Head of School's Message Dear Parents and Students, Proverbs 3:5-8 Says – Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones. (ESV) Our School Theme this year focuses on what it means to be Truth Seekers. In our world today “truth” has become relative, defined by each individual’s conception of truth. Our world is challenged by this notion as truth changes depending on the individual, someone’s politics or media bias. Trying to chart an ever-changing course is exhausting; mix in a global pandemic and it’s no wonder why anxiety and depression are at record heights around the globe. The biblical perspective of Truth is rooted in the Creator God and His character. We see God revealed in nature and through His holy Word. Through creation and His Word we understand Him as sovereign and active over our lives and the events of our world. Where culture is tossed back and forth through ever changing truth, Christians can find clarity in Christ and His unchanging nature. We can chart our future by understanding His Truth which is more absolute and fixed, like Him. As we put our trust in Him and seek Him with all of our mind, body, and spirit, He makes Himself known to us and helps us navigate the challenges we face. When we look to Christ, what He desires for us, rather than striving after our own desires and struggling to define our ‘truth,’ He promises to bring rest and refreshment to our spirit.
Mr. Gregg As a school, our dynamic godly teachers are privileged to daily engage your sons and daughters in God’s Truth. Through the study of language, math, science, history, politics, and everything else we teach in our IB context we learn about His sovereignty and see His glory. Together, as we trust in the Lord with all our hearts, He guides us and makes straight our paths … He helps bring meaning to our confusing, changing world. Ultimately, this foundation allows our students and graduates to find their way and have an impact in the lives of others for His glory. This promises to be an exciting year together as we seek to understand what it means to be Truth Seekers and see our loving Creator God and new and deeper ways. Thank you for joining with us in this pursuit and journey.
Kindy 1
by Ibu Patrici a
r bodies and Our K1 friends are learning about thei . seeing how they function and grow erent body parts We started by talking about the diff amazing senses, and and how they work. God gave us 5 pendently or we found out that they can work inde reach in for an collaboratively! For example, when we tell us what the object in a box, our sense of touch can eyes. Similarly, we object is, without seeing it with our ge in different tried placing an onion, banana, and oran see what’s inside, cups with lids. Though we could not smelling it. Isn’t we can still figure out what it was by can also work that amazing? Sometimes, our senses gh in class, we dou together. When we made smelly play that we have had to see the ingredients to make sure we knead them the right things, touch the mixture as ughout thro oil l together, and smell the essentia was! it the activity. What a sense-sational time
Kindy 2
By Mr. Ian
The K2 children explored a lot of things related to the family. We have inquired about how each of our families is unique. Through our show and tell sessions, we realized that some families are big, and some families have fewer members. Some families have more boys and other s, have more girls. The K2s also learned that each family has different favourite activities they do as a family . As well as favourite food they like to eat together. This unit has helped the K2 children inquire about certain inform ation about their family including their parents’ name s and who are their grandparents. This was reinforced by asking them to make a “family tree” project. They recorded a video presenting their own family tree. Pretend play was also part of some of the sessions where we get to be a “dad” or a “mom” for a day to experience how it is like to be like them and the important roles that our parents play in our family. Of course, the k2s also showed how small children can help with the family at home by doing some chores. We learned to sing and sign the song “Welcome to the family” which was our theme song for this term. We love our family!
Father Mother
Kindy 3
We In term 1, K3 has been working on two units: Where to going Are in Place and Time and Who We Are. We are a explore the Who We Are unit throughout this year. As esia’s Indon ated part of this unit, the students celebr done Independence day. Even though the celebration was in an online setting, the students learned why it is significant for Indonesians to celebrate Independence with Day. During Art class, the students made decorations By flag. esian Indon the red and white, which symbolize the doing this, teachers encouraged students to identify Flag features of the celebration. Students also joined the s. game salute and watched some traditional
by Ibu Hondho
It has been two months sinc e the students have learned and worked on the Where We Are in Place and Time unit. This unit is about how homes/ houses reflect culture and identity. The students learned that the functions of the house are not merely to protec t our physical only, but it also provides opportunities for families to bond strongly. This unit had been explored in different ways, including English and Bahasa. The studen ts explored and learned about the different traditiona l houses around the world. They also learned about the ma in factors that influence people when they build a hou se. Moreover, the students built a house using the mater ials that they can find in their homes. These activities allowed our students to learn more about houses and hom es and why we need them.
By Miss Roselyn
H Ho ow wW We e O Org rga an niz ize e O Ou urs rse elv lve ess t the different roles Grade 1 students are learning abou munity. The Unit of com and responsibilities of people in a several roles they Inquiry has helped students discover ies within each role. represent as well as the responsibilit yone in a community has The unit’s central idea is that ever e lines of inquiry are: roles and responsibilities. The thre ity, how community the people and places in my commun role and my and ity, helpers serve their commun ents were able to stud The responsibility in my community. e inspired by wer h give Show & Tell presentations, whic kers helped spea t gues Max Lucado’s Ivan’s Hat story. The in their ies onsibilit explain their specific roles and resp ring understanding respective workplaces. The unit’s endu is taken from 1 Corinthians 12:12&14 y parts, but all its Just as a body, though one, has man with Christ. Even so many parts form one body, so it is but of many. the body is not made up of one part
grade 2
by Miss Laura
t God’s promises in This year, Grade 2 is learning all abou that some of God’s Biblical Studies class. We have learned others are only for promises are for everyone and that d the meaning of a certain people. The students discusse person might break a promise and various reasons why a a person might not promise. Those reasons included that from keeping their them know that something will prevent et, they aren’t forg promise, they change their mind, they knowledge prior our strong enough, or they lie. We used character and looked and inquiry skills to think about God’s might have any of the at verses from the Bible to see if He es we looked at was same problems as us. One of the vers he should lie, or a son Numbers 23:19: “God is not man, that . Has he said, and mind his of man, that he should change will he not fulfill it?” and en, will he not do it? Or has he spok ys, always, always We were able to see that God alwa great, He has the keeps His promises. Since God is so is so good, He ability to keep His promises. Since God always will keep His promises!
By IBU Yuli any
“I WANT THIS” or “I NEED THIS.” Which one is the right ones? Grade 3 first unit is about “Und erstanding human needs help people live responsibly.” Stu dents were faced with options of which one is need and which one is want. We learnt that all people around the world have similar basic needs but at the same time we are all different in the ways we meet our need. We learnt about basic needs of all people, different ways needs are met and factors that affect one’s ability to meet their nee ds. We learnt that we all need these 4 categories to survive, whi ch are physical needs, social emotional needs, mental needs and spiritual needs. In this unit, students have an opportu nity to interview their family members and people around them about how they meet their needs. This learning was a wonderful experience for our grade 3 students.
grade 4
by Mrs. Sara Ashley Yurosko
temples of the “Do you not know that your bodies are received from have you m Holy Spirit, who is in you, who ht at a price. boug were God? You are not your own; you es.” bodi Therefore, honor God with your 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 rtunity to learn This quarter we had the awesome oppo n into 5 major dow es bodi about our bodies. We broke our and rely on t nden depe systems! These systems are inter ed us to dig help ve mati each other to work well. Our Sum with acts inter it way deeper into one system and the care of take can we how other systems. We also learned t to wan We . God fying our bodies to ensure we are glori the and did we ities share with you some of the activ things we learned.
Ju ne lianne Julian
The Dige stive Syst em We had so much fun learning about the digest ive system. We made clay models of the organs and used bananas and crackers to illustrate how food works its way through the digestive system.
Th e Re sp ira tor y Sy ste m
Our study of the respira tory system focused more on our responsib ility to make sure to sta y active and keep our res piratory system health y.
The Ske leta l Syst em Our good friend Mr. Bones helped us to understand the importance of all the bone s and why they all look so different. We learn ed about how our Creator was so purposeful in His design of our skeletal system. Our responsibility is to make sure to feed and exercise our bodie s to grow strong bones while we are young.
The Musc ular Syst em
each We learned how the muscle fibers slide across d other to contract our muscles. We also learne to helps that onist antag why every muscle has an for tant impor pull the other way. Exercise is super muscles to keep them healthy and strong.
grade 4
by Mrs. Sara Ashley Yurosko
The Circu lator y Syst em
We learned that our circulatory system is the gh highway for nutrients, gases, and waste throu 4 has heart the our body. We also learned that Our chambers and why each of them is important. the experiment showed us how the chambers of body. the d aroun heart pump blood
Students’ Reflections: need to be careful To keep my digestive system healthy, I more fruits and with the calories that I eat. I need to eat important for my vegetables. Drinking a lot of water is also to eat less sugar try digestive system to work well. I need to soda. I also than r and salt. It is better to drink more wate and to let it food the need to wait for my stomach to process digest well.
Marietta Gascon Nuñez
One of the body systems that I have learned is the muscular system. One new idea that I have learned from the muscular system is how we should take care of my muscular system. After I learned about this system, I have decided to limit my screen time by not watching any videos during the break times. Instead, it would be better for me to walk around the house or do some exercise. This will help my muscles to be healthier. Healthy muscles can mak e my body strong. Saoloan Donahue Jonatan Sitangg ang
grade 5
by Ibu Sarah
Coding in Grade 5 a new curriculum for This year, Junior School has initiated not only learning to Computer Technology. Students are ons, but they are icati appl e type and use Microsoft Offic as: such skills also learning a variety of other computer technology • Safety and well-being when using cted our lives • How the digital world online has impa • Simple coding
Many students in Grade 5 have take n an interest in coding. Every two weeks, students have been given time in class to practice typing skills and learn codi ng. Both skills are independently paced to meet the needs of our students. Since this is the first year, we have offered coding to students, the Grade 5s have star ted together at Course C in a program called code.org which is offered through Microsoft. We are challenging the students to complete Course C by the end of October. While some students are slow star ters and not so interested in coding, we are finding that mos t are engaged and excited during the time given in class. Othe r students thoroughly enjoying coding and are asking if they can code during times that they are finished with their clas s work. Currently, there are four students that have finished Course C and two of them are almost finished with Cou rse D!
Coding is not only fun but there are many educational benefits as well. Some of the many benefits are: • Performing better in other subjects • Exceling at problem-solving • Increase in reading comprehension • Better planning skills Who knew learning could be so much fun! I encourage you to sit down with your child and see what they can do.
“Learn Computer Science. Change the World.” Code.org, 2019, code.org.
By Mr. Eduardo
Grade 6 For the Where We Are in Place and Time unit, ations, has been investigating various ancient civiliz been have They . Rome to China from ancient Sumer to and maps g makin by skills honing their social studies timelines. They’ve evaluated the impact their a part of civilizations had on the world today. It is all ibuted to contr the central idea: Past civilizations have artifacts, present-day societies. Through the study of sources, geography, stories, primary and secondary history. of ion eciat appr an loped students have deve
For their summative task, Grade 6 produced re of information reports focusing on a specific featu nged challe This . ation civiliz their selected ancient skills. Their them to develop their research and writing that she d share ntha findings were quite unique. Sama for good not was was surprised to learn that Greece nt ancie in e farming. Green pointed out that the polic nals! Egypt used trained monkeys to apprehend crimi ation Reflecting on the writing process for the inform a write to how ed learn he that ined report, Varo expla .” usion concl and on, ducti better thesis, hook, intro
Our studies in this unit also connect with biblical worldview for this unit and our Bibli cal Studies lessons on the providence of God. God is the God of history. Learning about His dealings with anci ent civilizations helps us understand that God orch estrates all events, providentially guiding history to the time when “every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (Philippians 2:9-11).
You are invited to view the informati on reports by following the Grade 6 Seesaw blog , where the work can be viewed publicly. Feel free to provide encouraging comments and feedback .
Grade 6 Seesaw Blog: https://blog.seesaw.me/gr6sphlv 11
by Ibu Ratna Putri
Inquiry-based learning and teaching is one of the foundations of a Primary Years Programme (PYP) education. But why and how does it work? What is the role played by students, teachers, and the learning environment in inquiry?
Students are central
Teachers' role
Students are central to the learning process. Rather than teachers telling students what they need to know, students are more encouraged to explore, question, and build understanding for themselves.
Teachers encourage inquiry by providing age-appropriate resources. The resources can be hands-on resources that students can touch and play with, printed materials (e.g., books from the library), or interactive online resources for an independent inquiry. Students and teachers can also identify experts as guest speakers speaking about a particular inquiry of the class. Teachers guide students to process tricky information and build more complex understanding.
Inquiry and action A successful inquiry leads to actions. Students are invited to use what they have learned to take action, planning or doing something related to what they have learned. For example, learning about body systems, students plan something for their healthier lifestyle. It is a more open inquiry where students experiment, play and explore. Throughout their inquiry journeys, students work together with each other and with their teachers to determine their next steps in learning.
Reflection The students are encouraged to reflect on how they learn and what the next step might be. They think about the learning skills they have developed, the learner profile, and how they have helped them grow as individuals and as a community.
Can inquiry happen at home? Why not? Now, read again the article above. This time, change the word student with my child and change the word teacher with I. Have a go!
(Resource: PYP nano resources, International Baccalaureate Organization, 2020.)
Che at shee t The PYP term for learning skills is approach es to learn ing (ATL). ATL may include think ing skills, communication skills, social skills, selfmanagement skills, and research skills. There are ten attributes of the IB learn er profi le: caring, knowledgeable, open-min ded, balanced, reflective, principled, inquirers, thinkers, communicators, risk-takers.
Oct 4-9
Academic Holiday
Oct 18
Report Card Published
Oct 20
Holiday - Maulid Nabi
Oct 21
JS PTC Day 1
Oct 22
JS PTC Day 2
Oct 26
JS Assembly #3
Nov 8 Nov 16 & 17
Dec 14
PD Day (No School for Students) Grade 6 Retreat
JS Assembly #4 Kindy Christmas Celebration
Dec 16
Whole School Christmas Assembly
Dec 17
Last Day of School in 2021
11 13