Scolar World Rights

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World Rights 2022–2023

Scolar Publishing – celebrating its 28th anniversary – was established in 1994 by Nándor Érsek, and has by now become a distinguished publishing company in Hungary with a various, colourful and balanced portfolio of fiction, nonfiction and children books.

We introduced to the Hungarian market a variety of well-known foreign authors, like Ian McEwan, Sofi Oksanen, Per Petterson, Kim Leine, Linn Ullmann, Erlend Loe, David Grossman or Alan Hollinghurst. Regarding contemporary Hungarian literature, among others we publish prestigious authors like György Spiró, Márton Gerlóczy, Orsolya Karafiáth, Miklós György Száraz and Kata Tisza but also several younger, but not less interesting writers.

We have several popular series and titles in the field of natural and social sciences (C. G. Jung, Niall Ferguson), and we have a prominent role in developing visual culture via our design and art series. We also publish widely-used course books for secondary and higher education, and since 2007, we are market leaders in biology workbooks, developed by Hungarian professors.

One of our biggest passions is Hungarian children books, from picture books to activity and exercise books –especially to discover and work with young promising authors. In Hungary the name “Scolar” means high quality entertainment and education for all ages, from toddlers to young adults.

2 World Rights 2022 23
3 CONTENTS 2 Baby’s
3 Baby’s
4 Picture
5 The
6 Hungarian
7 The
8 The
9 The
10 The
11 Fabled
12 Golden
13 The
14 Ruby
15 Treasure
16 What
17 Know-It-All
18 Scarf Tale 20 Little
22 Guest
23 The
24 Book
25 Princess
26 Everyone
Draw 28 Giant Colouring Books 29 The
First Words
First Encyclopedia of Vehicles
Wonderful World of Mirabáj
Classics for Children
Old Cobbler
Shivering King
Little Rooster and His Diamond Ha’penny, The Little Pig and the Wolves
Wild Swans
Plants, Plant Fables
Tale Book
Magic Lamp
Tale Book, Diamond Tale Book
Tale Book
Will I be When I Grow up?
Bird and the Thorn Bush
Kitkat, Not Again!
in the Nest
Tale of a Sack
of Princesses
Colouring Book
World of Mandalas
Novels – Márton Gerlóczy
Novels – Zsófia Czakó
Now – Kata Tisza
Novels – Szonja Herczeg
Novels – Sarolta Dobray
Novels – Orsolya Karafiáth
Mathematics – Gyula J. Obádovics
The Plants of the Bible, The Foods of the Bible
Naturopath in the Family series

Picture book Age: 0–3 h 205 × w 175 mm 24 pages, boardbook full colour throughout

Baby’s First Words

This board book depicts the first words of the babies, each combined with a cute picture. The „dictionary” contains more than 150 words, it offers an amusing time spent together with our child, while during play we help the child’s language acquisition and develop his communicative skills. The words were selected in keeping with the children’s interests and world: family members, food, playground activities and parts of the body.

The booklet is bilingual, it can be useful for English speaking families or for older children who started to get acquainted with the English language.

About the authors

Andrea Illés is a literature editor and the editor-in-chief at Scolar Publishing. She is the author of several books and albums in cultural history, including most notably her work on the world heritage sites, relics and treasures in Hungary. She is the mother of four: three sons and a daughter.

Rita Papp is a graphic designer, former art director of Scolar Publishing. She has designed more than 100 covers for all sorts of publications, among these the Scolar L!ve series, which gained high professional appreciation. Recently she mainly deals with logos and layouts. She has two children.

4 World Rights 2022 23

Baby’s First Encyclopedia of Vehicles

Small children are fascinated by the world of vehicles! Whether it’s a grapple, a garbage truck, a train or an airplane, they all catch their eye.

In our book, we collected the vehicles thematically and presented them with age-appropriate, colourful pictures.

• What vehicles travel on land, in the air, on water or in outer space?

• What vehicles are deployed in an emergency?

• What military, police, fire or ambulance vehicles are there?

• What kind of vehicle do they use to work on construction sites and in agriculture?

• What are the vehicles that have to be driven by foot, what kind of vehicles did people use in the past?

Picture book Age: 0–3

h 170 × w 205 mm 24 pages, hardback full colour throughout

VÍZEN A vizeken és a vízparton zajlik az élet. Hatalmas utasszállító hajó közelít a part felé, és egy uszály is kikötésre készül. A kismajom kíváncsian figye li őket. Nem lesz könnyű dolguk a kapitányoknak, mivel eléggé nagyok a hullámok. A sárkányhajó a parton pihen, várja az evezősöket. A vitorláson most húzták fel a vitorlát. A hidroplán rövidesen felszáll. Milyen vízi járműveket ismersz még? baba_beliv_jarmuvek_final.indd 12-13 2020. 12. 08. 22:14 JÁRMŰVEK MA lakókocsilakóautó quadterepjáró személyautókabrió versenyautóFormula–1-es autó kamionkisteherautó krosszmotormotor baba_beliv_jarmuvek_final.indd 16-17 2020. 12. 08. 22:14 }

Picture Dictionaries Series

Picture book

Age: 3+

h 228 × w 198 mm 24 pages, hardback full colour throughout

Picture Dictionaries

Hungarian–English Picture Dictionary

Diána Nagy graphic artist designed her pretty dictionary for children. On the pages of the book, animals and plants from the zoo, creatures of the ocean, and the forest come to life, along with the topics like the seasons, city and countryside life or transportation. The words are combined with their spelling, thus the booklet introduces the children to the basic lexicon of the English and Hungarian language.

Japanese–Hungarian Picture Dictionary

Diána Nagy won the prize of the Hungarian designers with her Picture Dictionary, which she originally wrote as her PhD thesis. The booklet is literally a dictionary designed for children, though adults can also find useful pieces of information on the pages. The genre – picture dictionary – has a great methodological benefit by providing visual stimuli combined with the acoustic input of the words to be learned. The role of these visual crutches are even more emphasized with harsh colours and simplified iconic images.

The dictionary is dealing with themes like: the zoo, the ocean, parts of the day, weather and plants, creatures of the forest, the animals of the farm, the city, fruits and vegetables. We recommend it to everyone who is eager to know why is the author called “the Paganini of designing supercute animals”.

About the illustrator

Diána Nagy was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1982. She graduated from MOME with MA degree in Graphic Design in 2007 and as visual art teacher in 2011. She completed her doctorate and earned the title of DLA in 2014.

She works as a freelance graphic designer, illustrator and art teacher. Her illustrations have gained recognition and won several prizes. Her works were exhibited at the Illustrators’ Exhibition Bologna Children’s Book Fair, and at Illustrate Biennal of Illustration, Portugal, among other exhibitions.

6 World Rights 2022 23
We gladly adaptto any language.

The Wonderful World of Mirabáj

Mirabáj is a rhyming tale about the love of life, the miracles, the cycle of life, the family, which like a tree protects us with its shadow, nourishes us with its fruit, and sways us like embracing arms with its branches. About the words that we plant as tiny seeds in the hearts of others and later blossom in our souls. And that our life and environment will be the way we shape it, and the living creatures will be the way we raise them. Everything starts with a small seed, but life is hidden in it, which sprouts from the rays of love, grows big, and then scatters its seeds itself.


About the authors

Mercédesz Érsek-Obádovics was born in 1982 in Budapest. the University of Theater and Film Arts with a degree in completed a master's course in film directing, and worked cameraman at the company of Magyar Operato̧rök. She award at the Indie Film Fest in Paris. She had several exhibitions photographer. In 2017 she graduated at the Károli Gáspár degree in Art Administration and Art Management. She several successful children's books, creator of Hungarian cultural projects, writer of film scripts and author and director of theater dramas. The Wonderful World of Mirabáj is her first published book.

Hajnalka Szimonidesz is an illustrator and visual artist She graduated in 2009 from the visual culture and drawing major of the ELTE Savaria University Center. She began her artistic career with sculpting and oil paintings, and had numerous solo and group exhibitions throughout the country. She started illustrating books and poems in 2007, and has been working in this field continuously since then. More than 60 story books have been published with her illustrations. The drawings are mainly made with gouache technique and acrylic on watercolor paper, which is very time-consuming, requires great precision, because the possibility of correction is very little.


Rhyming tale Age: 3-7

h 240 × w 200 mm 40 pages, hardback full colour throughout

Tortát hoz a vendégsereg, együtt dalol felnőtt, gyerek: „Ég a gyertya, ég, el ne aludjék, ki elfújja, minden vágya megvalósuljék.” „Minden, mire szükségem lesz, megadja az ég!”, kívánta, majd nagyot fújt, és becsukta szemét. Tűzijáték durrogása törte meg a csendet, felvágták a finom tortát, s mindannyian ettek. Estefelé hazamentek, csillagfényben megfürödtek, csengő kórus hallatszott, kacagtak az angyalok.

bújt egy kiscica, szép szelíden dorombolta: „Ez a világ óriási, végtelen, Nevesincs bolygó csak pici pont ebben, Ne vakítson el, mi fényes, vonzó, ragyogó, mindig tudd, hogy mi a rossz, és mi a jó.
18 Mirabai onelozekkel5.indd 18 2020. 10. 16. 16:20
Az édes álom biztonság, de legszebb álom a valóság, rólad énekli a legszebb dalt e táj, mert Te vagy
igaz szeretet, Mirabáj!”
19 Mirabai onelozekkel5.indd 19 2020. 10. 16. 16:20
SzimonideszHajnalkaillusztrációival Miránakszeretettel

Hungarian Classics for Children

The Classics for Children series was launched in 2013, our aim was to publish and thus preserve Hungarian classic tales.

Preserving values was the aim of founding one of our most beloved series. The poems, tales and stories of the most renowned Hungarian writers, poets (like Attila József, Ferenc Móra, Sándor Petőfi, Endre Ady) are still among the favorites of small or even older children. They meet in the kindergarten or in the school with these classics, but we feel it important to create the opportunity to bring these stories to homes, where children can listen to them again and again from their parents. All the stories are accompanied by contemporary artists’ beautiful illustrations, thus the books offer literary and visual experience at once. The series was awarded by the Beautiful Books award several times.

Classics for Children series

Picture Book Age: 6+ h 240 × w 200 mm 24 pages, hardback full colour throughout


of the series

The Old Cobbler (by Attila József) The Shivering King (by Ferenc Móra) The Three Kings (Christmas poems)

To Laci Arany (by Sándor Petőfi) In Family Circle (by János Arany)

8 World Rights 2022 23

The Old Cobbler

Children BeautifulcategoryBooks


by theHungarian Publishers’andAssociationBooksellers’

One day, a shabby-looking schoolboy enters the workshop of grumpy old Csoszogi (Shamble). The boy came to have his worn-out shoes repaired. In the course of their conversation, the first dismissive old man learns that the boy’s mother is a hard-working cleaner. Not only does he then mend the boy’s shoes, but by way of a generous trick he helps the child out with a couple of dimes.

This concise, heart-warming tale of mercy is a real gem of Hungarian literature. Attila József (1905–1937) is the best known of the modern Hungarian poets internationally. His poems have been translated into many languages. His only prose piece, The Old Cobbler forms part of the national elementary school curriculum.

About the illustrator

Rozi Békés’s drawings and aquarelles exhibit an extraordinary ability to capture magical moments and a variety of complex emotions.


IBBY Award (2008, Hungarian section)

Ferenczy Noémi Award (2012, the most prestigious applied arts medal)

Beautiful Books Award (2013, 2014, 2017 Children category, the most prestigious honours in Hungarian publishing)

In Family Circle by János Arany illustrated by Rozi Békés

Picture book

h 264 × w 220 mm 48 pages, hardback full colour throughout


Beautiful Books Award (2013, Children Category)

English translation available Rights sold to: Turkey (Yapi Kredi Publications) China (Tomorrow Publishing)

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The Shivering King

Children BeautifulcategoryBooks



Rights sold to: China (Tomorrow Publishing)

The obdurate King is cold, day and night, inside and outside his palace. He offers half his kingdom for the help, but a thousand wit’s thousand and one advices are not of any use. Therefore he burns all the trees, the forests, the fruit-trees – even the roofs of the houses. But one day a little girl knocks on his door, complaining about her doll’s dress, that got wet because of the King… She shows him the power of love and care – the only things that can warm up soul and body. The wonderful rhyming tale of the shivering king is a favourite of generations since the beginning of the 19th century.

Ferenc Móra (1879–1934) is a significant poet and writer of the last century, his work Kincskereső kisködmön is one the first novels that children read in elementary school; his poetry is still nowadays highly popular to read for small children.

awarded by theHungarian Publishers’andAssociationBooksellers’ Books Award (2015, Children Category)

The Little Rooster and His Diamond Ha’penny

The Little Rooster and His Diamond Ha’penny is a well-known and popular folk tale, illustrated by Diána Nagy. The story is about a little rooster, who finds a diamond half penny, which is taken from him by the Turkish sultan. In the end due to the rooster’s persistence and wit he regains the penny.

The Little Pig and the Wolves

Everybody knows the tale about the littlle pigs and the mischievous wolf, who cannot outwit the clever pigs. This time the wolf gets into the pig’s house, but the pig scalds him, and the wolf is forced to flee. And even after that, he comes back with a huge army of wolves, the piglet with a sharp exclamation Hot water for the bald man! scares the gang away.

About the illustrator

Diána Nagy was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1982. She graduated from MOME with MA degree in Graphic Design in 2007 and as visual art teacher in 2011. She completed her doctorate and earned the title of DLA in 2014.

She works as a freelance graphic designer, illustrator and art teacher. Her illustrations have gained recognition and won several prizes. Her works were exhibited at the Illustrators’ Exhibition Bologna Children’s Book Fair, and at Illustrate Biennal of Illustration, Portugal, among other exhibitions.

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Picture Book Age: 6+ h 240 × w 200 mm 24 pages, hardback full colour throughout
Classics for Children series

The Wild Swans

Children BeautifulcategoryBooks

awarded by theHungarian Publishers’andAssociationBooksellers’

The Wild Swans is the first volume of Scolar’s new series of children books. Békés Rozi’s Art Nouveau-style artistic black and white ink drawings accompany the world’s most famous fairy tales. The story of the eleven swans and the princess – perhaps Andersen’s most heart stirring tale – is a condign start for launching the new series.

12 World Rights 2022 23
the Year
Beautiful Books Award (2017, Children category) Picture book Age: 6+ h 235 × w 315 mm 40 pages, hardback black and white English translation available
Children Book of
Illustrator of

Fabled Plants, Plant Fables

How do coconuts float on the sea? Where do they give peaches for birthdays? What are Hawaiian garlands made of? Why do Italian girls put basil leaves on their chest? Why do they wrap vanilla in wool? This wonderfully illustrated volume opens the door to a cultural treasure trove of stories about plants and flowers from all over the world. You can read creation myths, anecdotes, historical legends, folk tales and myths of origin about for example rosemary, pepper, bamboo, date or basil. At the end of each fascinating story, our botanist author gives a scientific description of each plant. This beautifully illustrated storybook is an enjoyable source of cultural, medical, culinary and botanical knowledge for children.

About the author

Biologist Erzsébet Fráter completed her studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of ELTE. Previously, she worked at the Hungarian Museum of Natural Sciences, and since 1998, as a staff member of the Institute of Ecology and Botany of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Ecological Research Center, she has been the curator of the evolutionary history plant taxonomy collection of the Vácrátót National Botanical Garden. Since 1985, she has been publishing on botanical, nature conservation and horticultural topics. Her most recent books, On Exotic Markets A Botanical Guide to Tropical Crops and The Plants and the Foods of the Bible, were published by Scolar Publishing.

pedig fény áradt, mely elûzte a sö tétséget. Ez a gyermek volt a Teremtô, Ré napisten, minden élet forrása. Tudta a napisten, hogy egyedül van. Egy idô után azonban elviselhetetlenné vált a magánya, meg akarta osztani valakivel feltáruló új világot. Gondolatával megalkotta többi istent s mindent, ami a világon van, és amint megnevezte ôket, azok életre keltek. A tündérliliom azóta is minden este becsukja szirmait, hogy éjszakára átadja hatalmát a káosznak, míg hajnalonta, tündérliliom tró nusán meg nem érkezik a nap.

A kék tündérrózsa (Nymphaea coerulea) Afrika meleg vizû tavainak és lassú folyású folyóinak iszapjában gyökerezô, nagytermetû, gumós gyöktörzsû évelô növény. A víz felszínén úszó, kerekded levelei 25–40 centiméter átmérôjûek. Áthatóan édeskés illatú, kék virágai nappal nyílnak, magjai a vízen úszva terjednek. Szeszben áztatott virágait narkotikumként használták az ókorban. A szintén Egyiptomban ôshonos egyip tomi tündérrózsa (Nymphaea lotus) enyhébb illatú, fehér virágai általában éjjel nyílnak. Hazájában növény minden részét, zsenge leveleit, édeskés gumóját, sôt virágait, magvait is fogyasztották az ínséges idôkben. Egyiptomban már 4000–5000 éve kultúrába vették tündérrózsákat. Az ókori vallási szertartásokon, fáraók

Hasszán datolyát árult Damaszkusz utcáin, de olyan apró volt az áruja, hogy senki sem akart venni tôle. Irigységgel és bosszúsággal szemlélte, hogy minden ki gazdag Oledhez megy vásárolni, akinek háromszor akkora a datolyája. Egyszer a városba érkezett egy dervis, akinek sok volt a bölcsessége, de kevés az ennivalója. – Adj ennem valamit – szólt Hasszánhoz –, olyan dolgot adok érte, amit még a leghatalmasabb kalifa sem tudna adni. Hasszán tisztelte Allahot, és jó szíve volt, adott hát neki egy darab fôtt láb szárat. Ez volt az egész, ami megmaradt a múltkori kecskébôl. – Nézd a madaramat – mondta evés után a dervis –, és mondd neki, hogy a te datolyáid háromszor akkorák, mint másoké! – Hasszán megsimogatta a ma dár tollait, és úgy tett, ahogy a dervis mondta. A madár csakhamar megszólalt: – Tiszteljük Allahot! Hasszán datolyái háromszor akkorák, mint másé! A madár rikoltozása beharsogta az utcákat, s abban az éles hangban volt valami csodálatos, mert a járókelôk szemében mindig nagyobbakká és kívánatosabbakká lettek a datolyák. Hasszán áruját vette és ette mindenki, kivéve Has szánt magát, aki titokban Oledhez osont, valahányszor jó datolyát akart enni.

A datolyapálma (Phoenix dactylifera) 20–30 méter magas fa. Sudár törzsét óriási levélüstök koronázza, 4–7 méteres levelei, a „pálmaágak”, szárnyasan szeldeltek. Virágai levelek hónaljában fejlôdnek, többszörösen elágazó virágzatokban. Kétlaki növény, termôs példányok megporzását az ültetvényeken mesterségesen végzik. Szilva nagyságú csonthéjas termései hatalmas, 25–30 kilogrammos fürtben érnek. Ôshazája Perzsa öböl környékén és Arábiában lehetett, a sivatagi oázisok ban, ahol száraz, forró az éghajlat, de talajban elegendô víz áll mélyre futó gyökerek rendelkezésére. Ötezer éve termesztett kultúrnövény. Az ókorban mint a termékenység és születés szimbólumát ábrázolták. A zsidó keresztyén és az iszlám kultúr körben rendkívül fontos jelképes szereppel bír. A Biblia is sok helyen említi, Jézus virágvasárnapi bevonulásának növénye volt. A középkori szentek ábrá zolásain vértanúságot jelképezte. Egy arab mondás szerint oly sokféleképpen hasznosítják a datolyapálmát, ahány nap van az évben. Magas cukortartalmú (60–70%), tápdús gyümölcsét frissen és szárítva fogyasztják. Keményítôben gazdag típusai a vándorló sivatagi pásztornépek különö sen fontos, jól eltartható tápláléka, tejjel, vajjal vagy joghurttal és lepénykenyérrel eszik. Gyümölcsébôl cukorpótló szirupot, „mézet”, befôttet, erjesztve bort készítenek. Megszárítva datolyalisztet ôrölnek belôle, felhasználják sörkészítésnél is. Magját pörkölve pótkávénak használják, és olajat sajtolnak belôle. A hajtáscsúcsának megcsapolásával nyert nedvbôl pálmabor készül, zsenge hajtásaiból fôzeléket fôznek. A datolyaszirupot hurutos betegségek kezelésére és hashajtóként alkalmazzák. Törzsét házépí téshez, leveleit kötél és kosárfonásra, sövény

Picture book Age: 7–14 h 290 × w 200 mm 80 pages, hardback full colour throughout

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32 Az idôk kezdetének kezdetén csak az istenek atyja, a káosz óceánja, Nun ural kodott a földön. A fekete, zavarosan örvénylô ôsvíz habjaiból egyszer csak egy ragyogó tündérliliom emelkedett ki, és pompás kék szirmokat bontott. A ki nyíló szirmok védelmében feltárult a virág aranyló közepén ülô isteni gyermek. Finom illatú párát lehelt a víz fölé, testébôl
és karavánsátrak készítésére használják.
ravatalán fontos szakrális szere pük volt. Nem csoda, hogy kôfaragványokon, királysírok több ezer éves falfestményein, szarkofágokon és a bútorokon tündérrózsa az egyik leggyakoribb növénymotívum. A múmiaszarkofágokra helye zett virágkoszorúk több ezer év múltán is felismerhetôk. A teremtés és az újjászületés szimbólumává vált növények mitikus tisztelete annak köszönhetô, hogy életciklusuk Nílus áradásával kezdôdött, folyó visszahúzódásával fejezôdött be. A Kárpát medencében is rábukkanhatunk az egyiptomi tündérrózsa egyik változatára: valamikor tájon is ôshonos, melegkedvelô vízinövény Nagyvárad melletti Püspökfürdô termálvizében képes volt átvé szelni jégkorszaki lehûléseket.


Golden Tale Book

The series contains 120 folk tales from 37 nations, e.g. German, Turkish, Icelandic, Swiss, Japanese; “the most beutiful ones”. Jinnies, Hungarian shamans, water fairies, Greek mythological creatures and of course several animals take children to the enchanted worlds of different cultures to show the little readers how colourful they are.

The timeless, classic and modest illustrations of Györgyi Kapala fit perfectly the unique, old fashioned world of the tales and the storytelling, which have been captivated parents and children for more than 100 years.

About the authors Elek Benedek (1859–1929) is “the storyteller of story tellers”, one of the most important figures of Hungarian children’s literature. He was also member of the Parliament, where he carried on the issues of children’s literature and folk poetry. He transcribed several Grimm and folk tales, which have a key role in verbal education even nowadays.

Györgyi Kapala has worked for 11 years as Art Director, was teaching in 2006–2007 at MOME University, and is employed currently at Budapest ADSchool. She had several exhibitions since 1992, in the most prestigious institutes of Hungary (National Gallery, Kunsthalle Budapest, Museum of Applied Arts).

14 World Rights 2022 23 Scolar BENEDEK ELEK ARANY MESEKÖNYV ARANY MESEKÖNYV A világ legszebb meséibôl
2021. 03. 31. 14:33
Magic Lamp Series
tales Age: 4+ h 242 × w 172 mm 232 pages, hardback black and white with 14/16 full colour pages + appr. 30 black and white illustrations Other titles Silver Tale Book Blue Tale Book Red Tale Book }
illustrated by Györgyi Kapala Folk

The Magic Lamp

Brave princes, worldly beautiful princesses, handsome boys, fire-breathing dragons and magical animals come to life at the words of Elek Benedek on the pages of this beautiful storybook and transport us to a true classic fairy tale world. There are also Spanish, Indian, Arabic, Jewish, Turkish, Icelandic, Japanese, Czech, Serbian and Hungarian fairy tales, as we have collected the most brilliant gems of the four-volume Miracle Lamp series (Gold, Silver, Blue, Red fairy tale book) famous all over the world. So let the tale begin: “Where it was, where it wasn’t, beyond seventeen countries, even beyond the Óperentian Sea, over the glass mountains, once upon a time there was a...”

About the illustrator

A freelance illustrator living in Hungary in a little village near to the capital. She does her illustrations both by freehand painting and computer graphic programmes. She has won more than 10 various awards of which the latest was in 2020, the Beautiful Hungarian Book of 2019 Competition, 1. prize.

fekete hajat látott. De arcot nem. Mert az a szép, nagy, fekete haj egészen beborította az arcot. Akkor elhúzta a függönyt, az ablakon a nap bevilágított, félrevonta az arcról a hajat is, látott egy olyan arcot, aminőt még soha világéletében. Gyökeret vert a lába a csudálkozástól. A leány aludott. Ez a leány pedig nem volt más, mint maga Szinetdur. Szinetdurnak pedig az volt a szokása, hogy három teljes hónapig aludott egymás után. Három teljes hónapig ébren volt, aztán ismét aludott három hónapot. – Egy életem, egy halálom, ez az asszony az enyém lesz – mondotta

Letérdelt az ágy mellé, megcsókolta Szinetdur arcát. Megcsókolta egyszer, megcsókolta százszor, megcsókolta ezerszer. Akkor aztán kivett a zsebéből egy kicsi tintatartót és egy pennát. Leült az asztal mellé, s írt egy levelet. Ez a levél pedig házassági szerződés volt. Mikor a levelet aláírta, az ujjáról lehúzta a gyűrűt, és ráhúzta Szinetdur ujjára. Szinetdur ujján is volt egy gyűrű, azt meg a maga ujjára húzta fel. A házassági levelet szépen a vánkos alá rejtette, s azzal kiment a palotából, vissza a sashoz, felült a hátára, a saskeselyű pedig felszállott a magas levegőégbe, repült vele a tengeren át. Minden tenger felett egy-egy darab húst kért Alitól. Adott is ez neki, de mikor a hetedik tenger fölé értek, Ali az utolsó húsdarabot elejtette, a hús beleesett a tengerbe. Na, most mit csináljon? Hirtelen kivette a tőrét, egy darab húst levágott a karjából s odaadta a sasnak.

Picture book Age: 7–10 h 240 × w 175 mm 160 pages, hardback full colour throughout

Volt egyszer két béka. Az egyik Oszaka város mellett lakott egy gödörben, a másik pedig Kiotó mellett egy patakban. Mit gondoltak, mit nem, mind a kettőnek nagy kedve kerekedett, hogy világot lássanak. Az egyik béka, amelyik Kiotóban lakott, szerette volna látni Oszakát; a másik pedig, amelyik Oszakában lakott, az meg szerette volna látni Kiotót, a mikádó városát. Egymást nem ismerték, soha egymásnak hírét sem hallották, íme, mégis egyszerre, egy pillanatban gondoltak erre az utazásra. Egy órában indult mind a kettő a nagy útra. Mentek, mendegéltek, hát bizony csak lassan haladtak, s merthogy volt egy szörnyű magas hegy is a két város között, bizony sok idő telt belé, amíg annak a magas hegynek a tetejére kiértek, de bezzeg elcsudálkozott mindkettő, mikor ottan meglátták egymást.

– Jaj, de édes ez a hús! – mondotta a sas. – Ilyet még sohasem ettem életemben.

– Elhiszem – gondolta magában Ali.

Átrepültek a hetedik tengeren is, ottan leszállottak a partra. A többi saskeselyű mind ott volt, várták Alit, s üdvözölték nagy örömmel.

– Na, Ali, elvégezted-e, amire vállalkoztál? Jól viselte-e magát az öreg sas?

– Adjisten – köszöntötte az egyik béka a másikat.

– Jól, igen jól – felelt Ali. – El is végeztem azt, amit akartam.

– Adjisten! Hát te hová indultál, testvér?

– Én bizony – mondotta az egyik, amelyik Kiotóból indult – szeretném meglátni Oszaka városát.

– Ugyan bizony? Na lám, én meg Oszakából indultam azért, hogy lássam Kiotót, a mikádó híres városát.

– Ejnye, de jó!

– Ugye, de jó?

Ott mindjárt leültek, megbarátkoztak, ettek-ittak, mulattak, még táncra is kerekedtek. Tánc után pedig leheveredtek a jó magas fűbe, pihentek, aztán elkezdettek beszélgetni:


Ruby Tale Book

edited by Andrea Illés • illustrated by Ildikó Horváth

This time, we have collected the most beautiful Hungarian folk tales into a bouquet, among which we can find all kinds of folk tale classics, from funny fairy tales for the little ones to animal tales to fairy tales. The characters are familiar: The Little Pig and the Wolves, King Kacor, King Matthias and of course, evil little devils, helpful fairies, worldly beautiful princesses, brave heroes and ferocious dragons...

Picture book Age: 3–7

h 240 × w 175 mm 160 pages, hardback full colour throughout

Diamond Tale Book

edited by Andrea Illés • illustrated by Ildikó Horváth



awarded by theHungarian Publishers’andAssociationBooksellers’

The collection of fairy tales consists of 25 folk tales rewritten and edited by Elek Benedek „the stroyteller of the storytellers”. The aim with this selection was to create a family reader with tales for the very young until the older children or even adults who are interested in folk mythology. Fables, fairy tales, funny stories and „classic” Hungarian tales can also be found in this book. The number of the stories is not accidental, the title was released on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Scolar Publishing House.

Picture book Age: 7–10

h 240 × w 175 mm 160 pages, hardback full colour throughout

16 World Rights 2022 23
59 A csillagszemű juhász 67
Róka fogta csuka, csuka fogta róka, 70 varga fogta mind a kettő Furulyás Palkó 73 Százat egy csapásra 78 Erős János 84 A táltos királyleány 95 98 TARTALOM Babszem Jankó

Holle anyó (Grimm-mese, magyarra átültette: Benedek Elek; eredeti cím: A serény meg a lusta leány) 109

Treasure Tale Book

A halász és a felesége (Grimm-mese, magyarra átültette: Benedek Elek) 113

Rigócsőr királyfi (Grimm-mese, magyarra átültette: Benedek Elek; eredeti cím: A kevély királykisasszony) 122

A rút kiskacsa (Andersen-mese, fordította: Hevesi Sándor) 129

A világszép nádszálkisasszony (magyar népmese, Benedek Elek) 143

A rendíthetetlen ólomkatona (Andersen-mese, fordította: Hevesi Sándor) 151

edited by Andrea Illés • illustrated by Ildikó Horváth Valiant princes, beautiful princesses, talking animals, dragons, good fairies and ugly witches inhabit the world’s most beautiful and perhaps best-known fairy tales. We collected a bunch of them in the beautifully illustrated storybook. Here you can read Grimm’s fairy tales, Andersen’s heart-wrenching stories and folk tales from the most diverse countries. Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Hansel and Gretel... – just a few titles from the more than twenty fairy tales that can be found in the volume.

Picture book Age: 7–10 h 240 × w 175 mm 160 pages, hardback full colour throughout A


az erdőbe, leült a kút mellé. Itt ült, üldögélt sokáig, ha elunta magát, elővette aranygolyóját, azzal labdázott.

Ez volt az ő legkedvesebb játéka.

Hanem egyszer mi történt? Az történt, hogy a golyó nem esett a kicsi királykisasszony kezébe, hanem esett a földre, onnét pedig belegurult a kútba. Belegurult abban a pillanatban el is tűnt. Hiába nézte, vizsgálta a kicsi királykisasszony: mély volt a kút, nem látott a fenekére – volt golyó, nincs

Hej, sírt a kicsi királykisasszony, nagy búnak eredt szegény feje. Egy-

About the illustrator

Ildikó Horváth is a freelance illustrator living in Hungary in a little village near to the capital. She does her illustrations both by freehand painting and computer graphic programmes. She has won more than 10 various awards of which the latest was in 2020, the Beautiful Hungarian Book of 2019 Competition, 1. prize.

belív TORDELT.indd 159 2021. 08. 05.
Itt sem volt, ott sem volt, de valahol mégis volt, volt egyszer egy király ennek három leánya. Szép volt mind a három, de különösen a legkisebb. Ez olyan szép volt, olyan gyönyörű volt, hogy a napra lehetett nézni, de rá nem. Volt a király palotájához közel egy rengeteg erdő, rengeteg erdő közepén öreg zádogfának árnyékában egy kút. A kicsi királykisasszony, ha meleg idők jártak, mindennap kisétált
– Kalács meg bor, farkas koma. Viszem a nagyanyácskámnak, hogy kalácsot megegye, bort megigya, s meggyógyuljon. – Hol lakik a te nagyanyácskád, Piroska? – Bent az erdőben, farkas koma, innét még egy fertályórányira, három öreg tölgyfa alatt van az én nagyanyácskám háza. Gondolta magában farkas koma: – Ez a kislány jó volna nekem, még jobban ízlenék, mint a vénasszony, hát csak ügyesen, koma, hogy mindkettőt kaparintsd meg. Közel húzódott a kis leánykához, ballagott mellette, aztán egyszerre csak megszólalt ártatlan pofával: – Hallod-e, Piroska, hát te meg sem nézed a virágokat? Nézd csak, mi tenger virág van itt, szebbnél szebbek! Hát a madarak énekében sem gyönyörködöl? Úgy mégy éppen, mintha iskolába mennél, ahelyett hogy ugrálnál, táncolnál, virágot szednél a madarakkal versenyt énekelnél. „Igaza van farkas komának – gondolta magában Piroska. – Bizonyosan örülne nagyanyácskám is, ha virágot vinnék neki. Aztán korán is van, még elég jókor érek hozzá.” Nem sokáig gondolkozott, letette a kosarat, leszaladt az útról, be a virágos erdőbe, virágról virágra szökkent, mind beljebb, beljebb, farkas koma pedig ezalatt sietett egyenesen a nagyanyácska házához, kopogtatott az ajtón. 17

What Will I be When I Grow up?

A Great Know-It-All of Crafts and



Hú, mi is érdekel igazán téged?

2021 ofIllustrator the AwardYear awardedHUBBYby

What do you want to be when you grow up? What profession should you choose for yourself, which you would happily do even for the rest of your life? What kind of occupations are there these days anyway? What does a geologist, a lawyer, a film director, an astronomer or an economist do?

Do you like to help others? Are you a die-hard sports fan or do you love to sing? Are you always hiding in books, or do maths make you feverish, do you enjoy spying on the night sky? Which is the occupation that would keep you engaged, in which you could fulfill yourself? And in general: what interesting things can you do when you grow up? In our volume, we present 72 trades and occupations, all of which have exciting things to do, and you can also find out what skills are required for the various professions, what tools the practitioners work with, and what you should stock up on if you are interested in one of them.

Mi akarsz lenni, ha nagy leszel?

Ugye, sokszor megkérdezték már tőled? Aztán ilyenkor feszengve néztél jobbra-balra, csak hogy kibújj a kényelmetlen kérdések elől. Miközben biztosan számos olyan dolog akad, amit már most is élvezel: szeretsz rajzolni, sportolni, ügyesen társasozol, jó a logikád, könnyen megjegyzel dolgokat, szeretsz olvasni, fúrni-faragni, kézműveskedni, szép a hangod, szeretsz videót készíteni, fotózni, olvasni, természetet járni, állatokkal foglalkozni... Hidd el, rengeteg olyan foglalkozás van, amihez épp a te különlegességed, a te sajátos érdeklődésed, kreativitásod és szorgalmad szükséges. De hogy is igazodj el a kavalkádban?

About the authors

Andrea Illés is a literature editor and the editorin-chief at Scolar Publishing. She is the author of several books and albums in cultural history, including most notably her work on the world heritage sites, relics and treasures in Hungary. She is the mother of four: three sons and a daughter.

Anita Nemes is a Budapest based freelance illustrator and graphic-designer. Her main profile is designing books, albums, posters. She graduated as typographer/graphic designer, and debuted with her own Budapest inspired picture and colouring book.

In 2021 she won the Illustrator of the year award with What Will I be When I Grow up?

A rögzítéshez ácskapcsokat nehogy egy járó vihar Az ács feladatai a külső és készítése, beépítéseknél alkalmazott kivitelezése, a faházak

18 World Rights 2022 23
Arról nem is beszélve, hogy sok olyan foglalkozás akad, amiről talán
Picture book
7–10 h 295 × w 200 mm 80 pages, hardback full colour Hogyan lehetsz gyógytornász? A gyógytornászok az érettségi után egyetemen tanulnak: az orvosi egyetemek egészségtudományi karán vesznek részt többéves képzésben. Különleges képességek A gyógytornász szakma nagy empátiát és szaktudást igényel: a biológiai ismereteken belül anatómiai tudás és testnevelési felkészültség is szükséges hozzá. Többnyire olyan betegekkel foglalkozik a gyógytornász, akiknek fájdalmaik vannak – épp ezt a fájdalmat szeretné megszüntetni, de ez hosszú folyamat, ami sok odafigyelést igényel. Jellemző eszközei labda gyógy- és sporteszközök gimnasztikai szőnyeg Hogyan lehetsz hegesztő? A hegesztőket szakiskolákban vagy tanfolyamokon képzik. Ide az általános iskola elvégzése után lehet jelentkezni. Képzésük három évet vesz igénybe. Különleges képességek Felelősségérzet, odafigyelés, körültekintés, továbbá alapos fémismeret, fizikai ismeretek szükségesek. Jellemző eszközei hegesztőpisztoly hegesztőpajzs tűz kovácsüllő kovácsfogó kovácskalapács A gyógytornászok kórházakban, rendelőintézetekben, wellnessközpontokban dolgoznak, de önálló „rendelésük” is lehet. A sajtoló hegesztés legősibb fajtája kovácshegesztés, mellyel lágyacélok összekötése valósítható meg, mégpedig úgy, hogy a kb. 1350 °C-ra felhevített fém alkatrészeket egymásra helyezik, és egymáshoz kalapálják. Az égő gáz lehet például hidrogén, propán, bután vagy acetilén. Az égetést végző hegesztőberendezést hegesztőpisztolynak hívjuk. hegesztőpisztolyból nagyon erős, vakító fénycsóva lövell ki. (E fénycsóvába még távolról is tilos belenézni, mert szemsérülést okozhat!) Az ömlesztő hegesztés talán legismertebb fajtája lánghegesztés, mely valamilyen éghető gáz és oxigén használatával történik. A két alaphegesztés-típuson (ömlesztő, sajtoló) belül ma már igen sok fajtája van a hegesztésnek, melyek mindegyike speciális szakértelmet és eszközöket kíván. A hegesztés során az eredetileg különálló fémelemek oldhatatlan kötéssel egymáshoz rögzülnek. A hegesztés helyén a különálló fémelemek anyagát vékony rétegben megolvasztják, és vagy így egyesítik őket, vagy töltőanyag, úgynevezett hozaganyag beolvasztásával tapasztják egymáshoz az alapanyagokat. Építkezéseken gyakran látni olyan szakembereket, akik védőfelszerelésben – szemüvegben vagy hegesztőpajzsban, kesztyűben –, kezükben hegesztőkészülékkel fémelemeket, fém alkatrészeket olvasztanak egymáshoz. Ők hegesztők. műveletet kovácsok végzik – azaz a kovácsok egyfajta ősi „hegesztők”. 38 39 Idősebb korúak egészségmegőrzését, balesetet szenvedettek vagy műtéten átesettek felépülését, azaz rehabilitációját is nagyban segíti. Ennek függvényében készíti el az „edzéstervet”, azaz, hogy milyen feladatokat kell begyakoroltatnia, hogy ezeket beteg otthon önállóan is elvégezhesse. Mielőtt megkezdi a kezelést, alaposan megvizsgálja pácienst, kikérdezi őt, és áttanulmányozza az orvosi leleteit, a röntgenfelvételeit. A gyógytornász, idegen szóval: fizioterapeuta, olyan egészségügyi szakember, aki különböző mozdulatok, mozgások, mozgássorok begyakoroltatásával kezeli a mozgásszervi vagy egyéb betegségekkel küzdő betegeket. Munkája sok időt és gyakorlást vesz igénybe – a beteg részéről. A gyógytornászok foglalkoznak például azokkal a gyerekekkel, akiknek nagyon rossz a testtartásuk, vagy gerincferdülésben szenvednek. Erősíti az izmokat, az ízületeket, és próbálja megszüntetni a mozgáskorlátozottságot.
IllésAndrea } Know-It-All of Traditional Crafts
NEW 23 ló lószerszám szablya (a 19. századtól őfegyver is) díszes egyenruha tarsoly (ebben tartotta a űzszerszámokat: apró készségeket kovát taplót és csiholóacélt) sarkantyús csizma csákó Magyarországon a 15. században jelentek meg a huszárok, fontos szerepet játszottak a török elleni harcokban, végvári küzdelmekben, rajtaütésekben, majd a 18. századra magyar katonai alakulattá váltak világszerte. A Rákóczi-féle szabadságharc, majd 1848/49 idején örök séget szereztek nevüknek a magyar huszárok. Más értelmezés szerint szerb-horvát eredetű Egy bizonyos: a huszárság jellegzetesen magyar katonai hagyományokat rzött meg és örökített tovább. 2022.07.25. 12:57:45 What’s your name? Smith, Wheeler, Potter, or perhaps Tanner? Do you know what your last name means? Do you know that perhaps your great-grandfather’s great-grandfather Picture book Age: 7–10 h 295 × w 200 mm 48 pages, hardback full colour Illés Andrea Nemes Anita illusztrációival

Scarf Tale

Scarf Tale meanders through time as a scarf knitted from long, multicoloured threads. For children, it is incredible that once grandfather and grandmother were children too. There was time when they were also mischievous and when they fell in love.

Grandmother’s hair is silver clew, grandfather’s pockets are full of maps.

Grandmother knits a scarf, grandfather shows where the grater pasque flower grows.

The love between grandparents and grandchildren may be the most peaceful – this relationship, keeping you warm through time, what Viktória Bogdán and Krisztina Rita Molnár’s Scarf Tale is about.

“But she promised to knit for me a long and warm scarf for winter.”

Picture book Age: 3–7

h 272 × w 193 mm 40 pages, hardback full colour throughout

About the authors

Krisztina Rita Molnár (1967 Budapest) is one of the most respected poet, writer, literary translator. Her first book was published in 1998. Since then she became an active member of the literary scene. She was awarded with the prestigious literary prize of the Belletrist Association in 2018.

Viktória Bogdán graduated in Visual Communication and Design Management. So far she illustrated several children books and various online and offline publications. She created and managed an awarded startup called Gubbio, developing applications for children living with autism.

20 World Rights 2022 23

Picture book Age: 4+

h 200 × w 200 mm 30 pages, hardback full colour throughout World rights excluding English English translation available Rights sold to: Czech Republic (Albatros)

Little Bird and the Thorn Bush

Meet Little Bird, Goat, Wolf, Fire and Water and others in this infinitely funny and loveable story. Little Bird begs to be swayed by the Thorn Bush, but is vehemently rejected. The conflictive start triggers a chain of fantastic events as Little Bird keeps chasing several agencies to make them inflict punishment on that naughty Thorn Bush. The end result is an ingenious fable rich in magical action.

Flipping through the pages, the superb quality of the unusually beautiful illustrations is immediately noticeable. Illustrator Mariann Máray used a special collage technique applying scraps of cloth, paper, napkin and wood over acrylic paint so as to create the remarkable universe in which the tale is set.

About the authors

Mariann Máray (1978) graduated in Graphic Design at Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design, Budapest. She has three children and lives and works in Budapest find more on

Adél Várszegi (1979) graduated in English Studies at Károli Gáspár University, Hungary. She has three children and lives and works in Budapest as a writer and a translator.

22 World Rights 2022 23

Kitkat, Not Again!

Almost true stories about a girl, becoming smarter, chattier and ever more impish as she grows older, goes to day-care, kindergarten and then to school.

From the stories of Kitkat, we get to know what a hundred-legged cock looks like, why it is good to be bad, why it is good to be good, and we even find out which horror tale ends in a roadhouse. This wonderfully illustrated book introduces key characters from Kitkat’s life: talking animals, playful objects, school friends, the Easter Bunny, Father Xmas, parents and grandparents.

These funny adventures are full of lessons, and though they start out from everyday events, they become fascinating tales in the end. Any kid at any nursery school could end up in similar situations, and they can transform each story with the help of their own adventures.

About the authors

Since 1991, 21 books were published with poems, stories, tales, and novels by Károly Méhes. He also works as a journalist and a literary translator, and has won several awards. He is the founder and the head of the Pécs Writers Programme since 2007.

A freelance illustrator living in Hungary in a little village near to the capital. She does her illustrations both by freehand painting and computer graphic programmes. She has won more than 10 various awards of which the latest was in 2020, the Beautiful Hungarian Book of 2019 Competition, 1. prize.

Picture book Age: 3+

h 225 × w 195 mm 78 pages, hardback full colour throughout


Picture book Age: 3+ h 264 × w 184 mm 32 pages, hardback full colour throughout World rights excluding English English translation available

Guest in the Nest

Guest in the Nest words, is a tale of finding your new place in a growing family. It is also a story of how the most ridiculous birthday presents can save your life if you know how to use them when facing a hungry dragon that just crash-landed on your monkey-nest.

For those whose birthday has just passed, is coming soon, or will arrive within a year!

…one crispy and sunny morning, in the great jungle of Thorn under the clear old autumn sky another chimp was born. “My lovely tiny pumpkin-pie!” Mummy would gently sigh. “You’re one hell of a monkey-boy!” Daddy would proudly cry.

The apeling was hip hip hurrayed by each and every monkey, and a most amusing feast was held and all of them felt funky. They were swinging from the treetops throwing big ripe coconuts, both the older and the younger just went absolutely nuts. They gave the little monkey on the Big Family Meeting a bright red magnifying glass in silver paper-wrapping.

24 World Rights 2022 23

The Tale of a Sack

One sunny afternoon in the park, a little girl with her sack is waiting for the buds of the large tulip tree to turn into flowers. She falls asleep while she is waiting and has a magical dream… and learns a lot about friendship, perseverance, making sacrifices, but mostly, about love.

This fabulous tale by Ottó Ördögh, complimented by Anikó Róth’s drawings, will take children to the dream world of fairy tales.

About the authors

Ottó Ördögh (1962) is a comedian and a high school teacher. He was among the founders of the first radio cabaret show in Szeged, and he also appeared on national televisions and had columns in daily newspapers. He has published 7 books, out of which 2 for children.

Anikó Róth (1975) is one of the most known contemporary artists and illustrators in Hungary. Since 1998 she had several exhibitions from all around the country to Milano and Berlin, and in May 2014 she was elected “Designer of the Month” by Wamp. She won several international design awards (Favourite Website Awards two times, Creative Website Awards, DOPE Awards, Website Design Awards, Hungarian Webdesign Award) with her website:

Picture book Age: 4–9

h 290 × w 210 mm 32 pages, hardback full colour throughout

English translation available


Picture book Age: 9+ h 297 × w 210 mm 64 pages, hardback full colour throughout

Book of Princesses

Which grown-up girl was not a fan of queens and princesses when she was little? Wouldn’t they dress up as duchesses during carnivals and dream of a glorious wedding? This book introduces real and “legendary” princesses to young girls and teenagers. It takes us on a journey to the civilization of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Italy, India, Japan or America, and makes it a real fun to learn about the diversity of cultures, the world of fashion, beauty… and love.

You get to know Semiramis, the queen of Babylon, Nefertiti, the Egyptian queen, Jingu, the empress of Japan, Theodelinda, the queen of Lombards, Saint Elisabeth of Hungary, Borte, the first wife of Genghis Khan, Mahat Mahal, the most beloved wife in India, Pocahontas, the Indian princess and wonderful Sisi, the most beautiful queen the world has ever known.


Princess Colouring Book

After the big success of the Book of Princesses finally here is the especially creative Princess Colouring Book. These magical wondrous drawings are just waiting for you to fill them with lively colours. Bring to life the ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Indian, and Japanese empresses or the knights of the medieval times.

Activity book Age: 4+

h 288 × w 204 mm 64 pages, paperback black and white


Everyone Can Draw

Honourable BeautifulmentionBooks

Everyone Can Draw Series

Activity book Age: 4+

h 275 × w 210 mm

176 pages, paperback black and white

English translation available

Rights sold to: France (Cambourakis)

Russia (Mann, Ivanov & Ferber) Greece (Haramada Publications)


(Jiang Xi Fine Art Publishing House)

A one-of-its-kind activity book taking edutainment to a whole new level!

• 176 pages of sheer fun blended with the developing of fine motor skills

• Activities, illustrations and typography tested and assessed by noted experts in child development

• Illustrations and typography conceived by renowned artists with experience in leading arts workshops for children

Clear space on the kitchen table and let your imagination go wild! This spectacular activity book, beautifully illustrated by renowned Hungarian artists Zsófi Barabás and Zsuzsa Moizer, invites, urges and requires children to be creative and use their imagination to its fullest. As the creators themselves put it, “this book is geared towards children who like to draw and children who have not yet grown fond of playing around with the crayon”.

The book’s greatest appeal is in its skill to sneak learning and development into fun activities. Activities involve half finished images, pictures to be coloured and shapes to fill in, finding animals in a game of hide and seek, identifying matching pairs, recognising feelings and emotions, discerning certain shapes etc. Such tasks aim at sharpening fine motor skills necessary to read, write and render the world on paper. Visual discernment, colour selection and higher level thinking are all engaged between the covers of this delightful volume.

About the illustrators

Zsófi Barabás (1980) and Zsuzsa Moizer (1979) graduated at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest in 2004, majoring in painting and obtaining a teacher-training qualification. Besides regularly exhibiting at major Budapest galleries, both Zsófi and Zsuzsa have gained extensive experience in organising creative workshops for children.

28 World Rights 2022 23
Photos: Bálint Trunkó awarded by theHungarian Publishers’andAssociationBooksellers’

Other titles

What is Missing? We are all Different

New high-concept activity books from the award-winning team that brought us Everyone Can Draw! Activity book Age: 4+

h 275 × w 210 mm 96 pages, paperback black and white

English translation available Rights sold to: France (Cambourakis)


Giant Colouring Books

Who wouldn’t like to recall the memories of a fantastic journey or a funny birthday party? Who wouldn’t like to explore the animals of the zoo or the mysterious creatures of the sea? The giant colouring and activity books of Zsuzsa Moizer and Zsófi Barabás help the children to discover these by using their imagination and creativity.

These extra size colouring books are ideal choice as a present for kid parties, but colouring and drawing can be a family activity on rainy afternoons too. Other titles

Who Lives in the Deep? Animals

Hurray, We Are on Holiday!

30 World Rights 2022 23 }
Giant Colouring Books
h 700 × w 1000 mm 1 page black and white
Activity leaf, huge colouring page Age: 4+

The World of Mandalas

Mandalas calm the soul and vitalize the spirit. By colouring and painting the artistic images the young and the older can enter a magical world of tranquility. It’s a journey to our inner world: the colours of the mandala will reflect our personality. In our tormented and rushing life we need to stop and listen to our inner silence. The colouring of these giant mandalas (1000 x 700) gives us peace and composure.

It can be a handcraft, it can be a creative way of relaxation or even a mindfulness practice. The colourful pictures are ideal gifts for our beloved ones or can be decoration for our homes.

Giant Mandala Series

Other titles

Zodiac Mandala

Art therapy – Happiness by Czinger Orsolya

31 }
by Györgyi Kapala
Activity leaf, huge colouring page Age: 6+ h 700 × w 1000 mm 1 page black and white

Hungarian literature Age: 7+

h 230 x w 160 mm 160 pages, hardback two colours

English translation available


One of János Arany’s main works is Toldi, a rhyming epic poem of 12 cantos and 1688 lines. The central character Toldi was a ruffian, a peasant lad of immense strength whose picaresque adventures, both amorous and martial, often lacked credibility, and who eventually by virtue of his bravery became a knight at the court of Louis the Great.

The new edition is illustrated by the wood carvings of József Domján.

About the authors

János Arany, (born March 2, 1817, Nagyszalonta, Hungary; died Oct. 22, 1882, Budapest), the greatest Hungarian epic poet.

József Domján was one of the most important colour woodcut artists in the Twentieth Century. He was a celebrated artist in America with over 500 exhibitions on four continents. The Domján colour woodcut prints are in many major museums in America, Japan, and Europe.

32 World Rights 2022 23

Novels – Márton Gerlóczy

The Ravine (Fiction I.)

Márton Gerlóczy's new novel, The Ravine (Fiction I.) is the first volume of a continuing identity thriller, in which the author tells the antecedents of a particularly complicated family history.

The setting is a quiet alley in a small Sicilian town in the middle of a valley preparing for Christmas, where a tense countdown begins with ominous omens. A man waits for the truth, a writer for DNA results, a novel for its characters. Meanwhile, we can only be certain of this: "Things can only happen one way, namely, the way they happened." But how did they happen? What can be done with the situation when it turns out that hardly anything is true of what we knew, believed, and thought about ourselves and our family until now?

After his family novel Lullaby, the author wanted to write the story of the fathers, but in the end the story began to write him.


Márton Gerlóczy’s novel incorporated family diaries, letters, folklore, prose and poetical texts, but the framework rests upon the memoirs of the author’s grandmother and great grandmother. This Transylvanian family story binds together the fates of these women. Resignation, loss of hope, grief, desire of a break out, silent revolt tear apart and bind together at once these embattled lives.

About the author Márton Gerlóczy (1981, Budapest) works as a journalist and publicist. His first book became a cult novel. Certified Absence was first published in 2003, and became immediately a cult book. His novels reflect the absurdities of our everyday lives in a humourous and suggestive way. He won the Book of the Year Prize in 2018 with his new novel called Anna Mikecs Lullaby.

h 213 × w 135 mm

384 pages, hardback with jacket

h 205 × w 128 mm

448 pages, hardback with jacket


h 194 × w 120 mm

176 pages, paperback with flaps

Novels – Zsófia Czakó

Heart Sound-Cardiogram

Missed ab, a lifeless embryo in the uterus, five millimeters, scheduled for scraping – that’s the diagnosis of our protagonist. The setting of the story is the six-bed room C, where vulnerable young girls and women who are waiting for an abortion, and those who are afraid of the abortion spend the slowly passing time together. The burned-out staff of the rural hospital is doing its job, there is no time and no energy for understanding.

The women in the village say that time helps. God has taken away and will give another. One in four ends this way. No need to cry, it will pass. It happened to someone else, and now she has twins. The chicks hatch, the neighbor’s cat gives birth three times, a stork flies over the house. How can you not constantly think about why it is so easy for others?

h 194 × w 120 mm

208 pages, paperback

Not Polite to Work in the Garden On Good Friday

The Not Polite to Work in the Garden on Good Friday takes place in two different phases of the narrator’s life. A young woman, who wants to pursue her own desires, but she is continuously bound by the expectations of the others. We see her childhood in the rural Hungary, and then the adult woman’s everyday life in Milan. The two stories are connected by the narrator’s perspective.

Should we cling stubbornly to anachronistic traditions? Can we blame anyone, especially our family for our own unhappiness?

The text is humorous and self-reflexive, and the voice of childish amazement sheds light on many incomprehensible expectations placed on someone by the adult world, bringing to the fore, in turn, the perception of life shared by the generation born in the 1980s.

About the author Zsófia Czakó was born in Gyo̧r, Hungary in 1987. After Not Polite to Work in the Garden on Good Friday Heart Sound is her second published book. In 2021 she won the Mastercard Co-cretaor scolarship. She is currently living in Tard.

34 World Rights 2022 23
Photo: Anna Török

You Will Be a Survivor, Not a Victim

Emotional manipulation, dependence, control, humiliation, financial or sexual blackmail... Forms of mental and verbal violence that appear in abusive relationships, from which you typically cannot get out. Yet, in the country where many people still believe in the beneficial effect of slaps, we don’t even think about the more subtle manifestations of violence. How can you escape from an abusive relationship?

Kata Tisza’s book uses the painful, yet uplifting experiences of her own coaching practice, psychological life journeys, and personal life.

About the author

Kata Tisza was born on August 30, 1980 in Marosvásárhely. She obtained her diplomas at the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of ELTE. Her research areas are the life course, aging, quality of life, identity and the fight against prejudice. After her initial successes, she did not publish in the literary genre for nine years, and also canceled her public appearances. After the hiatus, she published her psychoprose “Those who don’t cry normally” at Scolar Publishing House, and since then she has been publishing her writings that combine therapy and literature, such as The best place in the city you are (poems), and NOW- You will be a survivor, not a victim which shows a way out of emotional abuse. She is a mother of two children and a fan of Hungarian underground music.

h 228 × w 164 mm 504 pages, hardback with jacket

35 VII. fejezet Élet az elválás rehabilitáció VII. fejezet Élet az elválás rehabilitáció
Photo: Zsolt Reviczky

Novels – Szonja Herczeg

I Love You But I Don't Love You

With her usual ironic honesty, Szonja Herczeg tells about the bewilderment and emotional vulnerability of a 30-year-old girl wandering in the maze of psychological problems, the betrayal of the fake ’friends’ who surround her, and the loss of great love. We can follow the conversations of a psychologist and his ’patient’, the therapy, while willingly or unwillingly we think of whom the stigma of the mentally ill is placed on by society and whether it will ever allow them to not see themselves as stigmatized.

About the author

Sonja Herczeg grew up in Venezuela, and after returning home, she started writing. Her short stories can be read on her own blog, on Facebook, or even as guerrilla short stories at bus stops. Her first volume, Small Soda, Small Fries was published in the Scolar L!ve series. She previously worked as a journalist and editor at various periodicals.

Small soda, small chips

Being retired and cleaning up after teenagers' hamburgers. Suffering from invisible depression and anxiety. After an unexpected attack by a “friend”, lying on the cold ground, waiting for help that may never come. Being on both sides of a relationship just falling apart. To kill for revenge.

Fictional stories about average people with not-so-average but possible endings. Any correspondence with reality can only be coincidental.

Imaginary House

What if someone was treated in the hospital based on how many followers he had on Instagram? What happens when a bored middle-aged woman makes her way to fame, but the tension of her previous life explodes on her best day?

Etelka is the watchman of an apartment house, she knows everything about everyone, and the residents also think they know Etelka. Or not? What is the truth and what even happens in the Imaginary House? Maybe the reader won't be able to decide either.

36 World Rights 2022 23
h 194 × w 120 mm 144 pages, paperbck
Photo: Melinda Mile

Novels – Sarolta Dobray

Are you crazy, woman?! How can you let, you who are smart, beautiful and strong? This man drains your blood, your brain, your soul, do you even know who you are and who you were? Run away!” Those who speak from the outside, who see, say this all the time. But the woman is inside, and everything is different from the inside. And she stays. Hopes. Struggles. Thinks. She loves. She is dependent. She defends herself. She hurts. And the man? He hopes. Struggles. Thinks. He loves. He is dependent. He wants to own her. But who is the accused and who is the accuser? Who is hurt and who is the hurter? Who is lying and who is not?

Everyone is hurt, one way or another. Some by hurting, some by letting themselves to be hurt. Some more fatal, some less, some curable, some incurable. Some kill in the end and some are killed. Maybe it's all just a matter of luck...? Sarolta Dobray provides a literary feat: she tries to follow the increasingly whirlwind events through the perspective of the two protagonists, Léna and Péter, in parallel...

Also available in e-book and audio book!

About the author

h 213 × w 135 mm 320 pages, hardback with jacket

Dobray Sarolta, a journalist and writer, previously became known as a model and then as an announcer on public television. Since 2004, her articles, publicisms, and human-centered literary reports have appeared in the columns of No̧k Lapja. In her book of reports (Crazy World) published in 2011, she revealed the life of Hungarian prostitutes in Italy by secretly becoming one of them. In 2020, she began to publish sequels to her article Glass Wall in No̧k Lapja, an edited and expanded version of which was published by Scolar Publishing House in 2021, and the debut novel became one of the literary bestsellers of the year.

Photo: Bea Bulla

Novels – Orsolya Karafiáth


Orsolya Karafiáth explores the psychology of addiction in her family novel, which can also be read as a string of short stories. What are the chances that a little girl who grows up in an alcoholic family will become an adult with healthy self-esteem? And who can he turn to for help, for whom drink is his only friend? The story, which at first glance looks like a series of loosely connected memory fragments, but which is actually constructed with an almost maniacal awareness, shows through the lives of the female members of three generations, how we continue to carry the burdens, anxieties and addictions of the previous generations, our mothers, in a world where children do not matter as much as the men.

Rights sold to: Slovakia, (BRAK, s.r.o.)

Also available in e-book and audio book!

About the author

Orsolya Karafiáth (Budapest, September 19, 1976) poet, translator, publicist, singer. With her own definition: cultural demon. In an even more ironic way: "the author, who was held together by makeup and a wig. Without them, she would have fallen to pieces.” Orsolya Karafiáth, an unrepeatable phenomenon of Hungarian literary life, started as a librarian and worked in this capacity at the Ludwig Museum. In addition, she appeared on TV, wrote and published publicism and regularly leads exhibitions. Her book presentations are real literary performances. But that's just scratching the surface. Above all, she is a poet, writer, lyricist, who has published eight independent volumes so far.

38 World Rights 2022 23
h 200 × w 130 mm 192 pages, hardback with jacket

Mathematics –Gyula J. Obádovics

The reader is holding in his hands one of the most famous mathematics book of the world. The classical volume summarizes the knowledge of the primary and the secondary schools, but it also provides an insight into higher mathematics. Its effectiveness is proven by the fact, that this volume is already the 21st consecutive edition. The author covers mathematical knowledge from the basics until the most modern concepts. The explanations and descriptive examples help the understanding of mathematics for everyone who is interested in the topic.

About the author

Gyula J. Obádovics is a doctor of natural sciences, the candidate of mathematics, professor emeritus. He was the leader of a faculty in the University of Agricultural Sciences in Gödöllo˝. He is a university professor and was awarded with the Golden Ring. He is the author of 24 books, 30 university lecture notes and 56 scientific publications. He is the creator and pioneer in teaching computer science in Hungary, he initiated modernistic mathematics in the qualification of engineers. Now he is living in Balatonszárszó with his wife. He has three daughters who are also dealing with mathematics.

Comprehensive school book Age: 14+

h 175 × w 125 mm 840 pages flexible paperback black and white

More than 500000 sold copies!

Wonderful Hungary The Szeklers


The Danube of Myths –The Myth of the Danube

It is one of the largest rivers in Europe. This would be interesting in itself, but the Danube is much more than that. During its journey of nearly three thousand kilometers, it touches ten countries and even more peoples. A huge waterway. Sometimes it’s a limit. And of course tradition, history, destiny, culture. A common destiny and a common culture.

The author invites the reader to an exciting water tour both in space and time. A few thousand kilometers and a few thousand years. Back there, up and down, sometimes in the main bed, sometimes in the tributaries or backwaters, but always on the rushing or trickling water of the river of culture.

About the author

György Miklós Száraz (Budapest, 1958) studied humanities, majored in history and archives, but also dabbled in archaeology. For a few years, he worked as a columnist for Új Írás, then in book publishers and daily and monthly newspapers.

Multi-genre writer. He writes publicism, and in the last decade his picture albums from Hungary and Transylvania have been published, but he also writes texts for the albums of well-known Hungarian photographers (e.g. Péter Korniss).

Biblikus időket idéző, lenyűgöző táj.

„Európa legnagyszerűbb, legfenségesebb vízi útja” írja egy százéves útikönyv, mely azt állítja, hogy a sziklaszoros a Kárpát me dence egyetlen kifolyása a világtengerek felé. (Utóbbi nem egészen igaz, hiszen odafönn, a régi Magyar Királyság lengyelekkel hatá ros északi határvidékén Krúdy kedvenc „hűtlene”, a Poprád nem Duna felé, hanem – Kárpátok bércei közt áttörve – a Visztula felé csörgedezik.) De valójában mi is Vaskapu? Egy 134 kilométer hosszú, több szakaszból álló szűkület. Észak ról, folyásirányban haladva az első a Galambóci szurdok. A szerb oldalon álló vár, Galambóc vára valaha magyar végvári láncrendszer egyik előretolt bástyája volt. Szerbek építették, helyén egykor a római Columbaria erőd magasodott. 1334 ben a magyar Anjou uralkodó, Károly Róbert foglalta el. A Balkánon délről észak 1 Galambóc vára (Golubac, Szerbia)

parton, a Várhegy lábánál Vízi város házai tarkállanak, hajóhídon lovas kocsik gördülnek, katonák masíroznak villogó bajonettel. Odébb paraszti processzió, vallási körmenet kígyózik ájtatos énekszóval, a magasba emelt kereszteken napfény tündököl. A folyó csónakoktól, evező söktől tarkállik. A hajósok félmeztelenek, fejü kön háromszínű sapka. Katonai úszóverseny zaj lik, a tisztek és kadétok versenyt úsznak a Szent Gellért hegy irányában, visszafelé, a folyó sodra ellenében zászló díszes csónakokban eveznek nagy csinnadrattával és zeneszóval. Egy firenzei születésű orosz herceg, Anatolij Nyikolajevics Gyemidov még tömörebb: „Kevés olyan figyelemreméltó panorá mát lát az ember – írja –, mint aminővel két város, Buda és Pest rendelkezik. Széles folyam, a Duna választja el őket egymástól, ám valójában egyetlen város két részét alkotják.” Ő 1837 ben járt ná lunk, amikor Pest Budának még nem volt állandó hídja, mindös sze egyetlen hajóhíd kötötte össze két várost. 1 Gellért-hegyi panoráma: balra a hegyes-völgyes

40 World Rights 2022 23 } h 248 × w 175 208 pages, hardback with jacket
Photo: Máté Bach
146 • A VASKAPU ÉS A KAZÁN-SZOROS Égbe meredő, rémséget gerjesztő hegyek közt keskeny tószalag, melynek sehol nincs kijárása. Fent a kék ég, körös-körül a börtönné vált sziklák, melyek a külvilágtól elzárnak. Az arany ember című regényében Jókai azon tűnődik, hogy vajon Neptunus vagy Vulcanus, a végtelen víz vagy a kőzetet olvasztó tűz, a tenger vagy a tűzhányó istene teremtette e Ka zán szorost és a Vaskaput. A kérdés helyénvaló, mert a mű valóban isteni.
74 75 Alkalmi hidak korábban is léteztek, az egyik ilyen nagy bárka híd Buda 1686 os visszafoglalásakor pusztult el. Közel száz éven át nem is volt megbízható állandó összeköttetés Pest és Buda között. 1767 ben, Albert szász herceg budai látogatá sa alkalmából építették meg azt nagy hajóhidat, amely aztán – a téli hónapok kivételével, amikor el kellett bontani – a Lánchíd megépüléséig szolgált. A fa ácsolatú hídpályáját, amelyen két sze kér is elfért egymás mellett, 43 bárka tartotta. A hajók áthaladá sát szétnyitható hídelemek biztosították. A hídtest mindkét szélén korlátok közt gyalogjárók húzódtak, a híd közepén pedig Nepo muki Szent János állt aranyos köntösben, feje fölött bádogcsilla gokkal és rózsakoszorúval, lábánál az örökkön pislogó mécsessel. János a halászok védőszentje is, májusi neve napján – kegyes emlé kezésül a vízen úszó vértanútestet kísérő csillagokra – apró deszka tutajocskákon ragyogó mécsesek százait eregették alá a folyamon vizekből élők. Medárd napi vásár van. A túlsó
deszkatutajocskákon ragyogó
Buda, jobbra síkon Pest
Szent János napján
mécsesek százait eregették alá

The Plants of the Bible

What was Noah’s ark made of? What did Jesus eat with his apostles during the last supper? What has Palm Sunday do with palms? How is papyrus connected to the title of the Bible?

Such questions unconsciously emerge when reading the Holy Script. Getting to know the plants of the Bible, understanding their symbolism, is not only interesting, but helps to get closer to the message of God.

The Foods of the Bible

Bible and food? Just seemingly distant concepts! Reading the Holy Scriptures, many aspects of this "vital" activity of humanity are revealed to us, and a series of questions arise. What is the land flowing with milk and honey? What was the most popular food in Bible times? Why do they break the bread, why not cut it? What fasting foods did you eat?

Those who expect recipes may be disappointed, but those who are curious as to why the water had to be made into wine, how salt can make it tasteless, and why Daniel ate only vegetables, will find pleasure in turning the pages of this book.

Our book does not reveal the details of biblical meals, dietary habits, daily dinners, sacred and sacrificial meals with the demands of exact scholarship, but combines the curiosity and desire of a Bible reader, that is, the author's desire to know God, with her experiences among Asian people who still preserve traditions.

About the author

Biologist Erzsébet Fráter completed her studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of ELTE. Previously, she worked at the Hungarian Museum of Natural Sciences, and since 1998, as a staff member of the Institute of Ecology and Botany of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Ecological Research Center, she has been the curator of the evolutionary history plant taxonomy collection of the Vácrátót National Botanical Garden. Since 1985, she has been publishing on botanical, nature conservation and horticultural topics. Her most recent books, On Exotic Markets A Botanical Guide to Tropical Crops and The Plants and the Foods of the Bible, were published by Scolar Publishing.

h 230 × w 165 mm

320 pages, hardback with jacket

h 230 × w 165 mm

312 pages, hardback with jacket


Naturopath in the Family series

Mothers' Handbook by Diána Nikolett Szarvas

This beautiful and practical volume provides help in solving common health problems of babies and older siblings at home, as well as in supplementing medical treatment. Whether it's baby colic, teething, sleep difficulties, immune strengthening, colds, sore throat - we can find herbal remedies for all of them that we can safely try ourselves. In addition, it also provides smart advice on how to deal with our own - above all, mothers' - physical and mental problems. It covers the relief of common colds during pregnancy or breastfeeding, the stimulation of milk secretion, and even stress management.

Herbs take longer to work than synthetic drugs, but in the long run they provide a gentler effect and have fewer side effects. They can often work wonders, it's worth trying the recipes and practices described in the book!

Women's Handbook – Cycles by Diána Nikolett Szarvas and Dóra Csuday

Being a woman has always been a great challenge and at the same time a huge blessing, as we are able to give life to a tiny human being. A woman's body is like a finely tuned system - capable of performing extremely complex tasks, but incredibly sensitive.

The second volume of the Naturopath in the Family series, Women's handbook - Cycles, provides us women with useful advice on how to maintain our mental-physical-spiritual harmony and health, as well as what we can do to be blessed with children ourselves.

The book provides practical help on how to exploit the uniquely rich storehouse of nature and heal ourselves gently with the help of medicinal plants, apitherapeutic agents, i.e. beekeeping products, essential oils, vitamins, minerals and hatha yoga.

About the authors

Diána Nikolett Szarvas graduated as a bioengineer with a specialization in health protection, then expanded her knowledge in the field of naturopathy, thus becoming a certified phytotherapist, Bach flower therapist and yoga instructor. Her writings were first published on the website.

Dóra Csuday has been working as a certified women's, maternity and baby yoga instructor for fifteen years. Her main profile is the treatment of women's diseases, traumas, cycle disorders, relationship difficulties, sexual blockages, fertility problems, physical and mental issues of pregnancy and the unpleasant symptoms of changing age with the help of yoga.

42 World Rights 2022 23
h 198 × w 165 mm 152 pages, hardback
198 × w 165 mm 192 pages, hardback

Scolar Kiadó


Piroska utca 13. 1016 Hungary


+36 1 466 7635

World Rights

Cover Illustration

Ildikó Horváth (Ruby Tale Book)

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