Emergency Rations Emergency Rations
Menu suggestions Breakfast - The most important meal of the day
Biscuits, chocolate, nuts, GORP, dried fruit and dates, Mars bars, Gluco tabs, boiled glucose sweets etc.
Muesli, mix in powered milk and sugar at home, add hot or cold water. Frankfurter sausages are far easier to cook than the traditional fry.
Anything with a high sugar content and which will convert into energy quickly.
Bread buttered beforehand, pre-cooked hard -boiled eggs, dried fruit. Tea , coffee, drinking chocolate or dehydrated orange powder.
Food provides the energy for the things we do. Make sure that you eat and drink well when hill walking, especially when you are wet and tired when it’s tempting to just crash out in your tent.
Lunch Sandwiches (made at home), cheese, cold meat, peanut butter, paté, fruitcake, biscuits, fruit, chocolate. A flask with a hot drink.
TIPS Backpackers can eat straight from the pot. The only cutlery needed is a spoon, a pocket knife and a plastic mug.
Snacks for eating on the move: nuts, fruit, chocolate, GORP (good old raisins and peanuts) & boiled sweets.
An empty plastic 35mm film canister makes a good waterproof container for matches and a small piece of emery paper.
Dinner There is a huge variety of dehydrated meals available: quick-cook rice, pasta. Dried vegetables, “cup of soup”, crackers. Avoid tinned food as it is heavy. Some instant desserts can be made with water. Dried fruit.
GORP - (Good Old Raisins and Peanuts) is an easy to make emergency ration. A mix of nuts, raisins, seeds, chocolate chips, etc. It can also be eaten on the move as a snack food. 142