area of concern for women?

That all women recognize they have a voice, they have value and worth, and most importantly to learn to have a one on one relationship with God for themselves. What is your plan to impact your community and the church at large?

.Church’s/ministry’s vision My ministry vision is to share God’s Word Of Truth. To bring God’s Reality to those who are lost in the world and dead in the church. The Biblical Greek Word for TRUTH is Aletheia which denotes reality, in fact, what is true in any matter under consideration,; most importantly TRUTH biblically denotes, the truth as taught in the Christian religion, respecting God and the execution of his purposes through Christ, and respecting the duties of man, opposing alike to the superstitions of the Gentiles and the inventions of the Jews, and the corrupt opinions and precepts of false teachers

even among Christians.


What is the name of your church/ministry?

side of the four walls to spend time together and get

St. Marks Holy Tabernacle

to know one another better.

In what area of ministry do you serve and your role?

Seminars are put in place yearly to ensure everyone in

I’m am the Leading Lady, worship leader, founder of attendance is equipped and empowered to achieve D.O.P.E. ( Daughters of Purpose Engaging) and I assist their God given purpose. with the youth department. Every year we also have a women’s conference where Does your church/ministry have a women’s department? Yes, it’s called D.O.P.E.

we provide platforms for those who are apart of D.O.P.E. An opportunity to utilize their skills and gifts to have a successful event. Every year the women leaved inspired, empowered and ready to fulfill their

Our Mission:

purpose in life.

We are dedicated to empowering teen girls/women to

reach their full God given potential by inspiring teen This year we’re hosting our very 1st Women’s Retreat. girls/women to become agents of change and great No kids allowed. This is an opportunity for women to leaders in their community. We equip them with re- have some time away from their daily responsibilities sources, opportunities and platforms that facilitates and focus on themselves. We have special guest such networking, learning and sharing of experiences.

as licensed therapist and life coaches that will provide necessary information during our breakout sessions.

Vision Our vision is to open a facility that would house young I desire to see all women, from every walk of life to mothers and provide them with the resources to help succeed in life.

them secure a greater future. D.O.P.E. Is a women’s empowerment group founded in January 2016 by Leading Lady Sherell Ferrer. The group was created with the desire to create the support sys-

What is your No. 1 area of concern for women? My #1 concern is making sure they have adequate support to ensure they succeed in life.

tem She needed growing up as a single mother. 90 per- Impact the world for Jesus by restoring, nurturing and cent of our group is made up of single mothers. building the family unit. While advancing the kingdom We have monthly gatherings where we just let our hair down and talk about life, relationships, spiritual life, family and etc. we also make it our business to go out

of God.

What is your plan to impact your community and the church at large? Our main goal is to impact the community/church, one person at a time. We currently offer seminars and workshops through programs such as Pursuit of Purity. Here is where we teach young girls and boys their value. And provide them with tools to take on their life journey. (Ages range from 10 and up. )

Our D.O.P.E. Group is from ages 18 and up. And here we have monthly gatherings where we support, encourage and celebrate one another. Our ultimate goal is to open a facility that would house young mothers and provide them with the resources to help them get on their feet.

DR. VANESSA WILLIAMS-COOK REAP JOY MINITRIES-MARION SOUTH CAROLINA Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook is the outreach coordina- Total Woman Experience and Rebirth Publications. tor of Rebirth Empowerment Center, in Florence She 1994 graduate of South Carolina State Universi-

SC. Locally she serves as the Administrative Pastor ty with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music Perforand Worship Leader of Reap Joy Ministries in Mari- mance and a minor in Music Merchandising and on SC., under the leadership of Bishop Willie Hou- Management. She is a graduate of His Excellence ston. She is the eldest of two children, married to Theological Seminary in Florence, SC holding a MasJames E. Cook, and mother of three Brandon Alex- ter of Theology Degree, and a Doctor of Philosophy ander, Charles Samuel, and Gabriel Michael- Degree in Christian Counseling. She is also a graduKristopher.

ate of Grand Canyon University with a Master of Science in Psychology with emphasis in Life Coach-

Dr. Cook is the Founder and CEO of Nana’s Girls’

Foundation; a non-profit organization for the reinvention of the total woman. She is the CEO of the

ing. She is an accomplished singer, songwriter. Recording artist and author.

the 21st century church. An entrepreneur at heart, Dr. Cook also published her first magazine The Kingdom’s Journal in 2007. She continues to add to her collection of writings with the

2013 release of both Inside the Inner Chamber of Worship 30-Day Devotional (companion to her premier recording project with like title), Rebirth of the Total Woman Magazine, and Sister 2 Sister (an online Newsletter in 2014). A survivor of domestic violence, Dr. Cook is also the founder of The Annie Ruth Delaney Home for Young Women, which serves women ages 18 -40 who are victims of Domestic Violence, Women in transition, and single mothers. She is also the owner of Genesis Image Consultants –The Rebirth of the Total Woman, teaching women to value themselves and aidAs a gospel artist, and preacher Dr. Cook travels minis- ing them in personal reinvention and redirection. She tering to people from all walks of life. She is a lover of looks forward to the grand opening of Sadie’s (a con-

God’s Word and of God’s people, making no apologies signment and resale boutique for women, named after for standing up for kingdom principles. Her aim and her mother) in 2014. mission is to bring hungry and dying souls back to their rightful place in God, and to empower them for victorious Christian living. Coming from a diverse background, Dr. Cook has served as Youth/Children’s Choir Leader, Sunday School Teacher, Minister of Worship/ Music and Adult Choir Director. In 2002 she served on the ministerial staff of Manna Life Center in Charles-

ton, SC., under the leadership of Elder Kay WG Colleton. There she gave birth to her first solo gospel recording Inside the Inner Chamber of Worship.

On her sophomore recording Songs from the Heart, along with some original works, Dr. Cook takes a look back at the hymns, and songs of our grandparents, songs of generations past. “These were the songs that our grandparents sang in the midnight when they needed to encourage themselves. These are just a few of the songs that I grew up listening to, songs that strengthened my faith and songs that I could pull from when I needed a song in the night. These are songs that my grandmother would sing when trials were

For eight years she served the honorable Bishop Lance hard, sickness plaguing her bodies, and when she just R Jeter for four years as the Chief Administrator for

needed to encourage herself. I would hear her break

Shekinah Fellowship of Churches, training leaders for

forth singing ‘Then sings my soul my Savior God to

Thee…’, or when times were hard and rough she’d Dr. Cook takes us deep into the womb of worship, sing ‘Great is thy Faithfulness.’ Generations of grand- there healing, and restoration of our spirits and minds parents would pull from deep within their souls and take place. II Corinthians 5:17 says that any man that sing songs that had the power to lift their burdens be in Christ is a new creature old thing are passed

and destroy their yokes. Our children don’t know away, behold all things become new.” It is deep in some of these songs and don’t even know what a the womb of worship where this regeneration haphymnal is. We must teach them these songs as part pens. Songs from the Heart will touch you in those of our heritage; songs with substance, songs that will deep places where brokenness resides, those places build and nurture faith, that when a song is needed at where pains of the past have held you captive, and in midnight, they will have something with power that those places where only the Holy Spirit can heal can bring them through troubles and hard times.”

you. Allow these songs to minister to you and allow

Accompanied by some of the leading premier voices the healing power of God Almighty to sweep over of South Carolina, along with anointed musicians, and your soul igniting the fire within. Songs from the under the musical direction of L. Michael Jackson pro- Heart is an experience of divine visitation with the ducer and Douglas (engineer) both of South Carolina. Almighty God our Father.

An excerpt for the 21st Century Apostolic Worship Manual All Rights Reserved Having been in music ministry for over 20 years, as a worship leader, Dr. Vanessa Williams-Cook works tirelessly creating an atmosphere on Sunday morning as she leads the congregation into the presence of the Lord with songs of vibrant praise and worship; with both traditional and contemporary songs that minister unto the hearts of people, but also unto the heart of God. This is not something we should not take lightly. It is important for us to understand that worship is not predicated upon the 20 or 30 minutes spent during the Sunday morning church service. More importantly worship is centered in a consecrat- look at the Holy Scriptures in order to understand ed lifestyle in which the individual is set aside unto what this means. the sacred service of ministering unto God. This includes the practice of spiritual disciplines like fasting, “And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the peoprayer, mediation and study.

ple; (for he was above the people ;) and when he opened it, all the people stood up: And Ezra blessed

Vital to any ministry is vibrant worship. Worship is the signature or the defining aspect of that ministry. It is the vehicle through which the entire person begins to forge a relationship with the Almighty God. The style and dimensions of worship will set the atmosphere, making it conducive for the preached/ prophetic word to flow with ease. Often times, if there is a struggle during that segment of the Sunday Morning Worship experience where the arts are employed, there is also a struggle for the preacher to effectively and easily deliver the word. Let us take a

the Lord, the great God. And all the people answered, Amen, Amen, with lifting up their hands: and they bowed their heads and worshipped the Lord with their faces to the ground.” Nehemiah 8:5-6 The Eng-

lish word worship is derived from an Old English word “worth ship”; this constitutes those actions and attitudes that revere and honor the worthiness of the great God of heaven and earth. Thus, true Christian worship is God-centered, not man-centered. The meaning of the New

Testament Greek word most often thought of God. But Scripture is prophet in the setting of the Jerusatranslated “worship” (proskuneo) is clear in showing us that the woman lem temple. The prophet describes “to fall down before” or “bow down was an important part of God’s cre- his appearance in verse 1 “I saw the before.” Worship is a state (an atti- ation. In addition to being and im- Lord sitting on a throne high and

tude) of spirit. Since it’s an internal, portant and necessary part of crea- lofty; and the hem of His robe willed individual action, it could/should in tion, it is equally important to no- the temple.

Seraphs were in

gratitude for what He has done for tate that the woman, like the man attendance above him; each had six us in Christ and through the Holy was also created in the image and wings: with two they covered their Spirit. It requires a faith commit- likeness of God himself; having in- faces, and with two they covered ment to Him and an acknowledge- tellect, emotion, and will. This their feet, and with two they flew. ment that He is our God and Lord means we can make choices, good And one called to another and said (p. 730)

or bad. There is a certain freedom ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; that comes with being divinely cre- the whole earth is full of His glory.”


ated by God, and that freedom is an God said to Moses on the mountain

What is the connection between extension of God’s love for us as his of Sinai in Exodus 33:20 that “No worship and women? At the risk of daughters. Men and women are one may see my face and live.” For sounding heretical, it must first be equally valued and loved by God, God is holy. He even reveals himself understood that from the inception and we do not have to fight for his sill again to John the Apostle in Revof time, according to Scripture in attention, nor for laws that declare elation 4.

Each time this occurs,

Genesis 1:27 “So God created man us equal.

God requires something of us, and

in his own image, in the image of

that is simply to be in the right pos-

This revolutionizes our worship. ture and position as we worship This sets us aside as people created Him in spirit and in truth. With the male created he them.” And in a s apart of God’s plan to live as his natural (carnal) mind we cannot verse 28 it goes further to say that children. WE cannot even begin to comprehend the things of God. Yet “And God blessed them, and God receive the revelation of God Him- in John 4:4-26 we find the conversasaid unto them, Be fruitful, and mulself except when in the Spirit. Wor- tion between Jesus and this untiply, and replenish the earth, and ship is here God meets His people. seemly subdue it: and have dominion over When inside the inner chamber of the fish of the sea, and over the worship, we are taken to yet anothfowl of the air, and over every living er dimension in the Lord as He rething that moveth upon the earth. veals himself and transforms our This important. For centuries womlives. In Isaiah 6 God appears to his en have been vied as an afterGod created he him, male and fe-

woman, in which despite he indis- the risen Jesus told her to ‘go and ant the people could not bare to cretion and sin, Jesus offers her tell’, apostelle in in Greek. See Mark look upon him. When in the pressomething in exchange for some- 16:1-11, Luke 24:1-11, Matthew ence of God our entire being changthing. What? This woman is no an- 28:1-10, John 20:1-18 .

es, out attitudes change, because

gel. She has a past. But Jesus still

we’ve spent time with Our Father.

offered her an opportunity for Spiritual Rebirth. This rebirth called for a life change.

It is in the atmosphere of worship where the Lord touches the hearts of his people, and blots out our sins. When worship is real, you come

Another woman Mary Magdalene, from the presence of God transwho Luke writes about in Luke 8:1- formed, a new creation, and ready 3, was healed by Jesus of an un- to respond as did Isaiah in verse 8: known disease, was a follower and “Here I am; send me!” In Exodus benefactor of Jesus’ ministry, wit- 33:29-33 we see that when Moses ness to His crucifixion, resurrection, came down from the mountain of and ascension.

She is called God (after spending time in God’s

‘Apostle to the Apostles’, because presence) that his face was so radi-

God is please when He sees us in the outer court. It’s beautiful for a while, but God wants us to get into His presence.

Let us enter into the

rest of God and find solace in times of sorrow and strength in our times of weakness. Most importantly let us find ourselves bowed before the

presence of the Almighty One El’ Shaddai, as He loves on us and we on him.


afflicted with Cancer not once but twice. I know God to be a healer as a matter of fact a miracle worker. This nonprofit organizations was birth the second time I was diagnosed with Cancer that goes to show God was not through with me so I made A conscious decision to live on purpose every day I open up my eyes and take my first breath.

A Walking testimony is what I calls myself Sabine lived a life of full of experiences and mistake in the course of my life I've defined myself as a Walking testimony due to the various trails and tribulations that I had to encounter so my divine belief is that my destiny is fact

greater than my past. I'm going down memory lane where my life has taken the drastic turns and change. The Word of God declares that we over come by the blood of the lamb and by the words of our testimony. I Evangelist Sabine Barreau born in Port-au-Prince Haiti believe that my testimony can set others free. I’m an on October 5, 1982 she migrated to the United States Author of Out Of My Mess God Birthed A Message in march 1989 grew up in crown heights Brooklyn, NY . Sabine is a Wife, Mother, Daughter, Motivational speaker, Mentor, an intercessor, a prayer worshiper most of all a radical Dynamic woman of God. My goal is to make a impact far beyond me to leave behind a kingdom legacy. Evangelist Sabine Barreau is passionate about women from all walks of life especially the misfits, rejects, no names, underdogs, uncommon because she is just that! She is the founder/CEO of Dynamic Women Of Faith And Purpose, Inc.

This organization is designed to raise awareness for lives that’s impacted by CANCER... because I too was


International author, international speaker, certified Christ. She resides in Beaufort, SC and is happily marlife and leadership coach, ordained Evangelist, CEO/ ried to Corey Washington and in a union have four Founder of Zuriel Leadership & Dare To Be Different beautiful daughters Kori, Brezhee, Ajanae, and Kiara. International Ministries, a senior leader within the #1 corporation on the Forbes Fortune 500 list.

Shaniequa started the Dare to Be Different movement in 2013 and hosted her first conference in 2013. Dare

Shaniequa has served in a capacity of leadership for 19 To Be Different International Ministries has now exof her 21-year career and has influenced several thou- panded to West Africa. Her life revolves around imsands of people throughout her leadership. Rising parting, teaching and to leave behind a legacy of exthrough the ranks by delivering illuminating leader- emplary leadership and grace. He favorite words of ship, which illustrates how she shook off mediocrity wisdom that reminds her daily of the cost of freedom, and consistently lives up to their greatness. It is a mes- freedom to live the life we all deserve are from Dr. sage learned from her own life as she helps others to Martin Luther King Jr.’; “One day we will not be judged live theirs. She broke barriers in 2006 in becoming the first African American Female manager in her area of demographics, changing the course of 20 years of Caucasian male leadership. Her motto for leadership comes from a transformation, and a “do not conform" mindset. She signifies her walk leading from the front while daring others to be different. She influenced members of her team to be themselves as they are not meant to be replicas. Knowing and understanding that in leadership, you are called to create, change and move the standard of mediocrity to a standard of excellence. Coming from an environment where one would say she should be a statistic, her journey of exploring who she was really designed to be and embracing it, broke barriers in her life and she is now able to share

the journey with the world. Shaniequa is strong in her faith and believes all things are possible through

by the color of our skin but by the content of our char- Dare To Be Different International Ministries Mission acter�. She believes we have come a long way, but our statement: “Our Mission is to share the gospel globally character has not taken us far enough as a generation. Shaniqua lives to dare the world to see through a different lens, to walk a different walk and impart in a unique way in one that encompasses morality, consistency and quality leadership. She believes vision creates paths, paths create destiny, and destiny leads to the fulfillment of ultimate purpose. What is the name of your church/ministry? Love House Ministries Inc. God has released me to birth my own ministry Dare To Be Different International Ministries. I travel the world providing aid and the word to the world.

while providing aid and support to improve the quality of life for all people affected by poverty through education, support, and advocacy.

Church history: I became a member of Love House In what area of ministry do you serve and your role? I serve as an Evangelist under the leadership of Apostle Ministries in 2008, served in the capacity of a youth Randy and Theresa Roberts.

servant and a team lead and answered the call in 2011

as a Minister of the gospel. Learning to be a true disciDoes your church/ministry have a women’s departple, committing a focused life of living a life of faithfulment? Yes Woman of Purpose lead by Pastor Theresa Roberts ness to the word and not religion I yielded myself to What is your No. 1 area of concern for women? Finding their unique place in God

serve as an Armor Bearer to my leaders. Until the close mantle of my Apostle and the Prophetess of the

house gifts began to and began to walk in the gift of What is your plan to impact your community and the exhortation and began leading Bible Study teachings church at large? Using my gifts that God has given me which is to reveal and filling in for my Spiritual Mother Theresa Roberts to the word in a way that is illuminating drawing wom- teaching on her behalf for her Women's ministry en to not just be Free but to be Free indeed.

"Women of Purpose". In 2012 I continued to have

Love House Ministries Mission begins with

open visions of women's conferences, I yielded myself

Operating in the love of God breaking racial barriers to be spiritually shaped under the leading of my Spirand breaking the spirit of divorce.

itual Mother and in 2013 I birthed my Ministry, Dare to

Be Different International Ministries and hosted my continuing my Annual Conferences, I received a phone first women's conference that was sold out and from call from a Ghanian Native, his wife and I had become this ministry 2 others birthed their ministries. This is acquainted. They are travel agents and he said one when I understood clearly my call as a waterer. I un- day while preparing dinner his wife looked to him and derstood that the word in my belly was not just for stated to cancel the group trip they had and to focus those in front of me, but I began to hear the call of the on bringing me to Africa, and Amsterdam, she said the nations. In 2015 I was called by Jakalyn Carr to MC a Lord told her I was called to mother those nations. In conference she was hosted in my mother's local com- August of 2017, I went to the nations and birthed a munity, this was the unlocking of nations. In 2016 chapter of Dare To Be Different International Minisright after I was on a 21-day consecration I was called tries with the amazing support of my Spiritual Leaders! into the office by my Apostle and he wanted to talk to I still serve faithfully in leadership with Love House me about what I have been hearing from God concern- Ministries, I was content in blooming where I was ing my life and my call. I shared with him that I believe planted taking heed to the word that God will give us

in my heart and confess with my mouth that I am Shepherds after his own heart that will lead us and called to be an Evangelist. My Apostle prayed for me guide us into all truth. that day and I continued to serve faithfully as a team

Message for the 21st Century Women:

leader, Sunday school teacher, Church Anniversary Coordinator, Armor Bearer, Sunday School teacher and In this dispensation, we find that women are lost in mentor to many as I was chosen to teach the new con- their identities as it relates to who they are and mainly verts teaching in ministry. In September of 2016, My who they are in Christ Jesus. There are so many asApostle called my husband and I to the office and pects of living and styles of living and descriptions of asked me if I was ready to answer my call to the na- freedom that many believe they are free only to find they are truly bound. Women are bound to an image, tions. I responded yes! In October of 2016, I was ordained as an Evangelist. In 2017 while working and bound to a lifestyle, bound to relationships. The social

media smoke screens cause them to never really expe- new mercies and the God we serve does not mean for rience the truth of God, (taste and see that the Lord is us to live in our yesterday. The enjoying of fresh oil, good Psalm 34:8) we often see isolation, depression God reminds us not to place it in an old vessel or we and alter egos sitting right in the pew and many times will waste it.

How much oil has been wast-

exhorting from the pulpit. They are tasting from other ed? (Lamentations 3:22-23) . We waste so much oil in plates like the five foolish virgins but they desire to not understanding who we are and what God desires have access to the feast only to find the door closed for us to do that we start traveling on the express in and this is when the spirit of rejection becomes alive the reverse! We start traveling back in our minds to and they call it "judgment". In this place, these wom- relive a former seasons happiness when we felt we en often lose their voice, and they travel on repeat in were relevant. At that point hopes were high and life the tunnels of their past. They can see the light but seemed pretty good, life seemed as if it was worth livcan't seem to move towards it, this is because they ing, and we surely lived it well. When we lose our have not identified their own unique place in God voice, our sight, our focus and get caught in the world which is different than anyone else's path! What I love about God is daily we have new grace,

wind of social status we find that today proves to be too disappointing to live, so we disregard our faith, we

disregard our anointing and become scarecrows to must believe for the impossible and clearly know it is our former lives. Our hearts are still beating, but we happening Jeremiah 33:3. Never become a carbon have stopped living. God reminded us that He has copy to the world realizing carbon fades and bleeds, come to give us life and not just any life but life more do not fade away from Gods truth and do not bleed abundantly! Don't allow former blessings to decay present attitudes, not any attitude but one of gratitude! Driving forward while looking in the mirror, we have made our prior experiences a kind of God! And when we surrender to the past, the present now becomes a curse! Release yourself and receive the oil of joy! Understand your unique place in God and realize that you are different. Look yourself in the mirror and decide to be bold, be brave and be you. Realize that you

false doctrine on the people that God is not a faithful and just God. It is a season for the women to prepare and arise and receive the mantle as the birther in our lives. Men can do many things in the kingdom but the one thing that can't do is birth! God has called us to carry and yield forth fruit! In life, we must realize that life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away. Remember the moment that God took your breath away! He is still that same God somebody shout 'SheRise". It is time to "ReBirth"


tor Schaffer has been married for 43 years. The couple

of the Word That Gives Light Community Ministries,

have three wonderful children, Kenneth Jr., O’Stacia

Inc. She is the wife of Kenneth Schaffer, Senior. Pas-

and their youngest daughter Paige.

from the Holy Spirit School of Ministry in Walterboro, S.C. under the leadership of Dr. Mary B. Memminger. Pastor Schaffer was employed by Charleston County Substance Abuse Commission for ten years as an Ad-

diction's Counselor. While working in the Women's Program, "Step Ahead" she birthed the Word That Gives Light Community Ministries out of her spirit in 1999. She is called to minister and teach the battered, the molested, the abused and forsaken.

Through her

obedience to the call of God on her life, drug addicts and homosexuals have been set free and delivered, cancer victims have been healed, and many signs and wonders have followed. Pastor Schaffer ministers to drug, alcohol and other addicted populations through motivation, empowerment and deliverance with the They also have two granddaughters, Kennedy Maddison Schaffer and Ana’Stacia Kandyce Williamson; three grandsons, Kenneth Bernard Schaffer, III, Micah Von Williamson, and Andrew Christian Williamson. They have one son-in law, Von Williamson. She received her formal education from Durham College in Durham, N.C. where she earned and Associate Degree in Business Administration. She furthered her education at Voorhees College where she received

her Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Management with a minor in Psychology. Apostle Schaffer received the Holy Ghost at 16 years old under the Leadership of Pastor Robert Coaxum at

the Victory Church of God in Christ where she received her foundational teachings. She graduated


of God. Her message is based on the Kingdom to the Body of Christ. What is your plan to impact your community and the church at large? the holistic approach. She believes She is a student of the Covenant of My plan is to locally establish a rethat the “total man” must change Grace. In January 2016, Apostle source/community center. My goal to experience “total victory”. She Schaffer authored her first book; is to facilitate workshops and semicounsels people in life-skills and “The Defining Moment; Season of nars all over the country impacting empowerment to evolve into a Momentum.” In June 2018, Apostle the life of individuals with the prinbetter “you”. Her desire is to al- Schaffer Launched her Brand, “J. ciples of the kingdom! ways be led by the Holy Spirit and Schaffer Kingdom Coach!” Ministry vision help teach and encourage others to What is the name of your church/ The vision of the word that gives walk in their divine destiny. Apostle ministry? Schaffer is the founder of the newly The Word that Gives Light Commu- light community ministry is to serve organized "Lighthouse Academy nity Ministries

and meet the needs of the commu-

LLC" and "Jacqueline B. Schaffer In what area of ministry do you Ministries.” We are a 501© (3) non serve and your role? Apostle Jacqueline Brown-Schaffer; -profit organization. Pastor I serve as the Senior Pastor and Schaffer’s goal is to fulfill her call in Founder the earth by opening “The Word

nity locally and at large. Our goal is to establish a multipurpose facility. To service individuals by empower-

ing them with kingdom principles. Does your church/ministry have a That Gives Light Resource/ women’s department? To educate individuals by impacting Transitional Center.” In the year Yes, we do have a women’s departthem with self-esteem and self2005 under the leadership of the ment called “Sistas Circle.” worth values. Holy Spirit, the ministry partnered What is your No. 1 area of concern To train with computer knowledge; with the Kenneth Copeland Minis- for women? tries. Apostle Schaffer is a 2008 My number one concern for wom- GED’s and job readiness. Grace Magazine Icon Award Recipi- en is empowerment. Women wear Our goal is to encourage individuals ent. She was honored by the Pro- so many hats. Many times, they to become entrepreneurs lose themselves serving others. ject Love Organization in 2015. They do not know their own self- The knowledge of kingdom princiIn October 2011 Pastor Schaffer ples will empower people to be worth. They fail to have others to was consecrated to the office of an talk to about their own issues. I be- who they were created to be. Apostle to the Lord’s Church. Her assignment is to release precepts

and concepts of the principles of

lieve God has anointed me to build These principles will release confiwomen up so that they know that dence to help people to fulfil their they are not second-class citizens divine destinies. or an after-thought.


What is the name of your church/ministry? Lynne Mifflin Ministries, Inc. In what area of ministry do you serve and your role?

I am the sole founder of Lynne Mifflin Ministries, Inc. and the Pastor of New Realm Kingdom Outreach & Resource Center Does your church/ministry have a women’s department? My ministry has Women's Conferences and Fellowships What is your No. 1 area of concern for women? My No. 1 concern for Women is discovering their own self-worth and potential and fulfilling destiny What is your plan to impact your community and the church at large? As far as community goes: I have a burden for young people. Somebody must reach out to them in love and help them seize hold of positive HOPE. There are not enough fruitful activities for the young people in my community. Idle time is very dangerous. I want an active church in recreation, education and praise and worship. I also have a burden for the hungry and homeless. I would love to be able to provide resources

to help in those areas. The Mission of my Ministry is to provide an atmosphere where all can BREATHE spiritually, relax, enjoy Jesus and life through various functions, events, and gatherings.

My Message to the 21st Century Women It's 2018. I am a Saved, Black-American Woman. I cannot speak for all women but possibly for those within my own paradigm.

As I listened to a You-Tube video recently of a wellknown Man of God who was sharing a life experience that involved his young daughter, I suddenly became aware that my own experiences were very similar and I realized that all of this time of feeling alienated and singled-out was a falsehood . God had not singled me out to suffer the things that I had and i immediately got a revelation that there probably are women all over the world with similar experiences to mine who just need to know that they are not alone, or crazy, or under some type of curse.

pointments, humiliations, embarrassments, deaths and more. Some of us like Job, have not gotten a chance to recuperate from one shocker before the next wave is already forming and heading our way. Our emotions have been all over the place. We have gone from happy to sad, hurt, confused, angry, and just plain NUMB. But......if you stay tuned to our station you will see us come back, resurrect and fight back. I believe that if women know who they are and realize their own self-worth then really nothing will be able to totally overtake them. Some of us have come really close to giving up. Some have even been suicidal...but there is something about a woman that can tap in to the God inside of her and pull herself up by her own bootstraps and decide to LIVE! I want to speak to that woman.

I did it....and so can YOU!

If there is one thing that I have learned about wom- My message to every woman everywhere is that YOU en...especially women of color....we are survivors. ARE AMAZING....right by yourself. If your head is Somebody can relate. down, lift it up. Tap into the inner strength of God. You have no idea how phenomenal you, disDevastation hits our families, sicknesses, financial cover, discover. troubles, divorce, jail-time, personal failures, disap-

TAMMY MORGAN APOSTLE, PASTOR & INTERCESSOR BREAKTHROUGH TO GLORY MINISTRIES MICHIGAN Apostle Tammy {Tamar) Morgan is the founder and CEO of DOJ Ministry and Breakthrough to Glory Ministries established November 12, 1997. Breaking Through to Glory radio ministry aired for the first time in Detroit Michigan, and later in Texas, GA, Tennessee, and some parts of Africa. As a Teacher and Apostle, Tammy travels to teach, equip and help others walk in their purpose and destiny. Tammy has a unique and peculiar anointing that brings restoration healing, and deliverance to the body of Christ. Tammy accepted her call to apostleship into the office of an Apostle in 2013. Apostle Morgan studied at the Benny Hinn Ministry “Operating in the Anointing.”

Apostle Tammy heart's desire is to please God nity workshops to empower young mothers. I also through her acts of obedience to His Word and have in the making the development and the HIS will for her life.

Because she has a heart to Launch of Rosetta’s Children Foundation in the Mass

serve God and His people, God has opened many area. Rosetta’s Children Foundation is a tribute to doors for Tammy to teach, and equip the body of my mother who passed away when I was 5, and a Christ through the healing power of the Holy Spir- testimony of the struggles I personally faced beit. In 2014, the School of Ministry was established to cause I did not receive counseling and coping skills, train and to equip the Five-Fold Ministers to go out therefore I found myself feeling abandoned by my

into the vineyard .

mother. My purpose and goal is to provide grief counseling for children who’ve lost one, or both par-

What is the name of your church/ministry? Breakthrough to Glory Ministries


In what area of ministry do you serve and your role? Deliverance and Prophetic/ Apostle and founder

The Needs of the 21st Century Women I believe the needs of the 21st century women is to

Does your church/ministry have a women’s department?

be recognized, and celebrated for their worth and value. We are a changing society and we’re starting

Yes, we do have a women department; The Daugh- to see a rapid movement of women positioning in ter of Judah. We visit the sick and shut in, we have a the workplace, the marketplace, and in politics. I women bible study group and we host women gath- believe women have earned a rightful place in these erings through the year as well.

positions that were once labeled for the men only club. We are seeing an outstanding growth of wom-

What is your No. 1 area of concern for women? My number 1 concern and compassion is to see God’s daughters emotionally healed, walking in the calling and purpose God has for them.

en empowerment; as well as, women empowering themselves by taking on these challenges by doing the work and going after the positions we were told we wasn’t qualify to pursue. Whether it’s through extended education or entrepreneurship we are

What is your plan to impact your community and the breaking down those walls. church at large? There was a time women wore, “The devil Wears My plan is to impact my community through Prada” label in order to be noted as successful leadmeeting the need of the people by providing cloth- ers. But I believe we have stepped into a new seaing/food for struggling families, and hosting commu- son with greater opportunities to be strong caring

Although we are seeing our society changing, there’s still much work to do in this great movement for women to be valued. Often times there’s an unspoken undertone to success; especially as it relates to women, this undertone gives out a false impression that women cannot have it all; but we Can! I believe the greater challenge may be identifying what having it ALL looks like individually? Having it all may vary from woman to woman, but that’s ok because we can benefit from each other, making us strong together. The message for the women of the 21 st century is to remember the successes and failures of the earlier pioneers who paved the way for women today, to lead in boardrooms, schools, and churches. Giving oneself permission to be different by going where “no man has gone before.” I encourage all women leaders, making firm decisions and leading a team of future leaders.

whether I’m speaking at a conference or leading in a boardroom, to challenge yourself, step out on the water, pursue your vision, trust God and win!

The 21st century women have a clear understanding of who they are while standing, and fighting on the frontline; having the courage to take a quantum leap over any and all challenges. The 21 century women are educated, talented, and gifted women who will no longer settle for just “bringing home the bacon and frying it in the pan,” but they are women who are looking for equality and they will speak their truth by saying, let us fry the bacon together, let us lead together, and let us conquer

and pursue together.

Apostle Tammy Morgan

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Lots more. I was stuck. Boxed in and hampered by: ● The opinions of others ● The fear of failure ● Imposter Syndrome ● Doubt ● Not feeling I was enough What is the name of your church/ministry? I had to get outside-the-box of limiting beliefs I created Kick Boxing Believers, L.L.C. is where I do ministry in for myself. the marketplace by teaching individuals and groups how to achieve prosperity and personal success by re-

leasing mental restraints of self-limiting belief systems. In what area of ministry do you serve and your role? I am an ordained Elder in Christian ministry.

I had to get out of my way to enjoy the FREEDOM to have, to do, and to be who I wanted to be.

And I’m here to help women do the same.

What is your plan to impact your community and the Does your church/ministry have a women's departchurch at large? ment? The majority of those I help are women. My plan to impact my community and church at large What are your No. 1 area of concern for women? is to continue to do ministry in the marketplace. I use I did it! I was earning a comfortable six-figure income. I my skills as a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Speaker, had the corner office that included a conference table Teacher, and Trainer to help others achieve the proswith chairs, three large picture windows overlooking a perity and success they desire in life. well-maintained park, support staff, a team of 13 professionals. I was making significant decisions and I plan to continue volunteering in women’s and men’s moves. I was successfully launching my children into young adulthood. I was getting promoted in my area of spiritual practice. The date was set for my ordination in the Christian faith. From the outside looking in, I had it all. Everything seemed great. What more could I possibly want?

shelters. Teaching and demonstrating that it is possi-

ble to transition from where they are to living the life they want to live as a result of implementing biblical principles.

tor, A.L. Colston, was preaching an amazing message Success comes from God. It’s in our DNA and our birthabout allowing God to use you. My mother was a Dearight! coness in the church and was serving that particular A summary of your church's/ministry's vision Sunday. I was seated next to her best friend, Sister The vision of the ministry in the marketplace that I proHouston. vide is to teaching individuals and groups how to I began feeling the power of the Holy Spirit envelop me. achieve prosperity and personal success by releasing I was crying, praying, and speaking in other tongues. I mental restraints of self-limiting belief systems. Emasked Sister Houston what was happening with me and powering, inspiring, and equipping women and men to she calmly said, the Lord is calling you and baptizing be all that God has created them to be! you with His Spirit so you can do the work He has for Church history:

you to do. I went with it. In the midst of my experi-

I was raised in church from a very early age. With full

ence I had a vision of people all different ages, colors,

understanding I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and

nationalities, etc. They were all asking me for help and

Savior at five years old. I remember being baptized by

I was speaking to them; teaching and preaching. I

Holy Spirit and called to preach when I was nine years

heard as clear as day, “go to the uttermost parts of the

old. I will never forget sitting in Glendale Baptist

earth and preach My Word.”

Church on Gault Place, NE Washington, D.C. The Pas-

ment executive meeting with myself. That meeting led to this transparent moment. I did it! I was earning a comfortable six-figure income. I had the corner office that included a conference table with chairs, three large picture windows overlooking a well-maintained park. I had support staff and a team of professionals I managed. I was The irony of my experience is that Pastor Colston did not believe women were called to preach so I kept the experience to myself until my family and I joined Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, in Ft. Washington, Maryland when I was eleven. My entire spiritual world changed and I thrived in that environment.

making major decisions and moves. I was successfully launching my children into young adulthood. I was getting promoted in my area of spiritual practice. The date was set for my ordination in the Christian faith. From the outside looking in, I had it all. Everything looked great. What more could I possibly want?

In adulthood my parents Pastors James and Caroline Lewis, started Sons of God Outreach Christian Ministries in Washington, D.C. I serve alongside them. I

Lots more. I was stuck inside a box and screaming to

break free.

was ordained by Bishop Kevin V. Gresham, Sr., the Boxed in and hampered by the opinions of others, Senior Pastor of Greater Saint John Cathedral. Originally published on June 9, 2018

I’m writing this in the wake of infamous women’s handbag death.

and Her

lifestyle life

brands and



Spade’s inspired

me. Brains. Beauty. Balls. She had the moxie to pursue her passion and achieved success on her terms, or so it appeared. Her departure extends the opportunity for other middle-aged women, like me, to reexamine and redefine success. Several years ago I had to take an honest look in the mirror. I had to have a no judg-

the fear of failure, imposter syndrome, doubt, and not feeling I was enough.

I had to get outside-the-box of limiting beliefs I

I revised my story-narrative. My middle-age is a

created for myself. I had to get out of my own

blessing because it facilitates the value I bring to

way to enjoy the FREEDOM to have, to do, and to the table! be who I wanted to be. I uncovered and dealt with my limiting beliefs to start my business, get or-

Manifest my unique S.H.I.N.E.TM Anytime I fell the

dained, write a few books, speak professionally,

self-limiting beliefs creeping up into my mind and

and become a coach.

my soul I encourage myself to ‘S.H.I.N.E.’

But I wasn’t always so clear on how to achieve the ‘S.H.I.N.E.’ is an acronym I created to remind me life I wanted. Following are the three steps I took of steps 1 and 2 and to show up, honestly, inten-

to achieve success and I help other middle-aged women do the same:

tionally, no excuses. It’s never too late to live the life you want. It’s

Believe in my valued self. I had to remind myself

never too late to reevaluate what success means,

of the total value that I bring to the table.

looks and feels like for you. I leave you my middle -aged com-padres with these three thought-

Experience. Knowledge. Skills. Abilities.

provoking questions:

Strengths and weaknesses. Self – what value do you bring to the table? Create my revised story. I stopped telling myself to keep me from starting my business, getting or- Story – how may you need to revise your narradained, writing books, speaking professionally, tive? etc. Instead of seeing my middle-age as a curse,

DR. DELPHINE POWELL LIVE IMPACT PRAYER GLOBAL MINISTRY NEW YORK What is the name of your church/ministry? Live Impact Prayer Global Ministry

Does your church/ministry have a women’s department? My Ministry does cater to woman, men and youth.

In what area of ministry do you serve and your role? I serve empowering God’s people by the written word What is your No. 1 area of concern for women? My number one area concern for woman is that someof God, prayer and demonstration of gifts of the Holy times we don’t have the safe place to exhale our Spirit.

Dr. Powell holds an honorary Doctorate Degree in Ministry. She obtained an international certified Chaplaincy. Dr. Powell served 9 years in the Women N Power International Ministries, where she was a prayer moderator, National Regional Director, and later elevated to President of the Ministries. She has taught and trained Bishops, Pastors, Evangelists, Teachers, and Leaders during her tenor equipping them for kingdom building. Dr. Powell endeavors to reach God’s children by teaching kingdom focus and kingdom building to usher in kingdom purpose. She enjoys outreached that include youth. She has hosted various outreach incentives

such as health fairs, clothing drives, food drives and business empowerment workshops. She has travelled the Untied States hosting men, women and teen conferences. Many have witnessed globally the hand of God upon her life with signs, miracles and wonders folemotions , struggles, and challenges were as , strug- lowing. gles, as we wouldn’t be judge but rather get the supDelphine is a prayer warrior and a lover of God’s Logos port we need to prosper in the things of God. We need and Rhema word. Along with training and equipping to be reminded of Titus 3: 4-5, which states season God’s people for ministry, she has a passion for people woman should teach the younger woman’s the many to be healed mentally, physically and spiritually. Everyfolds of Kingdom principles. where she goes, she always has a word of encourageWhat is your plan to impact your community and the ment. Her favorite Bible verse is Psalm 107:2 “Let the church at large? Currently, I’m a newly author of My House Your House, redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed A Prayerful Memoir which is my on of my Kingdom as- from the hand of the enemy”. Her favorite quote is signment to deploy the power of prayer, to encourage, from Smith Wigglesworth who said “Some people like and empower. Also, to continue to host conference, to read their bibles in the Hebrew; some like to read it workshop to develop and launch people into their pur- in the Greek; I like to read it in the Holy Spirit”.

pose and destiny.


ance.” Does your church/ministry have a women’s department? Our church have a very active women’s ministry. I am the Founder and CEO of “Grace Women’s Alliance, Grace Girls & Grace Global Ministries. What is your No. 1 area of concern for women? Empowering women to identify their purpose and to reach their full potential. What is your plan to impact your community and the church at large? The ministry of JJFWC works to impact the local communities by first; being visible in that community and to be a beacon of light and hope to those we come in contact with. We do this by providing the use of our facility for a storm shelter during threatening weather conditions. Also we provide hot meals to the homeless and those in need. In addition, we volunteer the assistance What is the name of your church/ministry? Jehovah Jireh Family Worship Center-North & South Destiny Christian Fellowship of Churches

of a staff of 7 educators to help tutor students who require additional after school assistance. Our Mission:

Charleston, SC- North Charleston, SC & Ravenel, SC Jehovah Jireh Family Worship Center: In what area of ministry do you serve and your role? Teaching families to love GOD, and to love each other Pastor, Elect-Lady and Founder of “Grace Women’s Alliso that the world can see GOD’s love through us!


What is the name of your church/ministry? Power House Holiness Church In what area of ministry do you serve and your role? Women’s/youth/evangelism ministry leader and Praise Team Leader. Does your church/ministry have a women’s department? Yes What is your No. 1 area of concern for women? Overcoming addictions, poverty, depression and anxiety, fears, trauma and abuse and walking in complete wholeness in Jesus Christ. Being healed, whole and delivered. Walking in complete freedom and fulfilling

your purpose on this earth. And for wives to love their husbands, cover them and war in the spirit on their behalf. What is your plan to impact your community and the church at large? I have a unique ministry, I know I have been called to equip and heal the misfits, the marginalized, the outcasts, addicted and abused. My plan is to bring the glory of God to the darkest of places and let the light

of God shine and bring hope to the hopeless. I host community abuse awareness forums to give a voice to the voiceless, such as trafficked and domestic violence survivors, rape victims etc. I am a part of the “ Ceasefire” committee where we march through the streets of the community encouraging everyone to stop gun violence. I am currently employed with an organization that does case management, employment readiness, cognitive behavioral services and community engagement for formerly incarcerated individuals and

homeless populations. We bring hope and resources to populations that are seen as hopeless, helpless and criminals. I participate in and host clothing giveaways and food pantries for the homeless, Christmas toy drives, Backpack giveaways, and holiday food giveaways . As well as various women’s conferences encouraging women to seek God in all they do, walk in holiness and be a light in a

dark world. I have a book coming out encouraging young wives to fall in love with their husbands again, dedicate their lives and marriages to Christ and be examples in word and deed. This book will encourage young wives to weather the storms that will come and trust God to be the anchor in their marriage.

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whole from their past hurts and since that time we have transitioned to a ministry to assist men, women and children. We partner with local ministries each year to do back to school drives, feed the homeless and educating the people of God. What is your No. 1 area of concern for women? In 2016 Prophetess Letisha began writing her first book entitled “Sojourner, The Life of a Prophet”. It was released in 2017 along with an inspiring book for women entitled REAL Women, the Story Behind the Robe. The REAL acronym stands for Righteous, Equipped, Anointed and Loving. This second book inspires women in the ministry to let them know that we ARE called by God. What is the name of your church/ministry? Grace Outreach Ministries founded in 2008 which was founded by Prophetess Letisha Rice in Atlanta, Georgia. In 2017 Prophetess Letisha was joined by God to her husband Elder Cortez Peterson and they now co-labor

together in the ministry. This is an international minis-

Just as we are called to preach and teach the word, we are mighty women, soft, loving and kind wives, mothers and everything else that God has called us to be. We are READY for the world because God has equipped us!!

try that God has laid on our hearts to partner with oth- What is your plan to impact your community and the church at large? er ministries to further the Kingdom of Heaven. They host a monthly prayer and prophetic call which In what area of ministry do you serve and your role? Founder and Prophetess and the wife of Elder Cortez Pe-

includes people from all over the world the first Sun-

terson and between the two of them, they have five

ily members and God has blessed it to turn into an in-

boys, two girls ages 36 to 21 years old. They also have

ternational teaching tool for the prophetic. Elder Cor-

three grandchildren, two boys and one girl whom they

tez also hosts a men’s ministry in which he ministers to

adore. They believe that ministry starts at home and

the homeless as well as those recently incarcerated

they strive to see all of their children working in the

and released. Prophetess Letisha has a degree in Psy-

Kingdom of God alongside of them.

chology and has also been a nurse for over twenty

Does your church/ministry have a women’s department? When the ministry was initially started in 2008 it was based around assisting women to heal and become

day of each month. The call began with only a few fam-

years. Together the couple minister to other couples in need as well as teach on the benefits of a healthy church as a whole is by getting back to the basic spiritual life. Our plan is to impact our community and the

foundation of love and the word of God. Matthew


22:36-40 says ……“Teacher, which is the greatest command- Our vision is global OUTREACH which includes not just ment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all

people in need overseas but also those who are in need

your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the

right in our own cities. Grace and its partner churches

first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

are dedicated to putting this mission into action by collectively providing a range of charitable, educational, community development, religious, and human service

A summary of your church’s/ministry’s vision

Our Vision

activities. These activities help people realize their Godgiven potential which feeds not only their spiritual

The vision of Grace Outreach Ministries is to provide ministry with a holistic approach that seeks to minister to the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of the individual both locally and internationally just as Christ

needs but their physical needs as well and builds a relationship with the church and community through faith in Jesus Christ.

PASTOR DEBRA ROYAL-FLYNN THE LET GO AND LET GOD INTERNATIONAL OUTREACH MINISTRIES/ NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION NEW JERSEY What is the name of your church/ministry? Does your church/ministry have a women’s department? The Let Go And Let God International Outreach Minis- Yes, "The Women Of God Walking in the Beauty Of tries /Non Profit Organization In what area of ministry do you serve and your role? Pastor Debra Royal Flynn the CEO/FOUNDER

Holiness God" has allowed us to meet many Women in our community that is very in much need. We have just relocated and we will have a Women Department up and running soon as we get situated.

What is your No. 1 area of concern for women? Debra Royal-Flynn, Born in Elizabeth, NJ raised in My biggest concern for Today's Women is being si- Newark, NJ the mother of five handsome young men lent, we must continue to speak out and talk about the grandmother of eight grandchildren. She always our needs as well as what's going on in our lives from loved God from a very young age. She was twelve sexual Harassment, Physical Abuse, Mental Abuse, years old when she first became saved and as she Domestic Violence and more, to things that are going grew in the Lord she received the Baptism of the Hoon in some of Churches. We have been so afraid to ly Spirit. In (2012) she was Ordained and Licensed as speak out for so many years now we are getting Rev. Debra Royal-Flynn by Pastor Leslie L. Jones Jr. at some feedback, somebody is listening. God made us Charity Baptist Church in Newark, NJ. She graduated strong Women and we want justice in our today soci- from business school, successfully completed The ety.

Domestic Violence Response Team Training and other Business courses. She went to Barringer High

What is your plan to impact your community and the School in Newark, New Jersey for four years in 1976. church at large? She does Chaplaincy Work at University Hospital in Our plan is to reach out in our Community, to do the Newark, NJ. She is also a Pastor in Old Bridge, NJ At work that God has Called us to do, to Preach and The Raritan Bay Medical Center Hospital in the PastoTeach the true word of God; to evangelize and comral Care Clergy Department and The Perth Amboy, NJ pel the lost souls to come to Christ; to meet the Raritan Bay Medical Center Hospital. She completed needs of God's people with food, clothing, bibles, Visualized Bible Study Series, was Awarded Certificaeducation on God work and more. tions in GBI-Bible Synthesis in 2009. She's also a Praise & Worship Leader for varies Churches around the cities, was the Director of the Women’s Ministry at Central Assembly of God in Newark, NJ for some time. Debra Royal-Flynn is the CEO/FOUNDER of the "Let Go and Let God International Outreach Ministries" A Non- Profit Organization in Old Bridge NJ where She serve as Pastor. She also appears as a guest speaker at other Churches and Events, often called to sing at funerals and Weddings etc. She was a guest honoree for the URA Warrior event that took place in (Soho) New York and also appeared on the Oprah Winfrey OWN Network ‘s last episode of

Love in the City. She has done background vocals for Coming Out Of A Dark Place a Biography of her Life. various groups around the City of New Jersey and the and the other one is We Are One, you can find her New York City areas and now has her very own Gos- books and CD on pel CD entitle "I Will Never Forget Who Brought Me

Out". She writes and sings her own lead & background vocals. In 2009 she hosted the Successful Women's Prayer Ministry. She is married to the wonderful and loving Pastor Michael A. Flynn an awesome man of God. We can be found in Prisons, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Ministering on the streets to those who are in need of help, those who wants to better their lives, and those who have been wounded, brokenhearted, confused, misused, addicted, and abused. She is the Author of two Books one entitled

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