SGI Contact Centre Playbook

Page 5

The role of Avaya

A good way to enter your Log In ID is to first listen for a dial tone…select your button…..listen for the connecting sound…..and viola!!! You’re logged on.

The AVAYA SYSTEM is the main source of the Call Centre functionality. It is an advanced phone system which uses computer technology to support and report on the daily use and performance of The Team. Our core goals, i.e. New Business Conversions, Policy Info/ Queries, and Retention levels are measured through set metrics derived from the data gather from the AVAYA System. The overall Performance of the Call Centre is summarised in a comprehensive report which indicates that we are achieving the departmental goal, “SERVICE LEVELS.” SERVICE LEVELS are strongly weighed at 82%, and the UNAVAILABILITY of the Call Centre Representative can seriously impact our overall performance. To effectively report on SERVICE LEVELS and explain low trending results, each representative must log into the phone with their assigned confidential LOG IN ID.


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