Weather Forecasts Wind against tide Wind blowing against the tide or against the flow of a river or estuary, can make the sea very choppy and rough enough to be dangerous to a small boat or canoe. The same applies to lakes if the wind is against current. This can happen when the weather forecast is not necessarily bad.
One of the most important things you must check before any activity is the weather forecast. The weather forecast may determine whether you can go or where you can go and for how long. Using weather forecasts When you receive a weather forecast you must study it and consider how it will affect your intended activity. Then you must act accordingly erring on the side of safety.
Features Be aware of the effect of other geographical features in your normal boating waters and where shelter may be found from winds of different directions
You must be aware that the weather will have different effects on land or on sea activities. A gale that would make it unsafe to go sailing could add a fun dimension to a hike. Each activity must be judged on each occasion and you must be aware of the effect the weather will have on the location. You must also know the effect it will have on the equipment you intend to use and if the members of your Watch are experienced enough to cope with it.
Weather on the Web
Weather on the radio Shipping forecasts 102