Skipsrevyen omslagsvisning

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Organ for Skipsbygging Skipsteknikk Skipsfartsnæring Olje offshore


NR. 2 – APRIL 2014



– at SMM 2014

Tema: Reparasjon og vedlikehold................. 44 Dekksmaskineri............52

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Serious BWT problems still need to be resolved by IMO

Ny sikkerhetstrussel for skipsfarten I følge Reuters er det funnet sikkerhetsmessige svakheter i både GPS, AIS og ECDIS. Hvis det viser seg at sentrale teknologier benyttet for navigering av skip globalt utgjør en sikkerhetsrisiko, kan konsekvensene bli store. Næringen selv har tilsynelatende lite fokus på cyber-kriminalitet, og derfor frykter forsikringsmeglerhuset Willis at bransjen står overfor en uforsikret og tidsinnstilt bombe.

The global shipping industry – represented by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), BIMCO, Intercargo, Intertanko, World Shipping Council (WSC), CLIA and IPTA – has voiced continuing concern about serious implementation problems associated with the IMO Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention.

Både i skipsfarten og olje- og gassindustrien er det forventet at kostnadene som følge av cyber-kriminalitet vil stige i årene fremover. Hittil er det ikke mange offentliggjorte tilfeller der hacking har ført til problemer, men innen 2018 anslås det at regningen for cyber-kriminalitet begynner å nærme seg 1,9 milliarder dollar for energiselskapene alene. Rent skipsteknisk gikk utviklingen lenge relativt sakte med hensyn til implementering av datateknologi. Spesielt de siste tyve årene har mange nye systemer blitt både vanlige og påkrevd om bord på skip. Det er imidlertid først de siste årene at systemene i stor grad har begynt å kommunisere med land over internettbaserte plattformer. Og dermed har dørene åpnet seg for kriminelle. De første tilfellene har rammet flytende rigger.

At the recent IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), governments decided neither to discuss in full nor to resolve these pivotal issues on which industry had made a detailed written submission.

En flytende oljerigg utenfor Afrika skal ha blitt satt ut av spill etter at hacking sørget for at riggen lente seg over mot siden. Det tok en uke å rette opp feilen. En annen rigg skal ha vært så infisert med datavirus at det tok 19 dager å få kontroll på systemene igjen. For skipsfarten kan farene være minst like mange. Blant annet er det mulig å sende et skip i feil retning gjennom å forfalske GPSsignalet som navigasjonen benytter seg av. AIS har vist seg å være manipulerbar på en slik måte at datainnholdet kan endres og kommunikasjonen stoppes. Til slutt har det vist seg elektroniske kart (ECDIS) kan endres innholdsmessig. Samlet sett kan disse svakhetene føre med seg store økonomiske eller miljømessige konsekvenser. I verste fall kan liv gå tapt. Det virker ikke som rederiene, offentlige instanser eller forsikringsbransjen tar tak i utfordringene. Men det finnes nok en erkjennelse om at noe snart må gjøres. Skipsfarten er en essensiell brikke i global varehandel, og dermed sentral for nasjoners tilgang på energi. Det betyr i neste omgang at det finnes god økonomi i cyber-kriminalitet, rettet både mot skip og rigger.

The industry submission addressed concerns about the lack of robustness of the current IMO type-approval process for the expensive new treatment equipment, the criteria to be used for sampling ballast water during Port State Control inspections and the need for “grandfathering” of existing type-approved equipment that has already been fitted. However, governments decided not to address these proposals until after the Convention has entered into force (which has not yet occurred due to a lack of member State ratifications).

that would have demonstrated IMO’s commitment to addressing the concerns, the MEPC instead decided to look into conducting a study of the problems raised by the industry. This proposed study will probably take at least three years to complete and the decision implies no guarantee as to what actions might finally emerge. The industry organisations note that once the Convention enters into force shipowners will collectively be required to invest billions of dollars in ballast water treatment equipment. The consequence of last week’s decision by the MEPC is that shipowners, and society at large, will continue to lack confidence that the new treatment equipment will actually work, or that it will be found to comply with the standards that governments have set

for killing unwanted marine micro-organisms. The shipping industry maintains that the legal changes needed to make the ballast regime truly global and fit for purpose – such as making IMO Guidelines on type-approval mandatory – are relatively straightforward and could still be agreed in principle by governments quickly. In a constructive response to the IMO’s decision, the industry therefore intends to make another full submission outlining concerns and proposing a possible way forward to the next IMO MEPC meeting (October 2014). In the meantime, the shipping industry cannot recommend that further member states ratify the BWM Convention until confidence building measures on resolving implementation concerns ◆ have been set in place.

Drikkevann Offshore Der hver eneste dråpe teller...


Det kan ikke forventes at hverken shipping eller olje- og gassindustrien vil snu seg raskt om for å sikre seg mot hacking. Det er nemlig mye treghet i slike prosesser. Dermed sitter man igjen med et scenario som dessverre har vist seg å være regelen heller enn unntaket opp gjennom historien; lite skjer helt frem til en alvorlig hendelse presser frem en reaksjon, og trolig nytt lovverk. Spørsmålet er bare hvor stort omfanget av hendelsen som fører til vendepunktet blir.

The industry concerns were shared by a number of flag States (including some that ratified the Convention in the early years after its adoption) but rather than agreeing to a “road map”

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Godesetdalen 10, 4034 Stavanger Tlf: 51446400 Epost:


Fortsatt ses det på som usannsynlig at hackere skal få kontroll over en skipslast som dette. Arkivfoto: Statoil



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Asle B. Strønen – Jan Einar Zachariassen – Arnt-Ove Skoge – Steinar Oppedal, sjøkaptein Benedikte Bakkeli, journalist – Norvald Kjerstad, prof. Morten Halvorsen – Geir Hesjedal – Geir Jensen – Randi Kvamme – Siv Strønen –

Keeps your machinery running! ISSN 0800-2282 Utgiverpoststed Larvik Trykk:

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Robuste radialstempelmotorer for direkte drift Støysvak Høyt trykk Høyt moment

Direkte drift gir følsom kontakt med kreftene Innhold Seksjon 1 – Generelt skipsfartsstoff m/div. båtomtaler Leder ........................................................ 1 Stadig færre norske utenriksskip ............. 2 GIEK: Milliarder i statsgarantier ............... 3 Global Maritime Knowledge Hub ............. 4 Fartsområdeutvalg etablert ...................... 4 Muligheter i Vietnam ................................ 6 Suksessen Vard Vietnam ......................... 7 Celebert for Vinomarine ........................... 8 Erfaringer fra Vietnam .............................. 9 Wärtsiläs testsenter åpnet ..................... 10 Siemens Shipbuilding Catalyst .............. 10 Marintek: Ocean Space Race ................ 12 Flere får kadettplass ............................... 13 – flest jenter interessert ......................... 13 Bygget 6 skip på 6 mnd. ......................... 15 Etterretningstjenestens stolthet .............. 16 Ulstein og havgående slepebåter .......... 17 ECO-design i Bergen ............................. 18 Rekordstort Solstad-nybygg ................... 19 ClassNK’s first US-flagged ship ............. 19 “Dr. Fridtjof Nansen”-signert ................... 20 Vant Heyerdahl-prisen ............................ 21 Solstad ny reder-president ..................... 21 Ved roret ........................................... 22-23 Om “Vår Ære og vår Makt…” .................. 24 Ny maritim strategi ................................. 25

Nytt arktisk forsyningsskip ..................... 25 Ultra deepwater boreskip ....................... 26 Containerskip til AP Møller – Mærsk ...... 27 Purchase of Supacat-vessel .................. 27 “Terningen” levert .................................. 28 Katamaran til FosenNamsos Sjø ........... 29 Kontraherer hybrid Arctic PSV ............... 30 Kontrakt til Salthammer Båtbyggeri ........ 30 Becker’s “Cross Over Rudder” ............... 32 “Polarsyssel” ankom Leirvik ................... 34 Superdrakt redder liv .............................. 34 Ny godshavn i Bergen, neppe ................ 35 Hanstholm Elektronik udvider ................ 36 Single-source safety equipment servicing 36 Jets vant Eksportprisen .......................... 37 DNV GL hovedkontor I Bergen .............. 37 New UK polar flagship ........................... 43 LNG carrier chooses Wärtsilä ................ 51 “JO Lotus” levert ..................................... 76 Seksjon 2 – Markedene m/div. båtomtaler Kalender 2014/2015 ............................... 38 Asia Pacific Maritime .............................. 38 Markedsrapport ...................................... 40 Salg i perioden ....................................... 42 SMM: Setting the green course .............. 43

M/F “Flekkerøy” oppgradert .................... 44 Jevn aktivitet i Hardbakke ...................... 45 Westcon satser mot rigg og subsea ....... 46 Completes contract for Stena Line ......... 47 Travelt ved Søby Værft ........................... 48 High occupancy at Metalships&Docks ... 48 God ordreinngang for Fiskerstrand ........ 49 Suksess for lite verft ............................... 50 Havari i højsæson .................................. 50 Seksjon 4 – Tema Dekksmaskineri TTS: Lønnsomhet før vekst .................... 52 Alfa Laval kjøper Frank Mohn ................. 53 Remote crane operator workstation ....... 53 Lavere aktivitet for Rolls-Royce Deck Machinery .............................................. 54 Kjøper 300t beltegående kran ................ 55 Access equipment for ice-class RoPax .. 55 World’s largest cranes ............................ 55 OM Marine Service – service av dekksmaskineri ...................................................... 56 Solid fra Kongsberg Evotec .................... 57 Seksjon 5 – Offshore m/div. båtomtaler UT 737 CD til Island Offshore ................ 58 PLC-controlled drive systems ................ 59 Nybygg fra Kleven til Olympic ................ 60 Island Offshore vinner kontrakter ........... 61 PSV til Ugland Offshore ......................... 62 Møkster velger UT 776 WP .................... 62

Siem Moxie levert ................................... 63 CSV fra Ulstein til Rieber ....................... 64 Volstad satser på innovasjon ................. 65 GulfMark bestiller ved Simek ................. 66 Separasjonsteknologi for Nordsjøen ...... 66 Golden Energy velger PX121H .............. 66 OSCF til Rem Ship ................................. 68 Signs e-navigation agreement ............... 69 AHTS fra Vard til Farstad ....................... 70 Seismikkskip fra Myklebust Verft ............ 71 Pipelayer til Subsea 7 ............................ 72 Kinesiske CNOOC bestiller norsk .......... 73 Newbuilding contract to Damen ............. 74 Nye kontrakter til Simek ......................... 74 NorYards utruster VS 491 CD AHTS ...... 75 Petrobras contract for Technip ................ 76 Nye ordrer til Norwegian Electric Systems 77 Seksjon 6 – Fiskeri m/div. båtomtaler Brønnbåt fra Havyard ............................. 78 Tråler til Havfisk ...................................... 80 “Øyfjord” levert ....................................... 81 Fra Vestværftet til Nordland .................... 82 Nytt brønnbåtrederi ................................ 83 Fiskefartøy til Nordland .......................... 84 Katamaran fra Ørnli ................................ 84 Fra Tyrkia til Båtsfjord ............................. 86

SISTE SIDE ORDINÆRT INNHOLDSeksjon 7 – Bransjeregisteret

Seksjon 3 – Tema Reparasjon & vedlikehold Solstrand Verft på riktig kurs .................. 44

Sidene ............................................... 88-91

Kystverket commits to the ShipArrestor The Norwegian Coastal Administration (Kystverket) has signed a contract with Miko Marine AS to become the first national agency to purchase the ShipArrestor system. The two packages ordered are due for delivery this summer and feature sea anchors that can be deployed on ships by helicopter. The systems will help protect Norway’s coastline against the pollution and other hazards caused when ships lose engine power and drift before running aground. By dramatically slowing the ship’s rate of drift, the ShipArrestor creates more time in which it can be reached by a rescue tug. If a vessel loses power when in mid-ocean and is in no immediate danger of grounding, a ShipArrestor can be used to turn it into the wind. This will prevent the dangerous rolling that has been responsible for ships such as the Prestige and the Erica breaking-up due to the stresses of lying side-on to the waves. The development of the ShipArrestor now means that even in extreme conditions, a connection can be restored with a ship that is drifting without any crew on board. This is achieved by a helicopter lowering the chain loop of a ShipArrestor around the winches and bollards on the foredeck of the drifting ship. The helicopter then flies upwind and drops the ShipArrestor and its towline into the sea where

92 – SKIPSREVYEN 2/2014

the package opens to release a parachute-shaped sea anchor that immediately creates the resistance needed to turn the ship’s bow into the wind. This is an operation within the expertise of any search and rescue helicopter pilot and it can work for any size of ship from a trawler to a supertanker. The anchors themselves have been developed in conjunction with Coppins Sea Anchors Ltd of New Zealand which is a recognised world leader in sea anchor technology. Tests have subsequently shown that a 30-metre diameter nylon parachute sea anchor can quickly turn a 100,000 ton tanker into the wind and reduce its drift speed by 50 per cent. Once the ShipArrestor is in the water it also has the immediate effect of preventing the severe rolling motion that can be so damaging to the ship and to any crew remaining on board. By slowing the rate at which the ship will drift towards the shore, the ShipArrestor increases the time available for an emergency towing vessel (ETV) to reach it. The tug is then able to pick up the sea anchor and line and tow the ship out of danger. This is seen as particularly valuable for countries where a reduced ETV availability means that longer passage times may be needed for the nearest tug to reach the drifting ship. The ShipArrestors were developed in Oslo, Norway, by salvage specialists Miko Marine which led a consortium of eight European organisations partly funded by the European Union. This included companies from France, Germany,

Netherlands and Austria as well as the Norwegian Institute of Technology and the UK’s Ship Stability Research Centre which all applied their individual expertise to the challenge. – We have been very pleased with the outcome of this project, said Nicolai Michelsen, general manager of Miko Marine. – It shows what can be achieved when different countries and organisations combine their skills to address a problem that is faced by every one of us. Norway has become the first to adopt the system but we are confident that other maritime administrations will follow suit as they realise that their own coastal economies and natural resources face the same risks from pollution and loss of life.

Hammerfest and Fedje

The Miko ShipArrestors will be stored on helicopter stations at Hammerfest above the Arctic circle in Norway and at the Kystverket station at Fedje just north of Bergen. Commenting on the purchase, Ola Jordheim, Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA) chief engineer and project manager for the ShipArrestor explained how the NCA has been addressing the potential risks arising from increased tanker traffic passing down its coast en-route from Murmansk in northern Russia. – We hope that this will further strengthen our preparedness to deal with any incident, he said and explained that much work had already been done by the NCA to meet recommendations made in 2003 by

The ShipArrestor system principle. Det Norske Veritas. It had then warned of the pollution risks arising from the increased shipment of oil along Norway’s coast. A major Vessel Traffic System (VTS) has since been established in Hammerfest which oversees the movement of ships anywhere along Norway’s 2000 nautical mile long coast. A traffic separation scheme is now strictly monitored by a coastal radar chain and by AIS (Automatic Identification System) data which are used together to ensure that loaded southbound tankers remain at least 30-miles away from the coast. Despite the distance created by the traffic separation scheme the broad surface area of modern tankers and other vessels such as cruise ships means that they can offer extensive wind resistance. A typical cruise ship can have a superstructure that creates a sail area greater than that of the largest sailing clipper and this can cause it to drift quickly in strong winds. The ShipArrestor will, however, turn the bow into the wind to dramatically reduce the rate of drift and thereby create more time for an ETV to reach it before it impacts onto the Norwe-

gian coast. – We hope that we will never need to use our ShipArrestor systems but our experience suggests otherwise, said Ola Jordheim who can recall several incidents around the coast of Norway where the system would have prevented ships coming to grief. – A notable one occurred in 2005 when the tanker Fjord Champion caught fire and lost power. The crew had to evacuate the ship which subsequently ran aground on the southern tip of Norway. – This is the sort of situation that ShipArrestor has been designed to prevent and we are looking forward to when our two systems are delivered in the summer. This will be followed by a short training programme for our personnel and for helicopter crews and we are expecting that the ShipArrestors will be available to protect ships and our coastline by the autumn of this year. The unpredictable nature of maritime safety makes absolute guarantees impossible but the availability of the ShipArrestor now gives Norway a much better chance of protecting itself against disaster, said Ola Jordheim. ◆


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