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Sigma's Sustainability Report 2020
SIGMA S U S TA I N A B I L I TY CO M M U N I TY Created in 2018, the Sigma Sustainability Community includes a multidisciplinary team of more than 260 experts and employees worldwide. Our Chief Technology Officer leads the Sustainability Community’s efforts to promote sustainability across the company and, at the same time, support initiatives that help us achieve our goals. The Central Sustainability Department is responsible for defining the Sustainability Strategy, as well as the guidelines for its implementation. It is also in charge of monitoring and communicating Sigma’s environmental, social, and economic performance to our stakeholders.
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The Sigma Sustainability Community manages the 2025 Sustainability Goals. Each Goal is led by a Global Leader, a highly experienced executive who oversees the implementation of the Sustainability Strategy. In order for everyone to contribute to achieving our Goals, each Global Leader works with the Leaders in each Organizational Unit who are responsible for deploying initiatives locally with their teams. By employing internal management systems and holding regular meetings, the Sigma Sustainability Community monitors and assesses the company’s progress to identify and replicate success stories and best practices across the Organizational Units. The Community’s efforts are guided by the Global Sustainability Policy, which establishes the criteria for sustainable long-term growth across our operations.