Jtld in a grain of And heaven in a wild flower! Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, nd eternity in an hour."
William Blake
~~Time is not measured by the passing of the years, but by what one does, what one feels, and what one achieves."
Th e 1973 Shield staff dedicates the Shield to a person whose aid and concern for St. Martin 's students will long b e appreciated.
Each new school year is unique in terms of the spec i al events , significant changes, and new developments which distinguish it from precedin g years This year prom i ses to be an unusual one in the history of S t. Martin 's. It has been traditional for our school to provide a high quality , well rounded educational program in a Christian environmen t. T his year has been characterized by a number of inno vat ions, designed to further enhance th e quality of that program. There is evidence , fo r instanc e , that recent changes in th e religion curr ic u lum and instructional practices have resulted in making this aspect of th e school's program more mea nin gful in the li ves of our students. The new Frenc h program and the open classroom experiment are most promis in g in th e pri mary grades. The new m i d dle school program for seventh and eighth grade rs, with its own curriculum and faculty, separate from the hi g h school prov ides greater opportunity to meet the special needs of students in their early teens. The conversion of the school year from a semester system to a trimeste r - or three-term year , in both the middle and high schools, g i ves stud en ts grea t er flexibility in th e ir schedules and provides more la ti tud e for elec ti ves These are some of the things that prom i se to make this year something of a mi l estone in our school's history.
A very special climaxing eve nt of considerable magn it ude this year was the school 's comprehensive ten-year evaluation which was conducted by a visiting team of educators, r epresenting both the Sou th ern Associa ti on of Colleges and Schools and th e Independ e nt Sc hools Association of the Sou thw es t. S tud ents and faculty alike were indeed pleased with the comm itt ee 's pos iti ve and reassuring report
Ellsworth 0. Van S l ate
BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEMBERS: M r. M urphy Moss, _President; Mr. James M . Burlingame, Vice-President; Mrs. C. Manly Horton, Secretary; M r. Gray D. M orrison II, Treasurer; M r. Waldemar S. Nelson, Immediate Past President; Mr. Ellsworth 0. Van Slate, Headmaster; M rs. Eric R. Phillpott, Assistant Secretary; Robert T. Cook, M .D.; Mr. Ralph M Garrard; M r. Philip A. Grove; M r. Rufus C Harris, Jr.; M r. Hans A B. Jonassen; Mr. William A. Kimbl e ; M r s W. Elliott Laudeman III; M r. John M M cCollam; The Re v Hugh C. M cKee; M r. David R. Normann; Frank A. Riddick, Jr., M . D.; The Rev. Thomas N. F. Shaw; R. Royce Sistrunk, M D.; M rs. Simon V Ward; M r. William B. Wisdom , Jr.; M r. Albert J. W o lf, Jr.
MOTHERS' CLUB OFFICERS: Mrs. Jack M. Gordon, President; Mrs. James E. Brya n t, VicePre si dent; Mrs. Hunter E. Babin, Secretary; Mrs. Da rrell M. Fink, Trea su rer.
DADS' CLUB OFFICERS: Mr. Philip E James, Jr. , President; Mr Barton Jahncke, VicePre sident; Mr. Will Conat ser, Secret a ry; Mr Elliot Laudeman III, Trea surer.
ROBERT C. CAIRNS, Assistant Headmaster, B.A., Southern Methodist University
JOHN L. RHYMES, Lower School Principal, B.A., University of Mississippi; B.D., Kenyon College; M. Ed. , Tulane University ; University of the South
DONALDS. SCHWARTZ, Middle S c hool Dean, B. S., Texas Christian University; McN eese State College; Washington University; Tulane University
FRANKIE YEARGAIN , Director of S tud ent Ac ti v iti es , B. S ., Newcomb College
FLORENCE B. KREEG ER, Registrar , B.S ., Newcomb Co ll ege; M.S , Tu lan e University
ELSIE C. PHILPOTT, Sec r etary to the Headmaster
JANE SC HMIDT, Secretary to th e Assistant Headmaster
OUIDA G. MULLER, Upper School Counselor, B. S., University of \southern Mississippi; M.S.Ed., Indiana University
BESSIE T ISDALE, Bookstore Manager
JERRY WILLIAMS, Assistant in the Bookstore
KATHLEEN KEMP, Permanent Substitute
BETTY BOURGEOIS, Assistant to the Registrar
MARGE MONTGOMERY , Director of Development
ALMA DUNLAP, Assistant in th e Development Office
CLAIRE ROB IN SON, Secretary to the Lower School Pr i ncipal
BENTZ 0. POTTHARST, Lower School Read in g , L. S. U .N . O.
LILLI VAN SLATE, Reading, Un i vers it y of Wiscons i n at M ilw aukee
FRANCES R HURTH, Assistant i n Physical Education, B A. , Woman's Co ll ege of the Univers it y of North Carolina; Ohio Wesleyan Uni vers ity
REG I NALD GONZALES , U S.A., CWO-3 (Re t ), Maintenance Super int e nd e nt
BARBARA B. SIMS, A. B., Univ. of Al.; M.A., Memphis St Univ.; Wesleyan Col. ; Univ.· of Cal ; La. St Univ. ; Sout hern Univ
HILDA G . LOBENSTEIN, B,A., Mi ss . St. Col. for Women ; St. Mary's Domin i can Co l.
CHARLOTTE W MATHES, B.A., Emory Univ ; M.Ed., LSUNO: Fl. St Univ.
HARRIETTE S. BURKS, Dep. Head, B.A., Univ. ofWy.;M.A., Uni v of Southwes t e rn La. ; Tulane Univ.
OLETA M. HETHERWICK, B S ,, D e lta St Teacher ' s Col. ; Bowlin g Green Col. of Comm .; St. Mary's Dominican Co l.
JANE O 'M ARA, B.A., Vanderbilt Univ.; George Peabody Co l. for Teachers
GARY C ROUNSAVALL, B.A., M.A., Univ. of Ark.
MITCHEL L BERARD, Dept. Head, B A , Univ. of Southwestern La.; C.D.F., Univ. de Bordeaux; Tulane Univ. ; Univ. of Tenn. ; Univ. de Rennes
ISABELL. ANGLADE, B.A ., Univ. of Puerto Rico; M.A. , Tulane Univ .
PEDRO B. PEREZ, B A., Sou theas t ern La. Co l.; LSUN O; Loyola Univ.; Tulane Univ.
AGNES GOUT AGNEUX, B. A., Inst. St. Paul; C .F.P., Inst. de P 'Oratoire
DOU GLA S M. HUDSON, B.A., M Ed , Univ ofVir.; Tulane Univ.
JAMES W. LATHAM, Department Head, A.B ., M.A T., Tulane University
MARGARET K. DODSON, A B., Vassar Co lle ge
MYRTH S LEE, B. S., Northwestern State College of Louisiana ; University of Virginia; University of Hawa ii ; Tulane Uni ver sit y; Loyola University
BARBA RA H. SAIK, B. A., Tulane Uni versity; Loyola University
LYNN BO LLES, B S., Southeaste rn Louisiana College
ELEANORE. GOHEEN, B S., Uni vers ity of Pennsylvan ia; State Teacher's Co ll ege (Pa.); Pennsylvan i a S tate University; Temple University; Louisiana
S tate University in New Orleans; Tulane Un i versity; Loyola University
HAROLD F GRA F, De pt Head ,
B A ., M i ss Co l. ; M Ed .,
Un i v of No r. Ca r ; M S.,
M Ed ., Loyola Un i v ; Oak
Rid ge In st of ucl ea r Studi es ;
Brown Un i v .; Un i v of So uthwes t e rn N Mex
BELL L J OHNSON , B S ., Tu lan e Univ .; Newcomb Co l.; Loyola
Un i v .
IVA MAE WEST , B S ., Uni v of Ill.; Ya l e Un i v .; Tu lan e Un i v .;
Un i v o f Co l.
L S U .; Tex Sou th wes t e rn
Univ . ; Univ , o f Mi cl1 .; Tulane
Un i v ; LS UNO
ANTHONY G. PORTER, B.A., So uth weste rn Louisiaua Institute; Northwestern State College of Louisiana
DOROTHY D. PORTER, Department Head, B. S ., Louisiana State University; M .A., George Peabo dy Co llege for Teache rs; Pennsylvania State Uni versity; Tdane University; Amherst College
APRIL AHLERS , B. A., Hunter Coll ege; M A ., Tulane University
DREUX VAN HORN II, B. A., J. D., Tu lan e University; M .E., Unive rsity of Southern Mississippi; Loyola University; Fullbright Seminar in Iran
WILLIA M L. ROSENBAUM, B.S ., Loui sia na State University; Loyola Un i versi ty
AL TREVINO, B. A., Southeastern Louisiana University; Louisiana Stat e University in New Orleans; Loyo la University
C HAR LES R. DI K E, A thl e ti c Di rec t or , B A , Lou i si an a Po l y t ec h nic I ns ti tu t e; Tu l ane Uni vers it y; So uth eas t e rn Lou i si a n a Co ll ege
LARRY F . RAMB IS, B.A . , M . Ed . , Tu l a n e Uni vers it y
ROBE RT J. CARROLL, B S , Lou isi ana S t a t e U n i vers it y i n New Or l ea ns
LI NDA A . T REVI NO, B A. , Sou th eas t ern Lou i si ana Co ll ege
MARY S U E ED WARDS , B A ., M A . , Sout h eas t ern Lou i si ana Uni vers it y
BEVERLY A SM I T H, B A , Lou i si ana S t a t e U n i vers it y in New O rleans
SHIRLEY TIMMRECK, Asst. in Art, Newcomb Col.; St. Mary's Dominican Col
CAROLYN W. BOONE, Upper School Art, B. F. A., Newcomb Col.; M.A. T., Tulane Univ ., Women's Col. of the Univ. of N.Car.
BARBARA E. FITZPATRICK, Art, B.F.A., Southern Meth. Univ
ROSEMARY H. EV ANS, Typing, B.S., Miss. St. Col. for Women.
GERALDINE SISTRUNK, Sewing and Stitchery, B. S , LSU; Centenary Col.
CORINNE O. DOUGLASS, Speech , B. S., LSU; LSUNO; Tulane Univ.
JANETH HUBER, Ass ist ant Libra rian
SE LET A LLEWELLYN, Ass ist ant Librarian
ALMA RUTH FERGUSON, Lib rarian, B. S., Lo uisi ana S tat e Uni ve rsity; M Ed., Lo ui s i ana State Uni vers it y in New Or l eans; Geo rge Peabody Co ll ege for Teachers
GAY NEL JORD Y , Librarian, B A. , Louisiana State Uni versity in New O rl e ans
FA YER ATK I NSON, Ass i stant Librarian
JOE G, WALSH, Mus i c Department H ead , B A , Bay l or Universit y; M . A . T., Tulane Uni versi t y; M . S . M . , New Orleans Baptist Theolo g i ca l Semina r y
LOI S D. O STRO LE NK , Music , B. S ., Temple Uni versi t y; Rutgers University ; Curt i s Ins ti t u te of Music
"They said that after the party they're going t o dissect me."
"Let me make myself perfe c tly clear."
"Doesn't he know we don't say the Pledge of Allegiance before the game."
"Pieces of April"
"Oh , thank you, Thweetie."
"He stuck his umbrella on my foot."
"Have you ever tried to untangle a spira l notebook from a boy ' s braces?"
"Just fo r that, I won't l e t yo u play with my ca lcul a t or . "
The Three Graces Father Knows Bes tSENIOR OFF ICERS: Pres i de ntSandra Platter; Vice Pres ide ntCarol Gore; Sec r e t ary - Becky Llewellyn; Treasure r - Ka t h i e Williams; Sergeant - at-armsSt evie Kiern
The faculty's dislike for us until we produced the sma rt es t, ha rd es t work in g , most enthus ia sti c class in StM history
Dates or l ack o f da t es
All th e PE t eac hers the girl s went throu gh: Hamilton, And e rson, Gmeiner , and DeF rait es
All day bomb sc are in 1st grade
The tr a in ride to Hammond and pick in g stra wbe rri es
Mrs, Frost pullin g everyone ' s loo se teeth
'Go i ng to Ba t on Rouge - namin g the cow and vi sitin g the Cap it o l
Pla y in g "Unde rd og" in th e 4t h gra d e
'Going on the Preside nt
"Are yo u smart?"
'P l aying trolls
De lta Ba th room Lin es - "I'm Marie, Fl y Me"
Oran ge juice in on Bill Ba ll' s pan t s and his reaction to it
Our own Ba r bra Stre i sand - Cin dy Revisor
Pe rfu me wa rs
Miggy ' s
Low er Schoo l hymn sin gs
Bounce and bou n ce a nd bou n ce and catch
Hea l th cla ss st o ri es from Co ry and Da r cy
Having more peop l e sen t to th e Discipline Comm itt ee t han any o th e r clas s
The bus tri p that broke down and broke down and broke down
How easy it was to chea t in Mrs Thurber ' s class ~a l vey sin gin g "Fi re" a t the 9th grade dance
'lo w bo rin g 10th grade was , inda and Larry
'Nosta l gia"
anet pu ttin g li za rd s down Li ssa ' s gy m sui t and Lis sa' s tri p act
ia ti ng lu nch under the tree
-lolida y for inclimate wea ther
* Ch ip rippin g hi s pant s in Mrs, Go h ee n 's cla ss
'''Se llin g a record amount of Chri stma s g reens
''T h e coed gym that' s better forgotten
''Sh i e ld cl e acllin c s that we re neve r met
''' How many Seni or pri vil eges we re lo st to th e Freshmen
*How scared we we re of the Sen iors whe n we were F reshme n and how scared we we re of th e Fre shmen when we were Se nior s
''O ur biolo gy trip a nd Se nior trip that never got off the ground
''' Charades at Wave land
*The g irl s ' stampede a t Wave land on th e boy s ' dorm that go t no re action
'' The "threat" by Lar r y that the jocks wou l d ha ve to turn in their football uniform s if th e gi rls di dn't l e av e
'' Le sE a nd SubDebs - not wan tin g to ask StM boy s but not knowin g anyone e l se t o as k
''' Havin g th e bes t footba ll reco rd in 1972 but not go i ng t o Sta t e
'' Sen ior class reve rsi o n back to ch ildh ood with Kr i s Krin gl es a nd Va l e ntines
* T r ee and Gary winnin g the jitterbu g con t es t
,:, The "u se ful" favors for the Prom that we re "gua rant eed not to ga th er dust"
'' Mor tar fi ghts, "Thick as a Brick, " "You can make it if you tr y , " and th e fanta st i c t urnout s to buil d th e patio
'' How surprisin g it i s tha t th e "fa nta sti c c ontraption" i s still st and in g
''' How th e shed i s alway s lo cked in tim e of need
,,, St eve n Graf ' s impr ess i ons
''' 2 snow falls in our Se ni o r year
'' Wa t er pi pe holidays
'' Duck, duck, d uck , goose
'Mass picn i c i n Audubon Park
* Those who stu ck it out 13 years
'' LET' s GO TO THE HOP!! !
"Th ere a in't no man can avoid bein g bo rn avera ge , But th ere ain' t no man got to be common "
"The rul e of my l ife i s to make b usin ess m y p l easure , and p l ea sure my b usin ess "
Aaron BurrStM '60 - '73
"While Honey lie s in Eve ry Flower, n o doubt, It take s a Bee to ge t th e Honey out ."
Ar thur Guiterman
"The best things a re tied with heartstrings."
BONN IE BEE "Buzza rd-Linna" ELIZABETH POINTER BANKSTON "Betsy""M y life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue, An eve rlastin g vision of the ever - changing view ."
Carol King
"I ne ve r re gre tted anything I ne ver sa id." Cal v in Coo lid ge
'I have been smiling for a long time, thinking about he good things to come "
"Wherever a man goes, men will pursue him and paw him with their dirty institutions, and, if they can , constrain him to belong to their desperate odd - fellow society "
"Get place and wealth, if possible with grace; if not, by any means ge t wealth and place."
"In the mountains, there you feel free I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter."
" Ge ntle i n manner , stron g in performanc e , " Aqua viva
"Unl ess you love som eo n e Noth i n g e l se mak es sense . " e e cummi n gs
"I used to worry about what the rest of the wor l d thought of me--but now I realize they're no t even lookin g "
"F o r ev er y thin g yo u ha ve m issed , you ha ve g ain e d s om ething e ls e ; and for ev er y thin g you gain, y ou lose so m e thin g ."
"It i s gre at pr i de t o des ir e t o be th e bes t o f men. "
"Me linda"
''.It is only important to love the world ••• to regard the world and ourselves and all beings with love, admiration, and respect. "
Herman Hesse"Science is a great game . It is inspi ring and refreshing. The playing field is the universe itself."
"You know I say Just what I think, an d nothing more nor less, I cannot say one thing and mean another."
Lon g fellow
"Eddie DeMartinizer"
"When in doubt, take the boldest action. "
Anonymou s
" S t eve"
"When I works , I works hard; when I sits, I sits loose ; and when I thinks, I fall asleep."
Anonym ou s
StM '69-'73 EDWARD JOHN DeMARTINI, JR. STEPHEN MARK DAVIS"A man to match his mountains."
"Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of a joy you must have someone to divide it with."
Mark Twain"If you would rule the world quietly, you must keep it amused."
"The secret of a good life is to have the right l oy alties and to hold them in the right scales of values."
Norman Thomas"Jane t "
"B e o f lo ve a little more carefu l than of everything e ls e ."
"Lannie Fannie"
"I c an li ve my life on ea rth con t e nted to th e end , If bu t a few shall know my worth An d proudly call me fri end ."
"There is no choice in rotten apples " Shake speare
"Everything is funny as long as it is happenin g to somebody el se "
"With malice toward none; with charity for all."
"I never let my schooling interfere with my educati on."
"Let me not be resentful when others fail to g ive the understandin g lov e I need to help me live."
"Ain't no thin' but a hound dog ••• " Elvis
"I ' ve taken my fun where I' ve fo und it. "
"Every arti st dip s his brush in hi s own so ul, a nd pa i n t s hi s own natur e into his picture s. "
"The b~st way to secure future happin ess i s to be as happy as i s rightfully possible t o day "
"T hink not that yo u can direct th e co ur se of l ove , fo r 1uve if it finds you wor thy will di r ec t your co ur se "
Kah lil Gibran StM '71-'7 3 LI SA FRANCES HUGGIN S " Liza" C. W. Eliot "Hes""Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while."
"Keep your face always toward the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you."
"So of cheerfu ln ess , or a good temper, th e more it is spent, the more of it remains "
"Be silent and safe--s il ence ne ver betrays you."
John Boy l e O'Reilly
StM '60-'73 LISSA HANCOCK JOHNS "Lus sa" MARGARET SUE HUNTER "Mar-Garat""Man's flight through life is sustained by the power of his knowledge "
U.S.A.F.A. motto
"You only go around once in life, so you gotta grab for everything you can get."
"Brother Krementz"
"My heart's in the Highlands, my heart i s not h e r e , My heart's in th e Hi gh lands, a - chas in g the dear."
Robert Burns
"The smile that won 't wip e off "
"To live is good. To live vividly is better. To live vividly together is best "
Max Eastman"It isn't what I do, but how I do it. It isn't how I say it, but how I look when I do it and say it."
"Beck y "
"Not much talk - a g reat , sweet sil e nc e . "
He nry Jam es
" Neve r say more t han n ecessary " Anonymou s
"Barn yard"
"On l y when you drink from th e ri ver of silence shall you indeed sing.
And when you have reached the mountain top then you shall beg in to climb.
And when the earth shall claim your li mbs then yo u shall truly dance "
Kah lil Gibran"K er -rola"
" K indness is the sunshine in which virtue grows."
Robe rt Ingersoll"It was her thinking of others that made you think of her."
"Anyone, in any walk o f life, who is content with mediocrity is untrue to himself and to American tradition."
"We argued the thing at breakfast, we argued the thing at tea, And the more we argued the question, the more we didn't agree."
"The on l y wron g with photo grap hin g beautiful women is that they are gone when you ge t into the darkroom."
"The great e st danger to human b e ings is their c o n sci o u sness of the trivialities of their aims."
G e rald Br e nnan
"No one knows what he can do 'til he t ries it . " Publilius
"If you smile at me I will understand 'cause that is something everyon~ does in the same language. "
"I get by with a little help from my friends, I get high with a little help from my friends, I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends. "
"Th ere are two ways of spreading li gh t, to be the candle or th e m i rror th at reflects it."
Edith Wharton"There's no correction for perfection. " Anonymous
"It's not how much you have; it's that you know what to do with what you've got."
"Leisure is a nice garment but not fit for everyday wear."
"Th e great essentials of happiness are something t o do, something t o l ove , and something to hope for."
"Winning isn't every thing , but wanting to win is "
Vince Lombardi"Live for today, bu t remember yes terday, and think of tomorrow. "
"It is better to light a cand l e than to curse the darkn ess."
"B reath e deep Breathe high Breath life
"Patience is the best remedy for every trouble." PlautusJOHN STEPHEN SM I T H
"Snuffy" Don't breathe a lie. " Capt.
"Still, a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. "
"Stag - Along"
"Art is not a thing: it is a way."
" T h e re wou l d be no great ones if th ere were no littl e o n es ."
An onymous
" Sh e d oes it with a better g r ace , I do i t more natura lly."
"Everybody is a star, I can feel it when you shine on me; I love you for who you are, not the one you feel you need to be."
"Be young, be foolish, but be happy."
Sly and the Family Stone
" To try, satisfies me ; to try my hard es t gives me pr id e ."
"Ju st because there's fallen
A snow flake on hi s forehead
He must go an d fancy, ' Ti s winter a ll the year "
Thoma s Aldrich
"A go od pun may be admitt e d among the sma ll e r excellencies of liv e l y conversation."
Jam es Boswell
"Thirteen yea r s is a lon g time to spen d climbing you r way out of a deep abyss "
"Too goo d for b aririiri g, arid too bad for b lessin g "
Eme rson
"Kathi e "
"W e sh ou ld all be concerned abo ut th e futur e , because we will ha ve to spend the rest of our li ves there."
C h ar l es Ketter in g
"I have only one life, and it is shor t enough. Why waste it on thin gs I don't want."A pitcher of beer would make this poker game comp lete. My mother had a feeling I might be too appealirig so mother rie ver told me about Ultra Brite.
Ke ith K is e r - Pr es id en t, Cindy Phillips - Vice President, S tacy DeMartini - Sec retary, K athy Barnes - Treasurer.
Charlie A lfa ro
Honore Asc haffenburg
A llyson Askew
Kathy Barnes
Lou Becker
Wa lter Becker
Timmy Brown
Denee Bruno
Hugh Caffery
Ade le Clark
Tim Deano
Stacy De M artini
Blair Denton
Gene Dongieux
Fran Doussan
Ke n Dwiggins
Dorothy Early
Lind sa y Ellis
S teven Farmer
A lan Fisher
Jun e Frank
Da nn y Gaucher
M yle s Gaupp
Cha rle s Harris
Bev Hobbs
Kei th K i se r Mar i-J o K r esse
Ge rrit Kroesen
Diane Mass imini
Liz H o rt on
Caro l Humphreys
Debb i e Johns on
Judy Johnson
Kay Kemp
You boys never acted this way when you had M r. Van Horn for a teacner:
Steve M ccollam
T im M cIntire
Brian Me liu s
Craig M errihue
Ma rk M o rere
Pa ul M urphy
Raylene No lan
Kathy Owens
Adair Pedrick
Blair Pedrick
Cindy Phillips
Irwin Poche
Jim Ray
Jay Reed
J ulie Reische
Frank Riddick
Kay Rob inson
I can't believe I ate the whole thing!
I feel the earth move under my feet ...
Michae l Rodan
Anne Rousse l
Susan Saik
Alan Schimek
Sudie Senter
Bill Shell
Beth Smith
Susan Smola
Keith Spencer
Kay St. C l air
Don't let bad breath p ut you in i so l a ti on !
"Why won' t th ey l et me p la y? "
Susan Thompson
Jim We lsh
Jim Wilc ox
Barry Wi l son
Lisa Woolfolk
CLASS OFFICERS: PresidentHunter Phillips; Vice-:_PresidentGeorge Ward; Treasurer - Jennifer Tuero; Secretary - Monica Wooten.
Brian Ball
Ted Ball
John Benton
Michele Bermudez
Alan Blackburn
Ed Boldt
Keith Bourgeois
Becky BranQan
Mary Brooke
Jimmy Bryant
Jane Burcham
Harry Burglass
Cameron Carraway
Evelyn Caspers
Frank Clark
Michele Co incon
Carol Cox
Debbie Crawford
Diana Davis
Leslie Davis
Diane Deane
Greg Dupuy
Be th Edrington
Charles Emrich
Dale Evans
Louise Favrot
Leslie Fleming
Emily Frost
"What did you say is in these drinks?"
Karen Gaupp
Kip Gibert
Made lyn Goldthwaite
Robert Gonzales
Gayle Gossom
Eli sab e th Gra fstrom
El e anor Graham
Cindy Grenrood
Karen Grolla
Bryan Guice
Byron Hammer
Jan Hamrick
Clint Harper
Doug Harris
Jayme Harris
Yvette Hebert
Susie Held
Carol Horn
Murray Huber
Bart Jones
Martha Jones
Blair Johnson
Ken Larkin
Charles Lee
Tracy Lee
Ann Lindsey
Carrie Lyall
Monique Mabey
Raody Marchmom
Richard M ayer
Brighid M clmire
Kim McKee
Joho McKey
Jim McM ichael
M aria M izell
Aoo Moo re
Colly Mott
Karey Nolao
I refuse to be io this skit if I have to dress up like a giam cauliflower!
Gil Pafford
Bruce Parkersoo
Sally Pedrick
Mark Petersoo e r Phillips Portwood Redmood Bobby N ormaoo Ottwe llThom Robbins
Jimmy Robinson
M artha Robinson
Jimmy Rusch
Barry Sims
Carolyn Smith
Meg Stainback
Steve Stephens
Barbara Swayne
Steve n Threefoot
You're cruising for a bruising!!
Please don
Da vid Wr i g ht
Donna Young
Julie Trincha rd
Jenn i fe r Tuero
George War d
Lo i s Watk i ns
Lynn Wa t ki ns
Do n na Wes t
Ad am Wi ega nd
Pat t y Wi lli ams
James Woods
Mon i ca Woo t en
Freshmen class presidentBuddy Spell.
John Akenhead
Robert Atkinson
Ed Ball
Steven Barnum
Cynthia Beaupre
Carol Becker
Albert Bossier
Karen Brandt
Cricky Brown
Cassandra Calo
Liz Campbell Clifton Carl
Julie Carter
Andree Chastant
Kim Cotter
Barbara Danos
Betsy Derickson
Kellie Dickinson
Charles Early
Ann Fleetwood
Laurie Frank
Virginia Gi rault
Monica Grafstrom
Michael Haik
Stev e Harris
Sally Harris
Sharon H ay d e l
Dirk Henson
Kate Hoffman
Je ff Holmquist
Ian Hu g hes
Buell Hu mphreys
Dian e In go li a
Fred J anneck
Susan Kantor
MY mother ALW AYS told ME about Ultra - Brit e !!
Robert Keller
Kev in Kis er
Gary Larernore
Les t er La u t ensc hla eger
Torn y LeTard
Pats y Llewell y n
Pam Macy
Andy Math i esen
Carter McDowell
Susan McFar lan d
I hope Mrs. Hetherwick let s me read Portnoy's Complaint for my book report!
William McGuire
Laura McIntire
Scott McQuaig
Lee Mehrhoff
Shel Merlin
Debbie M itchell
Lane Molony
Lynwood Moo re
Carl M ullican
Karen M urphy
Bruce Naremore
Brigham North
Stuart Ostrolenk
Carolyn Palmer
Ma rk Peyronnin
Deanna Pisarello
John Poi tevent
Wallace Porter
Lucy Ray
Susan Re ische
Sarah Ric hards
He l en Roberts
Sara h Rya n
Heidi Sc horlin g
Margie Sc hwe gm ann
AWW Scram! !
James Senter
Ruth S ilvernail
Terry Sistrunk
Nan Smy th e
K rist en Spee r
Doyle Spe ll
Fred St einman
Glenn Stokes
Re n ee Summers
Tim Tay lor
Annette Tonti
Todd Trenchard
Vi rg i ni a Van War t
Ma tth ew Voss
David Weaver
A lita Alfaro
Anne A tkinson
Robert A ye rst
Ki tsie Babin
Anderson Baker
Heather Banton
Su san Bee
Lisa Bernhard
To mmy Brannan
Tana Brown
Sa rah Bruce
Jan Cable
Mary Kay Carl
Leslie Cohen
Jim Cook
Ann Crnjak
Ke ll ey Curtis
Richard Decamp
Susann Derby
Mark Dodart
Dawn Dupuy
Can you t e ll which one isn't an eighth grade girl?
Nancy Eav e nson
Park e Elli s
Marti Fishe r
Al exa Geo r ges
John Girault
Anne Griffis
David Guice
Holly Hamilton
Ellen Harris
Sydney Hines
David Hoffman
Jaye Dee Ingerman
Ga l e Jones
Becky Kil gor e
Ke nt Klein
Ne ll Koc h
Char l o tt K reher
Linda Lan e
A nge l e Lavigne
Robert Lien
Billy Ma th es
Patty McFa rland
J e ffr ey Mecks troth
Tracy Mi t chell
Ci e ll e Muller
Pau l Newma n
Michael Newsom
Gary O e l sn er
Patrick Oosterhuis
Cy nthia Otwell
Mary Beth Pen dl ey
Ca l v in Per illou x
Patty Quinn
Chris Re d mon d
C h uck Reily
Louis e Rosenzw i eg
Brian Rourke
S teve Sh aw
S hawn Sistr unk
A nn S t ephe n s
Tom S t ernbe rg
K i m Timmreck
Andre Touzet
Frank Toye
J o hn Va llas
Hin es Vaughn
Kur t We ll e r
Bert Wilson
Eric Wyatt
Kevin Wyrick
Jay Ad ema
Bart Ary
Bet sy Ayerst
Ph illip Becke r
Jimbo Beeson
Brian Bossier
Jeffrey Bourgeois
Adair Brown
Christian Brown
Ma rk Brook e
Brenda Bryant
Ben Cairns
Jamie Ca lo
Lisa Carl
Frank Carraway
Barbara Crawford
M argaret Dannenbe rg
Robb i e Davis
Leah DeLoach
Kathy Edrington
Vicki Fleetwood
Yvonne Frae ring
Elizabeth Fra nk
Gary Fre ibau m
Evelyn Fried
"I'm making my m othe r a wood burning of Henry Kissenge r.
Kathryn Go rdon
Brian Grove
Wally Gundlach
Tom Hartig
Lise Hartwell
Dave Henson
J ohn Holland
Gwen Holmquist
Brian Huber
David Humphreys
Dwight Humphreys
Martin Jam es
Cheryl John son
Tom Larkin
M ichael Lasky
Robert Lee
Dean Lindsey
Philip M anning
Cynthia M archese
Li z M artin
"If I just act naturally maybe no one will suspect I locked M rs. Lee in the closet."
Rob er t Martin
David Mayer
Mary Anne Mayronne
John Mccollam
Kirn Meng
Juli Mill er
Vi r g inia Mioton
Michael Nico ladi s
Mary Norman n
Ronald Ostrolenk
Melinda Paffo rd
Russe ll Paine
Rip Reeves
Cha rl otte Robinson
Damon Rosenzwe i g
Tom Ryan
Rogers Schupp
Steve Shirley
Julian Sims
Amy Stephens
Manfred Sternberg
Sa ll y Stinchcomb
Vern Summers
James Taylor
Amy Threefoot
Terie Trinchard
Laura Vallas
Missy Van Meter
Wade Warren
Dana Wattles
Lori Watts
A my Whitsell
Laura Williams
Susan Woods
Sherry Young
Caro l yn Ashby
Jani s Askew
C lark e Atkinson
Elise Beauchamp
Chris Benbow
J o n Berthonnaud
Da n Cummiskey
Rebecca Erwin
Deborah Ferrante
Teresa Gonzalez
Sherri Hammatt
GiGi Heiman
Char l es Kantrow
Darolyn Lambert
Chuck Lane
Ch ri stoph er M clntire
Chris M ack enzie
Mary Mo ntero
Paul Peyronnin
Ginny Phillips
Nancy Rusch
M ichael Sea r s
John Si mon
Ma ry Ruth Sta ll
C lair e Stephen s
Ar thur Wisdom
M I SS EL SIE D. S HILLING, B. S ., Wilson Teache r s Colleg e ; T ulan e Univer sity
Be th Bowe r
Dan Coco
Kelly Conatser
Rae Douglass
Cathy Fraser
Eric Gustafson
Norman Hansen
Juliana Hartig
Carrie Haydel
David James
Danielle Juzan
Corbett Kemp
Carolyn Klein
Beth Lasky
M ichell e Luck
M itch e ll M amoulides
Billy M itchell
Lauren Oelsner
Elin o r Peterson
J ohn Pollard
Rob Ree d
David Ro u sh
Buck Stainback
And rea Summer s
Kathl ee n Voss
Anne Washin g t on
MRS. MARGARET E. KRA TZIG, B. A. , Newcomb; Randolph-Macon Women's College; M. Ed . , Tulane University .
Laura Babin
Telia Bl ackard
Christopher Boldt
Stephen Carter
Hartley Clay
Lisa Eskridge
Stacy Grove
Mic ha el Holland
Beau Huber
Peggy King
Terren Kle i n
Joe Mabey
Lisa Mayer
Gin g er McFadden
Nancy Newman
Anna Olinde
Marc Quiroz
Sherri Rarnbis
Graham Roberts
Arn y S andrid g e
Lee sa Shlenker
Mont g omery Toye
Rick Tr o th
Bo bby Williams
Todd Wattles
MRS. ALICE MAE C. BRYSON, B A ., Sout h eas t ern Lou i siana Uni versi t y
Jud y Becker
Donna Bo ssier
Paige Brown
John DeMart ini
Jennifer Douglass
Billy Fer rante
Jaime Fleming
Russell Fre ibaum
Jack Gordon
Lori Hend l er
Darcie H o lland
Eric Holtzman
Peter Hu g hes
Gr e tchen Kemp
Daniel Lane
Amy M age e
Nancy Meyer
Fred M ill er
Blake Morgan
Dean Nicoladi s
David Pailet
Kat h ryn Reische
Caro lin e Sen t er
Charlo tt e Shaffer
G reg Wa tson
MRS. HELEN D. GREGORY, B.A. Central Washington College; Tulane University; Loyola University; St. Mary's Dominican College
Deane Allen
Roy Cairns
Erin Callahan
Johanna Clark
Robert Coleman
Sallie Ann Davis
Thad Garrett
Bari Haas
David Hammatt
Patrick Hennessey
Lorri James
Ron Johnson
Mary Mathilda Klinger
Stuart McDowell
Catherine Mackenzie
Rob Mitchell
Karen O 'Meallie
Anne Paterson
Drew Poirrier
Nena Quiroz
Laurie Rolling
Liz Saunders
Linda Schaller
John Serice
Patrick Wood
MRS JULIET T KERSEY , B. A., M Ed , Univers it y of Florida; Tulane University.
Missy Benbow
Ano Burlingame
Kristy Camp
Chi p Campbe ll
Mar ti Carl
Tracy Cona t ser
Carol Dav i s
John Dunlap
Ch a r l e s Eskridge
Mary Ka ye Hami l ton
Lynn Hickman
Bryan Iogerman
Prisc il la Kemp
Libby Kremeotz
Maury Lane
Elena Lange
Enga Lokey
Tom Loop
Jeffrey McInt i re
Melinda McNa i r
John Miller
Suzy Montero
Martin Mu ll er
Stephen Newsom
Michael Pi nter
Ke ll ey Wil li ams
Lisa Bastien
Don Berthonnaud
S u san Bowe r
Wesley Byren
M arilyn Calo
M ark Crawford
Barbara Delchamps
JoAnn De M artini
Jay Dongieux
David M ichael Ferrante
John Harrington
Laurie Herron
Emily Jahncke
George Janvier
Stephen Klein
O leta Lane
A lli son Lewis
John Luck
Ro b er t Rade r
John Roberts
Diane Tro th
Leslie West
M i chae l Wood
K aren Wuffraat
Sco tt Z ander
MRS . ELIZABETH A WALKER, B. S . , Nort h Texas S tate Co ll ege .
Rob in Bankston
Julie Banta
S t even Boss ier
Mary Susan Burleson
Carolyn Calo
John Eblen
Guy Favalora
Chr i stopher Hu ber
An n e - Sere K lein
Alan Lange
Anne McK i bbon
Nancy Mayer
Eli zabe th Miles
Thea Morgan
Fred Olinde
Rafe Payne
Y o lan Pint er
Patrick Porter
A rnesto Rodr i g uez
Parker Roy
Dre1v Story
Eric Toft
Michael Weaver
Toot i e Weis
S t even Wulff
Becket Becne l
K atherine Be nbow
Me linda Benge
Guy Bergero n
George Bot t
Ginny D a vis
John Durham
Erik Dy hrk opp
Les li e Ellis
Stephan i e George
Ashl ey Goodw ill
J effr ey Gormanous
Barbara Hay es
Ash l ey Jackson
Philip Jam es
Eric Mitche ll
David Oe l sner
Sa lly Owens
Al ma Quiroz
Barbara Vaughan
Melissa Young
Shauna Storey
Trip Bloom
Dig Crowder
Monique Duclaux
Stephanie Harrison
Lynda Herron
Elizabeth Hotheinz
Karl Peter Keller
Samuel Robert Linger
Laurie Lambert
Preston Law
Katherine LeJ eune
Catharine Lirette
Anne Mitchell
Billy Mohamed
Robin Nicholson
Peyton Pettit
Karl Peyronnin
Emmett Pierce
Kevin Rourke
Tyson Shofstahl
Jenni fer Smith
Lisa Turpin
Karen Watson
David White
MRS. EMILY B. DIKE, B. A., Universit y of No rth Carolina. Jo Ann BaroneMRS, SUSANN. BOWMAN , B S ., Loyola University; Universit y of A la bama; Newcomb College.
Funda Akdamar
Nan Alltmont
A lice A tkinson
Lori BastierJ
Andre Berot
Lattie Brown
Wendy Brown
John Burlingame
Joe Cairns
Be ts y Campbell
Lester Coe
Barclay Coleman
Shannon Conatser
Ann Dunlap
Deborah Dykes
Ka th er in e Eblen
Pau l G l ezen
Paige Gorrondona
Richard Hawkins
Leanne Hennessey
Jeanne Herrin g t on
Jam ie Hil bert
Tad Huber
S tep h en In gr am
Jonathan James
MRS. JEANNE SHEP HERD, B.A., Agnes Sco tt College; Tulane University.
Hans Jonassen
Randy Kupp
Danielle Lambert
Melissa Lewis
Laura Link
Trey Lokey
Christopher Loop
Douglas Mccollam
Duncan McCord
Bryant McFall
Mary McGuire
Mary Virgin i a McKibbon
Meribe th Markham
Tracey Moore
Missy Nicoladis
Devan Pa ilet
Rog er Patton
Eilene Roy
Nicole Sargent
Lauren Su llivan
Krist in Webb
Patrick Williams
Wade Wootan
Pa i ge Yearga in
Anton Zank i
MRS , EVELYN ANTHON, B.S., Louisiana State Univers it y; Louisiana Polytechnic In stitute
Ca thr yn Abbot
Erol Ak da mar
Susan Barone
Ch ri stopher Bennett
Erik Huber
Hiliary J ackson
Billy Jan v i e r
Jan Jenkins
SuSu Laud eman
Anne LeJ e un e
Mac McFadden
Michelle Moore
Page Morton
Ke ith Peperone
Laura Ragan
Kristi Ramb i s
Jay St , Pierre
Ashley Serice
John Stevenson
Mary Wilcox Stubbs
Laura William s
John Woo l folk
MRS . NE LL C . BERNOS , B. A .,
Univ e r sit y o f So uthw es t e rn Lo ui sia na ;
T ulan e Uni ve r sit y
H e idi Bant o n
K ath y Bell
Nic o l e Be rth onnaud
Donna J o Darb y Carolin e Eppling
K elle y Flic k
T rey G eo rge
J on Gu stafs o n
S tuart H e ad
Drew H e rrin g t on
Br a d Lokey
Gr eg ory Ma rsi g li a
Fr a nce s McInt y r e
Laur a Mc Mah o n
Poe M il es
C hip Noe
Li sa Rath e r
We nd y Seem ann
K ris ti Sulli v an
Na n cy Sumne r
M ar k T albo t
caro l Wa tt s
EDITOR: Carole Touzet
FACULTY EDITORS: Kathie Williams, Margret Hunter
SENIOR EDITORS: Becky Llewellyn, Wendy Newlin, Carol Gore
Officers: Roger Dannenbe rg , Kevin Moss, Kathie Williams, Jocelyn Stedman
Be t sy Bank ston, Diana Davi s , Ge n e Donj e au x , Dolf Dunn , Jan e t Fink , Les li e Fl e m i n g , St eve Hun t, Jacki e Le onard , C aro l a Mamoulid es , Kirk Moor e , Kev in Mo ss , K e n Ne l son , Chr i sty Phillip s , Pam Portwood , C orky Sp ee r, S t ev e St e phen s , Eri c We dem e y e r , Kathi e Willi am s .
A romantic sc e ne betwe e n Gene and Pam .
The 1972 Saints had a very impressive season with an 8-1 -1 record, The opening victory over the Newman Greenies 14-0 was exciting and we ll-d ese r ved The Saints defense was outstanding during the entire season, holding the opponents scoreless against the rush.
A one-point loss to Ridgewood and a tie with Port Su lphur ruined th e Saints chances for the State playoffs, but th e team went through the rest of the seaso n undefeated and finished with the traditional victory over Coun try Day
The leadership of co - captains Bobby Andre and Bill Ball was tremendous. It was this unity and team wo rk that made the 1972 Sa int s one of the best team s in th e school's history!
Congratulations men! !
Coach Ramb i s
SENIORS: Lisa Huggins; Linda Kimble, Head; Cor i e Sullivan; Susan Tremont.
JUNIORS: Allyson Askew; Lind say Ellis; Kathy Owens.
SOPHOMORE: Ca rolyn Sm ith
The 1972-73 Saints finished the season with a record of 24 wins and 6 lo sses , the best in our school ' s history. They became St . Martin's first district champ ion s in basketball wi t h a district record of 20 wins and 1 loss. The team finished seco nd i n the St . Martin's tournament. Charles Alfaro was named to the All-Tournament team. After this tournament, they won 20 consecutive games, including 18 strai ght district games The streak was ende d wit h a 1 point loss to Port Sulphur. The Saints won the district championship by defeating Port Sulphur in a playoff game. The main disappointment of the season was being elimina t ed in the first round of the state playoffs by Brusly.
Tri-captains for the year were Chris VonGohren (all-district Player of the Year), Ch ip Garrard ( all-district), and Steve Graf ( all -di stric t 2nd team). These boys provided l eade r sh ip and overall hustle to the team. Charles Alfaro was also an all-district selection, and Ken Larkin was selected for honorable mention. Teamwork and hustling defense was the key to thi s year ' s success . They held the opposition to less than 50 poin t s a g ame and sco red 6 7 points a game. The Seniors leave with a 46 -1 2 record in the la st 2 years. The team members had a fine year and can be proud of their successful season
Coach Dik e g i ves th e t e am som e tim e -out in stru c tion s
The 1 972 - 73 Junior Vars ity Baske tball Team had an outstandin g season The Sa int s were 20 -0 in di strict play with a 22 - 3 overall r eco rd. This marks the seco nd stra i ght year the Sain t s ha ve gone und e f ea t ed in district play 5 - A compet iti on Lea din g in s corin g was Robert Gonzales wi th an 18 po int average, followed by Brian Ball. Gre g Dupuy was the t eam ' s leadin g r ebounder The unity and tr emendou s hustle made th e team a jo y to coach .
Co ngratulations boys!
Co a ch Rambi s
Due to lack of practice tim e , th e 8 th gr ad e basketball t ea m had a med i ocre season . Aft er two weeks of practic e , the t eam played and lost to Adams, a stron g public schoo l team. They bounced back to win the nex t four ( includin g Sam Barthe) The flu also hampe r ed th e t ea m's performance , playing one game with onl y fi ve p lay ers . "To be a comp l e te and unified t eam , one needs ample tim e to practice. However, we on l y prac tic e d dur i ng 8 th period. I do fee l, look in g on t he i nd i v id ual perfo rmanc e tha t th ere was g r ea t improvement An exam ple i s Br i an Rourke who i s now a scorer and a rebounder, wh ereas last year he was solely a rebounder He also made th e all-tournament team at Newman where the team placed seco nd. Coach Rambis will have ano t her fine group of boys com in g to play for h im. "
Bob CarrollThe 7t h g rade basketball team displayed hustle and enthusiasm th roughout the season . The t eam showed impro vement as th e season prog r essed . The most notewo rth y areas of impro veme nt we r e team r ebo undin g and defense The highlights of the season were double v ictori es over Co untr y Day and Kehoe Team members were: D . Humphr eys , R. Sim s , D . Mayer , T . Becker, K . Carraway , M. Jam es, R. Reeves , C . Brow n, M. Brooke , M . N i colad i s , J. Bou r geo i s , J. Mccollam, T . Larkin , B Grove , and B Ary
Do nald Capretz
March 2 1
March 24
March 3 0
April 6
April 14
April 17
April 27
May 4
May 10
St. Martin' s In v itational
Rumm e l Invitational
St , Pau l' s Inv itational
Wildcat Relays
Marin e Relay s
Southeas t e rn Re l ays
District 5- A Meet
Re g ion a l Mee t
Stat e Mee t
Members of th e 1972 Cross Country team: Murray Huber, Jimmy Rusch, Geor g e Ward, Ro g er Durham, John Benton and Byron Hammer; missing from picture are: Timmy Brown and Blair Johnson.
Coach Tony Porter's Cross Country Team had a very successful season this year. Led by a co rp s of sop homor es , the team won several sma ll meets and placed well in the larger meets. At the state meet in Baton Roug e , St. Martin's finished 4th in Class A competi tion. Leading the Sain t s we re Jimmy Rusch placing 8th, John Benton placing 10th , and George Ward placin g 12th. Timmy Brown, Murray Huber, and Blair Johnson finished close enough behind to g ive St. Martin's its 4th plac e finish.
The 1 972-73 Wrestlin g team opened and closed its regular season compet iti on with a bang; an early team victory over St, Augustine and a latt er season victory over Fort i er marked the team's improvement.
The wrestling team captured it s initial win over St, Augus ti ne early in the season The 42 - 36 decision promptly started with John Gira ult 's pin, which sparked the effo rt s of Paul Murphy, C lint Harper, and Aubrey Durr with pins . Vern Summers , Jim McMichael, and Jim Wilcox a l so contr ibut ed victories.
The team's second victory resulted from the overwhelming thra sh in g of Fortier in the final dua l meet of the seaso n. Paul Murphy and Aubrey Durr scored pins in thi s mat ser i es , while Jim Wilcox had to settl e for a draw. John Gira ult, Tommy Brannan, and Stuart O strolenk contribu t ed points from the lightweights, while Jim McMichael, Ed Bold t, and Burt Kemp contributed points from th e heavywe i ghts,
Th i s year's wrestling t e am was led by Coaches Trevino and Schwartz. They have noticed that th e attitude and sk ill of the team have both improv ed among the wr es tl ers and, in thi s respect, next year ' s team sh ould be no differ en t.
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ANDRE, BOBBY - J.V. Football l; Var sity Football 2 , 3,4; Football Co-Captain 4; Track 1, 2, 3 ,4; Golf; Soccer 3 , 4,
BALL BILL - J. V. Football l; Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, 4; All-District Football 2,3,4; All-State Football 4; AllRiverside Football 2; J. V. Basketball l; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; State Track 1, 2, 3; Football Co-Captain 4; Tony Porter Track Award 2; Most Va lua ble Back 2 , 3; Homecoming Escort 4; Typing l; Christmas Program 4; Favorite 1, 3 , 4 .
BANKSTON, BETSY - SHIELD Staff 2, 3; Organization Editor 4; Dramatics 4 ; Typing 2; Modern Dance l; Office Aide l; Lower School Aide 2; LYRE Staff; Circulation Editor 3; Assistant Editor 4; N. E. D. T. 9ga/o 2 ,
BEE, BO NNIE - Ar t 1,4; Typing 3 ; Stitchery l; Sewing 2; P E. Aide 1, 2 ; National Conference of Christian s and Jew s 4; Homecoming Comm itt ee Chai rman 4; Chr istma s Program 4; HALO Staff: Circu lation 4; Ch ri st Church tutorin g 3
BLACKLEDGE, ANDREA - Chorus 3, 4; Music Honorable Mention 3.
BOULDIN, CHUCK - Nat ional Merit Finalist 4
BUFFINGTON, MARIE - SHIELD Staff Typist 3 , Classes Editor 4; Art 2; Stitch e ry 2; Sewing l; Office Aide 2, 3; K inder ga rt en Aide 3; HALO Staff: Typist 2, 3 , 4, la you t staff 4; LYRE Staff: Typist 2, Typing Editor 4.
BURKS, RACHEL - Dramatics 4; Photography 3; Chapel Planning 4
C ABLE, LU C I NDA - Intramural Winn e r 2 , 3 ; C horu s l; Dramatics 2 , 4; Art 4; Typin g 3
CAMPBELL, BECKY - Pep Club 1, 2, 3 ; Homecoming Dance Commit t ee 3
CARPENTER, C HRIS - Headma st e r' s Service Award 3 ; Beautification Comm itt ee 3 ; Chape l Comm itt ee 4 .
CARPENTER., LYNN - Algebra Award 2; Eng li sh Award 3; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3 ; Art l; Typin g 1; Speech 1.
C LA Y, LY NDEN - Honor Roll 3 ; Voll e yball l; Badminton 1, 2; Tennis 1, 2; SHIELD Staff : Activit i es Editor 4; Art 1, 2; Stitchery 1; Chris t mas Program 4 ; HALO Staff: reporter 4
CLINARD, MELINDA - Chorus 3 , 4; Homecoming Dance Committee 4.
COWAND , LYLE- Swimmin g 2 , 3,4 ; Photography 3 ,4
C REAMER, ANITA - English Honorable Mention 2; Honor Roll 2; SHIELD Staff: Act i v iti es Ed itor 4; Ar t 2; Stitchery 1, 2 ; Office Aid e 3; Prep Quiz Bowl 3 , 4; HALO Staff: Report e r 1, 2 , 3 , Feature Editor 4 ; LYRE Staff: Art Staff 2 ; Art Editor 3 , Ed itor 4 ; N EDT 99o/o 2
DANNENBERG , ROGER - Na tional Mer it Finalist 4; Pr e p Quiz Bowl 3 , 4; Sou th Central Bell Award; Honor Roll 1, 2 , 3 , 4; Nat ional Honor Socie ty 3 , 4, President 4 ; Photography; Math Award ; Bausch - Lomb Award
DAV I S, STEVE - Varsity Football 3,4; Sw immin g 1, 2; Typing 1.
DeMARTINI , EDDIE - J. V Football l; V arsity Football 2, 3 , 4 ,
DUNN , DOLF - Latin Award 2; J. V. Football l; Varsity Football 2 ; Football Manager 2, 3 , 4; Typing 2 , 4; Chris tma s Prog ra m 4.
DURHAM , ROGER - French Awa rd l; Hono r Ro ll 1, 4; J. V Football l; J. V Basketball 1, 2 ; Va rsit y Basketball 4; Track 2, 4; Cross Coun try 4 ; Homecoming Escort 4; SHIELD Sta ff, boys sports ; Typing 4
DURR, AUBREY - Most Valuable J. V. Football l; J.V. Footba ll 1; Vars it y Football 2, 3 ,4; Track l; Wre stlin g 1 , 2, 3 ,4; Homecomin g Escort 4; Art 4; Lan g ua ge Lab Aide 2 , 3 ; HA LO S port s Staff Re porter 4.
EN GEL , CHUCK - Na ti ona l Meri t Finalist 4 ; Highest C la ss Avera g e 3 ; Honor Roll 1, 2 , 3 ; J. V . Basketball 2 ; Varsity Basketball 3 , 4; Typ in g 4 ; Ph otography 1, 2 , 3 ; HALO Staff Re port e r 1, 4 ; S e rv ice C lub 2 ,
FANN I NG , LA NN I E - Drama tic s l; Mod e rn Dance 1, 2 ; Home comin g Dance Comm i ttee 4 ; Chr i stmas Program
4 ; HALO Staff Re porter 4 ; LYR E Publi c it y St a ff 4
FI NK , JA NET - C horu s 2 , 3 ; D ram a ti cs 3 , 4 ; A rt l; Hom ecom i n g Da n ce Comm itt ee 4 ; Christma s Pro gram
4 ; HALO Staff Re porter 3 ; Honorabl e M e ntion - Art l; Junior - Sen ior Pro m C hairman 3
FO X, FALVEY - Cla ss Offi ce r - T reasur e r 1, 2 ; Hom ecomin g Esco rt 3 , 4 ; Cho ru s 2 ; Typ in g 3 ; Chri st mas
Pro g ra m 4 ; Fa vo rit e - Witti es t 4 .
FROST , GREG - So ck Hop Cou rt 4 .
GARRARD , CHIP - Honor Roll 3 ; C la ss Offi cer - V i cePre si d e n t 2 ; J. V Footba ll l; vars it y Foot ba ll 2 , 3 , 4 ; All- d i stri c t Football 3 , 4 ; J. V Ba sketball 1, 2 ; Va rsit y Ba s ke t ba ll 3 , 4 ; A ll - di strict Bask e t ba ll ( 2nd t eam )
4 ; T r ack l ; Hom ecom in g Esco rt 4 ; Ch ri st mas Pro g ram
4 ; HALO St aff : typist 1, 2 ; Sport s Ed it or 4
GORE, CAROL - Na ti onal Honor Society 3 , 4 ; St ud e nt
Council Repre sen t at i ve 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , Sec retary 3 , 4 ; C la ss
Offi cer : Sec r e tar y 2 , Presiden t 3 , Vic e - Pr es i dent 4 ;
Vo ll e yball l; Badm inton 1, 2, 3 ; S HIELD Staff: Se nior
Ed it o r 4 ; Stit chery 2 , 3 ; Sew in g 1, 2 ; Low e r Schoo l A rt
A i de 4 ; Hom ec omin g Da nc e Comm itt ee 4 ; Chris t mas
Pro g ram 4 ; HALO Staff: Exchan ge Ed it or 4 ; C hr i st
Church Tu tor 4
GRAF , STEVE - J. V Baske t ba ll 1, 2; Varsit y Bask e t ba ll 2 , 3 , 4 ; Basket ball Co - Cap tain 4 ; Homecomin g Esco rt 4 ; A rt l ; Typ i n g 3 ; Christma s Pro g ra m 4 ; Fa v oriteBes t Looldn g 4
HARLAN , DEBBIE - Spanish Award 2 ; Honor Roll 3 ; National Honor Socie ty 4 ; C horu s 3 ; Hom ec omin g Dance Committ ee 4; Chri st C hurch Tu t o r 3 .
HAWK I NS , DAVID - C la ss Offi ce r 2 ; Hom ecom i n g Esco rt 4 ; Cha p e l Com mittee 4 ; Art 3 ; Typin g 2 ; Ch ri st mas Pro g ram 2 , 4 ; HALO St a ff Photo g raph er 4 ; Favori t e - Mr St M 4
H ECHT , PHY LLI S - S HIELD Staff; C hap e l 3 , Chape l Ed it o r 4 ; Art 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; S titc he r y l; Ch ri stmas Pro g ram 3 ; HALO S taff : Ty p i st 3 ; LYRE Staff: A rt 4 0
HESN I, DE LORI S - C la ss Offic e r - V ic e - Pres id e nt l; Ar t 3 , 4 ; Sp e ech 1; Ch ri s t Chu rch Tu t o rin g 1.
HU GG I NS , LI SA - Cheerl e ad e r 4 ; Hom e com in g
C h ee rl e ad e r 3 ; Intramural Winn e r 3 ; Homecom i n g
Co urt 4 ; SH I ELD Staff: Fa vor it e s Ed it or 4 ; Se win g l; C hri st mas Program 4
HULMES, LI NDA - Honor Ro ll' 1; Badm inton 3 ; Choru s 3 , 4 ; Typ in g 1.
HUNT , STEVE - National Honor Soc i e t y 4 ; Pe li c an Stat e Re pr ese ntati v~ 4 ; St udent Counc il Presi d e nt 4 ; Var sit y Foo t ba ll 3 , 4 ; Go lf 3 , 4; C horu s 3 , 4 ; Dramat i cs 3 , 4 ; HALO Staff: Reporter 3 ,4 .
HUNTER, MARGARE T - Honor Ro ll 1; S HIELD Staff: Facu lt y 3 , Facu lt y Ed it or 4 ; C hap e l Comm itt ee 4 ; Typin g 2 ; Stitch e ry l; Spe e ch 3 ; Kinder g art e n A i d e 2 ; Offic e A id e 4 ; Homecomin g Dance Comm itt ee 4 ; Ch ri st Church Tu tor 3 ; HALO S t a ff: Re port e r 2 , 3 , 4 ; LYRE Staff: Co py Edi t o r 4 .
JOH NS , LI SSA - Homecomin g C h ee rl ea d e r 4 ; Art l; Typ i n g 3 ; S tit c h e r y 2 ; Sewin g 1 , 2 ; Mod e rn Dance 2 ; PE A i de 2 ; Hom ecom in g Dance Cha irman 4 ; Ch ri stma s Pro g ram 4 ,
KEMP , BURT - J . V Foo t ba ll l; Va rsit y Footba ll 2 , 3 , 4; Track 2 , 3 , 4 ; Sw im m in g 1, 2 ; Homecom in g Esc ort 4 ; Swimm in g Captain 2 ; Wre stling 2 , 3 , 4; Wres tling CoCaptain 4 ; SHIELD St aff 2 , 3 ; A11- Di str i c t Footba ll 4 ; Sock Hop Court 4
K IERN, STEV I E - C la ss Officer: Se rgea nt-at-arm s 4 ; Choru s 4 ; Drama ti c s 2 ; A rt 3 ; HALO St aff : Re po rt e r 3
K I MBLE , LI NDA - Honor Ro ll 1, 2 , 3 ; Na t iona l Honor Socie t y 3 , 4 ; St uden t Co uncil Re pr ese ntative 1, 2 ; Ch eer l ea d e r 2 , 3 , 4 ; J V Chee rl e ader l; Homecoming Ch ee rl eade r 2 ; Hom ec omin g Court 3 , 4 ; SHIELD Staff; Typin g 2 ; S tit c h e ry 3 ; K in d e r ga rt e n A id e 1, 2 ; Christmas Program 4 ; Pr e p Qu i z Bowl A lt ern at e 3 ; H A LO Staff: Repor t e r 4 ; Favo rit e 1, 4 .
KREM ENTZ , DAVID - J. V . Foo t ba ll l; Typ i n g 3 ; Pho t o graphy 2 ; Socce r 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 .
K RIE G , SUSAN - Honor Ro ll 1, 3 ; Vo ll eyb all 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; T e nn i s 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Typ in g 4 ; Mod e rn Da n c e l; Low e r Sc hool Ai d e 3 ; HA LO S t aff : Fa sh i on Ed it o r 4 ; Repo rt e r 3 ,
LEONHARD, JACKIE - Nat i ona l Merit Finalist 4; Honorable Mention French l; Honorable Mention French 2; Na ti onal Honor Society 3 , 4 ; Stud e nt Co uncil Represe ntative 3 , 4; Class Officer: Secretary 3 ; Chorus 3 ; Dramatic s 1, 2, 3 , 4; Chapel Commi tt ee 3 , 4; Art 2; Stichery 2; Library A id e l; HALO Staff: Report er 1, 2 , 3 ; LYRE Staff 3 ; Chr i st Church Tu t or 2.
LESLIE, KATHY - Ar t 2; Sew in g 1.
LLEWELLYN, BECKY - National Mer it Finalist 4; Nationa l Honor Societ y 3 , 4; C la ss Officer: Sec r e tar y 4 ; SHIELD Staff: Favorites 3 , Sen ior Editor 4 ; Choru s 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Al tar Guild 2 , 3 ; P , E. Aide l; Kind e r g art en A id e 2 , 3 , 4 ; Homecoming Dance Comm itt ee 4 ; HALO Staff: Reporter 2 , 3 , La yout e ditor 4; LYRE Staff 4 ;
NEDT 99% 2 ; Ch ri st Church Tutor 1, 2 , 3 , 4
MAMOULIDES, CAROLA - Honor Roll l; Badminton 3 ; Speech 3
MATTOX , BARNEY - Go lf l; Typing
McFARLAND , BILL - J. V Football 1; Va rsity Football 2 , 3 , 4 ; J. V Basketball 1, 2; Vars it y Basketball 3 ; C horu s 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; HALO Staff 4
MONTGOMERY, PEGGY - Art 4 ; Typin g 3; Modern Dan ce 1, 2
MOORE, KIRK - Photography 1, 2 ; Photography Award 2; Soccer 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; National Honor Society 4; Lang ua ge La b Aide; Shield Staff 1, 2 , 3 .
MO SS , KEVIN - Na tional Me ri t Finali st 4 ; Hi ghe st Cla ss Average 3; French Honorabl e Mention 2 , 3 ; Sou th Cen tral Bell Awa rd 3 ; Honor Roll 1, 2 , 3 ; National Honor Society 3 , 4 , Vice President 4 ; Pelican State Alternate 4 ; Art 1, 2 , 3 ; Chri stm a s Program 4; Prep Quiz Bowl 3 ; HALO S taff: Repor t er 2 , 3 , Copy Editor 4; LYRE Staff 4 ; NEDT 99 % 2 ; Beautification Comm itt ee 2 , 3 , 4
MURPHY, RI CK - Var sity Football 4 ; Track 4; Homecoming Escort; Game 3 , Dance 4.
NELSON , KEN - Nat i ona l Merit Fina li st 4 ; Geology Award 3 ; English Award 3 ; Na tio na l Honor So ci ety 3 , 4; Photo g raphy 3 ; Chr i stmas Pro g ram 3 ; HALO St a ff Reporter 4; Christ Church Tutor 3 ; Re li gion Award 3 .
N EWLI N, WENDY - Pe lican St ate A lt erna t e 4 ; Class Offic er: V i ce Pr esiden t 1; Homecoming Cheer l eade r 4; SH IELD Staff: Se nior Editor 4 ; Modern D anc e 1, 2 , 3 , ; P. E. A id e 1, 2; Homecoming Dance Comm itt ee
4; Chr i stm as Program 4 ; HALO Staff; A ssistan t Feature Editor 4, Reporter 3 ; Favorite 4
PATTERSON, MERYL - Intramural Winn e r 2; SHIELD Staff 4; Art 4; Typin g 1, 3 ; Stichery 2 ; Sewin g 2 ; HALO Staff: Circu lati on 4; NEDT 99 o/o l; Christ Church Tuto r 3 .
PERRETT , MELISSA - National Mer it Finalist 4; Honor Roll 2 ; Na tion a l Honor Societ y 3 , 4; Student Counc il Represen t ative 1 , 2, 3 , 4, Treasurer 4, Committee Cha irman 3 ; Intra mu ral Board l; Badm int on Team 1, 2, 3 ; SHIELD Staff; Classes Editor 4; Sti t chery 1, 2; Office Aide 2; Chri stma s Program 4 ; HALO Staff: Repor t er 1, 2 , 3 ; Typ i st 1, 2 , 3 , Editor 4; LYRE Staff: Typist 2, Art Staff 4 ; Snack Bar Man~ger 3 ; NEDT 99 % 2; Chr i st Ch urch Tutor 2
PHILLIP S , CHRISTY - C horu s 3 , 4; D ramati cs 4 ; Favori t e 4 ; Sock Hop 4
PLATTER., SANDRA - Pelican St a t e Rep resentative 4; Stude nt Counc il Re pr esenta ti ve 2 , 3 , Vice President 4 , Co mmitt ee Chairman 4; C la ss Officer : President 4 ; Badmin t on 1, 2, 3 ; SHIELD S taff: Ad manager 4 , Busin ess Manager 4 ; Art 1 , 4 ; Sti c h ery 1, 2 ; Homecomin g Dance Chairman 4 ; Chri stma s Program 4; HALO Staff: Typis t 2, 3 , 4, Reporter 3 , 4; LYRE St aff 4
RADER , ALLEN - J V Football!; Varsity Footba ll 2 ; Football Co - C aptain l ; Track l; Ch orus 1, 2 , 3 , 4
RUSCH , RI C HY - J. V Football 1; Varsity Foo tball 2 , 3 , 4; A ll- Distr i ct Football 3 ; J. V Basketball 1; T rack 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Stat e Track 2 , 3 , 4 ; S HI ELD Staff; Spo rt s 3 ; HALO Staff: Reporter 2 , 3 , 4 , Spor t s 3 , 4
SC HUL Z , WENDY - Vo ll eyball 1, 2 , 4 ; Swimmin g 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ; Badminton 2 ; A rt 1, 2 , 3 , 4; S p eech 3 ; P. E Ai de 1.
SEGLEAU , MARGARET - Choru s 1,2, 3 ,4; T ypin g 2; Office Aide 4 ; 1st Grade Aide 4.
SHOBER , S COTT - J. V . Football 1; Var sit y Football 2 , 3 , 4 ; All- D i str i ctFootba ll 2;J V Ba sk e tball 1,2; Track l; Homecomin g Escort 4
SMITH , STEVEN - Baske t ba ll Mana g er 4 ; Hom ecom i n g Escort 4 .
SPEER , CORKY - Beau tifi ca tion Commun i cation 2 , 3 , 4 ; Typ i ng 3 ; Soccer 2 , 3 , 4; Ecolo gy Club 3 ; Dramatic s 4
ST AGGERS , JO AN - Ar t 4 .
STEDMAN, JO C ELYN - Honor Roll 1, 2 , 3 ; Na tional Hon o r Soc i ety 3 , 4 ; Treasurer 4 ; S tud ent Council Repre se ntati ve 1, 2 ; Sw immin g 1, 2 , 3 , 4; Badmint on l;
SHIELD S t a ff: Ad Ma na ge r 4 ; St ich ery 2 ; Sew in g 2 ; P.E. Aid e 2 ; HALO S taff: Typ i st 2 , 3 , 4 ; LYRE Staff 2 ; NE DT 99o/o 2 .
SUL LI VAN, CORY - C h e er l ea d e r 3 , 4 ; Alternate C h ee rl ea d e r 1, 2 ; Homecom in g C h ee rl e ader 2 ; Volleyba ll l, 2 ; Sw i mmin g 1, 2 ; Homecomin g Court 3 , 4 ; Mod e rn D a nce · 1, 3 ; Aide 2 .
T O UZET , C AROLE - S HIELD Sta ff: Ty pi st 2 , Ass i stant Ed itor 3 , Editor 4 ; Stich ery l; P . E. Ai de 1, 2 , 3 ;
HALO Staff: Typist 2 , 3 , Fashion Edi tor 4 , Re port e r 3 , 4 ; LYRE Staff: Ty pist 2 ; Green Sal e Cha ir man 3 ; Sen ior Patio C hairman 4 ; C hri st Chur c h Tutor 2
TREMO N T, SUSAN - C heerlead e r 4 ; Hom ec omin g Ch ee rle ade r 3 ; Hom e coming Court 4 ; Hom eco min g Queen 4 ; Ar t 4 ; Stichery 3 ; Sew in g 3 ; Modern Dance 3 ; Homecomin g Dance Comm itt ee 4 ; Chri st mas Prog ram 4 ; HALO Staff: Exchan ge Edito r 4 ; LYRE St aff 3 , 4 ; C .O.D. E. 3 ; Christ Church Tutor 3 .
VO N GOHRE N, CHRIS - Football Most Va lu ab l e Lineman 3 ; J. V Football l; Va rsity Football 2 , 3 , 4 ; AllDi stri c t Football 3 ; J. V. Basketball 1, 2 ; Varsity Bask e tball 3 , 4; Baske t ba ll Co - C aptain 4 ; Hom e comin g Esc ort 4 ; SH I ELD S taff: Assistant Sports Editor 4 ; Typin g 4 ; Chri stma s Pro g ram 4; HALO Staff: Ass i stant Spor t s Editor 4
WEDEMEYER., ERIC - National Me rit Finali st 4 ; C hri stma s Pro g ram 4
WEL C H, JANET - Cla ss Offic e r: Sec re tar y l ; Alternate Chee rl eade r 3 ; Homecomin g Che e rl eader 3 ; Vo ll ey ball 1, 2 , 3 , 4; Volleyball C aptain 3 ; Swimmin g 3 , 4 ; Intr amural Board 3 , 4 ; Badmint on 2 ; Tenn i s 2 ; I ntr amura l Wi nner 1, 2 , 3 ; Home c omin g Co urt 4 ;
SHIELD Staff: Sports Staff 3 , Girl s Sport s Editor 4 ; Typ in g 4 ; P .E. Aide 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ; HALO Staff: Assistant Girl s Spo rt s Editor 3 , Girl s Spo rt s Editor 4 ; Favorite 4 ; Sock Hop Court 4
WEST , SA LL Y - Honor Ro ll l; Pe li c an St a t e Rep r ese ntati ve 4 ; Voll ey ball 1, 2 , 3 , 4; Vo ll eyba ll Ca ptain 3 ; Intramur a l Boa rd 3 , 4 ; Intr amural Winn e r 1, 2 , 3 ;
SHIELD Staff : Art Ed ito r 4; Art 1, 4 ; P. E Aid e 2 ; C hr is tma s Program 4; HALO Staff : Ar t Editor 4
WHITE , BRIAN - Nat ional Honor Soc i e ty 3 , 4 ; C horu s
WILLI AMS , KA THIE - Nationa l M e rit Finali st 4 ; Hi g h est C la ss Ave r a g e 1, 2 ; Hon o r abl e Me nti on Biolo gy l; Honorable Me ntion Eng li sh l; Honorabl e M e nti o n Math 2 , 3 ; Honorable Ment i on Civ i c s 2 ; Honorable M e ntion Chem i stry 2 ; Honorabl e Me nt i on Re li gion l; Na tional Honor So ciety 3 , 4, Sec retary 4 ; St udent Co uncil Represen tati ve 1, 3 , 4 , Co mmitt ee Cha ir man 4 ; Cla ss Offi ce r: Sec re tary l; Treasurer 3 , 4 ; Volleyball l; Badminton 1, 3 ; SHIELD Staff: Faculty 3 , Faculty Editor 4 ; C horus l; Dramatics 4 ; Ty pin g 2 ; Ind oo r Ball l; Na tional Conferen ce o f Christian s and J e ws 4 ; Homecoming Dance Committee 4 ; Prep Qui z Bowl Alt erna t e 3 ; HALO Staff: Repo rt er 3 , Typ i st 3 , 4 ; News Ed it or 4 ; LYRE Staff Typist 4 ; NEDT 99'Y/o 2 .
WOOTEN , BILL - NEDT 9 9'Y/o l; Pelican Stat e Re pr esentati ve 3 ; Vars it y Football 4 ; J. V . Ba sk e tb a ll 2 ; Sw immin g 1, 2 ; Photo g raphy 2 ; HALO Staff: Layout 4 ; Se r v i ce C lub 1, 2 ; C ross Country T ra ck 2 .
WRIGHT , CARTER - Socce r 1, 2 , 3 , 4
~~only a moment; a moment of strength, of romance, of glamour - of youth! . . . a flick of sunshine upon a strange shore, the time to remember, a time for a sigh, and - goodbye"'