Better Tomorrow Yearbook FY22

Sodexo’s global sustainability plan, “Better Tomorrow 2025”, developed in line with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, includes nine specific and measurable commitments. This plan led to Sodexo being awarded the prestigious “Global Sustainability Award 2022” by Dow Jones in the “Restaurants & Leisure Facilities” category for the 17th consecutive year. We received this award for our sustained efforts to integrate sustainable solutions into our service offerings at all levels.
We’re determined to be at the forefront of our industry. That’s why we have chosen to integrate sustainability into everything we do.
Sodexo’s responsibility and the integration of CR into our operations strengthens the commitment of our employees and cooperation with our clients, promotes the environment and society, and helps to improve profitability.
This year’s CR Yearbook for Sodexo Sweden contains information and tales from the last financial year and details what we are doing to drive positive and long-term sustainable development together with our clients, employees and suppliers.
I would like to emphasise a selection of activities here:
• We had the honour of giving a lecture on our integrated sustainability work in food service during Stockholm+50, which was organised by the UN. 2022 marked the fiftieth anniversary of the first UN Conference on the Human Environment, which was held right here in Stockholm. The ambition of Stockholm+50 was to help accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future and bring the international community together through enhanced cooperation and action.
In our sustainability work, we are working towards factors such as:
• Increasing diversity, fair working conditions and inclusion
• More sustainable meal options
• More services to facilitate a safe and flexible working life
• Reduced food waste
• Reduced carbon footprint
• Phasing out single-use plastics
• Increased cooperation with local suppliers
• Support for vulnerable people
We are humbled by the challenges we face, but we are also proud of the successes we have achieved on many different levels. Our strength is that we work in close partnership with our customers and suppliers, striving together to achieve our goals in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
• Stop hunger is Sodexo’s unique philanthropic foundation, established in 1999. Today it is a global, non-profit network with a presence in 54 countries, working locally and sustainably for a hunger-free world. In 2022, our support went to the Swedish City Missions and their efforts to help Ukrainian refugees in Sweden. We raised over SEK 60,000 through a nationwide fundraising campaign which could help more than a thousand people.
• We welcome trends and innovations in sustainable development. We collaborate with a number of new and innovative companies through our successful Sparx Nordic accelerator programme, focusing on the environment and sustainability.
• We have continued to compile reports based on Novus labour market surveys throughout the year. Based on the conclusions reached in the reports, we have been able to lead and guide our customers and other stakeholders with valuable insights, as well as useful tips and advice on the new hybrid way of working.
• 422 000 employees
• We operate in 53 countries
• 100 million customers served daily
Sodexo Sweden is first when it comes to launching eco-labeled cleaning chemicals in the industry.
• The 19th largest private employer in the world
• 13.3 billion euro in market capitalization (January 5th, 2023)
The first smaller gaspowered service vehicle is introduced and used at Sodexo in Sweden.
Sodexo Sweden becomes certified within quality (ISO 9001).
The global Sodexo campaign WasteLESS Week is launched.
Sodexo globally launches the Better Tomorrow Plan for a sustainable future.
Sodexo Sweden becomes environmentally certified (ISO 14001).
Sodexo Sweden begins with Stop Hunger related activities.
The diversity network is established at Sodexo Sweden.
Sodexo Sweden introduces routines to reduce food waste in all restaurants.
The first electricpowered service vehicle is introduced and used at Sodexo in Sweden.
50% of the members in the senior management at Sodexo in Sweden are women.
(August 31st, 2022)
• 330 million euro in consolidated revenues
• 4,000 employees
Sodexo globally makes a commitment to only use cage free eggs by 2025.
Sodexo´s 50th anniversary.
The corporate responsibility roadmap Better Tomorrow 2025 is launched.
Peter Mellin succeeds Azita Shariati as Country Manager for Sodexo in Sweden.
Sodexo in Sweden begins to offer patient-related services.
Sodexo triple certifies its Nordic operations.
Sodexo´s Nordic operation becomes certified according to the work environment standard ISO 45001.
Sodexo´s founder and Emeritus Pierre Bellon passed away January 31st in Paris, aged 92.
Sodexo Group has developed nine commitments which will guide us until 2025. All the commitments are measurable, which enables us to follow our progress and cooperate in order to find solutions to the challenges.
Candidness in the reporting helps us to understand what has gone well, and in which areas we have been facing challenges that we can solve together with our partners.
Yearly reporting helps us in building trust among all our stakeholders. It proofs how we improve the quality of life in the communities in which we operate.
The key figures stated for each commitment in this report are global.
Improve the quality of life of our employees, safely 80% employee engagement rate
Ensure a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that reflects and enriches the communities we serve
100% of our employees work in countries that have gender balance in their management populations
Foster a culture of environmental responsibility within our workforce and workspaces
100% of our employees are trained on sustainable practices
Provide and encourage our consumers to access healthy lifestyle choices
100% of our consumers are offered healthy lifestyle options every day
Promote local development and fair, inclusive and sustainable business practices
10 billion euro of our business value will benefit small and medium-sized enterprises
Our awards
Act sustainably for a hunger-free world
100 million Stop Hunger beneficiaries
Drive diversity and inclusion as a catalyst for societal change
500,000 empowered women in communities
Source responsibly and provide management services that reduce carbon emissions
34% reduction of carbon emissions
Champion sustainable resource usage
50% reduction in our food waste
For Sodexo, trust is a matter of the heart in the relationships with both clients and employees.
Sodexo values respect, dignity and consideration for all people, regardless of their background, age, gender, conception of life and life choices.
We ensure that our clients and employees and shareholders receive correct and clear information about our services.
Business integrity
Sodexo condemns all operation which is not based on honesty, integrity and justice.
Committed to working responsibly and reducing any impact that may result from our business activities, Sodexo has contributed to a work undertaken by the European Commission in 2021.
Through this collaborative process, the Commission finalized an ambitious European Code of Conduct for responsible business and marketing practices. With the active commitment of companies and the various stakeholders, the code will accelerate the transition to a sustainable food system.
As a French company with global reach, employing more than 60,000 people and delivering quality of life services in 18 Europeans countries, Sodexo is proud to commit to the European Code of Conduct for responsible business and marketing practices. This code reinforces Sodexo’s Corporate Responsibility commitments and our ambition to develop responsible agriculture based on the preservation of natural resources and respect for biodiversity, social justice and economic viability.
Partnering to reinforce the transition to a sustainable food system is part of the positive impact of doing business with Sodexo.
Sodexo commits to the European Code of Conduct for responsible business and marketing practices
The UN sustainability goals were launched in 2015, and it is the world´ s common work plan when it comes to fighting global challenges within climate, environment and social circumstances. The sustainability goals covers 17 goals, which are applicable for all countries in the world, rich as well as poor countries. This means that also authorities, businesses and communities in the Nordic countries must work together, in order to create a more sustainable, just and equal world by 2030.
As a global actor operating in 53 countries, it is Sodexo´s responsibility to contribute for us to reach the UN goals both locally as well as globally. We updated our own sustainability program in 2017, so it is aligned with the global sustainable goals.
We have several goals related to the 17 main goals and strive to achieve a total of 330 key figures included in our internal yearly sustainability reporting. For a company with 422,000 employees in 53 countries, it means that we have a huge impact both locally and globally. No individual company can create a sustainable tomorrow on its own. We must work together in order to achieve lasting changes.
At Sodexo we work together with global organizations in order to make a difference. On several occasions we have also started own initiatives in order to be able to help others in a better way. We work closely with our customers, suppliers and partners. With the UN's global goals, we feel that we have a common starting point and common goals, which we can work to achieve together.
The symbols used in the articles in the report, show which of the UN global goals they have a connection with.
The purpose of Sodexo and our new tagline ”It all starts with the everyday”, was launched during Sodexo´s Shareholders´ Meeting December 14th 2021.
We improve the Quality of Life of those we serve and our teams and contribute to the economic, social and environmental development of the communities, regions and countries in which we operate.
We serve with care the essential daily needs of millions of people. We build inclusive progress; we drive engaged and responsible performance.
We create a better everyday for everyone to build a better life for all.
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Our mission
• Improve the Quality of Life for our employees and everyone we serve
• Contribute to the economic, social and environmental development in the communities, regions and countries in which we operate.
"At Sodexo our purpose is to create a better everyday
everyone to build a better life for all."
OuremployeeSaharMazoojiwasvery closetobecoming“CleaneroftheYear” intheCLEANBrightAwards, theindustryawardthathighlightsrole modelsandfuturepromisesinthe Swedishcleaningandserviceindustry.
The“CleaneroftheYear”awardrecognises acleanerwhoisflexible,takesinitiativeand canquicklyresolveallkindsofissues rangingfromthespreadofinfectiontofloor care.Candidateshavetohaveaknowledge ofcleaningtechniques,products,materials andcleaningmachines.
Saharfitsallthecriteriawell.Shehas becomeafully-fledgedcolleagueafter havingspentjustoverayearasacleanerat VrinneviHospitalinNorrköping.Shehas adeptatcleaningdelicateareassuchas operatingtheatresandalsoperforms patient-relatedservicesthatrequireagreat understandingofpatients’needs.
“Cleaningneedsinthehealthcaresector aren’tthesameasinotherorganisations, becausethehealthandlivesofpatients areatstake.Acleanenvironmentpromotes healingandisagoodplacetowork. Weworkonpatientsafetyandarehelpingto createabettersociety,”says SaharMazooji.
Herbossdescribesherasambitious, quicktolearn,curious,thoroughand committed.Shehasastrongcustomer focusandenjoysmotivatinghercolleagues andintroducingnewcolleaguesto theworkplace.
Shelikesthefactthatthecleaning professioninvolvesagreatdealofsocial contactandthattherearesomegreat opportunitiesfordevelopment.Shepays closeattentiontoherworktechniquesto avoidrepetitivestraininjuries.Sheuses machinesoverlargeareastosaveher shouldersanddoesweighttraininga coupleofdaysaweektopreventwear andtearandinjuries.
“Regularexercisestrengthensyour muscles,whichinturnprotectsyourjoints andbones.Italsoincreasesmobilityand balance,reducingtheriskoffallsandbroken bones.Quitesimply,itmakesyoustronger andmorealert.”
Finally!Afterseveralyearsof nominationsinvariouscategories,we scoredadirecthitinthe2022White GuideJunior.SchoolRestaurantofthe Year,oneofthemostprestigious awards,wenttoBrinkskolaninTäby. Themealasawholescored 95outof100,andthefooditself scored19outof20.
“Brinkskolan’swinandallourother nominationsareproofpositivethatweare doingtherightthing.Wecookgoodfood andhavecreatedasenseofparticipation andcommitmentamongbothourguests andemployees,”saysKimDuggin,site managerforTäbyschools.Täbyschools receivednofewerthaneightnominationsin thecategories:SchoolChefoftheYear, SchoolRestaurantoftheYearandGreen SchoolMealoftheYear.
Accordingtothejudges,thefoodat Brinkskolanwasthebesttheyhavehadin theten-yearhistoryofthecompetition.Inthe reasonsfortheirdecision,theywrote: “Sodexohasorchestratedthisnear-perfect experienceandtheschool,ledby headmasterMagnusJohansson,ison board–butheadchefMichaelOskarsson playsfirstfiddle,flankedbyateamofdiligent colleagueswhoaren’tjustallowed,but activelyencouragedtotakecentrestage.”
Theschoolsworkaccordingtothemeal conceptKöketbySodexo,wherethedaily ambitionistopreparetasty,healthyandecofriendlyfood.Themenusshowtheclimate impactofthefood,bothforeducational purposesandtoempowerstudentstomake climate-smartchoices.
Thedialoguewithstudentsisalsoasuccess factor.The“BreakfastChef”forumisan activitywhereoneclassatatimehas breakfastwiththeschoolchef.Theychat aboutideastheyhaveaboutfood,food wasteandthemealenvironment.Following discussionswiththeschoolmanagement, thedesireforaquieterenvironmentresulted intheadditionoftrees,plantsandan aquariumtoreducethenoiselevelinthe schoolrestaurant.
“Anotherideawehadatabreakfastmeeting is‘Worldfoodtheme’,whereweasked studentstovotefordishesfromdifferent countries.Thenwehungupflagsand informationaboutthecountries.Thisactivity wasalsopickedupaspartofschools’ educationalwork,”saysKim.
Parentsarealsoinvitedtoparticipateinthe mealtimediscussions.Meetingswereheld onlineduringthepandemic,andparents hadtocollecttastingboxes.Thesolution workedwell,andevenincreasedthe numberofpeopletakingpart.
“Winningthebestmealawardhas enhancedoursenseofprideandteamspirit. Oneofourschoolrestaurantswon,and sevenwereveryclose.Nowtheother schoolsareonthelookoutforawards.”
School Chef of the Year
Michael Oscarsson Brinkskolan
Nevena Misic Hägerneholmsskolan
Green School Meal of the Year
School Restaurant of the Year
Åva Gymnasium
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Sodexo employees are helping to improve the daily lives of millions of consumers around the world by making a sustainable difference in the quality of life for all.
As a responsible employer, Sodexo is committed to the wellbeing, health and safety of its employees. Training, support and development are essential to the commitment and recognition of its employees. Sodexo ensures that all employees have all the skills and tools necessary for advancing within the
Group. As a service provider, Sodexo offers personalized menus based on the specific needs of its customers, such as seniors or patients in hospitals.
Sodexo is also committed to offering all its customers a variety of foods from responsible sources. As a corporate citizen, Sodexo reaffirms its engagement and determination
to act against hunger, through Stop Hunger, its main philanthropic cause. Sodexo’s global reach allows it to have a tremendous power of positive influence to drive progress in key areas such as food distribution or women empowerment as levers to fight against hunger.
To better understand and develop our services for the working life of the future, Sodexo has been working in partnership with Novus since 2020 to survey the attitudes of Swedish office workers and managers to work life, working from home and what creates discomfort and satisfaction. Working on the basis of a research-based initiative, we have presented the results in seven reports to date.
The pandemic became a catalyst for working from home. One of the reports shows that one in five people who worked from home thought it was better than doing nine-to-five in the office, while four in ten people think that work has been worse during the pandemic. The time spent commuting and travelling to work is one of the reasons why people want to continue working from home.
Anarchy or micromanagement?
– Work life when offices open up again
(28 September 2021)
“We need new services, technological solutions and innovations to improve the work situation in hybrid working life. Leadership should have a coaching function rather than controlling one, where time and resources are invested in understanding employees’ individual drivers, conditions and needs,” says Johanna Langer, Head of Marketing for Corporate Services.
Webinar Anarchy or micromanagement
We have also looked at productivity and why it increased for some office workers during the pandemic. In our seventh report, we explored office workers’ expectations and concerns about working life in 2030. According to the study, five working life trends will be particularly key to working life in 2030: working from home, purpose and value drive, individualisation, globalisation and servicification.
Social exchange remains the most important function of the shared workplace. A shorter working week tops the wish list for what office workers want from working life in 2030, followed by more flexible working hours and being able to choose to work from anywhere in the world.
Less time at work –more time to work
Wthis is why productivity increases when working remotely
(7 December 2021)
New demands on employers when the fight for talent intensifies -
A report about the needs and motivational factors of employees in the new work life
(8 June 2022)
The flexible and individualised work life in 2030 – utopia or dystopia?
(5 December 2022)
Sodexo’s basic attitude is that no one should be injured at work. But unfortunately, sometimes people do get hurt. At Sodexo, serious accidents where one of our employees needs to take sick leave due to something that has happened in the workplace are referred to as Lost Time Injuries, LTIs.
We are working really hard to reduce the number of LTIs. The most important thing is to be proactive and maintain a preventive approach. We are working very actively on risk assessments, which are one piece of the puzzle. A risk assessment is an attempt to identify and evaluate potential risks so that actions can be put in place to ensure that these risks don´t result in accidents.
The use of chemical products is one area that can come across as hard to assess in terms of risk. We have introduced a new tool during the year in the form of a chemicals management system known as Chemsoft.
This system includes:
• Lists of chemicals
• Current safety data sheets
• Rules related to different chemical products
• Risk assessments of our chemical hazards
“Our Chemsoft tool is helping all our organisations to keep track of the risks posed by our use of chemicals. Moreover, the system supports us in fulfilling the documentation requirements for chemicals,” says Sofia Eleftheriadis, HSE Manager.
This is how LTIs have developed in recent years. The graph shows the number of LTIs in relation to the number of hours worked.
Domestic violence has increased significantly during the pandemic. The National Board of Health and Welfare estimates that just over 1 person per hour is currently on sick leave due to domestic violence, but the number of unreported cases is much higher. Statistics show that both men and women are victims of domestic violence.
Not only does domestic violence create a negative quality of life for the employee in question, it also carries over into the workplace, affecting ability to work and economic performance in the form of high levels of sick leave and loss of production.
We have partnered with Change Collective, which specialises in these issues, to try to address the negative effects of domestic violence.
That is why we offer an opportunity, a support programme for all our staff, to help end abusive relationships.
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During the financial year, Sodexo’s basic food safety training aimed at food services teams was updated, digitised and divided into two separate parts. The type of food service in which individual employees work determines whether they need to complete only one or both parts of the training programme.
Part one of the programme is aimed at workers within smaller food services with limited handling. Staff working with food services with all types of handling have to complete both parts one and two of the training programme to have the right knowledge for their work.
This basic training is also complemented by a mandatory allergy training programme, which applies to all staff working in food services, regardless of what kind they work in.
Digitalisation of this training programme has made it easier for staff to absorb it, as it’s interactive and available online and can be completed at their own pace.
“We have chosen to divide the training programme into two different parts to make things easier for staff working with food services with limited handling,” says Patrik Lundh, Food Safety Manager.
EmelieBrudinworkson behalfof Sodexoasaparkworkerforthe municipalityof Mora.In summer, shetakescareof flowersandweeds theflowerbeds,andinwinterherjob mostlyinvolvesgrittingand shovellingsnow.
HerjobatSodexoisherfirstfull-time position.Shestartedworkingasacleaner insummer2020,andinMay2021she switchedtooutdoorenvironments.The idealjobforagirlwithlotsofenergywho enjoysbeingoutsideinthefreshair.
Beforethewinterof2021–2022,the companyneededmorereadinessand shewasaskedwhethershewouldbe interestedingettingalicencetodrivea loader.Shesaidyes–withamixof fearanddelight.
“Ihadonlyeverseenguysdrivingwheel loaders,andI thought,shouldI dothat? Butitallsoundedveryexciting,anditis funtodosomethingnewandchallenging.”
ThevehicleshedrivesiscalledtheL30,a slightlysmallertypeofwheelloaderthat canbedrivenatspeedsupto30kph.She remembershownervousshewasthefirst timesheboardedthemachine,andthe factthathercolleagueswerestanding aroundwatchingdidn’treallyhelp.
“ItfeltgreatwhenI gottodriveoffallon myown.ThenIthoughttomyself–Emelie,youcandothis.Youcandoit.”
Sheneedstokeephereyespeeledand maintainfullcontrolofthevehiclewhen drivingonfootpathsandcyclepathsused bybothpedestriansandcyclists.
Emelieispleasedtoknowhersupervisor doesn’twantanyonetobestressedout. Safetyandaccuracyaremoreimportant thanspeed.
It isstillrelativelyunusualtoseeagirl drivingthiskindofvehicle,andthatis reflectedinpeople’sreactions.
“Igetalotofpositivefeedback,thumbsup andhappyfaces.Theguysatwork usuallycomebackattheendofthe workingdayandtellyoutheopposite.”
Theotherday,shewaswithanother femalecolleagueataprimaryschool.Her colleaguedroveandEmeliekeptthe childrenatasafedistance.Oneofthe childrensaid:“Hangon–cangirls drivemachines?”
ThiswasabitlikeSodexo’sreasoning whentheyofferedheraloaderlicence, andEmelielikestoseeherselfasarole modelwhoinspiresothergirlstodrive loaders.Butthatsaid,thejobdoesn’t involvesittinginamachine.Flowerbeds areweededandsnowisshovelledby hand.It isnotthemostergonomicjobin theworld,butsheispleasedherwork visiblymakesadifference.
“I really enjoy my job, my colleagues and manager are great. They come up with good ideas to strengthen the group, and are responsive to different requests.”
“Sodexo was the first company that gave me a chance to enter the labour market, and I have been able to develop in a short time. It has been great.”
WilliamAdimi came to Sweden from Syria with the large influx of refugees in 2015. He was just 15 years old and had no parents with him.Atough start for a young person with dreams of becoming an engineer.
As William was a teenager, he was given a place at an upper secondary school in Gothenburg. He found the language difficult at first, but eventually it became easier. He hasn’t done a language course, but learnt by chatting to colleagues and friends.
In 2017, he came into contact with Sodexo through a friend who cleaned the Stena Line ships in Gothenburg.
“I needed a job and thought what my friend told me sounded good. I contacted Magnus Orest, the Regional Manager, and got a weekend job during my studies,” says WilliamAdimi.
Eventually, William was taught to do specialised cleaning, and when a temporary job as a train cleaner turned up just before pandemic, he decided to apply.
“We didn’t have much to do on the ships, and I wanted to try something new.”
He was given the temporary job, and train cleaning turned out to be a perfect fit for a night owl like him.
“I enjoy working at night, and I love coming to work. We laugh a lot and are like a little family – we spend time together outside work sometimes, too,” says William.
Nowadays, he alternates between being a coordinator and a team leader. During coordinator week, he keeps track of arrival times and makes sure the trains are cleaned. His week as a team leader involves checking that the cleaning is of the agreed quality.
Because he came to Sweden alone, William has had to support himself as well as studying. He had several jobs at the same time for a while. He was only able to sleep for three hours at a time occasionally, and there was a time when he was late for his shifts.
“I hadn’t told anyone at work about my lack of money. Magnus and his team had a chat with me and we resolved the situation. I am really grateful I got to keep my job.”
William has found a place in life where he is happy. Sweden, he says, feels like home. His dream of becoming an engineer is no longer all that clear. He still has plans to go on studying, but first he wants to improve his Swedish and learn more in his current field of work.
100% of our consumers are offered healthy lifestyle options every day
Sodexo in Sweden already holds the ISO certifications ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.
Stjärnköket, one of our large Central Production Units outside Stockholm, has been certified to ISO 22000, the food safety management system, during this financial year.
Our ISO certifications
• ISO 9001:2015
• ISO 14001:2015
• ISO 45001:2018
• ISO 22000
Quality management systems
Environmental management systems
Occupational health and safety
Food safety management systems
This certification focuses on:
• Interactive communication and system management
• HACCP principles and prerequisites
Having our work audited by an external party means we can demonstrate that we maintain a systematic approach to food safety, which also means that we are constantly improving.
Our 2022 Global Annual Culinary Report shows how our chefs are innovating and playing an important role in working towards a more sustainable world.
Our guests are looking for healthier, more eco-friendly meal options, and our chefs and culinary teams have recognised their wishes and needs. They have created more plantbased dishes that offer delicious flavours, while also being more eco-friendly alternatives that reduce our environmental impact.
The 2022 report provides information on research initiatives that we are undertaking with our partners through the Future Food Collective, as well as presenting some interesting tales related to our food operations all over the world.
November 2021 saw the launch of a Sodexo partnership with Eat Green Academy, a start-up that aims to increase awareness of sustainable gastronomy in public catering operations through training programmes.
Five of the training videos are filmed within food services run by Sodexo. In the videos, staff provide tips on how to prepare greener home cooking for schoolchildren and more sustainable food for the elderly. They also share inspiring vegan dishes from different food cultures and information on how to deal with leftover food in order to reduce food waste.
“More plant-based food helps improve diners’health, and it is something we have to pursue if we are to achieve our climate goals. We perceive this cooperation as a knowledge exchange where we share the things we have learned with other public food services, while our chefs gain access to new inspiration and new cooking skills,” says Eva Kristensson, Head of Communications at SodexoAB.
Behind the Eat GreenAcademy is entrepreneur Pär Bergkvist, who runs White Guide Junior, a competition where school meals are rated, and Gustav Johansson, who runs Sweden’s largest vegan blog “Jävligt gott” [Really tasty].
“Developing these courses together with Sodexo is very enjoyable and a great honour. They have been working with sustainability in public meals for a long time, and you can tell,” says Gustav Johansson, Eat GreenAcademy.
Stop Hunger is a global non-profit network founded by Sodexo in 1996. Stop Hunger is contributing to the UN’s goal of a world without hunger through partnerships with charitable organisations that support local organisations, empower women and respond to disasters.
Some 820 million people are affected by not having enough food. This represents 10% of the world’s population. 60% of these are women. 45 million people in 43 countries are suffering from hunger.
25,000 people die every day, of whom 10,000 are children: more victims than during the COVID-19 pandemic. But hunger isn’t inevitable, and one of the UN’s sustainability goals is to end world hunger by 2030.
In Sweden, we are working to strengthen our local efforts through the support we can provide in the form of our services – such as donating food –and through volunteering, which may involve education, innovation and food waste.
We are also doing our best to increase locally based partnerships with clients and suppliers, as well as aid organisations such as the Swedish City Missions, Matakuten, Hela människan, Verdandi and others.
Our focus areas are:
• Volunteering – where as an employer, we offer all our employees a paid day of volunteering every year.
• Donation of food/meals – primarily surplus food in order to reduce food waste.
• Empowerment of women –supporting projects that help women help themselves and their families. Fundraising and donating money.
• Servathon April–June – a service marathon with the Swedish City Missions as beneficiary.
Homepage Stop Hunger
• Using Stop Hunger ambassadors – involving customers and suppliers
Global video about Stop Hunger –Stop Hunger – Feeding The Future
Our Stop Hunger programme in Sweden has benefited around 10,000 people during the 2022 financial year.
• 6,500 meals and 1,300 kilos of food
The Stop Hunger Servathon is an annual event where Sodexo businesses all over the world go that extra mile in the spring. In 2022, helping refugees from Ukraine seemed the obvious thing to do. We were able to conduct a fundraising campaign to support the Swedish City Missions in their relief efforts.
The Swedish City Missions have long and proven experience in quickly adapting their operations to deal with acute crises. They mobilised early in order to target their resources at dealing with the increased influx of refugees from Ukraine to Sweden.
The Swedish City Missions work to provide safe, quiet accommodation for people fleeing to Sweden from the war in Ukraine.The emphasis is on children, as most of the refugees arriving are children and their mothers, but elderly people are also included in the target groups.
Besides accommodation, food, clothing, toys and toiletries are also provided.The Swedish City Missions have staff with expertise and experience in psychosocial work and dedicated volunteers to help out.
In the longer term, they can offer continued support, including one-on-one counselling, guidance, study support, activities and meeting places.
The amount collected was matched by Sodexo, so more than SEK 60,000 could be donated to the efforts of the Swedish City Missions to help these refugees.
Sodexo is committed to supporting and promoting diversity, equal opportunity and developing an inclusive workplace culture in every country where we operate. Our teams serve communities worldwide. Our employees must be as diverse and inclusive as the world itself since we are ultimately an integral part of the communities we serve.
As a responsible employer, Sodexo is working to strengthen its culture of inclusion by looking for new ways to promote diversity and improve working conditions for our employees. Sodexo is convinced that gender equality in the teams benefi ts all of our stakeholders. As a
service provider, the products and services we purchase have a strong impact on our communities. That’s why we are committed to prioritizing purchases from smalland medium-sized businesses in order to inject business value back into the communities where we
operate. As a corporate citizen, Sodexo focuses on working with partners who encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion. We partner with local organizations and advocacy groups, and our charitable initiatives focus on empowering minority populations.
100% of our employees work in countries that have gender balance in their management populations
a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that reflects and enriches communities we serve
We believe that utilising the full potential of our diverse workforce will make us a stronger, more innovative company that can contribute more effectively to diversity. This is why we train all our managers in inclusive leadership.
• 57.98% of our total workforce are women
• 49.5% women in senior positions
• 46.2% women in the Swedish management team
Target: 40% women in senior positions by 2025, and to ensure a 40–60% gender balance in management teams.
We are committed to ensuring a safe and inclusive work environment with acceptance and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer employees who feel excluded so that they can come to work as they are.
Our ongoing commitment: by 2025, 100% of our employees will have access to initiatives that support the inclusion of people with disabilities.
We are committed to fostering a culturally diverse, fair and inclusive experience for our employees, providing skills to work effectively across cultures and creating a sense of belonging for all our employees.
We are committed to having a positive impact on the employee experience by having employees of all age groups in order to engage, retain and attract talent from different generations
Alpha CE is a training and matching company working towards an inclusive labour market. Mahmoud from Syria is one of the people who got a full-time job as a chef at Sodexo after a successful recruitment process via Alpha CE.
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Sodexo runs aid equipment services on behalf of a number of regions and municipalities in Sweden. Requirements in respect of aid equipment are stringent in Sweden, based not only on function, but also on wear and tear. There is a severe lack of aid equipment in many other countries, and people with disabilities risk being confined to bed. When we realised that leftover items here could be very useful elsewhere in the world, the choice was easy.
Aid equipment that don’t meet Swedish standards are used in other countries thanks to our cooperation with Vaggan and Human Bridge. Aid equipment that aren’t fit for purpose are discarded.
“It is an honour to work with aid equipment, it contributes to something important. Helping others feels good, and it is in line with Sodexo’s values. That is one of the things I value as a Sodexo employee,” says Jan Möller, Site Manager for SodexoAid Equipment Services in Östergötland.
During the year, our aid equipment services in Stockholm donated everything from crutches to beds to the Vaggan organisation. About half a trailer a month has benefited children in Latvia and Lithuania, for the most part. Vaggan has been sending aid to Ukraine as well since Russia invaded.
Our aid equipment services in Linköping cooperates with the Human Bridge aid organisation. Most of our donations have gone to countries in Africa, with a third going to Ukraine. The demand for wheelchairs is particularly high, and in 2022 we were able to donate 120 wheelchairs to Human Bridge. 80 walkers, walking frames and crutches were also donated.
Aid equipment services have also been sent via Blågula bilen, which donates equipment and supplies to people in Ukraine. Three lorries carrying wheelchairs, walkers, shower chairs and transfer aids – devices that help staff to move people – have benefited people in Ukraine.
2.2 Promote
Our purchasing is determined both by client demands and financial frames, but also through demands we require of ourselves. Our objective is to continue to lead the Swedish sustainability development forward.
The engagement, knowledge and experiences of the purchasers play an important role for sustainability efforts. They set demands for and negotiate with our suppliers.
Codes of conduct are guidelines regarding how we shall operate in an ethical, social and environment friendly way. A couple of years ago we updated these in order to connect them even more clearly to UNs sustainability goals.
In order to support local businesses, we have initiated the work to simplify
and thereby make it easier for small and medium sized companies to be authorized suppliers to us. Through us they can become suppliers to companies, municipalities and county councils without having to participate in rigorous tender processes themselves.
The progress within cleaning has moved forward during recent years. Today chemical free cleaning is applied wherever it is possible. Closer to 90 per cent of cleaning products that we use have an environmental labelling. Our purchased paper is eco-labeled.
The sustainability efforts within food services are complex. Food production has a large impact on environment and climate, but it’s also about food safety, animal protection and labor conditions. We follow the tender authority, criteria
which in most parts are aligned with our own rules regarding animal welfare.
Five freedoms
Our suppliers sign agreements where they obligate to at least live up to our charters based on ”Five freedoms” – where the animals shall:
• Have access to clean water and feeling that contributes to their health.
• Grow up in a suitable environment where there is room for shelter and rest.
• Get access to quick diagnosis and treatment for any possible injury or disease.
• Have the possibility to express their normal behavior.
• Have living conditions and treatment that don´t expose them to mental suffering.
We have selected a number of products where we have focused a little more in order to drive the development of sustainable procurement.
Sodexo’s global goal is to phase out eggs from battery hens by 2025. We have already reached our goal in Sweden. Eggs from battery hens are only used when our supplier has no other eggs available. In the year under review, 100% of liquid egg purchases and 99% of about 1.5 million whole eggs were from free-range hens.
We protect the marine environment and only buy fish that aren’t on the World Wide Fund for Nature’s red list. About 93% of the fish we served bore the MSC (wild caught) or ASC (farmed) ecolabel.
Of the 8 million or so cups of coffee served in our restaurants, 98% had one or more ECO, Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance certifications. Our aim is to further increase the percentage of certified coffee.
72% of chicken purchases were compliant with the requirements of the National Agency for Public Procurement. In 2019, Sodexo signed the European Chicken Commitment (ECC), committing to work actively to influence and support farmers in a transition that improves welfare for chickens.
The goal is to ensure that all chicken served by Sodexo in Europe meets the animal welfare requirements of the European Chicken Commitment by 2026.
Thirdly, if a disposable item is the only option, products made from natural materials must be selected. We are always working to find new and improved sustainable options for our range and support our restaurants in offering our customers better sustainable options in this category.
We buy large quantities of hygiene paper and office paper. Sodexo aims for all its paper to be environmentally certified. During the year, 95.2% of all hygiene paper and 99% of all office paper was certified.
Our policy is to avoid the use of disposable items in our restaurants as far as possible. Secondly, we want to replace disposable items with reusable alternatives in a circular flow.
This autumn marks five years since Sodexo’s Sparx Nordic accelerator programme was launched. This programme partners with companies run by driven entrepreneurs, and that we see moving the service industry forward at a time when the world of work is changing rapidly and there is a great need for new innovations.
During the programme, entrepreneurs will have access for three months to:
• Learning: Senior industry expertise and mentoring in commercialisation
• Testing: A global testing environment with the ability to reach people in over 50 countries
• Scalability: A global network and a future market for their innovation
Klimato was one of the rising stars in Sodexo’s Sparx accelerator programme in 2018. The companies’ collaboration has deepened since then, and Peter Mellin, CEO of Sodexo AB, made a crucial decision during the financial year to accelerate the reduction of the climate impact of food.
Taking the cost of the Klimato tool at a central level sends a clear signal that Sodexo is committed to driving down the climate impact of food. And this has to be done by doing, not by waiting and seeing. It is not enough for Sweden and the other Nordic countries to have made more progress than the rest of Europe in this endeavour.
Klimato was founded in 2017 by a group of childhood friends with a vision to reduce the climate impact of food.
Read more!
“Moreeffort willbe required if we’regoing to meet both Sodexo’s own and the UN’sclimate targets. We know how climateimpact can be reduced, and how it plays an important role in the transition.The climatetool helps us choose ingredients with lessclimateimpact, and the climatesymbol on our menus gives our guests the opportunity to make climate-smart choices,”saysAnna Stridh, Head of Food Platform.
With the help of an algorithm and a simple climate label, both restaurant visitors and people who develop recipes and menus are guided to make climate-conscious choices.
helps companies to reduce the climate impact of food.
500,000 women in communities empowered
The Sodexo volunteer programme, which was introduced in the 2019 financial year, offers all staff one paid day per year to work for a volunteer organisation. This initiative is in line with our values and our ambition to contribute to social sustainability and local presence.
The volunteer programme gives every employee the opportunity to make a contribution during working hours. Everyone is free to choose a non-profit organisation that aims to support society, the environment, animals or people. This non-profit organisation must comply with Sodexo’s values and human rights principles.
The volunteer programme is designed to support and encourage employee engagement and complements our long-standing support for charitable organisations in various parts of the country through Stop Hunger.
A happy, environmentally conscious group of six employees from different functions at Sodexo’s headquarters in Arenastaden, Solna, managed to find the perfect summer’s day for four hours of volunteering.
Their volunteering efforts, which took the form of litter picking along the promenade at Råstasjön in Solna and Lötsjön in Sundbyberg, conveniently coincided with both the international World Oceans Day (8 June) and a major national day celebration at the Lötsjön-Golfängarna nature reserve a few days earlier. So there was an unusual amount of litter to deal with in the area on this particular day.
“I would definitely recommend that everyone at Sodexo should take advantage of the volunteer day. Doing something positive for society together with your colleagues, whether it is litter picking, working in a soup kitchen or something completely different, is a chance I think everyone should take,” says Anna Burholm, Head of QHSE Sweden/Denmark.
Equipped with protective plastic gloves, the team headed out to deal with all the litter in their path. Cigarette butts, Swedish snus, chewing gum, wrappers from ice-cream and sweets, napkins, bottle caps, tins with deposits on them and even a rusty old barbecue grate went into their rubbish bags. The bags were filled to the brim, and all the litter – about 6 kg of it! – met its fate thanks to the volunteers that day.
Sodexo works closely with all its stakeholders to create, improve and deliver services that have a low environmental impact.
As a responsible employer, Sodexo provides its employees with training to help reduce the environmental impact of its business activities, and simple, everyday tips for protecting the environment at home. The size of our Company means that small steps taken by our employees can add up to make a big diff erence. As a service
provider, Sodexo designs and offers energy management services that use renewable energy whenever possible, resulting in significant savings and return on investment for our clients. Sodexo also ensures responsible sourcing by encouraging sustainable agriculture, co-developing products and services, following the principles of a
circular economy and improving resource efficiency management.
As a corporate citizen, Sodexo’s services can act as a catalyst for progress on important issues. For years now, Sodexo has focused on the fi ght against food waste as one of the most vital means of averting the worst impact of climate change.
100% of our employees are trained on sustainable practices workspaces
Environmental training for our operational staff is essential if we are going to improve our services, raise awareness and influence behaviour towards sustainability. Everyone’s knowledge and commitment is essential if we are to achieve our ambitious environmental goals – and if we can help our customers achieve their goals too.
We have been training our staff on environmental issues for many years. We have had a mandatory environmental training programme for all our employees since 2014.This has been available as an online programme since 2019.
During the financial year, we stepped up our efforts and now highlight environmental issues for all our employees in our “Sodexo DNA” induction programme.These issues are also included in the training programme for our managers on how we work with corporate social responsibility and the environment, “Better Tomorrow 2025”.
We have also started implementing an interactive tool for our projects, called SEA.
This tool is used to assess sustainability performance and allows our site managers to:
• Monitor progress with real-time feedback in the form of sustainability KPIs, and share this data with others
• Make comparisons with other companies
• Analyse shortcomings and get recommendations on opportunities for improvement
The SEA interactive tool allows our site managers to assess sustainability performance.
Smarter and better choices can more than halve the food's negative environmental and climate impact. At Restaurant Björken in Uppsala/Sweden, Sodexo's chef Oscar Jonasson and his team help the guests to change. Without sacrificing either taste or quality. Let us offer some tips that you can take with you, whether you are cooking for yourself, your family or at a restaurant.
To change, you need to measure. In 2019, the climate impact of the average meal at Restaurant Björken was 1.7 kg CO2e. That is about the same as in Swedish homes, but far from the Worldwide Fund for Nature's ideal plate One Planet Plate, which has a maximum limit of 0.5 kg CO2e.
In the autumn of 2020, Oscar Jonasson and his team took the effort needed to reduce the food's average climate impact to 1.0 kg CO2e. 30 percent of the guests chose the dish that had the lowest climate impact, a maximum of 0.5 kg CO2e.
”I set tough goals and I compete with myself. I never sacrifice on taste. We notice that even word choice can make a difference. Barbeque burgers with beets and lentils sound much more fun to many people than a ‘vegetarian burger’”, says Oscar Jonasson.
In 2021, more climate-smart changes were made, and a climate week was carried out in collaboration with Sodexo’s client Cytiva Life Sciences. It was a successful venture. By presenting the food's climate impact to the guests, their knowledge and opportunity to make climate-smart choices increased.
The commitment on the site has paid off. In 2021, the average was 0.7 kg CO2e, which is more than a halving since the start of the survey. Guests who chose a dish with the lowest climate impact, a maximum of 0.5 kg CO2e, increased to 35 percent. Only 3 percent chose a dish with a large climate impact, 1.5 kg CO2e or higher.
Oscar has recently joined an internal group of creative chefs who will further develop Sodexo's central recipes both in terms of taste and environmental impact.
1. Cook good food. Always and regardless of dish.
2. Knowledge! Learn what is good and bad for the climate. Once you know it, it will be easy to work accordingly.
3. Climate calculate all menus and cut the tops, i.e., remove or reduce raw materials with large climate footprints, such as beef and shrimp.
4. Report the climate footprint of the dishes so that the guests can make conscious choices. We use the climate calculation tool Klimato.Håll koll på svinnet.
5. Keep track of wastage. If you get leftovers, exhibit as an extra dish at a buffet or use in other dishes during the week.
6. Serve completely plant-based
meals (vegan) instead of vegetarian, which has a greater climate impact.
7. Serve meat but be smart. Replace beef completely or serve a maximum of once a month. A schnitzel on pork instead of veal reduces emissions from 4.3 to 0,7 kg CO2e.
8. Avoid rice which has almost 30 times as high a climate impact as potatoes, pasta, and bread.
9. Prepare popular dishes in a vegan version, such as plant-based burgers, tacos, or something fried. It is a good gateway for those who are skeptical towards vegetables.
10.Use multiple protein sources. Enrich the dish by replacing some of the meat with lentils, beans, and peas (soak and mix).
Global emissions of greenhousegases need to be reversed from the current increase to a massive reduction in order to remain at a level involving manageable risks of serious climate impact. Every country in the world is affected, and we are all part of the problem – and part of the solution.
Our environmental goal is to reduce our climate impact by 34% by 2025, taking 2017 as our base year.This commitment is in line with the guidance of reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) to reduce warming to 1.5 °C.
We need knowledge if we are to achieve our goals, which is why we have been running an environmental training programme in Sweden since 2014 that is mandatory for all employees.
We measure our carbon footprint according to the internationally accepted Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard, which provides direct and indirect categorisation of carbon dioxide emissions as carbon dioxide equivalents.
Our greatest opportunity to make a difference is in respect of indirect emissions, particularly those related to the ingredients we use for cooking within our food services. However, we are actively working on all our emissions with climate impact, such as direct emissions from our transport operations.
“We expanded our electric vehicle fleet in the 2022 financial year to include 29 new vehicles, and we are continuing to work towards increased electrification,” says Thommy Larsen, Segment Supply Manager Sodexo.
Climate Fresk is a French nonprofit organisation founded by Cédric Ringenbach in December 2018, with the aim of raising public awareness of the underlying causes of climate change and the urgency of the situation.
Participants will learn the basic science behind climate change in a three-hour workshop. The information presented comes from the reports by the IPCC, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which summarises the state of scientific knowledge on the impacts of and solutions to climate change.
To date, over 800,000 people have participated in Climate Fresk and the organisation has over 35,000 volunteers in 50 countries. The idea is for trained participants to play an active part in passing on this knowledge to others.
At Sodexo in Sweden, the first Climate Fresk workshop was held in May 2022. 13 managers participated, and Anna Burholm, Head of QHSE, was one of them.
“Strangely enough, I was actually quite pleased to see the anxiety in people’s eyes. It was as if the scales were falling from their eyes. The climate issue is complex, and Climate Fresk uses science to show what happens when greenhouse gas levels increase and why action is urgently needed. Since then, I have noticed even closer focus on climate and the environment,” says Anna Burholm.
The plan is to continue to disseminate the content of Climate Fresk so that more staff can increase their knowledge, making it easier to find and implement solutions that reduce climate impact.
In early June, the City of Stockholm and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) organised a summit in conjunction with the UN Stockholm+50 international conference, a high-level meeting to which all UN member states wereinvited to discuss how to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future.
Sodexo CEO Peter Mellin was invited to a panel discussion to discuss what we and other meal providers can do to support the transition to more sustainable diets.
“It was an honour to be involved in talking about solutions to one of the world’s most important sustainability issues. I highlighted specific progress that Sodexo has already made, and also talked about the importance of collaboration to achieve climate goals.Achange in food culture is needed in Sweden and many other countries, so how do we achieve that?”
The panel discussions included mayors from a dozen or so international cities and business leaders from world-leading companies in various industries. Participants included Johan Rockström, who heads one of the world’s leading centres for climate and sustainability research.
The event was part ofAppetites for Change, a one-day conference focusing on the transition to sustainable consumption and production in food and meals. It took the form of a hybrid meeting organised by the City of Stockholm, WWF’s Food Practice in cooperation with One Planet Network, WWF Sweden and associated partners.
As a meal provider, we have a particular responsibility to reduce our diners’carbon footprint. Five of our six food waste measurement points are linked to what is done in the kitchen.
When working on our assignment at Electrolux in Stockholm, the team meets daily to review the amount of food waste and the climate impact of that food. It is important to use up all our supplies, and the food is served in smaller containers towards the end of the lunch service. This reduces waste and makes it look as though we have plenty of food left even for late arrivals.
Removing the salad plates saves on washing-up and reduces the risk of diners taking more food than they can eat. Plastic products have been replaced by eco-friendly alternatives, but there are still no good alternatives to clingfilm when it comes to protecting food.
Raising awareness among guests
Our guests can monitor the amount of food waste per day and portion on a large digital screen in the restaurant. Our guests scrape 30 grams per portion off their plates on average, which is about the weight of three cherry tomatoes.
But it is not enough to just work to counter food waste. The food served has to be as climate-friendly as possible. The dish with the least climate impact is presented at the top of the menus, and at the buffet, guests are greeted by colourful vegetables first, followed by carbohydrates such as potatoes. The protein comes at the end, first the vegan protein and lastly the animal protein.After two years, the average climate impact of our dishes has been reduced by 23%.
People who go to the café to buy cappuccinos and other speciality coffees are offered a 20% discount if they reuse their cup. You have to think big as well as small, and never underestimate the impact of all those little initiatives.
We work hard and focus on reducing our food waste. Our goal during the year was to get below 50 grams of food waste per portion, which we succeeded in reaching: 46 grams/portion.
Our goal covers both kitchen waste and plate waste, i.e. waste that occurs in the kitchen during cooking and serving, as well as what guests leave on their plates. But we don’t stop there.
Sodexo has a global goal to reduce food waste by 50% by 2025, and in Sweden we need to contribute to this goal.
The amount of food waste we produce obviously affects our carbon footprint, in that more ingredients are used than is necessary. But the climate impact of food also depends on what food we serve and what diners choose. What matters is the source of protein used and eaten. Red meat, for example, has about 10 times more climate impact per kilo than chicken, which in turn has a higher climate impact than most vegetarian options.
Our school restaurants in the Solna area serve around one million portions of food per year. When it turned out that the amount of food waste was higher in reality than the schools’own measurements showed, Sodexo Site Manager Theodora Savvaki and her team set a goal to halve their food waste within a year. They were able to achieve this goal thanks to the dedication of their staff and the involvement of students in food waste management.
What measures have been implemented?
• Staff have been trained on food waste issues
• Anew food waste reporting template was developed and has started to be implemented
• Different ways of dealing with leftovers have been introduced
• Arecipe bank has been created for leftover vegetables and other items
• There are ongoing discussions with the school office for accurate information on the number of portions
• Cupboards are kept tidy so that it is possible to see at a glance what’s available and what needs to be ordered
• Smaller serving dishes are used towards the end of service to reduce the risk of putting out too much food
Student are involved by:
• Reporting plate waste on a daily basis
• Talking about food waste at food councils
• Holding theme days and competitions
• Students are offered encouraging rewards in the form of extra treats with their meals when set targets are reached
“In our experience, we have to run regular activities and remind both ourselves and the students to reduce food waste. Otherwise it starts increasing again,”
says Theodora Savvaki, Site Manager.Video Food waste, Solna schools