Canoeing The main safety points of canoeing • Don’t canoe if you cannot swim • Always wear a buoyancy aid • Ask about local dangers, tides, currents, etc • Don’t canoe with less than three people and always tell someone ashore your plan. • Don’t overload a canoe with people or equipment • Helmets must be worn at all times • Spray decks must be worn • A qualified person must be in charge.
A kayak is a closed deck boat propelled with a two bladed paddle. In Ireland, a Kayak is often called a canoe.
A canoe is an open boat propelled with a single bladed paddle. In Ireland a canoe is frequently called a Canadian canoe or just a “Canadian”.
Safety when lifting heavy loads (canoe) Care should be taken when carrying a canoe to and from the water, if it too heavy get someone to help you carry it. When the canoe capsizes it may be very heavy due to the weight of the
Canoeing is an exciting activity because of the adventure and uncertainty it brings. It may the first time you will be in charge of your own boat and you have to rely on practising the skills yourself rather than depending on others.
TIP Remember . . . less than three should never be. 77