International Newsletter - 2009

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O L A T I B U L K n o Sa l er t t e l s w e N al n o i t a n r e t In

International Edition Publisher Salo Clubhouse (est.2008)

The clubhouse is a restorative member community formed by paid staff and people whose lives have been disrupted by mental illness. The clubhouse offers peer support and goal-directed activities.

Printed in Media hut, our IT-unit

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CONTENTS Editorial ……………………………... 3 Katja Taimela’s greetings …………. 4 A trip to Leirisalo ……………………. 4 It all started from garlic dressing ….. 6 Catching up after summer ………… 7 Member interviews …………………. 8 Childhood home ……………………. 9 I’m no more lonely …………………. 10 Markku’s travels ……………………. 10 Meet the staff ……………………….. 11 My best friend ………………………. 12 Visitor statistics ……………………... 12 Thoughts on standards …………….. 13

Arja Timonen

This issue was translated and compiled by Niko Virtanen

Funding RAY & city of Salo

Finland is a country in northern Europe. Its population is about 5.4 million. There are 22 Fountain Houses in Finland, all of them located in the southern parts of the country. The Clubhouse concept has a succesful history and it continues to thrive in Finland.


Free time – accomplishing or relaxing

What’s your free time like? Mother Nature shows us her beauty every day in

The University of Jyväskylä recently published a thesis on the free time of Finnish people. Have you given any thought to your own way of spending free time?

forms of trees rimed with frost, colorful leaves, sunny afternoons and calm, light summer nights. Do you go for walks? Have you taken beautiful pictures? Do you have a friend to share this with, perhaps over a cup of coffee? Do you own a furry personal therapist?

The study by Hanna Vehmanen shows that Finnish free time is highly work orientated. Vehmanen wants to make people contemplate their attitude towards their own free time and to that of others. The research material shows that free time can be a serious per-

We here in Salo Clubhouse have a growing photographic exhibition of our members’ pets. Their wise and comforting eyes, soft fur and unselfish love are a source of strength for many.

formance to Finns. A trip to the summer cottage can turn into a work camp and jogging is done gnashing one´s teeth. It raises concerns if satisfaction is gained through efficiency and accomplishing. There’s nothing wrong if genuine satisfaction can be gained through such methods. However, free time can turn into a rat race, cause additional stress and become a wearing factor to one’s mental health. On the other hand, the thesis shows that free time creates communality. Personal relationships formed through hobbies and interests can compensate for those that come with temporary work, and even for disrupted personal life and loosening family ties.


I wish you great joy among the wonders of nature and with people close to you. Enjoy life! Jenni

MP Katja Taimela sends her greetings from the Finnish Parliament

there are different working teams

healthcare and equal availability

and projects.

for services, care and help for citizens. These needs are empha-

It requires hard work to make the practices set by the working parties really succeed and to make the lives of rehabilitees easier.

sized in these times of economical depression when unemployment (e.g.) is rapidly increasing. Solidarity and care for other people are key elements for our well being.

Now it’s essential to guarantee Summery greetings from the Finnish Parliament.

mental care in the same way that is done with other healthcare services. Along with care guarantee,

I recently signed a written question we decision-makers should have prepared by my colleague Merja better information on how services Kuusisto. It inquired Minister

I wish you all a warm summer and lots of hugs with the words of poet Tommy Tabermann: “ When you hesitate, ask how much courage you dare leave unused today.”

in different parts of Finland are put Hyssälä about the development of into practice. support services for mental health rehabilitees. What we can deduce from the Minister´s answer is that

Katja Taimela Welfare always starts with securing sufficient financial resources

A trip to Leirisalo Salo Clubhouse made an overnight trip to Leirisalo on August the 26th. We swam, had sauna baths, rowed boats around the lake, enjoyed good food and relaxed in the tranquility of nature. Our group was small but extremely lively.

Time flew and everybody was eager to stay a second night. This kind of excursion supports communality in a fresh way.

We’re looking forward to the next time!


With a sunny greeting,

Patron of Salo Clubhouse


It all started from garlic dressing

Kirsi has been a member of the Clubhouse since the

dressing today, I thank you for such consideration.”

start, August 2008. Sam applied for membership in

Sam immediately responded with enthusiasm and

September 2008.

asked if he could see Kirsi the next day. That day

The paths of the young couple didn´t cross often in

happened to be the 11

the beginning, as Sam came to the clubhouse from

so it came to be.

Särkisalo, a village 40 kilometers from Salo. He



On the 12

of May, Kirsi’s birthday. And

of June, they had coffee in honor of their

worked in the kitchen mostly during the mornings.

engagement, they moved to their mutual home in the

Kirsi seldom stopped by because she participated in

beginning of July and the wedding bells rang on Au-

rehabilitating employment.

gust the 6 .

One beautiful day off in May this year, Kirsi came to


The newlyweds plan to visit the clubhouse actively in

the clubhouse for lunch. Sam was once again in

the future. Of course, plans for common free time ac-

charge of cooking. The food was delicious as always.

tivities are in place. They already signed up for an

However, Kirsi wanted a small supplement: there was

English course at the adult education centre.

no garlic salad dressing. Kirsi remembers asking if there was any garlic dress-

On the day when they met there was tuna-lasagna,

ing. Not this time, Jenni shouted from the kitchen.

salad and chocolate mousse on the menu. How did

Sam intervened and assured that there would be gar-

that old proverb about reaching another person’s

lic dressing if only Kirsi waited for a while. Sam con-

heart with food go again?

jured up a dressing with fresh garlic in a matter of seconds. That same night Kirsi spotted Sam in Facebook and wrote to him: “I’m the one to whom you made garlic

Sam & Kirsi 6.8.2010 Congratulations! 6

Interviewers: Kikka & Arja

Catching up after summer





Petri P






Riku has had a good summer. He has been working

Rock concerts and festivals have played a big part in

since May and describes his job as nice. He contin-

Matias’ summer. He’s been to such festivals as RMJ,

ues working as a regular employee. During the sum-

Ruisrock, Provinssirock, Ankkarock, DBTL, Ilosaari-

mer he’s been coming to the clubhouse regularly. He

rock and Sonisphere.

has also seen friends and gone swimming at Lehmi-



Marjo spent the hot summer mostly swimming at a


summer cottage in Nummi-Pusula. She also spent

Nina’s summer has gone smoothly. She has been

time with her brother’s children. The highlight of her

coming to the clubhouse all summer, a few times a

summer was when Matti and Teppo (a famous pop

week. Her time has gone nicely by swimming, meet-

music duo) performed at Esakallio, Somero. She also

ing friends and washing carpets for example. A move

went to two confirmation parties and visited Salo eve-

is on the way for her so early autumn will be spent

ning markets.


Petri U


Petri has done loads of work all summer. The amount

Heidi has spent her summer mostly by tending to her

of wood he chopped will surely last all winter! He also

garden, swimming and washing carpets as well. The

finished painting the roof. He went scuba diving in

heat made her feel uncomfortable at times but most

Pori and made trips as far as to Kemi.

of the time it was okay. She made a family trip to visit

Kirsi V

her relatives. Playing with her dog companions kept

Most of Kirsi’s summer went by resting. The heat

her occupied, too.

really took its toll. She has been coming to the club-


house four to five times a week. She has spent time

Anniina has swam a lot with her family, mostly in

with her kids and had some pipes repaired in her

Hanko and Tammisaari. They enjoyed a great picnic

house. She returned to work in August.

on the beach in Tammisaari.

Petri P


Petri went on a bus trip to Rzhev in Russia with his

Johanna has been swimming and enjoying sauna

Russian course classmates. The place was very inter-

baths in Kokkila. It has been nice and warm. She has

esting. He also attended a course in Chinese, in Hel-

had nice barbeques.

sinki. Besides that he has spent time at home with


his cat and swum a lot.

Henrik’s summer was spent at home and sometimes fishing in Perniö and Kemiö. He’s been coming to the clubhouse a couple of times a week.


Member Interviews Lauri

What do you do during the day? I spend my time at the clubhouse, Sarka-house or with friends

What does the Clubhouse mean to you? I do all kinds of things here, and have lunch here. I have been a member for two years

Your motto in life? You should take it easy!


The best thing in life? Eating

Something you’re proud of? I




What kind of education do you have? Bachelor


What do you expect of the summer? I hope to relax a lot.

What gives you strength? Music

How do you spend your free time? I play the guitar

What are your plans for the future? I’m not quite sure yet




What do you do during the day? I work at Kolmituote

What does the Clubhouse mean to you? I’m a member but I don’t visit often because of my work

Your motto? “The sun also shines on a pile of brush


The best thing in life? Personal relationships

Why do you think the clubhouse is worth a second Something you’re proud of? visit? I went to an art school It’s a great place to spend your time at ! What do you expect of the summer? Feeling good! I’m looking forward to sunshine and my vacation.

What gives you strength? My friends and my husband

How do you spend your free time? By relaxing and cooking

Future plans? A job in child care

Why do you think the clubhouse is worth a second visit? It has a good atmosphere and we can do all kinds of work here according to our own wishes.


Childhood home – Lasse´s photographic exhibition at the Clubhouse, spring 2010

Many memories carry me on the road to my childhood home. Still in my dreams I go there. It’s nice to rest in the yard swing when I stop by during my bike trips in the summer.

Many flowers bloom in my mother’s flower bed and wild flowers blossom as well. Butterflies fly about. Red and white clovers spread out like broad carpets, bellflowers shine with a blue glow.

Coffee and picnic lunch taste best in the garden swing and fill me up with energy for the trip back to my current home. The road continues towards fields and woodland with plenty of berries and mushrooms.



I’m no more lonely My life was pretty boring before I came to the Clubhouse. I spent my days with my pets and listened to music. Seppo Haanpää was the one who told me about this opportunity and he accompanied me on my first visit. This just might be a place for me, I thought, since I had no other place to go to. In September 2008, I became a member.

I try to visit the Clubhouse five times a week if possible. All this time I’ve been working in the kitchen and it’s also where I wish to continue. I’ve learned a great deal about cooking and it’s nice to have something sensible to do. I have made friends so life isn’t as lonely anymore.

I haven’t thought about working in the near future, but I plan to take part in completing the hygiene pass here at the Clubhouse. It feels good to be here. This became a place for me. ”Summer”

Markku’s travels Markku is well known at our clubhouse for his bicycle trips, although he now lives up north. This is what he told about his latest travels. “I decided to go on a bicycle trip to the south of Finland to counterbalance my journeys in the north. After I had moved north, I spent loads of time cycling in Lapland and Kainuu. So far it has been very enjoyable, in fact ideal. This is because most of the days I’ve cycled have been quite peaceful. What’s best is that there have been a lot more route alternatives down south. This has allowed me to choose sand roads and small country roads which I prefer.” Markku


Meet the staff

Arja Timonen, director

Jenni Salakari, tutor

Arja Timonen is an occupational

Jenni is a social welfare supervisor

therapist with a specialization in

by profession. She specially

psychiatry. For the last seven

wanted to work at the clubhouse

years, she has done organizational

because it’s concept matched her

Satu Laakso, tutor

work which has prepared her for

own idea about how mental care

Satu is the one who keeps our

the duties of an manager. In the

should be developed and how

“media hut“ running and computers

Fountain House concept she val-

mental health rehabilitatees should

functioning. She has a datanome’s

ues communality and the focus on

be supported.

education and has been working at

the members. As the leader of a

Jenni started working with an open

she herself would dial 0100100 (a Finnish number service) with the satellite phone.

the clubhouse since September

clubhouse, Arja hopes to be impar-

mind. Now her thoughts of the ne-

2009. Satu teaches different IT

tial and responsible and go on de-

cessity of the work clubhouse does

skills, from the basics to

veloping the clubhouse together

and the value she puts on her own

vanced skills such as creating

with the members and staff. She

work have strengthened.

home pages. She also coordinates

wants to be a fellow person and a

Jenni’s family consists of her boy-

and helps to edit our club maga-

professional at the same time.

friend and a cat, Ernesti. He is the


Arja’s family consists of a husband,

same color as Garfield, (the comic

Satu has enjoyed her time here.

three daughters, one son and two

book cat). Her godchildren, Kaspar

She has a positive attitude towards

tomcats. She considers her best

and Valtteri, are also an important

life. She encourages doing things

qualities to be empathy, resilience,

part of her life. She describes her-

with lots of emotion and she thinks

getting excited about new things

self as a happy, humorous, socia-

the best thing in life is life itself. In-

and being able to laugh at herself.

ble and responsible hermit by na-

justice and people treating others

However, she feels she tends to be


badly make her angry.

more ad-

When asked what she would do if

too work-orientated and flexible. A

If marooned on a desert island,

“No” every now and then would be

she would bring with her MacGy-

she won the lottery, she replied

better. When asked what animal

ver, a satellite phone, waterproof

she’d get a motorcycle.

she would like to be, she replied:

matches, an axe and a month’s

“A cat. They know how to enjoy life

ration of excursion supplies. Right

but they also have a strong charac-

upon arrival she would urge

ter. “

MacGyver to look for water and


My best friend

friend. We continue on our journey and I’m thankful for having her with me.

Life throws both small and large rocks on to your path. You are often disappointed. One thing that keeps me going is a friend.

She won’t leave me as one of my human friends did. But as long as you have one good friend, it’s enough. Quality before quantity!

This friend does not judge me when I feel bad, cry, or when i am depressed. Or when I have fun. He always greets me with joy and a wagging tail and a big, wet kiss. Stroking my friend makes me calm. Studies show that it can even lower your blood pressure. I can tell my friend everything without fear of judgement. She tilts her head compassionately, rests her head on my knee, sleeps next to me. Even with hard times ahead, life is nice with my



Thoughts on standards

Kuva:Markku J-L

thought about the clubhouse stan-

What do the standards mean to you?

dards. We picked six members for

We asked our members what they

house has become an important

been composed?

To help you know how to con-

They create a feeling of safety


Rules are good advice.

spend time here.


Rules have been fair and just for everybody.

You can maintain a good day-

You need to decide which work to do.


How do you think the standards are followed at our clubhouse? •

They makes it easy to come he-

Common rules make it easy to


ve a tutor present.

What’s the meaning of the standards to the clubhouse? •

They are a guideline to follow

They create a basis for the acti-

There are no rooms restricted to

shared. It ’s a good thing to ha-


for example when cooking in the

You get to meet new people,

the staff only, all the rooms are

You get to work with the staff,

Peer support

To guideline the activites

To maintain the structure of the

communality grows.

but don’t restrict too much.

You get to do all kinds of activities.

duct yourself at the clubhouse.

my everyday life.

Members and staff run the clubhouse together.

part of

They’re important, you learn things.

rhythm. In the long run the club-

Why do you think standards have

I’ve managed to get a good day

You can be here when you want to.

houses .

a brief but concise interview and here is a summary:

They describe the idea of club-

vities at the clubhouse but don’t control too much.

No one is forced to become a member.

Elina & Milja

SALO – more than a city

foundation for industrial activities. Salo region has always been in-

The city of Salo was established in the present form in the beginning

habited by open-minded and enter-

everything new. The rich history of the region provides a solid foundation for this.

prising people with ability to see

However, Salo is first and foremost

and to do things in a new way.

a city for people – a good place to

Nowadays the city is mainly known

live in. In Salo, nature is always

for its high level technology exper-

near providing unique opportunities

tise and diverse range or services,

for combining an urban lifestyle

Salo is an attractive shopping des-

with verdant surroundings or for

tination for those outside the region

living in a genuine countryside set-

When you arrive in Salo, you walk

as well. In addition agriculture re-

ting. The surrounding diverse na-

on ground that has been inhabited

mains an essential part of Salo,

ture with rivers, lakes and sea bays

ever since the Stone Age. Together

both in terms of know-how and the

offers people living in or visiting

with the central location, the water-


Salo an abundance of opportunities

of 2009 as the ten municipalities in the region Halikko, Kiikala, Kisko, Kuusjoki, Muurla, Perniö, Pertteli, Salo, Suomusjärvi and Särkisalo, made an ambitious decision to consolidate into one city.

ways and favorable natural conditions have contributed to the prosperity of the region for centuries.

The entrepreneurial spirit of the people is also reflected in Salo´s diverse cultural life and varied

The area has a long tradition in

physical activities. Combined with

trading with wealthy estates and

an open-minded approach to

their steel plants laying the


for leading an enjoyable life.

From: Salo city brochure.

Salo Clubhouse briefly:


in 2008



Finnish Clubhouse Coalition Finnish Fountain House Clubhouse Coalition is consisted of 20 club-

To achieve this, the Coalition:

houses, which are committed to

Statistics 2009 • •

work-ordered days 242 daily on average 15 mem-

Interacts with clubhouses operating in Finland and abroad

follow 36 standards updated by ICCD

Provides consulting support for quality assurance in new club-


• •

visits 3019 new members 28

Staff: • • •

Voluntariness, equility and free

one tutor ( k itchen unit ) one part-time tutor


fectiveness to society's decision-

Everyone 18-65 years old man

an edition of clubhouse newsletters

Finnish clubhouses have a total of

Collaborates with other parties performing mental health work

might join us.

Conducts research and development pertaining to the Foun-

3,000 rehabilitant members. All 19

tain House clubhouse model

clubhouses participate in Finnish

participating in meetings

flea market tasks

Clubhouse Coalition, founded for

interior decoration Shopping

clubhouses. The Coalition's mission

ries and with the ICCD

is to increase awareness of the empowering clubhouse rehabilitation model and to improve the social

assistant tasks education teams

Works in cooperation with clubhouse networks in other count-

Reception reach-out

supporting the activities of Finnish

position of those recovering from a mental illness.



and decision- making

• • • • • • •


or a woman, who has been in a

kitchen and cafeteria tasks office work

Distributes information on clubhouse rehabilitation and its ef-


psychiatric care sometimes

• •


( I T unit )

• • •


Our main values are:

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C lu bh ou se su pp or te rs :


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