Pilates Mary Ayers 520-638-7916 scov.pilates@gmail.com Mon., 3 PM, Thu., 1:30 PM, AFC/Studio
To get the full benefits of Pilates, a person should understand the basic principles. This may take a little time and patience, as the exercises may be different from others you are familiar with, but they are fun, interesting and challenging. Pilates can even become addictive. It teaches proper balance, breathing and how to focus on strengthening your core (your abdomen and back muscles). Constant movement from one exercise to another results in developing strength and stamina, and your posture is improved. The spine lengthens and joint flexibility and mobility increase. SCOV has two experienced instructors who teach mat Pilates classes and, if necessary, can modify many of the moves for us. The cost is $8/class and annual club dues are $20 pp. Please stop by and watch a class. Call Mary.
Sunrisers Exercise Joyce Wisbey 520-825-5425 bwisbey90@msn.com Shirley Dubanski 520-975-4100 Mon., Wed., Fri., 6:45-7:45 AM, AFC/Studio 1 & 2
Are you awake early and want to improve your stamina and strength? Come join us for an hour of aerobic and weight exercise all while standing. There is no fee to join the club or the class. Bring your weights and water for drinking. We hope to see you there.
Tai Chi Co-chairs Alice Hutchison 520-329-8090 ahutchison87@gmail.com Cynthia Chaffee 520-342-6437 cynthiachaffee@mac.com Thu., 10-11:30 AM, AFC/Studio 1
Tai chi classes will continue for registered students through May, ending on June 2. They will resume in October under the guidance of tai chi masters, Jose Hernandez Rivera and Donna Drazenovich. Tai chi is an ancient Chinese tradition that involves slow focused movements. Because of the benefits for balance, strength, and improved breathing, it is an exercise especially suitable for seniors.
Yoga Pres. Jan Wholey 520-638-7088 suncityyoga2018@gmail.com
Keep your cool this month by joining us for relaxing stretches in air-conditioned comfort. One or more of our four weekly classes is sure to fit your schedule. Tuesdays, 10:45 AM, AFC Studios 1 & 2, Torrey Thursdays, 9 AM, Desert Oasis, Torrey Thursdays, 10:45 AM, Chair Yoga, Desert Oasis, Torrey Fridays, 8:15 AM, AFC Studios 1 & 2, Maria Bring your mat, props and $10 to each class.
Games Bridge Duplicate Bridge
Pres. Dave Hablewitz 520-989-0486 hkrisdave@opusnet.com Wed., 6 PM; Fri., 12:30 PM, Desert Oasis
During construction of the Activity Center, we are using different sites and days. These changes are for the foreseeable future. We will try to keep you informed of any changes. Please arrive 15 minutes early to register.
Sun City Vistoso Tipster, Febraury 2011
Ladies Monday Social Bridge
Anita Gayheart 360-949-3452 and2@olypen.com Mon., 12:30-3 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon
Monday bridge has started up again. Come for a friendly game of bridge. Renew those old friendships and meet new friends. Marathon Bridge
Dave Johnson 520-825-6994 dpjohn@aol.com Mixed Social Bridge
Pres. Don Wheeler 520-334-7578 don8359@gmail.com Mon., Wed., Fri., 8:30 AM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo
The Mixed Social Bridge Club plays contract bridge in an informal, relaxed and fun environment. We want everyone who comes to sit at a table and play bridge. So, if needed, we will make a table of three or have a player float from table to table. We start promptly at 8:30 AM; come a few minutes early to socialize and partner up. We have coffee, and members often bring goodies to go with it. We also have online games using Trickstercards.com. Please join us. We welcome new players. Partners Tuesday Night Bridge
Pres. Larry Parks, VP Janelle Parks, Sec. Judy Bjorling 520-818-1296 Tue., 6 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo
No matter the depth of your bridge knowledge, you’ll enjoy Tuesday Night Bridge. Sure, we have some bridge sharks, but mostly they’re not dangerous to the average player. Like whale sharks, some partners have a big presence, win lots, bid and make grand slams occasionally with their mug shots circulated and are respected. They’re not harmful at all. Some are even like nurse sharks; and they’ll help you if you ask about a challenging situation. Bring a partner and your dollars and immerse yourself. You’ll be glad you did. Arrive by 5:45 PM to secure your place in the water. Practice Bridge
Pres. Robert Carlson 612-850-9005, Barbara Fransdal 520-310-7549 Mon. and Wed., 1-3 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo
We play for fun, to relearn old skills and develop new ones. Sometimes we even keep score. We learn from each other.
Bunco Fern Strandskov 520-825-8127 Fourth Tue., 1-4 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro
Please join us. There is a $2 entrance fee, which is divided among the winners. We can promise you a fun afternoon. Mark your calendar, and give it a try. Hope to see you there.
Chess VP, John Bechard bechard.john@gmail.com Mon., 4:30 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon
The Sun City Chess Club will continue through the summer months. We have all levels of players and welcome newcomers who want to come and try out a game with a chess partner. Equipment is provided, and if you need to brush up with some chess fundamentals, we can find you an experienced player to talk you through a game.
May 2022, Sun City Oro Valley Tipster