November 22, 2013
Stanger Weekly
30 000 copies distributed
MANOR LIQUORS M ANOR L IQUORS 2/3 Parishram Centre, 4 Cactus Street, Stanger Manor, Stanger Tel: 032 - 552 3079 Shop 4, Market Plaza, Cato Street, Stanger Tel: 032 - 552 3068 1 Scheffer Road, Stanger Tel: 032 - 552 3059 / 69 Fax: 032 - 552 3069 4 Smithers Road (opp Midas) Tel: 032 - 552 3078
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Bulk water boost for iLembe District [4]
Black magic, voodoo dolls and extortion
Celebrating a leader
Two KwaDukuza residents arrested for “elaborate con” MERVYN KRISHNA
LACK magic, voodoo dolls, blackmail and extortion were some of the “scare tactics” used by two KwaDukuza con-artists to frighten prominent business people and individual into parting with large sums of cash. Ayesha Khan (54) of Solly Street, Oceanview and Mukesh Singh (38) of Freezia Road, Stanger Manor teamed up in what has turned out to be a major scam, with more people coming forward claiming to have been swindled out of thousands of rands by the pair. Khan and Singh, who allegedly posed as spiritual healers that “remove” black magic from homes and businesses, were arrested on Thursday last week by N-Force Security director Nitesh
Arjun and handed over to the KwaDukuza SAPS. They appeared in the KwaDukuza Magistrate’s Court on Friday on charges of theft by false pretenses. Both were released on bail and will make their next court appearance on December 10. According to several business owners and individuals who were swindled, the pair used the same modus operandi. Once they had identified rich business people and individuals, Singh would hatch the scheme by planting a voodoo doll on the premises of the targeted victims, who were known to him. According to Arjun, Singh would set out, usually at around 3am to place the doll complete with needles, pins, ashes and red cloth at the home.
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“Black cloth and other paraphernalia were thrown in for added effect. “Terrified victims would wake up to what they believed was evil black magic on their doorstep and desperately seek help to be rid of it.” According to local businessman Amrasen Govender, he knew Singh because they played badminton together. “He was unemployed and asked me to help find him a job. I spoke to a friend who agreed to give Singh a job. However, not long after his appointment, my friend found a nutmeg with a needle pierced in it, together with ashes, placed on his chair,” said Govender. He said his friend was upset and shaken after the incident. TO PAGE 7
Former national speaker of Parliament and vice chancellor of the University of KwaZuluNatal Dr Frene Ginwala paid her respects at Chief Albert Luthuli’s grave at the United Congregational Church in Groutville on Friday, a day before the an nual memorial lecture. From left are: Thokozani Msweli (iLembe District speaker), Veli Luthuli, Dr Frene Ginwala, councillor M Ngwane, Dr Albertina Luthuli and rev erend Simphiwe Mkhize at Chief Albert Luthuli’s grave. Read more on page 3
November 22, 2013
REPORTER Jyothi Laldas 032 552 3363
ZULU EDITOR Guy Vezi 031 533 7663
REPORTER Mervyn Krishna 032 552 3363
ADVERTISING CONSULTANT ADVERTISING CONSULTANT REPORTER Nothando Ndlovu Neresh Gayapershad Vanessa Pillay 032 552 3363 032 552 3363 032 552 3363
Chief Luthuli’s life celebrated
State opposes bail for taxi violence suspects NOXOLO MEMELA A STATE prosecutor cautioned the magistrate at the Durban High Court on Monday against granting bail to four suspects allegedly involved in the Dolphin Coast and KwaDukuza Taxi Association violence that took place last month in Shakaskraal. The state contended that granting bail could pose a danger to society and defeat the ends of justice. According to National Prosecuting Authority spokeswoman Natasha RamkissonKara, when passing judge ment as to why bail was being op posed, the magistrate said: “As we speak now, there is still no calm in the area between the two associations. “The accused are members of one of the associations while the de ceased are of the other association. Grantingthembail would mean giving liberty for both Associations to go on
Sanctity and respect for ANC struggle stalwart SHANNON HOPKINS
OLIDARITY against apartheid actually started in Groutville, said University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) vice chancellor, former national parliament speaker and struggle stalwart Dr Frene Ginwala at the United Congregational Church in Groutville on Friday. The visit was part of a memorial and wreath-laying ceremony to celebrate struggle leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Chief Albert Luthuli, who died in 1967. He and members of his family are buried at the church, only a stones’ throw from his 1927 home, now a museum, in Groutville. The event also formed part of the seventh Albert Luthuli Annual Memorial Lecture that took place on 16 November at UKZN Westville campus, under the auspices of the Department of Arts and Culture (DAC), the Luthuli Museum and UKZN. Ginwala said it was her second visit to Groutville, with the first being in 1960. “This is in fact my second visit to Groutville. I came here when there were lots of sanctions against South Africa, and we as ANC members wanted to stand together against the regime,” said Ginwala. She was joined at the wreath-laying by Luthuli’s first born daughter Albertina, representatives of the Department of Arts and Culture and local municipal councillors and speakers. Luthuli expressed her pleasure at Ginwala’s involvement in the event. “We are very happy Ginwala took the time to be with us and prepare a
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lecture. This visit was momentous for Groutville. We need to remember those who played a part in the freedom we enjoy today,” she said. In keeping with these sentiments, newly elected reverend and head of the lical church, Rev Simphiwe Mkhize, led a short service in which he fo-
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cused on the topic that no one lives forever, but our deeds can. “We must do what we can while we are alive, so that our deeds can be remembered by others. Chief Albert Luthuli’s role in our liberation is a reason to celebrate, and such deeds will and must be remembered,” he said.
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Department of Arts and Culture representative Irwin Langeveld and Dr Frene Ginwala place a wreath on Luthuli’s grave.
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with the ongoing feud which may re sult in more deaths, thereby frustrat ing the court process.” RamkissonKara said the magis trate also noted that the issue was of public interest and it was advisable that suspects be remanded in prison until its finality. Justice Mthethwa, Mthunzi Ma thenjwa, Dumisani Sikhakhane and Mbhekiseni Luthuli are accused of kill ing taxi boss Dennis Mhlongo and his driver Khulekani Mdletshe. Luthuli, Mthethwa and Mathenjwa were arrested on the day of the killing in Durban and charged with two counts of murder, two counts of at tempted murder and possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition. Sikhakhane was arrested a week after and was found in possession of a 9mm pistol with 13 live rounds. The case was remanded to 11 De cember.
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November 22, 2013
SAPS KwaDukuza: Umhlali: Mandeni: Newark: AMBULANCE KwaDukuza: Netcare : HOSPITALS Stanger Regional Hospital: Maphumulo Hospital: Netcare Alberlito Hospital: Osindisweni Hospital:
In case there’s an
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Bulk water project boost >>Umgeni Water believes new project could address water shortages SHANNON HOPKINS
MGENI Water has recently released its report on the Lower Thukela Bulk Water Supply Scheme - one of the largest investments made by the service provider. The Umgeni Water in bulk water infrastructure is currently under constructionintheiLembeDistrict. It will provide “a sustainable, safe and reliable supply” of drinking water to an estimated 167 000 people in areas from Ballito to Mandeni, says Umgeni Water corporate stakeholder manager Shami Harichunder. The project has a budget of R1, 3 billion and will be built in two phases. The first phase will comprise the construction of 55Ml of the ultimate
110Ml water treatment works available for abstraction and treatment. There are a number of elements to the project.Anaccessroadtotheabstraction works will have to be built. In order to enable the contractor to gain accesstotherightbankoftheThukela River (location of abstraction works) an access road will have to be designed and constructed. Phase two will comprise the construction of the remaining 55Ml, when demand dictates. The Lower Thukela Bulk Water Supply will, in its entirety and when finally completed, comprise of a weir and abstraction works. “These structures, located in or adjacenttotheriver,servetocreatean abstraction point for water which is
not encumbered by difficulties caused by sediment deposition, low flows or debris,” said Harichunder. The scheme will work as follows. There will also be a low lift pump station - the intakes situated in the abstraction works feed the low lift pump station which is situated behind, and is protected by, the abstraction works. The raw water pipeline will allow for water to be transferred across the river via a pipeline constructed in the weir and discharged into the desilting cyclones. These cyclones serve to remove silt and sand particles from the raw water stream. The 55 Ml/d water treatment plant will make sure the partially desilted raw water is treated at the treatment works to potable
standards and any sludge generated disposed of. A high lift pump station then forms the start of the potable water distribution system. A 900 mm diameter rising main forms the transfer pipeline from the high lift pump station to the balancing reservoirs. The 35Ml Potable Water Reservoir, situated on the highest point along the pipeline route, serves as a link between the rising main and the gravity main and also adds to operational flexibility. A 900 mm diameter gravity main forms the final link in the bulk water supply system to the NCSS. Bulk electrical supply of 132KV of power for twill be supplied for operation of the works.
Umgeni Water’s Shami Harichunder said construction of the scheme began in February this year and is expected to be completed in September 2016. “In financial terms, the Lower ThukelaBulkWaterSupplySchemeis the largest project to be implemented by Umgeni Water, and it will provide a reliable source of potable water to areas currently experiencing problems. Harichunder said that during construction phase an estimated 2 000 jobs are expected to be created which will be a boost to the economy. Environmentalists say they are not convinced the project is a long-term solution. “The Thukela River ...is under terrible strain as it is,” said Dolphin Coast Conservancy’s Di Jones.
Missing person NEXT TO STUDIO ONE
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Nkosingiphile Mpanza. A LINDELANI family is seeking a family member who went missing on Sunday. According to Rose Zwane, Nkosingiphile Mpanza was last seen wearing a black T-shirt and shorts at Section C. Anyone with information is can contact Zwane on 071 533 6125.
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Black magic, voodoo dolls and extortion FROM PAGE ONE According to the victim, who asked to remain anonymous, Singh came to him and said he knows of a “Muslim lady” who can remove the “black magic”. “Singh brought the woman, dressed in traditional wear, and told me it would cost just R100,a packetofcigarettesandincensesticks. We gave her what she wanted. “She then lit two cigarettes and started blowing the smoke into all corners of my business premises. She then told me that the “muti” is very strong and that it is Nigerian muti,” said the victim. The woman apparently then told him it would cost R9 000 to “organise” the Nigerian muti. “I gave her R7 000 and told her I would give her the balance when everything was over. She returned the following day and conducted her rituals and said nothing would trouble me again, so I paid her the balance.” During this time, Singh was getting acquainted with the victim’s friends, who visited on a regular basis. Soon after the duo made their move on their next victim, a contractor based in KwaDukuza. They placed a voodoo doll with needles at his business entrance. The contractor said when he saw the “black magic”, he was afraid and contacted Singh who had assisted his friend. “Singh brought the same woman. She asked for R10 000. I was afraid and asked her to do what she had to do. She conducted all her rituals at my business premises and also took me to Blythedale beach and dumped me into the water three times,” said the contractor. However, the duo failed to swindle money from their third victim. The businessman, wholivesinStangerManor found, on four separate occasions, voodoo dolls and other “black magic” in his yard. However, the businessman went to his own spiritual healers who said the voodoo dolls and “black magic” did not have power, but bound his house in any case. The businessman said when he found the so-called muti in his yard the fifth time, he was fed up and wanted to know who was behind this and installed CCTV cameras. “Afterthecameras were installed,avoodoo doll with needles which had a broken hand was found in my yard. “When I looked at the video footage, I was shocked to find Singh at 3am in the morning walking towards my gate and throwing the voodoo doll in my yard,” he said. The businessman said he did not confront Singh but told his business associates and friends about the video footage. In themeantime,theduo’slatest victimwas a resident from Stanger Manor who worked in the industrial area and travelled with Singh. The victim confessed all his personal problems to Singh who used it to swindle him for money. Singh together with Khan picked up their victim from work and while travelling from Manor, Khan told the victim that she could “sense” in her spirit that he was going through a tough time” and of his many problems. Khan apparently told him that she could fix all his problems for a price. The victim agreed. Singh and Khan went to his house and conducted a “prayer”. Khan told the victim that within three days hewouldseethe“blackmagic”thatwasplaced onhimtodestroyhisandhisfamily'slife.However, the third day at approximately 8:30am, Singh was seen throwing a voodoo doll in his yard. The next day, a leader from the Stanger Manor Temple and the person who saw Singh throwing the doll confronted the victim and asked him if they found anything in his yard. The victim showed them the voodoo doll that he had found and told them what Khan had said about finding the “black magic” within three days. They described Singh to the victim and decided to set a trap. Singh and Khan went to the victim's house to remove the so-called black magic the following day. All the businessmen who were swindled together with individuals were called. N-Force Security director Nitesh Arjun was also called to the scene. Arjun said while Khan
was conducting her prayer inside the house, he called Singh out to the road. “I questioned Singh about the scam he and Khan were operating. He denied any involvement. However, when I showed Singh the video footage of him throwing the voodoo doll, he said at that time he was blacked-out, putting the buck on Khan claiming that she did something to him. “When Khan saw what was happening, she came out and said: ‘Mukesh why are doing all this wrong things, throwing all this black magic into people's houses? Now, you are putting me into trouble.’,” said Arjun. Arjun said the businessmen and other individuals who were conned said they paid Khan the cash so she was also part of the con. After their arrest several other individuals who were conned by Khan have come forward to open cases.
Two bust for drugs ON Thursday last week, members of the Durban Flying Squad Narcotics Task Team swooped on KwaDukuzawheretheyarrestedThobaniZikhali (22) for possession of drugs. According to KZN SAPS spokesperson Cap tain Thulani Zwane, investigations led police to the suspect’s house in Newtown where they foundfivepiecesofrockcocainevaluedatR500. “Further investigation led to the KwaDukuza CBD where they also arrested Jfeayi Ukatu (40) for possession of 11 full moons of rock cocaine valued R12000.” Both suspects were charged for possessionofdrugsandappearedinthe KwaDu kuza Magistrate’s Court on Friday. They were released on bail.
November 22, 2013
Rock cocaine
Burned taxi disturbs peace talks NEWS
November 22, 2013
OLPHIN Coast taxi association’s Mdu Tony said his association is tired of the ongoing tension between them and the Stanger taxi association. He said that they are thinking of asking the Stanger association to engage with them in “peace talks”. “We have had enough and there
is no other way to resolve the tension but to sit down and discuss our issues. “But how can we do that when our members are falling victim to so many dangerous acts such as the one that happened on Tuesday?” he said. It is alleged that on Tuesday evening, shots were fired at the home of a Dolphin Coast member in Tete and a taxi was set alight.
Burning of a taxi could disturb “peace talks” planned between two rival taxi associations which have been disputing routes and seen murder being committed
This happens at a time when the associations have been at each other’s throats for weeks about long distance and Ballito/Stanger routes. The battle between the associations saw the murder of Stanger association members, taxi owner DennisMhlongo andhisdriverKhulekani Mdletshe. Both were shot dead. The men died on 18 October while looking for a panelbeater in Shakaskraal.
The death of Mhlongo and Mdletshe ledtofourmenwho aresaidtobepart of Dolphin Coast Taxi Association members being arrested. Stanger Association's spokesman, Bongizwe Mhlongo, said unrest was with the Dolphin Coast Association. “We are not fighting anyone; they are the ones with the problem. “All we do is our work that is why it’s our members who died and not
the other way around. As for this incident, it’s the first time I am hearing about it from you.” Police confirmed that a case had been opened. “A case of malicious damage to property is being investigated by Umhlali SAPS. The motive for the attack is unknown and no arrests have been made, investigations are continuing,” said Colonel Jay Naicker.
A steering committee was formed which includes business people Shane Manjoo,PravinSinghandVanessaVengat samy. High on the agenda was the crime rate in the CBD, CBD degradation, street vending, busi ness growth and expansion, Chief Albert Luthuli
Street and the role of KwaDukuza Munici pality. Many business people complained about the lack of police officers on the streets. Crime such as cellphone theft, snatching of jewellery and the latest, cut ting off of pony tails, is on the increase. Andy Pillay said he would like to see a plan of action from the KwaDukuza SAPS
and not only response to crimes after they have taken place. Brigadier Sithole urged businessmen and women to employ security personnel and install CCTV cameras in their shops. Mdakane in his address congratulated the members of the association and said his doors will be open for discussion at any time.
Retailers Association launched MERVYN KRISHNA THE KwaDukuza Retailer's Association was officially launched at the Town Hall on Thursday.
Businessmen and women together with the KwaDukuza municipal manager NJ Mdakane and KwaDukuza SAPS station commander Brigadier Bongiwe Sithole at tended the meeting.
MISSING DOG Reward offered
The dogs name is Sissy. It went missing on the 3 November 2013 from 50 Russell Street, Newtown. The owners name is Wiseman Vilakazi 082 350 0970
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From left are: Pravin Singh, KwaDukuza station commander brigadier Bongiwe Sithole, Vanessa Vengatsamy, Shane Manjoo and colonel D Faya.
New shopping mall for Mandeni NOTHANDO NDLOVU
November 22, 2013
help people who travel long distances to reach shopping malls. It will also create much-needed jobs.” Speaking on behalf of the GreenThompson family, the founder and the co-owner of the shopping mall Dion Green-Thompson said he is thankful for the amalgamation and co-operation received from the traditional council and the municipal council.
He said he strongly believes that it is the collaboration that made this “ambition” come true. INkosi Linda Mathonsi shared his gratitude with the Green-Thomson family for providing land where the mall can be constructed. He said that he was happy that the project has finally been approved as the mall was supposed to be constructed three years ago but
THE construction of the new Mandeni Mall which will create approximately 400 permanent jobs began near the Sundumbili Plaza after a sod turning ceremony on Monday. The area where about 35 shops will be built is owned by the GreenThompson family. According to the municipality’s
communications officer, Mduduzi Manzi, the mall is expected to be completed by October next year. Speaking at the event, Mandeni mayor Sphesihle Zulu said the construction of the new mall was only the beginning. “The development will not only be for the people of Mandeni but will accommodate people from other municipalities. The mall will
Long awaited Groutville Community Care Homes Project complete
A home for children
could not because the Environmental Impact Assessment found there was a stream in the area. Manzi said that the municipality and local stakeholders worked together to prove that the running water came from a major water leak in the area that needed to be fixed.
HE Groutville Community Care Homes, a residential community-based project aiming to provide housing accommodation (20 homes) for 120 orphaned and displaced children from disadvantaged communities that are infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, has finally been allocated. The first two foster parents and their foster children were handed the keys to their new homes on Thursday last week. ChildWelfareSA-KwaDukuzawas approached by representatives of the Flemish government (Belgium), the provincialDepartmentofHumanSettlements and KwaDukuza Municipality in 2003 to be the implementation agent for the establishment of the project in the Groutville area. A feasibility study was conducted by the Project Preparation Trust and the outcome of the research revealed that Child Welfare SA-KwaDukuza complied with the requirements to be the implementation agent of the proj-
From left are: Child Welfare SAKwaDukuza management secretary Ram Ramessar, KDM electrical executive director Ian Milsom, board member Sandeep Oudhram, senior social work manager Penny Dhaver, board member Sooraj Maharajh, the foster mother, ward councillor Innocent Nxumalo, ward committee member Scele Masinga and board member Mervyn Krishna. ect. Child Welfare senior social work manager Penny Dhaver said the foster parents were given accredited training in foster parenting. “Forty volunteers were recruited
and trained to assist social workers to supervise and monitor the foster children. There were many challenges that caused delays with this project. One of the major challenges was SocialtensionsinGroutvilleandvandal-
foster child due to challenges. “However, these challenges were resolved and the care homes are now ready for occupation. We plan to accommodate the other 18 foster parents and their foster children shortly.”
ism of the care homes,” said Dhaver. She added the construction of the 20 care homes was successfully completed on 31 March 2012. “We were unable to accommodate the identified foster parents and the
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November 22, 2013
Kusuka kwesokunxele uBulelwa Ma khubalo, uM nuz Vusi Mve lase ongum sunguli wama NACMA noGcisa Md lulwa ISITHOMBE SITHUNYELWE
Ziwinele amathikithi amaNACMA 2013! INTATHELI YEFEVER SESIFIKILE leso sikhathi somncintiswano wama National Choral Music Awards (NACMA) 2013, ozoba seDurban Exhibition Centre ngoLwesih lanu umhla ka 6 kuZibandlela (December) ngo7 ebusuku. Ziwinele ama thikithi amabili ngoku phendula umbuzo womcintiswano othi: “Uzok wenzelwa kuphi umcimbi wamaNacma 2013?” Izimpendulo zithunyelwa nge email ekhelini elit
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hi sharmaine.reuter@witness.co.za ngaphambi kweSonto umhla ka24 kuLwezi (November) 2013. Izimpendulo kufanele zibe namagama aph elele nemininigwane yalowo ophendulayo. Kulindeleke ukuthi iDurban Exhibition Centre iphenduke izulu elincane ngendlela ubuchwephe she ezohlotshiswa ngabo obusezingeni eliphezulu ngayo, lokhu okubizwa nge ‘red carpet’. UMnuz Vusi Mvelase, ongumsunguli wama NACMA uthe: “Abahleli balomcimbi wama NAC MA 2013 benze ngokusemandleni abo ukuthi
bahlanganise abawina ngaphambilini kuwo la maawards ukuthi bazonandisa esiteji. Abantu mabalindele ubukhazikhazi obusezingeni eliphe zulu kulonyaka,” kusho yena. Amathikithiokungenakulomcimbiatholakala eComputicket ngoR250 umuntu emunye, lo mcimbi uzophetha ngesidlo sasebusuku. Eminye imininingwane itholakala ekhelini elithi www.nacma.co.za noma ushayele uGail Samuela enombolweni ethi: 082 614 6063 noma uPrinella Pillay enombolweni ethi: 071 673 6552.
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Yingoba engekho obengadlala indawo kaMandela kuleli? N
ANXA izichazamazwi zesiNgisi zilichaza ngezindlela ezahlukene igama elithi ‘patriotism’, ngizithola zilichaza ngokuthi lisho: “Ukuthanda nokuzinikela ezweni lakini”. Ngizitshela ukuthi uma ngithanda izwe lakithi, iNingizimu Afrika, kufanele ngizame konke okusemandleni ukuthi ngibambe iqhaza ekulithuthukiseni. Ngizitshela ukuthi uma uthuthukisa izwe lakini, awakuwazi ukushiya ngaphandle abantu abayiminsinsi yokuzimilela kuyona. Siyazi-ke ukuthi lezi zinxushunxushu ebezikhungethe iNingizimu Afrika eminyakeni eminingi edlule, nezisekhona kwezinye izindawo, zidalwa ngabantu abasho ngomlomo ukuthi bayayithanda iNingizimu Afrika nokuthi bangayifela nokuyifela, kodwa izenzo zabo zibe zisho okunye. Izizwe eziningi zangaphandle kweNingiz-
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imu Afrika zihlale zibangisana ngokuzozinza kuleli, hhayi zithanda iNingizimu Afrika, kodwa zithanda ingcebo yakhona. Umcebo waseNingizimu Afrika uhlanganisa nabantu bakhona, akuwona umcebo ombiwa ezimayini kuphela. INingizimu Afrika, phakathi kokuningi, izishaya isifuba ngokuba namaqhawe afana noDkt Nelson Rohlihlahla Mandela. Akekho ongaphika ukuthi leli qhawe lingelinye lalawo anyakazise umhlaba wonke. Akekho ongaphika futhi leli qhawe liyohlale likhunjulwa, lihlonishwa kuze kuthi AMEN. Angaphika othandayo ngoba yilungelo lakhe lelo. Yingakho incwadi ethi: “Long Walk To Freedom” yaphela ngokuphazima kweso emva kokushicilelwa, yaze yahunyushelwa nakwezinye izilimi. Udinga ukwethulelwa isigqoko uDkt D.B.Z. Ntuli owayihumushela olimini lwesiZulu ukuze umlando waleli
qhawe ufinyelele nakulabo abangaluqondisisi olwendlovukazi yamaNgisi. Osekudida abaningi manje, okusempeleni okucasula abaningi kuhlangene nombhali walolu daba, ukuthi uma sonke thina baseNingizimu Afrika sithi siyalithanda izwe lethu futhi singalifela njengaye uMadiba, yini edala ukuthi uma sekwenziwa ifilimu yebhayisikobho ngempilo yakhe, kulandwe abalingisi bangaphandle. Yingoba bengekho abalingisi bakuleli abebe ngaqokelwa ukudlala indawo yakhe? Noma wukubabukela phansi? Kumbe wuthando lwemali? Sikholwa wukuthi bakhona baningi. Uma kuthiwa-ke bekufuneka abasezingeni eliphezulu abaziwa emhlabeni wonke, ingani kwasayena uDkt Mandela waziwa umhlaba wonke kodwa ungowokuzalwa kuleli. Yisimo saseNingizimu Afrika esimkhuphule sambeka ezingeni lokuhlonishwa umhlaba wonke. Yini ebingavimba ukuthi kuqokwe umlingisi obezoqeqeshwa aze afike kulelo zinga elidingekayo? Noma singebona abehluleli, sibona sengathi abakhiqizi befilimu i ‘Long Walk To Freedom’ badudulwe wuthando lwemali nokubukela phansi abalingisi baseNingizimu Afrika ngokulanda u-Idris Elba noNaomie Harris ukuthi bazodlala indawo kaMadiba noWinnie Mandela. Asikholwa ukuthi yi ‘patriotism’ Kazi angalandwa yini umlingisi waseNingizimu Afrika ukuthi ayolingisa uDr Martin Luther King wodumo lwe ‘I have a dream.’
VACANCY ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL Notice is hereby given that the Workshop Supervisor Position: Full-time, Temporary on Contract, Council Appointment, Sundumbili Campus, Ref. No.: 2013/080, Salary: R212 106 per annum that was advertised in the Stanger Weekly dated 06 November 2013 has been permanently withdrawn.
Enquiries: Nonto Mdletshe, 035 902 9507
Disclaimer: Write to the Editor Email: stangerweeklynews@gmail.com or fax: 032 552 3985. To be con sidered for publication, letters to the editor must include the writer’s full name and daytime contact number. All details will be kept confidential. Please keep letters short and concise. Letters may be edited and/or condensed, although care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. The views written in the Letters to the Editor do not necessarily reflect those of the Weekly nor does the Weekly take any re sponsibility for the views stated by those who write to the editor. The Weekly reserves the right not to pub lish letters.
November 22, 2013
Prepaid water - pros and cons AT a recent meeting held at the Stanger Town Hall the iLembe mayor announced that Stanger Manor and surrounding wards will soon be on the prepaid water system. With this system it would be an added advantage to council as there will be no more water bills or debtors and collection fees. Now you will pay upfront. If implement ed correctly with no disruptions it would be a good system where you manage the us age of water. Conservation of water is criti cal. However, there are a number of chal lenges to the system which I raised at the meeting based on research and investiga tion and lessons learned from other mu nicipalities that have already implemented the system.
The demand of water will be reduced drastically. Communities using standpipes are at risk since there are over 113 000 people that were infected with cholera after prepaid water meters replaced communal stand pipes. It will be a matter of time before water will be more expensive compared to the tra ditional billing system. When we run out of water at night what do we do? Buying additional water units is one option but in a worst case scenario your taps could be dry until the next day until you top up with water units. In the case of an emergency, for example fire, you have limited water and that could turn out to be disastrous. Prepaid sys tem are normally promoted in poorer areas
11 Asstd. colours S-XL
to secure payments. Poor families will be forced to use un safe water sources once they lose their ability to pay. It is important to have a sys tem whereby a consumer can pay for water consumed, even if the prepaid system de faulted. There must be a procedure in place whereby fair water consumption can be calculated on historical or average basis. Have separate mechanical meters from the electronic one. Water treatment pro cesses from the treatment plant can con tribute to prepaid system malfunctioning. With the US system it is possible to buy water on the internet after hours while with the Kent system it is not possible, which iLembe is using. Councillor Madhun Sing
A life filled with decisions I HAVE recently noticed that teenagers are ber, before you do something which you at a loss when they are faced with real life know at the back of your mind is a bad idea,someone gave you the choice to make decisions. Youngsters don't always know what to the right decision. Try to make the correct decisions, no do or how to handle the pressure of decimatter how long it takes you to choose or sions. Personally, I've had my own share of how hard it is, because the good one is always the best one! mistakes, regrets and bad decisions. Have a story to tell us about your good But some decisions, I've noticed, have decision or your bad decision? really changed my life. PRIYA NUNKUMAR Email me on Priya.nunkuSo, how do you know right from wrong YOUNG, WISE, FREE mar@gmail.com in terms of decision making? Can you really tell that something will turn out as you thought it would? The only way you will know if 189 Mahatma Gandhi Street, KwaDukuza Tel: 032 - 551 4201 something is the right decision is after the outcome has M150 Concrete Blocks surfaced, and yes, “SABS” sometimes something which you "think" is right, can turn out ALL wrong. With the festive “7 Days a Week season around the we beat any Price” corner, how can you each be sure the party -----------------------------------------you’re going to is Terms & Conditions apply going to be the right SABS choice? Marley Roof Tiles Hip Starter Tile Ridgings Bricks Life will always be filled with decisions and we as the youth should be per pallet careful about what we do with our lives, Delivered because sometimes -----------------------------------------things we choose 50 x 100 can be bad for us. Fence Wire Imagine what MERANTI DOORS AND DOOR FRAMES 30m would happen if you Roll make a bad decision Frame and Masonite and it comes back to Ledge Meranti Door bite you in the fuDoor ture? Personally I've made a few wrong 100 x 100 decisions, but now Fence Wire when I think about 30m 2 x 3 Meranti 3 x 3 Meranti it, they seem right to Roll Door Frame Door Frame me because I've become more mature and understood my situation from a dif-----------------------------------------ferent angle. These ASBESTOS decisions, in the 144m2 Builders Mesh SPECIALS end, made me a (per roll) stronger person. Sotakeafewminutes when you are making a decision and analyse the repercussions. Sometimes you’d rather be smarter and realise it before it becomes something more serious. Always remem-
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Integrity, Respect, Accountability, Courage
April to June 2013: 29900
Ombudsman of Stanger Weekly According to the editorial policy of Stanger Weekly, readers are invited to comment about the newspaper’s contents, and significant errors will be corrected as soon as possible. Please send information about correc tion of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24’s Community Press, George Claassen, at george.claassen@media24.com or call him at 021 8513232 or 083 543 2471. Readers can also complain about the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman. In that case, please phone 011 788 4829 of 788 4837, send a fax to 011 788 4990 or email to pressombudsman@ombudsman.org.za
Democracy The game
SAW the most amazing computer game review on Tuesday. It was in the Daily Times. The game was called Democracy 3. Democracy 3 is essentially simpresident – this means it allows you to run one of several countries the way you want with the policies you like. You interact with the game purely by setting and altering policies – spending political capital to do this.
November 22, 2013
PHONE: 031 533 7600 PUBLISHER Neil Tapinos neil.tapinos@ expressmedia.co.za GROUP EDITOR Desiree Erasmus desiree.erasmus@ witness.co.za ZULU EDITOR: Guy Vezi guy@umafrika.co.za REPORTERS: Jyothi Laldas jyothilaldas@ gmail.com 032 552 3363 Mervyn Krishna
Thatcapitalisgainedthroughyourministers,whoeach sympathise with particular special interest groups. If you annoy those groups too much, your ministers don’t give you much capital, and may even end up resign ing. Theyalsothrowinanumberofvariablessuchashaving tosolve nationalcrises–whethertheybeasthmaepidem ics or organised crime, and keep yourself reasonably popu lar with the electorate. According to the reviewer: “It is interesting to note that sometimes what actually works for dealing with one crisis isn’t what the people want – legalisingprostitutionforexamplecancutdownorganised crime, making your people safer but annoying parents.” This entire process of how this game works sent my mind on an unstoppable journey questioning democracy
KwaDukuza Mayor Ricardo Mthembu
Jo i n t h e “ E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p R e vo l u t i o n ”
mervynkrishna@gmail.com Nothando Ndlovu nothie2@gmail.com SALES MANAGER: Justin Watson justinw@express media.co.za 082 762 0175 ADVERTISING: Vanessa Pillay 072 251 0524 qtpillay@gmail.com Niresh Gayapershad 073 008 0949 figurefive@ovi.com CLASSIFIEDS ADS: Nalisha Diplal
032 552 3363 stangerweeklyclassi fieds@gmail.com COPYRIGHT: Copyright of all editorial, advertising layout, design and photographs is vested in Ballito Fever and may not be used without the permission of Media24 News in writing. DISTRIBUTION: For all distribution queries, please contact Tom Pearson on 032 552 3363.
and its true nature. There are always chants by politicians about the “greatness”ofdemocracy,butIwonderhowtruethisactu ally is. You have to ask yourself, if a game of this nature can be created with real worldlike results, do we not have architects in our society who simply dictate how we live? It is a well known fact that the world is run by a select few corporations who fund politics. Political funding has often been a hot topic that barely reachesmainstreammedia(unlikeIdols). Evenlocallyyou often see politicians warming up to people of prominence. They know they can be backed and win a constituency. Like this game, real politics is the same. It’s all about votes and securing your position of power for the next five years. We all know that over the next few months the ANC, DA, MF, IFP – all the well known parties will be far more visible. Playing their game as usual. I think it’s important for us all to understand that the system we abide by is failing. It is flawed and it has shown economically and socially. If the ANC and DA in Tongaat were actually doing anything good we would see many changes. For a town this small it seems like apathy is the name of the game. Councillors helping people with burst pipes or overgrown verges is not service delivery. They are playing their game. Their version of Democ racy 3. There is a bigger picture. Apicturebeyondpatheticexcusesandlackofser vice delivery. We should all consider uplifting our society. Not under the ideology of democracy, but the spirit of being good human beings. Email your comments, compliments, criticisms, questions or suggestions to kaveels@gmail.com
Eastern languages back in the school curriculum
26 – 29 November 2013 KwaDukuza Recreation Grounds 09h00 – 16h00
IT’S good news to those pupils who were deprived oflearningeasternlanguagesinthe2013schoolyear. Eastern languages will be back in the school cur riculum from next year. This is through the concerted effort of the Minority Front, including other individu als and organisations. Easternlanguageswereleftoutoftheschoolcur riculum at the beginning of 2013, but it was offered after school hours. The Minority Front had taken the initiative in en suring the introduction of eastern languages after school hours in some schools in Stanger. However, the turnout had been very poor as pu pils were inconvenienced with transport and security after school hours being of concern. Parents are urged to ensure their children show a keen interest in eastern languages, now that it would be offered during school hours. Pupils should also further continue their study of eastern languag es even at higher levels of education. Bikrum Bharat Sing
Pearl’s Catering Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Business Support & Compliance Business Finance, Tender opportunities and Agriculture Franchise opportunities and Financing Tourism
Enquiries: Jabu Gumbi (Mobile) 082 049 4187 (Work) 032 551 4070 email: jabug@kwadukuza.gov.za MN 289/2013
For all your Catering and Christmas Party requirements (Corporate & Family Functions) Spit Braai’s, Potjies, Stir Fries & Salads Whole Lamb cooked to perfection. Contact: Elane on 081 079 7177 or Email: elanekuber@yahoo.com
Treating the
ELDERLY Christmas comes early for Darnall senior citizens
Private and daycare ward staff with chairperson Bobby Murugan and some of the senior citizens
November 22, 2013
EDICLINIC Victoria Hospital private and daycare wards hosted a christmas party for Darnall senior citizens last Thursday at the Darnall Community Hall. The senior citizens were treated to breakfast, health screenings, entertainment, gifts and lunch. UnitmanagerMegGovender said this was part of their corporate social responsibility. "We wanted to do something special for the senior citizens during this festive time as many are forgotten. Spending the
day with them was amazing." Chairperson of the Darnall Senior CitizensGroupBobbyMuruganwas grateful to Mediclinic Victoria for their kindheartedness. "We cannot thank you enough for your time and for all that you have done for us." Govender added she would like to thank her staff and family members for their support and donations.
iBeach ticket sales open
Sales, Service, Installation and Maintenance of all leading brands of Airconditioners Spilt type airconditioners, heating and cooling with infra red remote from
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MAKE sure you don’t miss out on the hottest party of the year! Tickets are now on sale for the most exciting weekend of the year - the iBeach Xperience from 12 to 15 December. This unique lifestyle and music festival showcases all of the amazing outdoor and adventure activities of the beautiful North Coast. The 2013 edition of the iBeach Xperience will kick off with a pre-party at Thokoza Lounge in Mandeni on 12 December. The festival will then take place from December 13 – 15 in the new location of the North Coast of KwaZulu Natal at Dokodweni Lagoon. For those travelling to KZN for the event, we are pleased to announce a range of inclusive ground or air travel packages that will make planning your iBeach weekend that much easier. The ibeach Xperience travel packages 2013 include: -Goodie Hampers|IBeachGear -4 nights accom-
modation -All access iBeach Passport |3 Day Golden Circle Tickets -Unlimited Shuttle Service to and from venue to hotel and Ballito surroundings -Where airfare is included it is from Johannesburg to Durban (special requests for other provinces
welcome) -Valid for travel between 12 – 16 Dec Bookings to be made by 30 November and can be made via the following contacts: sales@ibeachxperience.co.za or call Charmaine at Batsumi Travel (012 762 3500/ 012 940 0750).
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November 22, 2013
Service Guide “With GOD all things are possible” Mark 10v27
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083 232 0020 Suppliers of MERANTI Garage Doors Manufacturers of quality, maintenance free fibre glass garage doors in a wooden grain finish Contact: Tel 035 789 2278 / 083 232 0020 Tel R/Bay: 035 789 2278 Ballito: 032 586 3331 Fax: 086 605 0080 Email: naresh@rbdoors.co.za
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TOOLS FOR HIRE Welding Machines, Grinders, Drills, Generators, com along, Chain blocks and extension cords
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randees electrical cc Electrical Installations, Sales, Repairs & Maintenance 141 Mahatma Gandhi Street, KwaDukuza Tel:032 - 551 6221 Fax: 032 - 551 6224 A/H: (032) 551 3403 Cell: 082 892 0565 nishen@randees.co.za
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Hambakahle Trailer Hire Based in Stanger
STANGER 24 King Shaka Rd Stanger Tel: 032 - 552 1648 Fax: 032 - 552 5671 quotes@coolleaders.co.za
DURBAN 1 Highdale Road Glen Anil Tel: 031 - 569 3677 Fax: 031 569 2116 sales@coolleaders.co.za
Sales, Service, Installation and Maintenance of all leading brands of Airconditioners
"Situated in Groutville KwaDukuza”
073 247 5248 078 679 2839 ngonyamatenthire@gmail.com Fax: to email: 086 603 5365
Cell:082 822 4771 Shop No. 1, Cane Growers Arcade, 51 Hulett Street, Stanger Tel: (B) 032 - 551 1940 / 551 1790 Tel: (H) 032 - 551 1625
For all your trailer hiring Contact: 078 609 2822 / 083 733 0872
Tel: (032) 552 3659 / 552 1735 (Bus) Fax: 032 551 5089 Cnr. Lindsay & Scheffer Road, KwaDukuza Email: fabweld1@iafrica.com Website: www.fabweld.co.za
EVERGREEN MOTORS * Full diagnostic using the latest equipment on the market. This is a one stop workshop for all mechanical, auto-electrical and fuel injection problems under one roof. * Engine overalls * All mechanical repairs
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Installations & Repairs to: DSTV CCTV Gate Automation Electrical (Compliance Certificate) Telephone Solutions (Piping, Extra Jacks, Internet, PABX, etc)
For Carports, Awnings & Entertainment areas. Excellent quality and workmanship. We will beat any written quote.
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New Branch : 146 King Shaka Street, Stg (behind Anisa’s Bakery)
Smithers Road, Stanger (opp Sasko Bakery)
The rooms are tiled, with ceiling boards, fully furnished with built in cupboards, cutlery, microwave, bar fridge, LED television with DSTV, shower with towels and safe parking. No meals provided.
Laminate Flooring
Suppliers of All Types of Steel and Gas Products Square Tubes Free Delivery Square Bars on Wednesday Flat Bars and Friday Rectangular Tubes after Plates and Sheets 2pm to Gate Accessories KwaDukuza and Abrasives surrounding General Industrial Supplies areas. Distributor of Air Products
COOL LEADERS customer care: 0861 10 14 14
Delialyn 083 335 1668
COMPLETE: - Catering - Draping - Lighting - Hiring - Venue setting - Uniformed waiters - Meals prepared and delivered for all functions including funerals and ceremonies For quality and tasty meals call
Cell: 082 782 2910 Telefax 032 551 2039 Email : hooblalscatering@telkomsa.net
Will be in Stanger on 30 November
55 KING SHAKA STREET, STANGER MALL TEL: 032 - 551 5057 Email: audioconcepts@telkomsa.net
Next to STUDIO 1
Repairs to all makes of Fridges, Freezers, Stoves and Airconditioning Equipment.
Contact Mohammed Bux 082 863 0405
Training Centre flies
November 22, 2013
15 KwaDukuza flag high at Nestle award stanger
Sustainable project elevates school MERVYN KRISHNA
TANGER Training Centre flew the KwaDukuza flag high at the Nestle Community Nutrition Awards presentation at Empress Palace in Gauteng recently when the school was placed second in the garden category. They won R10 000 and a certificate which was presented to school principal Kishore Hira and co-ordinator Upasana Singh by chairman and managing director of Nestle South Africa Sullivan Carrol. Hira expressed his excitement: “This is very encouraging to us. It shows that the hard work that we put
in was worth our efforts. Our aim now is to grow the project.” Hira said, when they started the garden, it was just a dry patch of land. “With dedication we tilled it and with the help of the provincial departments of health, education and agriculture, it was transformed into a fertile and productive piece of ground,” she said. Hira added the school has devel-
oped learning material to teach children about the importance of food gardens, how to start one, and what and how to plant. Singh said this is a great achievement for the school since they are a special school. She placed on record her sincere thanks and appreciation to staff, pupil and members of the governing body for also assisting in the gardens.
Stanger Training Centre won R10000 School principal Kishore Hira and coordinator Upasana Singh with the R10 000 cheque they received from Nestle South Africa PHOTO: MERVYN KRISHNA
From left: H Huri lal (31 years), PC Kistasamy (40 years), V Mohan gi (34 years),L Padayachee (33 years), N Moodley (33 years) and YA Moodley (31 years).
Games People Play
Selling direct to the public
Enquire now for our Christmas specials Only while stock last
Teachers awarded MERVYN KRISHNA KZN MEC for Education Peggy Nkonyeni re warded long serving teachers and veterans in education at a special event held recently at the Shallcross Community Hall. This prestigious awards ceremony is in tended to recognise and award all employ ees that have served the Department of Ed
ucation for a period of 30 and 40 years. KwaDukuza teachers were also among the awardees with Glenhills Primary School principal Christy Kistasamy as the longest serving educator with 40 years of service. Other teachers from the school who re ceived certificates include H Hurilal (31 years), V Mohangi (34 years), L Padayachee (33 years), N Moodley (33 years) and YA Moodley (31 years). The MEC expressed her sincere gratitude and thanked the entire education fraternity for their dedication and loyalty to duty. “The department is proud of your unin terrupted commitment and tremendous contribution to the growth of education,”
she said. “Youhaveprovedyourloyaltyandperse verance under challenging times and you continued to serve the department faithful ly,” said the MEC. Nkonyeni urged the recipients and the community at large to make a positive con tribution towards the future so that poverty will decline. She also emphasised the importance of mathematics and science as key subject ar eas to make career choices. Nkonyeni said that teachers must men tor leaners to pursue good subject combina tion that will take them to lucrative career paths.
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For white/cream/black/ golden brown/P.W.D. brown
645 Sunset Avenue, Logbro Centre (next to Ismail’s Hardware Tel: 031 - 402 1793 173/183 Umhlanga Rocks Drive (Basement of Farmhouse Butchery), Durban North, Entrance from Ryde Place Tel: 031 - 564 9744
Debit/Credit cards accepted
November 22, 2013
what’s on
AYER ROCK Guesthouse, 74 Geranium Street, Stanger Manor, “Tasteful executive accommodation”. Contact: 0325516503/0825623676.
Are you drowning in debts? We assist you with an admin order, remove all garnishees from your salary and increase your take home pay. Pay one affordable installment with repayments from as low as R600 per R50 000 debt. We do not charge any upfront fees. Take action now: Phone-Princess (Stg Office)-032-552 1194/ A/H: 084 211 3587, Makhosi (DBN Office)031-306 7250/A/H: 083 348 1663, Indira-032552 1170 (A/h)/083 651 2441.
FOR SALE 6 week old puppies, 2 x 8 month male dogs for sale, all good breed. Contact: 071 952 0085. Refrigeration Spares (New) Compressors 1/5 HpR469.00 (incl) R134a Refrigerant Gas (13.6 Kg), Top qualityR785.00 (Incl) Contact: 082 575 1411. Second Hand Fridges for sale. Contact: Mohammed Bux-082 863 0405.
PREMISES TO LET Shops to let near taxi rank. Call at Siya Zama Hardware, 56 Balcomb Street, Stanger. Call: 082 400 5678. TRANSPORT
HOUSE TO LET 1 Bedroom/Ensuite, Open Plan Lounge Dining, Kitchen, Suit single person or couples only. Tel: 083 369 3079/032-552 1180 (h)/032-552 2062 (w). 1 B/Room, kitchen, T/Bathroom to rent with L/Water, R1800. Phone: 032-552 5313 after 6pm. 2 b/r house in Warrenton occupation on 01/12/2013. 2 b/r Outbuildings for immediate occupation. Tel: 072 742 1351/083 363 3692. Neat old house-2 b/r, 1 dining, 1 lounge, kitchen, B/T, R2000 with L/Water, couple with 1 or 2 children. Contact: 032-551 3120, 28 Ogle Rd, Townview. HOUSE FOR SALE Stanger Manor 1).5 B/room, 3 ensuite, double garage. 2).3 B/room with basement. Contact: Siven Naidoo082 377 1880/032-551 4797. HERBALISTS Dr. Maida in Stanger, 24 hours. Contact: 074 489 4532. Dr. Tom & Mama Tim, Call for appointment, Stanger, Tongaat and Durban. Call: 078 738 9254/084 912 2308 / www.mamatim.wen9. com. Prof. Yisa and Maama Koshay. Call for appointment, Stanger, Durban and Verulam, 073 096 2396.
Audit Bureau of Circulations of South Africa
29 900 copies distributed per week October - December 2012 Verified FREE Distribution
Lift offered from Stanger to Salt Rock/ Ballito. Contact: 073 947 9020/032-552 2490. Transport wanted from Stanger to Richards Bay, 8am to 5pm. Please contact Deon on 071 843 8010. TUITIONS Unisa/Imm TuitionLaw, Commerce & Marketing. Contact The Graduate Academy, Tel: 032-586 3804 / Durban@t-g-a.co.za Based in Ballito. VACANCY Four month position to permanent Medical Practice in Ballito is looking for a candidate with good admin, interpersonal and communication skills. Please email CV to ballitomedical@gmail. com. Hairdresser required for a busy salon in R/ Bay, Must be prepared to relocate. Phone: 072 324 5210. Receptionist/Accounts clerk required for busy dental practice, Must have minimum 3 years experience. Kindly email CVs to jobscv@ iafrica.com. Receptionist: Vibrant medical practice in Stanger requires the services of a female between the ages of 20-30 years with drivers licence. Medical experience would be an advantage. Salary: R2500. Please emails CV to: drzp. radiologist@telkomsa. net. Closing date: 27/11/13. Salesperson required for DSTV and Electronic equipment, must have knowledge of USB and Memory Cards and must be computer literate. Personally drop off CV’s at 69 King Shaka Street, Phone083 231 1804.
Sales Consultant A young & dynamic Private Educational Institution is looking for a Sales Consultant. To be successful in this role you must be efficient, organized and have a proven ability to achieve sales targets. You will take ownership of this role and will be passionate about teamwork and achievement of goals. Min 1-2 years Sales experience is essential. Own transport essential and you will be required to travel. Fax a max 3 page CV to 032551 5528. Only short listed applicants will be contacted. Closing date for applications is 30 November 2013. Sample Hand-Looking for experienced sample hand for a lounge suite manufacturer. Call: 076 287 2420/076 537 7638. Vacancy for 1xAdmin Clerk, must have computer Knowledge. 1xTravel Consultant, must have Galileo. Please call Chandini Travel, Stanger, 032551 2800.
Ombudsman of Stanger Weekly According to the editorial policy of Stanger Weekly we invite readers to comment about the newspaper’s contents, and we correct significant errors as soon as possible. Please send information about correction of mistakes in the newspaper to the ombudsman of Media24’s Community Press, George Claassen, at george.claassen@ media24, or call him at 021 8513232 or 0835432471. Readers can also complain about the contents to the South African Press Ombudsman. In that case, please phone 011 788 4829 of 788 4837, send a fax to 011 788 4990 or email to pressombudsman@ombudsman.org.za
IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LOWER TUGELA HELD AT STANGER CASE NO. 2033/08 In the matter between: METTLE MOTOR LOANS (PTY) LTD Execution Creditor -andMBUKENI MECKION XABA Execution Debtor AUCTION In pursuance of a Judgement by the above Court and Writ issued thereon, the following goods will be sold by Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Sheriff’s Sales Room, Jay Krishna Centre, 134/6 Mahatma Gandhi Street, Stanger on 12 December 2013 at 10h00. 1 Sansui Tv 1 Four Piece Lounge Set 1 3 Piece Wall Unit 1 Six Seater Dining Room Set 1 Entertainment Stand 1 Sansui DVD Player with Surround Sound 1 Fridge Master Fridge 1 Defy Freezer Take further note that: 1.This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above court. 2.The Rules of this auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff for Lower Tugela at Jay Krishna Centre, 134/6 Mahatma Gandhi Street, Stanger. 3.Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to conditions, inter alia: -Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 ( U R L h t t p : / / w w w. i n f o . g o v. z a / v i e w / DownloadFileAction?id=99961) -Fica-Legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars -Payment of Registration deposit of R500.00 in cash -Registration of conditions 4.The office of the Sheriff for Lower Tugela will conduct the sale with auctioneers R. Singh (Sheriff) and/or S. Reddy. 5.Advertising costs at current publication rates and sale costs according to court rules apply. DATED AT STANGER on this 18 day of NOVEMBER 2013. EXECUTION CREDITOR’S ATTORNEYS SHAM & MEER FIRST FLOOR, BEESHAM CENTRE 140 MAHATMA GANDHI STREET STANGER REF: MS. SINGH/rg/AG2028
The community of KwaDukuza is invited to attend the free Ramayan Classes offered. The classes are held every Thursday at the Stanger Heights Primary School commencing at 3:30pm. For enquiries con tact the chairperson of Stanger Heights/Doctorskop Civic Association Anil Kissoonlal on 032 551 4290. >>The community of KwaDukuza is invited to a prayer to commence the construction of the Sri Maha Mari Amman Temple at the Shree Viswanatha Eswa rar Alayam (Mdonville Hindu Temple) on Thursday, November 21 commencing at 9am. For further de tailscontactvicechairmanKrishKistenon0835566 276. >>Décor workshop and Christmas cooking demo at Hirsch Ballito. Get great advice on Christmas table setting and décor ideas with Sue and Fran from Abundance and also learn how to make a Christmas pudding in a Morphy Richards pressure cooker on Fri day,22Novemberfrom10amto12pm.ContactJenni lee on 032 946 7400 to book free of charge. >>AFMCentralTabernacleChurchinGreyridgeDrive, Stanger Heights, will be hosting a Marriage Seminar onSunday,24Novemberfrom2pmto4pm.Thesem inar will be conducted by Dr Leo Chetty. All married couples, single parents and those preparing for mar riage are welcome. This invitation goes out to the public and admission is FREE. Your hosts are Pastor Harry and Shirley Solomon (contact nos: 083 301 2923, 032 551 5417 or Pastor Bob 084 551 5990). >>he Shri Sanathan Mundal, 21 Greyridge Drive Stanger Heights, holds the following activities: Weekly Satsang every Tuesday between 6pm to 7:30pm, Gayatri Pooja first Tuesday, Ramayan read
To place a notice in the “What's on” sec tion, email stangerweekly news@gmail.com or fax us on 032 552 3985. Deadline – Monday 10am. Items in this section will only be run twice ahead of your event and are free.
ing last Tuesday. Free adult scriptural classes on Thursdays between 6pm and 8pm. Free Youth Class es Fridays from 4pm to 5:30pm for further informa tion contact P.R.O Mrs Madhuri Sing on 082 324 3406. >>The Shri Sanathan Mundal’s resident priest, Pun dit K.K Mishra is available for performance of all prayers at the Mandir or at your residence. Contact 032 551 1680. >>The Child Welfare SA Mandeni is hosting a Sum mer Fair on 6,7,8 December at the Mandini Academy School Grounds (Sappi Grounds) from 11am until late.StallsaresellingatR300perday.Formoreinfor mation contact call 032 456 5000/032 456 2289 (8am until 4.30pm) or Dolly Soobramoney (after hours) on 032 456 2184 or 073 168 1803. >>An entertaining Networking Breakfast at Hirsch Ballito with Mr Entertainment himself, Danny Fisher – from The Pumpkin Theatre. Bring your business cards and flyers and prepare for a fun, end of year business breakfast of note! DATE: 21 NOVEMBER. TIME: 8.30am for 9am. Contact Jennilee on 032 946 7400 to book. Free of charge. >>Abhishegum for Shanta Narshima and Radha Krishna is performed every Saturday at the Shanta Narshima Temple, 13 Centenery Road, Oceanview commencing at 2pm. The community is invited to at tend, participate in the bhajans and may make offer ings to the deities. Contact Kriyananda (032/5514795) or cell 0845514795. >>The Windy Heights Sri Ram Mandir, 5 Hornbeam Drive, conducts Satsang every Tuesday at 6.30pm. All welcome. For more information call 032 551 2430.
Sai Baba birthday celebration JYOTHI LALDAS
HE Sathya Sai Organisations of KwaDukuza will be celebrating the birthday of BhagawanSriSathyaSaiBabaonSaturday, 23 November at the Stanger Siva Sungam Hall. The programmes will commence at 3pm and the community is invited to attend. Spiritual transformation and social upliftment are the basic building blocks of all major religions of the world and the Sathya Sai Organisation holds, as its very core, these basic teachings. The main objective of the Sathya Sai Organisation is to help one recognise the divinity inherent in themselves, irrespective of the religion one belongs to. In his July 1968 speech, Sai Baba stated: “I have come to light the lamp of love in your hearts,toseethatitshinesdaybydaywithadded lustre. I have not come on behalf of any exclusive religion. I have not come on a mission of publicity for a sect or creed or cause, nor have I come to collect followers for a doctrine. I have no plan to attract disciples or devotees into my fold or any fold. I have come to tell you of this unitary faith, this spiritual principle, this path of love, this virtue of love, this duty of love, this obligation to love.” Sai Baba also asked that a Hindu should becomeabetterHindu,aChristianabetterChristian,andaMuslimabetterMuslimandnomatter which religion one belongs to one should
earnestly strive to follow the teachings of their respective religion and put these into practise. Sathya Sai Organisations throughout the world will celebrate the 88th birthday of Sai Baba on 23 November.
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Win with NACMA MAKE a date on 6 December and book your front row golden ticket to the spectacular second Annual National Choral Music Achievement Awards 2013 (NACMA) taking place at the Durban Exhibition Centre. The NACMA Awards PTY LTD was implemented and launched in 2012 at a red carpet affair. The event was launched to support, recognise and award choral excellence, while celebrating and honouring the South African competitive talents and artistic expression in the choral music sector. “NACMA 2013 has pulled out all the stops with an incredible line up that will see exhilarating performances from past and prospective NACMA winners light up the stage at this year’s glittering red carpet event on the South African calendar,” said NACMA founder Vusi Mvelase. Tickets are available at Computicket at R250 per person.
The ticket price includes entry to the event, awarding of choral music excellence awards and a three course meal dinner. For further information on the event, contact Gail Samuels on 082 614 6063 or Prinella Pillay on 071 673 6552 or email: pr@nacma.co.za OR gail@g2marketingbrand.co.za Go to www.nacma.co.za on the competition and event.
The Stanger Weekly is giving away double tickets to the NACMA 2013 Awards! To enter, simply email your answer, name, and con tact details to sharmaine.reuter@witness.co.za. Include the NACMA competition in your subject line. The competition closes on Sunday, 24 Novem ber. Question: When will the 2013 Nacma Awards be held?
Senior citizen needs help
November 22, 2013
A CONCERNED Shayamoya resident has askedthepublictoassista90-year-oldwoman who is renting a room in her backyard. “IhavebeenlookingafterAllinaKhumalo since last year. She doesn’t have family, anywhere to go or food. I use the rent she pays me to ensure that she has something to eat, but the money is not enough. A woman her age does not deserve to rent a small room in
someone’s back yard,” said Nompumelelo Mkhwanazi. AccordingtoMkhwanaziayoungwoman came to her looking for a place to stay, but she was not aware that she was living with an old lady. “I was shocked to see that this woman who is unemployed lived with Khumalo. This woman does not even have proper clothes to wear.” Khumalo who was almost in tears when
Allina Khumalo
speaking to the Weekly said she does not know where her family is. “IamfromMaphumulobutImovedalong time ago while I was still young. I would appreciate any kind of help because even if I die I do not know where I will get buried.” If you would like to assist, call Mkhwanazi on 076 098 8139.
Big win for local school >>BBS Mica's first school competition winner announced NOXOLO MEMELA RA Padayachee Primary School in Shakaskraal became the inaugural winners of BBS Mica’s schools’ competition. BBS Mica Ballito representatives presented the winning pupil and the
school with their prizes at the school recently. The competition appeals to schools around the province. The competition was launched in October and will run till February 2014, but will take a break in December due to school holidays.
“We introduced the competition to all schools within areas that are close to any of our four [Mica] stores. Each store will draw up a winner for each month,” said Angie Baldwin, marketing officer at BBS Mica in Ballito. Each winner will receive a bicycle,
Front from left: Angie Baldwin (marketing manager BBS Mica), Kantha Reddy (RA Padayachee School Principal), Sanele Sithole (winner), Busi Sithole (pupil’s mother). Back from left: Mphu muzi Ntuli (BBS Mica), Khalik Gaffar (BBS Mica Ballito manager).
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the teacher who helped the pupil enter will receive a microwave, the pupil's parents wins a flat screen television and the school gets a R2 000 gift voucher. The first winner of the competition was Sanele Sithole of Shakaskraal from is RA Padayachee Primary
School. “I am so happy that my child has won us a flat television screen and that he has also had his prayers answered. He has always wanted a bike unfortunately I could not afford one,” said Busi Sithole.
Home team goes down
November 22, 2013
>> Railways prove too strong for Dawnheights WEEKLY REPORTER
Chasing 246 runs for victory from 50 overs (at a rate of 4,92 runs per over),Dawnheightswerebundledout for 161 runs in the 39th over. Vishal Choudary (45), Bilal Ismail (31)andByronAthymoolan(26)were the only Dawnheights batsmen to register double digits. Mather (3/29 from 8 overs) and Ashley Pillay (3/30 from 9 overs) were the destroyers-in-chief for Railways. Dawnheights will be hoping for a reversal of fortunes when they lock horns with Amanzimtoti Cricket Club at the Country Club Ground on Sunday.
AILWAYS Cricket Club of Tongaat proved too strong for local outfitDawnheightsafterromping to an impressive 84-runs victory inaKwaZulu-NatalChallengeLeague game played at the Country Club Ground on Sunday. The hosts came into Sunday’s game after slumping to a humiliating 8-wickets defeat against Pinetown a fortnight ago and were hoping to bounce back to winning ways on home soil. The decision by the hosts to field first after winning the toss proved to be a wrong choice after Railways’ openers, Brendon Govender and Wayne Naicker quickly adapted to the slightly damp conditions and took the tallypastthe50-runsmarkinthe14th over. Dawnheights made a breakthrough in the 24th over after Naicker was caught at first slip by Suveer Maharaj off the bowling of Akshaye Juggernath.Naickermadeanote-worthy 46 runs contribution which included six boundaries. Sheldon Sewshanker (1) was sent for an early shower after being adjudged LBW to a Juggernath delivery in the 26th over. Juggernath claimed his third victim after trapping Railways skipper, Dawood Mather for a duck. The visitors stumbled from 93/1 in the24thoverto106/3inthe26thover
Railways Cricket Club trounced Dawnheights by 84runs in a KwaZulu Natal cricket Union Challenge League game played at the Country Club Ground on Sunday. before Govender and Manoj Nohari consolidated Railways innings. They put on a match-winning 120-runs partnership for the 4th wicket. Nohari notched up an invaluable 45 runs which included five 4s before
IN LOVING MEMORY OF THE LATE The day you departed, our hearts were broken. But memories of you will never fade. Our mothers love was ageless. You were an excellent role model to each of us. MRS DHANABAGIAM Today we NAIDOO (Temple Aunty) 15/06/1948 - to 31/01/2013 honour our dear Mum, who will be in our hearts forever. You and your family are kindly requested to attend the Yearly Memorial Ceremony. Date: 24 November 2013 Time: 10.30am Venue: Belvedere Community Hall Sadly missed by a host of family and friends. Your presence will be highly appreciated.
beingcaughtatlongoffbyMaharajoff the bowling of Sashin Sadayan. Despite wickets falling around him, man-of-the-match, 17-year-old Brendon Govender held his nerve notching up a brilliant 108 runs
which included eight 4s and a huge 6 to put Railways in the driving seat. Railways amassed 245/5 in their allotted 50-overs. Juggernath was the pick of the Dawnheights bowlers claiming 3/35 from 8 overs.
Man of the match Brendon Govender.
Sunil Pranpath (CEO of Sunil Pranpath Incorporated) presents a check of R5000 to Revy Harryprasadh (SDVA corporate coordinator.
Yearly Memorial Service Dear Dad A year has gone by and I miss you so much, each passing day has never been the same without you, losing you Dad has been one of the most difficult things I’ve been through. I wish that I could see you Dad, for just a little while, I wish that I could hug you and see your lovely smile, But wishing gets me nowhere, And longing is in vain, So I will forever hold you in my heart, Till we meet again. You’ve earned your place in heaven Dad, after all that you’ve been through. I wish that I could have helped you but there was nothing I could do. To think that we did not say goodbye, will always bring regret, But hearts that are always Mr. Harilall Maraj (Harry) loved, never will forget. Dad, you are now a beautiful memory to me, (Nisha’s Driving School) dearer than gold, A father whose worth can never be told, there’s a place in my heart no one can fill, I miss you Dad and always will. Safe in Gods arms and free from Pain, Rest in peace Dad, till we meet again! Forever loved and missed by Suresh Maraj The Yearly Ceremony of the late Mr. Harilall Maraj (Nisha’s Driving School) takes place on Sunday, 24 November 2013 at 2 Manor Drive. Family & Friends are kindly requested to please accept this as a personal invitation. Sadly missed by the Maraj family and a host of family & friends.
IN LOVING MEMORY God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be. So, he put his arms around you and whispered “Come to me”, with tearful eyes we watched you, we watched you fade away. Although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands now rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us,
Born: 01/06/1940 Called to Rest: 07/12/2012
he only takes the best. The Millican family wishes to acknowledge and thank our family and friends for their love and support on the loss of our loving father and kindly invites you and your family to the Memorial Ceremony of the late Mr Jimmy Millican Date: Saturday, 07 December 2013 Venue: Glendale, Valleyview Baptist Church Time: 2pm-3pm Contact : Hilton Millican 083 657 5979
three sets of 15 points (uncapped). Matches in the semi-finals and STANGER and District Volleyball final will be contested on the basis Association (SDVA) will host the of best of three sets. In the semi-fiSunil Pranpath Incorporated (SPI) nals thefirsttwosetswillcomprise Corporate Knockout Cup for cor- of 25 capped points and the final porate teams commencing on set uncapped at 15 points. Braai packs will be given to all Wednesday, 20 November. President of SDVA, Isaac Abra- participants after the final on ham expressed his sincere thanks Wednesday, 4 December. Trophies will be awarded to the to Sunil Pranpath (CEO of Sunil Pranpath Incorporated) for gen- winnersandrunners-upattheSDerating a whopping R5 000 into VA awards banquet on Friday, 13December at the KwaDukuza corporate league. Teams participating in the Town Hall. In other volleyball news, SDVA tournament must pay an entrance feeofR300.Matcheswillbeplayed will host a special general meeting in two pools on a league basis with onThursday,21NovemberatSanthe top two teams in each pool ad- chez Spur commencing at 7pm. Teams wishing to participate in vancing to the knockout stages of the year-end tournament which the tournament. All matches in the round-robin carries a prize-purse of R5 000 stages of the competition will be must be present at the draws on contested on the basis of best of Thursday and pay their R300 affiliation fee prior to the draws. SDVA treasurer, AUM AUM Rajiv Mathapersad said: “Teams that do not pay their R300 affiliationfeewillnot be included in the draws.” Teams knocked out in the opening round of the yearend tournament will advance to the plate section of the tournament. The plate-section winner will collect R500. The winner in the main category will walk away R2 000 richer with the late the runner-up pocketing R1 000. RAJAGOPAUL REDDY (KANNY) For further infor30/11/2012 - 22/11/1992 mation regarding the year-end knockout tournament, From your wife Lilly, children Sagree, Pavithra, contact Isaac AbraKogi, Danny & Vijay ham on 079 4280 345.
We miss you APPA!!!
KwaDukuza Local Football AssociationFixtures KLFA Premier League
Thursday, November 21 6pmThembeni United vs Junior Stars
Friday, November 22 6pmMavusana vs Happy Stars (Manor)
Saturday, November 23 11amBeez vs Rocky Park (Manor) 1pmYoung Lions vs Citizen All Stars (Man or)
November 22, 2013
3pmYoung Nation vs Siyazama (Manor) Sunday, November 24 11amTiger Boyz vs Mtwana (Manor)
1pmReal Celtic vs Movers United (Manor)
Manor notch double victory WEEKLY REPORTER MANOR Cricket Club notched up an impres sive double victory over the weekend. On Saturday, they trounced Flipside by ninewickets in an Ilembe and District Cricket Union Twenty 20 League game played at the Country Club Ground and on Sunday they demol ished Mandeni by 216 runs in a domestic 50overs league game played at the Gledhow Ground. InthematchonSat urday, Flipside batted first and were bundled out for a paltry 56 runs in 14.4 overs with Ashil Jayramsingh (13) the only batsman to regis ter double digits. Dillon Rautenbach (4/10 from four overs) and Alveiro Nadasen (3/6 from four overs) were the pick of the Manor bowlers. In reply Desigan Pil lay (20 not out) and Nadasen (18) guided Manor to an emphatic ninewickets victory in 7.3 overs. On Sunday, Manor won the toss and elect ed to bat first against Mandeni at the Gled how Ground. Manor posted a whopping 236/8 in their allotted 50overs. ManofthematchNa dasen topscored with a brilliant 91 runs which included five boundar ies and two huge 6s. He received good support from Pillay who notched up a maiden half century which included one four and three 6s. Zamir Maraj scored 40 runs which included one four and a six. Bowlers M Zungu (2/38 from 10 overs) and S Dlamini (2/69 from nine overs) grabbed two wickets apiece. In reply Mandeni were bowled out for a disappointing 20 runs in the 16thover. Madoda Makhathi ni (4/8 from four overs) and Nadasen (4/10 from 8 overs) claimed four wickets each. Manor Cricket Club manager, NR Singh was elated with the performance of his charges and com mended the lads on their double victory.
Tiger Boyz snatched a thrilling 21 win against Citizen All Stars at the Manor Ground on Saturday.
Tiger Boyz beat Stars >> Thrilling 21 win for local soccer team WEEKLY REPORTER
IGER Boyz snatched a thrilling 2-1 win against Citizen All Stars in a SAFA KwaDukuza Local Football Association (KLFA) Premier League gameplayedattheManorGroundonSaturday. Tiger Boyz were virtually chasing shadows in the opening quarter of the match. Stars should have opened their account as early as the fifth minute after Bheka Gumede received a brilliant throughballfromAneleMbambo,buthis tame shot from close range was kicked straight into the outstretched arms of the Tiger Boyz keeper.
Minutes later Cebo Mthiyane beat his marker before unleashing a precisiontimed cross to the unmarked Xolani Mpungose in the box, but he (Mpungose) fluffedhisshot,kickingwideofthefarupright. In the 20th minute Stars were awarded afreekickjustoutsidethebox,butThamsanqa’s lame shot failed to beat the Tiger Boyz keeper, Lindokuhle Mdletshe. Midway into the first half, Stars defender Mluleki Sishi was deemed to have handled the ball in the box and the referee did not hesitate to award Tiger Boyz a penalty. After failing to have a single shot at goal in the opening 20 minutes, midfielder Nhlakanipho Khuzwayo
seized the opportunity with both hands and duly converted the resultant spotkick to give Tiger Boyz a 1-0 lead. But, their joy was shortlived after Thamsanaqa Mpungose snatched a brilliantequalizer(1-1)justbeforethebreak. Early in the second half, Bheka Gumede squandered an opportunity of putting Stars ahead after his shot eclipsed the crossbar. Tiger Boyz created numerous goalscoring opportunities in the second half, but “twin-strikers” Bonokuhle Khuzwayo and Phiwokuhle Nsele were guilty of some wayward shooting which frustrated coach, Yusuf Wakili, who did not mince his words from the touchline.
With less than 15 minutes remaining, man-of-the-match Nhlakanipho snatched a brace to give Tiger Boyz a hard fought 2-1 win. Wakili said: “I am not excited about our win because it was a scrappy affair, but hopefully the boys will start to gel together and produce good football.” In an earlier game K9 Real Celtic outfit suffered a humiliating 1-0 defeat at the hands of Thembeni Football Club (formerly trading as MaxT United). On Thursday night, the newly promoted Beez outfit stung Young Lions 3-1 and on Friday night Junior Stars trounced Movers 3-1 at the Manor Ground.
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November 22, 2013
Winning ways for KSST >> Plenty of action on the volleyball courts WEEKLY REPORTER
They registered a fluent straight set (2-0) win against Manor Old Boys to set up a mouth-watering semi-final clash Cool Leaders, who edged out Virgo (2-1). Darnall, who played second-fiddle to Cool Leaders throughout the 2013 season turned on the heat in the semi’s, trouncing Cool Leaders 25-9; 25-14 to book their place in the final. Newly crowned social league champions, Titans swept aside Sunbrook with consummate ease, winning 25-16; 25-15 to book their place in the semi’s against archrivals Teachers Style. The Style outfit was dealt a severe blow after inspirational skipper, Nazir Khan was ruled of action for the rest of the season due to a niggling back injury. His absence on the courts was conspicuous and despite the concerted efforts of teammates Alvin Moonsamy, Nishen Govender and Dees Bhowanibhik,Titansheldontoahard fought 25-22; 25-16 win to secure a place in the final. In the plate final played on Thursdaynight,Sunbrookclawedtheirway from a set down to snatch a thrilling 23-25; 25-22; 15-10 win against Manor Old Boys. Titans and Darnall locked horns in thefinalofthe2013SanaaKOCuplast night (Tuesday) with Style and Cool Leaders contesting the third/fourth place playoffs. A whopping R5 000 prize-money is up for grabs in the Sanaa KO Cup. Watch the Stanger Weekly next weekly for a report on the final of the Sanaa KO Cup.
SST clinched the Sanchez Spur Knockout Cup (hosted by Stanger and District Volleyball Association) after beating arch-rivals Randsons in straight sets (25-18; 2518) before a partisan crowd at the association courts on Thursday night. KSST booked their place in the final with a resounding 2-0 win against GroveEndwhilstRandsonshadtodig deep into their reserves to hold off a strong late challenge by Warriors Sport before winning 25-22; 25-19 to secure their place in the final. With the threat of rain hovering above and the streaks of lightning heralding a fierce storm, KSST wasted little time in trouncing their rivals 25-18 in the opening set. Man-of-the-match Christopher Joseph and Sherwin Daniels combined superbly at the start of the second set to give KSST a commanding 8-1 lead, forcing their rivals into an early timeout. Randsons rallied back gamely midway into the second set, but KSST carrying too many guns for their opposition cantered to a fluent 25-18 to annex the inaugural Sanchez Spur KO Cup. The four semi-finalists and officials of SDVA were treated to a feast at Sanchez Spur after the final, with Randsons collecting R500 cash and KSST waltzing away R1 000 richer. President of SDVA Isaac Abraham expressed his sincere thanks to DesanNadasen(ownerofSanchezSpur) and Evelyn Govender (CEO of Sanchez Spur) for their generous R5 000 sponsorship and looked forward to making the event an annual one. Meanwhile, former social league champions Darnall Action Sporting were all the rage in the Sanaa KO Cup after defying the odds stacked against them.
KSST clinched the Sanchez Spur K.O. Cup after beating Randsons (2518; 2518) in the final on Thursday.
Owner of Sanchez Spur Desan Na dasen presents a R1 000 cheque to KSST skipper Cameron Singh. Look ing on Kruba Jaram (vicepresident of SDVA) and Evelyn Govender (CEO of Sanchez Spur).
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