Catching up after summer
Petri P
Riku has had a good summer. He has been working
Rock concerts and festivals have played a big part in
since May and describes his job as nice. He contin-
Matias’ summer. He’s been to such festivals as RMJ,
ues working as a regular employee. During the sum-
Ruisrock, Provinssirock, Ankkarock, DBTL, Ilosaari-
mer he’s been coming to the clubhouse regularly. He
rock and Sonisphere.
has also seen friends and gone swimming at Lehmi-
Marjo spent the hot summer mostly swimming at a
summer cottage in Nummi-Pusula. She also spent
Nina’s summer has gone smoothly. She has been
time with her brother’s children. The highlight of her
coming to the clubhouse all summer, a few times a
summer was when Matti and Teppo (a famous pop
week. Her time has gone nicely by swimming, meet-
music duo) performed at Esakallio, Somero. She also
ing friends and washing carpets for example. A move
went to two confirmation parties and visited Salo eve-
is on the way for her so early autumn will be spent
ning markets.
Petri U
Petri has done loads of work all summer. The amount
Heidi has spent her summer mostly by tending to her
of wood he chopped will surely last all winter! He also
garden, swimming and washing carpets as well. The
finished painting the roof. He went scuba diving in
heat made her feel uncomfortable at times but most
Pori and made trips as far as to Kemi.
of the time it was okay. She made a family trip to visit
Kirsi V
her relatives. Playing with her dog companions kept
Most of Kirsi’s summer went by resting. The heat
her occupied, too.
really took its toll. She has been coming to the club-
house four to five times a week. She has spent time
Anniina has swam a lot with her family, mostly in
with her kids and had some pipes repaired in her
Hanko and Tammisaari. They enjoyed a great picnic
house. She returned to work in August.
on the beach in Tammisaari.
Petri P
Petri went on a bus trip to Rzhev in Russia with his
Johanna has been swimming and enjoying sauna
Russian course classmates. The place was very inter-
baths in Kokkila. It has been nice and warm. She has
esting. He also attended a course in Chinese, in Hel-
had nice barbeques.
sinki. Besides that he has spent time at home with
his cat and swum a lot.
Henrik’s summer was spent at home and sometimes fishing in Perniö and Kemiö. He’s been coming to the clubhouse a couple of times a week.