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Do you have a passion for Girl Scouts and want to help the GSSGC community grow?
ATTENTION Virtual Gurus!
In this new day and age of virtual activity and engagement, we are looking for Adult Volunteers interested in assisting in any of the following ways: ⇨ Serve as a Virtual Troop Meeting Mentor for new troops or those that currently feel uncomfortable running virtual troop meetings. ⇨ Host Virtual Recruitments, inviting new girl members to join, experience what Girl Scouts has to offer and welcome potential new Troop Co-Leaders. ⇨ Co-Lead a Virtual Girl Scout Troop, giving girls the opportunity to participate in Girl Scouts virtually when there are no troops available in their area or they prefer a virtual experience. ⇨ Spread the Word – sharing information online about upcoming recruitments and events by posting flyers and in your local community groups and or PTO/PTA’s. Are you interested in becoming a GSSGC Virtual Guru? Please let us know and we will contact you shortly to provide details, orientation and next steps: https://bit.ly/gssgcvg
Questions? Would you like more information? Please contact customercare@gssgc.org.