There’s change in the wind. We’ve heard you and are making a change. Traditionally, the “wufoo” that asks you to submit your name if you’re a Graduating Senior, a 10-Year girl member of Girl Scouts, and may also be receiving your Silver or Gold Award has been published on March 1st and is open for 31 days. For several years we’ve heard: “I never received the link”, “I missed the deadline”, “Where was that published?”, “I didn’t know I had to fill something out”. It saddens us that a deserving girl is not recognized for her accomplishment. So, wait for it…
We are now going to have the link open for a much longer period. The link will open on December 1st of each year and will stay open until April 30th. That’s 5 WHOLE months. Council will push the link on social media, email the information to service units, leaders of older girl troops and even send email reminders to members that are registered 9th-12th graders.
So, heads up, if you have girls in your troop or members of your family that are entering 9th through 12th grade, mark it on your calendar – December 1st. If you don’t come across the link, reach out to customercare@gssgc.org and they’ll take care of you.
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