Skipsrevyen 5/2016

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Nr. 5 – august 2016 – 46. årgang

Norwegian Branch Office, Marine and Power Solutions Offshore samles I Stavanger 4

THE POWER YOU NEED «Alle» reiser til SMM 6

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ER KVALIFISERT GJETNING GODT NOK? For mange er det urolige og lite oversiktlige tider. Olje- og gasspriser varierer mer enn før. Utbyggingsaktiviteter stopper opp, investeringer holdes igjen, og påvirker aktiviteten hos mange. Store overskudd på bunnlinjen har kanskje blitt til tap. DNV GL kan bidra ved omstilling og nytenkning, og vi har verifisert mange prosjekter med hensyn til både funksjonalitet og lønnsomhet. Da blir valgene som gjøres til kvalifiserte faktabeslutninger.


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SKIPSREVYEN Ansvarlig redaktør: Gustav-Erik Blaalid +47 916 39 142 Redaktør: Asle B. Strønen +47 918 24 375 Redaksjon: Journalist: Vibeke Linn Blich +47 412 23 158 Sjøkaptein Steinar Oppedal Professor Norvald Kjerstad Annonser: Salgs- og markedssjef: Laila Indrebø +47 901 11 558

Annet hvert år arrangeres det som kanskje er verdens viktigste maritime messe – SMM. I år er det igjen tid for å samles i Hamburg, og nå i dagene 6.-9. september. Konseptet er utvidet og omfatter også SMM India (3.-5. oktober 2017) og SMM Istanbul hvor datoene for neste enda ikke er fastlagt. Innunder SMM 2016 opererer arrangøren Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH med flere subutstillinger og -konferanser. En av de mest betydningsfulle er MS&D som går av stabelen den 7. september. Temaene i Maritime Security & Defence går rett i kjernen på sikkerhetssituasjonen for internasjonal skipsfart and maritim infrastruktur. Et annet meget viktig aspekt som dekkes i MS&D, er digital sikkerhet og såkalte cyber angrep. Bildet over er fra MS&D 2014, vi antar at mengden «gull» ikke blir mindre i år. Sivilisten midt på bildet er Bernd Aufderheide, sjef for Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH. I seksjonen SMM 2016 kan du lese mer om årets store utstilling og konferanse i Hamburg. Foto: HMC/R. Fuhrmann

Leder....................................................................................... 3

Cornelis Hulst +47 930 44 660

ONS 2016

Kristian Ryland +47 410 20 132

Variert konferanseprogram ......................................................6

Produksjon: Rodrigo Orrego Regnskap: Abonnement: Siv Strønen SKIPSREVYEN AS Postboks 4084 Sandviken NO-5835 Bergen Tlf. +47 55 19 77 70 E-mail: Nordea Bank ASA, 0107 OSLO Konto Nordea: 6554 05 26308 Iban: NO5165540526308 Swift: NDEANOKK ISSN 0800-2282 Utgiverpoststed: Bergen Trykk: Molvik ISSN 0800-2282

Naturlig nedgang ....................................................................4 Opening in decom market ......................................................8 Next generation OSV ........................................................... 10 LNG solutions in demand ..................................................... 12 3 kjappe til Sturla Henriksen ................................................ 14 Hva skjer på ONS ................................................................. 14 SMM 2016 Skipsfartens rekordmesse .................................................. 16 Offshore Dialogue ................................................................ 18 Becker presents innovations ............................................... 27 Showcases MTU ................................................................. 28 Aktuelt M/S «Martin Sæle» sjøsatt

................................................. 46

Brunvoll på plass I praktbygg ......................................... .....52 Østersjøens isbryterflåte

............................................... 54-57




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MEET US AT: ONS Stavanger, Norway 29 August - 1 September 2016 | stand 55 SMM Hamburg, Germany 6 - 9 September 2016 | stand B5 306 PHOTO: GES52 FREEFALL LIFEBOAT AT NORSAFE ACADEMY TRAINING CENTRE - Ã…RSNES, NORWAY


For mange av våre abonnenter er dette året svært krevende med avvikling av tre messer I løpet av kort tid; Nor-Fishing, ONS og SMM. – Tilsynelatende registrerer messearrangørene antall besøkende ulik, sier redaktør Asle B. Strønen og etterlyser en internasjonal bransjestandard også for disse messearrangørene.

Betydningsfulle messer

- altfor viktig til ikke å ha kontrollerbare tall for antall besøkende Med Nor-Fishing 2016 nettopp avsluttet og ONS 2016 og SMM 2016 coming up, er denne sensommeren en utfordring for mange i næringen. Enten som utstiller på flere av arenaene eller som beøkende på de, krever disse tre internasjonale messene forberedelser og økonomiske ressurser. Men hvor store er de egentlig, hva er det vi betaler for? Vi lar spørsmålene henge i luften. Igjen kan vi altså ønske velkommen til messer innen offshore og shipping, og i vår engelske terminologi er det nettopp det det er; «a mess». Nå kort tid før ONS åpner sine dører i Stavanger gir børsmeldinger og mediaoppslag et lite flatterende bilde av vår hittils nasjonale stolthet: De offshore relaterte næringer. Stikkord er overkapasitet og enorm gjeldsgrad, nedbemanninger og mislighold. Og som adm.dir. Sturla Henriksen i Norges Rederiforbund uttaler på side 14, «- Det verste ligger foran oss». Det glade vanvidd med oppskaleringer på alle plan, et samlet banksystem som stod å kø for å låne penger til en næring where the sky is the limit og en situasjon hvor man bygget obligasjonsmarkedet bokstavelig talt inn i sine vekststrategier, har gjort dagens fallhøyde så uendelig stor. Spennende blir det å se om «måteholdet» blir fremtredende på de vanligvis så kostbare og ekspansive standene på ONS, om man vil regis-

trere nedgang i antall besøkende (- vi sparer penger ved ikke å sende like store delegasjoner som tidligere) og om pessimismen vil råde grunnen? Det verste ligger som sagt fortsatt foran oss! I SMM seksjonen kan du lese et intervju med Bernd Aufderheide, sjef for verdens kanskje viktigste shipping arena, SMM i Hamburg, hvor han fastslår at de maritime markeder er under press. - Their financial base is under attack, sier han. Og likevel blir SMM i september nok en rekordmesse, kanskje i motsetning til ONS hvor problemene er langt mer strukturelle.

Forbløffende tall

Og SMM i metropolen Hamburg fortsetter å imponere; 2100 utstillere og 50.000 besøkende fra rundt 100 nasjoner er i år ventet innom det 90.000 m2 store messeområdet. Forbløffende er det da at oljemesse-

arrangøren i småbyen Stavanger ved forrige messe hadde 90.000 besøkende fordelt på 24.000 m2 areal. I år ventes riktignok en nedgang i antall besøkende, men dog allikevel…. Og når vi først er inne på temaet, vi har fra tid til annen vært undrende til de besøkstall som messearrangører opererer med. Disse tallene har både en konkurransekraft i forhold til å posisjonere messene mot hverandre og – ikke minst – som suksessfaktor de betalende utstillerne benytter i etterkant for å evaluere verdien av sin tilstedeværelse. Dessverre finnes det visstnok ikke en internasjonal bransjestandard for hvordan besøkendetallet skal defineres. Synd, sier vi, det skaper unødig usikkerhet blant oss utstillere og besøkende. Alt vi tilsynelatende kan gjøre er å dividere antall besøkende med messearealet og tilgjengelig hotellkapasitet, og spørre oss selv om kabalen går opp? abs

Foruten å være en arena for nyheter og produktpresentasjoner, er Nor-Fishing også viktig som sosialt møtested. Foto:


ONS 2016

- Vi måler oss på om de rette folkene er til stede

Mens 2014 var rekordår for oljemessen Offshore Northern Seas (ONS), forventer arrangørene en naturlig nedgang i år - men er likevel positive.

- I 2014 hadde vi over 90.000 besøkende. Men vårt suksesskriterium går ikke på om det er 91.000 eller 93.000 besøkende. Vi måler oss på om de rette folkene er tilstede. ONS skal være en møteplass for å fasilitere for forretningsvirksomhet, i tillegg til å vise frem produkter. Vi opplever at omgivelsene er positive, og de vi snakker med er veldig støttende. Vi har troen og er helt sikker på at produktet vårt er bra. Vi håper bare at omverdenen forstår det, og tar seg tid til å sette seg inn i det, sier programsjef Ingvild Meland til Skipsrevyen.

tider, melder pressedirektør i ONS, Line Grønhaug. Hun presiserer at det som er viktig å vite er at ONS har noe for alle. - Hovedkonferansen er selvsagt dyrest, siden nivået på talerne her er i toppen av bransjen på verdensbasis - men det koster bare 400 kroner for

å gå på utstillingen i fire hele dager. Da har man tilgang på over 1000 selskaper. Og da er alle foredragene i Centre Court, en konferansearena midt i utstillingen, inkludert, avslutter hun.

Naturlig nedgang

I år er over 1000 utstillere fordelt på ni utstillingshaller. For noen bedrifter er det naturlig å stille ut i en paviljong, istedenfor å stå for seg selv. Utstillingsområdet er en kilometer langt, mens det totale utstillingsarealet er 24.000 kvm. De besøkende oppfordres derfor til å ta på seg gode sko. - Vi har solgt mange billetter. I 2014 hadde vi 91.862 besøkende totalt på ONS. Det er naturlig å forvente en nedgang på grunn av situasjonen i bransjen, men mengden solgte billetter så langt - og signalene vi får fra bransjen - gjør at vi er trygge på at arrangementet blir kjempebra denne gangen også. Vi merker at folk synes det ekstra viktig å møtes for å finne løsninger og gjøre business i disse SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


Arkivfoto: ONS / Kallen

ONS 2016


ONS 2016 ONS er en ettertraktet arena for bransjen.

Foto: ONS/Elisabeth Tønnessen

Spennende og variert konferanseprogram på ONS - «Transition» som tema

- 2015 og 2016 har vært spesielt tøffe år, men vi vet og at ONS har eksistert i 40 år, og at oljeprisen har gått opp og ned i hele denne perioden. Derfor fokuserer vi på å levere et bra produkt, og ha forretningsmessig fokus, slik at kundene får det de vil ha, sier programdirektør for ONS, Ingvild Meland. Meland har overordnet ansvar for innholdet på de ulike konferansearenaene. - I sammensetningen av programmet vårt, har vi forskjellige arenaer som er skreddersydd for ulike målgrupper. Summiten er for spesielt inviterte toppledere. Hovedkonferansen og Center Courtarena i området, er åpen for alle. Vi har en clean energy- komite som Bjørn Haugland i DNV GL, leder. 60 prosent av tematikken på Centre Court har fokus på ren energi, fornybar og nye løsninger, forklarer Ingvild Meland til Skipsrevyen.

Utvidet faglig programtilbud - Fra 2010-2016 har vi gått fra å ha 80 til mer enn 400 foredrag på ONS. Det er en betydelig økning. Vi tror at vi treffer ulike målgrupper. Vi unngår SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


duplisering, da de ulike arenaene tar opp ulike problemstilinger på ulike nivå, fortsetter hun. For Skipsrevyens lesere, mener Meland at det det mest relevante konferanseprogrammet på ONS blir å finne på Centre Court og Technical Sessions. - Vi har utvidet det faglige programtilbudet betraktelig. Vi har økt konferanseprogrammet med en ekstra sesjon på Main Conference. Samtidig har vi økt antall foredrag i Centre Court. Vi har også en ny satsing som går på det tekniske, forklarer hun. Dette betyr i praksis at en sammensetning på 100 foredrag, skal besvare de viktigste problemene på norsk sokkel innen olje og gass. - Måten vi gjorde det på, var at vi hadde en komite av tekniske eksperter på norsk sokkel som definerte de viktigste problemstillingene. Vi fikk selskapene i industrien til å svare. Vi

mottok mer enn 300 forslag fra over 200 selskaper. Basert på det, har vi laget et omfattende og målrettet teknisk program, sier Meland.

Satser på de unge

Når oljebransjen svinger som verst, mener programdirektøren det er det særs viktig at de unge, som er midt i eller skal gå inn i utdanningsløp, ikke mister troen på olje- og gassnæringen. – Vi har et omfattende firedagers program som er skreddersydd til elever på ungdomsskole og videregående, samt studenter på universiteter, og for lærere og rådgivere. Det skal motivere, være faktabasert og vise noen av mulighetene som ligger innen sektoren, opplyser hun videre. Det er også spesielt viktig for ONSteamet, å kunne hjelpe kundene å være forretningsorienterte. - En

ONS 2016 av plassene de kan lete etter nye markeder, er i den internasjonale sfæren. Til det har ONS et hvordangå-frem?-program. Her skisseres suksesskriterier for eksempel for hvordan man kan lykkes i Saudi-Arabia og hvilke prosjekter som allerede finnes der? Vi har og en satsing som heter ONS Renewable Markets. Mye av det går på hvordan overføre offshore, olje og gasskompetanse inn i for eksempel offshore vind eller andre deler av industrien, forklarer Meland.

«Transition» som tema

Når det gjelder omverdenen, mener programdirektør Ingvild Meland at utfordringen ligger i å kommunisere ut hvor mye bra ONS har å tilby. Foto: ONS/Erik Krafft

«Transition» (overgang) er årets tema. I 2014 var «Changes» hovedtema. Man så da at noe kom til å skje, men oljeprisene var fortsatt høye, så det var ikke tydelig hvilken vei det kom til å gå. Oljeprisen falt veldig, like etterpå, og det ble tydelig at energibransjen måtte gjennom en transformasjonsprosess på kostnadssiden for å kunne møte lave commodities. På den fornybare siden, måtte de redusere på kostnadene, for å kunne konkurrere med stadig billigere olje og gass. «Transition» blir årets snakkis i Stavanager!

Mare Safety leverer ei stor bredde av maritime produkt, der det største segmentet er MOBbåtar og bysser. Vi leverer over heile verda!





ONS 2016

Makes opening move in decom market Damen Shipyards Group has announced its latest concept design: the Damen Decommissioning Series.

The Damen Decommissioning Series will specialise in three core areas of the oil and gas decommissioning sector: topside decommissioning and maintenance, offshore platform removal, and subsea cleaning and removal.

The vessel will specialise in three core areas of the oil and gas decommissioning sector: topside decommissioning, offshore platform removal, and subsea cleaning and removal. The design is based on in-house research carried out at Damen by one of its undergraduate interns. By inviting a considerable number of internships at its yards, Damen Shipyards Group contributes significantly to the maritime education system. One recent position was offered to Justin Rietveld, studying Maritime

Technology at the Rotterdam Mainport University of Applied Sciences. His brief was to investigate the potential niche markets for new vessel designs in the oil and gas decommissioning sector.

Split stern removal

“This research started off with the idea of developing a decommissioning vessel based on Damen’s existing portfolio,” informs Mr Rietveld. “However, we soon found out that this

market needs more. “For example, there are many different activities within the decommissioning sector. This vessel can support a vast number of those. We have developed a concept to cover the bigger part of this new and exciting market.” The vessel’s monohull design has a split stern; a characteristic that will come into play during platform removal operations, explains Mr Rietveld: “This ship will be able to reverse up to a jacket, where it will be ballasted to sink below the platform. Upon deballasting, the vessel will rise up to pick up the platform.”

Lion’s share of the market

The design is based on in-house research carried out at Damen by one of its undergraduate interns. SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


The preliminary estimations of the vessel’s capabilities show that it will be able to perform decommissioning of fixed platforms of up to 1,600 tonnes in weight. This figure signifies a significant amount of global fixed platforms, and over half of those located in the North Sea. In order to deliver maximum flexibility to clients, the concept design includes modular add-ons. This will address the possibility that such a

ONS 2016

vessel will not be solely active in the decommissioning market. This versatility will ensure that owners can optimise productivity: bridging the potential gap between decommissioning contracts with other roles.

A committed approach

These modular additions to the existing design include the (temporary) installation of a crane or a helideck. Functionality can be further boosted

with the addition of accommodation modules to increase personnel capacity. Another option will be the addition of a temporary platform to create a solid stern. The subsequent increase in deck capacity could be used for transporting and installing monopiles and foundations for the offshore wind industry. Damen Shipyards has broad market focus on the decommissioning market. Next to current assets such

as pontoons also the state of the art Walk-2-Work vessel currently being built for Bibby Marine could play a role in the decommissioning market. In the light of these developments, Damen has recently joined DECOM UK to further expand its market knowledge and validate developments with key stakeholders in the European decommissioning market

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ONS 2016 The picture shows Farstad Shippings “Far Sun”. Photo: Asle Strønen

The Next Generation of Offshore Support Vessels Transparency Market Research’s new market study, titled “Offshore Support Vessels Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Trends, Growth and Forecast 2015 – 2023,” presents a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the global offshore support vessels market for the 2015-2023 period. The report delves into the socioeconomic and political reasons for the expansion of offshore exploration across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World in this period. The report states that increased offshore activities for oil and natural gas exploration and increasing investments for the development of supporting infrastructure are bolstering the offshore support vessels market. The utility of offshore support vessels lies across several functions. These are drilling rigs, offshore pipe laying, and oil production platforms for exploration and production activities. Offshore supporting vessels are also used for logistics facilities and other supporting activities in offshore exploration. Offshore support vessels (OSV) are of various types and proffer various features as needed for individual operation. Due to this, these vessels are resourceful and fundamental elements of the oil and gas industry. SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


Some other uses of these vessels are as a transport facility, in addition to providing support for anchoring, platforming, and vessel standby needs. These vessels are alos frequently used for transporting crew members to offshore sites. In the coming years, Asia Pacific will exhibit an enormous demand for offshore vessels. This is because of the increased crude oil and natural gas exploration activities in the Southeast Asia. Apart from Southeast Asia, the increasing offshore E&P in countries such as China and Australia also benefits the global offshore support vessels market. This will result in large growth opportunities for offshore support vessel manufacturers. With high investments in offshore exploration in the Gulf of Mexico, the North Sea, and West Africa, the offshore support vessels market will receive a boost. North America and South America will contribute significantly to the revenue of the global market in the coming years.

The Middle East will be the leading regional market for offshore support vessels during the forecast period. Other macro factors that are prompting growth of the offshore support vessels market are high energy demands, robust demand for OSV, and increasing offshore exploration as onshore reserves near exhaustion. The increase in the offshore rig count and an increase in the demand for marine logistics are other factors propelling the global offshore support vessels market. Top players in the global offshore support vessels market are Intermarine LLC, Gulfmark Offshore Inc., Island Offshore Management AS, Abdon Callais Offshore, Bourbon Offshore Marine Services, Edison Chouest Offshore, Havila Shipping ASA, Harvey Gulf, Farstad Shipping ASA, Bass Marine Pvt Ltd., Rem Maritime As, and China Yantai Salvage, among others.

ONS 2016


Bilde; Tor Erik Kvalsvik


ONS 2016

LNG solutions in demand from cruise lines and commercial operators

Caterpillar is establishing a clear lead in the design and production of LNG-fuelled propulsion systems through its MaK™ branded products. With a global network, and industry-leading after-sales service, the company provides complete tailor-made systems extending from the shoreside bunker station to the ship’s main engine and propeller, all from one supplier. New purpose-designed systems are available for a range of ship types while the engine maker’s existing marine diesel engines have been successfully modified for dual-fuel use

The full scope of a Wärtsilä delivery. Ill.: Wärtsilä

Now that liquid natural gas (LNG) bunkering infrastructure is expanding in key locations around the world, ship operators are taking a fresh look at the feasibility of LNG as a marine fuel. Many see LNG as the smart new option, complying with all existing and upcoming regulations on emissions of SOx, NOx, particulate matter and CO2. The technology faces plenty of challenges – technical, operational and, of course, from a safety point of view – but it has already been successfully adopted by a number of progressive owners, notably in northern Europe and the US. Cruise lines are pioneering the transformational move away from heavy fuel oils and distillates to LNG as the principal fuel for their ships. At the cruise sector’s largest annual conference and exhibition in Florida SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


earlier this year, one cruise line CEO predicted that 80% of cruise ships will be running on LNG by 2025, an opinion that led to lively debate. All of the cruise sector’s biggest names – and a number of smaller ones – are weighing up gas-fuelled propulsion systems for next generation vessels. For engine manufacturers and propulsion system specialists, this is a spectacular opportunity – the cruise orderbook is at a new peak of 59 vessels worth more than $44bn and a number of cruise operators have not finalised their choice of propulsion systems. ‘We see a significant market in the commercial and offshore sectors, both for engine modifications and new installations’ commented Ulf Hannemann, Caterpillar’s Segment

Manager Cruise & Ferry, ‘but it is cruise lines in particular which are spearheading technology developments for a number of reasons.’ ‘Their ships are highly visible, calling sometimes in populous city centres as well as remote environmentally sensitive beauty spots,’ Hannemann continued. ‘Ships’ hotel power load is heavy at all times, during port calls too, and any impact on the local environment is clear to see. Their cargo is people and they want repeat business. Black smoke from the funnel or soot on the deck by the swimming pool is simply not a runner.’ However, the cruise industry is not alone. Steadily tightening emission regulations pose new and complex fuel management challenges for many. Companies in the firing line include ferry firms, container lines,

ONS 2016 short-sea operators, offshore vessel owners and the providers of inshore and harbour service vessels including tugs and workboats. Amongst the power system providers, Caterpillar is in pole position and has already developed tailor-made LNG propulsion systems for a wide range of vessel types. Via its MaK brand, the company is working with Hamburg-headquartered LNG and cryogenic specialist Marine Service GmbH to offer tailor-made systems for retrofit and newbuilding. The cooperation means that every link in the engineering chain from bunker flange to propeller – and everything in between – is available from a single source. Caterpillar specialises in all aspects of LNG fuel and propulsion – from front end engineering and design (FEED) studies to engine architecture and the new technologies that raise operating efficiency. Its solutions include special features to minimise methane slip, incorporating variable valve timing, flexible camshaft technology and a Caterpillar patented ‘waste gate’. These innovations combine to avoid part-load choking, optimising the fuel/air mixture to provide fast upload response times and effective low-load operation. System safety is ensured through Caterpillar’s control and monitoring process, which continuously tracks engine performance in real time. Incylinder pressure monitoring devices prevent engine knocking by adjusting fuel injection and valve timings within the accepted tolerance range, with alarms set off should out-of-range exceptions occur. The bespoke handling solutions provided by Marine Service cover the entire fuel gas supply system, including storage tanks, scalable vaporiser system, double-walled piping systems inerted with nitrogen at up to ten bar, and components including pumps, valves, level sensors and insulation. Most importantly, Marine Service’s gas conditioning system expertise ensures that engine fuel is of the right quality to be supplied at the right temperature and pressure to vaporise into a gas which can be burned in the dual fuel engines. Effective fuel control and management is paramount. Targeting the retrofit market. A recent retrofit onboard the 6,500 m3 multigas carrier “Coral Anthelia” shows what can be done to improve the emissions profile on existing engines. The Anthony Veder Group ship car-

Black smoke from the funnel or soot on the deck by the swimming pool is simply not a runner. Photo: Asle Strønen

ries LPG, ethylene and LNG cargoes on short-sea trades, spending much of her time in the European Emissions Control Area. Built in 2013, the vessel was delivered with a conventional six-cylinder MaK M 43 C diesel engine but owing to her trading pattern, Veder decided to assess alternative fuel solutions. The engine was still relatively new and replacing it was not a viable option, so management decided to convert the engine into a dual-fuel MaK M 46 DF engine with the same footprint. The necessary modifications included to rebuild the main engine from M 43 C diesel to M 46 dual fuel with all mandatory modules, including gas valve unit (GVU), ignition fuel, exhaust gas and ventilation module, as well as exhaust gas relief valves in the exhaust pipe system. The project was undertaken at Van Brink shipyard with the support of authorized MaK dealer Bolier, and completed in October 2014. The vessel has been operating with improved efficiency and reduced emissions ever since. Operational and technical challenges. The adoption of LNG as a marine fuel nonetheless introduces a range of new challenges. Some are operational; some are technical; usually, the two are inter-linked. Engine makers need fuel energy content to fall within a specified range to meet their engine management system requirement, for example, but today fuel suppliers use different methods to calculate the indicative methane number. Cruise lines tak-

ing on bunkers where the methane number is too low would risk not being able to complete a voyage, and having to take on either distillates or fuel oil in the next port of call. More significantly, the potential shortcoming could compromise the ability of cruise companies to meet SOLAS ‘safe return to port’ requirements. In a separate breakthrough, Caterpillar has also moved to address the issue of operating gas-fuelled engines efficiently at low loads, and specifically loads below 20%. Various strategies are possible, including taking one bank of cylinders in a Vee configuration out of the combustion process, thereby allowing the other engine bank to operate at a higher load. At its Rostock facility, Caterpillar demonstrated the capabilities of the MaK M 46 DF engine and started the engine by using LNG from the very beginning, thus avoiding diesel engine specific emissions – another first for the company. “This innovative concept was realized by utilizing the experience Caterpillar has in electronically controlled engines. These engines will use the latest generation of Caterpillar’s own Engine Control Units (ECU), which in conjunction with in-house software development enable customer operation profile specific optimization”, noted Dr Frank Starke, Global Product Manager Medium Speed Engines. “This is a major advance, particularly for cruise lines starting their engines in citycentre port locations.”


3 kjappe spørsmål ONS 2016

til Sturla Henriksen, adm.dir. i Norges Rederiforbund

Sturla Henriksen er adm.dir. i Norges Rederiforbund. Foto: Rederiforbundet

1. Hva er Rederiforbundets syn på ONS som møteplass med de utfordringene som oljenæringen står overfor i dag? - ONS har i over 40 år vært en viktig internasjonal møteplass for oljebransjen. Det er viktig at alle aktører i verdikjeden møtes, både når det er vekst og i krevende tider. 2. Hva er ditt syn på offshorerederienes fremtidige posisjon i Norge? Det verste ligger foran oss, men aktiviteten i offshore service-bransjen vil ta seg opp. Verden vil etterspørre stadig mer energi fra havet. Norge er en verdensledende skipsfartsnasjon og teknologien som benyttes i

offshore serviceskipsflåten kommer i fremtiden til å være helt avgjørende for å hente ut andre ressurser fra havrommet, som fornybar energi, mat, mineraler og metaller. 3. Hvordan vil strukturen se ut i fremtiden? - Det vil bli endringer på eiersiden og på selskapsstrukturene, det ser vi allerede i dag. Men det som er viktig er at vi har kapasitet og kompetanse til å vokse igjen når markedene snur. Næringen er syklisk, og på et tidspunkt vil det snu. Nå gjelder det å bygge en bro over til bedre markeder.

Hva skjer på ONS? Christian Michelsens Institutt

Christian Michelsen Research AS vil i år fokusere på sitt generelle budskap, i forhold til å være et teknisk industrielt forskningsinstitutt som kan analysere og løse ulike problemstillinger inn mot ulike bransjer. - Vår kompetanse på måleteknologi og dataanalyse anvendes i dag mot oljeog gassbransjen, men vi har også prosjekter innen fornybar energi, marin og miljø. Vi deltar på ONS for å markedsføre oss som forskningsinstitutt og teknologipartner, samt bygge relasjoner til nye og etablerte kontakter, sier Kari Marvik, Vice President Science & Technology.


Brammer presenterer en nyutviklet luftkjølt asynkron boremotor (Top drive drilling motor) til bruk i eksplosjonsfarlige områder. Produsenten av motoren vil være tilgjengelig på standen, og vil kunne svare på henvendelser. Brammer presenterer også den nyeste omformeren fra Yaskawa som lanseres i disse dager, GA700. Denne er betydelig mindre i størrelse enn tidligere serie og har innebygget EMC filter, SIL3 og STO. Det er en forbedret utgave av Yaskawa A1000Serien. Ellers har Brammer trykket en ny katalog som omhandler selskapets viktigste produktgrupper innen roterende maskineri og styringer, for SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


Kjente Brunvoll-profiler: VP Sales & Marketing Per Olav Løkseth (til v.) og Manager Marketing & Communications Jørgen Eide. Foto: Asle Strønen

maritim og oljebasert sektor. En fin katalog for ingeniører og teknikere som jobber tverrfaglig. Denne kan man få av oss på messen, eller få tilsendt etter ønske, sier salgsdir. Brigt Brekke og fortsetter: - Selv om offshore næringen ligger litt ned om dagen, så er det viktig for Brammer og våre leverandører å være tilsted på ONS. Oljenæringen trenger å spare penger, og Brammer har som hovedmål å hjelpe sine kunder med kostnadsbesparelser.


Brunvoll deltar på ONS 2016 med

fokus på sine løsninger innen manøvrering og framdrift av skip - blant annet basert på framdriftssystemer og felles pakkeløsninger med finske Steerprop. - Vi merker selvsagt noe roligere tider, men har flere bein å stå på i alle segmenter. Vi erfarer ordreinngang innen både cruise, mega yachts, fiskeri, navy og tankbåtmarkedet. Offshoremarkedet vil snu, og Brunvoll vil være tilstede på ONS ikke minst for å posisjonere oss til forventede enda bedre tider, sier Jørgen Eide, Manager Marketing & Communications





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SMM 2016 Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH, som er eier av SMM-konseptet, arrangerte tidligere i sommer et seminar i Hamburg hvor man fikk en oppdatering på de internasjonale markedene. Fra v. Michel van Roozendaal, President, MacGregor; Bernd Aufderheide, President/CEO HMC; Lars Robert Pedersen, Deputy Secretary General, BIMCO og Prof. Martin Stopford, Non-Executive President Clarksons. Foto: Asle Strønen

SMM – skipsfartens rekordmesse Til Skipsrevyen forteller Bernd Aufderheide at SMM er fullbooket. – Slik som 2014 var et toppår, forventer vi enda større deltakelse og rekorder i år, sier SMM-direktøren optimistisk. BIG DATA og digitalisering er messens store og gjennomgående tema. I tillegg er A5 en ny hall som arrangøren har tagget «Green propulsion». - All the leading players will be meeting in our exhibition halls, poengterte Aufderheide og understreket at SMM “is unique as a source of ideas and stimulus for the maritime industry, and as a platform for exchange, inspiration and (another important aspect) for closing business deals. Og med stadig nye rekorder, befester SMM sin internasjonale posisjon. Overraskende nok er mindre enn en tredjedel av utstillerne fra vertslandet Tyskland, resten er internasjonalt tilreisende. I hopen av store nasjonale paviljonger, slik også Norge har (, er Iran, Malaysia

og Hellas nye av året. Totalt er det 24 nasjonale paviljonger. Bernd Aufderheide minnet om at hele verdikjeden er under press. – As you know, shipping is currently facing stormy conditions. Shipping companies, shipyards, equipment suppliers and port operators currently have to deal with enormous changes. Their financial base is under attack, sa han. – But the industry has to look to the future, it needs innovative solutions for changing business models. SMM can and will provide major stimuli and answers to pressing questions from the industry.

Omfattende konferanseprogram

SMM er anerkjent for sine konferan-

ser og seminarer. Allerede dagen før messen åpner, altså mandag den 5. september, braker det hele løs med The Maritime Future Summit hvor eksperter og ledere innen utvikling av software skal diskutere Smart Shipping og maritim BIG DATA. Andre store sessions verd å nevne er gmec – global maritime environmental congress – den 6. september og MS&D den 7. september. Sistnevnte er en top ranking konferanse om Maritime Security and Defence. Torsdag den 8. september handler det om Offshore Dialogue med tilnærminger til temaet som bør være interessant for mange av våre norske lesere. I tillegg kommer ca. 150 workshops og seminarer.

Exhibition routes

Men det er ikke bare innen industrien selv man forventer produktutvikling. Også messearrangører har noe å leve opp til her, ‐QUICK OPERATED MANHOLES‐ på så store internasjonale messer som dette er det nemlig lett å gå seg vill i mangfoldet. HMC som eier SMM-konseptet, introduserer derfor en app med exhibition routes. Kort fortalt in-




SMM 2016

Feiring i Hamburg 2014: På forrige SMM var det M/F “Ampere” bygget ved Fjellstrand for Norled som vant prisen for Ship of the Year. Midt på bildet statssekretær Dilek Ayhan som også i år skal dele ut prisen på vegne av Skipsrevyen. Mer informasjon på Foto: Vibeke Blich

neholder den guidete turer med tema som Job Route, Digital Route, Green Route, Security Route etc. – nettopp for at du som besøkende skal kunne gå målrettet gjennom alle utstillingshallene.

Ship of the Year 2016

Denne prisoverrekkelsen er et innarbeidet arrangement på hver SMM. Som tidligere år skjer seremonien i den norske hallen - Hall B7 - med avspark kl. 13.00 onsdag den 7. september. Arenaen til Norske Maritime

Eksportører - NME - blir åsted for prisoverrekkelsen hvor statssekretær Dilek Ayhan i Næringsdepartementet på vegne av Skipsrevyen overrekker hedersbevisningene til vinnerskipets kaptein, rederi, designer og byggeverft. Og vi kan lette litt på sløret; årets vinner er unikt. Det oppfyller sin mission til fulle og er initiert av eiere som på selvstendig grunnlag og til egen kostnad bestemte seg for å løfte en (linje-)fart inn i morgendagen. Kom og døm selv, du er velkommen til å overvære seremonien! abs

Fakta: Åpningsdager: 6. til 9. september, 09.30 – 18.00. Flere enn 2100 utstillere fra mer enn 60 land. Over 50.000 besøkende ventet. Utstillingsareal: +90.000 m2. Ship of the Year 2016: Onsdag 7. september kl. 13.00 i Den norske hallen, hall B7.

SMM | HAMBURG | 6-9 September, 2016 | STAND NO. B7.127




















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SMM 2016 SMM 2014, Offshore Dialogue: Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, President DNV GL Maritime speeking.

Photo: HMC / Wallocha

Offshore Dialogue: Future Prospects High-caliber speakers, forward-looking topics, innovative solutions: On 8 September 2016, the offshore sector will meet during SMM, the leading international maritime trade fair. It has been barely two years since the crude oil price hit rock bottom and the offshore industry, especially the oil and gas segment, suffered a severe blow. Since then business has been more or less stagnant. The super majors have cut investments. Shipbuilders, suppliers and associated services are largely sitting idle. But there are new signs of a possible upward trend: The 2016 "Offshore Support Vessel Global Market Outlook” published by the Indian market research organisation Wise Guy Reports expects the Offshore Supply Vessel (OSV) market to grow 5.7 per cent annually, reaching a volume of US$43.07 billion by 2022. It is especially the wind energy and subsea mining segments which are raising the shipbuilding industry's hopes. Both are in great need of specialised ships and advanced technologies. But what exactly does the market need to take off? What conditions must be met for the upswing to come? And how does Digitalisation figure in this equation? SMMs "Offshore Dialogue" conference on 8 September will spend an entire day looking into these matters, with high-caliber speakers from the business and science worlds leading the discussion. The keynote speaker will be Steve Robertson, Director – HQ & Research Centre at DouglasWestwood.

Innovation wanted

"It is only through the most innovative technologies that we will be able to secure our leading international SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


position and enter into emerging markets successfully," says Uwe Beckmeyer, Parliamentary Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) which is sponsoring the conference. "It is our goal to support the maritime sector in developing new technologies which are economically attractive. To accomplish this, the maritime industry must cooperate closely with the offshore wind sector and the scientific community," the Federal Government Coordinator for the Maritime Industry continues. He will open the conference with a keynote address.

Focus on forward-looking topics

The conference on 8 September will be titled "Offshore industry – quo vadis?” and consist of three panel discussions. The first segment, headed “Subsea Technology – Experience and Challenges”, will address prospects of subsea mining and subsea gas installations. Remotely operated towed seafloor vehicles will be presented – machines towed by surface craft. They represent an alternative approach to mining raw materials from subsea deposits. Another key technology to be discussed during the conference are heavy-lift cranes. The featured speakers include: Baard Alsaker, Vice President, R&D and Technology at MacGregor, a global offshore supplier, and Basil Zweifel, Segment Head of Oil & Gas Production, MAN. The section "Health, Safety &

Environment – The Human Factor“ will focus on specialised offshore vessels promising enhanced safety at sea. Is it possible to leverage synergies between HSE standards of the oil and gas and offshore wind industries? The panel discussion will also address specialised training for employees working in the demanding offshore sector, as well as the question whether offshore work will be performed from fixed platforms or service vessels in future. Sybrand Boschma, offshore specialist at the Dutch shipbuilding group Damen, and Michael McDonald, General Manager at the leading technology consultancy “Force” headquartered in Denmark, will provide valuable insight. The third expert panel, titled “Digitalisation offshore 4.0 – Challenge and Opportunity”, will explore some future perspectives for the industry. Big Data, smart maintenance concepts, optimised logistics for offshore wind farms, and cyber security for the offshore sector will be key items on the agenda. Juan Gallego, remote diagnostics expert at the Swedish component manufacturer SKF, will represent the practical side. The scientific aspects will be covered by Prof. Dr-Ing. Carlos Jahn, head of the Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services, as a top-level expert. Kenneth Richardson, Executive Vice President, Global Offshore, ABS will share his views from the perspective of a leading classification society.

SMM 2016

Fully optimised for the mission and the environment Our ship design and integrated system solutions are results of targeted research and development over many years. Our designs and solutions meet the challenging combination of high performance and flexibility, reduced fuel consumption and optimised life-cycle costs. Our wide range of system solutions includes systems for anchor handling, safer deck operations, propulsion and manoeuvring, stabilisation, dynamic positioning and automation and control.


Trusted to deliver excellence


SMM 2016 Inmarsat expects it to yield tangible progress for data transfer ship-ship and ship-shore, with significant consequences for the way ships are managed and worked at sea.

Fleet Xpress brings ‘smart’ ship tipping point ‘Smart’ vessel operations and crew connectivity using continuous highspeed broadband links to shore are shipping’s new reality, as customers and innovation partners alike commit to Inmarsat’s revolutionary Fleet Xpress service. High profile customers and technology partners are swiftly committing to shipping’s new era of connectivity through a series of agreements to use the world’s first global maritime high-speed broadband service from a single network operator. Officially launched on March 30th, Inmarsat Maritime’s revolutionary Fleet Xpress has unleashed the power of ‘big data’ to enhance vessel efficiency, while delivering transformational but cost-



controlled connectivity to the maritime industry. Fleet Xpress delivers high-speed data transmission with unmatched reliability, switching automatically between Ka-band and Inmarsat FleetBroadband L-band services to ensure constant coverage. “Fleet Xpress alters the asset management capabilities and frontline working experience of an entire industry,”

says Inmarsat Maritime President, Ronald Spithout. “It will optimise vessel safety, security and efficiency, and meet the connectivity needs of the modern seafarer that have for too long been overlooked.” Separate agreements announced in June with VSAT service providers Marlink and SpeedCast International suggest that leading maritime value added service providers agree. Both organisations already describe

SMM 2016

Even before its commercial launch, trials on the ice-class adventure ship Ocean Nova in Antarctica delivered the low-horizon satellite views through heavy cloud cover and precipitation that operators routinely face in such hostile waters.

Fleet Xpress as key to their maritime services portfolios. SpeedCast says the service is fully integrated within its SIGMA gateway, while Marlink emphasises access to a range of options that include its XChange communication management platform, with ‘Bring Your Own Device’ crew connectivity. SpeedCast and Marlink have committed to roll out Fleet Xpress to approximately 2,000 vessels apiece over the next five years.

Market migration

Direct agreements with shipowners also quickly followed the Fleet Xpress service launch. Early contracts were announced covering installations on 70 Nanjing Tanker Corporation ships. However, the appeal of Fleet Xpress is not limited to the cargo-carrying ship sector. Even before its commercial launch, trials on the ice-class adventure ship Ocean Nova in Antarctica delivered the low-horizon satellite views through heavy cloud cover and precipitation that operators routinely face in such hostile waters. So satisfactory were the trials that owner Nova Cruising Ltd committed to the commercial installation of Fleet Xpress. “Fleet Xpress delivered on its promise of highspeed seamless mobile broadband in one of the world’s most difficult areas for most satellite systems,” says Dr Luis Soltero, Chief Technology Officer of project partner Global Marine Networks. Gerbrand Schalkwijk, Chief Sales Officer, Inmarsat Maritime, says the maritime package has been eagerly anticipated by an industry seeking to take advantage of high-speed Ka-band with ultra-reliable FleetBroadband L-band service acting as unlimited backup. “We expect up to 1,000 ships will be using Fleet Xpress before the end of 2016,” he says. For the first time, he explains, ship/shore connectivity is so reliable that service agreements can include network availability guarantees, with minimum and maximum of data throughput “so that customers know in advance what they are paying for”. Fleet Xpress also brings ‘Inmarsat Gateway’ access, which “effectively connects ships to landside offices via VPN”, opening up a new world of content-rich applications for shipping.

Enabling change

For its part, Inmarsat Maritime is cultivating the ‘service ecosystem’ for smarter shipping. It has approved new generation antenna systems from Cobham, JRC, and Intellian to meet requirements, but also devised the Certified Application Partner (CAP) programme to encourage the development of software and hardware that is compatible with Fleet Xpress. The CAP programme offers a framework for maritime big data to drive smarter shipping. It looks beyond more

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SMM 2016

timely updates of more data, better voyage planning, remote monitoring/ diagnostics, and better repair scheduling, to more imaginative applications: telemedicine; video conferencing; and video surveillance, to name but three. An Inmarsat Developer Conference, held in London earlier this year to hear presentations from existing and potential CAP partners was heavily oversubscribed. At the industry’s leading edge of technology, Inmarsat is also a partner in the Advanced Autonomous Waterborne Applications Initiative (AAWA), led by Rolls-Royce. Funded by the Finnish research institute Tekes, the €6.6 million project runs until 2017. “Fleet Xpress delivers the vital shipto-shore communications required to support the remote control functionality fundamental to the realisation of the autonomous ship,” says Inmarsat Maritime President Spithout.

Life at sea transformed In the more immediate term, ship crews working today will be among those feeling the most significant transformation due to Fleet Xpress. The seafaring life still consists of extended periods of working under pressure, punctuated by opportunities for intense boredom. It also

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To See and Be Seen! SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


continues to involve long periods of separation from family, friends and the world at large, adding up to a burden of isolation. This is despite the fact that, according that the Maritime Labour Convention: ‘Every seafarer should have reasonable access to ship-to-shore telephone communications, email and Internet facilities, where available, with any charges for the use of these services being reasonable in amount.’ Drew Brandy, Senior-Vice President, Inmarsat Maritime points out that 73% of seafarers take into account ship-shore connectivity when deciding which ship to join, according to the 2015 Crew Connectivity Survey from Futurenautics. The same survey reports seafarers on average bringing three communication devices onboard ship, with 77% now carrying a Smartphone. Meeting seafarer expectations of access to VOIP and Video Chat services will be a key plus point for Fleet Xpress bandwidth because owners will be able to do so without compromising their operating costs. The migration of existing customers from XpressLink Ku-band services to the Ka-band based Fleet Xpress will

“double the bandwidth available at no additional cost,” according to Brandy.

Critical momentum

If emerging crew attitudes are a spur and global end-user agreements suggest shipping is easing into the Ka-band era, the recent appointment of Satlink Satellite Communications as a further Inmarsat partner may also be telling. Satlink, whose Satbox and Tracklite service will become integrated as ‘value added’ features of Fleet Xpress, is the largest single XpressLink provider for Inmarsat globally. Its customer base includes MSC Shipmanagement Limited and Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd. Maritime President Spithout believes the opportunity for an industry transition is now ripe. “We are already committed to future service enhancements by contracting Airbus to build the first two satellites for our sixth-generation I-6 fleet. But the partnerships we have put in place for Fleet Xpress and our engagements on hardware, software, service and distribution mean that the tipping point for maritime communications as a whole is 2016, not at some time in the future.”

SMM 2016

Takes sealing technology to a new level The new Wärtsilä REvolution system is a digital management system that controls, monitors, records and analyses the performance of seals autonomously in real time, increasing the predictability and reliability of sealing solutions in rotating equipment. film, minimising wear and removing the sealing components from the maintenance schedule critical path.

The Wärtsilä REvolution system collects performance data, for example temperature, wear of the seal interface and pressure.

Wärtsilä's new digital management system revolutionises sealing technology in the hydropower industry. The system incorporates machine learning, predictive modelling and model predictive control (MPC) MB Hydraulikk - halvside.qxp 11:37 Side 1 with techniques31.03.16 to provide customers intelligent, real-time active management of the sealing interface fluid

The launch of this new system follows a previous product development in hydropower shaft seal applications and utilises Wärtsilä REguard shaft seal technology. In 1988, Wärtsilä launched the first face type shaft seal for hydropower turbines, which included a pressurised interface management system. Since then, there have been over 100 installations of this system around the world. The Wärtsilä REvolution system has now elevated this technology to the next level with the introduction of a digital control system.

Real-time data enables asset optimisation

The Wärtsilä REvolution system's primary application is hydropower turbine shafts, but the system can also benefit industrial applications, including pumps and other large rotating equipment. It also serves as a basis for future development, offering continuous data on product performance in the customer's specific operating environment. The Wärtsilä REvolution system collects performance data, for example temperature, wear of the seal interface and pressure, and enables real-time lifecycle prediction and intervention to reduce friction and wear of the seal. It also protects the seal from contaminants. The Wärtsilä REvolution system analyses the collected data to actively optimise the seal performance in real-time.

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SMM 2016 The ST-368 design for Angola.

Orders state-of-the-art Fishery Research Vessel

g kvartside .qxp_Layout 1 19.04.16 08:58 Side 1

The Damen Shipyards Group has received an order for a state-of-the-art, 74 m Fishery Research Vessel from the Angolan Ministry of Fisheries. This special vessel, which has Silent-A/F/R Class notation, features a basic design from Norwegian company Skipsteknisk. The Angolan Ministry of Fisheries has been a customer for many years and previously Damen delivered two 62 m Fishery Inspection Surveillance Vessels 6210 and a smaller Fishery Research Vessel (FRV 2808). This new vessel represents the cutting edge of its type and Damen is confident that it will help develop and preserve the important Angolan fishing economy. Hein van Ameijden, Managing Director of Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding, commented that the yard’s vast naval building expertise can be applied to this innovative research ship. Any successful research vessel has to operate extremely quietly and Damen has the expert knowledge needed to achieve the Silent notation for the FRV, he says.

Silent-A/F/R Class notation

FOSSEN SHIPPING AS LEVERANDØR AV ANKER & KJETTING I OVER 60 ÅR Gjettumveien 121a • NO-1346 Gjettum Tel.: 67 57 45 00 • Mob.: 91 15 81 88 E-post: •



Special attention will be paid to the design, construction and outfitting of the vessel to minimize underwater noise, as well as onboard internal acoustic noise and vibrations. Machinery components, including pumps and ventilation plants, will be resiliently mounted where necessary to reduce noise and vibrations. The stiffness of foundations and supports for all the noise critical components and pipe systems will also be thoroughly checked to ensure that they comply with the Silent notation. The FRV 7417 is suitable for various functions such as hydrographic operations, acoustics research, pelagic and demersal trawling, plankton, water, environmental and geographical sampling, oil recovery and emergency towage operations. The new FRV has a service speed of 13 knots.














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SMM 2016

Exhibits large seawater pump and turnkey control system Colfax Fluid Handling will exhibit two advanced developments for Marine applications at SMM in Hamburg (Hall A2, Booth 219).

These are the MI-D centrifugal pump with a capacity of up to 3.900 m3/h and delivery head of up to 50 m and the turnkey version of the CM-1000 electronic pump controller for use in control cabinets. The MI-D pumps seawater and fresh water for cooling and ballast systems. The CM-1000 for cooling water pumps can be pre-installed in new ships or installed

while underway and brought into service without downtime. The six new sizes of the "Allmarine MI-D" series cover the needs of ships ranging from about 60’ dw t to more than 200’ dw t. Ship owners receive numerous benefits from the patented characteristics of the double-suction, symmetrical design with just one shaft seal, no internal bearings, and corrosion resistant materials. "The MI-D is probably the lightest and smallest water pump for large flow rates yet it also has an outstanding service life and extraordinary efficiency in Marine applications," according to Christian Martin, Director of Product Management. Efficiency is greater than 80 percent and the pumps are maintenance free between service intervals. Their NPSH values of below 4 m make these pumps ideal for ballast systems. Four-pole motors reduce space needs and procurement

costs compared to six-pole motors. CM-1000 controls the flow of cooling seawater pumps according to the temperature of the fresh water and current cooling requirements, thereby saving considerable amounts of electricity. Condition monitoring keeps track of leaks, vibrations, and bearing temperature, so downtime is reduced. The new turnkey version provides the full electronics as a "cabinet solution", including frequency converters. These modules need only to be wired into the ship. When the ship is at a standstill or slow steaming in a cold environment, CM-1000 now shuts down the pumps completely ("All-off") and switches them back on automatically as required, which also greatly reduces energy consumption. Finally, "Cooler Clogging Supervision" monitors cooler status and supports the crew during planning and servicing of the cooling system.

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26.05.2016 13:44:54

Presents Innovations at SMM

SMM 2016

Becker Marine Systems is known for its innovative, efficient and sustainable products in the maritime industry. At SMM 2016, the Hamburg-based company will be introducing another new product segment.

The Becker Performance Package.

Becker Marine Systems will be represented at two stands at this year’s SMM. The world market leader for highperformance rudders and energy-saving solutions would like to inform attendees of the world’s largest shipbuilding trade fair about both its traditional products and its experiences with “cold ironing” using liquefied natural gas (LNG). “That’s why we’ll be presenting our three product lines of Manoeuvring Systems, Energy-Saving Devices and LNG Hybrid Concepts at the usual loca-

· · · · · ·

Switch boards Bridge consoles Engine consoles Electrical drives Chassis Electrical equipment

· · · · · ·

tion – our main stand in Hall A1 (stand A1.225)“, said Dirk Lehmann and Henning Kuhlmann, the two Managing Directors of Becker Marine Systems. In addition, Becker subsidiary Hybrid Port Energy (HPE) will be premiering an exhibition stand of its own. HPE will be presenting its alternative solutions for shore-side power supply in Hall A5 (stand A5.200A), specifically dedicated to „Green Propulsion“, environmentallyfriendly propulsion technologies showcasing SMM’s issue of the future. The company is banking on the use of low-emission LNG fuel as a beacon of hope for the maritime industry. Apart from the LNG Hybrid Barge used to supply energy to cruise ships while berthed at port, the company’s successful products also include the LNG PowerPac®, a speciallydesigned modular container system used to supply power to container ships and other types of vessels. “The focus of the fair will once again be on innovative ideas resulting in energy savings and an accompanying reduction in operating costs”, said Lehman and Kuhlmann. This is where Becker Marine Systems is perfectly positioned with its core products, versatile high-performance rudders as well as the Becker Mewis Duct® and Becker Mewis Duct® Twisted energy-saving devices.

Installation Commissioning Maintenance & modification Project management System integration Engineering

Visit us at SMM: Stand B7.431 Elpro Group | Selva, 7318 Agdenes | Norway | | T: (+47) 40 00 67 40 27

SMM 2016

Showcases MTU Green and High-Tec Advanced-design diesel marine propulsion systems (IMO III/ EPA Tier 4) * New gas engine for work boats and ferries (IMO III/ EPA Tier 4) * New compact and adjustable SCR system from MTU Rolls-Royce will be presenting new MTU brand propulsion systems designed to meet IMO III and EPA Tier 4 emission regulations for commercial, off-shore and military vessels and yachts, at the SMM Trade Fair. “With the introduction of our new and advanced diesel and gas engines, in addition to our proven and robust propulsion systems, we are now offering our customers in the maritime industry the latest green and hightech developments for the coming decades,” said Dr. Ulrich Dohle, CEO of Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG. Rolls-Royce will also be presenting its current portfolio of medium-speed marine engines, bridge systems and propellers on Stand 305, in Hall 3A. Advanced-design MTU propulsion systems for work boats, off-shore and governmental vessels, ferries and yachts (IMO III/ EPA Tier 4) With a number of technical advances incorporated in the turbocharger system, the combustion process and in the fuel injection system, MTU will be marketing Series 4000 engines as of 2018 that have now been further optimised and will deliver increased performance (1.380 – 3.200 Kilowatt) for work boats, off-shore vessels, ferries and government vessels. A 20-cylinder version is to be launched for the first time for these applications. With the new SCR exhaust gas aftertreatment system, which has also been developed by MTU, the advanced engines will meet IMO III and EPA Tier 4 emission requirements. This will reduce NOx emissions by around 75 per cent and particulate emissions by around 65 per cent. An additional diesel particulate filter will not be required. The Series 4000 engines for yachts will be slightly modified and marketed with MTU’s SCR system, which will meet IMO III regulations as of 2017.

Compact and adjustable: the new SCR system from MTU With the integrated system for IMO Tier III and EPA Tier 4 consisting of MTU‘s propulsion system and SCR exhaust gas aftertreatment system, the customer will benefit from an SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


The new MTU gas marine engine has already successfully completed 3,000 hours on the test bench.

optimally matched system. It requires a minimum of installation space and features an excellent power to weight ratio. The exhaust gas aftertreatment system is extremely compact due to the integration of the reactant preparation section in the SCR box. MTU’s SCR system is not preset as is usually the case, but is adjustable. It measures the emissions upstream and downstream of the SCR system and precisely regulates the amount of reactant introduced into the system.

New MTU gas engine for work boats and ferries (IMO III)

The new MTU gas engine for marine applications has already successfully completed 3,000 hours on the test bench. An exhibit will be on display for demonstration purposes. Dr. Ulrich Dohle, CEO of Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG, said: “We can now confirm that the engine meets both our requirements and those of our customers: its performance and its acceleration behaviour are similar to the excellent characteristics of a diesel engine. It is economical, reliable and clean.” As of 2018, MTU will deliver the first certified series production gas engines for commercial vessels. The new MTU gas engine will meet IMO III emission standards with no additional exhaust gas treatment. As a result of its dy-

namic acceleration behaviour, its low environmental impact, reliability and economy, it is ideally suited to tugboats, ferries, push boats and special purpose vessels such as research vessels.

Combined propulsion and automation systems

As a systems provider, MTU is also able to develop and supply propulsion solutions which include ship automation systems. The exhibition stand will include a model of a vessel with a propulsion system developed by MTU and incorporating a combination of diesel engines and gas turbines for maximum operational efficiency and flexibility (Combined Diesel and Gas Turbine – CODAG). On the stand, the system is exhibited in conjunction with Callosum, the latest, user-friendly automation system developed by MTU. Callosum allows monitoring and optimized control of the vessel’s propulsion system as well as all on-board ship systems. It has proved its effectiveness in demanding operational assignments with numerous navies and coast guard authorities. Also on show will be a genset model based on the Series 4000. The product is offered by MTU as a diesel-electric propulsion unit or on-board power generator specifically

SMM 2016 for commercial applications such as supply vessels for offshore oil and gas platforms. Gensets in this product family comprise a working vessel engine of the proven Series 4000 "Ironmen" design with either 8, 12 or 16 cylinders, a generator and the electronic control system all mounted on a common base frame and offering electrical outputs ranging from 720 to 2,140 kWe.

Reman engines and remote services

As a system partner of the marine industry, Rolls-Royce also provides MTU product customers with a comprehensive range of services for the entire service life of the propulsion systems. MTU‘s ValueCare portfolio, in addition to customer specific maintenance contracts, also includes fast response replacement parts supply, plus consumables such as coolants, engine oil and filters, in addition to reman engines and parts. MTU additionally provides remote services to support the effective operation of the vessels and optimised maintenance services by making operational data and its evaluation available on a web-based portal.

MTU Series 4000 with SCR: Customers benefit from a perfectly integrated concept for IMO Tier III comprising an MTU drive and SCR system which is compact and which offers an excellent power-to-weight ratio. Two different SCR systems are being offered so that, depending on the installation space, the customer can choose between one cubic box or two flat boxes (picture).


Launched at the SMM 20 years ago. In September 1996, MTU launched its Series 4000 engines as the world‘s first series of high-speed diesel engines in its power range with electronically controlled common rail fuel injection – a technological milestone. A year later, the launch of the series was completed for the marine, rail and mining applications that were available at that time. In 2008, an extremely robust and economic version of the

Series 4000 engine was marketed as the “Ironmen“ engine specifically for work boats. With longer maintenance intervals and low consumption, it has been a major factor behind MTU’s increased presence in this market. With the experience gained from 36,000 engines in service covering all applications and from around 180 million operating hours, MTU is now working on the third generation of its common rail fuel injection technology.

Maritime studietilbud ved Maritim Campus Nord HANDELSHØGSKOLEN, NORD UNIVERSITET: Årsstudium maritim økonomi og ledelse Bachelor i nautikk, maritim økonomi og ledelse BODIN MARITIME FAGSKOLE (BMF): Teknisk fagskole maritime fag med fordypningsområdene Dekksoffiser og Maskinoffiser BMF KURS OG SIKKERHETSSENTER: En rekke maritime kurs og sikkerhetskurs

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SMM 2016

To celebrate 100 years of marine innovation Alfa Laval hopes to make SMM 2016 a historic occasion for visitors to its stand. As it marks the 100th anniversary of its first marine separator, the company will present marine customers with more new solutions than ever before

More new solutions than ever before

Alfa Laval’s stand will showcase the latest innovations for new fuels, energy efficiency, environmental compliance and reducing operational cost, including new offerings in oil cleaning and service. Among the highlights will be the groundbreaking new Alfa Laval hydraulic control oil (HCO) filter, as well as the skid-mounted Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1/300 Compact, the smallest ballast water treatment system on the market for flows up to 300 m3/h. In fact, Alfa Laval will have more new solutions on display than ever before. Alfa Laval experts will be on hand to present them, and to discuss how Alfa Laval can help customers solve their challenges and extend the performance of their existing solutions.

Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 1 300 Compact.

Over the course of a century, Alfa Laval has provided solutions for a whole spectrum of marine challenges – aimed at improving customers’ operations, but also their bottom line and peace of mind. At this year’s SMM exhibition, the company’s breadth will be more visible than ever. Visitors to Hall A1, Stand A1.226 will find Alfa Laval with a wide range of new marine innovations, as well as a look back at the company’s first. SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


Looking forward – while looking back

Besides exhibiting new solutions in the stand, Alfa Laval will look back at the one that preceded them all. It was exactly 100 years ago that the US Navy asked Alfa Laval to develop a centrifugal oil-cleaning separator, which was delivered in 1917. To commemorate the anniversary, visitors will be invited for a 20-minute stand tour each day at 16:30. Afterwards, happy hour will begin with a signature drink and the sounds of a period jazz band.

SMM 2016

One small crane for one large cruise liner

World’s largest passenger ship Harmony of the Seas equipped with Palfinger Marine foldable knuckle boom crane. The vessels was built at STX in St. Nazaire, France and has a PK 150002 M marine crane placed in the centre of the top deck, one of 18 decks in total. The 362,10 metres long Harmony of the Seas can accommodate 6.780 guests in total. The PK 150002 M has an outreach of 27 metres and is fully DNV GL certified. The crane is mounted centrally on the top deck and will mainly be used for cargo handling from top to lower decks. One of the first duties the crane fulfilled already perfectly, lifting and exchanging palm trees in the shopping area.

M/V Harmony of the Seas equipped with a Palfinger Marine crane. Photo: Bernard Biger/STX France

The world’s largest cruise ship, Harmony of the Seas, is equipped with a Palfinger Marine foldable knuckle

boom crane. A follow-up order for an identical crane and cruise ship is already received.

Palfinger Marine already received a follow-up order for an identical crane for another cruise ship, which will be the same type and design as Harmony of the Seas. This marine crane will be delivered to STX end of 2016.



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SMM 2016

Coalition to promote LNG as a marine fuel

Leading marine industry players have formed a coalition, known as SEA/ LNG, to accelerate the widespread adoption of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a marine fuel. The coalition aims to help break down the barriers hindering the global development of LNG in marine applications, thereby improving the environmental performance of the shipping industry. The partners in the SEA/LNG coalition include Wärtsilä, Carnival Corporation, DNV-GL, ENGIE, ENN Group, GE Marine, GTT, Lloyds Register, Mitsubishi, NYK Line, Port of Rotterdam, Qatargas, Shell Downstream and Tote. Each member organization commits mutually agreed human resources, data analysis, and knowledge sharing in support of the SEA/ LNG initiatives and activities. "This is a strong coalition combining the expertise of major fleet owners, classification societies, port facilities, and energy experts. Wärtsilä contributes its vast experience and knowhow in gas driven propulsion systems and the entire gas value chain. By working together, we plan to overcome the challenges and speed the general acceptance of LNG. Having been a pioneer in the use of LNG as a marine fuel, and a developer of major technologies facilitating the adoption of LNG fuel, it is natural that Wärtsilä supports wholeheartedly the



Ill.: Wärtsilä Corp.

aims of the SEA/LNG coalition," says Timo Koponen, Vice President, Flow & Gas Solutions, Wärtsilä Marine Solutions. LNG offers significant environmental advantages for shipping compared to heavy fuel oil (HFO), which remains the predominant fuel used today. By

comparison with HFO, NOx emissions are cut by approximately 85%, SOx emissions are almost completely eliminated since natural gas contains no sulphur, and particle production is practically non-existent, thanks to the efficient combustion of natural gas, a fuel with almost no residuals.



We look forward to meeting you at our stand on the upcoming maritime trade fairs: ONS in Stavanger, August 29 - September 1 2016, stand no. 5340 SMM 2016 in Hamburg, September 6 - 9 2016, stand no. B1.EG.103

SMM 2016

Østensjø DF-tug i rute Det spanske verftet Gondan og Østensjø Rederi har lang fartstid sammen. Nylig ble første europeiske dual-fuel slepe-/eskortebåt sjøsatt i Figueras.

Her sjøsettes M/S «Hammerfest», og som det fremgår av bildet så er det en kraftig plugg det er snakk om.

Som kjent har Østensjø kontrahert 3 stk. ved det spanske verftet og dette er sjøsettelse av det første

fartøyet, M/S «Hammerfest», som skal leveres i 2017. Designet er utført av kanadiske Rober Allan og har


en største lengde på 40,20 meter med bredde 16 meter. Fremdriften besørges at et dual-fuel anlegg, og det opplyses at dette skal være den første slike installasjon på et europeisk slepe-/eskortefartøy. M/S «Hammerfest» skal operere på en kontrakt med Statoil ut fra Melkøya. Det er langt stor vekt på manøvreringsevne i kalde farvann og på vinterisering av fartøyet. Det skal kunne operere i temperaturer ned mot minus 20 grader. Det miljøvennlige aspektet ivaretas på mange måter, men mest karakteristisk er altså DF anlegget. Fartøyet skal for det meste kjøres på LNG, men med et dieselmaskineri i tillegg for sikre høy operasjonell driftssikkerhet. Utover høsten og vinteren blir «Hammerfest» liggende fortøyd ved Gondan sin utrustingskai hvor innvendige og utvednige arbeider blir utført. Tid for sjøprøver er beregnet til vår vintertid, med levering et stykke inn i det nye året.

Bergen / Hanøytangen

Vi utfører ved vårt anlegg og hos dere: Service, reparasjon og oppstart kontroll MOTOR / GIR / AGGREGAT / ELEKTRISKE ANLEGG

Ved vårt anlegg tilbyr vi også: • Turboservice • Dieselmotor overhaling • Prøvekjøring • Lakkering • Maskinering

• El motor / Generator / Dynamo / Starter overhaling • 180m lang dypvannskai m/kaifasiliteter • Landstrøm • Stort delelager • Stål / aluminiumsveis

Reservedeler til: FPT / IVECO, SABB, Lombardini, Lister Petter, Kubota, Deutz, Sisu

Vi tilbyr også: • Serviceavtaler og vedlikeholdsavtaler • Spesialproduksjon av komponenter etter kundeordre • Reisereprasjoner i inn- og utland innenfor motor-, elektro og mekaniske installasjoner


Lokaliteter i Bergen, Oslo, Ålesund Kontaktinfo: | Tlf 55 34 91 00 SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016 Frydenbø 34Industri AS | Hanøytangen 116, 5310 HAUGLANDSHELLA og Øksfjord.


Modern vessels are an important part of the wind energy sector.

Photo: HMC/S. Wallocha

WindEnergy Hamburg to Highlight Future Energy Solutions Today´s energy transition can only come along with an innovation of our power supply infrastructure. Future energy supply systems must be capable to balance demand for power and supply continuously and to guarantee network stability, efficiency and reliability. The rapid development of these technologies will be showcased at WindEnergy Hamburg. The world’s leading expo for wind energy, which will be held from 27 to 30 September 2016 and feature more than 1,200 exhibitors, is a key meeting place for decision makers from the energy sector. A top issue on this year’s agenda will be technologies for storing excess wind energy. Exhibitors relevant for this segment will be marked “Storage Tour” throughout the exhibition halls.

Smart energy systems

Today’s electricity demand and supply infrastructure is in most countries based upon centralized systems and largely fossil-based and nuclear power generation. The electricity is brought to private and utility users via a traditional one-way power transport and distribution network. However, this long-term status quo is changing rapidly due to a worldwide ongoing transition towards renewables

including wind power. Independent of their exact physical design, such future energy supply systems must still be capable to balance demand for power and supply continuously and with comparable network stability,efficiency and reliability. A wide range of international WindEnergy Hamburg exhibitors will inform trade visitors about specific smart energy solutions, two-way smart grid design and various options for energy storage. Specific topic areas are ‘power-to-gas’, battery systems, Virtual Power Plant (VPP) concepts, grid stability enhancement, smart (electric) mobility, and offgrid systems. Several smart energy solutions are already commercially avialable, and others are added continuously. Hamburg exhibitor Siemens participates with six Dutch partners in a joint project aimed at realizing a fully integrated 12MW Power-to-Gas plant in Delfzijl (NL) within the next two years. Wind power and solar energy

surplusses converted into hydrogen and syngas serve as sustainable process inputs for the chemical industry. Siemens will further showcase its smart mobility and other smart energy enabling solutions. Utilities Vattenfall and e.on have both engaged in developing VPPs together with individual owners and operators of distributed power generation and energy storage devices like wind, solar, biogas, batteries, combined heat and power, and cold-storage. Both exhibitors will inform visitors on various generating and storage units that could be integrated in their in-house VPP solutions. They can further provide details on advanced VPP features including centralized plant control with 24/7 loads balancing of system supply and demand, and energy market trading services. WindEnergy Hamburg is the ideal platform for wind and other experts to showcase existing and new storage and other solutions potentially capable of becoming essential build-


Facts: VindEnergi

WindEnergy Hamburg will be held at the Hamburg Fair site from 27 to 30 September 2016. This leading international expo for onshore and offshore wind reflects the global market and the whole of the value chain. It is the meeting point for decision makers from all parts of the world. HUSUM Wind will be held at the German North Sea coast from 12 to 15 September 2017 in the state of SchleswigHolstein, which is a front runner in the wind industry. The 2014 event was a success. Late September Hamburg once again is hosting the WindEnergy Exhibition and Conferences. Photo: HMC/M. Zapf

ing blocks and key enablers for a smart energy future. This applies all the more as the conference WindEurope Summit will be held in parallel with WindEnergy Hamburg for the first time, at CCH - Congress Center Hamburg, which is located right next to the Hamburg Fair site. Smart Energy is part of the conference program in sessions as “Making wind fit for the power systems of the future” or “Making T&D networks fit for wind integration”. Large offshore wind parks are in progress. Photo: HMC/M. Zapf

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18 national pavilions at WindEnergy Hamburg

- trade visitors and delegations expected from all parts of the world WindEnergy Hamburg, the world’s leading wind industry fair, will be held from 27 to 30 September. Once again it will be the global business platform for companies in the wind industry, with more than 1,200 exhibitors from over 30 nations presenting their latest products and services for onshore and offshore in a total of 9 exhibition halls.

Wärtsilä Aker

More than 30% of exhibitors are from abroad, according to the provisional figures. Visitors and delegations with representatives of the greatest importance for economic policy are expected from all parts of the world at this trade fair, which is wholly dedicated to the global wind industry. This year, for the first time, the conference WindEurope Summit will be held in parallel to WindEnergy Hamburg.

National pavilions

WindEnergy Hamburg 2016 will again feature national pavilions presenting the wind companies of the respective countries – a total of 18 pavilions are currently registered. The largest country presentation, filling a whole exhibition hall, is from Denmark, with 90 exhibitors. The partner there is DWEA, the Danish Wind Export Association. Other pavilions are from European countries such as Belgium, the Netherlands, the United KingSKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


dom, and Turkey. And the Basque Country makes its presentation in its own pavilion with companies from the offshore sector. The wind energy markets in North and South America will be present with joint pavilions from Argentina, the United States and Canada. Asia is there too, with a national pavilion from China. Many more companies from these and other countries have stands in the nine exhibition halls of WindEnergy Hamburg, presenting their product innovations and services to international visitors and negotiating business agreements. They include exhibitors from Brazil, Bahrain, India, Japan, South Korea and the United Arab Emirates. As well exhibitors from China are present at WindEnergy Hamburg in September, and turbine manufacturer Envision will in fact have the biggest individual stand.

Visitor delegations expected from all parts of the world WindEnergy Hamburg expects trade visitors from all parts of the world. Some two months before the start of the exhibition on 27 September, a large number of visitor delegations have already registered, for example from Turkey, Estonia, Taiwan, Japan and Malaysia. The world’s leading wind industry fair in Hamburg gives decision makers from the energy industry in established and emerging markets great opportunities to network and gain leads for further business development and deals. The four days of the event will be characterised by discussions with key international players, and with small and medium-sized specialist companies from the whole of the value chain, who will be present with their experts.

Hamburg havn

Alongside mega-ship and feeder traffic, the HVCC is also coordinating the inland vessels that call at the Port of Hamburg.

Efficient Coordination Now for Inland Vessels as well The HVCC Hamburg Vessel Coordination Center is expanding its range of services. Alongside mega-ship and feeder traffic, it has also been coordinating the inland vessels that call at the Port of Hamburg since June 2016. Its first customer is shipping company Börde Container Feeder Sikker leverandør av UPS og Anda-Olsen AS hybride strømløsninger (BCF). On behalf of BCF, the HVCC coordinates all of the company’s vessels that call at the Port of Hamburg. To enable it to do this, BCF sends the preliminary circuit planning for all of the container terminals to the HVCC. The HVCC staff agree with the terminals on the actual times and departures and send this information back to BCF. When there are changes to planned departures, the HVCC handles the necessary communication with all those involved, who benefit from having just one central contact for all operational issues. They also receive better prepared and more transparent information than before. BCF and HVCC have been testing their cooperation in a trial phase since November 2015, and regular operations have been under way since 1 June 2016. Ships belonging to BCF make around 70 calls per month at the terminals in Hamburg. The HVCC comprises the Feeder Logistics Center (FLC) and Nautical Terminal Coordination (NTC) departments. The FLC has been coordinating feeder ship calls since 2004 and is the central point of contact for shipping companies and terminal operators in this respect. The NTC commenced its service in 2014 and ensures the efficient coordination of mega-ship calls – no matter whether they are container ships, cruise ships or bulk carriers. Inland shipping means that a third area of activity has now been added. The HVCC is a joint venture between the two terminal operators Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) and EUROGATE Container Terminal Hamburg GmbH.

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02.01.2014 10:45:06

Hamburg havn LNG Hybrid Barge HUMMEL in the port of Hamburg.

Photo: Asle Strønen

Smooth operation of the LNG Hybrid Barge in Hamburg The low-emission power supplied to AIDAsol by the HUMMEL LNG Hybrid Barge at the Port of Hamburg continues to work perfectly. Hybrid Port Energy, the operating company and a subsidiary of Becker Marine Systems, is delighted that the cruise ship now receives eight hours of uninterrupted supply during layovers. “Contrary to reports published elsewhere, HUMMEL is working smoothly and at full capacity”, says Henning Kuhlmann, Managing Director of Becker Marine Systems. The LNG Hybrid Barge provided over eight hours of green electricity to AIDAsol on each of its previous two layovers at the HafenCity Terminal, on 22nd May and 23rd June 2016, respectively. “We are extremely satisfied at our record of more than 40 MWh of power over the longest possible period from the morning to the evening, which is equivalent to an entire supply cycle for AIDAsol in Hamburg”, Kuhlmann continues. By October, AIDAsol will have called in at the HafenCity Terminal fifteen times in total, receiving environmentally-friendly power from the LNG Hybrid Barge during its layover. Last year already, its first cruise season, the floating power plant used its liquefied natural gas (LNG) systems to supply power during eleven layovers. “The inflexible restrictions remain a source of annoyance. The fact that we are still speaking of a test phase despite all the progress we have made in just one year of operation has less to do with our technical capabilities and is more a result of SKIPSREVYEN 4 / 2016


the restrictions imposed on us”, says Kuhlmann. This July, for instance, the alternative system of a landside power plant will be subjected to a general certification procedure according to the International Electronic Consortium standard, conducted by the classification society Bureau Veritas. Although all components on the barge are already certified, including the transfer station, the ship-to-land cabling and the cable mobile, all of the components will now require


another inspection together with AIDAsol before faultless power supply by the LNG Hybrid Barge can be certified. “At the moment there are two different landside power supply systems available in Hamburg”, adds Kuhlmann, “so it would be fantastic to see larger numbers of cruise ships converting to this modern technology and making a valuable contribution to improving the air quality at the Port of Hamburg.”


Kapasitet for 300 passasjerer, men ingen biler. Det blir et spennende forsøk, kanskje.

«Englandsbåt» fra Bergen neste vår Fra mai neste år skal M/S «Ocean Endeavour» frakte passasjerer fra Bergen til Newcastle. Ikke siden Englandsbåten sluttet å gå i 2008, har det vært mulig å reise med båt fra Bergen til England. Det er Jarlsberg Reiser som lanserer to seilinger som en prøveordning. - I 2017 blir det to avganger. Responsen på disse vil være med å bestemme om det blir ytterligere flere turer det påfølgende året, sier daglig leder i Jarlsberg Reiser, Freddy Nilssen til Skipsrevyen.

Skipet M/S «Ocean Endeavour» seiler vanligvis i Antarktis på vinteren og i Canada om sommeren. I de to månedene mellom sesongene, fra 1. april til 30. mai, er skipet chartret av Jarlsberg Reiser. Skipet tar maks 300 passasjerer, og Nilssen meddeler med glede at de to turene langt på vei er oppbestilt. - Flere folk har sagt at de har måttet fornye passene sine, fordi de har

ikke vært ute og reist siden de var i England sist med den gamle englandsbåten, sier han. Cruiseturene til England er ifølge Nilssen svært populære blant folk. Vi har opsjon på seiling i 2018 også. Dersom etterspørselen er der, fortsetter vi nok, avslutter han. Foto: Jarlsberg reiser


“Green” hull paints found to contain toxins banned for causing sex change Aktuelt

- Wikigreen research report published

Premium ship hull coatings from world’s two largest manufacturers, currently promoted as ‘green’ alternatives, have been found to contain tin compounds. Tin was banned as an anti-fouling agent by the UN’s International Maritime Organisation (IMO).

Organotin creates imposex in sea snails and other species: female sea snails (marine gastropod molluscs) develop male sex organs.

Independent testing of one coating, marketed as “biocide-free”, has revealed significant amounts of toxic tin compounds, despite all use of tin as an anti-fouling agent being strictly banned since 2008. The IMO ban on tin-based anti-fouling came after the discovery that it was causing ‘chemical castration’ of key marine species, including causing female snails to grow a penis.

Lab results find tin

Lab results seen by Wikigreen have confirmed suggestions that the leading silicone “foul-release” hull coating,

Intersleek 1100SR, contains significant amounts of organotin. A sample of Intersleek 1100sr, manufactured by International Paints (an AkzoNobel company), was analysed by spectometer at a respected European lab. Results found tin composed between 1 and 2 % of the sample by mass of the liquid paint. After evaporation of solvents, the tin content of the dried coating would be expected to roughly double, leaving more than a third of a litre of tin per 20-liter can of paint. Since an average size cruise vessel might need 8500 liters of hull paint, approximate-

DP1 jack-up vessel Thor repainted

ly 300 litres of tin could be contained in the coating – a volume of serious concern to marine biologists.

Unwelcome return

It has been generally assumed that tin contamination of the oceans by shipping had ended after the IMO ban came into effect. It now appears that AkzoNobel, and possibly other anti-fouling manufacturers, may be continuing to use it in amounts large enough to have toxic effects on marine life whilst arguably staying within the letter of the law.

The DP1 jack-up vessel Thor owned by the DEME Group has completed a short stay at Damen Shiprepair Dunkerque (DSDu). During her time at the yard her hull was repainted in the new DEME livery and her thrusters inspected.





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Startar selskap i Kina Aktuelt

Sebastian AS i Ulsteinvik startar selskap i Kina. Fellesføretaket vil i første omgang få fire-fem tilsette og skal drive både med sal og operativt arbeid.

Vi har tru på framtida. Kina er eit stort og folkerikt land - og ein enorm marknad. Det er mange som byggjer båtar der. Dei siste åra har det nesten vore umuleg å få til noko for oss i Kina på grunn av store reisekostnader. Men vi har sett at fleire store konkurrentar har etablert seg i landet, og då må vi følgje opp.

Optimist General Manager i Sebastian China, Yong Jiang, og dagleg leiar i Sebastian AS, Johannes Kristian Bjøringsøy, ser lyst på mulegheitene i Kina

– Dette er tida for å satse, insisterer dagleg leiar Johannes Kristian Bjøringsøy. I mars i 2015 opna Sebastian kontor i Brasil. Sebastian har arbeidd med Kina-planane i eitt år. No har Bjøringsøy signert kontrakt med kinesiske samarbeidspartnarar om å starte eit joint venture-selskap i Shanghai. Med basis i kontorfasilitetane her vil Sebastian China CO., LTD drive både salsaktivitet og operativt arbeid; konsulenttenester og testing om bord i båtar. Sebastian China har ansvar for Kina, Hongkong, Macau og Taiwan. Mannen som skal leie kontoret, Jiang Yong SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


(«Bill»), er på plass, og prosessen med å tilsette fire-fem konsulentar er i full gang.

Enorm marknad

I april var Bjøringsøy på ei 14-dagars marknadsføringsreise saman med Bill rundt om i Kina og besøkte ei rekke verft og reiarar. Han er optimistisk med tanke på den kinesiske marknaden. - Idéen om å satse i Kina no, kom litt rekande på ei fjøl. Det var kinesarane som tok kontakt med oss. Men det er ein medviten strategi i Sebastian at vi skal ut. Det gjeld å finne dei rette samarbeidspartnarane.

Men vanskane i offshore har råka Sebastian her heime, og Bjøringsøy trur ikkje nedturen er over. Han ser likevel fleire lyspunkt. – Vi er optimistar fordi vi har ting på gang som eg trur vi vil sjå konkrete resultat av seinare i år. Og så vil Sebastian China gi oss eit løft, smiler han. Med 20 års erfaring innan olje og maritim industri har Sebastian samla opp kunnskap over ein brei skala. Teamet i selskapet har omfattande erfaring frå arbeid på verft, mobile offshoreinstallasjonar og om bord i skip. I det heile kan selskapet skilte med ein kombinasjon av ingeniørkunnskap og kapteinserfaring som garanterer for ein påliteleg og effektiv gjennomføring av FMEAtenestene (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis), som er eit av Sebastians hovudområde.


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Packing the latest state-of-the-art technology into a minimum volume, the MAN 175D is characterized by its clear cut and user-friendly design: easy to commission, easy to operate and easy to service. With a 1,500 – 2,220 kW power range, this high-performance 12V marine engine is compact and modular with all auxiliaries attached. Whatever operation you’re planning, the MAN 175D makes sure you’re always optimally prepared. Find out more at


Aktuelt M/S «Martin Sæle» er Gondans første brønnbåt.

M/S «Martin Sæle» sjøsatt Fredag den 22. juli, ved høy sjø, ble brønnbåten «Martin Sæle» sjøsatt ved Gondan verftet i Figueras, Spania. Det er Austevoll-selskapet Salmon Star AS, Torangsvåg, som har kontrahert båten ved det spanske skipsverftet. Kontrakt ble inngått i mars 2015 med levering avtalt til sensommeren i år. Fartøyet har en lengde oa på 49,75 meter med største bredde 12,60 meter. Lastekapasiteten er oppgitt til 1000 m3. Skipet ligger nå fortøyd ved verftets utrustingskai for ferdiggjøring. Til Skipsrevyen forteller reder Svein Martin Sæle at levering blir i november i år. Etter overlevering går «Martin Sæle» rett i oppdrag på forskjellige oppdrettsanlegg på Shetland. Vi har foreløpig sparsomt med opplysninger om skipet, men det beskrives fra verftet sin side som teknologisk avansert og med innredning for syv personer selv om det skal opereres av et mannskap på fire besetningsmedlemmer. Astilleros Gondan-gruppen har verftsanlegg i Figueras, Barres og Vegadeo. Gruppen har levert mange skip til norske redere, hovedsakelig innen offshore-segmentet. Det mest kjente norske prosjektet man nå holder på med, er Havforskningsinstituttets forskningsskip «Dr. Fridtjof Nansen». SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


Skipsrevyen 91 x 277 annonse august 2016.pdf 1 12-08-2016 10:07:02


Cemre-verftet bygger ny britisk hybridferge Den nye fergen skal gå i trafikk mellom Isle of Wight og det engelske fastlandet. Wightlink vil frakte mer enn fire og en halv million passasjerer hvert år, og er det viktigste bindeleddet mellom sørkysten av England og Isle of Wight.

RELIABLE COMPETITIVE QUALITY Meet us at SMM Stand 219 Hall B2 Bio die sel

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Nybygget ved Fishbourne terminalen.

Dette nye skipet blir fergeselskapet Wightlink sitt nye flaggskip. Og Wärtsilä har vunnet en kontrakt på leveranse av fremdriftsløsningen. Alt av elektro- og automasjonssystemer skal leveres fra selskapets kontor på Stord. Leveransen omfatter også fire 6-sylindrede Wärtsilä 20 hovedmotorer og fire 6-sylindrede Wärtsilä 20 generatorsett, elektro- og automasjonssystemer, og et sanitærsystem. Det nye skipet skal benytte Wärtsilä sin hybridteknologi med batteri i kombinasjon med konvensjonelt drivstoff for å redusere utslipp og gi et mindre støynivå. Blant elektro- og automasjonssystemene som leveres er et integrert automasjonssystem (IAS), et kraft- og energistyringssystem (PMS/EMS), samt en 690 volts hovedtavle. Wärtsiläs kontrakt med Cemre verftet ble inngått i juni i år. Takket være nybyggets hybridsystem vil fergen være det mest miljøvennlige fartøyet som noensinne har betjent denne strekningen. Hybridsystemet bidrar til at energien utnyttes langt bedre sammenliknet med konvensjonelle systemer ved at motorene kjøres med optimal belastning og at det håndterer mange av lastesvingningene ved hjelp av batterier. På denne måten gir systemet en betydelig reduksjon i utslipp, i tillegg til økt redundans, bedre ytelse og redusert vedlikeholdsbehov. Leveransen av Wärtsiläs utstyr er planlagt å starte i løpet av våren 2017, og fartøyet vil være i drift i 2018. Fartøyet vil ha to bildekk og kunne frakte 178 biler og mer enn 1000 passasjerer. I tillegg til fremdriftsmaskineri, E&A-systemer og kloakkrenseanlegg, skal Wärtsilä også levere teknisk ledelse, prosjektledelse samt integrerte engineeringstjenester.












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Foto Bjørn Atle Krohn Johansen


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Goes boldly Aktuelt

Alu Design boldly goes where no maritime chair manufacturer has before, as MH OCH 300 operator chair lands starring role in Star Trek Beyond.

As seen on film.

Set faces to stunned. Kristiansand’s Alu Design is once again hitting the silver screens this summer, as its MH OCH 300 operator chair follows up its appearance in the 2014 hit Transformers: Age of Extinction with a new role in Star Trek Beyond. The film, released globally on 22 July, will feature the state-of-the-art moulded aluminium chair in a host of key scenes. Alu Design created the MH OCH 300 in 2012. It was produced to deliver the best possible working environment for drilling operators working on offshore rigs - combining comfort, durability, ease of installation and maintenance, with an intuitive access to controls. However, its appeal has since proven much wider than originally intended, as Alu Design CEO Einar Ulrichsen SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


explains: “We were first contacted by Paramount Pictures, which produces films for both the Transformers and Star Trek franchises, in 2013. They were looking for set furniture with breath-taking, futuristic designs to help bring their stories to life. During an online search the MH OCH 300 caught their eye.” He continues: “They were so pleased with how it looked on film – and the actors were so happy with how it felt – that it became the natural choice for this new, space age cinematic experience. We are of course somewhat blown away by all this. To have our product in two productions, with such a massive global appeal, is, quite literally, out of this world.” Alu Design supplied six MH OCH 300s to Paramount Pictures for a duration of 10 weeks. In their time in the States the chairs shared the sets with

actors such as Chris Pine, Simon Pegg and Idris Elba. Frank Robertsen, Alu Design’s Marketing Director, is similarly star struck, but also clear that the film appearances are “a side show rather than the main event.” “It’s fantastic to have this kind of exposure,” he adds, “but the original purpose of the chair is still our main concern.” “It was developed to provide an optimum working environment for demanding everyday tasks. With ergonomic standards and a user-friendly nature that is unmatched in the segment alongside integrated instrumentation, such as touch screen technology and joystick control – it is, quite simply, the best chair for this crucial job. “That,” he concludes, “is what we’re really proud of.”

Foto: Sondre Solvang

Leader in advanced marine operations

Vår viktigaste ressurs Sikker og lønsam drift er hovudmålet til Island Offshore. Berre på denne måten kan vi skape verdiar til kundar, tilsette, eigarar og samfunnet elles. Eit besøk om bord i flåten vår vil spegle nettopp dette; høgt kvalifiserte medarbeidarar som utfører arbeid av høg standard og profesjonalitet. Desse menneska er gull verdt, og vi ynskjer å behalde denne rikdomen. Difor set vi sikkerheit i høgsetet.

Avanserte forskningsskip Aktuelt

- strategisk viktige investeringer

Illustrasjonen viser Folkerepublikken Kina sitt nye polare forskningsskip. Hvor byggekontrakten blir plassert, er - når dette skrives (31. august) enda ikke er bestemt.

Kina starter snart byggingen av dette polare forskningsfartøyet. Disse avanserte skipene blir viktige maktfaktorer ikke bare innen territoriale krav, men også med tanke på krav om økonomiske ressurser som olje og gass. Ill.: Aker Arctic Technology

Mens Norge plasserte byggingen av sine to tilsvarende skip utenlands, er vi temmelig trygg på at kineserne velger ett av sine nasjonale byggeverft – og det har vi stor forståelse for. Her i Skipsrevyens spalter har vi regelmessig omtalt de to avanserte forskningsskipene som Norge har under bygging i Italia og Spania. En betydelig aktør bak begge kontraheringene, er Havforskningsinstituttet i Bergen. Der har rederisjef Per

Wilhelm Nieuwejaar fortalt til Skipsrevyen at «Dr. Fridtjof Nansen» (loa 74,50 m, bredde 17,40 m) leveres fra det spanske verftet Astilleros Gondan denne høsten, mens FF «Kronprins Haakon» (loa 100,00 m/bredde 21,00 m) leveres fra italienske Fincantieri senhøstes neste år. Også en rekke andre nasjoner satser stort på bygging av kraftig, isforsterket tonnasje for polare forskningsoppgaver. Men det er nok ikke bare

pur marin forskningsinteresse som ligger bak alle bestillingene. Like mye handler det om territoriale og økonomiske interesser. I årene fremover – hvor tilgang på rent drikkevann, arealer for produksjon av matressurser, havområder for offshore vindparker, fossile energikilder og kostbare mineraler - alt blir preget av knapphet, er disse skipene en del av «et offentlig virkemiddelapparat» for å fremme nasjonale krav. Allerede har det vært en rekke konfrontasjoner om havarealer verden over, og vi kommer til å se flere av dem. Eierskap til havrommet er for moderne og ekspansive politikere et viktig satsingsområde. Det handler om å sikre nasjonal tilgang til viktige ressurser. Så mye om politikk. For Skipsrevyens teknisk interesserte lesere er skipets kapasiteter også av betydning. Nybygget til kineserne får lengde oa på 122,50 meter, bredde 22,30 meter og største dypgående 8,00 meter. Med isbryterkapasitet vil det evne å holde 2-3 knops fart i 1,5 meter tykk is med 20 cm snø oppå. Fremdriften besørges av 2 x 7,5 MW ABB Azipod. Uten re-fuelling eller tilgang til andre forsyninger, kan det med et mannskap på 90 seile en distanse på 20.000 nm i løpet av en periode på 60 døgn. Dette er en skipstype vi vil høre mye mer om i årene som kommer. abs

Advanced MacGregor technology MacGregor, part of Cargotec, has won an order to supply MacGregor offshore cranes and a Triplex handling system for the 14,300gt polar research vessel being built for the Polar Research Institute of China. The vessel will feature two MacGregor offshore cranes: a 50-tonne SWL telescopic crane with a 15m outreach and a 24-tonne SWL knuckle jib crane with a 12m outreach. It will also be fitted with a MacGregor Triplex six-tonne SWL telescopic/knuckle jib crane with a 17m outreach and a handling system specifically designed for research SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


equipment. The handling system comprises: a 30-tonne SWL sternmounted A-frame; a five-tonne SWL multi-functional launch-and-recovery overhead crane for conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) oceanographic instrumentation; and a piston coring system that includes an eighttonne SWL corer pipe handler, a 23m corer pipe cradle and a 25-tonne

SWL side-mounted A-frame. With the exception of the cranes, all MacGregor equipment will be served by a common central hydraulic system driven by one hydraulic power unit. The new vessel will join its existing 1993-delivered icebreaker, Xue Long, which operates in research stations in the Arctic and Antarctic.

TTS ordre på 10.000 tonn skipsheis


TTS Group ASA har inngått kontrakt om leveranse av en 10.000 tonn skipsheis til Casablanca havn i Marokko. Samlet ordreverdi er ca. 135 millioner kroner.

Prinsippskisse av leveransen.

Kontrakten er med Civils Contractor Somagec, for deres Casablanca havneprosjekt i Marokko. TTS' leveranse inkluderer design og en nøkkelkomponent-pakke. Leveransen vil bli sluttført i første kvartal 2018.


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Brunvoll flyttet til praktbygg Thrusterprodusenten Brunvoll AS har samlet all virksomhet på Årø utenfor Molde sentrum. I april flyttet 120 medarbeidere ut fra sentrumslokalene bedriften har befunnet seg i siden 1918 – og inn i det som blir Brunvoll Kompetansesenter Nord.

Terje Dyrseth, direktør i Brunvoll Holding AS, er svært tilfreds med nybygget, og at man holdt budsjett.

I det nybygde kompetansesenteret på nordsiden av E39 og i produksjonsanlegget på sørsiden, vil Brunvoll ha rundt 300 medarbeidere. Bygningsmassen er knyttet sammen med en overbygget gangbro som lokalbefolkningen har stemt frem skal hete ”Brunvoll-brua”.

Avansert bygg

Brunvoll Kompetansesenter er et avansert bygg, med de siste tekniske løsninger innenfor belysning, energi og ventilasjon. – Råbygget ble satt opp på 70-tallet og huset den gang tidligere Høvding Konfeksjonsfabrikk. Alt dette ble revet, og kun grunnstrukturen og taket sto igjen da vi startet oppbyggingen designet og tilpasset våre behov, sier Terje Dyrseth, direktør i Brunvoll Holding AS. Det er et norsk standard lavenergibygg – det vil si et «grønt» bygg. SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


Fyringen er fra Istad Nett – et fjernvarmeanlegg like ved. Det er lavenergibelysning med LED-teknologi. Ventilasjonsanlegget er på mange måter nybrottsarbeid, hvor alle kontor og rom har sitt eget system med en liten datamaskin i taket som styrer lys og luft. Når folk forlater kontoret, slukkes lyset og ventilasjonen stanses. forklarer Terje Dyrseth videre.

Mer effektive

For Brunvoll betyr flyttingen og samlokaliseringen at man får en langt mer rasjonell drift. - Vi satser på å ha kort vei i en komplett verdikjede, med produksjon, salg markedsføring, utvikling, konstruksjon og service. Det vil gjøre oss mer effektive. Det har vært et stort savn lenge å ikke ha alt på ett sted. Alt som har med innovasjon å gjøre, er spørsmål om tverrfaglig kompetanse. Det vil vi i mye større grad ha anledning til her. Folk i

Foto: Jørgen Eide

utøvende produksjon kan i mye større grad oppsøke utviklere og ingeniører, og ingeniørene kan oppsøke produksjonen, sier Terje Dyrseth. Akkurat dét var problematisk tidligere når en satt fem kilometer fra hverandre. Terje Dyrseth er godt fornøyd med at ombyggingen og utvidelsen har gått som planlagt – og fulgt kostnadsbudsjettet på ca. 230 millioner, uten overskridelser av betydning.

9.300 kvm kontorareal

Brunvolls nye lokaler er på ca. 9.300 kvm. Bygget består av fem kontorfløyer, hvorav èn vil bli utleid. Den fløyen vil bedriften ha stående som buffer for fremtidig vekst. Samlet består Brunvoll sine produksjons- og administrasjonslokaler nå av hele 22.000 kvadratmeter.


Brunvoll Kompetansesenter Nord og Sør, sett fra vest.

Foto: Jørgen Eide

50 meter fra flyplassen

Brunvoll er nærmeste nabo til Molde Lufthavn – og er med det ikke mer enn 45 minutter unna Gardermoen via fem daglige avganger. Bedriften har salgs- og servicekontorer spredt hos agenter over hele verden. Et 50-talls salgs-, markeds- og servicemedarbeidere reiser verden rundt på oppdrag til enhver tid. Kort reaksjonstid og nærhet til markedene er ofte av vital betydning. Med beliggenhet vegg i vegg med flyplassen har man i alle fall de beste forutsetninger.

BKS Sør sett fra nord med gangbroen som nytt og tydelig landemerke.

Foto: Jørgen Eide

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Shipboard Cranes Also available with Knuckle/Telescopic jib Stabilized and motion compensated crane for wind mill

Address: Red Rock, Barstølveien 50

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4636 Kristiansand, Norway

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Båtomtaler I/B “Polaris” is Finlands most powerful icebreaker to date.

Icebreaker «Polaris» soon ready for delivery Arctech Helsinki Shipyard is building a new icebreaker for the Finnish Transport Agency. I/B “Polaris” features the highest technology and has been designed especially for the demanding icebreaking operations in the Baltic Sea. The icebreaker will be delivered to The Finnish Transport Agency shortly. I/B “Polaris” is the most environmentally friendly diesel-electric icebreaker ever built. She uses both low Sulphur diesel and LNG as fuel, which significantly reduces emissions. The special hull form and propulsion arrangement will minimize ice resistance and maximize the icebreaking capacity of the vessel. “Polaris” is based on the Aker ARC 130 concept developed for the Finnish Transport Agency by Aker Arctic Technology Inc. in co-operation with ILS Ltd. Upon completion FTA will sell “Polaris” to Arctia Icebreaking Oy, a subsidiary of state-owned Arctia Shipping, who manages all icebreaking operations in Finland. Ice model testing of the vessel was carried out at Aker Arctics ice laboratory. The vessel will be able to move continuously through about 1.6 m thick level ice, to break a 25 meter SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


wide channel in 1.2 meter thick ice at speed of 6 knots, as well as to reach 9-11 knots of average assistance speed in the Baltic Sea. In open water the service speed will be minimum 16 knots. The main purpose for the vessel is icebreaking. The icebreaker will independently be able to perform oil spill response operations and emergency towing under demanding conditions at open sea both in winter and summer, and will therefore operate all year round to ensure safe seaborne transports in the Baltic Sea. The oil recovery equipment is supplied by Lamor enabling “Polaris” to collect 200 m3 oil per hour in extreme weather and ice conditions. The vessel is able to operate in temperatures as cold as -30°С. I/B “Polaris” will fulfill the international

IMO Tier III emission standards, and the special requirements for sulphur emissions in the Baltic Sea. She has been designed according to the zero emission principle, which means that no waste or polluting substance will be discharged in the sea. All solid and liquid waste will be stored on board and unloaded ashore. The double hull arrangement protects all the vital tanks on board. I/B “Polaris” is built to Lloyds Register EMEA and is designed for 50 years of service life.


The icebreaker will be powered by both diesel and LNG, i.e. liquefied natural gas, which reduces both emissions and fuel costs. I/B “Polaris” is the first LNG-powered icebreaker in the world. Her 21 MW


The two stern Azipods.

power station consists of a combination of main engines with differing capacities, which enables optimization of the engine load at variable operation conditions. The three azimuthing propulsors will enhance the manoeuvrability and icebreak-

ing performance. The DP system is Navis NavDP4000. On board there is a DP0 system capable of keeping position using the three Azipods. Installed power is 21 MW with 19 MW for propulsion. I/B “Polaris” diesel-electric power

Vessel data

Loa ………………………... 110,00 m B dwl ……………………..... 24,00 m T dwl ……………………....... 8,00 m DWT …………………...…….... 3000 Speed ……………………........ 17 kn Bollard pull …………............... 185 t IMO ……………................. 9734161

Your Life Cycle Partner in air compressors

Sperre Industri AS

Ellingsøy, Norway

+47 70 16 11 00


Large dimensions: The ABB Azipod, 6,000 kW, bow.

The LNG system consist of 2 x 1970 kg/h tanks from Cryo AB. It was Scandinavian liquefied natural gas (LNG) provider Skangas that made the first delivery of LNG to “Polaris”. The vessel was bunkered from two LNG road tankers at Helsinkis Vuosaari Harbour on June 18-19, before her first sea trials on LNG began. Once Finlands first LNG terminal opens “Polaris” can also be bunkered

directly at the terminal. Road tankers can supply LNG at ports around the country. “Polaris”s two vertical LNG tanks combine for a total volume of 800 cubic meters, enabling 10 days autonomy in typical winter conditions. Another 20 days autonomy is added via a combined 2,500 cubic meters capacity for fuel oil.


We provide complete solutions for your vessel • Integrated Automation Systems • Fuel Performance Systems • Repair and Overhaul • Service and Maintenance From our offices in northern and southern Norway we serve ship owners, builders and operators globally. SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


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plant includes two nine-cylinder Wärtsilä 9L34DF (rated 4,500 kW each) and two 12-cylinder Wärtsilä 12V34DF (rated 6,000 kW each) four-stroke medium speed dual fuel gensets, as well as an additional eight-cylinder Wärtsilä 8L20DF auxiliary engine (rated 1,168 kW). Combined power output is more than 22 megawatts. She also features a unique propulsion system; three electrically driven ice strengthened ABB Azipod units, two at the stern (6,500 kW each), and one at the bow (6,000 kW), which combine for 19 megawatts, making “Polaris” Finlands most powerful icebreaker to date. “Polaris” will be powered by Wärtsilä’s dual-fuel engines capable of operating on both liquefied natural gas (LNG) and low sulphur diesel fuel. Wärtsilä’s industry leading track record in dual-fuel engine technology and the impressive power output per cylinder of the Wärtsilä engines was a crucial factor in the award of the contract. Additionally Wärtsilä has five years maintenance agreement for all engines & generators including spare parts, remote online support, CBM monitoring & training services.


Isbryterflåte moden for utskiftning Østersjøen er knalltøff vinterstid. For vår del er det tid for mimring. Med kaptein Kyröhonka til rors på «Fennica» og Jukka Karhula fra thrusterprodusenten Aquamaster som levende oppslagsverk, fikk vi hele den finske isbryterhistorikken inn med teskje, og itt Om bord på «Fennica»: Den erfarne kaptein Kyröhonka hadde en stødig hånd på musøge vodka, thrusterne. Foto: Asle Strønen – those were the days, my friends! I de kaldeste periodene er skipArtikler fra turene strafikken helt avhengig av en publiserte vi her i Skipsrevyns spalter velfungerende isbrytertjeneste. Tidlig på nyåret 1993. M/S «Fennica» ble på 90-tallet seilte vi med datidens su- levert som bnr. 401 fra Finnyards permoderne «Fennica» og «Nordica» Oy i Rauma den 15. mars 1993, og i Det baltiske hav. Nå er den finske omtalt i Skipsrevyen utgave 2-3/1993. isbryterflåten moden for utskifting. Søsterskipet «Nordica», bnr 402, ble

Med på turen var også den norske rederen Ståle Remøy (til v.) med sønnen Sigurd og Aquamasters legendariske norgesvenn Jukka Karhula til høyre. Foto: Asle Strønen

levert fra samme verft den 14. januar 1994 og omtalt i utgave 8/1993. Hoveddata for begge var loa 116,00 meter med bredde på 26,00 meter. Mye av Finlands isbryterflåte begynner å trekke på årene - kanskje et dårlig valgt uttrykk i maritim sammenheng, årer er ikke lenger særlig aktuelt i kommersiell drift. Men nye I/B «Polaris» innleder en ny æra for moderne finske isbrytere. Hun er bnr 510 fra Arctech Helsinki Shipyard, skal overleveres om ikke så lenge og har et Wärtsilä Dual-Fuel anlegg installert hvor LNG-drift er hovedsaken og diesel er mer sekundært. Omtalen leste du på de foregående sidene. I/B «Polaris» er designet for nullutslipp, Østersjøen er som kjent et sårbart havområde og reguleringene er svært strikse. I tillegg til isbryterfunksjonen, er hun også utrustet for oljeoppsamling og slepeoppdrag også under vanskelige forhold. abs

Fra en av våre isprøveturer ved Oulu i Bottenviken i mars 1993. Bildet viser hvor effektivt «Fennica» bryter is.

Fakta: Hva er Østersjøen - det nordeuropeiske Middelhav Det baltiske hav er et innlands-

Østersjøen først i østlig, senere i

land da hun besøkte Riga i 1752

randhav mellom Sverige, Finland,

nordlig retning. Under 60 gr. nord

og ble akutt syk av et mageonde),

Russland, Estland, Latvia, Litauen,

grener den seg i to; Finskebukta mot

begrenset av Saaremaa og Hii-

Polen, Tyskland og de danske øyer.

øst og Bottenhavet med fortsettelse i

umaa, og buktene og haffene i sør.

Det er på ca. 400.000 km3, 1500 km

Bottenviken mot nord, begrenset av

Tidevannsbevegelsen er ubetydelig,

langt og 680 km på det bredeste.

Åland. Andre bukter er Rigabukta (vi

saltholdigheten lav og isleggingen til

Ved de danske sund og videre ved

minner om Riga Balsam som var et

tider omfattende.

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M/S «Lorents» Båtomtaler

- ettskrogs servicebåt Moen Marin AS leverte i uke 29 ettskrogs arbeidsbåten «Lorents» til Salmonor som sitt byggenr. 153.

Moen 1065, M/S «Lorents».

Salmonor har base i Rørvik og innehar syv matfisktillatelser, en visningstillatelse samt settefiskanlegg på namdalskysten. Nybygget gikk umiddelbart i arbeid som lokalitetsbåt for selskapet. Med dette fartøyet introduserer verftet på Kolvereid en noe mindre oppdrettsbåt enn de vanligvis leverte båtene i NabCat-serien. Moen Marin sine oppdrettskatamaraner er allerede et velkjent syn langs kysten av Vestlandet, Midt- og Nord-Norge. Det tradisjonsrike verftet har i løpet av få år omstilt seg til å bli en av landets største leverandører av denne båt-

Foto: Moen Marin

typen. I fjor lanserte man sin hittil største modell, et ettskrogs servicefartøy med lengde oa 23,98 meter.

Første minstemann

Med «Lorents» introduseres minstemann i Moen Marin sin portefølje av arbeids- og servicebåter til havbruksnæringen. Fartøyet måler 10,65 x 5,00 meter. Under dekk sørger en Nogva/Deere dieselmotor på 265 hk for fremdriften. Gir og vridbart propellanlegg fra Nogva samt sidepropeller fra Sleipner, sikrer krefter og fleksibilitet i røffe farvann. Farten er oppgitt til ca. 10 knop.

- Dette er et nytt konsept for oss, forteller Terje Andreassen, daglig leder ved Moen Marin, og understreker at ettskrogskonstruksjonen sikrer svært gode sjøegenskaper. – Vi har stor tro på konseptet og har ytterligere tre tilsvarende båter under bygging her på Kolvereid. På dekk er «Lorents» utrustet med en radiostyrt Palfinger-kran med en kapasitet på inntil 7,4 tonnmeter, samt tre- og ett-tonns nokker. Navigasjonspakken er levert fra Furuno og inkluderer radar og kartplotter med integrert GPS, VHF, ekkolodd og autopilot. I likhet med andre nybygg fra Moen Marin leveres «Lorents» med helisolert maskinrom for bedre arbeidsmiljø, helkledde innvendige rekker for enkelt renhold og desinfisering – og helsveisede spant for optimal styrke og soliditet. Fartøyets spesifikasjoner inkluderer også moderne systemer for deteksjon og alarmering ved brann og vanninntregning, brannslukkingsanlegg i maskinrom, redningsflåte for seks personer, WC og ekstra styreposisjon bar styrhus.

Verftet videre

Moen Marin AS har 11 stk. NabCat 13,50; 3 stk. NabCat 14,98 katamaran; 3 stk. 10,65 m enkeltskrogsfartøy; samt ett 24 meters enkeltskrogsfartøy i stål i produksjon.

New engines to repower “Americas Tall Ship” State-of-the-art MTU diesel engine powers the U.S. Coast Guard’s training barque “Eagle”, also known as ‘America’s Tall Ship’. U.S. Coast Guard Cutter also equipped with MTU’s integrated ship automation system Callosum. Rolls-Royce was chosen to power the U.S. Coast Guard’s barque “Eagle”, also known as ‘America’s Tall Ship’, with a Series 4000 MTU engine. The eighty year old training barque was initially built for the German Navy. The three-masted “Eagle”, which drives under full sail in the open ocean at speeds up to 17 knots (19.5 mph/ 31 km/h), will receive one MTU 8V 4000 marine propulsion engine SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


for use when the cutter is not in sail. The vessel’s repower will also include the addition of the MTU Callosum – an integrated ship automation system that allows operators to monitor the propulsion plant, the on-board power supply and the entire ship. The U.S. Coast Guard is MTU's biggest customer in the United States. Mike Rizzo, government naval programme manager at MTU America

Inc. said: “The biggest benefit the U.S. Coast Guard has in turning to MTU is its consistency in its fleet. The U.S. Coast Guard fleet has many MTU-powered vessels. By powering the U.S. Coast Guard training cutter with the MTU Series 4000, cadets will be able to directly translate their experience on the training cutter to other MTU-powered vessels.”


U.S. Coast Guard Cutter “Eagle”.

America’s Tall Ship – A US-Coast Guard training barque with history

The 295-foot ship was built in 1936 for the pre-World War II German Navy. The tall ship was included in the reparations paid to the United States following World War II and

recommissioned as the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter “Eagle”. Together, American and German seamen sailed the ship to its new homeport, New London, Conn., where it‘s been home ported ever since. In New London, the Eagle is docked on the Thames River near the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. The “Eagle” acts as a training vessel, giving the U.S. Coast Guard’s future officers an

opportunity to practice navigation, engineering, teamwork and leadership while also learning to sail on a historic vessel. A permanent crew of six officers and 55 enlisted personnel maintain the ship year-round. Up to 150 cadets are on board for training periods ranging from one week to two months. Today, it’s the largest tall ship flying the American flag. 50403 Logo RegulateursEuropa

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Long way for “Jesus” In order to reach her owners, the vessel undertook, on her own keel, a significant voyage covering 10,500 nautical miles.

The ASD 2411 is known for its outstanding power to size ratio of 24m length, 11m beam, 5632bhp and 70 ton Bollard Pull which is preferred for harbour operations.

Reylaver ordered the new vessel in April 2015. After a successful construction phase at Damen Shipyards Changde, she made a major journey starting in Shanghai, via Japan to Dutch Harbor in Alaska, through the Panama Canal, all under her own keel, finally arriving Veracruz, Mexico on 9 June. Following her arrival, the vessel was named “Jesus” on 18 July. The vessel, a standard design from the Damen portfolio, received a number of custom features in order to meet the needs of the client, including adaptations to her accommodation. This combination of standard design and custom features represents a clear advantage to the client; the delivery of proven technology in rapid time, but with the flexibility to carry out its tasks as specifically required by the client.

Added to fleet of Neo-Panamax vessels MV “Themis” is Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics’ (WWL) fourth Neo-Panamax class vessel, which means it is built for the expanded Panama Canal inaugurated June 26.

With the delivery of MV “Themis”, 50% of the WWL’s newbuilding order is now complete.

Like her sister vessels, “Theben”, “Thalatta” and “Thermopylae”, “Themis” is almost 200 metres long, 36.5 SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


metres wide and features five liftable car decks, allowing for multiple configurations and a wide variety of

customer cargo. The vessel can transport up to 8,000 car equivalent units. With the new draft, she can call ports with shallower depths, increasing her geographical scope of service. With the launch of “Themis”, WWL is now half way into the newbuilding order totalling eight new RoRo vessels commencing service between 2015 and 2017. MV “Themis” is a High Efficiency RoRo (HERO) class vessel with a specially designed hull shape, rudder and bow to reduce drag and wave resistance, thus improving fuel efficiency. She is also fitted with an exhaust gas cleaning system that reduces sulphur emissions to below 0.1 per cent in compliance with ECA regulations and removes 70 per cent of particulate matter. All HERO class vessels comply with the International Maritime Organisation’s guidelines on ship recycling. On her maiden voyage, Themis’ first port of call was Yokohama, from where she is presently sailing with Bremerhaven as her final destination.


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M/S «Bjørnsfjell» levert fra Moen Marin M/S «Bjørnsfjell» ble levert som byggenr. 152 fra Moen Marin AS til LetSea AS den 27. juli 2016. Designen er nye NabCat 1350 og nybygget skal bistå i arbeidet med å skaffe ny kunnskap og innsikt for bærekraftig vekst i havbruksnæringen.

M/S «Bjørnsfjell» - en NabCat 1350 - skal inn i forskningens teneste for LetSea AS på Helgeland.

LetSea, inntil 2015 kjent som Helgeland Havbruksstasjon, har siden 2001 utviklet seg til å bli en anerkjent forsøksstasjon og en viktig bidragsyter innen anvendt forskning. Selskapet sin forsøksstasjon er en av landets største med hele 112 forsøksmerder på 5 x 5 meter. Stasjonen har konsesjon for laks, ørret og torsk, og det foregår nærmest kontinuerlig forsøk på disse tre artene. De siste fire årene har selskapet økt FoUaktivitetene betydelig, og tidoblet inntektene. Nå vokser LetSea på flåtesiden. Nylig overtok selskapet sin første NabCat fra Moen Marin. M/S «Bjørnsfjell» er 13,50 meter lang og 7,5 meter bred, og blir et nyttig verktøy i LetSeas jakt på ny innsikt og forståelse for hva som skal til for å oppnå bærekraftig vekst i havbruksnæringen. To John Deere-motorer med en samlet motoreffekt på 750 hestekrefter sørger for fremdriften. I kombinasjon med Twin Disc gir og Sleipner baugpropell gir dette krefter og fleksibilitet til varierte operasjoner. Sentralt på denne versjonen er et SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


stort og godt arbeidsdekk. «Bjørnsfjell» er utrustet med en radiostyrt Palfinger-kran på solide 32 tonnmeter, samt nokker på tre og fem tonn. Navigasjonspakken er levert av Furuno, og inkluderer radar og kartplotter med integrert GPS, VHF, ekkolodd og autopilot. Fartøyets spesifikasjoner inkluderer også et tre-fas aggregat med en effekt på 15 kW, systemer for deteksjon og alarmering ved brann og vanninntrenging, Inergen brannslukking i maskinrom, ekstra styreposisjon bak styrhus og to redningsflåter.

Fartøyer på løpende bånd

Kvalitet, fleksible og praktiske løsninger har sammen med gjennomtenkt finish gjort tradisjonsrike Moen Marin til en ledende leverandør av arbeidsbåter til havbruksnæringen. Som andre nybygg i NabCat-serien er også «Bjørnsfjell» levert med helisolert maskinrom for bedre arbeidsmiljø, helkledde innvendige rekker for enkelt renhold og desinfisering

Foto: Tom Lysø

– og helsveisede spant for optimal styrke og soliditet. Moen Marin AS har ytterligere ti NabCat 1350, tre NabCat 1498 katamaraner, tre 10,65 enkeltskrogfartøy, samt ett 24-meters enkeltskrogfartøy i stål i produksjon. De fleste fartøyene er bestilt av norske oppdretts- og serviceselskaper.

Komfortabel og moderne styreposisjon. NabCat 1350 er designet med tanke på funksjonalitet og maksimal sikkerhet. Foto: Tom Lysø


Lengde .………………….. 13,50 m Bredde...…………………… 7,50 m Motoreffekt ....………….. 2x375 hk Fart ....…………… 13-15 kn u/last Nyttelast ………………. 25.000 kg

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Maritim sikkerhet og forsvar

To build Naval Strike Missiles and launchers in US Raytheon Company and Norway's Kongsberg Defence Systems are finalizing plans to assemble, integrate and test the Naval Strike Missile in the United States. The two companies also plan to produce NSM launchers in the U.S. "NSM production in America is the latest evolution of our decades-long relationship with Kongsberg," said Dr. Taylor W. Lawrence, Raytheon Missile Systems president. "We will assemble the missile and launchers in the same Raytheon factories where we produce many of the world's most advanced missiles and other weapons systems."

Raytheon expects to perform final assembly, integration and test of NSM at the company's Tucson, Arizona facility. Launchers will be manufactured

at Raytheon's factory in Louisville, Kentucky. With a range of more than 100 nautical miles, NSM is a long-range, antiship missile that provides superior strike capability against land and sea targets. Raytheon and Kongsberg believe NSM is an ideal solution for navies around the globe and the best over-the-horizon missile for the U.S. Navy's Littoral Combat Ship. "Warfighters around the globe will benefit from the Kongsberg-Raytheon partnership on NSM," said Harald

Annestad, President Kongsberg Defence Systems. "Production of NSM in the United States will secure ramp up and sustainability of NSM, the world's only Fifth Generation Naval Strike Missile with Land Target capabilities, for the US and our allies. Increased volume of NSM creates and secures jobs in both the US and Norway." The companies are also teamed on the development of the Joint Strike Missile and National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems also known as NASAMS.


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Maritim sikkerhet og forsvar

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Maritim sikkerhet og forsvar

Strategies for Maritime Security The responsibilities of navies and coast guards are becoming more complex and demanding. At MS&D, the International Conference on Maritime Security and Defence held in conjunction with SMM, high-ranking experts will discuss current trends and future challenges.

Frigates, corvettes, patrol boats and other ship types must have complex operational capabilities to perform their specialised tasks - this has a major impact on their design, construction and use. This Lürssen design is of a more speculative type. Photos: Asle Strønen

Protecting peace, fighting piracy and drug trafficking, guiding merchant vessels safely to their destinations: The range of responsibilities for navies and coast guards has changed significantly. At MS&D, to be held on

7 September, the opportunities and risks resulting from recent developments will be discussed under the heading of “Naval Technology for Naval Operations". The list of speakers includes high-ranking naval officers

from around the world as well as industry representatives. The conference will be subdivided into a plenary session and two panel discussions titled “Naval Operations" and "Naval Technology". «forts. side 68»



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Maritim sikkerhet og forsvar

market. Offshore patrol vessels will play a key role because they are increasingly viewed by coastal nations as a flexible and low-cost alternative to the deployment of combat vessels to monitor and protect coastal economic zones. The ensuing panel discussions will focus on the core topics of naval operations, piracy, drug trafficking, cybercrime as well as planning and designing naval ships. The discussion will also touch on the formation of regional naval networks to confront asymmetric threats such as piracy and terrorism.

The continuing threat of piracy An overview of the statistical development of attacks by armed groups will be presented at this years MS&D. Photo: Asle Strønen

Complex security situation

A keynote speech by the German Navy leadership will give an overview of the global maritime security situation and its repercussions for

the mandates of naval forces, one of which is rescuing refugees and fighting human trafficking in the Mediterranean. In the following speech, Bob Nugent, Vice President of AMI International, will examine future prospects for the naval equipment

Piracy continues to be one of the greatest threats for commercial shipping. While the situation off Somalia has relaxed somewhat thanks to the massive deployment of naval forces and substantial shipowner investments in security personnel and equipment, the threat of piracy is still very high in the Gulf of Guinea, the waters along the East African coast, the Arabian Sea, and the Southeast Asian straits.

Fending off cybercrime: Navies need special protection Naval vessels are masterpieces of high-tech engineering and digitalisation. But advanced technology also makes them more vulnerable to cyber attacks. Dietmar Hilke, Director – Cyber Security at Thales Germany, will explore in his lecture how naval units in particular can defend themselves against the threat of cyber crime. The Marine pollution prevention rules as laid down in the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) are not compulsory for naval vessels. Nevertheless, an increasing number of navies are taking steps to implement these rules, as far as their respective missions permit. The conference will address several of these aspects. In parallel with the conference, numerous shipyards, suppliers, and service providers from the maritime security segment will be showcasing innovative solutions. To account for the particular importance of this topic, an additional exhibition hall (Hall B8) has been set up and will be entirely dedicated to risk mitigation.




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Maritim sikkerhet og forsvar

Piratangrep utenfor Nigerias kyst når rekordhøyder




- 21 prosent over toppmålingen i 2008


Antallet piratangrep utenfor Nigerias kyst de første fire månedene i år er 21 prosent høyere enn den tidligere toppregistreringen i 2008. Det er Control Risks melder dette. Piratvirksomhet og væpnet ran til sjøs fra januar til april 2016 var en av de største truslene mot maritime operatører i regionen. Hendelsene steg 119 prosent sammenlignet med samme periode i 2015. Data fra Control Risk identifiserer også farvannet utenfor delstaten Bayelsa som hovedområdet for pirathendelser i Nigeria, med 56 prosent av det totale antall angrep registrert her mellom januar og april 2016. Mens tyveri og ran i havner og på ankerplasser i Nigeria har vist en betydelig nedgang så langt i år, har det vært en tilsvarende økning i antallet kidnappinger i forbindelse med piratangrep utenfor kysten. Control Risks’ data viser at det har forekommet gjennomsnittlig tre kidnappinger per måned i de første fire månedene av 2016, mot én kidnapping per måned i den samme perioden i 2015.



- Forekomsten av piratvirksomhet og væpnet ran fra januar til april var hyppigst ved kysten av delstaten Bayelsa (56 % av hendelsene) og ved kysten av delstaten Rivers (17 %) - 56 % av hendelsene fra januar til april 2016 involverte supply- og tankskip - 25 % av hendelsene fra januar til april 2016 skjedde langs interne vannveier - 119 % økning i piratvirksomhet fra januar til april sammenlignet med samme periode i 2015 Sebastian Villyn, konsulent ved Maritime Risk Analysis hos Control Risks, kommenterer situasjonen slik: «Antallet piratangrep vi registrerte utenfor Nigerias kyst de første fire månedene i år er nedslående. Det er en betydelig økning i aktivitet siden toppregistreringen i 2008 for samme periode. En av drivkreftene bak denne veksten er en taktikkendring hos de kriminelle gruppene, idet de fokuserer på mer lønnsomme aktiviteter, som kidnapping for løsepenger, i stedet for væpnede ran til havs og tyveri i havner og på ankerplasser.» Han fortsetter: «Mens tankskip og supplyskip er primærmål, er samtidig alle skip og plattformer potensielle mål og må være forberedt når de opererer i denne regionen. Maritime operatører kan hjelpe til med å redusere risikoen for sitt mannskap ved en rekke tiltak. Dette inkluderer å ha tilgang til oppdatert etterretning omkring potensiell regional risiko; sikkerhetstrening for mannskapet om hvordan man skal respondere om man skulle stå overfor en situasjon med kidnapping for løsepenger, samt ekspertstøtte til sikkerhetsopplegg for å beskytte personell, skip, og last både til sjøs og til lands.» I erkjennelse av det økte nivået i pirathendelser i området i år, har Nigerias president Muhammadu Buhari nylig satt i gang Naval Operation Tsare Teku som et tiltak for å redusere kriminaliteten.


Control Risks er et globalt risikokonsulentfirma som spesialiserer seg på politisk, sikkerhets- og integritetsrisiko. Selskapet støtter noen av verdens mest innflytelsesrike organisasjoner, og sørger for at klienter som opererer i kompliserte og fiendtlige områder forstår og mestrer risikoen.
























































Copyright: Control Risks Group Limited 2016. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part prohibited without the prior consent of the Company.


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K ontraheringsliste for norske verft B nr.

Verft/R ederi



G uangzhou P anyu G uangzhou P anyu B oreal Trans port Nord B oreal Trans port Nord B oreal Trans port Nord


P as s .kat. P as s .kat. 147pax/23,9 m loa 199pax/29,9 m loa 147pax/23,9 m loa

F is kers trand Verft – www.fis kers 81 F røy R ederi 82 F røy R ederi 83 Torghatten Trafikks els kap 84 Boreal Transport Nord


M-3401 M-3401 MM 63 F C MM61FC

Seihav Taupo Ringafjord TBN TBN TBN TBN TBN TBN TBN

HFMV W 26M Katamaran HFMV W 15-8 HFMV W 15-8 HFMV W 15-10 HFMV W 15-10 HFMV W 15-10 HFMV W 15-10 HFMV W 15


Hellesøy Verft – 153 FMC-Biopolymer Havyard 125 126 127 128 129


L ev.


B rødrene A a – 284 285 286 287 288

11.16 01.17 11.16 12.16 03.17 B rønnbåt B rønnbåt

12.16 04.17 03.17 05.17


09.16 06.16 07.16 06.16 07.16 09.16 10.16 12.16 12.16 12.16

26,20m 26,2 m 26,2 m 13,8 m 13,8 m 13,8 m 13,8 m 13,8 m 14,99 m 14,99 m 10,1m

Servicekatamaran Vindmølle Support Vindmølle Support Røkterbåt Røkterbåt Røkterbåt Røkterbåt Røkterbåt Arb.kat. Arb.kat. Røkter

08.16 11.16 02.17 .16 .16 Q1.17 Q1.17 Q2.17 09.16 Q1.17 Q3.16





TBN F afnir Viking TBN TBN TBN

Havyard 832 S OV Havyard 833 WE IC E H587 H843 Ice H843 Ice

Vindmølle PSV B rønnbåt Is bryter offs hore Is bryter offs hore

09.16 07.17 04.17 11.16 11.16

K leven Verft – 370 R. and G. Hart 372 ABB 379 IES Pioneer 382 Maersk Supply 383 Maersk Supply 384 Maersk Supply 385 Maersk Supply 386 Maersk Supply 387 Maersk Supply 400 Hurtigruten 401 Hurtigruten

Ulysses ABB Victoria ES Energy Mærsk Mster TBN TBN TBN TBN TBN TBN TBN

MT 5006 Mk II SALT 306 MT 6015 SALT 200 SALT 200 SALT 200 SALT 200 SALT 200 SALT 200 NVC 2140 NVC 2140


L ars nes 56 57 58 59

Ro TBN Ro TBN Sander Andre Nordhavet

SK 6000 DE II SK 6000 DE II NC 126 NC 126

Brønnbåt Brønnbåt not/snurrevad not/snurrevad

10.16 04.17 Q3.17 Q2.18

TBN Troll Sigma Sea

23,98 24 m

Arb.kat. Arb.båt NabCat 1498 NabCat 1350

07.16 07.16 .16 06.16

Ronja Ocean TBN Cuxhafen TBN Gitte Henning TBN TBN

NVE 387 NVC 387 NVC 374 WP NVC 374 WP SALT 0155 NVC 374 WP NVC 374 WP

Brønnbåt Brønnbåt Hekktråler Hekktråler Tråler Hekktråler Hekktråler

03.17 09.17 02.17 06.17 12.17 09.17 02.18

F itjar Mek. Verks ted – www.fmvas .no 38 218 219 224 225 226 227 228 229 231

Seistar Holding Napier AS Ringasund Seadive Seadive Annca Annca Annca Annca Marinus A.Restless

G rovfjord Mek. Verks ted – 119 124 125 127 131 132 133 134 135 136 137

Northern Offshore Services NOS NOS Nordlaks Oppdrett TBA TBA TBA TBA Flakstadvåg Laks Cermac Norway Wenberg Fiskeoppd.

S hip Tec hnology – E s vagt F afnir Offs hore Nors k F is ketrans port F emco F emco

Mek. Verks ted - www.lars nes Rostein Rostein Mirsel Arvesen

Moen Marin – 76 Moen Ship Man. 139 KB Dykk 150 Aqua Gen 151 Moen Ship Man. Myklebus t Verft – 375 Sølvtrans 380 Sæøvtrams 392 DFFU 393 DFFU 394 Gitte Henning 395 DesPeches 396 Pesquera Ancora



10.16 02.17 pending 10.16 02.17 04.17 06.17 08.17 10.17 07.18 07.19


K ontraheringsliste for norske verft B nr.

Verft/R ederi



S ølvtrans DF F U DF F U G itte Henning Des P eches P es quera Ancora

TBN C uxhafen TBN G itte Henning TBN TBN

NV C 387 NV C 374 WP NV C 374 WP S ALT 0155 NV C 374 WP NV C 374 WP

Oma B åtbyggeri – 537 B oreal Trans port Nord AS 538 B oreal Trans port Nord AS


296pax/35 m 147pax/24 m

Maritime Partner – 2027 Bukser og Berging 2028 Bukser og Berging 2038 UAE Armed Forces 2039 Gjendebåtene


Larsnes Mek. Verksted – 56 Rostein 57 Rostein 58 Mirsel 59 Arvesen

Ro TBN Ro TBN Sander Andre Nordhavet

S imek – www.s 131 G ulf Offs hore Norge 132 Antares F is hing C o

380 392 393 394 395 396

Div. B rønnbåt Hekktråler Hekktråler Hekktråler Hekktråler

L ev. 09.17 02.17 06.17 12.17 09.17 02.18 11.16 03.17

Alusafe 1620 BB Pilot Alusafe 1620 BB Pilot Alusafe 1070 Alusafe Cat21

10.16 02.17 10.16 05.17

SK 6000 DE II SK 6000 DE II NC 126 NC 126

Brønnbåt Brønnbåt not/snurrevad not/snurrevad

10.16 04.17 Q3.17 Q2.18

North B arents Antares

S T 216 Arctic S T-125


01.17 12.16

S letta Verft – www.s 153 Lerøy Aurora 154 Frøy Akvaservice 155 Frøy Akvaservice 156 Lerøy Aurora 157 Frøy Vest 158 Frøy Aqvaressurs 159 Arnøy Laks


14,98 m 14,98 m 14,90 m 13,30 m

Arbeidsbåt Arbeidsbåt Arbeidsbåt Arbeidsbåt MachoCat25 MachoCat25 Arb.båt

07.16 08.16 09.16 11.16 05.17 07.17 01.17

S tadyard – www.s 39 M. Ingebrigts en

T.A. S enior

NC -15

Solstrand Verft –

13,5 m


Uls tein Verft – www.uls teinverft.c om 310

Bernhard Schulte

Umoe Mandal – 23 Umoe Wind II

Windea TBN





WaveC raft 12 pax


Newfound TBN

NVC 374




VARD 3 08 VARD 3 08

Konstr.skip Konstr.skip

08.17 11.17

VA R D A ukra – www.vard.c om


Newfound Resources

VA R D B rattvaag – www.vard.c om 840 Topaz Energy 841 Topaz Energy VA R D B revik – www.vard.c om

VA R D L angs ten – www.vard.c om 818 Technip 834 Canadian Subsea

Deep Explorer Skandi TBN

VARD 3 06 VARD 3 08

06.16 .17

VA R D S øviknes – www.vard.c om 801 Harkand Group 824 DOF and Technip 839 Kreuz Subsea Group

Harkand Haldane Skandi Buzios Kreuz TBN

VARD 3 03 VARD 3 05 VARD 3 17 dykker

02.17 09.16 05.17


K ontraheringsliste for norske verft


B nr.

Verft/R ederi



Viknas lipen – www.viknas 27 K lotind AS 28 Troms tind AS 29 Mirs el AS 30 E mils en F is k 31 S inkaberg-Hans en 33 34 35 Aurora Marine Ltd. 36 38 S inkaberg-Hans en 42 S inkaberg-Hans en 43 44 45


10,98m F is kebåt 12,99m F is kebåt 14,99m F is kebåt 14,99 m arbeids båt 14,99 m arbeids båt F is kefartøy 11 m F is kefartøy 11 m Arb.båt 15 m F is kefartøy 11 m S ervice/oppdrett S ervice/oppdrett S nurrevad S ervice/oppdrett 19 m S nurrevad 15 m

Vaagland B åtbyggeri – 153 Vamar



Ørnli S lipp - 84 F røy Akvas ervice 85 F røy Akvas ervice


Arb.kat. Arb.kat.

A as Mek. Verks ted – www.aas 195 Bømlo Brønnbåtservice 196 Sølvtrans 197 Marine Supply 198 Nova Sea


Øystrand Ronja Supporter Polar Viking


É ns krogs


L ev. 06.16 06.16 10.16 04.16 03.16 Q3.16 Q3.16 06.16 Q3.16 06.16 06.16 02.17 04.18 07.17 07.16 04.16 07.16

AAS 3602 STDE AAS 1802 ST AAS 28 WB AAS 3602 ST

01.17 01.17 08.16 06.17


We take pride in the relations we build with our customers, and we take pride in the products we deliver. This gives us the confidence to state that we are always to be trusted.

Jets Vacuum AS, Myravegen 1, N-6060 Hareid, Norway – Tel.: +47 70 03 91 00 – E-mail:




B oks 133 Vollebekk - 0520 Os lo T lf. 23 17 05 00 - F ax: 23 17 05 01

Y trebygdveien 53 - 5252 S øreidgrend T lf. 55 98 70 70 - F ax: 55 98 70 80 E -mail: pos t@ bjordal-mads www.bjordal-mads


Sotra Anchor & Chain

G amle Vindenes Vegen 11 - 5363 Ågotnes T lf. 56 32 68 50 - F ax: 56 32 68 60 E -mail: jg@ s - www.s

B oks 14 - 5868 B ergen B es øks adr.: E s pehaugen 60 - 5258 B loms terdalen T lf. 55 11 40 00 - F ax: 55 11 40 19 E -mail: office@ -

C at/MaK

Pon Power AS G .J. W ortelboer Jr. V.B.

Quarantaineweg 5 - 3089 R otterdam - T he Netherlands P.O.B ox 5003 - 3008 AA R otterdam - T he Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0)10 - 429 2222 E -mail: info@ -

B oks 133 Vollebekk - 0520 Os lo T lf. 23 17 05 00 - F ax: 23 17 05 01

Lønsethagen Elektro-D iesel AS Comrod AS

4120 Tau T lf. 51 74 05 00 - F ax: 51 74 05 01 E -mail: enok@ -

B oks 6027 - 6403 Molde T lf. 71 24 17 63 - F ax: 71 24 17 51 E -mail: jrl@ lons www.løns ethagenelektrodies

Maritim D iesel AS

Consilium N orway AS

Os lo: K arihaugveien 89 - 1086 Os lo T lf. 22 30 90 30 - F ax: 22 30 92 05 E -mail: info@ cons - www.cons

S tavanger: K analarmen 12 - 4052 R øyneberg T lf. 926 63 263

Leirvikflaten 29 s eks jon 10 - 5179 G odvik T lf. 55 30 25 80 - F ax: 55 30 25 90 E -mail: pos t@ maritimdies - www.maritimdies

TESS - Landsomfattende

F rydenlund Indus triområde - Lier B oks 1540 - 3007 Drammen T lf. 800 83 777 - F ax: 32 84 40 01 E -mail: tes s @ tes s .no - www.tes s .no

Beha-H edo Industrier AS

B oks 2704 K jørbekk - 3702 S kien T lf. 35 93 20 00 - F ax: 35 93 20 01 E -mail: beha-hedo@ -

Elpro Electro AS

7318 Agdenes T lf. 40 00 67 40 E -mail: pos t@ -

Termo Storkjøkken AS

Vegs und B rygge - 6037 E ids nes T lf. 70 19 75 00 - F ax: 70 19 75 01 E -mail: termo@ -

H arstad Elektro AS

Margrethe J ørgens ens vei 3 - 9406 Hars tad T lf. 77 04 00 20 - F ax: 77 04 00 39 E -mail: firmapos t@ hars www.hars

MB H ydraulikk AS 6693 Mjosundet T lf. 71 64 77 00 - F ax: 71 64 77 01 E -mail: post@ -

Bergen D ieselcontact AS

B oks 36 Laks evåg - 5847 B ergen T lf. 55 94 78 60 - F ax: 55 94 78 61 E -mail: office@

Maritim Elektro AS

5632 Omas trand T lf. 56 55 05 60 - F ax: 56 55 42 02 E -mail: maritimelektro@

Voith Industrial Services AS

Litlås 2 - 5954 Mongs tad T lf. 56 16 74 50 - F ax: 56 16 87 42 - Mobil: 952 72 853 E -mail: Hardy.P eders en@




Brammer AS

Nordre B rurås 18 - 5131 Nyborg T lf. 55 39 10 00 - F ax: 55 39 11 00 E -mail: info.norway@ -

Os lokontor: F rys javeien 40 - 0884 Os lo B oks 165 K jels ås - 0411 Os lo T lf. 22 02 10 30 - F ax: 22 02 10 50

H oyer Motors AS

Torvet 1 - 3256 Larvik - Norge T lf. 33 18 00 11 - F ax: 33 18 00 13 Over Hads tenvej 42 - 8370 Hads ten - Danmark T lf. +45 86 98 21 11 E -mail: hoyermotors @ hoyermotors .com www.hoyermotors .com

EIE Maskin AS

T vetenveien 164 - 0671 Os lo T lf. 67 57 22 70 - F ax: 22 75 51 07 E -mail: info@ eiemas - www.eiemas

KG K N orge AS

C as par S torms vei 19 - 0664 Os lo T lf. 22 88 46 80 - F ax: 22 72 09 02 E -mail: firmapos t@ -

Vulkan Skandinavia AS

B oks 298 - 6401 Molde B yfogd Moltzfeldts gate 6 - 6413 Molde T lf. 71 24 59 90 - F ax: 71 24 59 95 T lf. S ervice: 90 53 76 65 E -mail: office@ -

Arne Bjørnvold AS Torolf K veldulfs ongt. 37a - 8800 S andnes s jøen T lf. 75 04 02 18 E -mail: pos t@

D elta Elektro AS

B oks 3063 Lade - 7441 Trondheim T lf. 73 87 83 00 - Mobiltlf. 951 09 480 E -mail: firmapos t@ -

IKM Instrutek AS E lveveien 28 - 3262 Larvik T lf. 33 16 57 00 - F ax: 33 16 57 01 E -mail: ikmins trutek@ www.ikmins

Andøco H ydraulikk AS

K apellveien 4B - 1410 K olbotn T lf. 66 81 72 00 - F ax: 66 81 72 09 E -mail: firma@ -

D anfoss Power Solutions AS Årenga 2 - 1340 S kui T lf. 67 17 73 73 - F ax: 67 13 20 84 E -mail: danfos s -norway@ danfos s .com www.powers olutions .danfos s .no

O ctagone AS Karsten Moholt AS S torebotn 90 - 5309 K leppes tø B oks 404 - 5323 K leppes tø T lf. 55 94 34 00 - Mobil: 982 02 940 E -mail: firmapos t@ kars www.kars

Lekang Maskin AS G amle Hobølvei 11 - 1550 Hølen T lf. 64 98 20 00 - F ax: 64 98 20 02 E -mail: kundes ervice@ -

Brammer AS

Nordre B rurås 18 - 5131 Nyborg T lf. 55 39 10 00 - F ax: 55 39 11 00 E -mail: info.norway@ - Os lokontor: F rys javeien 40 - 0884 Os lo B oks 165 K jels ås - 0411 Os lo T lf. 22 02 10 30 - F ax: 22 02 10 50

D anfoss AS Årenga 2 - 1340 S kui T lf. 67 17 72 00 - F ax: 67 13 68 50 E -mail: drives@ -



F jordgaten 13 A - 1325 T øns berg T lf. 33 32 38 60 - F ax: 33 32 38 61 E -mail: mail@ -

Isowest AS

E ids bakken 81 - 6037 E ids nes T lf. 70 19 95 00 - F ax: 70 19 95 01 E -mail: firmapos t@ is owes - owes

F es tes ys temer/B olts veis ing

L. M. D ahl Ingeniørfirma AS

Hovedgårds veien 9 - 1397 Nes øya T lf. 66 98 25 95 - F ax: 66 98 25 96 E -mail: pos t@ -

Carnain 4330 Ålgård T lf. 992 69 082 E -mail: oyvind.nernaes @

CSD Sealing & Protecting Systems AS Øs tre K ullerød 5 - 3241 S andefjord T lf. 33 48 50 40 - F ax: 33 48 50 41 E -mail: jon@ cs - www.cs


Sperre Industri AS

N-6057 E llings øy T lf. 70 16 11 00 - F ax: 70 16 11 10 E -mail: indus tri@ s - www.s

Avior O ffshore AS F rolands veien 4 - 4847 Arendal T lf. 37 02 60 29 E -mail: pos t@ -

SKF N orge AS G jerdrums vei 8 - 0484 Os lo - B oks 173 G refs en - 0409 Os lo T lf: 22 30 20 49 - kundes ervice.norge@ s www.s

Viking Life-Saving Equipment N orge AS Idretts vegen 110 - S traume Næ rings park - 5353 S traume T lf. 815 00 325 - F ax: 56 32 61 10 E -mail: bergen@ - Avdeling Os lo: T lf. 815 00 325 - F ax: 22 68 84 80 Avdeling Hauges und: T lf. 815 00 325 - F ax: 52 82 02 73 Avdeling Åles und: T lf. 815 00 325 - F ax: 70 15 33 27

Telemar N orge AS

B ryns veien 16 - 0667 Os lo T lf. 22 72 60 60 - F ax: 22 72 60 61 E -mail: mail@ -

Separator Spares International (N orge) AS Mårdalen 4 - 5236 R ådal - B ergen T lf. 915 38 190 E -mail: info@ s eparator-s pareparts .no www.s eparator-s pareparts .no

H avyard Power & Systems AS, dep. Ålesund Lers tadveien 508 - 6018 Åles und T lf. 70 11 10 70 - E -mail: hps @

Båtbygg AS 6710 R audeberg T lf. 57 85 40 00 - F ax: 57 85 40 01 E -mail: office@ -

D amen Shipyards

B oks 790 - 4004 S tavanger T lf. 51 22 84 40 E -mail: salesnorway@ -

Fitjar Mekaniske Verksted AS

E gen designavdeling Carboline N orge AS B oks 593 - 3412 Liers tranda T lf. 32 85 73 00 - Mob.: 95 23 43 72 E -mail: pal.dyndal@ s -

Consilium Scandinavia AS

K arihaugen 89 - 1086 Os lo T lf. 22 30 90 30 - F ax: 22 30 92 05 E -mail: trygve.anders en@ cons www.cons

Syberg AS E nsjøveien 3 - 0655 Oslo T lf. 23 03 75 00 - F ax: 23 03 75 05 E -mail: info@ -

Havnavegen 22 - 5419 F itjar T lf. 53 45 72 00 - F ax: 53 45 72 20 E -mail: post@ -

G MC Yard AS Dus avikveien 19 - B oks 4048 Tas ta - 4092 S tavanger T lf. 51 84 80 00 - F ax: 51 84 80 99 E -mail: gmc.yard@ -

H avyard Ship Technology AS 6953 Leirvik i S ogn T lf. 57 78 90 50 E -mail: -

Kleven AS 6065 Ulsteinvik T lf. 70 01 91 00 E -mail: post@ -

Måløy Verft AS 6718 Deknepollen T lf. 47 77 25 90 - F ax: 57 85 57 02 E -mail: firmapost@ -

Bergen D ieselcontact AS B oks 36 Laks evåg - 5847 B ergen T lf. 55 94 78 60 - F ax: 55 94 78 61 E -mail: office@ bergendies www.bergendies

Brunvoll AS S trandgaten 4-6 - 6415 Molde T lf. 71 21 96 00 - F ax: 71 21 96 90 E -mail: office@ -

Promek AS 6570 S møla T lf. 71 54 44 44 - F ax: 71 54 44 45 E -mail: info@ -

LOS Marine AS Wichmannvegen 1 – 5420 Rubbestadneset Tlf. 97 47 00 10 E-mail: -




Solstrand Verft AS

F rostad - 6393 Tomrefjord T lf. 71 18 81 20 - F ax: 71 18 81 21 E -mail: post@

Stadyard AS 6710 R audeberg T lf. 57 84 99 00 E -mail: post@ -

Isowest AS E ids bakken 81 - 6037 E ids nes T lf. 70 19 95 00 - F ax: 70 19 95 01 E -mail: firmapos t@ is owes - owes

N orac AS B oks 1593 S toa - 4857 Arendal T lf. 37 05 92 50 - F ax: 37 05 92 51 E -mail: s ales @ -

W estcon Yards AS

5582 Ølensvåg T lf. 53 77 50 00 - F ax: 53 77 50 01 E -mail: westcon@ -

M e d le m m e r a v N O R S K E S K I P S V E R F T : N orske Skipsverft S trandgt. 5 - B oks 321 S entrum - 5804 B ergen T lf. 55 30 17 50 - F ax: 55 30 17 51 E -mail: mail@ ns s - www.ns s

Fiskerstrand Verft AS 6035 F is kars trand T lf. 70 19 93 00 - F ax: 70 19 93 01 Vakttelefon: 90 84 67 04 - 90 20 27 52 E -mail: firmapos t@ fis kers - www.fis kers

Larsnes Mek. Verksted AS

6084 Larsnes T lf. 70 02 64 00 - F ax: 70 02 64 01 E -mail: post@ -

Salthammer Båtbyggeri AS 6390 Ves tnes T lf. 71 18 82 88 E -mail: firmapos t@ s www.s

G lesvær Ship D esign AS G jertrudvn. 11D - 5353 S traume T lf. 48 99 76 26 - 92 66 32 81 E -mail: office@ gs des des

Maritime Engineering AS Lyngveien 2 - 5914 Is dals tø T lf. 56 35 85 14 - F ax: 56 35 85 11 E -mail: pos t@ -

N SK Ship design S trandgata 1 - 9405 Hars tad T lf. 77 00 18 00 E -mail: ns k@ ns - www.ns ks hipdes

Sivilingeniør O la Lilloe-O lsen 6829 Hyen T lf. 57 86 98 05 - F ax: 57 86 99 25 - Mobiltlf. 95 23 95 08 E -mail: pos t@ lilloe-des - www.lilloe-des

Solstrand Trading AS B oks 23 - 6398 Tomrefjord T lf. 71 70 10 36 - F ax: 71 70 10 37 E -mail: pos t@ s ols www.s ols

SIMEK A/S B oks 144 - 4402 F lekkefjord T lf. 38 32 66 66 - F ax: 38 32 66 99 E -mail: s imek@ s - www.s

Solund Verft AS 6924 Hardbakke T lf. 57 78 60 10 - F ax: 57 78 72 00 E -mail: post@ -

Vaagland Båtbyggeri AS V åglands vegen 70 - 6683 V ågland T lf. 71 55 99 00 E -mail: vaagland@

Aas Mek. Verksted AS B uktavegen 224 - 6390 Ves tnes T lf. 71 18 98 00 E -mail: office@ aas - www.aas

Aluwood Ab - H oneycombpaneler Verkaregränd 6 - F I-22120 Mariehamn Åland T lf. +358 18 19200 - F ax: +358 18 13978 E -mail: info@ -



Fosen G jenvinning AS S tokks undveien 1432 - 7177 R evs nes T lf. 72 53 44 30 - F ax: 72 53 42 09 E -mail: knut@ fos - www.fos

Constructor N orge AS T lf. 67 11 26 00 kundes enter@ cons - www.cons

LO S Marine AS Wichmannvegen 1 - 5420 R ubbes tadnes et T lf. 97 47 00 10 E -mail: firmapos t@ los - www.los

Storesund Marine Service AS S tores undveien 305 - 4260 Torvas tad T lf. 52 70 21 20 - F ax: 52 70 21 21 E mail: pos t@ s www.s


TESS - Landsomfattende

Beha-H edo Industrier AS

F rydenlund Indus triområde - Lier B oks 1540 - 3007 Drammen T lf. 800 83 777 - F ax: 32 84 40 01 E -mail: tes s @ tes s .no - www.tes s .no

B oks 2704 K jørbekk - 3702 S kien T lf. 35 93 20 00 - F ax: 35 93 20 01 E -mail: beha-hedo@ -

Miele AS Professional Alu D esign & Services AS S kibås en 44 - 4636 K ris tians and T lf. 46 82 60 00 E -mail: info@ alu-des - www.alu-des

Nes bruveien 71 - B oks 194 - 1378 Nes bru T lf. 67 17 31 00 - F ax: 67 17 31 10 E -mail: profes s ional@ www.miele-profes s

Meson AS D anfoss AS Årenga 2 - 1340 S kui T lf. 67 17 72 00 - F ax: 67 13 68 50 E -mail: drives @ danfos s .no - www.danfos s .no/drives

H asvold AS

Lofthus veien 65 - 0590 Os lo T lf. 22 72 59 50 - F ax: 22 65 96 54 E -mail: s alg@ has - www.has

Stålhaugen 7, 6065 Ulsteinvik Tlf: +47 70 33 45 10 Email:

Vibratec Akustikprodukter AB Norrs und 1859 - S -760 17 B lidö - S verige T lf. +46-176 207 880 - F ax: +46-176 207 899 E -mail: info@ vibratec.s e - www.vibratec.s e

Vibratec Akustikprodukter AS Enwa W ater Technology AS Nordre K ullerød 9 - B oks 1241 - 3205 S andefjord T lf. 33 48 95 14 - Mobil: 92 49 69 2 E -mail: pos t@ -

B evers tien 3 - 3188 Horten T lf. 33 07 07 50 - 33 07 00 68 E -mail: info@ -

Sverige: Enwa W ater Technology AB Importgatan 21 - S E -422 46 His ings B acka - S verige T lf. +46 31 74 29 250 - F ax: +46 31 74 29 260

IKM Instrutek AS

AS N orco O slo

Karsten Moholt AS

AP V varmeveks lere/S PA F low Technology

B oks 3053 E lis enberg - 0207 Os lo B es øks adr.: Drammens veien 39 - 0271 Os lo T lf. 22 55 70 92 - 22 55 73 84 - F ax: 22 55 07 61 E -mail: dag.venjar@ norco-os - www.norco-os

Sperre Coolers AS

6057 E llings øy T lf. 70 16 11 00 - F ax: 70 16 11 10 E -mail: indus tri@ s - www.s

E lveveien 28 - 3262 Larvik T lf. 33 16 57 00 - E -mail: ikminstrutek@

S torebotn 90 - 5309 K leppes tø B oks 404 - 5323 K leppes tø T lf. 55 94 34 00 - Mobil: 982 02 940 E -mail: firmapos t@ kars www.kars

SKF N orge AS G jerdrums vei 8 - 0484 Os lo - B oks 173 G refs en - 0409 Os lo T lf: 22 30 20 49 - s .norge@ s www.s

Bransjeregisteret finner du også på www. sk ipsrevyen. no



Optimises Eckerö's engine performance Wärtsilä and Rederiaktiebolaget Eckerö have extended their long-term maintenance agreement for Eckerö's entire fleet of five vessels. Wärtsilä is providing leading digital maintenance concepts to meet the customer's needs. Cruises AB, Eckerö Shipping Ab Ltd, Eckerö Line Ab Oy and Eckerö Linjen Ab. The company is based in Åland and it owns and operates a cruiser, ferries and cargo vessels on the Baltic Sea and North Sea. Its fleet consists of cruiser MS Birka Stockholm, ferries MS Finlandia and MS Eckerö, and RoRo vessels MV Exporter and MV Shipper.

Tailored solution

MS FInlandia

The five-year agreement covers five vessels. One of the vessels has been fitted with the Wärtsilä Condition based monitoring system, which

provides data to enable dynamic maintenance planning. The Finnish shipping company consists of four marine companies: Birka

Wärtsilä tailored its service and maintenance offering to help Eckerö optimise its fleet operations. In addition to service and maintenance work, Wärtsilä provides spare parts, shaft seals, services for the catalytic converters, dynamic maintenance planning (DMP) and condition based maintenance (CBM). The aim with the dynamic maintenance planning solution is to extend maintenance intervals and reduce spare parts consumption. Maintenance operations are then planned based on expert analysis of the engine's condition and the real-time data provided by the engines. DMP and CBM are part of the recently launched Wärtsilä Genius services, which optimise customers' operations with innovative digital solutions.

Du blir aldri for gammel til å bli en livredder hos oss. Du trenger ikke tjenestegjøre på en redningsskøyte for å redde liv på sjøen. Redningsselskapet er en humanitær organisasjon som er avhengig av støtte fra næringsliv, offentlige myndigheter og private. Det kan faktisk være ditt bidrag som sørger for at våre mannskaper når frem i tide, og at en nødstedt kommer trygt hjem til familien sin. Ønsker du å tilgodese Redningsselskapet i ditt testament, er du med å sikre beredskapen langs kysten. Og før eller siden med på å redde et liv. Les mer på, eller kontakt rådgiver Solfrid Bøe (928 36 141) eller advokat Henning Alme Siebke (917 76 833).

Din testamentariske gave redder liv SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


SHIP OF THE YEAR 2016 To be proclaimed at SMM 2016 The prestigious SHIP OF THE YEAR-award is instituted by the major Nordic shipping magazine Skipsrevyen. Prize candidates are nominated by the readers of the magazine. The final election is the responsibility of a dedicated Jury consisting of industry executives. The 2015 Award was handed over to the shipowner DOF ASA and the building yard Vard Søviknes for their design VARD 3 12 MV «Skandi Africa» at NorShipping 2015 by Norwegian Minister of Trade Mrs. Monica Mæland

Please visit or







Plans for pre-millennial cruise ships Pre-2000 cruise ships are ripe for conversion work that will boost capacity, but must also meet expectations of cruisers today says naval architect and design engineering company Foreship

Based on experience and the latest CFD-tools, the ducktails have practically no effect on vessel’s speed-power performance.

If not yet commonplace, cruise ships of 5,000+ passenger capacity are numerous enough to have changed the cruising business model. The ‘boardwalk’, the waterpark, open-air laser tag and on board go-karting are top-line attractions, but their real function is to amuse extra revenueearning cruisers while they occupy all those additional cabins. With features which once seemed fantastic now merely part of the holiday package, owners of older ships have looked to upgrade capacity, but their economies of scale also need to deliver a competitively fresh ‘cruise experience’. Typical is a 2017 project to add new passenger capacity to a ship built before the year 2000 for one of the leading cruise owners in the industry. At time of build, the 2,500 PAX capacity ship was considered stateof-the-art. Teemu Määttänen is Conversion Manager at Foreship, the leading naval architecture and engineering company in the cruise ship business. He says the 2017 upgrade is characteristic of projects that are appropriate for a generation built between 1988 and 1998. Up to eight ships could be considered for similar projects in the future by the same owner, he says. On average, he says, owners working SKIPSREVYEN 5 / 2016


on converting ships built from the mid-1980s to the end of the last century are looking to add up to 5%-6% in passenger capacity. On top of the additional berths, such conversions can include new outdoor LED/video screens, water park features, and new specialty restaurants, Määttänen says. Often, the common challenge will be to “figure out how what is feasible compares to what the client wants”. Foreship’s repair and conversion reference list extends beyond 1,000 projects, with its cruise ship conversion workload in early 2016 including Azamara Journey and Azamara Quest, and NCL Pride of America. Its conversion services cover structures, weight and stability, HVAC, electrical systems, and drydock supervision and support, GAs, technical specifications and SOLAS compliance verification, Class approvals and documentation. Määttänen’s 2017 conversion project envisages new cabin blocks, an extra deck in the forward section, more cabins with balconies, a new waterpark, and an upgrade in restaurant facilities. In turn, more restaurants mean more galleys, and the new ventilation, fire doors, fire safety systems, automation, and escape routes that can require significant structural work.

“Ultimately, it may not be possible to do everything exactly in line with the initial plan; the priorities have to be established in a feasibility study so that the project can proceed and be managed in a logical way,” says Määttänen. “I sometimes need to adapt the design or revise the cabling or piping routing, and coordinate between the owner and Class.” He says he has taken particular satisfaction in projects where the Foreship ‘sponson-ducktail’ has been added to a ship’s stern to increase stability, where capacity-driven conversions add weight as well as height to the superstructure. Based on experience and the latest CFD-tools, Foreship ducktails have practically no effect on vessel’s speed-power performance. The stability gain depends on the vessel size, hull form and other characteristics, but once the sponson-ducktail is added, typically the vessel has even better stability than when it was new. “Every proposal has to be considered first in the context of ship stability and safety; it must meet Class standards,” says Määttänen.”

Mr Teemu Maattanen, Conversion Manager, Foreship.

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Switch boards Bridge consoles Engine consoles Electrical drives Chassis Shore connection systems

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Installation Commissioning Maintenance & modification Project management System integration Engineering

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.