Sioux Falls Woman Magazine - June/July 2016

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Our Contributors Our writers are the voice of Sioux Falls Woman Magazine and we are proud to have a blend of seasoned writers and fresh new voices.

Margaret Pennock Contributing for 14 years

Thea Miller Ryan Contributing for 14 years

Jennifer Dumke Contributing for 14 years

Jill Funke Contributing for 14 year

Brianna Venekamp Contributing for 12 years

Darcy Bontje Contributing for 3 years

Sarah Javers Contributing for 2 year

Natalie Keller Contributing for 1 year

Chantelle Dunken Contributing for 1 year

Stacy Kracht Contributing for 1 year

Publisher Editor Creative Director


Sioux Falls Woman Publishing, LLC Jared Holsing, President Jared Holsing • 605-323-0072 Randy Doty • Pinnacle Creative Services Studio: 605-271-7737 Sioux Falls Woman is published six times a year by Sioux Falls Woman Publishing, LLC.

Proofreading Cover Photo Photography

Darcie Bontje • Red Pen Editing/Writing Julie Prairie Photography Cipher Imaging Architectural Photography, Pennock Marketing, Julie Prairie Photography, Nancy Tesdall

Guaranteed print quantity of 25,000 per issue.

© 2016 Sioux Falls Woman Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Sioux Falls Woman assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Materials will be returned only if accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Sioux Falls Woman Magazine does not necessarily endorse or agree with content of articles or advertising presented.

Mail correspondence to: Sioux Falls Woman • P.O. Box 89837 • Sioux Falls, SD 57106 Read SFW online:

Become a friend of Sioux Falls Woman Magazine on Facebook

For Advertising Information Contact: Jared Holsing • (605) 728-9118 •

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SFW contents Life:


FoodIES: 50




Calendar of Events


Event Everything’s Peachy

In Our Community Treading Together




Out & About McCrory Gardens

52 54 32


Fashion Trends Best Dressed Wedding Guest


Sugar & Spice

Holistic Health The Natural Path


Pet Pals


Where to Shop


Auto Style Vacation Vroom!

The Flavor Of Summer Perfecting Pork At Work Work Perk

Beauty Trends Bridal Makeup

In Our Community Music Mix


Recipes Mixology




84 Home:







Home & Garden Lake Luxury D.I.Y. Piped In Creativity


Childs Safety Preventing Tragedy Summer Sun Repairing the Damage



18 76 68

About The House Chalk’s Charm



Wellness IV & Neural Therapy Health Reluctant Patient Collaborative Health Homegrown Healthcare Initiative




Cover Story Sarah Tveidt, Modern Agriculture Advocate Profile Sharing Nature’s Bounty Profile Midwest Legacy Profile Understanding the Criminal Mind What’s New Tiny Toes Baby Boutique What’s New Go To Italy Boutique

sioux falls woman





calendar June/July 2016 June 3 – September 5 Greatest Show on H2O 7 – 9 p.m. (check special dates for showtimes) Catfish Bay 5500 Show Place Admission: $12 adults, $11 Seniors 65+, $9 (4-12), Free (3 & under) 605-339-0911

June 5 Madison Women’s Wellness Retreat (Madison Domestic Violence Network Fundraiser) 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Camp Lakodia, Madison, SD Admission: $60 (pre-registration required) madisonwomenswellnessretreat &

Saturday Nights through Aug. 27 Moonlight Movies 8:30 – 11 p.m. Fawick Park 200 S. Second Ave. Admission: Free

June 7 Tummy Time Tips & Tricks Noon – 1 p.m. LifeScape – 2501 W. 26th St. Admission: Free 605-444-9500

Photo Above: June 11 • Festival of Cultures




Calendar of Events

June 7 2016 Sanford Cancer Survivors Picnic 5 – 7:30 p.m. Sanford Fieldhouse 2215 W. Pentagon Place Admission: Free & open to the public RSVP: 605-328-6050 June 10 Science Happy Hour 4 – 7 p.m. Sioux Falls Eastbank 401 E. Eighth St. Admission: $10 (open to ages 21 and older) 605-782-3209

June 10 Presidents Bowl 5K 6:30 – 8 p.m. Falls Park Register: June 11 It’s All About Science Festival 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sanford Research Center 2301 E. 60th Street N. Admission: Free 605-312-6556 June 11 Kids Free Fishing Derby 8:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. Covell Lake Admission: Free 605-351-1889 June 11 Festival of Cultures 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Falls Park Admission: Free 605-367-7401 June 16 Sioux Empire Chiropractic Society’s Annual Golf Tournament (benefiting the St. Francis House) 11a.m. – 7 p.m. (11 a.m. lunch, noon shotgun start, 5 p.m. dinner, awards & raffle) Prairie Green Golf Course Admission: $500/Team of Four 507-360-4462 Second Sunday of Every Month Through the Lens – Camera Church 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. Queen City Bakery 324 E. Eighth St. Admission: Free 605-360-9273

June 18 Zippity Zoo Day 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Great Plains Zoo Admission: Free with Zoo Admission 605-367-7003 June 18 Celebrating on the Streets of Dimock Noon – 6 p.m. Dimock, SD Admission: Free 605-928-3833 June 22 McCrossan Golf Classic Central Valley Golf Course Hartford, SD Noon – 7:30 p.m. Admission: $250 605-339-1203 June 22 Self-guided Garden Tour Minnehaha County Master Gardeners 3 – 8 p.m. (rain date June 23) SE Sioux Falls, Brandon & Valley Springs Admission: $5 tickets & maps Tickets available at Sioux Falls and Brandon Lewis Drug Stores or minnehahamaster June 24 Hemmings Motor News Great Race Presented by Hagerty 6 – 10 p.m. Downtown Sioux Falls Admission: Free June 25 Toby Keith South Dakota Cattlemen’s Foundation Prime Time Gala 7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m. The Premier Center Admission: $69, $49, $35, and $20 Tickets: Keloland Box Office,

June 25 & 26 South Dakota Peach Festival 11 a.m. – 11 p.m. Saturday 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday Yankton Trail Park Admission: Free 605-221-3299 southdakotapeach July 1 Downtown Block Party on the Eastbank 5:30 – 10:30 p.m. 401 E. Eighth St. Admission: Free 605-338-4009 July 4 4th of July Family Parade & Picnic 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. Downtown Sioux Falls & Falls Park July 8 Big Band Ballroom Dance 6:45 – 10:30 p.m. El Riad Shrine 510 S. Phillips Ave. Admission: $14, $7 with student ID 605-338-3685

July 23 & 24 Sioux Falls Airshow Power on the Prairie

July 9 & 10 Brookings Summer Arts Festival Sat. 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Pioneer Park, Brookings July 14 - 16 Jazz Fest Yankton Trails Park July 15 Buffalo Wild Wings Club Classic Golf Tournament Fundraiser for Boys & Girls Club of the Sioux Empire 9 a.m. registration, 10 a.m. shotgun start Brandon Golf Course Admission: $500 per foursome 605-338-8061 July 15 Scotty McCreery 9 p.m. The District 4521 W. Empire Place 605-370-6056

July 24 James Taylor and His All-star Band

July 21 Party Like It’s 1945 Hangar Dance 7 – 11 p.m. Maverick Air Center Sioux Falls Regional Airport Admission: $20 in advance, $25 at door 605-526-4047 July 22 Dolly Parton 7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m. The Premier Center Admission: $125, $75, and $55 Tickets: Keloland Box Office or July 23 & 24 Sioux Falls Airshow Power on the Prairie 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. South Dakota Air National Guard 1201 W. Algonquin St. Admission: Free

July 24 James Taylor & His All-star Band 7:30 p.m., doors open 6:30 p.m. The Premier Center Admission: $87 and $67 Tickets: Keloland Box Office or July 30 Folk Off & Rib Challenge 10 a.m. Strawbale Winery Renner, SD Admission: $10 in advance, $15 day of event 605-543-5071 Tickets available at Strawbale Winery and

“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you.” declares the Lord. Jeremiah 29: 11-14

Everything’s Peachy Annual Fruit Festival Expected to Draw Thousands By Darcie Bontje • Photos courtesy of South Dakota Peach Festival


t is a testament to the power of sweet Georgia peaches: 45,000 people attended the South Dakota Peach Festival at Yankton Trail Park in 2015, while 60,000 to 80,000 people are expected at this year’s event on June 25-26, says festival coordinator Lindsey Barwald. The festival’s success comes from its broad appeal. “It is a free family and community event with something for everyone,” she says. “We have a great area for kids to go and have fun. There will be a variety of retail vendors with unique items to purchase. We also have great food and entertainers. And, of course, there are the peaches.” For food, Lindsey says there will be “peach everything”—peach ice cream, the world’s largest peach cobbler, peach barbecue sauces and salsas, peach smoothies, grilled peaches and more.




Peach Festival

Lindsey adds that hot air balloons will be at the park during this year’s festival. In addition, puppet shows, canning demonstrations, a peach dessert contest, Bounce Around Inflatables, Creative Spirits canvas painting, face painting and other activities will be offered. There will be a free outdoor showing Saturday night of “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.”

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A semitrailer will be onsite offering bulk peaches for sale at $20 for 10 lbs. and $39 for 25 lbs. A peach tent will sell smaller amounts. The festival runs 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday. Sunday’s events include a pancake feed from 7–9 a.m., community worship from 9–11 a.m., and festival activities from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The money raised from the event benefits Special Olympics South Dakota to continue supporting young athletes of South Dakota with its Healthy Athlete and Young Athletes programs. The festival’s website encourages volunteers to apply, including school groups, youth groups, church groups, service clubs and organizations. “The event is an old-fashioned festival that people can go to with their kids, mom, dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles. We have a little bit of everything to do,” Lindsey says.

South Dakota Peach Festival Where: Yankton Trail Park When: June 25-26 Admission: Free Online:


J une / J uly 2016


Treading Together Women Runners Connect Via Facebook for Group Runs, Friendship By Stacey Kracht • Photos by Nancy Tesdall


ara Lefebvre started Sioux Falls Women Run almost by accident about nine months ago. She was going for a run with two regular running partners and a few other people joined them. The women started talking about how great it would be to have a way to easily plan organized runs with other women. Sara set up the Sioux Falls Women Run Facebook page as a place for women to connect – mostly about things like what time they were planning to run, what pace they usually keep, and how many miles they usually run. The intent was to create a place for mutual friends to find running buddies and motivation. Most runners have a group they like to run with, so as women joined the Facebook page and told their group of running friends about it, more and more women joined. In this way, the group grew organically and very quickly.




Sioux Falls Woman Run

The SFWR Facebook page is very active and embodies a strong sense of community. “It feels like you know people even if you haven’t met them,” Sara says. Everyone is welcome in the group – from newbies to ultra-marathon runners. “As long as you like running, you have a place here.” They even have a fun term they use for runs that include women of all levels and paces: “sexy pace.”

“Women are great at creating communities,” Sara shares. The Facebook page is a place where women can share race photos or post their run selfies because the other women in the group can appreciate how great it feels. The group has started doing some meet-ups, and lots of women have made new friends through the group. They have done local Q&A sessions on nutrition, distance-running topics such as mental skills, and on ultra-running. Women from all over the state have joined the group, Sara says, and conversations on the Facebook page are valuable because they offer real feedback from local women on running-related topics from gear to nutrition. “We are all about lifting each other up and helping each other out!” Sara adds. The Facebook page is a private group. Women who want to join can search “Sioux Falls Women Run” on Facebook and submit a request to be added or they can be added by someone who is already a group member.


J une / J uly 2016


Education and Beauty Experience Splendor of McCrory Gardens By S.J. Menning • Photos courtesy of McCrory Gardens


ursts of color spread across the landscape, contrasting with the thick, rolling grass and bed of earth. Basswood, birch and sycamore trees stretch their limbs. This garden’s splendor is a painter’s dream and an enviable scene in photographs from season to season. Its beauty and serenity would be enough to draw attraction, but its mission combined with its educational focus provide an unmatched experience. Named in honor of the late S.A. McCrory, a professor who led the Horticulture Department at South Dakota State University from 1947 until 1964, McCrory Gardens in Brookings was established in 1965 with the planting of the first two major garden malls and several large blocks of shrubs.




McCrory Gardens - Brookings

Professor McCrory had envisioned a research garden of trees, grasses and flowers that were, or could be, part of a South Dakota landscape. That same vision – the selection, evaluation and display of ornamental plants – remains the primary directive of McCrory Gardens today. Operated and maintained by SDSU, the facility boasts 25 acres of formal gardens and a 45-acre arboretum.

The McCrory Gardens Education and Visitor Center, dedicated in 2012, is its centerpiece. It provides a welcoming experience for visitors and serves as the perfect venue for educational programming and special events, from small retreats to wedding receptions. Not only a great resource for home gardeners, educational programming offers topics of interest to all age groups. Some highlights include a summer reading program for pre-schoolers, an eight-week summer program providing handson learning for children in grades 3-5, and a new Junior Arborist Camp to introduce teens to opportunities in the field of arboriculture. Adult educational programs run throughout the year on the third Thursday of each month, covering topics such as nature photography and wine making at home. On Friday, August 5, McCrory Gardens will host its annual Garden Party. The free event includes guided tours of the gardens, musical entertainment, fun children’s activities, and SDSU ice cream served in the President’s Garden. And one important side note for future visitors: spring and summer are not the only seasons of beauty at the garden. The extensive tree and plant collections ensure that McCrory Gardens is a spectacular sight any time of year.

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J une / J uly 2016


Alina Kiryayeva

David Burnham

Music Mix Sioux Falls Concerts Association Presents ‘Eclectic’ Lineup By S.J. Menning

Mads Tolling and the Mads Men


ur focus has always been to provide great entertainment at an affordable cost,” says Ellen Welch, vice president of the Live on Stage, Sioux Falls Concerts Association. The organization, which brought classical music to the Sioux Falls area starting in 1930, has grown through the decades, expanding its concert offerings to appeal to fans across the genres. “We now bring in a more eclectic mix,” Ellen explains, “ranging anywhere from big band, rhythm and blues, jazz – just a good variety.”

Albert & Gage


This season’s five shows present big names with talent to match. The association’s concerts run September 30 through April 21, 2017. A sixth special holiday concert features “One More Christmas” with Albert and Gage, and special guests Kenny Putnam and Boyd Bristow, among others.

I n O ur C ommunity


Equinox In addition to the holiday concert, the lineup includes: David Burnham’s Broadway: The critically acclaimed singer and actor rose to fame when he replaced Donny Osmond as Joseph in the national tour of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” David now performs solo and with symphonies throughout the U.S. Alina Kiryayeva: After performing her first solo debut in orchestra at age 11, Alina went on to become one of the very few classical pianists to complete a bachelor’s and master’s degree on full scholarship at The Juilliard School of Music. Alina

Sioux Falls Concerts Association

has enchanted audiences in more than a dozen countries, from her native Ukraine to Japan.

Go To Italy Boutique

Unique handbags made in Italy

Mads Tolling and the Mads Men: Two-time Grammy winner Mads Tolling joins Mike Abraham, George Ban-Weiss and Eric Garland. This distinctive quartet uniquely integrates violin into a traditional jazz combo, enticing unconventional roles from their instruments while highlighting music from the mad men era of the ’60s.

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Jim Witter: Veteran performer Jim Witter produced and starred in “The Piano Men” a musical journey through the ’70s and a tribute to Billy Joel and Elton John. Its success led to tributes to Simon and Garfunkel, and John Lennon and Paul McCartney. Jim now presents his newest tribute, “I Write the Songs,” from the best of Barry Manilow.

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Jim Witter Equinox Little Big Band: Fashioned in the style and swagger of legendary entertainers such as Frank Sinatra, Equinox Little Big Band offers a high-energy show, graced with a touch of Motown, Ray Charles, Johnny Cash, Elvis and more. Ellen says the group strives to provide great, diverse entertainment each season. Members review live performances of 30-40 acts before selecting those that made the most impact. All concerts are at the Washington Pavilion.

Live on Stage

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J une / J uly 2016


spice &


Photos by Julie Prairie Photography

Ariel ,Cannon & Paxton




Myles & Henry




Sugar & Spice




Call 605-338-4441






Pet Pals

These pets are available for adoption at the Sioux Falls Humane Society


L ife


Pe t Pa l s

sioux falls woman

Style you’ve Been Framed




Bridal Makeup Find Your Best Look for Your Biggest Day By Chantelle Duncan Photos by Margaret Pennock


rides have a mile-long list of professional services to consider using for their wedding details. In addition to a florist, caterer and a photographer, many brides today hire a professional makeup artist, or MUA, on their big day. Here’s why:

Thanks to the Kardashians, weddings have grown into daylong events that are more than just a ceremony with cute flower girls. I recognize that for some women, makeup application is like speaking a different language, but an MUA can recommend the best look for you so you can sit back, relax and get pampered. The benefit: An MUA knows today’s makeup trends and has the skills to create a look that goes beyond everyday makeup. These professionals have an eye for art and the right tools, education and experience to help you look stunning. Latest products and trends: An MUA will determine your skin type and recommend what look is for you. One trend is a highlighted-dewy finish. For this look, your makeup artist focuses on the cheekbones using a very light powder.


B eauty T ren d s


Yo u r Big-Day Must-Have

Lynda Billars 605-376-7932


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Lynda Billars, Broker CRS, ABR & SRES • Team Billars & Assoc. Another trend is airbrush application. For this look, a lightweight foundation is applied using an airbrush, which produces a thin layer of foundation with a matte finish and a 12-hour wear time. Airbrush makeup is fun and exciting, but it isn’t for everyone. An MUA will recommend this style for brides with few or no fine lines.

Booking your MUA: The best way to decide whether you want to hire an MUA for your wedding is to schedule a trial bridal makeup session. This advance visit will give you a chance to see their work and ask questions. Many salons have a licensed esthetician or cosmetologist on staff, and you can use social media to research their work. A deposit might be required before services are rendered to ensure your commitment. Most important, make sure the MUA you choose is a good fit because they will spend several hours with you and your wedding party on your big day. So before you think about skipping the MUA on your long list of professionals to hire for your wedding, think again! The MUA will have you feeling and looking fabulous before you can say, “I do.”


J une / J uly 2016


r Wedding Guest Style



How to be the Best Dressed By Brianna Venekamp


hose summer weddings are on the calendar. Just remember, as a guest, the dress code comes with a lot of stipulations: let the bride stand out. Don’t wear something too flashy or too short,.

In addition, whether you are attending semiformal nuptials, a casual outdoor affair or a black-tie event, select outfits with lightweight fabrics and make sure to tastefully bare any skin. The following tips should help you avoid any outfit dilemmas:

Semiformal This look requires attire that is sleek, sophisticated and fashion-forward, like a slim, column gown with an asymmetrical neckline, an off-the-shoulder mini or an elegant jumpsuit.

Causal/Outdoor Think easy shapes and breezy cottons, silks and lace, but keep it elegant, unless it really is as casual as a beachside cookout. Dress up your outfit with dainty jewelry, strappy sandals, and an evening bag, which creates a laid-back style without being too casual. Floral prints and sweet details, such as drop waists and flirty ruffles, are ideal options for outdoor garden parties.


Black Tie/Formal Look for gowns with special details in crepes and chiffons to stay cool when heat and humidity are high. If you select a shorter dress, ensure your accessories elevate your look from cocktail to formal. The A-line silhouette is a classic look that never goes out of style. Available at Available at

Lauriebelle’s Boutique




Fa s h i o n T r e n d s

You’ve Been Framed




p r

p Available at

Slique Fitness Boutique



Available at

Mainstream Boutique Dawley Farms


q Available at





The Natural Path Aromatherapy Taps Benefits of Essential Oils By Darcie Bontje


romatherapy is the use of essential oils from plants to aid your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

As Suzy King, owner of Hello Gorgeous in Valley Springs, explains, clients feel the effects of essential oils within minutes of application. “Everything absorbs through the skin and into the cells within 120 seconds and you can feel an improvement in a short period of time.” Essential oils have been used for therapeutic purposes for nearly 6,000 years, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center website, Ancient civilizations used them in cosmetics, perfumes and drugs. Essential oils were also commonly used for spiritual, therapeutic, hygienic and ritualistic purposes. Today, many aromatherapists are trained in some other form of therapy or healing system, such as massage, acupuncture or reflexology, and use aromatherapy in their practice. While scientific evidence of the benefits of essential oils is still lacking, aromatherapy is used in a range of settings to treat a variety of conditions. In general, treatments can relieve pain, improve mood, promote a sense of relaxation, or invigorate and uplift. The National Cancer Institute website,, details the use of aromatherapy and essential oils to improve the quality of life for cancer patients, stating that topical application of aromatic oils may exert antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.




Holistic Health

Researchers are not entirely clear how aromatherapy works, states. Some experts believe your sense of smell may play a role. When you breathe in essential oil molecules, they stimulate parts of your brain and influence physical, emotional and mental health. Other researchers think that molecules from essential oils may interact in the blood with hormones or enzymes. Suzy says peppermint is popular for treating muscle aches, aiding alertness and opening sinuses. Lavender is calming to the skin and lemon contains antioxidants that target free radicals that can cause cell damage, she adds. “The more you get into it, the more you expand your options,” Suzy says. “Most people start with one essential oil until they understand the benefits, then they expand into more to help aid in their health needs. We do a lot of mixtures using sprays and roll-ons that have a combination of oils for a cough, flu, focusing, heartburn, etcetera.” Aromatherapy massage is a popular way of using essential oils, explains, because it works in several ways at the same time. Your skin absorbs essential oils. You also breathe them in by using a diffuser to disburse the oil into the air. Plus, you experience the physical therapy of the massage itself. For more information on essential oils, many spas offer “no obligation” classes or visit, an informational website by the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy.

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J une / J uly 2016


Where To


Arthur Johnson Shoes

2804 W. 41st St. (Near 41st St. & Kiwanis Ave.) 605-334-5751 The Arizona soft-footbed sandal in tropical leaf green! So many styles, colors, and sizes... undoubtedly “The best Birkenstock selection in town!” Price: $109.95

Mahlander’s Appliance & Lighting

130 N. Minnesota Ave. 605-336-7798 Rhythmic and organic in their movement, Flow fixtures present lighting designs that captivate. Made from hand-forged recycled steel, the fixtures are available in numerous sizes and shapes, including pendants, chandeliers, sconces and bath fixtures. Prices vary.

Forget Me Not Gift Boutique

Artisan 57 Skin and Laser Center

3101 W. 57th St. (Inside Vance Thompson Vision) 605-371-7057 Intellishade is an antiaging, tinted moisturizer with sunscreen. It conceals, corrects and protects your skin. Wisdom comes with age; lines and wrinkles don’t have to. Price: $56

Mainstream Boutique – Dawley Farms

716 S. Highline Place 605-290-3046 Beautiful Silk Wrap Bracelets. Many colors available. Price: starting at $36

The Bridges at 57th & Western 5005 S. Western Ave., Suite 110 605-335-9878 • With Clutchette Power, you’ve got phone charging in the bag... literally! Take charge of your battery life with the chic Clutchette featuring an ultrathin battery, built-in USB cords and room to carry your keys, lip gloss and other essentials! Price: starting at $49.99

Homeology Décor & Gift Boutique

216 First Ave. Rock Rapids, IA 712-472-3822 OR 248 Hwy. 71 S. Arnolds Park, IA Be inspired! Beautiful handblown glass jars with copper accents decorated with an iron-stamped tray and custom floral. (Custom flora varies.) Price: jars $41.99 – $51.99 / tray $79.99

Granite Accents

2821 W. Sixth St. 605-338-4088 Beautify your outdoor living with granite fire pits. Price: regular $190/special $140

Evolve Interior Design Studio & Furniture Showroom

2312 W. 69th St., Suite 120 605-275-9455 • Add a little “midcentury” to your space with smaller accent pieces such as this brass-legged endtable.

Gunderson’s Jewelers

The Bridges at 57th & Western 2109 W. 57th St. 605-338-9060 • Michele watches now available at Gunderson’s! Bringing a touch of luxury to everyday! Price: Deco Diamond $1,995


The Bridges at 57th & Western 5015 S. Western Ave., Suite 170 605-334-MODE (6633) siouxfalls Have a Boho Summer with MODE! Always $40 Designer Denim. Price: lace-embroidered tank: $24.99 / necklace: $14.99

The Eye Doctors, P.C.

5116 S. Western Ave. 605-338-7104 Bruder Hydrating Masks are a natural way to bring relief to dry-eye syndrome, styes, chalazions and blepharitis. Simply microwave and apply. Price: $20

Schopperts Piano Gallery

1020 E. 41st St. 605-339-6023 • Introducing the ALL NEW Kawai CA97 Hybrid Digital Piano with an acoustic soundboard and real “Wooden Key” Action! Prices vary




Eddy Joy Baby Boutique

The Bridges at 57th & Western 5005 S. Western Ave., Suite 170 605-275-0014 • Take the mess and stress out of mealtime with the mini-mat, a placemat + plate that suctions to the table or highchair tray. Price: $19.99

Floral Bokay

Nyberg’s Ace

Locations: 41st & Minnesota / 12th & Kiwanis / 10th & Sycamore / 41st & Sertoma 605-336-6474 • Update your furniture in one step with Amy Howard One Step Paint. Also get the right tools for the best results. Price: $6.99 – $34.99

219 N. Main St. Salem, SD 30 minutes west of Sioux Falls on I-90 605-425-2459 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday 9 a.m. – noon Saturday Experience this small-town gem! Our beautiful summer décor will inspire you. Choose from our large selection or have a custom-designed arrangement made to enhance your home. Prices vary.

Riddle’s Jewelry

Locations: 41st Street and Louise Avenue / Empire Mall 605-361-0911 or 605-275-9161 2BeLoved: Celebrate the “Joy of Us” with two center diamonds to symbolize each of you. Prices vary.




Go To Italy Boutique

Eighth and Railroad Center 401 E. Eighth St., Suite 202 605-215-4236 • One-of-a-kind bags... with a story! Handmade in Italy by individual artisans using fine, high-quality leather from Florence, Italy. Full service and lifetime warranty. Price: $153 – $2,503

W h e r e To S h o p

Handy Man Home Remodeling Center

910 E. 10th St. 605-336-0316 The Mountain Re-Vive? Shower Collection allows you to revive your shower, the soul of your bathroom. The ultra-slim, less than 3mm, showerheads will revitalize your look. Price: starting at about $100

Lamps and Shades Lighting Gallery

2511 S. Minnesota Ave. 605-332-6680 LED exterior lighting is a natural light for outdoors. It has no infrared or UV light. Will not attract bugs and loves cold weather. Prices vary.

Dakota Kitchen & Bath

4101 N. Hainje Ave. 605-334-9727 Perfect for your mudroom or entryway, with hooks and storage cabinets. The convenient bench offers two storage drawers and space for boots. Prices vary.

Rainn Salon and Spa

The Bridges at 57th & Western 5019 S. Western Ave., Suite 160 605-521-5099 Surf Stylers... because beachy hair runs in the family! Make some waves with Bumble and bumble. Price: $15 – $31

Where To Shop

Try It Again

2101 W. 41st St., Suite 51 605-362-9000 Summer styles for guys and gals. Prices vary.

Flyboy Donuts

Bridges at 57th and Western 605-321-5259 Say “Thank You” with Flyboy Donuts! Or spell your own custom message for birthdays or other special events. Price: $20

The Diamond Room

3501 W. 57th St. 605-362-0008 The Darci and Parker collections from Michael Kors. With pavé embellishments and bright-colored accents, these pieces can be worn with everything in your closet! Come check out the Michael Kors collection and many other great pieces today at The Diamond Room. Prices vary.


1372 Cleveland Ave. Larchwood, IA 712-477-2388 • Brenner Desk — 69” long x 34” deep x 30” high Walnut herringbone marquetry and rosewood reeding with leather-lined drawer. Custom sizes and materials available. Price: $10,200

Sioux Falls LightHouse

2320 S. Marion Road, Suite 140 605-271-9386 • This LED wall sconce is rated for outdoor use but would also be beautiful indoors for soft accent lighting in a hallway or media room. It comes in 3 sizes and two finishes. Prices vary.

Lauriebelle’s Boutique

615 E. Brian St., Suite B Tea, SD 605-498-0101 • Beautiful, Not Rated Greta sandals are easy to dress up or down and are beyond comfortable too! The shimmer in the rhinestones will kick your footwear game up a notch! Price: $49

Montgomery’s Mattress 1st

1725 W. 41st St. 605-332-4400 For the sleep you deserve, BedGear position sleeper performance pillows. Price: $59

Dimock Dairy

400 S Main St, Dimock, SD 605-928-3833 • Great for fundraisers and business gifts or to send a piece of South Dakota to a loved one for any occasion! Prices vary.

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David Burnham’s Broadway

Fri., Sept. 30, 2016

Alina Kiryayeva

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Mads Tolling & the Mads Men

Thurs., Feb. 9, 2017

Jim Witter: I Write the Songs

Scheels Home Décor

2101 W. 41st St. 605-334-7767 • Bring a charming touch to your home by showcasing your favorite photos, phrases, magnets, etc. with Magnet Boards. Choose from an assortment of sizes and colors. Price: $60 – $230

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Belle Touché Salon & Day Spa

150+ Arts & Crafts Booths | Parade | Concerts | Fireworks

The Bridges at 57th & Western 5005 S. Western Ave., Suite 180 605-275-6200 Father’s Day is June 19th! Give the gift of Invati: Invati Men’s Shampoo exfoliates your scalp and conditions to help strengthen hair. Invati Men’s Scalp Revitalizer instantly thickens hair at the root and invigorates the scalp when massaged in. Price: shampoo $35 / revitalizer $65

You’ve Been Framed

The Bridges at 57th & Western 5015 S. Western Ave., Suite 140 605-361-9229 • UNOde50 has arrived at You’ve Been Framed! Hand-crafted in Spain with unique beautiful pieces. Price: starting at $65

Bechtold Jewelry

325 S. Phillips Ave. 605-332-7151 Beautiful morganite and diamond rings, set in rose gold by Allison Kaufman. Price: $1,600

Yankton Riverboat Days & Summer Arts Festival August 19-21 • 605-665-1657

50+ Food Venders | Amphitheater Performances | Children’s Activities

Vacation Vroom! Summer Rides Offer Style, Sensibility By Jill Funke


hat could be better on a hot day than tooling around town in a new ride? This summer, four vehicles sizzle with the potential to help you enjoy every minute of the getaway season.

2016 BMW 428i Convertible A convertible evokes thoughts of driving with the top down on a warm sunny day, and the BMW 428i makes those mental images a reality. The hardtop is power-retractable and comes with a wind blocker. Boasting folding rear seats, which are rare for a convertible, the 428i is flexible enough for any of your vacation needs. Add the touches of interior refinement and opulence that drivers expect from a BMW, and an iconic summer vehicle is born.

2016 Cadillac SRX Whatever road trip you plan to take this summer, the Cadillac SRX is ready. While the trend is toward diminished engine size, the SRX keeps its V6, giving the vehicle more than enough power to boldly transport the family on national park excursions. Front and rear parking sensors, a rearview camera, blind-spot monitoring and rear cross-traffic alerts on the luxury trim level SRX will keep the dedicated vacation driver cool on the warmest of summer days.

2016 Ford Mustang Coupe With a history that goes back to 1964, the Ford Mustang certainly has staying power. While the Mustang has been known as a muscle car, recent redesigns have enhanced the vehicle enough to warrant jealous glances even from luxury cars. Think about taking this symbol of American pride to any backyard barbeque. With the all-new Sync 3 touchscreen infotainment system, MyKey parental control system and top safety ratings, the Mustang Coupe is a car to consider for the summer.




Auto Style


J une / J uly 2016


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Chill Out With These Satisfying Summer Favorites INGREDIENTS: 3 ripe peaches 1 cup of sugar(200g) 250mls water 2-3 tea bags (depends on type and strength) Directions: Wash the peaches and cut them up into smallish pieces. Put them in a pan with the water and sugar and simmer for five minutes or until soft. Use a potato masher to smush them down some more, cook on low simmer for ten more minutes. Remove from the heat and let sit for 30 minutes or so, then put the whole mixture in a blender or food processor and whiz it all up! Run the mixture through a sieve to get all the skin out, then you are left with your peach syrup. Make a quart/1 litre of regular tea. If you make sweet tea then it will be very sweet when you add the peach syrup, but it’s really up to you!


Add the syrup to your individual glass of cooled tea and stir well. Will make 2 - 4 8oz glasses depending on how much syrup you add. Author: Noshtastic

Ingredients: 12 oz fresh raspberries 1 cup fresh lemon juice, chilled 1/2 cup cold water 1/2 cup granulated sugar (or to taste) 1/2 cup honey 1 liter (33.8 oz) sparkling water or club soda, chilled Fresh mint and ice, for serving Directions: Place raspberries in a food processor and pulse until well pureed. Force raspberry puree through a fine mesh strainer into a bowl. In a large pitcher (if you don’t have one large enough, you may need two) whisk together water and sugar until sugar has dissolved. Pour in honey and mix until blended. Stir in raspberry mixture and lemon juice then pour in club soda and stir once. Serve with ice and fresh mint. Recipe source: adapted from Bon Appetite







INGREDIENTS 1 liter bottle of sparkling water flavored with SodaStream Sparkling Drink Mix in Berry Mix flavor 1 liter bottle of sparkling water flavored with SodaStream Sparkling Drink Mix in Lime Basil flavor 3 cups of frozen raspberries 3 cups of frozen pineapple honey to taste (optional) lime slices, raspberries and pineapple for garnish (optional)

DIRECTIONS: In a blender mix the berry sparkling water with the frozen raspberries until smooth. Taste and add honey if needed. Pour the drink through a strainer to remove the raspberry seeds.

In a blender combine the lime basil sparkling water with the frozen pineapple until smooth. Taste and add honey if needed. Pour the pineapple mixture into a shallow container and place into the freezer. Place the raspberry mixture in a pitcher in the refrigerator. Freeze the pineapple mixture for 30-45 minutes until it reaches a slushy consistency. Pour the raspberry mixture evenly into 4 large glasses. Spoon the pineapple mixture on top of the raspberry drink.

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Expanding health care training programs throughout South Dakota

For a program near you, check out

This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and training Administration. The product was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The U.S. Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. Southeast Tech’s individual grant of $5,349,726 funds 100% of their portion of the South Dakota Allied Health Training Consortium project.

Garnish with lime slices, raspberries and pineapple. Author: Dinner at the Zoo INGREDIENTS: 3 cups diced watermelon, deseeded (freeze before blending for 1 hour) 2 cups raspberries (freeze before blending for 1 hour) 2 shots raspberry pomegranate vodka (or your favorite flavored or unflavored vodka), optional 2 shots raspberry or watermelon schnapps, optional Juice of 1 lime, or to taste Sweetener, optional and to taste (I recommend a liquid sweetener like agave, simple syrup, or a zero-calorie sweetener; granulated sugar may not dissolve entirely)

Sparkling Raspberry Lemonade

DIRECTIONS: To the canister of a blender or food processor, add all ingredients and blend on high speed until smooth, about 1 minute. Divide mixture between two glasses and optionally garnish with fruit. Serve immediately. Extra slushie mixture can be kept in the freezer for up to 1 month by placing freezersafe glasses inside a large ziplock bag to avoid freezer smells; allow to thaw for about 45 minutes before stirring and serving. Author: Averie Sunshine

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J une / J uly 2016


Perfecting Pork Kick Off Summer Grilling Season Article & Photos courtesy of South Dakota Pork Producers Council

Italian Pork Kabobs with Summer Vegetables


ith Memorial Day behind us, we can look forward to the official kickoff to warmer weather, summer picnics and grilling season.

“South Dakota pork is an ideal partner for the grill, thanks to its versatile flavor and easy preparation,” said Stacey Sorlien, program and communications director for the South Dakota Pork Producers Council. “By mastering a few simple techniques and experimenting with new flavor-boosting recipes, rookies and home chefs alike will be well on their way to becoming VIPs on the grilling scene.” For a sizzling season that’s full of perfect pork on the grill, the South Dakota pork experts offer master grillers the following tips:




Marinate for flavor. Marinades typically consist of three key ingredients: an acid (such as vinegar or fruit juice), an oil (such as olive oil or Italian dressing), and herbs and spices. Shoppers can choose from store-bought selections or create their own at home. For even distribution, place chops and marinade in a re-sealable plastic bag or covered container and refrigerate for 30 minutes to 12 hours before grilling. Rub it in. Without any liquid, the punch packed

into a rub stays with the meat. The flavors of a few crushed spices rubbed over the meat will unite in just 30 minutes and cook to a tasty crust on pork cuts.

The Flavor Of Summertime

Watch your tail. When grilling pork tenderloin, one end will be thinner than the other – almost like a tail. To keep the tail from overcooking, fold the end over and tie it with some household string. Many cooks also cut it off for use in soup or stews, or place the thin end over a “cooler” part of the grill.

excellent source of thiamin, vitamin B6, phosphorus and niacin, and a good source of riboflavin, potassium and zinc.

Cook to Medium.

For juicy and tender grilled pork, cook to medium doneness over direct heat. Use a meat thermometer to judge doneness – 145 degrees F with a three-minute rest time for perfect, slightly pink-on-the-inside pork. For exact cooking times, please visit

In addition to pork’s flavor versatility, Stacey says it is also a nutritious mealtime option. Pork contains many of the nutrients recommended by health organizations to build and maintain a healthy body, including six essential vitamins, four important minerals, protein and energy. Pork’s lean meat serves as an

Additionally, a study released in 2006 by the USDA reveals seven common cuts of fresh pork are leaner today than they were 15 years ago – on average about 16 percent lower in total fat and 27 percent lower in saturated fat. When visiting the meat case, look for the lean cuts of pork with the word “loin” on the label, such as pork tenderloin or loin roast. Any pork chop is also a lean choice. “LOIN” = Lean! Also keep in mind that price per pound in the meat case, your best value is to pick a whole loin and slice it the way you like it! For nutritional information and pork recipes or for information about modern pork production, please visit www., and for more great summertime grilling recipes visit

Sweet Fire Porterhouse Pork Chops

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J une / J uly 2016


Work Perk Small-scale Gourmet Catering Fosters Employee Engagement By Margaret Pennock Photos courtesy of Riviera Events & Catering


o longer just for special occasions, catering has become more common in the workplace for small meetings to large events. In the past, food was frequently an afterthought when it came to planning meetings and often included pizza or sub platters. However, for caterers such as Riviera Events & Catering in Brandon, gourmet catering is becoming more and more popular for everyday events. Matt Sapari, owner and head chef of Riviera Events & Catering, says, “Sharing a meal isn’t just about eating. It’s all about bringing people together and giving them something to talk about. When it comes down to it, we’re in the business of building relationships.” His goal and that of Darla Pasch, Riviera’s sales/executive events coordinator, is to provide customized, quality service for every client.




Office Catering

Having started as the smallest caterer in Sioux Falls just five years ago, the company now competes with the largest companies in the area. Matt believes his success is based on providing customized menus and flexible services. “We can cater for a group as small as 12 to upwards of 1,000 and we work with our clients to deliver exactly what they want at a budget they can afford.” This frequently includes tweaking menu offerings or even completely incorporating custom menus.

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Because caterers such as the Riviera have become more flexible and willing to work on a small-scale, businesses are taking advantage of ordering freshly made gourmet food for employees and guests. And that doesn’t go unnoticed. Matt shares, “A CEO that we cater for told me that working with the Riviera shows how much he appreciates his employees. And according to the CEO, that appreciation has directly affected the productivity of his staff.”

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From box lunches filled with gourmet goodness to full-service sevencourse meals, clients can choose what they serve based on their budget or type of event. And in a world filled with more and more distractions that result in less face time with employees, the opportunity to sit down, relax and enjoy a good meal together is incredibly appealing. “We are finding that smaller companies with 15 to 25 employees are sitting down to enjoy quality time to share a meal together. To me, what that can do is priceless,” Matt adds.

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J une / J uly 2016



J U N E / J U LY 2 0 1 6


S i o u x Falls Woman

sioux falls woman






Luxury Home’s spacious floor plan matches beauty of rural neighborhood

By Stacey Kracht • Photography by Cipher Imaging Architectural Photography


H O M E & G A RD E N


L a ke Luxury


his family home is situated in a gorgeous subdivision outside of Sioux Falls. Trees skirt the driveway and the property sits on a peninsula surrounded by the neighborhood’s three lakes. These manmade, spring-fed ponds reach depths of more than 20 feet. When the couple bought the lot in the late ’80s, the area was mostly undeveloped. Tall grass covered the hills, and there were only three or four houses in the development. The lakes, full of catfish, perch and largemouth bass, have since grown to provide an array of recreational activities for the neighborhood. Many families have paddleboats that they use as “taxis” to cross the lakes to visit each other. These homeowners even have a zip line stretching across the lake to their closest neighbor’s backyard. In the summer, families get out their floats and bring coolers, food and music down to the water. In the winter, they head down to the lake for skating—at one point even creating a regulation-size hockey rink.





pon entering this home, visitors are captivated by the tall, open foyer with its curved wall and arced staircase. A gold-plated chandelier hangs from the high ceiling. The home had 3,954 square feet of finished space when it was built about 20 years ago. Completion of the lower level in 2005 boosted the living space to about 5,300 square feet. The home has distinctive European styling, Anderson High-Performance Sun II windows, an Exterior Insulation Finishing System, and the original shingles, which the owners have been told are very unique and won’t be easy to replace when the time comes. The home is also equipped with a geothermal heating and cooling system, which keeps energy-consumption low. It has high-efficiency heat pumps, a Honeywell total home system, NuTone intercoms and a Hoover central vacuum system. The home’s interior features oak sixpanel doors; oak millwork, some of which is painted; and specialty 4-inch casings in the living room, dining room and foyer. Flooring in the living room, dining room and foyer is oak, while the recently refinished kitchen cabinets are whitewashed maple. There are cherry cabinets in the master bathroom.


H O M E & G A RD E N


L ake Luxury

ke Ta


Yo ur


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v t

he great room’s high, peaked ceiling features exposed wooden beams, making it spacious yet warm. Furniture includes a plush, grey textured couch and a beautiful sofa table. The wood-burning fireplace with propane starter is across the room from the couch. Floor-to-ceiling windows span the east/ southeast wall, letting in plenty of warm sunshine. Double doors lead from the living room to the back deck, which stretches along the rear wall of the home and overlooks the lake. A rug, planters and cushioned patio furniture give the deck a homey feel matching the residence. The dining room has bay windows that face out over the sloping hill and the water below. Several updates have been made to the kitchen. It boasts a limestone floor, stainless steel appliances, and teal lights above the island to add an accent color. Cambria stone countertops, a new sink, and a backsplash also were added. The large island features the original granite slab, weighing more than 800 lbs., and still has no imperfections. Glass-front cupboards showcase kitchenware on the north kitchen wall. Situated down the hall from the kitchen, the laundry room has original cupboards that will soon be painted, countertop space for folding laundry, a dowel for hanging clean clothes and a built-in ironing board. The main-floor bathroom, which includes a shower, has a beautiful accent wall behind the sink. The deep brown and bronze feature was created using a texture process. The other walls are covered with a tea-stained treatment. The former spare bedroom next door is now an office. The teal color from the kitchen lights has been incorporated into the room via a large piece of artwork and a leather drum. A tall window faces the home’s front walk. The sitting room across the foyer from the office includes two light-grey sofas. Fur blankets and shaggy pillows add texture to the quilted couch cushions. The paint in the room was recently updated to a soft beige color. A heavy, distressed coffee table made of wood and slate rests between the two sofas on top of a grey and tan patterned rug. A glossy, abstract painting hangs in the corner. “It means different things to different people,” says the owner, “but to me, it’s water.” The room also has a small fireplace.


H O M E & G A RD E N


L a ke Luxury

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The formal dining room has a door to the back deck, which sits above the stone fire pit in the backyard. The room contains objects of sentimental value to the owner. She displays pink Depression-era glass items that her late mother collected in a glass-faced cabinet. An antique secretary and antique dishes, all of which belonged to her mother, are in the opposite corner. And an antique washboard from the family of the owner’s husband sits in another corner; his mother’s photo rests on top of it. The lower level, accessed via another curved staircase, is like a little apartment, complete with spare bedroom, bathroom, fitness room, hot tub, sitting area, and kitchen with a bar, whitewashed maple cabinets and refrigerator. It even offers outside access with a door leading to a patio area


H O M E & G A RD E N


under the main-floor deck. The home’s top floor will be the next focus for updating, the owner says. The master bedroom holds a four-post king-size bed, and a chair faces windows arranged in a halfoctagon shape. There’s an additional small deck overlooking the lake and backyard. Off the bedroom, there is a large walk-in closet and a master bathroom, complete with a heartshaped corner Jacuzzi bathtub. Upstairs there are three additional bedrooms, a large bathroom and storage room. Sitting on four acres, the home offers views of the rolling hills of the countryside as well as the cows grazing in the pasture of the farm that borders the property. This is a luxury home befitting its picturesque setting.

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Piped In Creativity Build Your Own Designs Easily By Margaret Pennock Photos courtesy of T.J. Chastain, Vintage Key and Krista Larson, {Re}invented {Re}lics


alvanized steel pipe has emerged from inside walls to be the focal point in many trendy living areas. With an industrial edge and versatile rustic appeal, the design element can be transformed into modular lighting fixtures, shelving, furniture and decorative


Found in virtually any hardware store, galvanized steel pipe is available in various lengths. And it’s easy to work with whether you’re a novice or a pro at do-it-yourself projects. In addition, there are myriad floor flanges, couplings, elbows, tees, unions, nipples and caps available that let you create nearly any configuration imaginable. It’s also paintable, so nearly any color is a possibility. The pipe screws into connector pieces. It is a bit heavy, however, so make sure you plan for that if you intend to adhere it to a wall or other surface that may need reinforcement. Good beginner projects can range from curtain rods




D. I.Y.

and towel bars to more advanced and elaborate pieces such as wall system shelving for your home office or even media centers and dining room tables.

According to Krista Larson, owner and designer of {Re}invented {Re}lics in Tea, “Options and designs with pipe are endless opportunities! Add a 90 degree (elbow) here or a tee there and depending on the intended purpose, there are nearly infinite possibilities!” The pipe pairs beautifully with pallet wood, which many times you can acquire free or close to free from local big-box stores. In addition, rough-hewn rustic wood, which you can frequently find on Craigslist or at your local hardware store, is also a great option. If you aren’t fortunate enough to have access to these resources, you can always purchase new lumber and distress it by beating it with a hammer and chains to add character. One benefit of distressing wood is that it’s a great stress reliever! If you love the look and want to give it a try, Pinterest and Facebook offer inspiration. They frequently include step-by-step instructions for projects. Although affordable, it isn’t inexpensive. Expect to pay around $6 for a ½” floor flange and $7 for a ½” x 18” pipe. Obviously the more elaborate the project, the price will add up accordingly. However, you can expect to pay considerably more if you purchase a pre-made item, and it won’t give you the same gratification of a custom-made piece.

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J une / J uly 2016


Chalk’s Charm Why chalk finish paint is undeniably appealing Story and Photos By Margaret Pennock


epurposing, up-cycling and renovating furniture and other household items have become extremely popular in the past several years. Whether it’s updating an heirloom from your grandmother or going so far as to paint your kitchen cabinets to get a fresh look, chalk finish paint has become a favorite medium from do-it-yourselfers to the pros. The reason behind the popularity is simple: It’s easy to use and cuts down dramatically on the elbow grease. Typically, painting over an existing finish requires the surface to be sanded or chemically treated for the paint to adhere to the surface. Chalk finish paint, however, doesn’t usually require that step. Beki Weber, a corporate paint and housewares specialist at Nyberg’s Ace in Sioux Falls and a certified paint specialist through the North American Retail Hardware Association, is surprised by the quality of the Amy Howard line of chalk finish paints.




About The House ~ Chalk Painting

“The piece has to be clean and sound but that’s it,” Beki says. “The Amy Howard line requires no stripping, no sanding and no priming. The coverage is incredible, the finish is durable and it will save a great deal of time in comparisons to other options out there.”

Chalk finish paint has a creamy matte finish that lends an endearing, time-worn appearance to even new items. Beki, who trained in Memphis, Tenn., at the Amy Howard headquarters, notes that you can apply the water-based paint directly to old wood finishes, concrete, iron, stone, Formica, etc. She says, “It dries flat, to the chalky finish that we covet on antique pieces found at the Paris Flea Market or our favorite boutique antique shops.” There are several chalk finish paints available on the market or you can even try your hand at mixing your own concoction with flat latex paint, Plaster of Paris (powdered gypsum) and water. However, Beki is sold on the Amy Howard line for several reasons: “You can use this on furniture, trim, cabinets, glass, metal, lamp shades or upholstery. … It will work on virtually any substrate as long as the substrate is clean and sound. And since it has a base system, we can make any color under the sun.”

Every Piece of Furniture Tells a Story Renew & Restore

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J une / J uly 2016


sioux falls woman





Preventing Tragedy Dangers of Heatstroke and Your Vehicle


very year, children die in vehicles due to heatstroke. These tragedies can happen when children are forgotten in a car, when a caregiver runs an errand that takes too long or when a child plays in the wrong place. The website reports that an average of 38 children die every year in the U.S. from heat-related deaths after being trapped inside a vehicle. Following are some safety ideas to help stem these preventable tragedies:

Forgetting children in the car Knowing the dangers of heatstroke, you would never intentionally leave a child alone in a hot car, but it is easy for your mind to wander as you drive to work. Have you ever gotten to your destination in the




Child Safety

morning and asked yourself, how did I get here? What route did I take? Did I miss all the red lights or did I hit them all? Your mind was already busy thinking about the day ahead.

If your child is asleep in the backseat and your brain is focused on the day, it’s easier to forget about your precious cargo than one might think. More than half of heatstroke tragedies happen just like this. To remind yourself to check the backseat, put something you’ll need at your next stop, such as a briefcase or cellphone, next to the child safety seat. It may seem simple, but it can be a helpful reminder on a chaotic day.

Running quick errands Did you know that the temperature can rise in a vehicle by 20 degrees in 10 minutes? With good intentions, you leave the windows cracked while you run a quick errand, but this ventilation has little effect on how fast the temperature can quickly rise inside the car. Young children are particularly at risk because their bodies heat up three to five times faster than an adult’s. Never leave your children alone in a car. Not even for a minute. Your intention of a quick errand can easily get extended when you bump into an old friend, or the person at the register has technical difficulty.

Don’t let children play in the car Teach your children that playing in or around vehicles is never a good idea. Your child can crawl into the car and get trapped inside. Tragedy can strike before you even know your child is missing. Keep your car locked at all times. Safe Kids Worldwide has these simple steps to encourage everyone to ACT to prevent the tragedy of heatstroke:


Avoid heatstroke-related injury and death by never leaving your child alone in a car, not even for a minute. Always lock your doors and trunks, even in your driveway. And keep your keys and key fobs out of the reach of children.


Create reminders. Place something you’ll need at your next stop—such as a gym bag, cellphone or your left shoe—next to the child safety seat. It can be a life-saving reminder on a busy day.


Take action. If you see a child alone in a car, take action. Call 911. Emergency personnel are trained to respond to these situations.

For more information on keeping your child safe in and around cars this summer, call Sanford Children’s Safety Center at 605-333-0663 to visit with a family life specialist.


J une / J uly 2016


Repairing The Damage Latest techniques for younger-looking skin By Kelly Thurman for Avera Health


unspots, spider veins and wrinkles are all unfortunate side effects of aging, especially if you’ve spent a lot of time in the sun.

Thankfully, however, a new treatment allows women to repair damage and tighten skin without weeks of downtime due to redness, which is a typical side effect of other laser treatments. The cutting-edge laser treatment elōs® offers two separate treatments in one machine that can be used on the face, neck, hands and chest. An IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) laser repairs sunspots or other discoloration, while a sublative laser uses radiofrequency technology to create a cone of thermal heating that gets down into the dermis to help the body regrow collagen to reduce wrinkling and improve skin tone and texture. These treatments can be done one after the other for added benefit. “When people get rid of the brown patches on their skin, it just looks so much healthier, with a more youthful appearance,” said Valerie Flynn, MD, Dermatologist with Avera Medical Group Dermatology. “Then when you decrease fine lines and wrinkles with the sublative step, you can see very significant results.”




Healthy Looking Skin

The sublative treatment creates a microscopic grid across the skin but leaves minimal damage to the epidermis, meaning that the recovery time is much less— about four days versus a few weeks (typical for other fractionated lasers), Flynn said. Patients will typically experience redness for four to five days. In addition to fine lines and pigmentation, elōs also treats acne scars. While some people take off a day or two to heal, Jana Johnson, MD, Dermatologist with Avera Medical Group Dermatology Sioux Falls, had the procedure herself and was back the next day with minimal redness.



Bobbi Rysdon, MA,LMFT, QMHP

Is continuing her Wholeness Therapy practice - in association with Lighting a New Way Counseling Services

“You can certainly walk around afterward,” Johnson said. Elōs is just one option for repairing sun damage, ranging from facials to more long-term results such as laser treatments. • A prescription retinoid can smooth and tighten skin.

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• Botox® can help smooth wrinkles and also can be a preventive measure.

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• Chemical peels can help to brighten the skin. • Photofacials remove excess pigment from the skin and other sun damage. • Laser treatments can help with skin discoloration and tightening of the skin. The best treatment, however, is prevention during the teens, 20s and 30s. Johnson and Flynn recommend using sunscreen daily—30 SPF or higher—and reapplying it every two hours. “I can’t say it enough: sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen,” Johnson said. “Everything we’re fixing now for women in their 50s and 60s is almost entirely sun-related. Unfortunately, most of us start thinking about our skin kind of late.”

Member of American Association of Marriage & Family Therapists and American Association of Christian Counselors


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For everyday care, in addition to sunblock, most women should find a good moisturizer. A prescription retinoid can help maintain a younger, healthier look, Johnson said. Healthy skin can be a confidence booster, but taking good care of it is important partly to prevent more serious threats such as skin cancer. One in five Americans will develop some form of skin cancer during their lifetime, the American Academy of Dermatology reports. Your regular preventive exam is a great time to request a skin cancer exam, Flynn said. Be sure to ask your provider about any spot on the skin that is growing, changing or just isn’t healing. “In this part of the country with so many fair-skinned people, we treat a huge amount of cancer,” Johnson said. “It’s really important people do regular skin screenings for that reason.”

Tips for healthy-looking skin:

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• Wear a broad-spectrum sunblock, 30 SPF or higher (Moisturizer with sunblock works well, too) • Apply prescription retinoid at night

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• Drink plenty of water to keep skin hydrated • Get plenty of sleep • Avoid habits that age skin such as smoking, sun tanning

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J une / J uly 2016


Your Wellness Path IV nutritional therapy, neural therapy part of center’s integrative approach By Natalie Slieter Photos by Margaret Pennock


icole Muilenburg is a registered nurse and owner of the ReBalance Center, which opened in 2014 in Sioux Falls. The center specializes in alternative and holistic therapies to treat people experiencing a variety of health conditions. The center’s integrative approach and holistic therapies help people by addressing the whole person and the symptoms they are experiencing, Nicole says. “By treating the person – not the diagnosis or disease – we are improving outcomes and quality of life,” she says. The center offers intravenous (IV) nutritional therapy, a treatment that has been around since the early 1900s. This therapy administers vitamins, minerals, chelating agents, and supportive nutrition that can




IV Therapy

mobilize toxins, deliver nutrients to the cells, and improve the body’s ability to heal from injury, illness and disease. “The principle reason for nutritional IV therapy is to supply essential nutrients of normal body metabolism and those required for restoring balance (homeostasis) and the resolution of illness,” Nicole adds. She says IV therapy works better than taking nutrients orally because the nutrients go directly to the cells instead of passing through the gastrointestinal tract where nutrients can be lost. “This makes IV nutrient administration a powerful therapy for numerous health concerns and to get them on the road to healing,” she says.

Some of the health concerns that are supported by IV therapy include cancer, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, migraines, pain, and any immune system compromise. This therapy can also be used in preventative and anti-aging medicine. The center also offers neural therapy, which can release nerves affected by scars, big and small. “Neural therapy can treat both acute and chronic conditions, as treating the scar can free the surrounding tissues re-establishing a normal, nonerratic nerve communication,” Nicole explains of the therapy used since the 1920s. Health concerns that may benefit from neural therapy include symptoms from surgery, infection, physical injury, chronic pain, joint and muscle pain, headaches, arthritis, asthma and sinuses. She says the emotional trauma associated with the physical trauma in which the scar was caused can also be released through neural therapy.

“Anyone and everyone who longs for a healthy lifestyle; a hastened recovery from illness, injury or addiction; enhanced performance at school, work and play; or quality of life support in a disease process benefits from what we offer,” she says. Even though the ReBalance Center offers alternative forms of medicine, she says the physician at the center has practiced medicine for over 40 years. Together, the center and its physician offer an integrative approach, which includes traditional and alternative aspects of medicine. “I wish everyone who’s hopeless could hear me say there is hope,” Nicole says. “I want everyone who’s sick and tired of being sick and tired to know there are options.”


J une / J uly 2016


Reluctant Patient Audiologist Turns to Hearing Aids after Illness By Jill Funke


obert Froke, MA, CCC-A from Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat, had been a practicing audiologist for more than 30 years when he became seriously ill with influenza B. When Froke was finally well enough to return to work, an annoying tinnitus or ringing in his left ear persisted. Froke found it troublesome, as he explains, “It was so loud it was disrupting my focus and concentration.” To make matters worse, Froke’s colleagues told him that he seemed to be missing things being said or misinterpreting people during conversations. Trying to make the best of the situation, Froke said, “I usually have a pretty good sense of




A Dose of His Own Medicine

humor about those kind of things, but inside, it was starting to bother me.” It was then that he finally realized he was experiencing what some of his patients endured. A thorough hearing test revealed that Froke had lost almost 40 decibels of hearing, with his left ear at a larger deficit than his right. A consultation with Dr. Ken Scott at Midwest Ear, Nose & Throat led to an MRI that ruled out the possibility of a tumor and it was determined that the damage to Froke’s hearing was a result of the recent influenza virus. He worked

hard to focus on conversations, but it was difficult. “I found it to become increasingly easier said than done, encountering more and more struggles and embarrassing moments in my interactions and conversations,” he shares. The truth suddenly hit him that he was denying himself the help that he had spent a career providing for others, and he caught himself having the same reaction as his patients to the thought of wearing a hearing device. Froke said, “My colleagues reminded me that I too had to be patient and persevere, and in the end, better hearing and ease of conversations while using them will ultimately prevail!”

“I could not believe it!! The noise in my head went quiet!”

– Robert Froke, MA, CCC-A Reflecting on his own battle with tinnitus and hearing loss, Froke is glad that he made the best of the situation as it has provided him the opportunity to work with technology that removes the stigma of looking old while wearing a hearing aid. He now sees himself as tech savvy because he can control his digital hearing aid settings for volume, noise control, wind noise, and tinnitus treatments using an app on his iPhone. Froke says, “My Bluetooth connection through my phone actually allows me to stream music, talk radio, and even ballgames straight to my hearing devices. What a bonus that is to me at my gym, not having to deal with headphone cords flopping all over the place.” The experience has left Froke with an enlightened empathy for his patients, as he says, “I now realize that all the counsel I have given the past 33 years, while it may be simple, it does not necessarily mean it’s easy!” While most people do not desire to wear a hearing aid, Froke says that having the device is much better than continuing to struggle to hear and understand without it. Giving advice from the patient perspective, he now says, “If I can do it, so can you!”


J une / J uly 2016


Homegrown Healthcare Initiative South Dakota Allied Health Training Consortium works with federal grant to increase rural healthcare workers. by Margaret Pennock


he South Dakota Department of Health states in their Healthcare Workforce Report that direct health care service occupations are among the fastest growing professions in South Dakota and are projected to make up over 10% of the state’s new jobs through 2018. The problem is, there just aren’t enough healthcare professionals to fill the positions. For South Dakotans, the shortage of healthcare professionals is a big issue, especially in rural areas. In fact, 59 of the 66 counties in South Dakota have been federally designated as health professional shortage areas. To counter this alarming trend, the South Dakota Allied Health Training Consortium (SDAHTC) is working to educate South Dakotans who are interested in enriching their communities.

The opportunity this grant provides will be a quality workforce that can use their skills immediately to make an impact in their facilities and community. Healthcare education can also open many career doors while providing a comfortable and steady income.” –Erin Mekelburg, Retention and Liaison Coordinator for the South Dakota Allied Health Training Consortium

The consortium is headed up by Southeast Tech in Sioux Falls with the support of the state’s three other technical schools as well as two tribal schools. According to Erin Mekelburg, the




Healthcare In The Heartland

Retention and Liaison Coordinator for the South Dakota Allied Health Training Consortium, “An emphasis will be placed on serving rural communities and Native American reservations by increasing the number of adults earning certificates, degrees, and diplomas in two years or less; replicating innovative and effective methods for designing and delivering instruction that addresses specific industry needs; and improving the learning outcomes of participants.” Erin notes, “Southeast Tech created two mobile simulation labs that we teach LPN and CNA courses out of. The exciting part of that is that we can actually bring the same quality classroom on location for students who aren’t able to travel to Sioux Falls to receive an education. We have students who are graduating with an LPN diploma from the Chamberlain area. These are professionals who want to stay in their communities and provide much needed healthcare for their communities and we’re proud to be part of this initiative.”

Custom Spray Tanning

Feel beautiful



Programs being provided include: Lake Area Technical Institute – Dental Assistant, LPN, Medical Assistant, Medical Laboratory Technician; Mitchell Technical Institute – Advanced Medical Imaging, CT Scan, MRI, Medical Assistant, Medical Office; Oglala Lakota College – CNA; Sinte Gleska University – CNA, EMT, LPN; Southeast Tech – CNA, Health Information Services, LPN, Medical Coding; and Western Dakota Technical Institute – CNA, EMT, LPN, Paramedic. The grant was established for a four-year period and runs through 2017. For more information about the SDACHTC, visit sdalliedhealth. com or call Erin at 605-367-5870. This workforce product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and training Administration. The product was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The U.S. Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. Southeast Tech’s individual grant of $5,349,726 funds 100% of their portion of the South Dakota Allied Health Training Consortium project.


J une / J uly 2016


sioux falls woman





Sarah Tveidt’s


On a mission to share the truth about food and agriculture. By Margaret Pennock • Photography by Julie Prairie Photography


oung, ambitious and savvy,

28-year-old Sarah Tveidt is loving life in Sioux Falls. As the communications director for the South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council as well as the South Dakota Soybean Association, she is passionate about her work and about those she serves.

Having grown up in rural Humboldt, S.D., Sarah’s heritage is deeply rooted in agriculture. The family farm has been in their care for more than 100 years, and her uncle currently lives and farms there with his family. Her brother also works on the farm. Her parents, Bill and Janell Even, still live in Humboldt, although the family has shuttled from Humboldt to Iowa to Pierre and back to Humboldt over the years. Sarah attended West Central in Hartford until her sophomore year of high school when her family moved to Adel, Iowa. Her senior year, they moved to Pierre.


P rofiles


Cover Story

Sarah attended Iowa State University for her first year of college, then transferred closer to home to South Dakota State University, where she ultimately earned her Journalism and Mass Communications degree with a focus in advertising. She calls her final semester spent studying abroad in Greece a pivotal point in her life. “I was the only person from South Dakota in our program. There were people from all over the United States, like Chicago, New York and Los Angeles. Some of the notions that they had about food and where it came from just made me realize how fortunate I was to have been so close to agriculture my whole life. It also made me realize how important it is to have open and honest discussions about how our food is raised, and after that experience, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in agriculture.”


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Committed to finding a position that married her journalistic skills with her love for agriculture, she feels she just happened to be in the right place at the right time when she took her role as communications director. “This was a brand-new position for South Dakota Soybean, and it was an opportunity to build and mold it into what our boards’ priorities were at the time. My position has evolved dramatically over the past five years, which is a testament to our boards of directors. We have some very impactful projects we’ve created, which has been really transformational for the organization and for me professionally.” The South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council is the soybean checkoff organization in the state charged with investing in projects such as research, market development and consumer outreach. The South Dakota Soybean Association is a grassroots farmer-led association that works with regulatory and legislative issues on local, state and national levels. Both groups work hand-in-hand to promote the soybean industry in South Dakota, and they share staff and office space. Each organization is governed by a board of directors comprised of farmers who volunteer their time because of their love for their profession and lifestyle. As the communications director, Sarah’s position covers a diverse variety of duties from approving radio ads to researching and developing new community outreach programs to coordinating farm tours. Most recently, she graduated from the South Dakota Ag and Rural Leadership (SDARL) program, an achievement she is exceptionally proud of. “SDARL is a very respected ag professional development program in our state. The 18-month program was a serious time commitment, but it was one of the best things I’ve ever done. It was an incredible opportunity, and I met some really amazing people across the state from all industries and backgrounds. Together, we all have the common goal of furthering agriculture in our state.” Her pride and joy, however, is the program she helped research and develop, Hungry for Truth. Hungry for Truth is an initiative from South Dakota Soybean designed to open discussions about food between South Dakotans and the farmers who grow it. “Now, more than ever, people want to feel connected to their food, and our boards realized that was a great opportunity to start an outreach program, so we did research to find out what South Dakotans wanted to know. GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, pesticides and sustainability came to the forefront, so that’s what we’ve focused on,” she says. “Those can seem like scary things to talk about but it gives us a forum to address questions with facts and transparency. Behind every question someone has about food, we have farmers who will openly share about what they do on their farms and why. We took it from a concept to a website, events and commercials. Because of my background in communications and advertising, it’s exciting for me to see our board launch an allinclusive initiative.” In a testament to the program’s strength, the Hungry for Truth commercials won accolades at the National Agri-Marketing Association’s compe-


P rofiles


Cover Story

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tition, coming in second only to John Deere. “It’s pretty neat to see our work stand up to a company with a national and global presence.” And as ambitious as Sarah is at work, she likes to keep just as busy at home. Married just a year ago, she and her husband, Michael, who works for Fischer Rounds & Associates, keep busy working on house projects and spending time with their Rhodesian ridgeback Fletcher. Sarah laughs, “I told Michael ‘no’ to the dog, so he gave him to me as a birthday present. I warmed up to Fletcher, but he hasn’t warmed up to me, he’s definitely Michael’s dog!” She also loves to cook, bake, spend time with her family and friends, practice yoga, read and shop. In addition, she has also somehow found the time to start and maintain a blog, aptly titled DakotaChic,, where she posts her finesse for food, fashion, beauty and living. “I started my blog a couple of years ago. From my background, I have a personal perspective on how our food is raised, and I really wanted to share that with my readers and people in the community. Plus, fashion and style have always been personal interests of mine, so it’s been a lot of fun to develop.” Not worrying about projecting into the future, Sarah is happy with where she is in life. “Right now is the right time for Michael and me to focus on our careers. We’re both very supportive of each other’s work and opportunities.” And her deep commitment to her work isn’t changing anytime soon. “I tend to get a lot of funny looks when I tell people I work at South Dakota Soybean. I don’t think they expect someone wearing high heels and red lipstick to be involved in agriculture. However, I really believe that’s a testament to the fact we have far more commonalities than differences. We all love to eat, and we all want the best for our families. Whether you’re like me and showing up to your office every day for work or showing up in a field with your tractor, those values don’t differ. Some of the most inspiring women I know are full-time farmers who balance many of the same items as those of us who live in Sioux Falls.”

Sharing Nature’s Bounty Pair Keeps Your Fruit Bowl Happy By Jill Funke


rina Kleinsasser is finding that fruit is a big business. In 2013, she was one of the founders of The Fruit Club, which got its start by selling a truckload of cherries to a group of friends. The business has expanded to provide a variety of fresh, tree-ripened fruit shipped daily from orchards to customers in eleven states. As a child, Irina immigrated with her parents to the U.S. from the Ukraine. Having helped her father with his trucking businesses while she was in her teens, Irina is no stranger to the industry. She is also the president of brokerage services for Logistics Buddy in Sioux Falls.




Irina Kleinsasser & Iryna Vercellino

Iryna Vercellino became familiar with The Fruit Club while living in Lincoln, Neb. Also from the Ukraine, Iryna came to the U.S. 13 years ago to join her husband, who was residing in the Husker state. Iryna’s background was in English education, but as an enthusiastic customer of The Fruit Club, she jumped at the chance Irina gave her to grow the business in Nebraska.

Iryna says, “We are a very unique company. There is no other company in the U.S. that has the same model as us. Our customers are the best customers in the world and we strive to keep them happy.” When the time was right, Irina invited Iryna to join her in Sioux Falls and take the position of full-time chief operating officer. Excitedly, Iryna, her husband and their daughter moved to Sioux Falls: “I absolutely love my job. It is dynamic, busy and very rewarding with the happy customers who discover new flavors of extremely fresh fruit.”

Irina and Iryna select orchards primarily on their growing methods, so produce has not been exposed to heavy chemicals, has not been “hot boxed” (picked early and ripened inside), and is not covered with wax. Iryna adds, “Our fruit is ripened on the tree, vine or bush and is hand-picked only at the peak of perfection.” Local state groups have Facebook pages, which are updated with delivery schedules and upcoming fruits. The Fruit Club also provides information on nutrition and fruit preservation methods as well as a newsletter. For more information, go to thefruitclub. net or call 605-377-8679.


J une / J uly 2016


Midwest Legacy Craftsman Refines World-class Furniture Designs in Larchwood Studio By Jill Funke Photos by Julie Prairie Photography


s a child, Keith Morgan enjoyed the cultural experiences of living in Sicily, Germany and the United Kingdom. His father relished the art of woodworking, and even though Keith dabbled in designing and making small wooden items as a preteen, he found himself instead drawn to professional cycling. He attended school for maritime business law while simultaneously juggling his first project: his own apartment renovation. At the same time, he embraced the world of cycling by launching a mountain bike training and vacation company for serious cyclists. While operating that business, Keith met a designer who offered him a position that would plant the seed for what would become his world-class woodworking business, Bespoke. Keith shares, “I got lucky and drew clients who would be a dream come true for most designers.” His list of clientele grew, affording Keith the opportunity to hone his craft of exquisite hand-cut marquetry and elaborate woodwork. As his pieces continued to draw attention, a Minneapolis vacation with a friend led to him establishing Bespoke in the Twin Cities. It was an encourag-




Keith Morgan

ing environment, as Keith explains, “I was able to focus on superb design work and be present on the shop floor during the production process to see each creation through to the end.” At Bespoke, this is possible because the same people who design the work are involved in its manufacture. Bespoke designers, who also understand engineering, create items while giving special consideration to the manufacturing process, which is very unique, he says. While living in Minnesota, Keith met Katie Bonander, a native of L a r c hwo o d , Iowa. The couple married almost seven years ago. Katie, a lawyer, is the third generation involved with her family’s community bank, which prompted the couple to relocate to Larchwood from Minneapolis.

Establishing a workshop in rural Larchwood presented Keith with unexpected benefits: “This is a good place for contemplating and developing designs.” Keith and the artisans at Bespoke are involved in numerous projects, including a kitchen remodel project in Sioux Falls’ McKennan Park area. They have completed other work, including an entire home in the Sioux Falls region. He credits the artisans employed by Bespoke for the interest that is being generated in the area, as he feels that the quality of the work is a testament to those who carefully crafted it. “The people who make these creations for others really care about them. That’s something you cannot easily buy,” Keith says. It is meaningful to Keith and other Bespoke artisans that people would seek to acquire a piece of heirloom furniture, or trust the designers to create an entire room that will be treasured for generations. Keith and the Bespoke artisans display an admirable stewardship while developing each project. He explains, “I give up a large portion of my life for clients in order to do the best work possible. The creative design process is never turned off.” While Keith and his artisans at Bespoke create and produce detailed, one-of-a-kind pieces of furniture, rooms and even homes located around the world, they are constantly dreaming up compositions and waiting for a client with the right platform to fit those designs.

Keith says, “A good room design requires years of thought. Great design is not created and implemented overnight.” Because the caliber of the work transcends most other types available, Bespoke artisans give little attention to the current style of the season. He clarifies this by saying, “Classics are established on fine-tuned design principles that don’t follow trends and last forever.” Anyone searching for a signature piece to complete a room, or wanting to invest in having a designer create an entire space in their home should visit He says, “At the end of a project, I like to think about the payment as a discreet gratuity, a gesture that happens when we have created something that a customer will treasure forever.”


J une / J uly 2016


Understanding the Criminal Mind Dr. Rosemary Erickson Serves as Expert Witness By Thea Miller Ryan


s a forensic sociologist and owner of Athena Research, Dr. Rosemary Erickson of Sioux Falls investigates some of the nation’s worst crimes and criminals. Then she serves as an expert witness in civil trials, testifying about what might have kept the violent crime from happening. What kind of traumatic incident would make a girl who grew up on a farm near Davis, S.D., study violence? “The answer isn’t anything shocking,” Rosemary says. “I had a ‘Leave it to Beaver’ childhood.” “One thing that probably impacted me most, though, happened in my freshman year of high school when my dad announced that we were moving to California. I went from a class size of 23 in




Dr. Rosemary Erickson

Centerville to a class of 753 in San Diego,” she says, adding that she also inherited her mother’s curiosity and her father’s sense of adventure. After only three years in San Diego, however, one of her two older brothers wanted to return to farming, so they moved back to the farm. She graduated from Centerville High School and then received her bachelor’s degree in psychology at Augustana College. She worked one year in Pierre at the Department of Health as a state mental health representative. Then, she returned to San Diego and worked for a California think tank. “It was a dream come true,” Rosemary says. “We received government funds to study social problems, including crime… I learned

about crime by having criminals on my staff—robbers, murderers, rapists, thieves, and con men. In turn, they interviewed other criminals, both in and out of prison. From that I learned about how criminals think, why they do what they do, and how they pick their targets.” The research led to the robbery and violence prevention program for 7-Eleven and other stores nationwide. The program resulted in signs that state, “Clerk Cannot Open Safe,” and “We Don’t Accept Large Bills” as well as heightstrip markers by doors to identify a robber’s height. Those changes along with training reduced robberies by 75 percent in convenience stores nationwide. Rosemary received her master’s degree in sociology at San Diego State University and returned to Sioux Falls in 1989. She married Arnie Stenseth, and they moved to Washington, DC, where he pursued his acting career and she received her Ph.D. in sociology and justice from American University.

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Today, Arnie works with his wife at Athena Research. “I send him to prisons to do interviews,” she explains.

photo courtesy of Lane Venture

He quips: “She sends me to prison, but I keep coming back. She works with suits and lawyers, and I work with cops and perps.” Rosemary knows all about the horrors of violent crime, and after being an expert witness in more than 200 cases, she admits that her work is like what people see on television. She says women who travel alone should be hypervigilant. “Hotels can’t protect you once you’re in your room,” she says. Her career and travels have helped her see that “the balance in life is a result of coming home” and she says she is at home in Sioux Falls because she feels safe here. Learn more about Dr. Erickson at


J une / J uly 2016


Tiny Toes Baby Boutique Offering Everything You Need For Your Little Bundle Of Joy


By Stacey Kracht • Photos by Julie Prairie Photography

Monday through Thursday

o you want quality goods that are as one-of-a-kind as your bundle of joy? Tiny Toes is a new store coming to Sioux Falls that specializes in all your baby needs – from strollers to toys.

11 am - 6:30 pm and Friday and Saturday, 10 am - 8:00 pm.

Tony Toes carries rugs and décor for baby’s room, educational toys, strollers, baby carriers, car seats, and everything in between! The store can be considered a destination “for furniture, bedding, strollers, car seats, gifts, and all the latest ‘must have’ baby products,” says owner Lucy Kramar. Tiny Toes also provides custom-ordered diaper “cakes,” which make great shower gifts for expecting parents. Diaper cakes make practical and cute gift ideas. You can pick a predesigned diaper cake or custom order one to fit the theme of the party. Tiny Toes also has a designer who can help plan and decorate baby showers. The design team works closely with the event host to create and decorate the entire party. The concept of the store came from a need for something like this in the Sioux Falls community. The owners wanted to provide a place where people can choose from a variety of great nursery items. “No two nurseries are alike, just like no two babies are alike,” says Kramar. Parents and parents-to-be should be able to design a nursery is unique and original.

Tiny Toes Baby Boutique 3410 Western Avenue Sioux Falls 605-338-3055. Find them on Facebook at “Tiny Toes Showroom.” Watch their website and Facebook page for updates and specials.




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Go To Italy Boutique Specialized Retailer Offers Beauty of Italian Culture By Jennifer Dumke • Photos by Julie Prairie Photography


ttention to detail, quality craftsmanship and timeless design are all elements that go into the unique items found at 8th and Railroad Center’s latest shop Go to Italy Boutique. Though the name may say it all, it’s the eye that must view the rows of leather handbags and racks of fine cashmere attire to appreciate the beauty. With a warm smile and Italian accent, business owner Luca Papini greets his clients and proudly points out the intricate detailing found in each of the handmade bags. With the help of business partner and custom designer, Fabrizio Giusti and Luca formed a specialized brand of bags called Nobile. While Papini runs the business in Sioux Falls, Giusti remains in Italy where he is privy to the finest materials and latest trends. Handbags are fabricated overseas by master artisans and shipped to Sioux Falls. Each handbag reflects a perfect balance of timeless chic and runway-ready design infused with the quality craftsmanship of Italy. “I have a love for the fine details,” says Papini. “Producing these pieces is a spiritual journey that goes beyond the sale.” Most clientele are by appointment only but the boutique is open for the public to come and shop. “We have a very limited inventory because our bags are one-of-a-kind,” he adds of the high-end merchandise. Aside from using top-of-theline materials that mirror such famed brands as Gucci and Prada, Papini’s line of Nobile bags also boasts fine craftsmanship and is made to stand the test of time. “We offer a lifetime warranty, complimentary cleaning and can even repair or service our products.”

Even though Papini moved from his native land nine years ago, he keeps his finger on the pulse on the latest products through visual Italian decor. Scenic landscapes of Tuscany grace the walls of the quaint boutique and books featuring famous architecture are stacked on shelves. “These places remind me of my home and serve as inspiration,” says Papini as he thumbs through a book of Michelangelo masterpieces. In addition to handbags, Go to Italy Boutique also offers belts, accessories and Squel cashmere for women and men. “I take pride in conserving the environment so we started using high-end leather remnants to create small coin purses and key chains,” he adds. These smaller pieces add a touch of whimsy and give a range of affordability to the merchandise. And when Papini isn’t meeting with clientele or running the boutique, he hits the road to showcase their latest trends with traveling truck shows throughout the local community. “This has been my dream,” says Papini. “It’s very special to be able to offer my culture and its beauty to area through this boutique.” Take a trip without leaving Sioux Falls and check out Go to Italy Boutique located at 8th & Railroad Center, 401 8th Street, Suite #202 or schedule an appointment by calling 605-215-4236. Also watch for their planned expansion to the boardwalk.




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