february 2023 issue 2 • volume 50
7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544
816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorncountry.net
february 2023 issue 2 • volume 50
7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544
816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorncountry.net
* Additional cost for pictures & multiple proofs color rates 4 color $200
1 color $195
* Color only available on half of page or larger
Contract Rates And Discounts:
Contract rates require advertising in all 11 issues per year with a business card ad. Business card price is pre-paid at the beginning of the calendar year or pro-rated if started after the first issue of the year. Contract (11x) rates do not apply for any sale advertising. Contract advertisers must run the business card ad in every issue. Contracts will run by calendar year. No agency commissions are allowed.
Online Sale Packages & Sale Catalogs
Contact us about your upcoming Online Sale or Sale Catalogs for marketing options and pricing.
Don Cagwin, publisher
Amy Sampson, managing editor/creative director
816-599-7777 • amy@shorthorncountry.org
Amanda Cagwin, accountant • amandacagwin@yahoo.com
=Advertising Representatives
Cindy Cagwin-Johnston
217-452-3051 • cagwincattle@casscomm.com
Darryl Rahn
217-473-1124 • drahn@casscomm.com
Jay Carlson, Carlson Media Group, LLC
913-268-5725 • Jay@carlsonmediagroup.com
=Advisory Council
Montie Soules, ASA representative
Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co.
US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52
1 year US First Class - $54/year
Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130
Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300
(ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for 1 year, $220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years to other foreign countries. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO and additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151.
American Shorthorn Association
7607 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151-1544
816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782
Montie D. Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO montie@shorthorn.org
Matt Woolfolk, director of performance programs; performance data & commercial acceptance • matt@shorthorn.org
Heather Lange, director of office operations; customer service, registrations & DNA • heather@shorthorn.org
Shelby Diehm, director of youth activities; marketing & communications • shelby@shorthorn.org
Cassie Reid, director of shows & events; customer service specialist cassie@shorthorn.org
Wade Minihan, director of shows & member communications; customer service specialist • wade@shorthorn.org
Accounting • accountmgr@shorthorn.org
Feb. 1-3 NCBA Convention & Trade Show, New Orleans, Louisiana
Feb. 11 Dixie National Livestock ShowNational Shorthorn Show
Feb. 28 WHR Assessment Fee Regular Discount Deadline ($24)
Feb. 28 Membership becomes delinquent at 11:59pm CT if not paid
March 1 WHR Assessment Fee Increases to $30/head
March 1 Registration Opens - The Summit IGS Youth Leadership Conference
April 7 ASA Office Closed - Good Friday
April 10 AJSA Junior Board Candidate Application Deadline
ASA Board of Directors
John Sonderman, president 402-641-0936
Toby Jordan, vice president 219-819-4603
Joe Bales, executive director 615-330-2342
Dave Greenhorn, 937-470-6552
Lee Miller, 330-231-6834
John Russell, 832-588-8604
Mark Gordon, 217-737-7905
Jeff Bedwell, 580-822-5590
Rick Osterday, 605-281-1175
Shorthorn Foundation
Bill Rasor, president
American Junior Shorthorn Association
Faye Smith, president
National Shorthorn Lassies
Sommer Smith, president
WHR Assessments for 2023 were sent in November. If you have not received yours, please contact the ASA office as soon as possible.
1. WHR inventory assessments must be completed and paid in full prior to registering calves born in the current assessment period, (i.e. 2023 assessment on a dam must be completed and paid in order to register her calf born in 2023.)
2. Included with each assessment is the registration of a calf born to the dam in the year she was assessed (if calf is registered prior to one year of age) and a free transfer of said calf (if recorded within 60 days from the date of the sale.) (i.e. cost to register a calf born in 2023 to an assessed 2023 dam will be $0, if calf is registered within 12 months)
2023 ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE: January 10, 2023 - February 28, 2023 $24 March 1, 2023 and after $30
*Calves born in previous year(s) to unassessed dams will incur additional fees.
May 1 AJSA Scholarship Deadline
May 1 NJSS Online Contest Submission Deadline (Photography, Graphic Design, Career, Speech)
May 1 Junior National Cattle Ownership and Entry Deadline
May 15 Junior National Late Cattle Entry Deadline (Additional Fees Apply)
May 30 ASA Office Closed - Memorial Day
June 17-24 National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference, Des Moines, Iowa
July 20-23 The Summit IGS Youth Leadership Conference, Phoenix, Arizona
As a reminder, breeders can now send DNA samples directly to Neogen for testing rather than sending to the ASA office first. 3 things will be required to send samples in for testing:
1. A registration (or recorded “U”) number for each tested animal
2. A paper copy of the finalized testing form, (emailed from staff, description below) which includes the Neogen order number
3. A barcode number for each animal tested
Breeders can queue up animals for testing in DigitalBeef and select which sample types they have, as well as which tests they want. Once the form is submitted, (it’s not entirely an automated process) staff will process the testing request and get an order ID # from Neogen. A finalized printable PDF of the submission form will be emailed to print and send to the lab with samples. Checks/payments are still made to the ASA. Once staff approves the testing request, the breeder’s DigitalBeef account is billed accordingly.
The Board of Directors unanimously approved a new rule, which begins January 1, 2022: “All bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) born January 1, 2022 and after will be required to have a genomic profile and parentage markers on file in order to register any progeny with the American Shorthorn Association”. This means that regardless of service type, all bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) used for breeding need to be genomically tested (currently, this is the 100K test but could be subject to change according to Neogen standards in the future). This pertains to AI sires as well as pasture sires/clean up bulls. The rule only affects bulls born after Jan 1, 2022, so this rule won’t really come into play until their progeny are born, late 2023 or 2024. Please be aware that AI sires still require the 3 genetic conditions as well – TH, PHA, and DS.
Make sure you pay your annual membership fee by February 28th. If you are a TOC Member and your membership is not paid by February 28, 2023, you will become a WHR Member when you renew your membership.
Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Central Time Zone (ASA Staff Meeting Wednesdays 10:00-11:00
2023 International Year Code: LThere have been some changes in ASA policies since the beginning of 2023. To avoid any confusion, I will address the changes this month.
First, I want to clarify that there are no in-office fees for processing checks sent into the office for payment of work done online. The only time there will be an in-office fee is when the staff processes registrations, transfers, DNA, or other activities that could have been done online which cuts into staff’s regular duties. If you complete your work online and choose to mail a check instead of using a credit card online, there is no extra fee for processing that payment.
The other big change in 2023 is how DNA samples are processed. The order form is now built into the registry (Digital Beef) and you can complete it with fewer errors. Go to the pull-down menu and click on “DNA” then select the animal you want to be tested - it will automatically fill in the sire/dam registration numbers, sex, and tattoo for you. (This is why animals being tested must be registered or recorded with a U number preceding the registration number, so Digital Beef can find the animal in your inventory to fill in the needed information.) With this new online tool, there are fewer possibilities of misinformation being submitted. You must still select from the pull down menu, the type of sample you are sending to the lab, then select the proper box(es) for the test or tests you wish to be run. The cost of the test will automatically be generated on the form and will include any additional special fees. (Hair, Semen, etc.) An essential part is to include the barcode number from the sample card or TSU in the barcode field on the submission form. It is essential to double-check that these numbers are accurate. (The barcode is the ID number attached to that sample at the lab and for the ASA office to find your results.) After
filling in the form in the registry, you will select “Submit to Staff.” The office staff will then review the form and approve it. After approval from staff, the submission form is emailed back to you to print and mail with your samples directly to the lab. (This process requires the breeder to have sample cards or TSU’s on hand before they can submit DNA). This new change should save some faster turnaround time in getting results. If you get started and have a question, please call the office and for assistance. New processes take a little time to figure out and get used to. We can understand some confusion at the beginning. The DNA form is still on the website, so you can still send your samples to the office to be processed, but a fee will be added for that compared to using the form in the registry and sending your samples and paper work directly to the lab. The staff has worked diligently to streamline this DNA submission process, hoping it helps the timeline and service for Shorthorn breeders.
There is another major project regarding sponsorship of the Junior National. The Shorthorn Youth Development Fund Board has authorized a 50/50 drawing that started at the Annual Meeting in November. The 50/50 tickets will continue to be sold through the Junior National in Des Moines in June. SDYF will have 50/50 tickets for sale at all the events between the Annual Meeting and the closing of the Junior National. We expect and hope this to become a significant pot to share 50/50. You may call the office and buy tickets, and charge the cost to your Digital Beef account, which goes directly into SYDF. This could be a chance for a $20 donation to win a half-pot of possibly $5,000 - $10,000 or more, depending on how big the pot gets. This is a fun and great way to support our youth. (Maybe the winner will even share some of that success with the SYDF for the Juniors.)
I had the privilege of writing this article after the Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City. All the other reports are in, and the deadline for the magazine has passed, but I feel moved to share some of the excitement right now from this Super National Show. Shorthorns made their mark on this event in 2023 in a big way. The Summit Sale was the best and biggest we have ever had. The gross sale receipts was the highest of any breed association sale held at Cattlemen’s Congress. It quickly became the talk of the show. The live animals averaged $13,282, and 6 bulls averaged $42,675 and top bull brought over $105,000. A bull from the Champion Pen of Three sold for $85,000. The next bull in line brought over $50,000. Pick of the Champion Pen of Heifers brought over $10,000 for 2 picks. What a way to start the new year! Thank you to all the consignors and buyers for making this a great success. This would not have happened without the help and guidance from Jeff Aegerter at AMS. Watch for the full sale report in the March Shorthorn Country.
The Shorthorn Pen Show was another spectacular event. We had a big crowd on hand watching this show again. The OKC Pen Show has become a mainstay for our breed. Look for the full report from Cattlemen’s Congress in next month’s issue! Shorthorns are achieving new levels of acceptance in 2023!
Scan the QR code to listen to more about Shorthorns at the 2023 Cattlemen’s Congress.
As many of you are entering calving season, this is a good opportunity to remind you of the important information to collect in your calving book. There are some points that are mandatory for recording your Shorthorns into Digital Beef, as well as others that are vital pieces of the puzzle for our genetic predictions in early life traits. Some things will help you with management of the herd going forward from calving season. Below is a breakdown of the items you need to be prepared to take note of this year:
- The essentials. These are the items that are required to record any calf into the registry: pedigree (sire and dam), birth date, an individual ID (tattoo), coat color, and whether the calf is horned, polled, or scurred. I know it’s not always easy to determine polled status at such a young age, but you will eventually need that data point when you enter your 2023 calf crop.
- Calf measurables. Calving ease score and birth weight are useful pieces to the genetic evaluation puzzle to collect in the calving barn. If you’re unfamiliar with the calving ease scoring system, a 1 designates calves born unassisted, and the numeric score increases with the amount of assistance required to get the calf into the world. These data options are
spelled out for you when entering calves into Digital Beef. For birth weight, you have the option to indicate if the weight you are recording was taken by a scale, a birth weight measuring tape, or a visual estimation. Please, do NOT record guesses by visual estimation. A scale or tape are miles more accurate than trying to guess a weight, and poor weights only hurt the quality of our genetic evaluation tools.
- Record the entire crop. When you collect those calving ease and birth weights, record them into the record system on every calf in the herd, even if you do not intend to register them. A complete dataset tells the most honest picture of your genetics and does a better job identifying the outstanding and the underwhelming than only recording those you choose to register. This philosophy applies to all collected data points, not just calving ease and birth weight.
- Consider the mother. Pre-calving body condition scores might be helpful in planning your nutritional needs postpartum, especially if your cows are coming up thinner than expected. Scoring the udder for teat size and suspension of the udder should be done within the first 24 hours after
calving. Both udder traits are on a 1 to 9 scale, with 9s being very small teats and super tight suspensions. There are visuals available online to give you a reference to the scoring chart. The Beef Improvement Federation guidelines are the most helpful drawings I have found for clear definitions of the various scores.
- Health records. Any treatments of cow or calf in the early stages of life are important to note. Having this information can come in handy later in the year when making decisions, or to jog your memory when that poor-doing calf at weaning is the same little guy you treated three times early on.
- Personal info. If you want to record how much sleep you lost doing nighttime checks on your maternity ward, that’s up to you. While this data can’t be input into the registry, it might serve as a reminder to the sacrifices we make for our herd.
Best of luck with your calving season. While we might both be making middle of the night checks, wait until the sun rises to call and chat, just in case it’s the one night that all is calm out in the barn, and we can catch a few extra minutes of sleep.
Matt Woolfolk director of performance programsEvery memory of a show for me starts with the anticipation before the show and ends with the sadness of leaving a show. And frankly speaking, the end of the 2022-2023 ASA Point Show Season gives me the same feeling.
As we wrap up our show season this month with the last National Show at the Dixie National, consider this a thank you from the entire American Shorthorn Association staff! We each love organizing and attending these shows. You as breeders and exhibitors serve as the cherry on top in our great
show endeavors. We look forward to seeing you in the ring at Junior Nationals and all the upcoming 2023-2024 point shows!
One change implemented this year is our show points being trackable via “Show Points” on DigitalBeef. By logging into their DigitalBeef account, members will find “Show Points” on the left-hand menu. Once on this page, choose your region (Northeast, West, National, etc.) and division (Purebred/ShorthornPlus and Bulls/Females).
Animals are sorted by division, and
then by DOB. This allows you to see how an animal ranks in their specific division. Should you have questions about these points or awards, let Wade or Cassie know.
Staff will be auditing show points in the coming months and will have the Regional and National Awards published in the May/June issue of Shorthorn Country.
Best of luck at all the upcoming Spring Shows!
As February arrives, so does my yearly article for the Shorthorn Country. Looking back, I’m somewhat confused as to why I thought February was the perfect month to write this, but as I reflect on my last few months as a junior board member, I understand why I did.
Everyone recognizes January as the most important month of reflection and resolutions, but little do they mention February being equally as important. Following through with your expectations and goals set for yourself in January needs to be met with the same enthusiasm in February.
Three years ago, I sat at my computer waiting to fill out an application to run for the American Junior Shorthorn Association board of directors, a goal I had for myself from the beginning of my tenure as a junior member and especially for the year 2020. No matter how prepared I felt I was, there were times I thought to myself I wasn’t going to be
smart enough, a good enough leader, or keep my mental health strong through the campaigning process.
The thought of losing was scary. Something I had wanted for so long was staring me in the face and it was up to me to chase that risk. I am glad to have taken my shot now.
Sometimes the best things in life are found through risk. Never would I have imagined I’d be president of this junior association, let alone have had incredible friendships and connections I do now. Following through with that resolution I made in January 2020 has rewarded me for years to come.
This advice can take a plethora of meanings depending on where you are in your season of life, but for those of you who were in the same situation I was, stick to your goals and resolutions. Taking the risks in life will always be met with rewards, even if it isn’t immediate.
Do you want to be a leader for junior members?
Junior Board
President :: Faye Smith
Vice President :: Miller Smith
Secretary :: Colton Hulsey
Public Relations :: Merideth Behrens
Fundraising :: Xavier Ferris
Director :: Ryan Lane
Director :: Amanda Smee
Director :: Brayden DeBorde
Director :: Haylee Ferguson
“Taking the risks in life will always be met with rewards, even if it isn’t immediate.
American Shorthorn Association Board Virtual Conference Call Minutes
January 4, 2022
President Joe Bales called the virtual meeting via Zoom to order at 12:08pm central time.
Present on the call: President, Joe Bales, Vice President, John Sonderman, Toby Jordon, Mark Gordon, Jeff Bedwell and Montie Soules (exec sec). A quorum was present.
The Board unanimously approved to schedule the ASA 2023 Annual Meeting on the Saturday
before Thanksgiving, Nov. 19, 2023 in Kansas City, MO at the Hilton Airport Hotel.
The Board unanimously approved the fiscal year 2020-2021 audit as presented by Varney Associates and approved to publish those results in the Feb. 2022 issue of Shorthorn Country.
Meeting adjourned at 12:30pm. =
March 9 & 10, 2022
ASA Office, Kansas City, Mo.
President Joe Bales called the meeting to order on March 9, 2022, at 8:00 am.
Present: President Joe Bales, Vice-President John Sonderman, Dave Greenhorn, Toby Jordan, John Russel, Jerrell Crow, Mark Gordon, Lee Miller, Jeff Bedwell, and Executive Secretary Montie Soules.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were reviewed and discussed. The minutes were unanimously approved for Oct. 22, 2021, meeting and the virtual Jan. 4, 2022, virtual meeting.
The Board unanimously approved the financial report through the end of Feb. 2022, presented by Jason Rowland and Montie Soules.
The Board unanimously approved the revised budget for the second half of the fiscal year presented by Jason Rowland and Montie Soules.
Heather Lange was present to answer questions about her Registrations and DNA report previously sent to the Board Members.
The Board unanimously approved updating the rules changes below to read as printed.
Rule III
Section 6
A. A.I. ELIGIBILITY: The following registration requirements shall apply to calves resulting from artificial insemination:
i. DNA Genotyping/Genetic Condition Testing: The A.I. sire (Shorthorn/ ShorthornPlus/Durham Red) must have been DNA genotyped for genomics per the standard ASA test used for GE-EPDS (100K test as of 1/1/2022) and parentage markers on file that qualifies to their sire and/or dam (if those profiles are available) on file at ASA. Progeny registration applications will not be processed unless the resulting progeny meets the requirements in Rule III Section 8, A, i. The expense of collection and DNA genotyping will be at the cost of the sire’s owner. In addition to a DNA genotype, each A.I. sire must have the test results for all known breed genetic conditions on file with the ASA and be included on the ASA Genetic Condition Status List (consistent with Rule III, Section 8 of this document).
B. EMBRYO TRANSPLANT ELIGIBILITY: The following registration requirements shall apply to the registration of calves resulting from embryo transplant, whether purchased as embryos (fresh or frozen) or purchased in a pregnant recipient cow:
i. DNA Genotyping: The donor dam must have a DNA genotype genomics per standard ASA test used for GE-EPDS (100K test as of 1/1/2022) and parentage markers on file that qualify to their sire and/or dam (if those profiles are available) on file at ASA. Progeny registration applications will not be processed unless the
resulting progeny meets the requirements in Rule III Section 8, A, i. In addition to a DNA genotype, each donor dam must have test results for all known breed Genetic Conditions on file with the ASA and be included on the ASA Genetic Conditions Status List (consistent with Rule III, Section 8 of this document).
Rule III
A. DNA GENOTYPING: DNA genotyping is utilized to produce GE-EPDs and establish parentage verification and may also be used in determining the presence of a genetic condition.
i. General: Animals do not have to be DNA genotyped to be registered. However, if an animal becomes an A.I. sire or a donor dam, all required genetic testing must be completed, and a DNA genotype for genomic GE-EPDs will be parent verified, whenever possible, on file with the ASA before registering any progeny. If an A.I. sire or donor dam has died or the resulting progeny do not have the appropriate DNA for all known genetic conditions on file with the ASA, then the resulting calves can only be registered after the same tests for A.I. Sire or Donor Dam qualifications are met for each AI and/or embryo calf.
Rule III. (Reference in Rule II K i. DNA requirements for sires used for natural service refer to Rule III Section 8 A ii )
Section 8 A ii
All bulls (Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus) born on January 1, 2022, and after will be required to have a genomic profile per standard ASA test used for GE-EPDs, and parentage markers on file (100K test as of 1/1/2022) that qualify to their sire and/ or dam (if those profiles are available) in order to register any progeny with the American Shorthorn Association.”
Shelby Diehm was present to answer questions regarding the Junior National and Junior activities report previously sent to the Board Members.
The Board approved Shelby Diehm to be recognized in the minutes for being voted the Best Junior Activities Director and the Shorthorn Junior National Show and Youth conference being voted the best Junior National for two consecutive years.
The Board unanimously approved the future Junior National locations.
Shelby Deihm was present to answer questions from her Marketing and Communications report previously sent to the Board Members.
Amy Sampson reported on the activity and plans for the special 150th Herd Book edition in July.
Joe Bales and Montie Soules reported on the activities for the 150th ASA Anniversary Celebration.
Break for Lunch.
Matt Woolfolk was present for questions regarding his Performance Activities and Commercial Acceptance Reports previously sent to the Board.
Matt explained the UGC activity and the relationship and possible differences when looking at scan data taken at the show vs. scan data taken at the farm sent to a lab. There was also a discussion on possible feed efficiency EPDs.
Wade Minihan and Cassie Reid were present to answer questions from the Shows, events, and membership activities report previously sent to the Board Members.
The Board unanimously approved the 2022-2023 Super Regional and Regional Show Locations.
Montie Soules presented a staff report.
The Board went into Executive Session.
Meeting adjourned at 4:30 for the day.
The Board and ASA Staff had dinner together.
The Board reconvened on March 10, 2022, at 7:55 am
Topics and discussions for planning the Strategic Planning Session with Dr. Tom Field and Bryce Schumann in June were discussed.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 due to weather conditions for Board members to get started for home.
May 12, 2022
Present on the call: President Hugh Mooney, Vice-president Joe Bales, Dave President Joe Bales called the meeting to order on May 12, 2022, at 12:00 noon.
Present: President Joe Bales, Vice-President John Sonderman, Dave Greenhorn, Toby Jordan, Mark Gordon, Lee Miller, Jeff Bedwell, and Executive Secretary Montie Soules.
The Board unanimously approved the judge selection for the Cattleman’s Congress Pen Show.
The Board unanimously approved the Show honorees for the 2022-2023 National Shows.
The Board unanimously approved the renewal of the agreement with Digital Beef beginning in Feb. 2023.
Montie gave an update on the investments at Edward Jones.
Montie shared the process of getting ShorthornPlus trademarked. An update on Junior National entries was shared. The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 pm. =
A very brief financial report was presented since the fiscal year-end is soon.
The Board Members had previously received the names and bios of award nominees from the membership. They also had previous years’ nominations and bios to review before the meeting.
The Board unanimously approved the selection of Doyle Hendrickson as the Heritage Award winner to be presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting Awards Banquet.
The Board unanimously approved the selection of Darryl Rahn as the Merit Award winner to be presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting Awards Banquet.
Jeff Bedwell excused himself from the meeting as he had been nominated for the Builder of the Breed by a member of ASA.
The Board unanimously approved the selection of Cory Bollum as a recipient of the Builder of the Breed Award at the 2022 Annual Meeting.
The Board unanimously approved the selection of Greg Crawford as a recipient of the Builder of the Breed Award at the 2022 Annual Meeting.
The Board unanimously approved the selection of Jeff Bedwell as a recipient of the Builder of the Breed award at the 2022 Annual Meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:40pm.
June 26 -28, 2022 - Strategic Planning Session
Sheraton Hotel, Kansas City, MO
Present: President Joe Bales, Vice-President John Sonderman, Dave Greenhorn, Toby Jordan, Mark Gordon, Lee Miller, John Russell, Jeff Bedwell, Executive Secretary Montie Soules, and facilitators Dr. Tom Field and Bryce Schumann.
The first session started at 1:00 pm on Sunday, June 26, 2022.
The Facilitators made introductions and outlined the process and started interactions with Board Members and the Executive.
The Board adjourned at 5:30 to dinner as a group with the Facilitators.
The Board reconvened on June 27 at 7:45 with the ASA Staff (Heather Lange, Matt Woolfolk, Shelby Diehm, Cassie Reid, Wade Minihan, and Amy Sampson) joining the group.
The Facilitator challenged the group to find priorities for the ASA and to share concerns and visions of how the association can function in three to five years. The group was broken into 3- and 4-person groups to come up with ideas. After all the items were listed, each person had the opportunity to select the three top priorities they felt should be addressed. The unity of the group was impressive, and the majority was very much on the same page.
The group discussed a new vision and mission statement.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm when everyone shared dinner as a group.
The meeting reconvened on June 28 with just the Board and executive. The previous days’ activities were reviewed. The group devised a new mission statement and vision statement to be reviewed at future Board Meetings.
The staff was asked to review all the information and come up with initiatives and timelines to put the agreed-upon priorities in motion. The ASA Board was commissioned by the facilitators to look at this information and make final decisions with the staff to implement these priorities.
The group adjourned at 12 noon on June 28.
August 23, 2022
President Joe Bales called the meeting to order on May 12, 2022 at 12:00 noon.
Present: President Joe Bales, Vice-President John Sonderman, Dave Greenhorn, Toby Jordan, Mark Gordon, Lee Miller, John Russell, Jeff Bedwell, and Executive Secretary Montie Soules.
September 21 & 22, 2022
ASA Office, Kansas City, Mo.
President Joe Bales called the meeting to order on Sept. 21, 2022, at 8:10 am.
Present: President Joe Bales, Vice-President John Sonderman, Toby Jordan, John Russel, Mark Gordon, Lee Miller, Jeff Bedwell, and Executive Secretary Montie Soules.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for fiscal year end were reviewed and discussed.
The minutes were unanimously approved for the Mar. 9-10, 2022 meeting, the strategic planning session June 26-28, 2022, and the virtual meetings on May 12, 2022, and August 23, 2022.
The Board unanimously approved the financial report for audit for the fiscal year ending Aug. 31, 2022, as presented by Jason Rowland and Montie Soules.
The Board unanimously approved the budgets for the fiscal year Sept. 1, 2022 through Aug. 31, 2022 with a review of the budget after six months, as presented by Jason Rowland and Montie Soules.
Heather Lange was present to answer questions about her Registrations and DNA report previously sent to the Board Members.
Shelby Diehm was present to answer questions regarding the Junior National and Junior Activities report previously sent to the Board Members.
The Board unanimously approved updated locations for the Junior National for the years of 2024 through 2030 with the flexibility to move locations if needed by both the Junior Director and Executive/CEO.
Locations presented below:
2023 – Des Moines, Iowa
2004 – Baltimore, Maryland
2025 – Grand Island, Nebraska (under contract)
2026 – Abilene, Texas (Dates held in TX working on a proposal)
2027 – TBD (Looks Like WI is now an option as planned)
2028 – Louisville, Kentucky (dates held)
2029 – Denver if the new facility is ready
2030 – Kansas City if the new facility is ready
Shelby Deihm answered questions regarding her Marketing and Communications report previously sent to the Board Members.
Joe Bales and Montie Soules reported on the activities for the 150th ASA Anniversary Celebration.
Cassie Reid and Wade Minihan answered questions regarding the show reports and numbers of head exhibited previously sent to the Board Members.
Wade Minihan was present to answer questions regarding membership and delegate election activities report previously sent to the Board Members.
Cassie Reid was present to answer questions regarding the annual meeting and event activities report previously sent to the Board Members
Break for Lunch.
Matt Woolfolk was present for questions regarding his Performance Activities and Commercial Acceptance Reports previously sent to the Board.
The Board heard a combined report from all committees concerning a new Performance Show. After discussion, the Board agreed to appoint a special Performance Show Committee consisting of the Show Committee. Other Committee chairs, a representative from the Pen show exhibitors, and outside ASA members to design a possible new type of performance show that could possibly be launched at the 2024 Cattlemen’s Congress.
Montie Soules presented a staff report.
The Board went into Executive Session.
The Board reviewed the Strategic Plan results and initiatives presented by the entire staff. After discussion, the presented initiatives were tabled until the next day.
The Board reviewed the list of Judges for the 2022-2023 show season and Junior National and unanimously approved removing certain names by motion & second.
The Board unanimously approved the remaining names on the Judges list for the 2022-2023 show season and 2023 Junior National.
Meeting adjourned at 5:45 for the day.
The Board and ASA Staff had dinner together.
The Board reconvened on Sept. 21, 2022, at 8:00 am with the same Board members present.
The Board Continued reviewing the Strategic Planning Initiatives the Staff had selected as a priority.
The Board unanimously approved initiative #1; staff listed priorities to Increase revenue to enhance and develop core business opportunities, as listed below
1. Increase fees
2. Breeder education (as a fundraising opportunity)
3. Hybrid Office and WFH environment
Junior Program Focus
1. Add alumni association
The Board considered increasing the fees listed in Initiative #1 for services such as registrations, transfers, and other activities needed by the membership. The Board unanimously approved the new fee schedule attached as Exhibit A (The final fee schedule was emailed to Board members for approval before being printed in the November Shorthorn Country)
The Board reviewed Initiate # 2, To Enhance a better-equipped and motivated breeder. They added a couple of initiatives to the staff priority list and moved some initiatives from Initiative #4 to Initiative #2.
The Board unanimously approved the priority initiatives from Initiative #2 listed below.
1. Educational videos.
2. Shorthorn App.
3. Educational breakout sessions at the annual meeting.
4. Data Collection on pedigrees/transfers.
5. Recognize breeder excellence.
6. Shorthorn Breed Improvement Forum (board relocated to initiative 2)
7. SH Breeder Education (board relocated to initiative 2)
Junior Program Focus
1. Addition of educational activities at NJSS.
The Board reviewed Initiative # 3, To build high brand equity for ASA and Shorthorn. The Board unanimously approved initiative #3 staff listed priorities below
1. Improve social media presence, including the use of keywords.
The Board unanimously approved initiative #4 priorities listed below
1. Shorthorn Research & Development
2. Develop relationships with Commercial Genetics
The Board unanimously approved the new ASA Mission Statement. The mission of the American Shorthorn Association is to serve and empower the members, protect the integrity of the herdbook and database; enhance and communicate the value of the Shorthorn breed, and expand the use of Shorthorn genetics in the U.S. beef industry.
The Board unanimously approved a new Vision Statement. Be recognized as the preferred British breed that creates profitability and embraces innovation in beef cattle production while honoring the rich history and tradition of the Shorthorn family.
The Board reviewed a letter from Derek Jungels concerning how the pen show bulls and female classes are broken by age vs. average days of age. The Board agreed to have the issue presented to the pen exhibitors at the Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City in Jan. 2023 and to let the exhibitors vote on it. The premium books for the pen show have been completed and approved for the 2023 show, so any approved changes would be effective for the 2024 pen show.
Meeting adjourned at 12:15 pm.
November 18, 2022
ASA Office, Kansas City, Mo.
Pending ASA Board Approval
President Joe Bales called the meeting to order on Nov. 18, 2022, at 8:10 am.
Present: President Joe Bales, Vice-President John Sonderman, Toby Jordan, John Russel, Lee Miller, Jeff Bedwell, and Executive Secretary Montie Soules. Mark Gordon was present on zoom for the meeting.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and KPIs to be presented at the annual meeting were reviewed.
The minutes were unanimously approved for the Sept. 21 and 22, 2022, meeting with noted corrections.
The Board unanimously approved the financial report presented by Montie Soules, ending October 31, 2022.
The Board unanimously approved a motion from the finance committee to accept the gain or losses on bond investments at the time the bonds mature.
Due to changes in which bond investment gains/losses and maturity valuations are recorded, the Board unanimously approved a motion from the Finance Committee to have the auditor’s report list only the totals for the current fiscal year (2021-2022). The Board reviewed the information and compared to previous years for accuracy. Moving forward, annual totals will be able to provide a year over year comparison.
The Board unanimously approved to accept the final audit from Varney and Associates for the fiscal year Sept. 1, 2021, to Aug. 31, 2022.
Montie Soules and Joe Bales gave a final report on the 150th Celebration showing all the activities and costs for the total celebration.
Heather Lange presented registrations and DNA reports. She explained the new process of doing DNA samples by having breeders fill out the order form in Digital Beef. Then submit the form to the office for approval. After the approval, the office would release the form to the breeder to send the form and sample cards or TSU’s directly to the lab. It was explained that for this to work, the animals needed to have a registration number or be recorded with a U unregistered number.
The Board unanimously approved a motion to require a registration number and or a U (unregistered) recorded number to submit DNA by the breeder directly to the lab.
The Board reviewed Initiative # 4 To Establish Shorthorns as the preferred breed for commercial crossbreeding programs. The Board moved a couple of the initiatives from Initiative #4 to Initiative # 2 as they fit that area better. The Board added an initiative to the priority list for Initiative #4
Shelby Diehm gave a short report on the Junior activities. She shared with the Board the venues that have been secured for future Junior National Shorthorn Shows and Youth Conferences.
Shelby Diehm shared new promotional items that will be handed out and sold at the Annual Meeting, Cattlemen’s Congress and NCBA Convention.
2. More merchandise offerings. 3. Podcast utilization.Cassie Reid and Wade Minihan updated the activity at national shows and the activity of the Show committee voting for Judges for the 2022-2023 show season.
Cassie Reid gave an update on events scheduled and activities for the annual meeting.
Wade Minihan reported on the number of total votes represented by the delegates confirmed to attend the annual meeting and the number of votes they would represent, which was 88% of the total votes available.
Jeff Bedwell and Matt Woolfolk reported on the activity of the Performance Show Committee.
Break for Lunch.
Matt Woolfolk was present for questions regarding his Performance Activities and Commercial Acceptance Reports previously sent to the Board.
Matt Woolfolk gave an update on reviewing the indexes and other areas related to the performance and commercially accepted activities.
The Board unanimously approved Kevin Wendt as a new Board member on the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund Foundation Board.
Montie Soules reported that the IRS had approved the application for the 501 (c) (3) for the SYDF Foundation.
The Board unanimously approved accepting the strategic planning timeline and staff assignments presented to the board.
The Board went into an extensive discussion on the time of the year, dates and locations for future annual meetings and the planning of a major breed symposium resulting from the strategic plan.
The Board instructed Matt Woolfolk to investigate locations and availability at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Iowa State University, the University of Kentucky, and the University of Tennessee at Knoxville for a possible time in July or early August 2024.
The Board unanimously approved holding the annual meeting for the next two years in conjunction with the American Royal on the Saturday after the show in Kansas City.
The Board went into Executive Session. While in Executive Session, the Board approved a new employment agreement for Montie Soules. They also elected John Sonderman as the new president and Toby Jordan as the new vice president of the ASA for the next year.
Meeting adjourned at 2:15 pm. =
Home of Studer’s Crunch Time 22C
-Top 5% in the breed for WW, YW, TM, CW, and $F
- Semen: $30/unit
Jason Smithers & Girls - 217-491-2140
Greg & Pam Smithers - 217-285-6280
36739 205th Avenue • Pittsfield, IL 62363
Quality cattle for sale at all times. Located just a few miles south of Route 36/I-72.
Wayne Hinderliter Family 629 Co. Rd. 350 North Albion, IL 62806
Wayne: 618-384-8250
Doug: 618-384-1932
Visitors always welcome! Cattle usually for sale. Four miles north of I-64. Exit 130 on Illinois 130.
Scott Horton, Owner Horton cell: 630-965-1710
Wernicke cell: 815-739-7754
4N010 Town Hall Rd. • St. Charles, IL 60175 Office: 630-365-1444
VisitorsWelcome... Stopbyanytime!
Don Cagwin
P.O. Box 77 • Virginia, Illinois 62691 office: 217-452-3051 • cell: 217-341-7552
Kerry Johnston cell: 217-370-6033
Dalton Johnston cell: 217-416-9536
Cindy Cagwin-Johnston cell: 217-370-6034 cagwincattle@casscomm.com FarmlocatedfivemileseastofVirginiaonRoute125, thenonemilesouthoftheelevatoratPhiladelphia,Illinois.
Trey & Hailey Wright Steve & Marsha Wright Route 2, Box 55
Beecher City, IL 62414
home: 618-487-5559
Trey: 618-367-0764
Steve: 618-267-3229
31056 Old Fidelity Road • Jerseyville, IL 62052
Hugh: 618-729-4448 • Tom: 618-498-5848 Ron: 618-729-3258
Bulls, Females, Club Calves For Sale at all times. Full Irish calves available. 40 miles north of St. Louis.
Visitors Welcome
Bulls, heifers and steers for sale at all times. Gary Chesnut Family 16145 N 100 East Road • Fithian, IL 61844 217-260-6144
contact: L.E. Mathers III
cell: 309-678-4230 • cattle@leveldale.com or Rob Bruce, Herdsman: cell: 217-737-0692
Farm: 10442 N Co Rd 2980 E • Mason City, IL 62664
Check our website for our current list of herd sires. www.leveldale.com
Quality seedstock for sale at the farm Dale & Ryan Wernicke 12611 Fisher Rd • Lena, IL 61048-9754
Dale: 815-369-2857
We are deeply saddened by the passing of Jerry Gilbreath (age 83) also known as “Captain Orange” to the golfing community as he was well known for his signature color orange.
Jerry was born in Merced, later moved to Modesto and graduated from Thomas Downey High School. He attended MJC and Graduated from Cal Poly State University with a Poultry Degree. He then served in the U.S. Coast Guard. He began his professional career working for Foster Farms, then owned Farmers Lumber in Ceres before selling the business to American Pallet in Oakdale, when he retired to play golf full time.
Jerry and wife Tweetie owned the “JT Ranch” raising purebred Shorthorn beef cattle. Jerry served on the Board of Directors as President of the American Shorthorn Association, and also 2 years of the California chapter. He was honored as an Ambassador of the Breed during the World Shorthorn Congress in Australia & New Zealand in 1990.
He was an active member of the Oakdale Lions Club for many years, serving on community projects including flag chairman working with the local businesses to place the flags along our city streets. He was a mainstay at the annual Lions Club pancake breakfast and also climbed the clock tower to wind the town clock on a weekly basis. Jerry and his friend Jim Tyson were the idea guys to start the TL Davis sports complex in Oakdale for the youth of the community, that thousands of children have enjoyed since.
At the Oakdale Golf & Country Club, Jerry has been an active member since 1986, served on the board of directors twice, has contributed in the development of the golf course and clubhouse and especially loved the people, staff and fellow golfing buddies. He was proud to shoot his age many times over, enjoyed 9 Hole in Ones and was involved in every competitive tournament and golf group possible.
He was well known around area golf courses and people near and far speak of his kindness, joyful demeanor, he always had a big smile and a kind word, an infectious laugh and made everyone feel that they were special. He was always up
for a fun adventure.
Jerry will be deeply missed by those that loved him. He shared a love of a lifetime with wife Patricia also known as Pat or Tweetie by those that know them well. Daughter Bonnie Lewis (Paul), and sons Tyler Flaherty (Melissa) and Patrick Behlen (Lilly dog), Sister Pat Collins, and 3 lovely granddaughters.
He lived a good life filled with so much Joy, many friends and truly loved his family and close friends. He enjoyed golfing 6 days a week until very recently and never doubted for a moment that he would be back out there very soon. =
* To have your sale listed in the sales calendar, you must be an advertiser with the Shorthorn Country.
Feb. 9 - Naylor Shorthorns “Maternal Power Herd Sire Sale”, Halfway, MO, amsonlinesales.com
Feb. 13 - Moore Shorthorns “Herd Bull Prospect Sale”, Jerseyville, IL, amsonlinesales.com
Feb. 14 - Double M Cattle Maids of the Midwest Bred Heifer & Two Year Old Bull Sale, Rewey, WI, amsonlinesales.com
Feb. 16 - Bowman Superior Genetics “Frozen Form to Function” Online Sale, Greens Fork, IN, amsonlinesales.com
Feb. 9 - Watertown Winter Farm Show and Sale, Watertown, S.D.
Feb. 16 - Bowman Superior Genetics “Frozen Form to Function” Online Sale, Greens Fork, Ind., amsonlinesales.com
Feb. 18 - Baylor Cowden Show Cattle and Hornhead Valley Farm Online Sale, Hickory, Pa., sconlinesales.com
Feb. 25 - Studer Shorthorns and Gilman Shorthorns “Don’t You Think It’s Time” Bull Sale, WCC Cow Palace, Anita, Iowa.
Mar. 4 - Loving Farms “Predictable Genetics Proven Performance” Sale, Pawnee Rock, Kan.
Mar. 4 - Kentucky National Shorthorn Sale, Kentucky Beef Expo, Louisville, Ky.
Mar. 4-6 - “On Target” Online Bull Sale, Radville, Sask., Canada, DLMSonlinesales.com
Mar. 8 - Baylor Cowden Show Cattle “Millbrook Tribute FB 6023J Semen Sale”, West Middletown, Pa., amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 8-9 - Cates Farms “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, Ind., amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 8-9 - Treasures of the Tank, Seward, Neb., amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 10 - Kruse Ranch Complete Dispersal, Centennial Livestock Auction, Fort Collins, Colo.
Mar. 11 - Tennessee Beef Agribition Show and Sale, Lebanon, Tenn.
Mar. 11-12 - Stangl Shorthorn Open House and Online Bull and Heifer Sale, Java, S.D., amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 13 - Greenhorn Cattle Company Spring Edition “Where Great Females Make a Difference” Online Sale, Waynesville, Ohio, amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 16 - Iowa Shorthorn Association “Iowa Royal” Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 18 - Ohio Beef Expo Shorthorn Show and Sale, Columbus, Ohio.
Mar. 18 - Waukaru Farms “The Gathering” Bull Sale, Rensselaer, Ind.
Mar. 21 - Schrag|Nikkel “Spring Forward Online Sale”, Marion, S.D., sconlinesales.com
Mar. 21 - Moore Shorthorns “Fall Born Heifer Online Sale”, Jerseyville, Ill., amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 23 - Sun Country Shorthorn Sale, Johstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK, Can.
Mar. 26 - WHR Shorthorns “Lone Star Edition XXIX”, Van Alstyne, Texas
Mar. 28 - Missouri Shorthorn Association Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com
April 1 - Paint Valley and Byland Polled Shorthorns
“The Bull Sale” Millersburg, Ohio
April 4 - Annual “Roan For The Roses Spring Edition” Online Sale, Paris, Ky., dponlinesales.com
April 4 - Hansen Shorthorns Open Heifer and Bred Cow Sale, Lisbon, N.D., amsonlinesales.com
April 8 - Oklahoma Sooner Classic Shorthorn Show and Sale, Duncan, Okla.
April 10 - Bollum Family Shorthorns “Red, White and Roan-Spring Fling Sale”, Goodhue, Minn., amsonlinesales.com
April 15 - Springtime Revival, Belle Point Ranch, Lavaca, Ark.
April 18 - 5Dick Cattle Company Online Show Heifer and Show Steer Sale, Nowata, Okla., amsonlinesales.com
April 22 - Lazy Bar F and Double G Shorthorns
“Red Dirt Treasures” Shorthorn Production Sale, Seminole, Okla.
April 29 - SharBen Shorthorns and Martindell Shorthorns “Return of the Southern Stars” Sale, Campbellsburg, Ky.
Feb. 21 - Bratcher Farms Spring Genetic Sale, Elizabeth, IN, amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 8 - Baylor Cowden Show Cattle “Millbrook Tribute FB 6023J Semen Sale”, West Middletown, PA, amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 8-9 - Cates Farms “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, IN, amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 8-9 - Treasures of the Tank, Seward, NE, amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 11-12- Stangl Shorthorns Open House Bull & Heifer Sale, Java, SD, amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 13 - Greenhorn Cattle Company Spring Edition “Where Great Females Make a Difference” Online Sale, Waynesville, OH, amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 16 - Iowa Shorthorn Association “Iowa Royal” Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 18 - Ohio Beef Expo Show and Sale, Columbus, OH
Mar. 21 - Moore Shorthorns Fall and Summer Born Show Heifer Sale, Jerseyville, IL, amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 26 - WHR Shorthorns “Lone Star Edition XXIX” Sale, Van Alstyne, TX
Mar. 28 - Missouri Shorthorn Association Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com
April 1 - Paint Valley Farm and Byland Polled Shorthorns “A New Brand” Bull Sale, Millersburg, OH.
April 4 - Hansen Shorthorns Open Heifer and Bred Cow Sale, Lisbon, ND, amsonlinesales.com
April 10 - Bollum Family Shorthorns Red, White, and Roan-Spring Fling Sale, Goodhue, MN, amsonlinesales.com
April 15 - Little Cedar Cattle Company Springtime Revival, Fort Smith, AR
April 18 - 5Dick Cattle Company Online Show Heifer and Show Steer Sale, Nowata, OK, amsonlinesales.com
April 22 - Lazy Bar F and Double G Shorthorns “Red Dirt Treasures” Shorthorn Production Sale, Seminole, OK.
April 29 - SharBen Shorthorns and Martindell Shorthorns Return of the Southern Stars Sale, Campbellsburg, KY.
What is your one must-have item at a cattle show?
Sure Coat because I like to make the hair shine
What is your favorite show product?
What is your favorite activity outside of AJSA?
Riding my bike
What do you want to be when you grow up/future career plans?