Whittney LaCroix

SD Parks & Wildlife Foundation

Skin Secrets for a Gorgeous Glow

Live Well Sioux Falls

SD Parks & Wildlife Foundation
Skin Secrets for a Gorgeous Glow
Live Well Sioux Falls
Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses of the CollegeAccess 529 plan before investing. This and other important information is in the Plan Disclosure Statement, available at www.CollegeAccess529.com. Read the Plan Disclosure Statement carefully before investing.
Before investing, you should consider whether your state of residency, or your intended beneficiary’s state of residency, offers a state tax deduction or any other state benefits such as financial aid, scholarship funds, and protection from creditors that are only available for investments in that state’s 529 savings program.
The CollegeAccess 529 Plan is issued by the South Dakota Higher Education Savings Trust. The Program Manager and Underwriter for the CollegeAccess 529 Plan is VP Distributors, LLC, One Financial Plaza, Hartford, CT 06103, 800-243-4361.
Certain of the investment management firms that manage underlying mutual funds in the Program, including Virtus Investment Advisers, Inc., are affiliated with the Program Manager.
Only South Dakota residents and Account Owners who designate a South Dakota resident as Beneficiary can invest directly in the CollegeAccess 529 Plan. Certain Portfolios are not available to those who invest directly. Residents of states other than South Dakota can invest in the CollegeAccess 529 Plan only through a financial professional. Additional fees apply for investments made through a financial professional. Please see the Plan Disclosure Statement for details. State taxes may apply for residents of states other than South Dakota.
Notice: CollegeAccess 529 Plan accounts are not insured by any state, and neither the principal deposited nor any investment return is guaranteed by any state.
Give your child the freedom to dream with
Publisher Sioux Falls Woman Publishing, LLC
Jared Holsing, Owner/President
Jared Holsing | 605.728.9118
Creative Director, Graphic Designer
Lindsay Rohlfsen | L. Dezign | 712.332.1002
Photography Kelly Middlebrooks, Maggie Sweets Photography, Pennock Marketing
Mail Correspondence to: Sioux Falls Woman Magazine P.O. Box 89837 Sioux Falls, SD 57106
For Advertising Inquiries: Jared Holsing | 605.728.9118 jared@siouxfallswoman.net
Danielle Haugan | 605.929.2480 sales@siouxfallswoman.net
Sioux Falls Woman Magazine is published six times a year by Sioux Falls Woman Publishing, LLC.
© 2023 Sioux Falls Woman Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Sioux Falls Woman Magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Materials will be returned only if accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Sioux Falls Woman Magazine does not necessarily endorse or agree with content of articles or advertising presented.
Annual screening is your best tool for finding breast cancer early — when it’s most treatable. Our fellowship-trained breast radiologists and genetic counselors partner with you to personalize a screening plan around your genetics, risk factors and family history.
Visit edith.sanfordhealth.org to learn more and schedule an appointment.
October/November 2023
Please verify all event dates and times as schedules are subject to change.
Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays in October
Fall Festival - Country Apple Orchard
Fri. 4:00 pm-8:00 pm; Sat. 10:00 am-8:00 pm Sun.10:00 am-6:00 pm
Fri. $10.75; Sat. and Sun. $14.50; Kids under 35” free 605.743.2424 | countryappleorchard.com
Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays in October
Heartland Country Corn Maze
Fri. 5:00 pm-9:00 pm; Sat. 12:00 pm-9:00 pm Sun. 12:00 pm-5:00 pm
General admission $8; $5 for kids 5-10 years; free for kids under 5 years
605.743.5984 | heartlandcountrycornmaze.com
October 1, 7-8, 14-15
Pumpkin Festival
10:00 am-6:00 pm
Riverview Christmas Tree Farm Free Event
605.987.5171 | riverviewtreefarm.com
October 8, 15, 22, 29
Live Music - Sundays
2:00 pm-5:00 pm | ROAM Kitchen + Bar Free Event 605.215.0020 | roamkitchen.com
October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
Live Music - Tuesdays
7:00 pm-9:00 pm | ROAM Kitchen + Bar Free Event 605.215.0020 | roamkitchen.com
October 1, November 5
Sioux Falls American Legion Post 15 Pancake Breakfast
8:30 am-12:00 pm
South Dakota Military Heritage Alliance $6 for 11 years and older, $2 for 10 years and under 605.336.3470 | southdakotaalliance.org
October 5
9th Annual Taste of Sioux Falls
5:30 pm-8:00 pm | Washington Pavilion
Tickets starting at $175 605.367.6000 | sculpturewalksiouxfalls.com
October 6
October Art & Wine Walk 2023
5:00 pm-8:00 pm | Downtown Sioux Falls Wine by the glass $5; Wine sampling punch card $25 605.338.4009 | dtsf.com
October 6
Candlelight: Featuring Vivaldi’s Four Seasons & More
6:00 pm-10:00 pm | Laurel Ridge Barn
Tickets starting at $26 feverup.com
October 7
Harvest Festival
12:00 pm-5:00 pm | Wilde Prairie Winery 605.582.6471 | wildeprairiewinery.com
October 7
Dancing with the Sioux Falls Stars
6:00 pm-9:30 pm | The District
Tickets starting at $100 605.359.0995 | e.givesmart.com
October 7
SDSO Performs Beethoven’s 5th
7:30 pm-9:30 pm | Washington Pavilion
Tickets starting at $15.64
605.367.6000 | sdsymphony.org
October 8
Haunted Trail
7:00 pm-9:30 pm | Riverview Christmas Tree Farm
$8 for 8 years and under; $10 for 9 years and older
605.987.5171 | riverviewtreefarm.com
October 11
Oh, My Iowa!
1:30 pm | Browns Century Theater, Le Mars, IA
Tickets Starting at $9.99 thebrownstheater.com
October 18
Survival and Triumph with Joseph Alexander
7:00 pm-8:30 pm
Denny Sanford PREMIER Center
Tickets starting at $20 605.206.7700 | survivaltriumph.eventbrite.com
October 19
EmBe’s 50th Annual Tribute to Women
5:30 pm-8:30 pm | Washington Pavilion
Tickets: $50 605.681.8341 | embe.org
October 20
Larry the Cable Guy
6:00 pm and 9:00 pm | Grand Falls Casino
Tickets starting at $65 712.777.7777 | grandfallscasinoresort.com
October 21
Spooky Science 2023
10:00 am-5:00 pm | Washington Pavilion
$15 for adults; $12 for youth ages 3-17; Free for ages 2 and under 605.367.6000 | washingtonpavilion.org
October 21
Howie Mandel
8:00 pm-9:30 pm | Grand Falls Casino
Tickets starting at $57.50 712.777.7777 | grandfallscasinoresort.com
October 26
“I Am, He Said,” A Celebration of Neil Diamond
7:30 pm-9:00 pm
Washington Pavilion
Tickets starting at $29
605.367.6000 | washingtonpavilion.org
October 29
Downtown Trick or Treat 2023
1:00 pm-3:00 pm | Downtown Sioux Falls Free event
605.338.4009 | dtsf.com
November 4
Dakota Coffee Festival
9:00 am-1:00 pm
Sioux Falls Convention Center
Tickets: $20 605.367.7288 | dennysanfordpremiercenter.com
November 10-12
Dakota Angler Ice Institute
Fri. 3:00 pm-9:00 pm; Sat. 10:00 am-7:00 pm
Sun. 10:00 am-3:00 pm | Sioux Falls Arena
$7/day or $15 for the weekend
605.336.9132 | dakotaanglericeinstitute.com
November 10-11, 15-18, 24-25, 29-30
Christmas Wonder
Various Show Times
The Browns Century Theatre, Le Mars, IA
Tickets starting at $9.99 thebrownstheater.com
November 10
MercyMe, TobyMac, and Zach Williams
Mega Tour
7:00 pm-10:00 pm
Denny Sanford PREMIER Center
Tickets starting at $19.75 605.367.7288 | dennysanfordpremiercenter.com
November 12
SDSO Performs: Chamber Music
1:00 pm-3:00 pm
Hamre Recital Hall at Augustana University
Tickets: $10 605.335.7933 | washingtonpavilion.org
November 16
Cirque Musica: Holiday Wonderland
7:30 pm-9:30 pm | Washington Pavilion
Tickets starting at $33.50 605.367.6000 | washingtonpavilion.org
November 17-19
Autumn Festival, an Arts & Crafts Affair Fri. 11:00 am-8:00 pm; Sat. 9:00 am-5:00 pm; Sun. 10:00 am-4:00 pm
Sioux Falls Convention Center $9 for adults; $8 for seniors; Free for children under 10 years 402.331.2889 | hpifestivals.com
November 18
SDSO Performs: Celebrate America!
7:30 pm-9:30 pm | Washington Pavilion
Tickets starting at $28.55 605.367.6000 | washingtonpavilion.org
November 23
Happy Thanksgiving!
November 24
Sioux Falls Jingle Bell Run
5:00 pm-6:30 pm | Fawick Park
Registration starting at $40 605.670.3323 | events.arthritis.org
November 24
31st Annual Parade of Lights
7:30 pm-9:30 pm | Downtown Sioux Falls
Free Event 605.338.4009 | dtsf.com
November 25
Small Business Saturday 2023
All Day | Downtown Sioux Falls 605.338.4009 | dtsf.com
November 28-December 3
Disney’s ALLADIN
Nov. 28-Dec. 1 at 7:30 pm;
Dec. 2 at 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm
Dec. 3 at 1:00 pm and 6:30 pm
Washington Pavilion
Tickets starting at $29 605.367.6000 | washingtonpavilion.org
December 8-9
Junkin’ Market Days
Fri. 4:00 pm-7:00 pm; Sat. 9:00 am-4:00 pm
W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds
Tickets: $5 605.941.4958 | junkinmarketdays.com
“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord.
– Jeremiah 29:11-14
There are reasons why visitors are making the Palisades near Garretson a destination. The small 157-acre state park has lots to offer. Not only is there the grandeur of the landscape, red quartzite canyons, scenic overlooks, and kayaking and canoeing along Split Rock Creek, but there is also rock climbing and trails. And then there is legend – in 1876, Jesse James and his horse jumped an 18-foot gorge - escaping a posse after robbing a Minnesota bank. So it’s not surprising at Palisades State Park that camping is popular.
This small getaway park has caught the attention of the South Dakota Parks & Wildlife Foundation (SDPWF) and has been a big focus as the organization continues to make great things happen.
Though it is not a household name, SDPWF has served as a major arm of South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks (GFP) since 1986. A noble organization that works behind the scenes, SDPWF has been leaving its mark. Through its fundraising efforts, it has completed 10 major projects and raised over $23M since 2008 to enhance South Dakota parks and outdoor recreation.
Recent projects have included $500,000 for the Bison Center in Custer State Park and $8M to help build Good Earth State Park. For the last year, SDPWF has helped raise $3M to expand the Outdoor Campus.
“We are nearing the finish line with our Outdoor Campus campaign,” said Kristina Coby, Executive Director of SDPWF.
“Our newest focus is Palisades State Park, we recently purchased property to build a campground there.”
Money raised by SDPWF for the projects has primarily come through private, corporate, and grant dollars, but Coby thinks there are more ways out there to involve the general public and area businesses. “One particular type of fundraising is point of sale and “rounding up” purchases to the nearest dollar with the difference going to a special cause.”
“We are now trying to find businesses that will offer more point-of-sale fundraising,” said Coby, it becomes a simple way to get the average citizen to contribute to a cause in a small way by donating at the register.”
Small donations add up quickly. Nyberg’s Ace Hardware’s roundup campaign for SDPWF raised $15,000 by asking customers if they would like to round up at the register.
“All of the money raised through the Foundation benefits the state parks and everyone who enjoys them,” says Coby.
“The work of the SDPWF has primarily involved major gift fund-raising with incredibly generous gifts over the years, but smaller gifts through efforts like rounding up count too! It is an exciting turning point that allows everyone to engage in making ‘great places’ across South Dakota. After all, it is everyone who enjoys our parks.” n
The South Dakota Parks and Wildlife Foundation has been working for nearly three decades to conserve our state’s natural resources and it has a solid record of accomplishment.
The South Dakota Parks and Wildlife Foundation has been working for nearly three decades to conserve our state’s natural resources and it has a solid record of accomplishment.
Now, for a limited time, you can receive this limited-edition cap that will show your support with pride! Membership costs just $50 and helps to make memories for countless others last a lifetime.
Now, for a limited time, you can receive this limited-edition cap that will show your support with pride! Membership costs just $50 and helps to make memories for countless others last a lifetime.
What’s trending in women’s fashions this fall? Scheels knows. Cargo pants, mesh tops, oversized anything, chunky shoes, coastal cowgirl inspired looks and PINK anchor the season’s fashion. And the most “fall” thing of all - pumpkin, burgundy, chocolate brown and apple red.
Fall fashions are gorgeous, and popular brands like Thread & Supply, Sanctuary, Free People, Carhartt, Levi’s, Billabong and Paige Denim help to set the trends. The women’s fashion team at Scheels talks about the best things this season has to offer.
“For fall this year, we have been seeing long, trench style coats popping up,” says Andi Seibel, Scheels Women’s Fashion Manager. “This is the perfect staple piece this coming fall. It’s great for a casual look over some cute jeans and a graphic tee.”
Florals are also huge, she says. “Florals are going to be popular especially this winter. When we think of florals, we typically think summer looks. Not this year. Florals will take on a more gothic look – think grungy mixed with blacks.”
This year is all about elevated basics says Tania Blanco, Women’s Sportswear Manager.
“Career wear pieces in every-day looks are trending,” she said. “Pieces like blazers paired with denim or a biker short for a more casual, lifestyle look. Trousers are no longer for the office. This pant is being incorporated into the everyday wardrobe and can be dressy with a blouse or more casual with a graphic tee.”
Looser fitting jeans are also back, she added. “While skinny jeans will always be a closet staple, gone are the days of ‘painted on’ jeans. Loose-fitting denim is not only comfortable but flattering to all body types!”
And what should every woman have in her closet? “A 7-Diamonds tee – They are perfect for a base layer and to wear on their own. They can be worn casual or dressed up,” said Kate Groeneweg, Women’s Athletic manager.
“We like to think Scheel’s fashion boutique is in a league of its own,” said Andi.
“When people hear Scheels, most think its sporting goods and lifestyle brands like Nike and Under Armour. But there is also our diverse, trendy yet classic women’s fashion boutique that carries everything a woman could want or need.”
Katie believes the sales force compliments the boutique.
“It’s not just the products we sell, but also an amazing sales team of experts who give customers suggestions and help them find the perfect garment,” she said. “For us, it is about helping you find clothes that match your signature style.”
“We try to cater to all ages, sizes and styles,” said Tania. “And make sure our customers leave with clothes that they love and feel great in.”
Scheels is holding a Ladies night, an exclusive after-hours shopping event sponsored by Stanley, Sunday, November 5 from 7-9p.m. Save on fashion trends while getting your holiday shopping done. There will be a DJ, hors d’oeuvres and giveaways. Limited tickets are $15. All proceeds will be donated to a local non- profit.
South Dakota’s fall foliage paints a mesmerizing canvas, setting the scene for an enchanting romantic escape. A wine tour during this season unveils nature’s breathtaking display, offering couples an unforgettable journey through the state’s stunning landscapes. From rolling hills to sprawling vineyards, the transformation of colors—reds, oranges, and gold—provides the perfect backdrop for winery visits, turning each moment into a cherished memory.
Unlike conventional destinations, South Dakota offers an exceptional wine-tasting experience without venturing to renowned regions like Napa Valley or Bordeaux. A handful of family-owned vineyards nestling in picturesque settings promise an extraordinary adventure for couples seeking romance and relaxation.
To embark on this wine tour, curate a route that winds through charming towns and scenic vistas.
Traverse from the captivating Black Hills to the gentle prairies to encounter a diverse array of wineries with distinct characters. Couples have the chance to indulge in a broad spectrum of wine styles, ranging from crisp whites to robust reds.
Begin your journey in the states NE corner at With the Wind Vineyard & Winery. Founded by Jeremiah and Lisa Klein in 2012, this once-foreclosed farm now thrives as a bustling vineyard with its wines distributed widely. Enjoy their wines in the warm embrace of their welcoming tasting room, and soak in the panoramic view from the spacious 784-squarefoot wrap-around porch.
Head to the east side of the state to visit Schadé Vineyard and Winery, situated just outside of Volga. Owned and operated by Jim and Nancy Schadé, this vineyard not only offers South Dakota’s finest wines but also captures the essence of the region itself. Schadé’s wines are crafted from the finest local fruits, creating distinctive flavors that encapsulate the spirit of South Dakota.
Continuing your escapade make a short jaunt to Tuckers Walk Vineyard near Garretson. Founded by Dave and Sue Greenlee, this winery is a tribute to their late Afghan Hound, Tucker. What began as a simple homage evolved into a bonded winery featuring thousands of plants across acres of land. Tucker’s Walk offers wines crafted from resilient cold-weather grapes and intriguing experimental blends using fermented fruit.
A brief distance away lies Wilde Prairie Winery, crafting wines exclusively from South Dakota’s homegrown fruit and honey. By utilizing grapes, rhubarb, plums, cherries, and blackberries, an array of distinct and refreshing flavors are produced near the majestic Splitrock Creek. For a more immersive experience, visit Valiant Vineyards in the southeastern part of the state. This historic winery offers not only exceptional wine tastings but also a charming on-site bed and breakfast for those who wish to extend their stay.
Traveling to the West, the junket takes you to Firehouse Wine Cellars in Rapid City, where an urban setting and locally-inspired dishes complement the wine-tasting experience. Continue your journey to Belle Joli’ Winery in Sturgis, known for its diverse wines that have earned acclaim in local and national contests. The sparkling house wine offers effervescence in harmony with the surrounding five-acre vineyard.
A highlight of the tour will be the Prairie Berry Winery in Hill City, showcasing South Dakota’s prowess in crafting world-class wines. With an impressive range of fruit-infused wines, the winery pays homage to the region’s agricultural heritage, providing a unique tasting experience.
Concluding the excursion is Naked Winery in Hill City, offering a slightly daring twist on wine tasting in a warm and unpretentious ambiance. South Dakota’s wine tour not only celebrates the dedication of local winemakers but also reflects the region’s adaptability and innovation. Each sip becomes a toast to exploration, landscape beauty, and the joy of unexpected discoveries.
Whether you’re a wine enthusiast or a novice seeking a romantic adventure, South Dakota’s wine tour beckons you. Immerse yourself in a wine-filled journey that ignites romance and leaves lasting memories amidst autumn’s splendor. n
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Paired with Extremely Effective Weight Loss Prescriptions Provide New Hope for Patients.
As we age, we naturally produce less hormones causing imbalances that create a domino effect to our health. One symptom is weight gain, which can increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease and even some cancers exponentially. This not only decreases an individual’s quality of life, but often times impacts self-worth.
For Mary Jordan, CNP and owner of Encompass Wellness, helping her patients combat the root cause of their medical conditions starts with determining their hormonal imbalances and providing bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) to counteract it. She shares, “BHRT services for women and men addresses issues caused by hormonal imbalances as well as excessive weight. As we age, our endocrine system decreases hormonal production, which can affect a wide range of natural processes in our bodies. As women lose testosterone, they experience a lack of well-being; fatigue; weight gain; joint pain; brain fog; lack of libido; mood changes like irritability, anxiety, and depression; urinary incontinence; and night sweats. As men lose testosterone, they experience a decrease in libido and sexual performance, sleep and mood are affected, muscle and strength decrease, fatigue, and weight gain.”
If patients are overweight, Mary recommends pairing BHRT with Semaglutide, an extremely effective weight loss prescription medication. She notes, “I’ve had patients that are on a combination of these two therapies, and they’ve told me that this has saved their marriage and that it has given them an amazing quality of life they thought they’d never have again. I have so many patients that are living life the way they want to because they’ve taken control of their health through these proven therapies.”
As a recent bride, I can speak firsthand to what goes into choosing a wedding dress. Picking a dress does NOT need to be stressful! It was one of my favorite days leading up to the big event. Here are my words of advice on picking the perfect dress.
Before you start thinking about the dress, I recommend nailing down an overall theme for your wedding. More than likely, you have already picked a date. The time of year can help you when considering your theme. For example, if you are having a winter wedding, you may want to go with a classical or vintage theme with warm colors. If you are having a summer wedding, you can go with brighter colors or pastels, or a boho wedding outdoors with earth tones. Once you establish a theme, coordinate your dress style with it!
After picking a date, venue, and theme, buying your dress should be at the top of your priority list. It often takes months for dress orders to
arrive, and you need to allow several months for alterations. At a minimum, order your dress a year before the date of your wedding to avoid unnecessary stress.
I would highly recommend setting a price range. When you arrive at the bridal shop, it is very easy to become overwhelmed. Having a budget helps narrow down options. Additionally, it can be easy to fall in love with a dress over budget. Avoid this problem by letting the associates know your budget right off the bat.
My opinion on this is unique, however, it is my go-to piece of advice! Enter the bridal shops without researching dresses. Hear me out! You may think you know exactly what you want, try it on, and be underwhelmed. So, try on a style that you didn’t initially think you would like. I ended up picking a style, thanks to a friend’s suggestion, which I would have totally overlooked! If you are a planner and the thought of not doing your research ahead of time scares you, there are three key components you need to consider: Fit, Neckline, and Embellishments. There are ample resources available online to help pick the silhouette that best suits you. Additionally, deciding ahead of time whether you want lace, sequins, or other embellishments versus a clean, simple look can help reduce options.
Lastly, don’t over-shop. You could look forever! Pick one day and make a couple of appointments ahead of time. Don’t forget to invite some of your favorite people to accompany you! Have fun, congratulations, and happy shopping! n
Beautiful, glowy, dewy skin doesn’t usually happen by mistake or by amazing genetics. The creases we earn over the years in our skin tell our life story. They voice the times that we were frustrated, or happy, and they reflect our age. As women, we all know how difficult it is to see our image for the true beauty we exude, regardless of age or how our bodies change over time. We still want effortless beauty that comes with beautiful skin. Even though our laugh lines are beautiful in their own way, it’s nice to know there are options out there that are quick, easy, and relatively inexpensive to uphold our youthful glow. Let’s look at some minimally invasive procedures that can help rewind the clock.
First, we have anti-wrinkle injections, known as Botox, Jeuveau, or Xeomin. These can be very intimidating and a foreign therapy for a lot of people. Essentially this is an option to reduce fine lines, and wrinkles, and even prevent future line formation. One caveat is that these injections are often required every three months - so working that into your schedule could be tedious. Also, if you don’t like it, it isn’t permanent.
Secondly, we have micro-needling collagen-induction therapy. I love this option because it is the least invasive procedure that triggers your body to produce new cells, including collagen and elastin, at a faster rate. This procedure reduces the appearance of hyperpigmentation and scar formation, smooths skin texture, and reduces pore size.
Lastly, we have chemical peels. This procedure targets the top layers of the skin to improve hyperpigmentation (sun spots, aging spots), skin texture, pore size, and acne.
If you’re looking for the ultimate glow complexion, try combining the anti-wrinkle injections and chemical peels to enhance your overall results and decrease recovery time.
Now that you know the options, be confident and step out of your comfort zone to try these safe and easy therapies! n
We strive to treat our dental patients with the highest quality of dental care. We look forward to answering any questions you may have about the dental services we offer, including:
• General Dentistry
• Cosmetic Dentistry
• Implant Dentistry
• Gum Treatment
• Orthodontics
• Children’s Dentistry
• Sleep Dentistry (snoring and sleep apnea treatment)
• Free Teeth Whitening
• Free Consultation
The city’s newest residential development and westside neighborhood is located at 2301 South Lake Lorraine in the heart of Sioux Falls.
With 128 new apartments, it is all about creating a community and living on a lake, says developer Dusten Hendrickson. It’s peaceful here he says.
“The BLU is the first residential development that now gives people a chance to live on Lake Lorraine. Unique to Lake Lorraine is that it is spring-fed. And because it is spring-fed, it has a unique characteristic that somehow makes it quiet – like snow. There seems to be a calming that goes hand in hand with this lake.”
From a Japandi interior design to a modern, costal waterfront exterior the BLU is the ultimate in grand living and luxury. Each apartment has plenty of natural light with high end finishes and highly efficient utilities. Floorplans range from studio, one bedroom, twobedrooms, two-bedrooms with a den and waterfront options.
The BLU pays attention to their tenants’ comfort, convenience and enjoyment. There is a first-floor gym, top-floor community room and rooftop patio. Outside there are two fire pits, a hot tub and a seating area overlooking the lake along with underground parking. Baking Up a Storm recently opened inside the main floor commons. Outdoors is Flow and Paddle. All amenities and utilities are included with a lifestyle fee. Best of all, The BLU is pet friendly.
“You have just about everything you need right here. Besides onsite shopping, retail and entertainment, there is a hospital and a grocery store. And it is all within walking distance,” said Hendrickson. “We can’t wait to welcome you home to The BLU on Lorraine!”
The BLU is located on Lake Lorraine offering waterfront living options. We have floor plans ranging from studio, one bed, two bed and two bed with a den for additional space. Our beautiful homes feature modern finishes with warm finishes and plenty of natural light. This gives you a blank canvas to show your unique style throughout your home. All amenities and utilities are included with our lifestyle fee. These include a community room, fitness center overlooking the water, rooftop patio with a hot tub, underground parking, access to Flow and Paddle, and other outdoor activities and on-site shopping.
Call 888-840-3921
The BLU on Lorraine is complete and ready for new tenants.
Posh Boutique
5019 S. Western Ave. #180
605.271.2164 | poshboutiquesf.com
Deux Mains Sarah Shoulder Bag – This luxurious and sustainably sourced genuine leather bag is handmade in Haiti. By purchasing a Deux Mains bag, you can feel good about supporting a country in economic crisis and feel confident while toting around your new favorite accessory! $199
Gunderson’s Jewelers
2109 W 57th Street
605.338.9060 | gundersons.com
0.15ctw, 18K White Gold Tresore Stretch Ring – $1,705
Dakota Kitchen and Bath
4101 N Hainje Ave
605.334.9727 | dakotakitchen.com
A frequently used area in the home, the Drop Zone! Have you always dreamed of an organized & beautiful entry into your home? Let our design team help you get the most function out of your drop zone space.
1725 W 41st St
605.332.4400 | montgomerys.com
Find your perfect seasonal pairings at Montgomery’s. Imagine yourself in the warm glow of a sleekly styled fireplace console while wrapped in the comfort of a rich caramel leather three-cushion sofa. See store or montgomerys.com for details and pricing.
Pharmacy Specialties & Clinic
2333 W 57th St, Ste 109 605.334.1672 | rxpsi.com
Berberine Support #60 $76.30 - 20% = $61.04 + tax
Diabetes Support #120 $87.70 - 20% = $70.16 + tax
Baking Up a Storm
2301 S Lorraine Pl
605.550.2116 | bakingbyAlex.com
Lemon Crumb bar – Creamy lemon filling with a crumble crust and topping. Mention SFW for 15% off a single dessert item (Includes dessert bars, cupcakes, kolache and cheesecake slices).
Your Nurtured Baby
2309 W Trevi Place
605.929.3688 | yournurturedbaby.com
We have the perfect “Mama + Me” pieces! These and other eco-friendly clothing and toys can be found at the premier baby spa + boutique in Sioux Falls!
Handy Man Home Remodeling Center
910 E 10th St 605.336.0316 | handymanhome.com
The Sandover Bath Collection by Delta creates effortless elegance in the bath. Around $150.
Grand Falls Gift Shop
1415 Grand Falls Blvd | Larchwood, IA 712.777.7777 | grandfallscasinoresort.com
Be ready when the North winds blow this fall in our new sweater coat collections from Charlie B. Featured is their Aztec-inspired sweater coat in denim: $136. Dress it up with this rose gold geo long chain from In His Image: $48.
Encompass Wellness
4700 S. Technopolis Dr, Ste 2A 605.740.0414 encompass-wellness.com
Are you looking to lose weight and improve your health? Semaglutide is the generic form of Ozempic and Wegovy. Semaglutide is $550 per vial, each vial will last 2 ½ months. Call today to book your free weight loss consultation or book online!
Stacey’s Vintage*Art*Boutique
27102 Albers Ave
605.213.0045 | Staceysstore.com Stop at Stacey’s for their LAST Customer Appreciation on October 21 from 10am-3pm. Store closing October 28. Shop small ~ shop local.
Visions Eye Care
6201 S Minnesota Ave
605.274.6717 | sdvisions.com
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Beautiful framed canvas,”Grazing Stallions,” perfect for every horse lover! 36” x 48” – $269.
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40th & Minnesota
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Ventura upholstered wood chairs in Natural with twisted arms are fabulous sitting chairs for any room of the house. Comfortable and neutral to fit any decor and design.
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Solution - Exosomes are lipid nanoparticles applied as a serum during microneedling to increase skin firmness, reduce redness, improve tone/texture, and decrease signs of aging. $250 + microneedling treatment cost.
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Get ready for those chilly fall days with this soft & cozy plaid flannel shacket! Pair it with one of our super cute tees and our on-trend jeans and you will be ready for your next outing. Stop in to discover all our unique merchandise, including a wide variety of home decor, furnishings, apparel, shoes, purses, gifts, and more!
Cooking for your family after a long day at work can be stressful. And then coming up with healthy and filling recipes that make enough to have leftovers is another task of its own. While preparing your meal and cooking may be physical work, it can sometimes seem like the easiest part of cooking for your family. Spending a little time finding recipes that make larger servings, shopping, and meal prepping over the weekend, will free up some time during the week and avoid the extra stress of daily meal planning.
Find two or three good recipes, like a pasta dish for Sunday and Monday, a slow-cooker roast for Tuesday through Thursday, and a filling soup for Friday and Saturday. These will help set a plan for the week to come. A lot of the cooking process is doing the same preparation for each meal, so choose one day to do all the prep for the week. You can combine some processes for each meal by cutting all your vegetables, cooking your meat, and in some cases, mixing ingredients. Then, store everything in the fridge or freezer, so all you have to do is take them out and put your ingredients on the stove or in the oven. Having these steps completed will speed up the process later in the week and ultimately free up more of your time in the evenings after work. Having leftovers from doubling recipes and cooking large meals will provide nutrition without the daily stress.
Easy recipes for your family:
• ½ lb. Italian sausage, brown and drained
• 1 can Italian diced tomatoes
• 4 cups chicken broth
• 8 oz cream cheese
• 1 bag frozen cheese tortellini
• Fresh spinach
Place everything in your slow cooker except for the tortellini and spinach. Cook on low for 4 hours. Add the tortellini and spinach and cook for an additional 30 minutes.
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• 1 pound ground beef
• 1 can (14-1/2 ounces) diced tomatoes, undrained
• 2 large eggs, lightly beaten
• 1-1/2 cups ricotta cheese
• 4 cups marinara sauce
• 1 package (9 ounces) no-cook lasagna noodles
• 1 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese, optional
In a large skillet, cook beef over medium heat until no longer pink, 6-8 minutes; crumble beef; drain. Transfer to a large bowl and stir in the tomatoes. In a small bowl, combine eggs and ricotta cheese. Return 1 cup meat mixture to the skillet and spread evenly. Layer with 1 cup ricotta mixture, 1-1/2 cups marinara sauce, and half of the noodles, breaking noodles to fit as necessary. Repeat layers. Top with remaining marinara sauce. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cover to simmer for 1517 minutes or until noodles are tender. Remove from heat. If desired, sprinkle mozzarella cheese on top. Let stand for 2 minutes or until the cheese melts. n
Your portfolio is made up of dollars, but those dollars represent so much; triumphs and tragedies, successes and failures. Understanding those things help us link arms with you and take intentional steps forward. They help us understand what is important to you and why it is important to you so we can build a plan that is truly designed for your best interest… both financially and emotionally. Impact Wealth
Are you ready to give your kitchen some love with a refreshing upgrade but don’t have the time or money for a complete renovation? Some relatively simple and affordable options include updating your hardware, fixtures, and accessories. The following tips can elevate your space and impress your guests. Bonus - if you’re a bit handy, you can do some of these yourself!
Think of hardware as jewelry. It accentuates your kitchen cabinetry and can impact your style immediately. Both beautiful and functional, the hardware packs a punch with different options including: style, pulls, knobs, color, material, and finish. If you have visible hinges, it’s best to either replace or paint them if you are choosing a different color or finish, or you are choosing a complementary color and finish to the existing hardware. Make sure you measure the size of your current hardware before buying new pieces. If you will need to drill new holes, make it easy on yourself and purchase a hardware template that you can find in most home improvement stores to give you professional results.
Lighting is an excellent way to update quickly while making a huge impact on your overall aesthetics. Whether you replace the pendants above your island, the light above your sink, or simply add undercabinet lighting, you will completely change the vibe and mood without sinking your wallet. Hiring an electrician to install new fixtures is a good idea.
The kitchen faucet has taken a new standard of importance over the past several years. Long gone are the blasé fixtures that were sheerly functional and rarely noticed. New faucets come in a multitude of finishes and styles that do much more than wash dirty dishes. They look beautiful as they clean and can take your sink area from bland-to-wow at a fairly inexpensive investment. Make sure to hire a qualified plumber or a handyman for proper installation and to ensure you don’t have any leaks.
Dressing up your space is the fun part! Rugs, dishtowels, cutting boards, plants –these items are easily interchangeable with the seasons. Accessories are a perfect way to inject your personality and style into your kitchen easily and affordably. Pay attention to coordinating your items so they all work together seamlessly. Top off your new look by creating a tablescape for your kitchen table, island, or counter with a seasonal theme that coordinates with the rest of your home. n
How do you know if your health insurance policy or Medicare products are appropriate for your unique needs and provide the coverage you expect?
Perry Bly, the founder of Pernell Insurance, knows that the sea of health insurance companies and products can be challenging for the consumer to navigate. He found the market underserved by agents who view health insurance as a sideline to other types of insurance where they primarily focused. Perry realized that consumers and carriers had a considerable need for educated, talented specialists to help guide them through the wide variety of health insurance and Medicare products offered today.
The immediate availability of health insurance options online gives the perception that finding coverage is quick and easy leading consumers into a false sense of security that they can independently choose the best policies. Perry explains, “Health insurance is a complicated financial instrument. There is much more to selecting it than picking the lowest premium.” Customers who focus solely on premiums often enroll in the wrong product. Local trusted advisors like Perry and Travis Hackett in the greater Sioux Falls region are familiar with available products and regional providers. They also help their customers benefit from assistance and programs they are eligible for in their communities. These advantageous services are provided at no cost to the consumer.
Perry has heard many frustrating stories of consumers who felt confident that ‘they were covered,’ yet they were woefully unprotected. He says, “Too many consumers learn that their insurance policy wasn’t sufficient for their circumstance and suffer the financial consequences of unexpected or expensive claims.”
Pernell Insurance serves customers by meeting face-to-face to learn about their health risk concerns and determine how much or how little they are currently utilizing. Perry and Travis spend time assessing
special needs or concerns and consider the customer comfort level with risks when comparing products to fit consumer needs. The extra time investment in customers has wider-reaching implications for the healthcare industry; as Perry explains, “When consumers are protected, providers are protected.” Realizing that the impact of his work with customers ripples past them into the neighborhoods, cities, and counties, he says, “A properly insured individual protects the vitality of a community and its economy.”
Since Perry began his career in the health insurance business, the Medicare market has become highly competitive and regulated. Products have changed dramatically, and the selection process can be daunting for older adults as the ‘one size fits all’ rule does not apply. Perry says they need an experienced educator to guide them and connect them with the right products; as he advises, “Seniors need an agent who puts the Medicare beneficiary first and sales last. We focus on providing quality council and access to all the products they should expect.”
If you want to learn more about your health insurance or Medicare Insurance products options, visit the Pernell Insurance website to schedule a FREE appointment, request a quote, or contact Perry’s wife Kim in their office at 605-271-7595.
For Terra and James and their two sets of twins Harlow and Louis and Davey and Granby along with their beloved labradoodle Finley, their home is truly their haven. Purchased just a year ago, the traditional and stately home built in 1931 has undergone a beautiful transformation and is still in the process of renovation.
No strangers to remodeling, Terra and James had previously renovated three houses before taking on their current home. Nearly 100 years old, it’s the oldest home they’ve taken on, which was a bit nerve-racking, and a challenge, as they vowed to honor the history of the home while making it work for their growing family.
According to Terra, “I got it in my mind that we needed to be close to the kids’ school. I was driving through the neighborhood one afternoon after work and fell in love immediately. The neighborhood seemed straight out of a magazine, and, I loved that all of the homes were different in character and in size. Our home is very symmetrical and simple, and, at the same time is so grand in its stature. I was also intrigued by the exterior rock fireplace.”
Ignoring trendiness for classic and timeless finishes, Terra and James were very thoughtful in determining the design for their family. Keeping the original hardware and metal inserts for their new kitchen cabinetry as well as rewiring a broken chandelier to repurpose were important for them. Terra shares, “Because we really wanted to honor the character and charm of this home as much as possible, we saved as much as we possibly could while remodeling.”
Getting the kids involved in the process was also important, and they pitched in removing wallpaper and painting. Terra notes, “The kids all helped remove wallpaper in the home, in fact, when we were done removing wallpaper, the kids asked: ‘What are we going to do now that the wallpaper is removed?’ We have painted nearly every surface in the home and the kids helped with this process as well.”
Covered by carpet throughout the entire home, Terra and James discovered that the original hardwoods were miraculously in great shape. With some elbow grease and a lot of help from family, they removed the carpet and thousands of staples. Dakota Floors sanded and refinished the gorgeous floors with a matte, white-wash finish. Terra and James painted the home in one interior color, accessible beige, to unify the space with the exception of the kid’s bedrooms where bolder shades were selected.
Another amazing discovery was a hidden arched doorway they found when completing electrical work. “The archway was an opening from the kitchen to the other side of the home and gave me a straight shot looking into the living room from the kitchen. It was one of my favorite finds. The archway opening gave us better traffic flow, a circle for the kids to run around and it was inspiration to create archways in the other main level openings,” says Terra.
The kitchen has been completely reconfigured running nearly the length of the first floor. They created an open concept by removing a non-load-bearing wall with a beautifully arched opening. A six-foot island is the perfect location for their kids to work on their schoolwork, artwork, and crafts as well as help with cooking. Terra’s favorite features are the sleek quartzite countertops as well as the hidden, custompaneled refrigerator. She says, “I’m not sure why the larger decisions, like choosing the countertops, are so easy for me during a renovation. I took my sister Anne, who was here visiting from Oregon, to shop with me. She loved going but immediately said she felt overwhelmed by all the choices. I feel in my element picking out countertop materials: I probably knew within minutes of looking; which one we would go with.” Done in neutral, classic colors it has modern touches like the striking brushed brass oversized dome pendant lighting over the island.
The living room had great bones so it was a simple update. A traditional fireplace with gorgeous historic detail is enhanced by freshly painted walls with classic molding, compliments of James. This is where the ‘hidden’ arched doorway was discovered which now creates a circle for the kids to flow through the house and a view directly into the living room for Terra’s watchful eye.
In the foyer, the lovely staircase was refitted with a new beige and taupe herringbone runner and new drum lighting brightens the welcoming space. The airy and tranquil primary suite which was previously a fourseason room received a fresh coat of paint, a lovely brick paver floor, and a fabulous en suite that was previously a small bedroom and closet space.
A music/art studio is one of the kids’ favorite spaces and is perfect for them to stretch their creativity through music and art. Previously, the floors were covered in green and yellow carpeting. Unfortunately, this was one space where the hardwood floors weren’t in incredible condition so they chose to paint the floors. Terra shares, “We spent a lot of time painting this area, and, ultimately, painted the hardwood floors. It was a tough decision, but, it has cleaned up the space, and lightened the area tremendously.”
Although this home has been a challenge with the amount of work it has entailed, it has also been a blessing for the family. Terra smiles, “My mother-in- law said to our daughter Harlow after one visit to our home: ‘I think every time I come for a visit, there is always going to be something new, a little different in your home.’ I think this is true, and a compliment. Every time someone comes over, we want them to feel welcomed and that our home is a space that is growing and evolving; just like our family.” n
Our talented designers will help you create your dream home from start to finish.
More images were likely needed. Traditionally, the additional workup would include additional mammogram pictures followed by ultrasound. If results were still indeterminate, a breast MRI could be performed.
Within recent years, a new technology called contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) was developed as an additional tool to solve indeterminate cases.
Avera was one of the first hospitals to use this new technology as a diagnostic tool. Even more recently, CESM has become a way that we can image the breast and perform a biopsy of a suspicious area.
The procedure helps surgeons accurately locate the suspicious area for biopsy, takes less time and is more comfortable for patients.
“We are one of only a few health care entities to offer this new technology currently, but I believe this will become standard care around the country in only a few years,” said Daniel Sova, MD, radiologist at Avera Breast Center.
CESM is most often used when routine mammography comes back inconclusive. The patient receives a contrast dye via IV through the arm. On screen, the contrast lights up potential abnormalities in the breast that were not distinguishable with conventional mammography, differentiating any suspicious lesions from normal breast tissue.
Through a combination of low-energy and high-energy X-rays, the contrast agent highlights areas where there is increased blood flow — a sign that can be associated with cancer.
If a biopsy is needed, the radiologist can use the CESM image to guide a sampling needle to the precise location of the suspicious area and extract the cells for testing.
This is an outpatient procedure and no sedation is necessary; only local anesthetic is needed. In total, the procedure takes less than 15 minutes.
Typically, the patients who undergo CESM are those with dense breast tissue or scarring, which doesn’t easily allow radiologists to see the concerning areas.
“The danger of not finding breast abnormalities right away is that it delays diagnosis and allows a cancer to grow,” said Sova.
The benefits offer a combination of simplicity and accuracy for both the patient and the surgeon. Benefits include:
• SAVING MONEY. CESM-guided biopsy costs significantly less than MRI-guided biopsy. Check your health plan for potential out-of-pocket cost.
• COMFORT FOR PATIENT. The patient sits in a chair like a regular mammo for the images and biopsy in contrast to lying on her stomach for an MRI-guided breast biopsy.
• SHORTER DURATION. It takes barely longer than a regular mammo, while the MRI-guided biopsy could take nearly an hour.
• ACCURATE NEEDLE PLACEMENT. The contrast dye easily shows the radiologist where the needle needs to be inserted in the breast to withdraw the biopsy.
Women with high risk for breast cancer, including dense breasts, can visit the Avera High-Risk Breast Cancer Prevention Clinic to create a personalized screening plan. Call 605-322-3950 for an appointment.
Mammograms starting at age 40 are the best way to detect breast cancer early. Schedule at Avera.org/Breast. n
Choose your path — South Dakota State University offers a variety of options and pathways to help you reach your nursing education goals right in Sioux Falls.
Our accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) is designed for individuals who already have a four-year non-nursing bachelor’s degree, while our standard B.S.N. is designed for students seeking a four-year degree. We also offer ONLINE graduate programs including a Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Nursing Practice, postgraduate certificate options and a Master of Science in Nursing.
No matter your choice, our friendly and experienced nursing student services staff is here to help you make a plan that fits your life.
Learn more at sdstate.edu/nursing, or give us a call at 605-367-8400 (graduate) or 605-367-5636 (undergraduate) to get started on your journey today.
Visit @SDStateNursing on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
We’ve all heard the song and dance about cancer being one of the leading causes of death in the United States. In Sioux Falls, cancer, alongside heart disease, is the leading cause of death. Time and time again, we are told to be on the lookout for signs, to do self-assessments, and to learn what we can about cancer and how to prevent it. Great advice, but - sometimes getting started and getting the necessary information is the hardest part of prevention. That’s why Live Well Sioux Falls is an excellent resource.
Live Well Sioux Falls is a community-based organization that assesses and provides resources for the residents of Sioux Falls. Live Well Sioux Falls promotes education by providing health and sometimes financial assistance options for Sioux Falls residents to get the healthcare they need.
Visiting their website livewellsiouxfalls.org - gives easy access to a wealth of information on health and wellness. They have everything from healthy recipes to resources for quitting tobacco, sun prevention, and pages dedicated to self-care and more. One of Live Well Sioux Falls’ main goals is preventative care. Navigating at the top of their page, choosing the “Feel Well” tab brings you to a page with categories for your exploration. Under the category “Physical Health,” we can find what we need to provide us
with information and preventative care for the leading causes of health issues in Sioux Falls.
October is Cancer Awareness Month, and while there are preventative measures we can take to keep our bodies healthy—such as eating well and exercising—one thing that makes cancer so scary is that it can affect anyone. Chances are, if you haven’t had it yourself, you know someone who has had cancer. One of the best ways to combat cancer is early detection. That’s why Live Well Sioux Falls provides our community with resources and information on cancer screenings. Following their Physical Health category to the Cancer tab, we can read up on some of the most recognizable types of cancers. Here, we also have links to resources for residents of the state of South Dakota to get screening help. For example, the All Women Count! program provides screening help to women meeting particular income and age requirements.
Screening for cancer is the easiest way to get a diagnosis early enough to treat and sometimes prevent it. If you have questions, need resources, or want to become better educated on maintaining your health and wellness, visit livewellsiouxfalls.org to see if they have what you need.
Community organizations like Live Well Sioux Falls help keep our families and friends healthy and safe! n
Fall is the season for helping hands. They carve out pumpkins, fill candy bowls, bake meals, and welcome friends around the table. Unfortunately, joining hands often means spreading germs. During this season of reaching out, washing hands helps protect loved ones. In fact, studies show one in five respiratory infections can be prevented from handwashing.
The SD Project Firstline (SD PFL) team provides education across the state on the importance of hand hygiene. Jess Danko, MHSA, RRT, LTC-CIP, program manager for the South Dakota Foundation for Medical Care (SDFMC), shared key tips for staying healthy through hand washing.
“Preventing the spread of cold and flu germs is easy if everyone follows simple steps in their home, at work, and in schools. It’s important to establish healthy prevention habits by teaching your family when and how to wash their hands,” says Danko.
When soap and water are out of reach, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer is effective, easy to carry, and available in most public places. Hand washing at any time helps get rid of germs, but there are key situations when it’s most important.
1. Wash when your hands are visibly dirty.
2. Wash when you are preparing or eating food.
3. Wash when you are feeling ill or caring for someone who is ill.
4. Wash when using the restroom or changing a diaper.
Most people understand when to wash their hands, but they may miss the mark on how. The typical handwashing practice is squirt, rub, rinse, and go. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends five steps for properly washing your hands.
1. Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
2. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.
4. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
5. Dry your hands using a clean towel or an air dryer.
Spread the love instead of the germs this fall and every season. Remember to wash your hands, keep your children and yourself home when not feeling well, cover your cough, and get your annual vaccinations.
SOUTH DAKOTA Foundation for Medical CareIn the last few months, it’s been nearly impossible to avoid talking about artificial intelligence (AI). Whether it’s writing papers for college students, generating art for public murals or just keeping someone company, AI is weaving its way into everyday life.
For some, it’s exciting. For others, it’s uncomfortable.
But when it comes to scientific advances, there seems to be less hesitation.
It’s hard to argue that lifesaving technology developed through AI is anything but positive. And while AI might feel new for the general population, at Sanford Health, AI has been assisting medical professionals for years.
In early 2020, Chris Johansen, MD, a radiologist at the Edith Sanford Breast Center, and his team kept running into a discouraging situation: women younger than age 40, the recommended age to start breast cancer screenings, would find a lump in their breast, come in for testing and be diagnosed with advanced cancer. And while their medical records sometimes indicated they might be at an elevated risk of developing breast cancer, there was no process in place for connecting those dots.
It would have been nearly impossible to have humans sort through the files, and Dr. Johansen knew this. So, he reached out to Austin Amdahl, an advanced business intelligence analyst at Sanford Health, for help developing a system of filters, or an algorithm, that could sift through information from previous doctors’ visits to look for keywords that would flag the appropriate indicators for someone at elevated risk.
Larissa Risty, a certified genetic counselor, was instrumental in assisting Dr. Johansen with outlining which risk indicators to include. If a patient has a mother who was diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age, assessing their risk is straightforward. But it gets more complicated if the relative is a sister or an aunt. And then it’s even more complicated when age of diagnosis, lifestyle choices, genetic traits and dense breast tissue are factored in.
But the AI tool Amdahl, Risty and Dr. Johansen were building was programmed to consider all of that and more.
It does take more than just an algorithm to make a difference.
AI would not be nearly as impactful if there weren’t highly trained professionals to receive the information and take action.
When the Edith Sanford Breast Center team uses the AI algorithm and identifies a patient who may be at elevated risk, they connect with the primary care provider and notify the patient. The patient is encouraged to schedule an appointment at the Breast Specialty Clinic located inside the Edith Sanford Breast Center, which offers comprehensive preventive care to people with an elevated risk of developing breast cancer.
Appointments at the Breast Specialty Clinic include a consultation with a specialized breast health provider and a certified genetic counselor to talk through preventive care including earlier or more frequent screenings.
The clinic providers coordinate with fellowship-trained breast radiologists to establish an individualized breast imaging care plan. This collaborative effort, paired with the data generated by AI, allows the specialized team to improve breast cancer screening for each patient.
Technology advances in health care are exciting. Anything that can minimize illness and potentially keep loved ones around longer should be considered a major win.
When it comes to breast cancer care, AI is just one part of this. But it’s not a coincidence that in the years since this algorithm was developed, outcomes have improved.
In 2022, over 80% of patients diagnosed with breast cancer across Sanford Health had their cancer detected in the earliest stages. That number outpaces national averages by 15%.
With years of evidence to draw from, one thing is clear: AI paired with skilled health care professionals is saving lives in our community. n
Helping loved ones to choose the perfect retirement community is a profound responsibility. It’s a decision that greatly impacts their wellbeing and quality of life during the golden years. When it comes to making this pivotal choice, Life Plan Communities stand out as the superior option for several key reasons.
Life Plan Communities are communities that offer a seamless transition through all care levels, from the lowest (independent living) to the highest (skilled nursing care), all within one community. One of the standout advantages is the access to healthcare services that only skilled nursing care can provide. Knowing that quality medical care is readily available within the community offers peace of mind and minimizes the uncertainties associated with healthcare in later life.
These communities provide a vibrant environment with an array of amenities, including fitness centers, dining options, and many lifeenrichment activities. Residents can remain physically and mentally active, forging new friendships, and enjoying a fulfilling social life.
Residents in Life Plan Communities often report a strong sense of belonging and community. They find comfort in being surrounded by peers who share similar interests and life experiences, enhancing their overall well-being.
Your loved ones deserve nothing less than the peace of mind and quality of life that a Life Plan Community can offer. Don’t wait to explore the possibilities!
Dow Rummel Village is the only Life Plan Community in Sioux Falls with all levels of care underneath one roof. Visit dowrummel.com or call 605-3361490 to schedule a tour today and learn why we were voted the #1 Best Retirement Community in Sioux Falls by The Local Best!
People have listened to loud music for as long as there has been music. And the widespread use of smartphones with builtin music players has made earbuds a staple. Music lovers know just how valuable a good playlist can be when you need to keep up your mood. Podcasts are also very popular when going on walks or doing things around the house with your air pods or earbuds in. However, the smartphones, and the earbuds that come with them, could be hurting our hearing (especially in young people).
Of course, the big benefit of earbuds is that they send sound directly down your ear canal, meaning less outside noise to interfere with your music. But doctors have warned against this design for years, at least for people who like lots of volume. And now a disturbing number of young people and adults are reporting early signs of hearing loss. Audiologists now believe funneling loud sounds into one’s ear for hours on end is the problem.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 1 billion people aged 12 to 35 risk losing their hearing due to prolonged and excessive sound exposure and are risking permanent hearing injury. The numbers show it. Approximately 40 million American adults may have hearing loss resulting from noise exposure.
“Noise-induced hearing loss causes damage to the hair cells found in the inner ear,” Holly Ralston, a clinical audiologist at Midwest ENT & Allergy explains. “Hair cells are small sensory cells that convert the sounds we hear (sound energy) into electrical signals that travel to the brain. Once damaged, our hair cells cannot
grow back, which results in permanent hearing loss.”
Too much sound is dangerous, Holly warns.
“Patients admit that they are listening with their earbuds or air pods louder and longer – We discuss the correlation between extended earbud use and hearing issues with our patients - that the louder the noise, the less time you can listen safely to that noise.”
“If you have to shout over background noise to be heard, if the noise is painful to your ears, the noise makes your ears ring, or you have decreased or ‘muffled’ hearing for several hours after exposure,” she said.
Ralston recommends that parents take precautions, including monitoring the volume of the music as well as how long their child is listening to it. “If you are unable to monitor the level of sound coming from a child’s earbuds, a safe rule of thumb is: if you can hear it when close to their head, it is too loud.”
It’s not surprising the audiologists and physicians at Midwest ENT & Allergy have been seeing more young people with hearing problems. “It is now estimated that one in eight children and teens will have noise-induced hearing loss,” she said. “It is all about protecting the hearing health of our children. The amount of time a young person spends with loud noise in their ears increases the risk of permanent hearing loss and tinnitus”
It’s a great idea to schedule a baseline hearing test to be proactive against hearing loss for yourself or your children.
If you think you or a family member may already have hearing loss, contact one of the expert audiologists at Midwest ENT & Allergy and set up an appointment today. n
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Diabetes is becoming one of the leading causes of death among Americans, and cases of this disease are growing at an alarming rate. Diabetes literally has become a modern-day, silent epidemic. More than 29.1 million Americans are estimated to have diabetes, with many of these cases going undiagnosed. The cost of diabetes to the U.S. healthcare system is estimated at $245 billion per year. The saddest thing about diabetes is that most of these individuals may have been able to prevent the onset of the disease with proper awareness, diet and exercise. Diabetes is a disease that affects the body’s ability to utilize glucose (sugar) for energy. We currently recognize two types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease commonly seen in children. In type 1 diabetes, the body produces either low levels of insulin or no insulin at all. Insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, is necessary for the regulation of the glucose we ingest in our diet.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and develops over time. In type 2 diabetes, the body does not use insulin effectively to regulate glucose levels, which results in a condition known as insulin resistance. Traditionally, individuals are diagnosed with diabetes when they present a fasting glucose level of 100 mg/ dL. However, it is well documented that the damage that is associated with diabetes can begin at a fasting glucose level of 75 mg/dL and can begin decades before the actual diagnosis of the disease. That damage can include vascular, ophthalmic, kidney and neurological problems.
The critical first step in addressing diabetes is changing to a lifestyle of more exercise to use excess glucose taken in, a healthy diet to minimize the intake of glucose taken in, and frequent (but small) meals to minimize the development of insulin resistance. The goal in preventing diabetes is to address rising fasting glucose levels long before they reach 100 mg/dL. To do that, there are a number of nutritional and herbal supplements that have been shown to be helpful in regulating glucose and addressing problems before they start. ALA 300 Alpha Lipoic Acid is a unique antioxidant that has been shown to be helpful in maintaining blood sugar levels and minimizing some of the neurological side effects of diabetes, such as diabetic neuropathy. Berberine, which is found in our Berberine Support product, has been shown to regulate not only glucose levels, but modulate lipid levels as well, often as effectively as prescription medications. Chromium and zinc have been shown to be essential minerals in helping manage blood sugar and support insulin production. Diabetes Balance is a unique formulation that features a wide array of natural products that have been shown to regulate blood glucose levels and keep them from elevating. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
2333 W 57th St, Ste 109 | Sioux Falls 605.334.1672 | rxpsi.com
Hours: Mon – Fri 8:30am – 5:30pm
Photos by Maggie Sweets Photography
Whittney LaCroix is a Native American nurse leader who has found purpose and passion through hard work and perseverance. She is a proud member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. While growing up, Whittney moved frequently and attended 17 different schools. Although this would make finding friends and lasting connections difficult, this is where Whittney learned to adapt to changing conditions. Whittney had a very close relationship with her grandfather, the late Webster Two Hawk Sr., a fluent Lakota speaker and a beloved and respected leader in his community. Whittney has always considered the family ranch located in White River, SD, her home, and this is where she graduated from high school.
Choosing nursing as a profession was easy because Whittney always wanted to help others. It was also helpful that both her mother and grandmother were nurses and great examples of successfully providing compassionate service to the native community. Her nursing journey would not be one of ease. Whittney became a single mother at a young age, facing many challenges. She would work during the day and then study at night after putting her children to bed. Whittney spent many sleepless nights preparing for the next chapter of her life. Whittney graduated from the University of South Dakota in the spring of 2013 and was the recipient of the Clinical Excellence Award.
While attending USD, she received the Indian Health Service Scholarship (IHS). This award required her to provide two years of nursing service to an IHS or Tribal Healthcare facility.
Upon her return to Rosebud, Whittney was disheartened by the multitude of challenges facing the healthcare of her community. The facility struggled to recruit and retain qualified staff, was working with outdated equipment, and struggled with leadership instability. Because of the lack of funding these facilities receive, providing routine basic healthcare services was exceedingly difficult.
Whittney was afforded the opportunity to work in various clinical settings, such as medical-surgical, labor and delivery, emergency room, and the operating room. These helped her gain a wide skill-set that would become helpful in the years to come.
In 2015, a significant event occurred that would forever change the fabric of healthcare in her community. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) found multiple regulatory and patient safety concerns, which resulted in the temporary closure of the emergency department at the Rosebud Hospital. The department remained closed for over eight months, which caused a devastating impact on tens of thousands of lives in the community.
These events were personally significant to Whittney because she found purpose in her role as a healthcare provider. Because the hospital was forced into making significant changes, key leadership roles were reassigned. She was approached about becoming the Nursing Manager for Inpatient Services. “Leadership was never something I thought about or sought after. I just knew that things had to change and that I was willing to be part of that change.” Whittney accepted the position and embraced this new responsibility, always keeping the needs of patients the priority.
Understanding the importance of professional development, Whittney sought additional growth opportunities. Next, she accepted a position as the Director of Nursing at the White River Health Care Center. This facility is a 52-bed nursing home owned and operated by the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. Under her leadership in 2017 they received a 5 Star rating from CMS. Also, they had a zero-deficiency survey, meaning they were operating in total compliance with state and federal regulations. “This job really taught me how to lean on those around me and trust in my colleagues. Everyone was from the community and had a shared passion for providing excellent care to our residents.”
Whittney knew that her true passion and purpose was to help make lasting changes that would improve the care in her community. Taking on the role of Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) in Rosebud was the next best step in fulfilling this purpose. As CNO, she found that the hospital continued to experience difficulties meeting regulatory requirements.
Drawing on her experiences from the nursing home, she knew that investing in local talent would be essential to creating systemic changes. These local nurses were valuable to the team because they understood the unique complexities of the facility, but most importantly, they understood and connected with the patients. “It was refreshing to have these nurses at the table; they were hardworking, innovative, and dedicated. This change allowed us to achieve Joint Commission accreditation in 2019 for the first time in decades.”
Whittney was promoted to Deputy CEO at the Rosebud Hospital in 2020. This new role allowed her to view healthcare through a different lens. She was able to learn how vital the non-clinical functions of the facility are to ensuring adequate healthcare delivery. The lack of healthcare coverage for individuals in her community also became apparent to her during this time. “It was eyeopening for me to see just how many people in our community were living without health insurance, making access to specialty care almost impossible.” Whittney was able to successfully advocate for increased coverage when she partnered with the American Cancer Society to help promote Medicaid Expansion in South Dakota.
Currently as Chief Nursing Officer of Tribal Health, LLC, she oversees all nursing operations. Tribal Health’s mission is to transform Indigenous healthcare by partnering with communities to help address health inequities existing across Indian Country. This career transition has allowed her to continue to pursue her passion on a larger scale, helping Native American communities across the U.S. Recently, in partnership with the Dilkon Medical Center, Whittney, and her team successfully opened a new emergency department – bringing lifesaving care to thousands of community members.
She hopes that through her work, she can inspire Native youth to choose careers in healthcare. Whittney believes part of the long-term solution in addressing health care disparities in Native communities is having more local representation. Whittney and Tribal Health have recently launched a partnership with a STEM-FUSE to bring healthcare-focused curriculum to Native American classrooms.
When Whittney isn’t working, she spends time with her family – husband, Aaron, and children Bryson, Braydyn, and Mariah. She loves to golf and hunt. Growing up, she went hunting with her father and now shares that tradition with her children. “Being from rural South Dakota, you learn from a young age how to respect the land, and I am glad that my kids have that to pass on to their children someday.”
When people look at her life, Whittney hopes they are inspired to find purpose and passion. One of the most valuable lessons she has learned is that hard work and dedication pay off. Once you find your purpose in life, no obstacles can stop you.
Her advice for other women is to be passionate and intentional about your life choices, "Don’t ever be afraid to go after the things you want." And to other Native women out there, Whittney says, “You by your very essence are resilient, and you can do anything you set your mind to.” n
In a world where cherished moments seem fleeting, a young, eccentric Sioux Falls woman has discovered a heartwarming way to stitch together the threads of memory and emotion. Meet Maggie Senne, a compassionate soul with an extraordinary talent for turning loved ones’ clothing into beautiful Memory Stuffies. With innate empathy, Maggie weaves a tapestry of empathy and healing into stuffed animals that honor the lives of those who have passed on and offer solace to grieving hearts. Her unique and cherished services transform the remnants of the past into comforting companions for the future, reminding us that love endures in the most unexpected ways, even amid loss. These creations encapsulate the essence of shared moments, becoming tangible bridges between the past and the present. Maggie’s special gift offers a chance to pause, remember, and treasure as she weaves threads of love and memories into huggable, tangible legacies.
It is a labor of love; as Maggie says, “As orders come in, the tragic stories shared behind the losses humble me and remind me what a precious honor this is to be able to provide to people.”
commemorating grandparents, parents, children, military loved ones deployed or otherwise gone from this world, and even pets. Patterns include bear, cat, dog, bunny, fish, pillows, and Christmas tree ornaments. The inception of her Memory
Stuffies in 2021 came from heartache and mourning for her beloved father, who passed away in 2019. Maggie explains, “I had a severe case of ‘Dad sad,’ which I call the random, hard-hitting moments of grief that I experience.” It was her father’s birthday, and a Black Friday shopping trip to distract herself from her sadness that brought Maggie to a local fabric store where she found a complete stuffed animal set sewing pattern on sale for only $.99! The pattern’s regular price was $19.99, and she says, “The discount was like a little wink from the universe saying ‘Hey, there’s a calling here for you.’” Realizing how cathartic it would be to make some stuffed animals from a few of her father’s shirts, she knew she wasn’t ready to cut into them yet. Instead, Maggie explains, “I thought about how useful and healing this might be for others going through the same grief.” She was delighted when she placed a small ad on Facebook and received her first order the same day.
Connecting with grieving souls and creating something special for them helps fill a void for Maggie, as she says, "The wonderful reactions from those receiving one of my works fill my bucket." Always ready to embrace a challenge, she loves having people reach out regarding custom creations they have been dreaming about. Maggie lives to improve the lives of others, which carries over into her full-time job in ophthalmology, volunteering with a local agency to foster dogs saved from Puppy Mills, and her outside interest in teaching free Zumba classes.
Visit www.madebymagz.com for more information about Maggie›s creations. n
3 Eyelash enhancement
3 Classic, smokey or ombré eyeliner
3 Lip blushing or tints, full matte lips
3 A number of different eyebrow styles to include powder, ombré, and combo
OBOK [o-bow-k] Polish for “next to” or “beside.”
Not only is OBOK the name of Sioux Falls’ newest business consulting firm, “OBOK” is also a company promise.
“Being a business owner is isolating. Owners often question whether their decision is the right one. As a consulting firm, we walk alongside a business and promise to be “next to” them as decisions are made,” said Alison Hulshof, the founder of OBOK Consulting, LLC.
“I chose the name OBOK because I realized how important it was to have someone next to me helping me with my decisions when I started my own business in 2006.”
OBOK helps small and midsize businesses as well as entrepreneurs and start-ups to find better ways to focus on delivery of services and to create a greater outcome. Alison started her business in January of 2020.
Since its start, OBOK has evolved from a two-person office to a team of 15. Alison opened her new location at 3200 W. 49th Street in February.
“I got the idea for a consulting business when I switched from being a small business owner for 12 years to working for a mergers and acquisition firm. I had already experienced the problems that came with my own business and then moved on to deal with bigger questions and problems that went with mergers and acquisitions. My work required a lot of trouble shooting, and there were lots of the same questions and problems. It was through this first-hand experience I realized business people had real needs and real problems. I decided to move forward with my own
online business consulting firm that would address individual business problems and help business owners find solutions,” she says.
Her business model took off. Alison brought in more expertise and built her current team.
OBOK specializes in small to middlesize healthcare and behavioral health firms and people starting their own business including entrepreneurs and start-ups.
“Questions business owners have can be simple ones like how to apply for a tax ID, to more complicated ones like what can a business afford,” she said.
OBOK is a for-profit consulting firm that currently provides consulting services throughout the United States.
“Our greatest success is when a business or individual decides they don’t need us anymore, that we got them on their feet.”
OBOK will be hosting three online workshops coming soon. The topics include: starting a business; how to scale and grow a business; and how to create a succession plan.
The Blu at Lake Lorraine is now home to Baking up a Storm, a bakery that features a menu of gourmet cupcakes, sweet bread, kolaches, cheesecakes, and assorted bars. Owner Alex Peterson opened Sioux Falls’ newest bakery Labor Day weekend.
Peterson, who has lived in Sioux Falls for two years, brings not only his 18 years of hospitality experience to his new business, he also comes from a family of bakers and cooks.
“I grew up in Battle Creek, Iowa, and discovered as a young kid how much I enjoyed helping my mom cook and prepare meals. Both of my parents came from big families, so cooking and baking were important skills. I learned from my mom and grandmother, so I feel as though I am carrying on a family legacy.”
The idea of owning his own baking business evolved after Peterson started getting noticed as a vendor at Lake Lorraine Farmers Markets, Junkin’ Market Days, 605 Made Night Market, and having donated to Taste of Goodness.
“I had a lot of customers asking me to cater a wedding or an event, but with the business starting in my home, I wasn’t allowed in certain venues since I was not licensed and only covered under the cottage food laws.”
When the catering invitations came multiple times, Peterson began believing his cupcakes and other bakery goods could be the secret behind a great bakery. He began exploring his options. His business plan took three years to complete.
He sought the help of his mother and other family members.
“There are three restaurants in the family,” he said. “And I collaborated quite a bit with my mother. Not only is she the family baker, but she is also a loan officer at a bank and she helped me with the process of getting a business loan.
“I also started looking for a space in town that I could afford. I liked Lake Lorraine and talked to one of the developers who mentioned that The Blu was looking for a tenant in their space. I looked at the space and discovered it was perfect for my needs.”
The 350-square-foot space allows for a small, commercial kitchen and retail counter. Peterson’s goal is to cater to not only those who live at The Blu but also “catch the out-of-town people that shop at Lake Lorraine and the ‘Westsiders’ who have helped me along the way.”
Gourmet cupcakes that are filled in the center and covered with a corresponding frosting are Baking Up a Storm’s specialty.
“The cupcakes are flavorful, moist ,and unexpected,” he said. “We have 15 varieties.”
Peterson, his wife Brittany, and their daughter Lillian, who is nearly a year old, look forward to this big family venture.
For Peterson, opening up his bakery has been all about believing in himself.
“My best advice has been everything will work out in the end.”
Baking Up a Storm is located at 2301 S. Lorraine Place inside The Blu. To contact Baking Up a Storm check out bakingbyalex.com or email info@bakingbyalex.com or call 605.550.2116. n
Story and photos by Margaret
PennockFor Kasandra Wheeler, having the ability to take her experience as a Certified Nurse Practitioner to a new level specializing in aesthetic medical services has been nothing short of amazing. Having spent seven years as an ICU nurse followed up by three years working in hematology and oncology as a Certified Nurse Practitioner, she has seen patients struggle not only to overcome incredible odds, but also to lose their confidence and self identity.
Building on her empathy and expertise of caring for others along with a keen interest in selfcare, Kasandra first became passionate about improving her own skin healthcare routine which quickly transitioned to helping others. As a busy young working mother and professional, she was compelled to offer high-end services with a very personal and customized approach focusing on accessibility and convenience for women in the Sioux Falls area.
According to Kasandra, “I’m committed to educating my clients and simplifying their treatment options. At the same time, increasing accessibility and convenience of aesthetic services by offering concierge and weeknight/weekend appointments, all while maintaining a high-end experience is important to me. At the end of the appointment, I want my clients to have a thorough understanding of basic skincare, have the tools to protect and prevent accelerated skin aging, and develop an authentic, trusting relationship. My goal is to help you wherever you are in your skincare journey, whether you have a current skincare regimen, or if you are just beginning.”
Kasandra’s objective is to help clients see the value in investing in preventative aesthetic services to improve current skincare concerns, elevate their natural beauty, and empower others to implement
healthy lifestyles. She shares, “I understand that aging is inevitable, but I want others to enjoy the aging process and feel confident within their skin at every age!”
• Anti-Wrinkle Injections (Botox, Jeuveau, Xeomin)
• Microneedling-Collagen-Induction Therapy
• Chemical Peels (combine with anti-wrinkle injections for GlowTox!)
• Medical Grade Skincare - SkinBetter Science
• In-home Tox Parties
• Monthly Memberships
Kasandra offers convenient, flexible hours Monday through Sunday by appointment, including evenings in her office suite or provided in your home. Clients can view available appointments as well as schedule their own at livemedspasd.com.
“As a licensed medical professional, I will always provide services that are evidence-based and proven to improve outcomes. I don’t want to waste your time or money, I want you to see results. By investing in aesthetic services, many individuals will feel empowered to take better care of their body and take other preventative health measures. I want to empower others to be the best version of themselves. When you feel confident and have self-love within, I truly believe you will radiate light and kindness to others.”
LIV Med Spa is located at 6010 South Minnesota Avenue, Suite #10 in Sioux Falls. Check out more information at www.livmedspasd.com, Facebook and Instagram! n
Facebook page. There will be vendors with huge giveaways, other women-owned local businesses, and live demos!