
9 minute read
Open Air
Lov / The Hunt Good Luck to You, Leo Grande


As u rukavu / The Card Counter Praznik rada / May Labour Day

As u rukavu / The Card Counter
United States, United Kingdom, China, Sweden, 2021, Colour, 110 min. Režija / Director: Paul Schrader Uloge / Cast: Oscar Isaac, Tiffany Haddish, Tye Sheridan, Willem Dafoe
William Tell bivši je vojni isljeditelj koji živi ispod radara kao sitni kockar. Tellov pažljivo organizovani život biva poremećen kada upozna Cirka, mladića koji se planira osvetiti njihovom zajedničkom neprijatelju. Uz pomoć misteriozne finansijerke La Linde, Tell vodi Cirka na turu kazina kako bi ga skrenuo na drugačiji put. Međutim, ubrzo otkriva da ga duhovi prošlosti neće tako lako ostaviti na miru.
William Tell is an ex-military interrogator living under the radar as a low-stakes gambler. Tell’s meticulous life is thrown into disarray when he encounters Cirk, a young man looking to commit revenge against a mutual enemy. With backing from the mysterious financier La Linda, Tell takes Cirk on the casino circuit to set him on a new path. However, he finds that the ghosts of the past will not release him so easily.
Good Luck to You, Leo Grande
United Kingdom, 2022, Colour, 97 min. Režija / Director: Sophie Hyde Uloge / Cast: Daryl McCormack, Emma Thompson
Nancy Stokes, penzionisana učiteljica i udovica, čezne za avanturom, ljudskom bliskošću i malo seksa. Dobrog seksa. Iako joj je njen pokojni suprug Robert obezbijedio dom, porodicu i nešto nalik dobrom životu, on nikada nije bio vješt ljubavnik. Ali njega više nema, a Nancy ima plan: upustit će se u avanturu sa seksualnim radnikom po imenu Leo Grande. Nancy se nalazi s Leom u anonimnoj hotelskoj sobi van grada. Leo uživo izgleda jednako dobro kao i na slikama, ali ono što Nancy nije očekivala je da će joj osim seksa ponuditi i razgovor. Leo ima mišljenje o svemu i, mada se ne može reći da uvijek govori istinu, Nancy se on dopada. I ona se dopada njemu. Dok njeno samopouzdanje u seksu raste, Nancy počinje da se opušta.
Nancy Stokes, a retired school teacher and widow, is yearning for some adventure, some human connection, and some sex. Good sex. While her husband Robert provided a home, a family, and something resembling a life, good sex was never on offer. But he’s gone now, and Nancy has a plan: she will find adventure with a sex worker named Leo Grande. In an anonymous out-of-town hotel room, Nancy greets Leo. He looks every bit as good as his picture, but what Nancy wasn’t expecting was conversation as well as fornication. Leo has a view on everything, and though he may not always tell the truth, Nancy finds she likes him. And he likes her. With growing sexual confidence, Nancy starts to relax. Lov / The Hunt
Denmark, Sweden, 2012, Colour, 115 min. Režija / Director: Thomas Vinterberg Uloge / Cast: Mads Mikkelsen, Alexandra Rapaport, Thomas Bo Larsen
Nakon bolnog razvoda, četrdesetogodišnji Lucas pronašao je novu djevojku, novi posao i pokušava popraviti odnos sa svojim sinom, tinejdžerom Marcusom. Ali stvari krenu krivim tokom. Ništa ozbiljno. Samo usputni komentar. Pokoja laž. A kako pada snijeg i božićne lampice se pale, laž se širi poput nevidljivog virusa. Šok i nepovjerenje više se ne mogu kontrolisati i mala zajednica iznenada upada u stanje kolektivne histerije dok Lucas vodi usamljeničku bitku za vlastiti život i dostojanstvo.
Following a tough divorce, forty-year-old Lucas has a new girlfriend and a new job, and is in the process of re-establishing his relationship with his teenage son Marcus. But things go awry. Not a lot. Just a passing remark. A random lie. And as the snow falls and the Christmas lights are lit, the lie spreads like an invisible virus. The shock and mistrust get out of hand, and the small community suddenly finds itself in a collective state of hysteria, while Lucas fights a lonely fight for his life and dignity. Nakon što spasiš svijet / When You Finish Saving the World
United States, 2022, Colour, 88 min. Režija / Director: Jesse Eisenberg Uloge / Cast: Julianne Moore, Finn Wolfhard, Billy Bryk, Alisha Boe, Jack Justice
Evelyn je posvetila život pomaganju ljudima u nevolji, ali ne uspijeva se zbližiti sa svojim sinom Ziggyjem, internet-zvijezdom u usponu nezainteresovanom za svjetske probleme. Dok Evelyn pokušava zamijeniti majku skromnom tinejdžeru kojeg je upoznala u skloništu za beskućnike, Ziggy nevješto pokušava osvojiti briljantnu i politički osviješćenu srednjoškolsku drugaricu. Ovaj emotivni film, scenarističkog i rediteljskog potpisa Jesse Eisenberg, zabavan je i iznimno perceptivan portret majke i sina koji su naizgled potpuno različiti, ali zapravo su puno sličniji nego što su to voljni priznati.
Evelyn has devoted herself to helping people in hard times, but she struggles to connect with her son Ziggy, an aspiring internet star who is oblivious to the problems of the world. As Evelyn attempts to become a parent figure to an unassuming teenager she meets at her shelter, and Ziggy fumbles through his pursuit of a brilliant and politically conscious young woman at his high school, this emotional comedy, written and directed by Jesse Eisenberg, reveals a funny and sharply perceptive portrait of a mother and son who may seem at odds but who are more alike than either would care to admit.
Praznik rada / May Labour Day
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, 2022, Colour, 113 min. Režija / Director: Pjer Žalica Uloge / Cast: Muhamed Hadžović, Emir Hadžihafizbegović, Admir Glamočak, Boris Isaković, Aleksandar Seksan, Mirvad Kurić, Jasna Žalica, Tatjana Šojić, Dženita Imamović Omerović, Labina Mitevska, Vedran Đekić, Branka Katić, Ermin Bravo, Branimir Popović

Tori i Lokita / Tori and Lokita Zalazak sunca / Sundown


Trougao tuge / Triangle of Sadness / Photo: Fredrik Wenzel ©Plattform Produkt Nakon što spasiš svijet / When You Finish Saving the World

Nakon deset godina u Njemačkoj, Armin se u gluho doba noći vraća u Bosnu. Prvomajski su praznici, Armin se tek oženio i želi iznenaditi svoga oca Fudu, ali Fude nema kući. Komišija kaže: "Uhapsiše Fudu, ko zna zašto." U mahali nemir. Fudo da je zločinac?! Armin želi doznati istinu, a komšiluk proslaviti Praznik rada.
After ten years of absence, Armin returns to Bosnia to surprise his father with good news. But there’s a real surprise waiting for him at home when his father is arrested as a suspect for war crimes. Armin wants to find out the truth, while others find that it’s easier to live in oblivion.
Tori i Lokita / Tori and Lokita
France, Belgium, 2022, Colour, 88 min. Režija / Director: Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne Uloge / Cast: Pablo Schils, Joely Mbundu, Alban Ukaj, Tijmen Govaerts, Charlotte De Bruyne, Nadège Ouedraogo, Marc Zinga
Dvanaestogodišnji Tori i tinejdžerka Lokita izuzetno su bliski. Oboje su porijeklom iz Zapadne Afrike, a kako su se našli u Belgiji bez porodice ovise jedno o drugom u borbi da se snađu i zarade nešto novca. Tvrde da su brat i sestra i zajedno pjevaju u jednom restoranu dok istovremeno za kuhara prenose drogu. Uprkos teškom životu, njihov odnos pun je radosti, ali kada Lokitino pravo da ostane u Belgiji dođe u pitanje, ona je prisiljena na osudnu odluku koja će je razdvojiti od Torija.
Twelve-year-old Tori and teenager Lokita are extremely close. Both from West Africa and without other family in Belgium, they depend on each other as they struggle to get by and make some money. Claiming they are brother and sister, they sing beautifully together at a restaurant – while serving as drug couriers for the chef. Despite the hardship, there is great joy in their relationship but, when Lokita’s right to remain in Belgium is threatened, the financial demands of her family grow, and loan sharks loom, she is compelled into a pivotal decision that will separate her from Tori.

Trougao tuge / Triangle of Sadness
Sweden, Germany, France, United Kingdom, 2022, Colour, 147 min. Režija / Director: Ruben Östlund Uloge / Cast: Harris Dickinson, Charlbi Dean, Woody Harrelson, Vicki Berlin, Henrik Dorsin, Zlatko Burić, Jean-Christophe Folly, Iris Berben, Dolly De Leon, Sunnyi Melles, Amanda Walker
Fotomodeli Carl i Yaya probijaju se u svijetu mode istovremeno propitujući granice svoje veze. Dobijaju poziv na luksuzno krstarenje sa plejadom sumnjivih superbogataša koja uključuje jednog ruskog oligarha, britanskog trgovca oružjem i nesnošljivog kapetana, alkoholičara koji rado citira Marxa. Na početku, svaki aspekt krstarenja čini se dostojnim objave na Instagramu. Ali sprema se oluja i svi putnici dobiju težak napad morske bolesti tokom večere sa kapetanom u sedam slijedova. Krstarenje završava katastrofom. Carl i Yaya završe na napuštenom otoku sa grupom milijardera i jednim od čistača broda. Hijerarhijski poredak grupe odjednom se okreće naglavačke jer samo brodski radnik zna kako upecati ribu.
Models Carl and Yaya are navigating the world of fashion while exploring the boundaries of their relationship. The couple are invited for a luxury cruise with a rogues’ gallery of superrich passengers, a Russian oligarch, British arms dealers, and an idiosyncratic, alcoholic, Marx-quoting captain. At first, all appears Instagrammable. But a storm is brewing, and heavy seasickness hits the passengers during the seven-course captain’s dinner. The cruise ends catastrophically. Carl and Yaya find themselves marooned on a desert island with a group of billionaires and one of the ship’s cleaners. Hierarchy is suddenly flipped upside down, as the housekeeper is the only one who knows how to fish.
Zalazak sunca / Sundown
Mexico, France, Sweden, 2021, Colour, 83 min. Režija / Director: Michel Franco Uloge / Cast: Tim Roth, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Iazua Larios, Henry Goodman, Albertine Kotting McMillan, Samuel Bottomley
Kada hitna situacija navede članove bogate porodice Benett da se sa odmora u Acapulcu vrate u Veliku Britaniju, na površinu izlaze prigušene tenzije između nasljednika porodičnog bogatstva, Alice i Neila. Delikatna ravnoteža među članovima naizgled blisko vezane porodice, uključujući braću Colina i Alexa, biva nepovratno narušena.
When a distant emergency summons the wealthy Bennett family back to the United Kingdom, disrupting a vacation on the Mexican coast in Acapulco, simmering tensions rise to the surface between scions Alice and Neil. The delicate balance of the deceptively close-knit clan, including siblings Colin and Alexa, is irrevocably upset.
"Grand Kafa sa..." program / "Grand Coffee with..." Programme
Upoznajte goste Open Air programa. Uživajte u "Grand Kafa sa..." programu Vrijeme i mjesto: 12:15 - 13:15*, Festivalski trg.
Meet the guests of the Open Air Programme. Enjoy the "Grand Coffee with..." Time and venue: 12:15 - 13:15* at the Festival square.
ULAZ SLOBODAN / FREE ADMISSION uz festivalsku akreditaciju ili ulaznicu za film/ with the Festival accreditation or the film screening ticket.
Broj mjesta ograničen/Limited number of seats.