49th Annual Red Cross Ball

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Message from the Governor-General The Most Hon. Sir. Cornelius A. Smith, O.N., GCMG

Message From The Prime Minister The Rt. Hon. Philip E. Davis

Message from the Minister of Social Services and Urban Development and Leader of Government Business in the House of Assembly The Hon. Obediah Wilchcombe

From The President Mrs. Terez S. N. Curry

16 Platinum Awards Recipients 17 The Bahamas Red Cross 2023 Ball Committee 18 2023 Ball Volunteers 24 Individual
25 Corporate
26 2023 Ball
29 2023
Menu 32 The Bahamas Red Cross Fundamental Principles 33 The Bahamas Red Cross List of Services 36 2023 Raffle Prizes 50 Acknowledgments The Bahamas Red Cross Society 49TH ANNUAL RED CROSS BALL Contents
Message From The Director General Ms. Alicia Pinder
Message From The Ball Chair Mrs. Kimberly Wright-Thurston
Message From The Ball Co-Chair Mrs. Bernadette Bunch
Message from the Title Sponsor Mr. Sameer Bhatti, CEO, BTC
Honoree Spotlight Mrs. Cyndi Williams Rahming
Honoree Spotlight CIBC FirstCaribbean
The 49th
Red Cross Ball | 5

Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development







Iapplaud the selfless humanitarian work and national service of the Bahamas Red Cross and on behalf of the Government and people of The Bahamas, I offer congratulations and best wishes to this august body on the occasion of the Forty-Ninth Annual Red Cross Ball.




The glorious legacy of humanitarian service that defines the Bahamas Red Cross transcended the relief and medical needs of the Allied troops during World War ll which began in 1939 and this force for good continues to this day. The post war shift in priorities and the expansion of services include healing the sick, clothing the naked, disease control, malnutrition, child protection, First Aid and CPR training and the provision of dental and medical services in schools and to the wider civilian population.

I am honored to extend greetings to The Bahamas Red Cross on your 49th Ball! Although, you have had a two-year hiatus from celebrating your achievements community, you fulfilled your founding mission as the country faced hurricane COVID-19 Pandemic during this period. The Red Cross was present to meet needs of individuals, families and communities.” Countless Bahamians have services of the Red Cross during a very vulnerable period in our country’s cause to celebrate and raise more funds to continue to fulfill your local mission. Red Cross and its humanitarian efforts has brought relief to thousands of very difficult times.

My Government thanks and salutes those who continue to give unselfishly of their time and talents in the spirit of volunteerism and commends the culture of philanthropy that have together undergirded and supported the operations and noble objectives of the Bahamas Red Cross for these many decades.

This anniversary’s theme of the Ball “We Ballin’…Lights, Camera, Action” is no for this year’s celebration. As the ole adage states “All work and no play makes It is important to celebrate our achievements and reward those who helped happen. As you celebrate during this 49th Annual Red Cross Ball, remember important part of building and maintaining an effective, self -assured team, confidence, and making your organization a great place to work and volunteer. is one way to celebrate your achievements and motivate your team and partners.

Today, and as a result of your glorious legacy, the Bahamas Red Cross stands as the gold standard of citizenship and symbolizes Christian charity in the forms of sharing and giving of our resources as we offer gratuitous assistance to and uplift those most in need among us.

It is my esteem pleasure on behalf of the Government of The Commonwealth and the Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development to extend a wholehearted The Bahamas Red Cross. We wish you great success with this year ’s fundraiser, Ball, as the Disaster Relief, Meals on Wheels, Health, and Youth initiatives make so many lives in the country.

Congratulations to the staff and hundreds of volunteers of The Bahamas Red Cross this auspicious occasion! We salute you along with Bahamians everywhere for a the past two years and we look forward to your ongoing humanitarian efforts. Have a fun filled Ball! Lights, Camera, and Action… for a successful fund raiser.

As you celebrate your Forty-Ninth Ball with much excitement, fanfare, fun, camaraderie and love under the theme, “We Ballin’…Lights, Camera, Action”, it is clear that you are celebrating the spirit of humanitarianism, volunteerism, philanthropy, selflessness and Christian charity – all in the advancement of the common good and the public interest.

On behalf of my wife Ann Marie, the Government and people of the Bahamas, I thank and congratulate the officers, staff, members, sponsors and the patron of the Bahamas Red Cross for your unwavering commitment to The Bahamas and its national development in love and service on the occasion of its Forty-Ninth Annual Red Cross Ball.

May Almighty God bless the Bahamas Red Cross and the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

6 | The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball
Honorable Obediah H. Wilchcombe, M.P.

Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development MESSAGE


Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development

Iam honored to extend greetings to The Bahamas Red Cross on your 49th Annual Red Cross Ball! Although, you have had a two-year hiatus from celebrating your achievements in the local community, you fulfilled your founding mission as the country faced hurricane disasters and the COVID-19 Pandemic during this period. The Red Cross was present to meet “the immediate needs of individuals, families and communities.” Countless Bahamians have benefited from the services of the Red Cross during a very vulnerable period in our country’s history. You have cause to celebrate and raise more funds to continue to fulfill your local mission. The Bahamas Red Cross and its humanitarian efforts has brought relief to thousands of Bahamians during very difficult times.




I am honored to extend greetings to The Bahamas Red Cross on your 49 Ball! Although, you have had a two-year hiatus from celebrating your achievements in the local community, you fulfilled your founding mission as the country faced hurricane disasters and the COVID-19 Pandemic during this period. The Red Cross was present to meet needs of individuals, families and communities.” Countless Bahamians have benefited from the services of the Red Cross during a very vulnerable period in our country cause to celebrate and raise more funds to continue to fulfill your local mission. The Bahamas Red Cross and its humanitarian efforts has brought relief to thousands of Bahamians during very difficult times.

honored to extend greetings to The Bahamas Red Cross on your 49th Annual Red Cross Although, you have had a two-year hiatus from celebrating your achievements in the local you fulfilled your founding mission as the country faced hurricane disasters and the Pandemic during this period. The Red Cross was present to meet “the immediate individuals, families and communities.” Countless Bahamians have benefited from the the Red Cross during a very vulnerable period in our country’s history. You have elebrate and raise more funds to continue to fulfill your local mission. The Bahamas and its humanitarian efforts has brought relief to thousands of Bahamians during times.

This anniversary’s theme of the Ball “We Ballin’...Lights, Camera, Action” is no more than fitting for this year’s celebration. As the ole adage states “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!” It is important to celebrate our achievements and reward those who helped to make them happen. As you celebrate during this 49th Annual Red Cross Ball, remember that it is an important part of building and maintaining an effective, self-assured team, boosting your own confidence, and making your organization a great place to work and volunteer. The annual Ball is one way to celebrate your achievements and motivate your team and partners.

This anniversary’s theme of the Ball “We Ballin’…Lights, Camera, Action for this year’s celebration. As the ole adage states “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! It is important to celebrate our achievements and reward those who helped to make them happen. As you celebrate during this 49th Annual Red Cross Ball, remember that it is an important part of building and maintaining an effective, selfconfidence, and making your organization a great place to work and volunteer. The annual Ball is one way to celebrate your achievements and motivate your team and partners.

It is my esteem pleasure on behalf of the Government of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas and the Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development to extend a wholehearted thanks to The Bahamas Red Cross. We wish you great success with this year Ball, as the Disaster Relief, Meals on Wheels, Health, and Youth initiatives make a difference in so many lives in the country.

anniversary’s theme of the Ball “We Ballin’…Lights, Camera, Action” is no more than fitting ’s celebration. As the ole adage states “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!” important to celebrate our achievements and reward those who helped to make them you celebrate during this 49th Annual Red Cross Ball, remember that it is an part of building and maintaining an effective, self -assured team, boosting your own and making your organization a great place to work and volunteer. The annual Ball celebrate your achievements and motivate your team and partners.

It is my esteem pleasure on behalf of the Government of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas and the Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development to extend a wholehearted thanks to The Bahamas Red Cross. We wish you great success with this year’s fundraiser, by way of the Ball, as the Disaster Relief, Meals on Wheels, Health, and Youth initiatives make a difference in so many lives in the country.

Congratulations to the staff and hundreds of volunteers of The Bahamas Red Cross organization on this auspicious occasion! We salute you along with Bahamians everywhere for a job well done over the past two years and we look forward to your ongoing humanitarian efforts.

esteem pleasure on behalf of the Government of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development to extend a wholehearted thanks to ahamas Red Cross. We wish you great success with this year ’s fundraiser, by way of the Disaster Relief, Meals on Wheels, Health, and Youth initiatives make a difference in lives in the country.

Have a fun filled Ball! Lights, Camera, and Action… for a successful fund raiser.

Congratulations to the staff and hundreds of volunteers of The Bahamas Red Cross organization on this auspicious occasion! We salute you along with Bahamians everywhere for a job well done over the past two years and we look forward to your ongoing humanitarian efforts.

Congratulations to the staff and hundreds of volunteers of The Bahamas Red Cross organization on auspicious occasion! We salute you along with Bahamians everywhere for a job well done over years and we look forward to your ongoing humanitarian efforts.

filled Ball! Lights, Camera, and Action… for a successful fund raiser.


Have a fun filled Ball! Lights, Camera, and Action... for a successful fund raiser

THE HON. Obediah Wilchcombe

Honorable Obediah H. Wilchcombe, M.P.


Minister of Social Services and Urban Development and Leader of Government Business in the House of Assembly

Honorable Obediah H. Wilchcombe,
The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball | 7
The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball 8

Terez S. N. Curry

Itake this opportunity to wish all of you a very blessed and prosperous 2023. May this year be filled with lots of love, good health and good fortune for you and your families.

Thank you for joining us this evening as we celebrate our 49th Annual Red Cross Ball under the theme “We Ballin... Lights Camera Action”.

The past two years have been very difficult with the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic resulting in the curtailing of fundraising activities and efforts. The increase demands on the National Society for assistance has become even more daunting as a result of the pandemic and a slowdown in the economy. The Red Cross plays a critical role in providing assistance to the needy in our communities and this will continue. Our Seven Fundamental Principles of Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality guide the Society in carrying out its mandate to alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found.

We were extremely fortunate last hurricane season that none of the Atlantic storms caused any major damage to any of our Islands. However, climate change remains a major area of concern for the Red Cross. Its impact has not only caused environmental damages but also economic and mental health challenges in our communities. The Red Cross has branched into these areas to render assistance. We are also starting our Backyard Farming

Initiative to assist persons to grow crops that can help meet their need. Eventually, we will branch into community gardens and providing help to those who need it. Our meals on wheels patrons are the beneficiaries of the crops from our Backyard Farming Initiative. As needs change, the Bahamas Red Cross Society will continue to evolve to provide help to the most vulnerable in our communities.

Sincere congratulations to the family of the late Mrs. Cyndi Williams-Rahming who is our Honoree for 2023. She is very deserving of this special recognition for exemplary and dedicated service over the years. Her untimely passing has been felt by all and she will be missed. I wish also to congratulate CIBC First Caribbean International Bank Limited who will receive the 2023 Corporate Donor Award. As an entity, they are always willing to provide resources and assistance whenever called upon. For being a stellar corporate citizen, we extend a heartfelt thank you.

On behalf of the Executives, Management and Staff of the Bahamas Red Cross Society, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to you for your continued support and volunteer work to the Society. We look forward to your continued patronage this year and beyond. Thank you to the hard-working Ball Committee ably led by Mrs. Kimberley Thurston and Mrs. Bernadette Bunch who have worked for many months planning this spectacular event.

Enjoy the evening!!

Terez S. Curry (Mrs.) President

Message from The President
10 | The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball

Alicia Pinder

Avery Happy and prosperous New Year Greetings to you all! It is such a pleasure to share this exciting return as we celebrate The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball.

The journey from the 48th Annual Red Cross Ball (2020) to where we at this time has been truly phenomenal! We have experienced and overcame the challenges of the worst natural disaster in recorded Bahamian history; also, while still in recovery mode we watched in unbelief as a health crisis that reached pandemic proportions temporarily disabling the country’s major economies. This resulted in financial setbacks that has further increased the vulnerabilities of the people we serve. Guided by our seven fundamental principles, our commitment however remained to our Country, Communities, and the many recipients, who have come to rely on us.

Challenged yet focused, this meant that we had to think of new and creative ways to continue to sustain our various programs, while reintroducing the former methods that had brought successes in the past. On our road to resilience from the trifecta of Hurricane Dorian, The Covid 19 Pandemic, and the negative economical impact on the Nation at large, we have been truly humbled by the support of so many true humanitarians who willingly partner with us in this journey.

We say thank you for all the support given to us by Volunteers, Corporations, Civic Organizations, Faith Based entities, and private citizens for supporting us. You make possible our programs such as daily Meals On Wheels, Disaster and Emergency Relief Assistance, Junior Red Cross, First Aid/CPR/ Life Guard Training, Psychosocial Support, and Food Security programs. Our nation is stronger because of your love and support. We admit the road ahead still promises to be challenging, however with faith, courage, strength as the foundations that we used to buoy us this far we stand poised to face all obstacles. So with all the poise and grace that is distinctively you I say ENJOY: ‘WE BALLIN’ LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION !!!

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Message from The Chair

Kimberly Wright-Thurston

If the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement were a business, it would not be in the business of giving and would be among the world’s leading commercial enterprises. However, the Movement is not a business: It is a global independent voluntary service that impartially dispenses help everywhere and to anyone. The Bahamas Red Cross Society (BRS) stands on these principles. Our theme this year “Lights, Camera, Action” confirms that the BRS is always active, always being a light in the world, and always visible as a key player that consistently and expertly fosters harmony, collaboration, tolerance, and human connections on the world stage. Not many organizations have survived for nearly a century to remain at the forefront of expeditiously delivering care, compassion, and renewal to lives affected by hardships, disasters (natural or man-made), diseases, and shortages of food, shelter, clothing, peace, opportunities, and other human necessities. As The Bahamas continues to recover from the lasting effects of weather systems, particularly Hurricane Dorian, and from the debilitating years of the COVID-19 pandemic, the BRS is resolved to bridge the gaps and to assist in improving the well-being of individuals in the country. Accordingly, the BRS is resolute in its readiness to assist in stemming the negative consequences of current and looming global conditions such as climate change, economic distress, supply disruptions, conflicts, population and ethnic displacements, impoverishment, and mass migration. “Lights, Camera, Action” indicates that the BRS is prepared and willing to face the glare of its responsibilities; the BRS will continue

to be active without regard to applause, reward, or fanfare; and the BRS will continue to perform capably with all stakeholders to make The Bahamas and the world better for human safety, security, and well-being. We are indeed grateful to all who participate in and sponsor the selfless mission and work of the BRS. The representatives of companies and individuals who are in attendance at this Ball, sharing the night, lights, and delights, are warmly welcomed to this forty-ninth iteration of this important BRS fund raising festivity.

I extend special thanks to this year’s hard working Ball Committee including Ball Volunteers for your dedicated efforts and unwavering support. Tonight’s honorees, The late Mrs. Cyndi Williams –Rahming ( whom I miss dearly), and CIBC First Caribbean International Bank, are to be commended and congratulated for their consistent , long standing and dedicated service and assistance to the Bahamas Red Cross. Special thanks is also extended to BTC our title sponsor for partnering with us. We are grateful and deeply indebted to you for your support. It is the action of the many that expend time, financial, and other resources, which infuses the BRS with the capacity to uplift the lives of others. It is the actions of many that light the way for the upkeep of local programmes of the BRS such as the After-School Programme, Assistance to Refugees, Disaster and Emergency Relief Assistance, Family Island Services, First-Aid Services, Junior Red Cross/Red Cross Youth, Meals-on-Wheels, School Milk Scheme, and Training.

Tonight, let’s celebrate and enjoy; let’s have a Ball. We have much to be thankful for and so much more to accomplish!

Warm Regards

12 | The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball

Bernadette Bunch

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for coming tonight to join us at the 49th Annual Red Cross Ball. As we celebrate this evening under the theme ‘We Ballin’... Lights, Camera, Action’, we are so grateful for your support of The Bahamas Red Cross and of our fundraising events.

I would like to thank our committee members for their hard work and commitment towards making this night possible. They have all made a sacrifice of their time coming to meetings, making calls, collecting packages, and for that I am honoured to have served on this Ball committee with them.

I would like to thank Corporate Bahamas, the public and family and friends for the generous donations made to The Bahamas Red Cross through purchasing tickets, a table, a prize donation for the raffle, booklet ads and cash donations. From the bottom of our hearts, we say Thank You because without your support there would be no Ball.

On behalf of the members of the 49th Annual Red Cross Ball Committee, enjoy tonight’s food, entertainment, dance the night away and see you all next year at the 50th Annual Red Cross Ball as we celebrate the golden year!

Keep Ballin’, Bernadette

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Message from The Title Sponsor Sameer Bhatti

The Bahamas Red Cross has been here for more than eight decades, and BTC has been its proud partner for many years. As a strong member of the community, we are committed to supporting organizations whose main purpose is to help those in need.

We are happy to see the Red Cross Ball return to the calendar this year. Not only is the ball a wonderful social event it is also a major fundraiser. BTC was happy to again pledge its support as the Platinum sponsor of the event through a significant charitable donation.

Over the years, our team has volunteered with the Bahamas Red Cross on a number of initiatives including the annual Meals on Wheels program in Grand Bahama, where we have packaged and delivered hundreds of thanksgiving meals for senior citizens and the shut-in for more than a decade.

At BTC, we believe that “Heart is more than something we have, it’s something we share”. BTC is grateful for the work that you do, whether it’s during natural disasters or your daily missions. We thank you and we look forward to continuing to collaborate with you as you fulfill your mission to ensure that the most vulnerable in our communities are cared for.

On behalf of our Board of Directors, Management, and our team across The Bahamas, we thank the Bahamas Red Cross and we wish you all the best for a successful year of service.

14 | The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball


The Bahamas Red Cross held it’s Platinum Awards reception on Thursday, January 12, 2023 at the Nassau Yacht Club. The Governor-General, His Excellency The Most Hon. Cornelius A. Smith, O.N., GCMG presented the award to each recipient. The Platinum award ceremony and reception is held each year to highlight the volunteers and sponsors who have consistently partnered with the Bahamas Red Cross on its fundraising efforts.



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2023 BALL COMMITTEE The Bahamas Red Cross Society

Chair Mrs. Kimberly Thurston Director-General Ms. Alicia Pinder Co-Chair Mrs. Bernadette Bunch Administrative Assistant Ms. Deja Rigby President Mrs. Terez Curry Committee Member Mrs. Andrea Gray-Stuart
Resource Mobilization Manager Ms. Antionette Nesbitt 17
Committee Member Mr. Anthony Butler Committee Member Mrs. Zoe Gibson-Bowleg Travis Edgecombe Tamisha Knowles Brittany Rigby Vandyke Goodman Shekia French Lyniqueka Johnson Carousel Johnson Geron McGregor
Duranda Minus
The Bahamas Red Cross Society
Brianelle Cartwright Tareco Laing
Akeira Nancoo

The Bahamas Red Cross Society

Eddie Thompson Laurencia Smith Nadia Saunders Whitney Turnquest Mitchelle Thurston Theressa Thompson Wilbert Stubbs Emcee Terah L. Hanna Sweeting Alexandria Russell
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The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball 22 IS DELIGHTED

A history of partnership!

CIBC FirstCaribbean is proud to be a long standing partner of the Bahamas Red Cross supporting food distribution programs, hurricane relief, and the growing number of families negatively im pacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our bank shares the Red Cross’s mission to prevent and alleviate suffering, and protect life and health and ensure respect for all human beings.

Congratulations on decades of in valuable service to our communities.

The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball The CIBC logo is a trademark of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, used by FirstCaribbean International Bank under license


Individual Honoree

Mrs Cyndi Williams-Rahming was a dynamic, outstanding Global Business Leader. Cyndi’s friendly and yet affectionate love and care for persons from all walks of life embodied the spirit of Humanity and Humility.

Cyndi’s commitment to Education was no mistake as her dad Mr. Carlton Williams ensured that his children were all qualified in life and well versed through their various classifications, Cyndi Education life as her life in business was far-reaching with a global impact on Havergal Ladies College Boarding School, Toronto Canada, She went on to complete her Bachelor’s Degree (BSc) in Economics and Business Management, at the Great F.I.S.K University, Tennessee, U.S.A. As the World and Business Changed along with the everyday trends of economics, so did Cyndi’s yearning to remain current also persist with the continuation of a Master’s Degree Program in Business Administration (M.B.A.) at Nova Southeastern University, Davie Florida.

COMMITTED TO SERVICE-Cyndi had a passion not only for Serving the company she worked for but also for the well-being of people and in greater depth her country at large.

Cyndi Williams-Rahming joined the Red Cross in 2014 as the Public Relations Volunteer for the Ball Committee. She did such an exemplary job she was asked to serve as the Fundraising Chair of The Bahamas Red Cross Society. She continued to serve as the Ball Committee Chair until her demise in 2022. She began the plans for this 49th annual Ball to book this hall and began the negotiations with Atlantis. A life DIAMOND member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated (Board Member of the Executive Board of the Nassau Bahamas Alumnae Chapter) she took this Organization and its Principles extremely important and often spoke about the importance of Quality and not Quantity. Cyndi’s love and commitment to Education poured through the tireless effort as she not only served as Chairman Emerita of the Bahamas Primary School Foundation but donated a large sum annually in their giving to local scholarships through the foundation’s awards program. As a Proven and Highly respected Global Leader who made her impact in the lives of countless businesses through her consultancy work over the last thirty (30) years, Cyndi found indelible pride and joy as she served as a voice of many consultancy and statutory boards; Bahamas Entrepreneurial Venture Fund (Government of the Bahamas) OWN Bahamas Foundation, Pasir Investment Limited, Advisory Board Member, Cancer Society of the Bahamas and Board Member of the Salvation Army. The Bahamas Financial Service Consultative Forum, Bahamas Film and Cinemas Board, the Labor Review Commission, and just recently in 2022 the Royal Bahamas Police Force Statutory Board. Her contributions to the Bahamian community through the Cancer Society, the Primary School Foundation, Conquerors For Christ Junkanoo Group where “Mama Cyndi” worked tirelessly with young people in the community, and a host of other community service Boards, were legendary As was her faith, she never doubted, never wavered, never questioned. She believed with all of her might in God, and His provision. We at the Red Cross honor her this evening as our Individual Honoree posthumously and do miss her enthusiasm and zeal for life and helping those in need.

1962-2022 24 | The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball

2023 Corporate Donor Award CIBC FirstCaribbean

CIBC FirstCaribbean is honored to be the recipient of this year’s Bahamas Red Cross Corporate Donor Award. Corporate Social Responsibility is a major focus for our bank, and through its charitable arm, the FirstCaribbean ComTrust Foundation, CIBC FirstCaribbean commits no less than US$1 million every year in support of projects and activities in communities across the 15 territories in the English and Dutch Caribbean where we have a presence.

We offer this support and partnership under three main areas: Youth and Education, Health and Wellness, Community and the Environment. At the centre of all these activities is the uplifting and empowering of people in our communities, which is in line with the Red Cross’ mission to prevent and alleviate suffering, and protect life and health and ensure respect for all human beings. CIBC FirstCaribbean cherishes its long partnership with the Bahamas Red Cross, and each year we look forward to assisting the organisation with its outreach.

Over the past 15 years, our Bank has donated nearly $200,000 to the Bahamas Red Cross to assist with food distribution programs, hurricane relief, and most recently, the growing number of families negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020 and 2021, we made the decision to take an alternative approach to our annual festivities by foregoing Christmas staff activities and donated it to the Meals On Wheels program. Like the Red Cross, we are serious about responding to the needs of the communities that we serve and are committed to giving back.

The Bahamas Red Cross Society is a tremendous organization that benefits the lives of so many around the country. CIBC FirstCaribbean salutes you for your efforts and looks forward to many more years of working together for the betterment of our communities.


Jacqui Bend
Managing Director
The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball | 25
CIBC FirstCaribbean, Bahamas Operating Company

Ball Programme

Cocktail Reception

The Royal Bahamas Defence Force Pop Band


The Royal Bahamas Police Force Pop Band

Ball Host

Mr. Wilbert Stubbs

National Anthem

The Royal Bahamas Police Force Pop Band

Opening Prayer Bishop Walter Hanshall

Welcome Remarks

Mrs. Terez Curry, President, Bahamas Red Cross

Remarks of the Title Sponsor

Mr. Sameer Bhatti, CEO, BTC

Presentation to the Individual Honouree

Mrs. Cyndi Williams-Rahming Posthumous, accepted by her family

Introduced by Mrs. Kimberly Thurston, Chair Bahamas Red Cross Ball Committee

Presentation Of Award

His Excellency, The Most Honourable Cornelius A. Smith, O.N. GCMG Governor General of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas

Mrs. Terez Curry, President, Bahamas Red Cross Society

Ms. Alicia Pinder, Director General, Bahamas Red Cross Society

The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball 26

Ball Programme

Introduction of the Corporate Honouree

Mrs. Jacqui Bend, Managing Director, CIBC FirstCaribbean

Introduced by Mrs. Bernadette Bunch, Co-Chair, Bahamas Red Cross Ball Committee

Presentation Of Award

His Excellency, The Most Honourable Cornelius A. Smith, O.N. GCMG

Governor General of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas

Mrs. Terez Curry, President, Bahamas Red Cross Society

Ms. Alicia Pinder, Director General, Bahamas Red Cross Society

Donation Presentations

Atlantis Resorts

Central Bank of The Bahamas

Dancing to the music of the House Band, The VIP’s with a special performance by guest artist Fanshawn

Please enjoy your evening!

The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball 27
We Ballin’



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The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball 29

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The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball 31
The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball 32

The Bahamas Red Cross Society LIST OF SERVICES


This program seeks to address food security and increase healthy eating habits.


The earth is beginning to experience adverse weather patterns due to climate change. We seek to heighten public awareness and promote healthy practices in this program.


The Society offers a wide range of assistance to members of the community who suffer loss from any disaster. Assistance is also available for persons experiencing hardship.


The Society provides Welfare and Emergency relief services as well as training in First Aid, CPR and Disaster Preparedness to residents in the Family Islands. The Society also has member groups in all of the major islands. Annual food parcels are distributed to persons in the Family Islands.


Trained volunteers of the Society provide First Aid Services to national events, sports meets, road races and other public events.


The Youth Department provides a variety of activities for the school children. These include seminars, exchange programmes, training, sporting activities, service to handicapped children and senior citizens, residential and day camps.


A daily hot meal is delivered to the shut-ins and physically challenged persons who are unable to prepare a meal for themselves.


Fresh milk is provided twice per year to vulnerable children in the Family Island Schools to supplement their daily diet.


The Society offers a wide range of courses in Emergency, Basic and advanced First Aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Disaster Preparedness and Shelter Management.

The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball 33
The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball 35 RBC The Deanery Tel: (242) 356-4114 28 Cumberland Street Fax: (242) 356 -4125 P.O. Box N-1991 Email: info@bakertilly.bs Nassau, The Bahamas Website: www.bakertilly.bs Congratulations to The Bahamas Red Cross Society on the occasion of its 49th Annual Red Cross Ball “We Ballin ’…..Lights, Camera, Action ”



Trip for 2 to Los Angeles!!! ($50.00 per raffle ticket)

First Prize

3 day 2 nights stay at RIU, Paradise Island

Two round-trip airline tickets donated by Bahamas Air

Gift certificate for free Oral Prophylaxis and Oral Evaluation donated by Dr. Kirk Lewis (Lewis Blue Hill Dental Centre)

$250 Gift certificate for a massage donated by The Lyford Cay Spa and Salon

Second Prize

2 night stay at The Dunmore Hotel (Dunmore Town, Harbour Island)

Two round trip tickets donated by Bahamas Ferries to either Spanish Wells or Harbour Island $150 gift certificate donated by Aitken Photography & Frame Art Gift certificate donated by Mandara Spa at Atlantis

Third Prize

2 night stay at Romora Bay Resort & Marina (Dunmore Town, Harbour Island)

Two round trip tickets donated by Bahamas Ferries to either Spanish Wells or Harbour Island $250 dinner gift certificate at Romora Bay Resort & Marina Gift certificate for 1 month Fitness Training donated by Outdoor Fitness Bahamas

Fourth Prize

2 Deep water swims donated by Dolphin Encounters

$500 gift certificate donated by Premier Importers

1 Family Meal gift certificate donated by Bahama Grill

$200 Gift bag donated by The Lyford Cay Tennis Club

The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball 36


Fifth Prize

2 Dolphin Encounters donated by Dolphin Encounters

Two round trip tickets donated by Bahamas Ferries to either Spanish Wells or Harbour Island

1 Large Rum cake donated by Purity Bakery

$200 gift certificate donated by Frank Hanna Bahamas

Sixth Prize

$100 gift certificate donated by Going places Travel Agency

Gift certificate for 2 Snorkel trips donated by Stuarts’ Cove

1 Simple Will donated by Bowe’s Partnership

$200 gift certificate donated by The Lyford Cay Golf Shop


Two round trip tickets donated by Bahamas Ferries to either Spanish Wells or Harbour Island

1 Large Rum cake donated by Purity Bakery

1 Gift certificate donated by Perfect Tone

1 Treatment and style donated by Joey’s Personal Touch

Door Prizes

1 Family Meal gift certificate donated by Bahama Grill

1 S-22 Device donated by BTC

1 Large Rum Cake donated by Purity Bakery

$100 gift certificate donated by Going Places Travel Agency

Gift certificate for 1 month training donated by Outdoor Fitness Bahamas

1 Gift product bag donated by Perfect Tone

1 Large Rum cake donated by Purity Bakery

1 Large Rum cake donated by Purity Bakery

Gift certificate donated by Essence of Elements

Gift certificate donated by Commonwealth Fabrics

Gift Certificate donated by The D’Albenas Agency Ltd.

1 Large Rum cake donated by Purity Bakery

Gift certificate donated by Essence of Elements

Gift certificate for Teeth Cleaning services donated by The Cosmetic Dental Center Ltd - Dr. Mitchell Lockhart

Gift certificate donated by Commonwealth Fabrics

The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball 37

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Red Cross Ball. Because taking care 49th

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Congratulations to the BAHAMAS RED CROSS on your 49th Annual Red Cross Ball Under the Theme ‘We Ballin ....Lights, Camera, Action

Congratulate s

The Bahamas Red Cross Society on the 46th Red Cross Ball.


We also remember the life and legacy of Soror Cyndi Williams-Rahming, Omega Omega who served the Society with grace, dignity and professionalism in many different roles. A life spent in service to others !

The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball 43 ??? C ongratu lations BATTERY AND THE BAHAMAS RED CROSS SOCIETY TYRE SPECIALISTS LTD. Junction of 7th Terrace & East Avenue, Centerville | P.O. Box CB-11314, Nassau, Bahamas B A T T E R I E S  All Purpose 328-0486  Automotive 322-5420  Marine 325-0547  Heavy Duty Fox: 325-0647  All Sizes We also stock: Email: Batterytyrespecialists@hotmail.com Battery Cables & Terminals Open: Monday-Friday 7:00a.m. – 5:30p.m. Hub Caps, Wiper Blades, Auto Jacks Saturday 7:00a.m. – 2:00p.m. WE SHIP TO THE FAMILY ISLANDS
A company you know. Brands you trust. Coast Evaporated Milk Kellogg’s Campbell’s Soup Co. Kimberly-Clark Durkee Spices Tang Kool-Aid Digiorno Pizza Purity Flour Dial Soaps Dole Alaska Evaporated Milk Kraft Foods Mott’s Juices CadburyAdams Wise Potato Chips S.C. Johnson Planters Nuts Philadelphia Cream Cheese Boca Old El Paso Pillsbury ConAgra Foods International Arm & Hammer Products Oscar Mayer Riceland Rice Tone Soap Purex Laundry Detergent Green Giant V8 Fusion V8 Splash Post Cereals Keebler Cookies STP-Armor All Nabisco Cookies Zephyrhills Water Maxwell House Coffee Pepperidge Farm Cheez-It Pringles Realemon, Realime Wholesale Distributor of Food and Allied Products P.O. Box N-8180, Palmdale, Nassau, Bahamas Tel: 242-677-1441 • www.dalbenas.com Serving the Retail and Foodservice Trade since 1947 From The Management and Staff of Bethel Brothers Morticians & Congratulations Best Wishes Website: www.bethelbrothersmorticians.com Tel. # 242-322-4433 | Mobile: 242-422-1033 Address: 44A Nassau Street | Nassau, The Bahamas Email: info@bethelbrothersmorticians.com
U L A T E S P . O . B O X C B 1 1 9 2 4 N A S S A U , T H E B A H A M A S ( 2 4 2 ) 3 2 8 - 1 1 5 1 / 2 mas Red Cross Society Helping to make ends meet! EAST BAY & ARMSTRONG STS. OPPOSITE RUBIS 328-2030/326-2101/601-7442 THOMPSON BLVD. OPPOSITE POLICE TRAINING COLLEGE 328-5323/324-6481/601-3909 Get approved ONLINE TODAY! 3 Easy Steps! REGISTER New Clients - Application link will be forwarded to your email Existing Clients please use your Loan Account number APPLY Approvals as soon as the next business day. Please complete credit application and upload all documents. FAST APPROVAL Get Cash! www.greenleaffinancials.com Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 UP TO $30K Helping to make ends meet! EAST BAY & ARMSTRONG STS. OPPOSITE RUBIS 328-2030/326-2101/601-7442 THOMPSON BLVD. OPPOSITE POLICE TRAINING COLLEGE 328-5323/324-6481/601-3909 REGISTER New Clients - Application link will be forwarded to your email Existing Clients please use your Loan Account number APPLY Approvals as soon as the next business day. Please complete credit application and upload all documents. FAST APPROVAL Get Cash! Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
The 49th Annual Red Cross Ball 47 Customs Clearance & Delivery Mackey Street & Roosevelt Avenue Nassau, Bahamas (242) 393-3795

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2023 3 “S” Bakery Aetos Holdings Aitken Photography & Frame Art Aliv Bahama Grill Bahamas Air Bahamas Entrepreneurial Venture Fund Bahamas Ferries Baker Tilly Bank of The Bahamas Battery & Tyre Bethel Brother Morticians & Crematorium Bill Simmons Construction B’Jou Classique Bowe’s Partnership BTC Caribbean Bottling Cedric Parker & Co Central Bank of The Bahamas Colina Commonwealth Bank Commonwealth Brewery Limited Commonwealth Fabrics Consolidated Water Corner Bank Cosmetic Dental Center - Dr. Mitchell Lockhart Diamonds International DJ Rice - Jerry Joseph Doctors Hospital Dolphin Cay at Atlantis Dolphin Encounters Ernst & Young (E&Y)
of Elements Fanshawn FCIB First Caribbean Fidelity Group of Companies Frank Hanna Bahamas Green Leaf Financial Services Going Places Travel Insurance Commission of The Bahamas J.S. Johnson Joey’s Personal Touch Lewis Blue Hill Dental Centre - Dr. Kirk Lewis Mandara Spa @ Atlantis McKay & Moxey Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Works MSC Bahamas Ltd Nassau Agencies National Insurance Board Original Patties Outdoor Fitness Bahamas Perfect Tone Pictet Bank & Trust Limited Pinder’s Customs Brokerage Ports International Premier Importers Purity Bakery PWC Ramora Bay Resort & Marina RBC Royal Bank of Canada RIU Hotel Royal Bahamas Police Force Pop Band Royal Bahamas Defence Force Pop Band Sapodilla
Commission of The Bahamas Stuart’s Cove Sun Oil Super Value The Bahamas Communications & Public Managers’ Union The Bridge Authority The d’Albenas Agency The Dunmore Hotel The Lyford Cay Club
Lyford Cay Golf Shop
Lyford Cay Spa and Salon The Lyford Cay Tennis Club
Meridian School
Nassau Bahamas Alumnae
Sorority, Inc. The VIP’s
Public Hospitals Authority URCA 50
The Bahamas Red Cross Society
Chapter Of
Sigma Theta

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