Page 1 June 2015 inTouch
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June 2015 inTouch
Hi There! WHAT’s Inside
7 Latoya Cabral STYLE MOMENT
Control Stress in the Workplace
10 PICTURE PERFECT HELP US MAKE INTOUCH 2015 bigger and better thaN ever
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Page 3 June 2015 inTouch
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June 2015 inTouch
Controlling Workplace Stress in 9 easy steps
Learn to stop self-imposing stress by building your own self-confidence rather than seeking someone’s approval. If you’re too caught up in others’ perceptions of you, which you can’t control, you become stressed out by the minutiae or participate in avoidance behaviors like procrastination. Ironically, once you shift your focus from people’s perception of your work to the work itself, you’re more likely to impress them.
Take a Deep Breath
Prioritize Your Priorities
Eliminate Interruptions
With competing deadlines and fast-changing priorities, it’s critical to define what’s truly important and why. That requires clarity, it’s important to understand your role in the organization, the company’s strategic priorities, and your personal goals and strengths. Cull your to-do list by focusing on those projects that will have the most impact and are best aligned with your goals.
Reset the Panic Button For those who become panicky and short of breath before a presentation, you can quickly reduce your anxiety with the right acupressure point. Positioning your thumb on the side of your middle finger and applying pressure instantly helps regulate your blood pressure.
Be Your Own Best Critic Some 60,000 thoughts stream through your mind each day and internal negativity is just as likely to stress you out as an external event. The fix? Instead of being harsh and critical of yourself, try pumping yourself up. Encouraging thoughts will help motivate you to achieve and ultimately train you to inspire others.
Act Rather Than React We experience stress when we feel that situations are out of our control. It activates the stress hormone and, if chronic, wears down confidence, concentration and well-being. Identify the aspects of the situation you can control and aspects you can’t. Typically, you’re in control of your actions and responses, but not in control of macro forces or someone else’s tone, for example. Be impeccable for your 50% and try to let go of the rest.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or are coming out of a tense meeting and need to clear your head, a few minutes of deep breathing will restore balance. Simply inhale for five seconds, hold and exhale in equal counts through the nose. It’s like getting the calm and focus of a 90-minute yoga class in three minutes or less at your desk.
Most of us are bombarded during the day. Emails, phone calls, instant messages and sudden, urgent deadlines conspire to make today’s workers more distracted than ever. While you may not have control over the interrupters, you can control your response. Respond in one of three ways: accept the interruption, cut it off or diagnosis its importance and make a plan. Many interruptions are recurring and can be anticipated. You can also train those around you by answering email during certain windows, setting up office hours to talk in person or closing the door when you need to focus.
Schedule Your Day for Energy and Focus Most of us go through the day using a “push, push, push” approach, thinking if we work the full eight to 10 hours, we’ll get more done. Instead, productivity goes down, stress levels go up and you have very little energy left over for yourself. Schedule breaks throughout the day to walk, stretch at your desk or do a breathing exercise. Tony Schwartz of the Energy Project has shown that if we have intense concentration for about 90 minutes, followed by a brief period of recovery, we can clear the buildup of stress and rejuvenate ourselves.
Eat Right and Sleep Well Eating badly will stress your system and when you’re not sleeping well, you’re not getting the rejuvenating effects. If racing thoughts keep you from falling asleep or you wake up in the night and can’t get back to sleep, a simple breathing trick that will knock you out fast is: Cover your right nostril and breathe through your left for three to five minutes.
Page 5 June 2015 inTouch
Identify Self-Imposed Stress
June 2015 inTouch Page 6
A hush descended upon the Ball Room as Pool Bartender Latoya Cabral made her entrance in this dazzling turquoise ensemble. Latoya chose the see-through strapless gown for Sandals Grande Antigua’s annual Prestige Awards. Looking good Latoya!
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June 2015 inTouch
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June 2015 inTouch
Page 13 June 2015 inTouch
Sandals Grande Antigua has been buzzing with excitement over the return of one of its own: Sandrina the leatherback turtle. The sea creature, which was named by team members, nested on Dickenson Bay on May 6 laying about 59 eggs and returned again on May 20 laying 120 more.
organisation Antigua Sea Turtle Conservation Project. Members of the conservation group moved Sandrina’s eggs to a safer location as the first nesting ground was in an area frequented by vendors and the group feared that beach umbrellas and other human activity may disrupt the nest.
Sandrina is believed to have been born on Dickenson Bay beach, as research has shown that sea turtles return to the beaches where they were born some 20 to 30 years later, to lay their own eggs as adults.
The Conservation team will continue to patrol Dickenson Bay beach as it expects Sandrina to return again, as sea turtles tend to nest three to five times in a season. The team is also on the lookout for Sandy, another leatherback which nested on Dickenson Bay beach in 2008 and 2012 and is due to return soon.
Security personnel discovered the endangered sea creature and promptly called Sandals-partner
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June 2015 inTouch
Welcome back SANDRINA!
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June 2015 inTouch