Xander’s Space An astrological overview of the coming season
here's a lot going on in the sky over the next few months, with almost all of the planets doing their best to assert their dominance. They each have a message for us if we just listen! One of the big themes of 2021 is the square between Saturn and Uranus, which increases and decreases in magnitude throughout the year. After easing off in March, this energy gradually intensifies again throughout April. The main characteristic you're likely to feel here is a struggle between restriction and freedom, or between conformity and rebellion. This is particularly highlighted around 21st-25th April when Mercury and Venus join the party too. This pull between Saturn in Aquarius (where he will stay for the next two years) and three planets in Taurus will have distinctly Venusian overtones, meaning we could
be faced with a battle between what we want and what is right. The next big story is Jupiter's ingress into Pisces, which will provide a window of muchneeded relief after the events of the last twelve months. It's far from plain sailing, but here we are presented with an opportunity to enjoy some respite. This will start on 13th May and last until 28th July. For this period Jupiter will be out of the clutches of oppressive Saturn and on his home turf in the land of empathy, compassion and oneness. These two months will serve as a preview of 2022, so take the time to pay attention to what happens in the realm of opportunities and growth. To gain some insight as to how this could affect you personally, think back to 2010 and the events that helped you grow then. Jupiter cycles work with surprising consistency!
Another important date to watch out for is 26th May when there is a total lunar eclipse in Jupiter's other home sign, Sagittarius. This represents a culmination of events that started on 14th December 2020. Eclipses tend to signify surprises that take a while to play out, so look back to December to figure out what this could mean for you. Then we have the second Mercury retrograde of the year, which occurs this time in Mercury's own sign of Gemini, the sign of conversation and fact-finding. This starts on 29th May and will last until 22nd June. Things to watch out for include misinterpreted details, unfortunate dualmeanings and malicious gossip. Now is a good time to remember not to believe everything you hear!
Xander (Alex Phillips-Yates) is an astrology student, currently studying with the London School of Astrology. He is available for one-to-one consultations at a reduced rate and can be contacted by emailing xanderastrology@gmail.com. He lives in Lancaster with his husband and an army of cats, and his other passions include writing fiction and getting lost in the hills. 30
Roots of Life Wellness Magazine www.therootsoflife.co.uk