Building Words 构词
a-sleep asleep
high-er higher
睡着的,熟睡的 较高的
dis-ci-ple disciple mas-ter master pow-er power cre-a-tion creation
Building Sentences 造句
The wind became stronger and stronger.
The waves became higher and higher.
The lake became _____ er and _____er. (Use a one-syllable adjective.)
The _____ became _____ er and _____er.
Building Understanding
Verbs be-came became cov-er cover
Jesus had taught people all day. Now it was evening. He and His disciples got into a boat. They would leave the crowds of people behind. Would they finally be able to rest?
Jesus got into a boat. His disciples followed Him.

Jesus said, “Let’s go over to the other side of the lake.”
Some disciples rowed the boat. Jesus was tired. He fell asleep. 几个门徒划船。

A wind began to blow. The wind became stronger and stronger. The waves became higher and higher.

The waves covered the boat. The disciples were all wet. The boat filled with water.

Still Jesus slept. He did not wake up. 耶稣依然在睡觉

The disciples shouted to Jesus:

“Master, save us! We are going to die.”
Jesus stood up.
He said to the wind, “Be quiet!”
He said to the waves, “Be still!”

At once, the wind stopped blowing. The lake became calm.

The disciples were amazed. “What kind of man is this?” they asked. “Even the wind and the waves obey Him!” 门徒们很惊讶。“这是什么人呢?”

Jesus has power over the wind and the waves. 耶稣的大能胜过风浪。
Where have you seen God’s power in creation?
Where have you seen God’s power in your own life?
What is this?
This is (a) __________.

What are these? 这些是什么?

These are __________.

What is he?
What are they? 他是什么? 他们是什么?

He is __________.
They are __________.
How about you?
You calmed the oceans and their roaring waves. You calmed the angry words and actions of the nations. Psalm 65:7 (NLV)
使诸海的响声和其中波浪的响声,并万民的喧哗,都平静了。 诗篇 65-7
Fill in the missing words.
You calmed the _______ and their roaring _______ . You calmed the angry _______ and ________ of the nations.
1. What does God calm?
2. What would you like God to calm in your own life? Have you asked Him?
在你的生活中,你想要神使什么平静?你已经向神祈求了吗? 14